//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "utilmatlib.h"
#include "physdll.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "materialpatch.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
void LoadSurfaceProperties( void );
IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprops = NULL;
int nummiptex; textureref_t textureref[MAX_MAP_TEXTURES];
bool g_bHasWater = false;
extern qboolean onlyents;
dtexdata_t *GetTexData( int index ) { if ( index < 0 ) return NULL; Assert( !onlyents ); return &dtexdata[ index ]; }
static qboolean StringIsTrue( const char *str ) { if( Q_strcasecmp( str, "true" ) == 0 ) { return true; } if( Q_strcasecmp( str, "1" ) == 0 ) { return true; } return false; }
int FindMiptex (const char *name) { int i; MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID; const char *propVal, *propVal2; int opacity; bool found; for (i=0 ; i<nummiptex ; i++) { if (!strcmp (name, textureref[i].name)) { return i; } } if (nummiptex == MAX_MAP_TEXTURES) Error ("Too many unique textures, max %d", MAX_MAP_TEXTURES); strcpy (textureref[i].name, name);
textureref[i].lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel = 0.0f; textureref[i].flags = 0; textureref[i].contents = 0;
matID = FindOriginalMaterial( name, &found ); if( matID == MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND ) { return 0; }
if (!found) Warning("Material not found!: %s\n", name );
// can't have portals
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%noPortal" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOPORTAL; }
// can't have paint
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%noPaint" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOPAINT; } // handle sky
if( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileSky" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_SKY | SURF_NOLIGHT; } else if( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compile2DSky" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_SKY | SURF_SKY2D | SURF_NOLIGHT; } // handle hint brushes
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileHint" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT | SURF_HINT; } // handle skip faces
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileSkip" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT | SURF_SKIP; } // handle origin brushes
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileOrigin" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_ORIGIN | CONTENTS_DETAIL; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; } // handle clip brushes
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileClip" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; } else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%playerClip" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; } // handle npc clip brushes
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNpcClip" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; } // handle surface lights which are meant to
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNoChop" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOCHOP; } // handle triggers
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileTrigger" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= ( SURF_NOLIGHT | SURF_TRIGGER ); if ( g_NodrawTriggers ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW; } } // handle nolight surfs (except water)
else if ( (( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNoLight" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal )) && !(( propVal2 = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileWater" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal2 ) ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOLIGHT; } // Handle grenade clip.
else if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compilegrenadeclip" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_DETAIL; textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_GRENADECLIP; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; } else { // HANDLE ALL OF THE STUFF THAT IS RENDERED WITH THE MATERIAL THAT IS ON IT.
// Handle ladders.
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileLadder" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_LADDER; }
// Handle team-specific textures.
if ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileTeam" ) ) { int val = atoi( propVal ); if ( val == 1 ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_TEAM1; } else if ( val == 2 ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_TEAM2; } }
// Handle hot surfaces (ice won't stick to them). We're piggybacking on SURF_NOPORTAL for now.
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%hotSurface" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOPORTAL; }
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compilePassBullets" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { // change contents to grate, so bullets pass through
// NOTE: This has effects on visibility too!
textureref[i].contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_GRATE; }
if( g_BumpAll || GetMaterialShaderPropertyBool( matID, UTILMATLIB_NEEDS_BUMPED_LIGHTMAPS ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_BUMPLIGHT; } if( GetMaterialShaderPropertyBool( matID, UTILMATLIB_NEEDS_LIGHTMAP ) ) { textureref[i].flags &= ~SURF_NOLIGHT; } else if( !g_bLightIfMissing ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOLIGHT; } // handle nodraw faces/brushes
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNoDraw" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { // textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_DETAIL;
textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; }
// Just a combination of nodraw + pass bullets, makes things easier
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileInvisible" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { // change contents to grate, so bullets pass through
// NOTE: This has effects on visibility too!
textureref[i].contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_GRATE; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODRAW | SURF_NOLIGHT; }
bool checkWindow = true; // handle non solid
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNonsolid" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents = CONTENTS_OPAQUE; // Non-Solid can't be a window either!
checkWindow = false; } // handle block LOS
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileBlockLOS" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents = CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS;
// BlockLOS can't be a window either!
checkWindow = false; }
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileDetail" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_DETAIL; }
bool bKeepLighting = ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileKeepLight" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) );
// handle materials that want to be treated as water.
