//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// scriplib.c
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox\xbox_win32stubs.h"
#if defined(POSIX)
#include "../../filesystem/linux_support.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
============================================================================= */
typedef struct { char filename[1024]; char *buffer,*script_p,*end_p; int line;
char macrobuffer[4096]; char *macroparam[64]; char *macrovalue[64]; int nummacroparams;
} script_t;
#define MAX_INCLUDES 16
script_t scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES]; script_t *script = NULL; int scriptline;
char token[MAXTOKEN]; qboolean endofscript; qboolean tokenready; // only true if UnGetToken was just called
typedef struct { char *param; char *value; char *param_lcase; } variable_t;
CUtlVector<variable_t> g_definevariable;
Callback stuff */
void DefaultScriptLoadedCallback( char const *pFilenameLoaded, char const *pIncludedFromFileName, int nIncludeLineNumber ) { NULL; }
SCRIPT_LOADED_CALLBACK g_pfnCallback = DefaultScriptLoadedCallback;
SCRIPT_LOADED_CALLBACK SetScriptLoadedCallback( SCRIPT_LOADED_CALLBACK pfnNewScriptLoadedCallback ) { SCRIPT_LOADED_CALLBACK pfnCallback = g_pfnCallback; g_pfnCallback = pfnNewScriptLoadedCallback; return pfnCallback; }
============== AddScriptToStack ============== */ void AddScriptToStack (char *filename, ScriptPathMode_t pathMode = SCRIPT_USE_ABSOLUTE_PATH) { int size;
script++; if (script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES]) Error ("script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES"); if ( pathMode == SCRIPT_USE_RELATIVE_PATH ) Q_strncpy( script->filename, filename, sizeof( script->filename ) ); else Q_strncpy (script->filename, ExpandPath (filename), sizeof( script->filename ) );
size = LoadFile (script->filename, (void **)&script->buffer);
// printf ("entering %s\n", script->filename);
if ( g_pfnCallback ) { if ( script == scriptstack + 1 ) g_pfnCallback( script->filename, NULL, 0 ); else g_pfnCallback( script->filename, script[-1].filename, script[-1].line ); }
script->line = 1;
script->script_p = script->buffer; script->end_p = script->buffer + size; }
============== LoadScriptFile ============== */ void LoadScriptFile (char *filename, ScriptPathMode_t pathMode) { script = scriptstack; AddScriptToStack (filename, pathMode);
endofscript = false; tokenready = false; }
============== ============== */
#define MAX_MACROS 128
script_t *macrolist[MAX_MACROS]; int nummacros;
void DefineMacro( char *macroname ) { script_t *pmacro = (script_t *)malloc( sizeof( script_t ) );
strcpy( pmacro->filename, macroname ); pmacro->line = script->line; pmacro->nummacroparams = 0;
char *mp = pmacro->macrobuffer; char *cp = script->script_p;
while (TokenAvailable( )) { GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '\\' && token[1] == '\\') { break; } cp = script->script_p;
pmacro->macroparam[pmacro->nummacroparams++] = mp;
strcpy( mp, token ); mp += strlen( token ) + 1;
if (mp >= pmacro->macrobuffer + sizeof( pmacro->macrobuffer )) Error("Macro buffer overflow\n"); } // roll back script_p to previous valid location
script->script_p = cp;
// find end of macro def
while (*cp && *cp != '\n') { //Msg("%d ", *cp );
if (*cp == '\\' && *(cp+1) == '\\') { // skip till end of line
while (*cp && *cp != '\n') { *cp = ' '; // replace with spaces
cp++; }
if (*cp) { cp++; } } else { cp++; } }
int size = (cp - script->script_p);
pmacro->buffer = (char *)malloc( size + 1); memcpy( pmacro->buffer, script->script_p, size ); pmacro->buffer[size] = '\0'; pmacro->end_p = &pmacro->buffer[size];
macrolist[nummacros++] = pmacro; if ( nummacros == MAX_MACROS ) Error ("script file exceeded MAX_MACROS");
script->script_p = cp; }
void DefineVariable( char *variablename ) { variable_t v;
v.param = strdup( variablename );
GetToken( false ); v.value = strdup( token ); v.param_lcase = strlwr( strdup(v.param) );
