//========= Copyright c 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "datalinker.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
namespace DataLinker { const char g_cFillChar = '\xDE';
Stream::Stream() { m_data.reserve( 16 ); m_lastTarget = 1; // target 0 and 1 are special targets
m_alignBits = 3; // alignment 4 is default
m_size = 0; m_stackBlocks.reserve( 4 ); // we'll probably never nest deeper than this
Chunk::Chunk( uint reserve, uint offset ) { m_offset = offset; m_capacity = reserve; m_size = 0; m_recentSize = 0; m_data = ( byte* )MemAlloc_AllocAligned( reserve, 16 ); memset( m_data, g_cFillChar, reserve ); }
void Chunk::Free() { MemAlloc_FreeAligned( m_data ); }
Stream::~Stream() { for ( std::vector<Chunk>::iterator it = m_data.begin(); it != m_data.end(); ++it ) it->Free(); }
void* Stream::WriteBytes( uint numBytes ) { EnsureAvailable( numBytes ); Chunk &chunk = m_data.back(); byte *p = chunk.m_data + chunk.m_size; memset( p, 0, numBytes ); chunk.m_recentSize = m_size; chunk.m_size += numBytes; m_size += numBytes; return p; }
void Stream::EnsureAvailable( uint addCapacity ) { Assert( addCapacity < 0x10000000 ); // we don't support >1Gb of data yet
if ( m_data.empty() ) { // first allocation
m_data.push_back( Chunk( MAX( addCapacity*4u, 4096u ), 0 ) ); } else if ( m_data.back().GetAvailable() < addCapacity ) { m_data.push_back( Chunk( MAX( addCapacity*4u, m_data.back().m_capacity*2u ), m_size ) ); } }
int Stream::GetOffsetTo( const void *ptr )const { for ( std::vector<Chunk>::const_reverse_iterator it = m_data.rbegin(); it != m_data.rend(); ++it ) { uint offsetOfPtr = ( uint )( ( ( const byte* )ptr ) - it->m_data ); if ( offsetOfPtr <= it->m_size ) return offsetOfPtr + it->m_offset; } return -1; // invalid offset
bool Stream::Compile( void *pBuffer ) { { byte *p = ( byte* )pBuffer; uint offset = 0; for ( std::vector<Chunk>::const_iterator it = m_data.begin(); it != m_data.end(); ++it ) { Assert( it->m_offset == offset ); memcpy( p + offset, it->m_data, it->m_size ); offset += it->m_size; } Assert( m_size == offset ); }
byte *data = ( byte* )pBuffer;
// for all link sources, try to resolve them
uint numUnresolved = 0; for ( LinkSourceMap::const_iterator it = m_mapSources.begin(); it != m_mapSources.end(); ++it ) { const LinkSourceDesc_t &source = it->second; int offsetOfSource = it->first; Assert( uint( offsetOfSource ) < m_size ); // check alignment?
int* pOffset = ( int* )( data + offsetOfSource ); if ( source.m_targetId == kSpecialTargetNull ) { *pOffset = 0; // special case of target fixed to NULL
} else if ( source.m_targetId < 0 || source.m_targetId > m_lastTarget ) { Msg( "Unresolved link source @0x%X '%s'\n", offsetOfSource, source.m_pDescription ); numUnresolved ++; } else { // try to find the target
// if special target (id == 0): target is not in the target map; all the information is resolved directly through the LinkSourceDesc_t
const LinkTargetDesc_t &target = source.m_targetId == kSpecialTargetDefault ? source.m_defaultTarget : m_mapTargets[source.m_targetId]; switch ( target.m_type ) { case kTargetNull: *pOffset = 0; // special case of target set to NULL later
case kTargetResolved:
switch ( source.m_type ) { case kOtRelative32bit: *pOffset = target.m_resolvedOffset - offsetOfSource; break; case kOtRelative16bit: { int offset = target.m_resolvedOffset - offsetOfSource; if ( offset > 0x7FFF || offset < -0x8000 ) { Msg( "Link source @%d '%s' is out of range (%d doesn't fit to 16 bits)\n", offsetOfSource, source.m_pDescription, offset ); numUnresolved++; } else { *( short* )pOffset = ( short )offset; } } break; case kOtAbsolute32bit: *pOffset = target.m_resolvedOffset; break; } break;
