//========= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============
// Purpose: CUtlBinaryBlock and CUtlString implementation
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include <ctype.h>
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static const int64 k_nMillion = 1000000;
// Purpose: Helper: Find s substring
static ptrdiff_t IndexOf(const char *pstrToSearch, const char *pstrTarget) { const char *pstrHit = V_strstr(pstrToSearch, pstrTarget); if (pstrHit == NULL) { return -1; // Not found.
} return (pstrHit - pstrToSearch); }
// Purpose: Helper: kill all whitespace.
static size_t RemoveWhitespace(char *pszString) { if (pszString == NULL) return 0;
char *pstrDest = pszString; size_t cRemoved = 0; for (char *pstrWalker = pszString; *pstrWalker != 0; pstrWalker++) { if (!V_isspace((unsigned char)*pstrWalker)) { *pstrDest = *pstrWalker; pstrDest++; } else cRemoved += 1; } *pstrDest = 0;
return cRemoved; }
int V_vscprintf(const char *format, va_list params) { #ifdef _WIN32
return _vscprintf(format, params); #else
return vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, params); #endif
// Base class, containing simple memory management
CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( int growSize, int initSize ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_Memory.Init( growSize, initSize );
m_nActualLength = 0; }
CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ) : m_Memory( (unsigned char*)pMemory, nSizeInBytes ) { m_nActualLength = nInitialLength; }
CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes ) : m_Memory( (const unsigned char*)pMemory, nSizeInBytes ) { m_nActualLength = nSizeInBytes; }
CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( const CUtlBinaryBlock& src ) { Set( src.Get(), src.Length() ); }
void CUtlBinaryBlock::Get( void *pValue, int nLen ) const { Assert( nLen > 0 ); if ( m_nActualLength < nLen ) { nLen = m_nActualLength; }
if ( nLen > 0 ) { memcpy( pValue, m_Memory.Base(), nLen ); } }
void CUtlBinaryBlock::SetLength( int nLength ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() );
m_nActualLength = nLength; if ( nLength > m_Memory.NumAllocated() ) { int nOverFlow = nLength - m_Memory.NumAllocated(); m_Memory.Grow( nOverFlow );
// If the reallocation failed, clamp length
if ( nLength > m_Memory.NumAllocated() ) { m_nActualLength = m_Memory.NumAllocated(); } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_Memory.NumAllocated() > m_nActualLength ) { memset( ( ( char * )m_Memory.Base() ) + m_nActualLength, 0xEB, m_Memory.NumAllocated() - m_nActualLength ); } #endif
void CUtlBinaryBlock::Set( const void *pValue, int nLen ) { Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() );
if ( !pValue ) { nLen = 0; }
SetLength( nLen );
if ( m_nActualLength ) { if ( ( ( const char * )m_Memory.Base() ) >= ( ( const char * )pValue ) + nLen || ( ( const char * )m_Memory.Base() ) + m_nActualLength <= ( ( const char * )pValue ) ) { memcpy( m_Memory.Base(), pValue, m_nActualLength ); } else { memmove( m_Memory.Base(), pValue, m_nActualLength ); } } }
CUtlBinaryBlock &CUtlBinaryBlock::operator=( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src ) { Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() ); Set( src.Get(), src.Length() ); return *this; }
bool CUtlBinaryBlock::operator==( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src ) const { if ( src.Length() != Length() ) return false;
return !memcmp( src.Get(), Get(), Length() ); }
// Simple string class.