for ( int i=0; i<g_definevariable.Count(); i++ ) { if ( !V_strcmp( g_definevariable[i].value, v.value ) ) { Warning( "\"$definevariable %s %s\" already exists as \"%s\".", v.param_lcase, v.value, g_definevariable[i].param_lcase ); } }
g_definevariable.AddToTail( v ); }
void RedefineVariable( char *variablename ) { variable_t v;
v.param = strdup( variablename );
GetToken( false ); v.value = strdup( token );
int nIdx = -1; for ( int i=0; i<g_definevariable.Count(); i++ ) { if ( !V_strcmp( g_definevariable[i].param, v.param ) ) { nIdx = i; break; } }
if ( nIdx >= 0 ) { g_definevariable[nIdx] = v; } else { Error("Cannot redefine undefined variable \"%s\". Use $definevariable instead.\n", v.param ); } }
============== ============== */ bool AddMacroToStack( char *macroname ) { // lookup macro
if (macroname[0] != '$') return false;
int i; for (i = 0; i < nummacros; i++) { if (strcmpi( macrolist[i]->filename, ¯oname[1] ) == 0) { break; } } if (i == nummacros) return false;
script_t *pmacro = macrolist[i];
// get tokens
script_t *pnext = script + 1;
pnext++; if (pnext == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES]) Error ("script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES");
// get tokens
char *cp = pnext->macrobuffer;
pnext->nummacroparams = pmacro->nummacroparams;
for (i = 0; i < pnext->nummacroparams; i++) { GetToken(false);
strcpy( cp, token ); pnext->macroparam[i] = pmacro->macroparam[i]; pnext->macrovalue[i] = cp;
cp += strlen( token ) + 1;
if (cp >= pnext->macrobuffer + sizeof( pnext->macrobuffer )) Error("Macro buffer overflow\n"); }
script = pnext; strcpy( script->filename, pmacro->filename );
int size = pmacro->end_p - pmacro->buffer; script->buffer = (char *)malloc( size + 1 ); memcpy( script->buffer, pmacro->buffer, size ); pmacro->buffer[size] = '\0'; script->script_p = script->buffer; script->end_p = script->buffer + size; script->line = pmacro->line;
return true; }
bool ExpandSubMacroToken( char *&token_p ) { if ( *token_p == '^' ) { token_p++;
char * szPotentialVar = token_p;
while ( *token_p != '^' ) { token_p++; }
*token_p = '\0';
token_p = szPotentialVar;
int index; for (index = 0; index < g_definevariable.Count(); index++) { if ( !Q_strcmp( g_definevariable[index].param, szPotentialVar ) ) { strcpy( token, g_definevariable[index].value ); return true; } } } return false; }
bool ExpandMacroToken( char *&token_p ) { if ( script->nummacroparams && *script->script_p == '$' ) { char *cp = script->script_p + 1;
while ( *cp > 32 && *cp != '$' ) { cp++; }
// found a word with $'s on either end?
if (*cp != '$') return false;
// get token pointer
char *tp = script->script_p + 1; int len = (cp - tp); *(tp + len) = '\0';
// lookup macro parameter
int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < script->nummacroparams; index++) { if (stricmp( script->macroparam[index], tp ) == 0) break; } if (index >= script->nummacroparams) { Error("unknown macro token \"%s\" in %s\n", tp, script->filename ); }
// paste token into
len = strlen( script->macrovalue[index] ); strcpy( token_p, script->macrovalue[index] ); token_p += len; script->script_p = cp + 1;
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) Error ("Macro expand overflow\n");
if (token_p >= &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
return true; } return false; }
============== ============== */ // FIXME: this should create a new script context so the individual tokens in the variable can be parsed
bool ExpandVariableToken( char *&token_p ) { if ( *script->script_p == '$' ) { char *cp = script->script_p + 1;
while ( *cp > 32 && *cp != '$' ) { cp++; }
// found a word with $'s on either end?
if (*cp != '$') return false;
// get token pointer
char *tp = script->script_p + 1; int len = (cp - tp); *(tp + len) = '\0';
// lookup macro parameter
int index; for (index = 0; index < g_definevariable.Count(); index++) { // [wills] just strcmp here, this was doing nearest partial comparison before which could result in a false positive variable name match. Bad!