default: Msg( "Unresolved link source @%d '%s'\n", offsetOfSource, source.m_pDescription ); numUnresolved++; break; } } }
if ( numUnresolved ) { Error( "%u unresolved links found\n", numUnresolved ); return false; } else return true; }
void Stream::Align( uint nAlignment, int nOffset ) { if ( nAlignment & ( nAlignment - 1 ) ) { Error( "Wrong alignment %d\n", nAlignment ); } //WriteBytes(((m_size+nAlignment-1) & ~(nAlignment-1)) - m_size);
WriteBytes( ( nOffset - m_size ) & ( nAlignment - 1 ) ); }
void Stream::Link( LinkSource_t linkSource, LinkTarget_t linkTarget, const char *szDescription ) { LinkSourceMap::iterator itFind = m_mapSources.find( linkSource.m_offset ); if ( itFind == m_mapSources.end() ) { Error( "cannot find source @%d - %s\n", linkSource.m_offset, szDescription ); }
itFind->second.m_targetId = linkTarget.m_id; itFind->second.m_defaultTarget.m_type = kTargetUnresolved; // un-set default target for validation; we are not referring to it any more
Assert( linkTarget.m_id != kSpecialTargetDefault ); }
LinkSource_t Stream::LinkToHere( int *pOffset, const char *szDescription ) { return Link( pOffset, NewTargetHere(), szDescription ); }
LinkSource_t Stream::Link( int32 *pOffset, LinkTarget_t linkTarget, const char *szDescription ) { int offsetToOffset = GetOffsetTo( pOffset ); LinkSource_t linkSource = NewLinkSource( offsetToOffset, kOtRelative32bit, linkTarget.m_id, szDescription ); return linkSource; }
void Stream::Link( int32 *pOffset, const void *pTarget ) { if ( !pTarget ) { *pOffset = 0; return; } int offsetToOffset = GetOffsetTo( pOffset ); int offsetToTarget = GetOffsetTo( pTarget ); if ( offsetToOffset < 0 || offsetToTarget < 0 ) { Error( "Link(%p,%p) can't find offsets (%d,%d)\n", pOffset, pTarget, offsetToOffset, offsetToTarget ); } if ( offsetToOffset == offsetToTarget ) { Warning( "Link(%p,%p) is self-referencing (%d==%d), this is prohibited by this kind of offset. It'll be interpreted as Null offset at runtime\n", pOffset, pTarget, offsetToOffset, offsetToTarget ); }
*pOffset = offsetToTarget - offsetToOffset; }
void Stream::Link( int16 *pOffset, const void *pTarget ) { if ( !pTarget ) { *pOffset = 0; return; } int offsetToOffset = GetOffsetTo( pOffset ); int offsetToTarget = GetOffsetTo( pTarget ); if ( offsetToOffset < 0 || offsetToTarget < 0 ) { Error( "Link(%p,%p) can't find offsets (%d,%d)\n", pOffset, pTarget, offsetToOffset, offsetToTarget ); } int offset = offsetToTarget - offsetToOffset; int16 offset16 = ( int16 )offset; if ( offset != ( int )offset16 ) { Error( "Link16(%p,%p) offsets are too far (%d,%d)\n", pOffset, pTarget, offsetToOffset, offsetToTarget ); }
*pOffset = offset16; }
LinkSource_t Stream::NewOffset( int *pOffset, const char *szDescription ) { return NewLinkSource( GetOffsetTo( pOffset ), kOtRelative32bit, kSpecialTargetUndefined, szDescription ); }
LinkSource_t Stream::NewLinkSource( int offsetToOffset, OffsetTypeEnum type, int linkTargetId, const char *szDescription ) { Assert( !( offsetToOffset & 3 ) ); if ( offsetToOffset < 0 && offsetToOffset + sizeof( int ) > m_size ) { Error( "Wrong offset spec. Most probably you called an extra Write() before calling WriteOffset() - %s\n", szDescription ); }
LinkSource_t linkSource; linkSource.m_offset = offsetToOffset; LinkSourceDesc_t &lsd = m_mapSources[offsetToOffset]; lsd.m_targetId = linkTargetId; lsd.m_type = type; lsd.m_pDescription = szDescription;
return linkSource; }
LinkSource_t Stream::WriteOffset( const char *szDescription ) { return WriteOffset( LinkTarget_t(), szDescription ); }
LinkSource_t Stream::WriteOffset( LinkTarget_t linkTarget, const char *szDescription ) { int offsetToOffset = m_size; Write<int32>(); return NewLinkSource( offsetToOffset, kOtRelative32bit, linkTarget.m_id, szDescription ); }