CUtlString::CUtlString() { }
CUtlString::CUtlString( const char *pString ) { Set( pString ); }
CUtlString::CUtlString( const CUtlString& string ) { Set( string.Get() ); }
// Attaches the string to external memory. Useful for avoiding a copy
CUtlString::CUtlString( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ) : m_Storage( pMemory, nSizeInBytes, nInitialLength ) { }
CUtlString::CUtlString( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes ) : m_Storage( pMemory, nSizeInBytes ) { }
// Purpose: Set directly and don't look for a null terminator in pValue.
void CUtlString::SetDirect( const char *pValue, int nChars ) { if ( nChars > 0 ) { m_Storage.SetLength( nChars+1 ); m_Storage.Set( pValue, nChars+1 ); m_Storage[nChars] = 0; } else { m_Storage.SetLength( 0 ); } }
void CUtlString::Set( const char *pValue ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() ); int nLen = pValue ? Q_strlen(pValue) + 1 : 0; m_Storage.Set( pValue, nLen ); }
// Returns strlen
int CUtlString::Length() const { return m_Storage.Length() ? m_Storage.Length() - 1 : 0; }
// Sets the length (used to serialize into the buffer )
void CUtlString::SetLength( int nLen ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
// Add 1 to account for the NULL
m_Storage.SetLength( nLen > 0 ? nLen + 1 : 0 ); }
const char *CUtlString::Get( ) const { if ( m_Storage.Length() == 0 ) { return ""; }
return reinterpret_cast< const char* >( m_Storage.Get() ); }
char *CUtlString::Get() { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
if ( m_Storage.Length() == 0 ) { // In general, we optimise away small mallocs for empty strings
// but if you ask for the non-const bytes, they must be writable
// so we can't return "" here, like we do for the const version - jd
m_Storage.SetLength( 1 ); m_Storage[ 0 ] = '\0'; }
return reinterpret_cast< char* >( m_Storage.Get() ); }
char *CUtlString::GetForModify() { return Get(); }
void CUtlString::Purge() { m_Storage.Purge(); }
void CUtlString::ToUpper() { for (int nLength = Length() - 1; nLength >= 0; nLength--) { m_Storage[nLength] = toupper(m_Storage[nLength]); } }
void CUtlString::ToLower() { for( int nLength = Length() - 1; nLength >= 0; nLength-- ) { m_Storage[ nLength ] = tolower( m_Storage[ nLength ] ); } }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const CUtlString &src ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() ); m_Storage = src.m_Storage; return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const char *src ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() ); Set( src ); return *this; }
bool CUtlString::operator==( const CUtlString &src ) const { return m_Storage == src.m_Storage; }
bool CUtlString::operator==( const char *src ) const { return ( strcmp( Get(), src ) == 0 ); }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const CUtlString &rhs ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
const int lhsLength( Length() ); const int rhsLength( rhs.Length() ); const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );
SetLength( requestedLength ); const int allocatedLength( Length() ); const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength ); memcpy( Get() + lhsLength, rhs.Get(), copyLength ); m_Storage[ allocatedLength ] = '\0';
return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const char *rhs ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
const int lhsLength( Length() ); const int rhsLength( Q_strlen( rhs ) ); const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );
SetLength( requestedLength ); const int allocatedLength( Length() ); const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength ); memcpy( Get() + lhsLength, rhs, copyLength ); m_Storage[ allocatedLength ] = '\0';
return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( char c ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
int nLength = Length(); SetLength( nLength + 1 ); m_Storage[ nLength ] = c; m_Storage[ nLength+1 ] = '\0'; return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( int rhs ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() ); Assert( sizeof( rhs ) == 4 );
char tmpBuf[ 12 ]; // Sufficient for a signed 32 bit integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
Q_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%d", rhs ); tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
return operator+=( tmpBuf ); }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( double rhs ) { Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
char tmpBuf[ 256 ]; // How big can doubles be??? Dunno.
