//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =====//
// Dme version of an axis aligned bounding box
// Valve includes
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmebbox.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "tier2/renderutils.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Expose this class to the scene database
// Purpose:
void CDmeBBox::OnConstruction() { Vector vMin; Vector vMax;
ClearBounds( vMin, vMax );
m_vMinBounds.InitAndSet( this, "minBounds", vMin ); m_vMaxBounds.InitAndSet( this, "maxBounds", vMax ); }
void CDmeBBox::OnDestruction() { }
void CDmeBBox::Clear() { Vector vMin; Vector vMax;
ClearBounds( vMin, vMax );
m_vMinBounds = vMin; m_vMaxBounds = vMax; }
bool CDmeBBox::Empty() const { const Vector &vMin = m_vMinBounds.Get(); const Vector &vMax = m_vMaxBounds.Get();
return vMin.x > vMax.x || vMin.y > vMax.y || vMin.z > vMax.z; }
void CDmeBBox::TransformUsing( const matrix3x4_t &mMatrix ) { Vector vMin; Vector vMax;
TransformAABB( mMatrix, m_vMinBounds, m_vMaxBounds, vMin, vMax );
m_vMinBounds = vMin; m_vMaxBounds = vMax; }
void CDmeBBox::Expand( const Vector &vPoint ) { Vector vMin = m_vMinBounds; Vector vMax = m_vMaxBounds;
AddPointToBounds( vPoint, vMin, vMax );
m_vMinBounds = vMin; m_vMaxBounds = vMax; }
void CDmeBBox::Expand( const CDmeBBox &bbox ) { Expand( bbox.m_vMinBounds ); Expand( bbox.m_vMaxBounds ); }
bool CDmeBBox::Contains( const Vector &vPoint ) const { const Vector &vMin = m_vMinBounds.Get(); const Vector &vMax = m_vMaxBounds.Get();
return vPoint.x >= vMin.x && vPoint.x <= vMax.x && vPoint.y >= vMin.y && vPoint.y <= vMax.y && vPoint.z >= vMin.z && vPoint.z <= vMax.z; }
bool CDmeBBox::Intersects( const CDmeBBox &bbox ) const { return QuickBoxIntersectTest( m_vMinBounds, m_vMaxBounds, bbox.m_vMinBounds, bbox.m_vMaxBounds ); }
float CDmeBBox::Width() const { const float flWidth = m_vMaxBounds.Get().x - m_vMinBounds.Get().x; return flWidth > 0.0f ? flWidth : 0.0f; }
float CDmeBBox::Height() const { const float flHeight = m_vMaxBounds.Get().y - m_vMinBounds.Get().y; return flHeight > 0.0f ? flHeight : 0.0f; }
float CDmeBBox::Depth() const { const float flDepth = m_vMaxBounds.Get().z - m_vMinBounds.Get().z; return flDepth > 0.0f ? flDepth : 0.0f; }
Vector CDmeBBox::Center() const { const Vector &vMin = m_vMinBounds.Get(); const Vector &vMax = m_vMaxBounds.Get();
return Vector( ( vMax.x + vMin.x ) / 2.0f, ( vMax.y + vMin.y ) / 2.0f, ( vMax.z + vMin.z ) / 2.0f ); }
const Vector &CDmeBBox::Min() const { return m_vMinBounds.Get(); }
const Vector &CDmeBBox::Max() const { return m_vMaxBounds.Get(); }
void CDmeBBox::Draw( const matrix3x4_t &shapeToWorld, CDmeDrawSettings *pDrawSettings /*= NULL */ ) { static const Color cRenderColor( 0, 192, 0 ); Vector vOrigin; QAngle angles; MatrixAngles( shapeToWorld, angles, vOrigin ); RenderBox( vOrigin, angles, m_vMinBounds, m_vMaxBounds, cRenderColor, true ); }