LinkTarget_t Stream::NewTarget()// create new, unresolved target
{ LinkTarget_t linkTarget; linkTarget.m_id = ++m_lastTarget; // shouldn't be 0 or -1
return linkTarget; }
LinkTarget_t Stream::NewTarget( void *pWhere ) { int offsetToTarget = GetOffsetTo( pWhere ); if ( offsetToTarget < 0 ) Error( "Invalid new target @%p\n", pWhere ); LinkTarget_t linkTarget = NewTarget(); SetTarget( linkTarget, offsetToTarget ); return linkTarget; }
LinkTarget_t Stream::NewTargetHere() // creates a target right here
{ LinkTarget_t linkTarget = NewTarget(); SetTargetHere( linkTarget ); return linkTarget; }
void Stream::SetTarget( LinkTarget_t linkTarget, int offsetToTarget ) // sets the given target to point to offsetToTarget
{ LinkTargetDesc_t &target = m_mapTargets[linkTarget.m_id]; target.m_type = kTargetResolved; target.m_resolvedOffset = offsetToTarget; }
void Stream::SetTargetHere( LinkTarget_t linkTarget ) // sets the given target to point to right here
{ if ( linkTarget.m_id > 0 && linkTarget.m_id <= m_lastTarget ) { SetTarget( linkTarget, m_size ); } else { Warning( "Trying to set invalid target %d to here (absolute offset %d)\n", linkTarget.m_id, m_size ); } }
void Stream::SetTargetNull( LinkTarget_t linkTarget ) // set this target to point to NULL
{ if ( linkTarget.m_id > 0 && linkTarget.m_id <= m_lastTarget ) { m_mapTargets[linkTarget.m_id].m_type = kTargetNull; } else { Warning( "Trying to set invalid target %d to null\n", linkTarget.m_id ); } }
bool Stream::IsDeclared( LinkTarget_t linkTarget )const { return m_mapTargets.find( linkTarget.m_id ) != m_mapTargets.end(); }
bool Stream::IsSet( LinkTarget_t linkTarget )const { LinkTargetMap::const_iterator itFind = m_mapTargets.find( linkTarget.m_id ); if ( itFind == m_mapTargets.end() ) return false; // it can't be set when it hasn't been declared
return itFind->second.m_resolvedOffset >= 0; }
bool Stream::IsDefined( LinkSource_t linkSource )const { LinkSourceMap::const_iterator itFind = m_mapSources.find( linkSource.m_offset ); return itFind != m_mapSources.end(); }
bool Stream::IsLinked( LinkSource_t linkSource )const { LinkSourceMap::const_iterator itFind = m_mapSources.find( linkSource.m_offset ); if ( itFind == m_mapSources.end() ) return false; return itFind->second.m_targetId >= 0; }
void Stream::Begin( const char *szName, uint flags ) { Block_t newBlock;
if ( !m_stackBlocks.empty() ) newBlock.m_name = m_stackBlocks.back().m_name + ":" + szName; else newBlock.m_name = szName;
newBlock.m_tell = Tell();
m_stackBlocks.push_back( newBlock ); }
void Stream::End() { if ( !m_stackBlocks.empty() ) { const Block_t &curBlock = m_stackBlocks.back(); m_mapBlockStats[curBlock.m_name].m_size += Tell() - curBlock.m_tell; m_stackBlocks.pop_back(); } }
void Stream::PrintStats() { for ( BlockStatsMap::const_iterator it = m_mapBlockStats.begin(); it != m_mapBlockStats.end(); ++it ) Msg( "%-60s %7.1f KiB\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.m_size / 1024. ); Msg( "%-60s -----------\n", "" ); Msg( "%-60s %7.1f KiB\n", "DataLinker total stream size", m_size / 1024. ); }
void Stream::ClearStats() { m_mapBlockStats.clear(); }
const char* Stream::WriteAndLinkString( Offset_t<char> *pOffset, const char *pString ) { if ( pString ) { StringTableElement_t &ste = m_stringTable[pString]; if ( !ste.m_pString ) { int nLen = Q_strlen( pString );
ste.m_nOffset = Tell(); ste.m_pString = ( char* )this->WriteBytes( nLen + 1 );
Q_memcpy( ste.m_pString, pString, nLen + 1 ); } Assert( !Q_strcmp( ste.m_pString, pString ) );
int offsetToOffset = GetOffsetTo( pOffset ); pOffset->offset = ste.m_nOffset - offsetToOffset;
return ste.m_pString; } else { pOffset->offset = 0; // make the offset NULL
return NULL; } }