if ( !Q_strcmp( g_definevariable[index].param, tp ) ) break; } // if we can't find the variable, try again without case sensitivity, then complain loudly if we find anything
if (index >= g_definevariable.Count() ) { for (index = 0; index < g_definevariable.Count(); index++) { char *tp_lower = strlwr(strdup(tp)); if ( !Q_strcmp( g_definevariable[index].param_lcase, tp_lower ) ) { Warning( "Unknown variable token fell back to case-insensitive match ( found: \"%s\", matched it to: \"%s\" ) in %s\n", tp, g_definevariable[index].param, script->filename ); break; } } }
if (index >= g_definevariable.Count() ) { Error("unknown variable token \"%s\" in %s\n", tp, script->filename ); }
// paste token into
len = strlen( g_definevariable[index].value ); strcpy( token_p, g_definevariable[index].value ); token_p += len; script->script_p = cp + 1;
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) Error ("Macro expand overflow\n");
if (token_p >= &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
return true; } return false; }
============== ParseFromMemory ============== */ void ParseFromMemory (char *buffer, int size) { script = scriptstack; script++; if (script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES]) Error ("script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES"); strcpy (script->filename, "memory buffer" );
script->buffer = buffer; script->line = 1; script->script_p = script->buffer; script->end_p = script->buffer + size;
endofscript = false; tokenready = false; }
// Used instead of ParseFromMemory to temporarily add a memory buffer
// to the script stack. ParseFromMemory just blows away the stack.
void PushMemoryScript( char *pszBuffer, const int nSize ) { if ( script == NULL ) { script = scriptstack; } script++; if ( script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES] ) { Error ( "script file exceeded MAX_INCLUDES" ); } strcpy (script->filename, "memory buffer" );
script->buffer = pszBuffer; script->line = 1; script->script_p = script->buffer; script->end_p = script->buffer + nSize;
endofscript = false; tokenready = false; }
// Used after calling PushMemoryScript to clean up the memory buffer
// added to the script stack. The normal end of script terminates
// all parsing at the end of a memory buffer even if there are more scripts
// remaining on the script stack
bool PopMemoryScript() { if ( V_stricmp( script->filename, "memory buffer" ) ) return false;
if ( script == scriptstack ) { endofscript = true; return false; } script--; scriptline = script->line;
endofscript = false;
return true; }
============== UnGetToken
Signals that the current token was not used, and should be reported for the next GetToken. Note that
GetToken (true); UnGetToken (); GetToken (false);
could cross a line boundary. ============== */ void UnGetToken (void) { tokenready = true; }
qboolean EndOfScript (qboolean crossline) { if (!crossline) Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline);
if (!strcmp (script->filename, "memory buffer")) { endofscript = true; return false; }
free (script->buffer); script->buffer = NULL; if (script == scriptstack+1) { endofscript = true; return false; } script--; scriptline = script->line; // printf ("returning to %s\n", script->filename);
return GetToken (crossline); }
void AttemptConditionalInclude( void ) { // Look for additional $include parameters, and only perform the include if the condition succeeds.
// Right now, there's only a check for a file existing. This is a hacky way to get some logical
// processing into qc, short of giving it full language-like arbitrary expression evaluation.
GetToken (false);
char szSavedPath[MAX_PATH]; V_strcpy( szSavedPath, token );
// check for a conditional flag
bool bConditionSuccess = true;
if ( TokenAvailable() ) { GetToken (false); if ( !stricmp (token, "iffileexists") ) { bConditionSuccess = false;
if ( TokenAvailable() ) { GetToken (false); bConditionSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( token ) != 0; }
printf("Condition 'iffileexists' for input '%s' is %s.\n", token, bConditionSuccess ? "True" : "False" ); } else { Error ("Unknown $include parameter %s\n",token); } }
printf("%s: %s\n", bConditionSuccess ? "Including" : "SKIPPING", szSavedPath ); if ( bConditionSuccess ) AddScriptToStack( szSavedPath ); }
============== GetToken ============== */ qboolean GetToken (qboolean crossline) { char *token_p;
if (tokenready) // is a token allready waiting?