Q_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%lg", rhs ); tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
return operator+=( tmpBuf ); }
bool CUtlString::MatchesPattern( const CUtlString &Pattern, int nFlags ) { const char *pszSource = String(); const char *pszPattern = Pattern.String();
return V_StringMatchesPattern( pszSource, pszPattern, nFlags ); }
int CUtlString::Format( const char *pFormat, ... ) { va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pFormat ); int len = FormatV( pFormat, marker ); va_end( marker );
return len; }
// This can be called from functions that take varargs.
int CUtlString::FormatV( const char *pFormat, va_list marker ) { char tmpBuf[ 4096 ]; //< Nice big 4k buffer, as much memory as my first computer had, a Radio Shack Color Computer
//va_start( marker, pFormat );
int len = V_vsprintf_safe( tmpBuf, pFormat, marker ); //va_end( marker );
Set( tmpBuf ); return len; }
// Strips the trailing slash
void CUtlString::StripTrailingSlash() { if ( IsEmpty() ) return;
int nLastChar = Length() - 1; char c = m_Storage[ nLastChar ]; if ( c == '\\' || c == '/' ) { m_Storage[ nLastChar ] = 0; m_Storage.SetLength( m_Storage.Length() - 1 ); } }
CUtlString CUtlString::Slice( int32 nStart, int32 nEnd ) { if ( nStart < 0 ) nStart = Length() - (-nStart % Length()); else if ( nStart >= Length() ) nStart = Length();
if ( nEnd == INT32_MAX ) nEnd = Length(); else if ( nEnd < 0 ) nEnd = Length() - (-nEnd % Length()); else if ( nEnd >= Length() ) nEnd = Length(); if ( nStart >= nEnd ) return CUtlString( "" );
const char *pIn = String();
CUtlString ret; ret.m_Storage.SetLength( nEnd - nStart + 1 ); char *pOut = (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get();
memcpy( ret.m_Storage.Get(), &pIn[nStart], nEnd - nStart ); pOut[nEnd - nStart] = 0;
return ret; }
// Grab a substring starting from the left or the right side.
CUtlString CUtlString::Left( int32 nChars ) { return Slice( 0, nChars ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::Right( int32 nChars ) { return Slice( -nChars ); }
// Get a string with the specified substring removed
CUtlString CUtlString::Remove( char const *pTextToRemove, bool bCaseSensitive ) const { int nTextToRemoveLength = pTextToRemove ? V_strlen( pTextToRemove ) : 0; CUtlString outputString; const char *pSrc = Get(); if ( pSrc ) { while ( *pSrc ) { char const *pNextOccurrence = bCaseSensitive ? V_strstr( pSrc, pTextToRemove ) : V_stristr( pSrc, pTextToRemove ); if ( !pNextOccurrence ) { // append remaining string
outputString += pSrc; break; }
int nNumCharsToCopy = pNextOccurrence - pSrc; if ( nNumCharsToCopy ) { // append up to the undesired substring
CUtlString temp = pSrc; temp = temp.Left( nNumCharsToCopy ); outputString += temp; }
// skip past undesired substring
pSrc = pNextOccurrence + nTextToRemoveLength; } }
return outputString; }
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char const *pchFrom, const char *pchTo, bool bCaseSensitive /*= false*/ ) const { if ( !pchTo ) { return Remove( pchFrom, bCaseSensitive ); }
int nTextToReplaceLength = pchFrom ? V_strlen( pchFrom ) : 0; CUtlString outputString; const char *pSrc = Get(); if ( pSrc ) { while ( *pSrc ) { char const *pNextOccurrence = bCaseSensitive ? V_strstr( pSrc, pchFrom ) : V_stristr( pSrc, pchFrom ); if ( !pNextOccurrence ) { // append remaining string
outputString += pSrc; break; }
int nNumCharsToCopy = pNextOccurrence - pSrc; if ( nNumCharsToCopy ) { // append up to the undesired substring
CUtlString temp = pSrc; temp = temp.Left( nNumCharsToCopy ); outputString += temp; }
// Append the replacement
outputString += pchTo;
// skip past undesired substring
pSrc = pNextOccurrence + nTextToReplaceLength; } }
return outputString;
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char cFrom, char cTo ) { CUtlString ret = *this; int len = ret.Length(); for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( ret.m_Storage[i] == cFrom ) ret.m_Storage[i] = cTo; }
return ret; }
void CUtlString::RemoveDotSlashes(char separator) { V_RemoveDotSlashes(Get(), separator); }
