//====== Copyright c 1996-2007, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mdllib/mdllib.h"
#include "mdllib_utils.h"
#include "UtlSortVector.h"
// CMdlStripInfo
// Implementation of IMdlStripInfo interface
class CMdlStripInfo : public IMdlStripInfo { public: CMdlStripInfo(); ~CMdlStripInfo() { m_ps3studioBatches.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
// Serialization
public: // Save the strip info to the buffer (appends to the end)
virtual bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &bufStorage ) const;
// Load the strip info from the buffer (reads from the current position as much as needed)
virtual bool UnSerialize( CUtlBuffer &bufData );
// Stripping info state
public: // Returns the checksums that the stripping info was generated for:
// plChecksumOriginal if non-NULL will hold the checksum of the original model submitted for stripping
// plChecksumStripped if non-NULL will hold the resulting checksum of the stripped model
virtual bool GetCheckSum( long *plChecksumOriginal, long *plChecksumStripped ) const;
// Stripping
// StripHardwareVertsBuffer
// The main function that strips the vhv buffer
// vhvBuffer - vhv buffer, updated, size reduced
virtual bool StripHardwareVertsBuffer( CUtlBuffer &vhvBuffer );
// StripModelBuffer
// The main function that strips the mdl buffer
// mdlBuffer - mdl buffer, updated
virtual bool StripModelBuffer( CUtlBuffer &mdlBuffer );
// StripVertexDataBuffer
// The main function that strips the vvd buffer
// vvdBuffer - vvd buffer, updated, size reduced
virtual bool StripVertexDataBuffer( CUtlBuffer &vvdBuffer );
// StripOptimizedModelBuffer
// The main function that strips the vtx buffer
// vtxBuffer - vtx buffer, updated, size reduced
virtual bool StripOptimizedModelBuffer( CUtlBuffer &vtxBuffer );
// Release the object with "delete this"
public: virtual void DeleteThis();
public: void Reset();
// Internal data used for stripping
public: int m_eMode; long m_lChecksumOld, m_lChecksumNew; CGrowableBitVec m_vtxVerts; CUtlSortVector< unsigned short, CLessSimple< unsigned short > > m_vtxIndices;
// PS3 partitioning data
public: struct Ps3studioPartition_t { CUtlVector< uint16 > m_arrLocalIndices; CUtlVector< uint32 > m_arrVertOriginalIndices; CUtlVector< uint32 > m_arrStripLocalOriginalIndices; uint32 m_nIoBufferSize;
// -- not serialized in .vsi --
uint32 m_nEdgeDmaInputIdx; uint32 m_nEdgeDmaInputVtx; uint32 m_nEdgeDmaInputEnd; // compressed idx information
uint8 *m_pEdgeCompressedIdx; uint16 m_uiEdgeCompressedIdxDmaTagSize[2]; // compressed vtx information
uint8 *m_pEdgeCompressedVtx; uint32 *m_pEdgeCompressedVtxFixedOffsets; uint16 m_uiEdgeCompressedVtxDmaTagSize[3]; uint32 m_uiEdgeCompressedVtxFixedOffsetsSize; }; struct Ps3studioBatch_t { CUtlVector< Ps3studioPartition_t * > m_arrPartitions; uint32 m_uiModelIndexOffset; uint32 m_uiVhvIndexOffset;
~Ps3studioBatch_t() { m_arrPartitions.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } }; CUtlVector< Ps3studioBatch_t * > m_ps3studioBatches; CUtlVector< uint32 > m_ps3studioStripGroupHeaderBatchOffset;
// Mesh ranges fixup
public: struct MdlRangeItem { /* implicit */ MdlRangeItem( int offOld = 0, int numOld = 0, int offNew = 0, int numNew = 0 ) : m_offOld( offOld ), m_offNew( offNew ), m_numOld( numOld ), m_numNew( numNew ) {}
int m_offOld, m_offNew; int m_numOld, m_numNew;
bool operator < ( MdlRangeItem const &x ) const { return m_offNew < x.m_offNew; } }; CUtlSortVector< CMdlStripInfo::MdlRangeItem, CLessSimple< CMdlStripInfo::MdlRangeItem > > m_vtxMdlOffsets;
#endif // #ifndef MDLLIB_STRIPINFO_H