{ tokenready = false; return true; }
// printf("script_p %x (%x)\n", script->script_p, script->end_p ); fflush( stdout );
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) { return EndOfScript (crossline); }
tokenready = false;
// skip space, ctrl chars
skipspace: while (*script->script_p <= 32) { if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) { return EndOfScript (crossline); } if (*(script->script_p++) == '\n') { if (!crossline) { Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); } scriptline = ++script->line; } }
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) { return EndOfScript (crossline); }
// strip single line comments
if (*script->script_p == ';' || *script->script_p == '#' || // semicolon and # is comment field
(*script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p)+1) == '/')) // also make // a comment field
{ if (!crossline) Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); while (*script->script_p++ != '\n') { if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) { return EndOfScript (crossline); } } scriptline = ++script->line; goto skipspace; }
// strip out matching /* */ comments
if (*script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p)+1) == '*') { script->script_p += 2; while (*script->script_p != '*' || *((script->script_p)+1) != '/') { if (*script->script_p++ != '\n') { if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) { return EndOfScript (crossline); }
scriptline = ++script->line; } } script->script_p += 2; goto skipspace; }
// copy token to buffer
token_p = token;
if (*script->script_p == '"') { // quoted token
script->script_p++; while (*script->script_p != '"') { *token_p++ = *script->script_p++; if (script->script_p == script->end_p) break; if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline); } script->script_p++; } else // regular token
while ( *script->script_p > 32 && *script->script_p != ';') { if ( !ExpandMacroToken( token_p ) ) { if ( !ExpandVariableToken( token_p ) ) { *token_p++ = *script->script_p++; if (script->script_p == script->end_p) break; if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
} } }
// add null to end of token
*token_p = 0;
// quick hack: check for submacro variables
char *token_submacro = token; if ( ExpandSubMacroToken(token_submacro) ) { return true; }
// check for other commands
if (!stricmp (token, "$include")) { AttemptConditionalInclude(); return GetToken (crossline); } else if (!stricmp (token, "$definemacro")) { GetToken (false); DefineMacro(token); return GetToken (crossline); } else if (!stricmp (token, "$definevariable")) { GetToken (false); DefineVariable(token); return GetToken (crossline); } else if (!stricmp (token, "$redefinevariable")) { GetToken (false); RedefineVariable(token); return GetToken (crossline); } else if (AddMacroToStack( token )) { return GetToken (crossline); }
return true; }
============== GetExprToken - use C mathematical operator parsing rules to split tokens instead of whitespace ============== */ qboolean GetExprToken (qboolean crossline) { char *token_p;
if (tokenready) // is a token allready waiting?
{ tokenready = false; return true; }
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) return EndOfScript (crossline);
tokenready = false;
// skip space
skipspace: while (*script->script_p <= 32) { if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) return EndOfScript (crossline); if (*script->script_p++ == '\n') { if (!crossline) Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); scriptline = ++script->line; } }
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) return EndOfScript (crossline);
if (*script->script_p == ';' || *script->script_p == '#' || // semicolon and # is comment field
(*script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p)+1) == '/')) // also make // a comment field
{ if (!crossline) Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); while (*script->script_p++ != '\n') if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) return EndOfScript (crossline); goto skipspace; }
// copy token
token_p = token;
if (*script->script_p == '"') { // quoted token
script->script_p++; while (*script->script_p != '"') { *token_p++ = *script->script_p++; if (script->script_p == script->end_p) break; if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline); } script->script_p++; } else { if ( V_isalpha( *script->script_p ) || *script->script_p == '_' ) { // regular token
while ( V_isalnum( *script->script_p ) || *script->script_p == '_' ) { *token_p++ = *script->script_p++; if (script->script_p == script->end_p) break; if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline); } } else if ( V_isdigit( *script->script_p ) || *script->script_p == '.' ) { // regular token
while ( V_isdigit( *script->script_p ) || *script->script_p == '.' ) { *token_p++ = *script->script_p++; if (script->script_p == script->end_p) break; if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN]) Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline); } } else { // single char
*token_p++ = *script->script_p++; } }
*token_p = 0;
if (!stricmp (token, "$include")) { AttemptConditionalInclude(); return GetToken (crossline); }
return true; }
============== TokenAvailable
Returns true if there is another token on the line ============== */ qboolean TokenAvailable (void) { char *search_p;
if (tokenready) // is a token allready waiting?
{ return true; }
search_p = script->script_p;
if (search_p >= script->end_p) return false;
while ( *search_p <= 32) { if (*search_p == '\n') return false; search_p++; if (search_p == script->end_p) return false;
if (*search_p == ';' || *search_p == '#' || // semicolon and # is comment field
(*search_p == '/' && *((search_p)+1) == '/')) // also make // a comment field
return false;
return true; }
qboolean GetTokenizerStatus( char **pFilename, int *pLine ) { // is this the default state?