void CUtlString::Swap( CUtlString &src ) { CUtlString tmp = src; src = *this; *this = tmp; }
CUtlString CUtlString::AbsPath( const char *pStartingDir ) const { char szNew[MAX_PATH]; V_MakeAbsolutePath( szNew, sizeof( szNew ), this->String(), pStartingDir ); return CUtlString( szNew ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::UnqualifiedFilename() const { const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( this->String() ); return CUtlString( pFilename ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::DirName() { CUtlString ret( this->String() ); V_StripLastDir( (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get(), ret.m_Storage.Length() ); V_StripTrailingSlash( (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get() ); return ret; }
CUtlString CUtlString::StripExtension() const { char szTemp[MAX_FILEPATH]; V_StripExtension( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::StripFilename() const { const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( Get() ); // NOTE: returns 'Get()' on failure, never NULL
int nCharsToCopy = pFilename - Get(); CUtlString result; result.SetDirect( Get(), nCharsToCopy ); result.StripTrailingSlash(); return result; }
CUtlString CUtlString::GetBaseFilename() const { char szTemp[MAX_FILEPATH]; V_FileBase( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::GetExtension() const { char szTemp[MAX_FILEPATH]; V_ExtractFileExtension( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::PathJoin( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2 ) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; V_ComposeFileName( pStr1, pStr2, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) ); return CUtlString( szPath ); }
// Purpose: concatenate the provided string to our current content
void CUtlString::Append( const char *pchAddition ) { (*this) += pchAddition; }
void CUtlString::Append(const char *pchAddition, int nMaxChars) { const int nLen = V_strlen(pchAddition); if (nMaxChars < 0 || nLen <= nMaxChars) { Append(pchAddition); } else { char* pchAdditionDup = V_strdup(pchAddition); pchAdditionDup[nMaxChars] = 0; Append(pchAdditionDup); delete[] pchAdditionDup; } }
// Trim
void CUtlString::TrimLeft( const char *szTargets ) { int i;
if ( IsEmpty() ) { return; }
char* pSrc = Get();
for ( i = 0; pSrc[ i ] != 0; i++ ) { bool bWhitespace = false;
for ( int j = 0; szTargets[ j ] != 0; j++ ) { if ( pSrc[ i ] == szTargets[ j ] ) { bWhitespace = true; break; } }
if ( !bWhitespace ) { break; } }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( i > 0 ) { memmove( pSrc, &pSrc[ i ], Length() - i ); SetLength( Length() - i ); m_Storage[ Length() ] = '\0'; } }
void CUtlString::TrimRight( const char *szTargets ) { const int nLastCharIndex = Length() - 1; int i;
char* pSrc = Get();
for ( i = nLastCharIndex; i >= 0; i-- ) { bool bWhitespace = false;
for ( int j = 0; szTargets[ j ] != 0; j++ ) { if ( pSrc[ i ] == szTargets[ j ] ) { bWhitespace = true; break; } }
if ( !bWhitespace ) { break; } }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( i < nLastCharIndex ) { pSrc[ i + 1 ] = 0; SetLength( i + 1 ); } }
void CUtlString::Trim( const char *szTargets ) { TrimLeft( szTargets ); TrimRight( szTargets ); }
// Purpose: spill routine for making sure our buffer is big enough for an
// incoming string set/modify.
char *CUtlStringBuilder::InternalPrepareBuffer(size_t nChars, bool bCopyOld, size_t nMinCapacity) { Assert(nMinCapacity > Capacity()); Assert(nMinCapacity >= nChars); // Don't use this class if you want a single 2GB+ string.
static const size_t k_nMaxStringSize = 0x7FFFFFFFu; Assert(nMinCapacity <= k_nMaxStringSize);
if (nMinCapacity > k_nMaxStringSize) { SetError(); return NULL; }
bool bWasHeap = m_data.IsHeap(); // add this to whatever we are going to grow so we don't start out too slow
char *pszString = NULL; if (nMinCapacity > MAX_STACK_STRLEN) { // Allocate 1.5 times what is requested, plus a small initial ramp
// value so we don't spend too much time re-allocating tiny buffers.
// A good allocator will prevent this anyways, but this makes it safer.
// We cap it at +1 million to not get crazy. Code actually avoides
// computing power of two numbers since allocations almost always
// have header/bookkeeping overhead. Don't do the dynamic sizing
// if the user asked for a specific capacity.
static const int k_nInitialMinRamp = 32; size_t nNewSize; if (nMinCapacity > nChars) nNewSize = nMinCapacity; else nNewSize = nChars + Min<size_t>((nChars >> 1) + k_nInitialMinRamp, k_nMillion);
char *pszOld = m_data.Access(); size_t nLenOld = m_data.Length();
// order of operations is very important per comment
// above. Make sure we copy it before changing m_data
// in any way
if (bWasHeap && bCopyOld) { // maybe we'll get lucky and get the same buffer back.
pszString = (char*)realloc(pszOld, nNewSize + 1); if (!pszString) { SetError(); return NULL; } } else // Either it's already on the stack; or we don't need to copy
{ // if the current pointer is on the heap, we aren't doing a copy
// (or we would have used the previous realloc code. So
// if we aren't doing a copy, don't use realloc since it will
// copy the data if it needs to make a new allocation.
if (bWasHeap) free(pszOld);
pszString = (char*)malloc(nNewSize + 1); if (!pszString) { SetError(); return NULL; }
// still need to do the copy if we are going from small buffer to large
if (bCopyOld) memcpy(pszString, pszOld, nLenOld); // null will be added at end of func.
// just in case the user grabs .Access() and scribbles over the terminator at
// 'length', make sure they don't run off the rails as long as they obey Capacity.
// We don't offer this protection for the 'on stack' string.
pszString[nNewSize] = '\0';
m_data.Heap.m_pchString = pszString; m_data.Heap.m_nCapacity = (uint32)nNewSize; // capacity is the max #chars, not including the null.
m_data.Heap.m_nLength = (uint32)nChars; m_data.Heap.sentinel = STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL; } else { // Rare case. Only happens if someone did a SetPtr with a length
// less than MAX_STACK_STRLEN, or maybe a .Replace() shrunk the
// length down.
pszString = m_data.Stack.m_szString; m_data.Stack.SetBytesLeft(MAX_STACK_STRLEN - (uint8)nChars);
if (bWasHeap) { char *pszOldString = m_data.Heap.m_pchString; if (bCopyOld) memcpy(pszString, pszOldString, nChars); // null will be added at end of func.
free(pszOldString); } }
pszString[nChars] = '\0'; return pszString; }
// Purpose: replace all occurrences of one string with another
// replacement string may be NULL or "" to remove target string
size_t CUtlStringBuilder::Replace(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement) { return ReplaceInternal(pstrTarget, pstrReplacement, (const char *(*)(const char *, const char *))_V_strstr); }
// Purpose: replace all occurrences of one string with another
// replacement string may be NULL or "" to remove target string
size_t CUtlStringBuilder::ReplaceFastCaseless(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement) { return ReplaceInternal(pstrTarget, pstrReplacement, V_stristr_fast); }
// Purpose: replace all occurrences of one string with another
// replacement string may be NULL or "" to remove target string
size_t CUtlStringBuilder::ReplaceInternal(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement, const char *pfnCompare(const char*, const char*)) { if (HasError()) return 0;
if (pstrReplacement == NULL) pstrReplacement = "";
size_t nTargetLength = V_strlen(pstrTarget); size_t nReplacementLength = V_strlen(pstrReplacement);
CUtlVector<const char *> vecMatches; vecMatches.EnsureCapacity(8);
if (!IsEmpty() && pstrTarget && *pstrTarget) { char *pszString = Access();
// walk the string counting hits
const char *pstrHit = pszString; for (pstrHit = pfnCompare(pstrHit, pstrTarget); pstrHit != NULL && *pstrHit != 0; /* inside */) { vecMatches.AddToTail(pstrHit); // look for the next target and keep looping
pstrHit = pfnCompare(pstrHit + nTargetLength, pstrTarget); }
// if we didn't miss, get to work
if (vecMatches.Count() > 0) { // reallocate only once; how big will we need?