if (!script) return false;
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p) return false;
if (pFilename) { *pFilename = script->filename; } if (pLine) { *pLine = script->line; } return true; }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
class CScriptLib : public IScriptLib { public: virtual bool ReadFileToBuffer( const char *pSourceName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, bool bText = false, bool bNoOpenFailureWarning = false ); virtual bool WriteBufferToFile( const char *pTargetName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, DiskWriteMode_t writeMode ); virtual int FindFiles( char* pFileMask, bool bRecurse, CUtlVector<fileList_t> &fileList ); virtual char *MakeTemporaryFilename( char const *pchModPath, char *pPath, int pathSize ); virtual void DeleteTemporaryFiles( const char *pFileMask ); virtual int CompareFileTime( const char *pFilenameA, const char *pFilenameB ); virtual bool DoesFileExist( const char *pFilename );
int GetFileList( const char* pDirPath, const char* pPattern, CUtlVector< fileList_t > &fileList ); void RecurseFileTree_r( const char* pDirPath, int depth, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &dirList ); };
static CScriptLib g_ScriptLib; IScriptLib *scriptlib = &g_ScriptLib; IScriptLib *g_pScriptLib = &g_ScriptLib;
// Existence check
bool CScriptLib::DoesFileExist( const char *pFilename ) { return g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFilename ); }
// Purpose: Helper utility, read file into buffer
bool CScriptLib::ReadFileToBuffer( const char *pSourceName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, bool bText, bool bNoOpenFailureWarning ) { bool bSuccess = true;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pSourceName, NULL, buffer ) ) { if ( !bNoOpenFailureWarning ) { Msg( "ReadFileToBuffer(): Error opening %s: %s\n", pSourceName, strerror( errno ) ); } return false; }
if ( bText ) { // force it into text mode
buffer.SetBufferType( true, true ); } else { buffer.SetBufferType( false, false ); }
return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: Helper utility, Write buffer to file
bool CScriptLib::WriteBufferToFile( const char *pTargetName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, DiskWriteMode_t writeMode ) { char* ptr; char dirPath[MAX_PATH];
bool bSuccess = true;
// create path
// prime and skip to first seperator
strcpy( dirPath, pTargetName ); ptr = strchr( dirPath, '\\' ); while ( ptr ) { ptr = strchr( ptr+1, '\\' ); if ( ptr ) { *ptr = '\0'; _mkdir( dirPath ); *ptr = '\\'; } }
bool bDoWrite = false; if ( writeMode == WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS ) { bDoWrite = true; } else if ( writeMode == WRITE_TO_DISK_UPDATE ) { if ( DoesFileExist( pTargetName ) ) { bDoWrite = true; } }
if ( bDoWrite ) { bSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pTargetName, NULL, buffer ); }
return bSuccess; }
// Returns -1, 0, or 1.
int CScriptLib::CompareFileTime( const char *pFilenameA, const char *pFilenameB ) { int timeA = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime( (char *)pFilenameA ); int timeB = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime( (char *)pFilenameB );
if ( timeA == -1) { // file a not exist
timeA = 0; } if ( timeB == -1 ) { // file b not exist
timeB = 0; }
if ( (unsigned int)timeA < (unsigned int)timeB ) { return -1; } else if ( (unsigned int)timeA > (unsigned int)timeB ) { return 1; }
return 0; }
// Make a temporary filename
char *CScriptLib::MakeTemporaryFilename( char const *pchModPath, char *pPath, int pathSize ) { char *pBuffer = _tempnam( pchModPath, "mgd_" ); if ( pBuffer[0] == '\\' ) { pBuffer++; } if ( pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] == '.' ) { pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] = '\0'; } V_snprintf( pPath, pathSize, "%s.tmp", pBuffer );
free( pBuffer );
return pPath; }
// Delete temporary files
void CScriptLib::DeleteTemporaryFiles( const char *pFileMask ) { #if !defined( _X360 )
const char *pEnv = getenv( "temp" ); if ( !pEnv ) { pEnv = getenv( "tmp" ); }
if ( pEnv ) { char tempPath[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( tempPath, pEnv ); V_AppendSlash( tempPath, sizeof( tempPath ) ); strcat( tempPath, pFileMask );
CUtlVector<fileList_t> fileList; FindFiles( tempPath, false, fileList ); for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ ) { _unlink( fileList[i].fileName.String() ); } } #else
AssertOnce( !"CScriptLib::DeleteTemporaryFiles: Not avail on 360\n" ); #endif
// Purpose: Get list of files from current path that match pattern
int CScriptLib::GetFileList( const char* pDirPath, const char* pPattern, CUtlVector< fileList_t > &fileList ) { char sourcePath[MAX_PATH]; char fullPath[MAX_PATH]; bool bFindDirs;
strcpy( sourcePath, pDirPath ); int len = (int)strlen( sourcePath ); if ( !len ) { strcpy( sourcePath, ".\\" ); } else if ( sourcePath[len-1] != '\\' ) { sourcePath[len] = '\\'; sourcePath[len+1] = '\0'; }
strcpy( fullPath, sourcePath ); if ( pPattern[0] == '\\' && pPattern[1] == '\0' ) { // find directories only
bFindDirs = true; strcat( fullPath, "*" ); } else { // find files, use provided pattern
bFindDirs = false; strcat( fullPath, pPattern ); }
#ifdef WIN32
struct _finddata_t findData; intptr_t h = _findfirst( fullPath, &findData ); if ( h == -1 ) { return 0; }
do { // dos attribute complexities i.e. _A_NORMAL is 0
if ( bFindDirs ) { // skip non dirs
if ( !( findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR ) ) continue; } else { // skip dirs
if ( findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR ) continue; }
if ( !stricmp( findData.name, "." ) ) continue;
if ( !stricmp( findData.name, ".." ) ) continue;
char fileName[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( fileName, sourcePath ); strcat( fileName, findData.name );
int j = fileList.AddToTail(); fileList[j].fileName.Set( fileName ); fileList[j].timeWrite = findData.time_write; } while ( !_findnext( h, &findData ) );
_findclose( h ); #elif defined(POSIX)
FIND_DATA findData; Q_FixSlashes( fullPath ); void *h = FindFirstFile( fullPath, &findData ); if ( (intp)h == -1 ) { return 0; }
do { // dos attribute complexities i.e. _A_NORMAL is 0
if ( bFindDirs ) { // skip non dirs
if ( !( findData.dwFileAttributes & S_IFDIR ) ) continue; } else { // skip dirs
if ( findData.dwFileAttributes & S_IFDIR ) continue; }
if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, "." ) ) continue;
if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, ".." ) ) continue;
char fileName[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( fileName, sourcePath ); strcat( fileName, findData.cFileName );
int j = fileList.AddToTail(); fileList[j].fileName.Set( fileName ); struct stat statbuf; if ( stat( fileName, &statbuf ) ) #ifdef LINUX
fileList[j].timeWrite = statbuf.st_mtime; #else
fileList[j].timeWrite = statbuf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; #endif
else fileList[j].timeWrite = 0; } while ( !FindNextFile( h, &findData ) );
FindClose( h );
return fileList.Count(); }
// Purpose: Recursively determine directory tree
void CScriptLib::RecurseFileTree_r( const char* pDirPath, int depth, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &dirList ) { // recurse from source directory, get directories only
CUtlVector< fileList_t > fileList; int dirCount = GetFileList( pDirPath, "\\", fileList ); if ( !dirCount ) { // add directory name to search tree
int j = dirList.AddToTail(); dirList[j].Set( pDirPath ); return; }
for ( int i=0; i<dirCount; i++ ) { // form new path name, recurse into
RecurseFileTree_r( fileList[i].fileName.String(), depth+1, dirList ); }
int j = dirList.AddToTail(); dirList[j].Set( pDirPath ); }
// Purpose: Generate a list of file matching mask
int CScriptLib::FindFiles( char* pFileMask, bool bRecurse, CUtlVector<fileList_t> &fileList ) { char dirPath[MAX_PATH]; char pattern[MAX_PATH]; char extension[MAX_PATH];
// get path only
strcpy( dirPath, pFileMask ); V_StripFilename( dirPath );
// get pattern only
V_FileBase( pFileMask, pattern, sizeof( pattern ) ); V_ExtractFileExtension( pFileMask, extension, sizeof( extension ) ); if ( extension[0] ) { strcat( pattern, "." ); strcat( pattern, extension ); }
if ( !bRecurse ) { GetFileList( dirPath, pattern, fileList ); } else { // recurse and get the tree
CUtlVector< fileList_t > tempList; CUtlVector< CUtlString > dirList; RecurseFileTree_r( dirPath, 0, dirList ); for ( int i=0; i<dirList.Count(); i++ ) { // iterate each directory found
tempList.Purge(); tempList.EnsureCapacity( dirList.Count() );
GetFileList( dirList[i].String(), pattern, tempList );
int start = fileList.AddMultipleToTail( tempList.Count() ); for ( int j=0; j<tempList.Count(); j++ ) { fileList[start+j] = tempList[j]; } } }
return fileList.Count(); }