size_t nOldLength = Length(); size_t nNewLength = nOldLength + (vecMatches.Count() * (int)(nReplacementLength - nTargetLength));
if (nNewLength == 0) { // shortcut simple case, even if rare
m_data.Clear(); } else if (nNewLength > nOldLength) { // New string will be bigger than the old, but don't re-alloc unless
// it is also larger than capacity. If it fits in capacity, we will
// be adjusting the string 'in place'. The replacement string is larger
// than the target string, so if we copied front to back we would screw up
// the existing data in the 'in place' case.
char *pstrNew; if (nNewLength > Capacity()) { pstrNew = (char*)malloc(nNewLength + 1); if (!pstrNew) { SetError(); return 0; } } else { pstrNew = PrepareBuffer(nNewLength); Assert(pstrNew == pszString); }
const char *pstrPreviousHit = pszString + nOldLength; // end of original string
char *pstrDestination = pstrNew + nNewLength; // end of target
*pstrDestination = '\0'; // Go backwards as noted above.
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK(vecMatches, i) { pstrHit = vecMatches[i]; size_t nRemainder = pstrPreviousHit - (pstrHit + nTargetLength); // copy the bit after the match, back up the destination and move forward from the hit
memmove(pstrDestination - nRemainder, pstrPreviousHit - nRemainder, nRemainder); pstrDestination -= (nRemainder + nReplacementLength);
// push the replacement string in
memcpy(pstrDestination, pstrReplacement, nReplacementLength); pstrPreviousHit = pstrHit; }
// copy trailing stuff
size_t nRemainder = pstrPreviousHit - pszString; pstrDestination -= nRemainder; if (pstrDestination != pszString) { memmove(pstrDestination, pszString, nRemainder); }
Assert(pstrNew == pstrDestination);
// Need to set the pointer if we did were larger than capacity.
if (pstrNew != pszString) SetPtr(pstrNew, nNewLength); } else // new is shorter than or same length as old, move in place
{ char *pstrNew = Access(); char *pstrPreviousHit = pstrNew; char *pstrDestination = pstrNew; FOR_EACH_VEC(vecMatches, i) { pstrHit = vecMatches[i]; if (pstrDestination != pstrPreviousHit) { // memmove very important as it is ok with overlaps.
memmove(pstrDestination, pstrPreviousHit, pstrHit - pstrPreviousHit); } pstrDestination += (pstrHit - pstrPreviousHit); memcpy(pstrDestination, pstrReplacement, nReplacementLength); pstrDestination += nReplacementLength; pstrPreviousHit = const_cast<char*>(pstrHit)+nTargetLength; }
// copy trailing stuff
if (pstrDestination != pstrPreviousHit) { // memmove very important as it is ok with overlaps.
size_t nRemainder = (pstrNew + nOldLength) - pstrPreviousHit; memmove(pstrDestination, pstrPreviousHit, nRemainder); }
Verify(PrepareBuffer(nNewLength) == pstrNew); }
} }
return vecMatches.Count(); }
// Purpose: Indicates if the target string exists in this instance.
// The index is negative if the target string is not found, otherwise it is the index in the string.
ptrdiff_t CUtlStringBuilder::IndexOf(const char *pstrTarget) const { return ::IndexOf(String(), pstrTarget); }
// Purpose:
// remove whitespace -- anything that is isspace() -- from the string
size_t CUtlStringBuilder::RemoveWhitespace() { if (HasError()) return 0;
char *pstrDest = m_data.Access(); size_t cRemoved = ::RemoveWhitespace(pstrDest);
size_t nNewLength = m_data.Length() - cRemoved;
if (cRemoved) m_data.SetLength(nNewLength);
Assert(pstrDest[nNewLength] == '\0'); // SetLength should have set this
return cRemoved; }
// Purpose: Allows setting the size to anything under the current
// capacity. Typically should not be used unless there was a specific
// reason to scribble on the string. Will not touch the string contents,
// but will append a NULL. Returns true if the length was changed.
bool CUtlStringBuilder::SetLength(size_t nLen) { return m_data.SetLength(nLen) != NULL; }
// Purpose: Convert to heap string if needed, and give it away.
char *CUtlStringBuilder::TakeOwnership(size_t *pnLen, size_t *pnCapacity) { size_t nLen = 0; size_t nCapacity = 0; char *psz = m_data.TakeOwnership(nLen, nCapacity);
if (pnLen) *pnLen = nLen;
if (pnCapacity) *pnCapacity = nCapacity;
return psz; }
// Purpose:
// trim whitespace from front and back of string
size_t CUtlStringBuilder::TrimWhitespace() { if (HasError()) return 0;
char *pchString = m_data.Access(); int cChars = V_StrTrim(pchString);
if (cChars) m_data.SetLength(cChars);
return cChars; }
// Purpose: adjust length and add null terminator, within capacity bounds
char *CUtlStringBuilder::Data::SetLength(size_t nChars) { // heap/stack must be set correctly, and will not
// be changed by this routine.
if (IsHeap()) { if (!Heap.m_pchString || nChars > Heap.m_nCapacity) return NULL; Heap.m_nLength = (uint32)nChars; Heap.m_pchString[nChars] = '\0'; return Heap.m_pchString; } if (nChars > MAX_STACK_STRLEN) return NULL; Stack.m_szString[nChars] = '\0'; Stack.SetBytesLeft(MAX_STACK_STRLEN - (uint8)nChars); return Stack.m_szString; }
// Purpose: Allows setting the raw pointer and taking ownership
void CUtlStringBuilder::Data::SetPtr(char *pchString, size_t nLength) { // We don't care about the error state since we are totally replacing
// the string.
// ok, length may be small enough to fit in our short buffer
// but we've already got a dynamically allocated string, so let
// it be in the heap buffer anyways.
Heap.m_pchString = pchString; Heap.m_nCapacity = (uint32)nLength; Heap.m_nLength = (uint32)nLength; Heap.sentinel = STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL;
// their buffer must have room for the null
Heap.m_pchString[nLength] = '\0'; }
// Purpose: Enable the error state, moving the string to the heap if
// it isn't there.
void CUtlStringBuilder::Data::SetError(bool bEnableAssert) { if (HasError()) return;
// This is not meant to be used as a status bit. Setting the error state should
// mean something very unexpected happened that you would want a call stack for.
// That is why this asserts unconditionally when the state is being flipped.
if (bEnableAssert) AssertMsg(false, "Error State on string being set.");
// Purpose: Set string to empty state
void CUtlStringBuilder::Data::ClearError() { if (HasError()) { Heap.sentinel = STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL; Clear(); } }
// Purpose: If the string is on the stack, move it to the heap.
// create a null heap string if memory can't be allocated.
// Callers of this /need/ the string to be in the heap state
// when done.
bool CUtlStringBuilder::Data::MoveToHeap() { bool bSuccess = true;
if (!IsHeap()) { // try to recover the string at the point of failure, to help with debugging
size_t nLen = Length(); char *pszHeapString = (char*)malloc(nLen + 1); if (pszHeapString) { // get the string copy before corrupting the stack union
char *pszStackString = Access(); memcpy(pszHeapString, pszStackString, nLen); pszHeapString[nLen] = 0;
Heap.m_pchString = pszHeapString; Heap.m_nLength = (uint32)nLen; Heap.m_nCapacity = (uint32)nLen; Heap.sentinel = STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL; } else { Heap.m_pchString = NULL; Heap.m_nLength = 0; Heap.m_nCapacity = 0; bSuccess = false; Heap.sentinel = (STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL | STRING_TYPE_ERROR); }
return bSuccess; }