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileWater" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents &= ~(CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_DETAIL); textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_WATER; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_WARP | SURF_NOSHADOWS | SURF_NODECALS;
if ( g_DisableWaterLighting && !bKeepLighting ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOLIGHT; }
// Set this so that we can check at the end of the process the presence of a a WaterLODControl entity.
g_bHasWater = true; }
// handle materials that want to be treated as water.
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileNoShadows" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOSHADOWS; }
const char *pShaderName = GetMaterialShaderName(matID); if ( !Q_strncasecmp( pShaderName, "UnlitGeneric", 12 ) ) { //if ( !(textureref[i].flags & SURF_NOLIGHT) )
// Warning("Forcing lit materal %s to nolight\n", name );
textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NOLIGHT; }
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileSlime" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) ) { textureref[i].contents &= ~(CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_DETAIL); textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_SLIME; textureref[i].flags |= SURF_NODECALS; // Set this so that we can check at the end of the process the presence of a a WaterLODControl entity.
g_bHasWater = true; } opacity = GetMaterialShaderPropertyInt( matID, UTILMATLIB_OPACITY ); if ( checkWindow && opacity != UTILMATLIB_OPAQUE ) { // transparent *and solid* brushes that aren't grates or water must be windows
if ( !(textureref[i].contents & (CONTENTS_GRATE|CONTENTS_WATER)) ) { textureref[i].contents |= CONTENTS_WINDOW; }
textureref[i].contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; // this affects engine primitive sorting, SURF_TRANS means sort as a translucent primitive
if ( opacity == UTILMATLIB_TRANSLUCENT ) { textureref[i].flags |= SURF_TRANS; } } if ( textureref[i].flags & SURF_NOLIGHT ) { textureref[i].flags &= ~SURF_BUMPLIGHT; } }
return i; }
================== textureAxisFromPlane ================== */ Vector baseaxis[18] = { Vector(0,0,1), Vector(1,0,0), Vector(0,-1,0), // floor
Vector(0,0,-1), Vector(1,0,0), Vector(0,-1,0), // ceiling
Vector(1,0,0), Vector(0,1,0), Vector(0,0,-1), // west wall
Vector(-1,0,0), Vector(0,1,0), Vector(0,0,-1), // east wall
Vector(0,1,0), Vector(1,0,0), Vector(0,0,-1), // south wall
Vector(0,-1,0), Vector(1,0,0), Vector(0,0,-1) // north wall
void TextureAxisFromPlane(plane_t *pln, Vector& xv, Vector& yv) { int bestaxis; vec_t dot,best; int i; best = 0; bestaxis = 0; for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) { dot = DotProduct (pln->normal, baseaxis[i*3]); if (dot > best) { best = dot; bestaxis = i; } } VectorCopy (baseaxis[bestaxis*3+1], xv); VectorCopy (baseaxis[bestaxis*3+2], yv); }
int g_SurfaceProperties[MAX_MAP_TEXDATA];
int GetSurfaceProperties( MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID, const char *pMatName ) { const char *pPropString = NULL; int surfaceIndex = -1;
if ( physprops ) { pPropString = GetMaterialVar( matID, "$surfaceprop" ); if ( pPropString ) { surfaceIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pPropString ); if ( surfaceIndex < 0 ) { Msg("Can't find surfaceprop %s for material %s, using default\n", pPropString, pMatName ); surfaceIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pPropString ); surfaceIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ); } } }
return surfaceIndex; }
int GetSurfaceProperties2( MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID, const char *pMatName, const char *pVarName ) { const char *pPropString = NULL; int surfaceIndex = -1;
if ( physprops ) { pPropString = GetMaterialVar( matID, pVarName ); if ( pPropString ) { surfaceIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pPropString ); if ( surfaceIndex < 0 ) { Msg("Can't find %s %s for material %s, using default\n", pVarName, pPropString, pMatName ); surfaceIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ); } } else { // No surface property 2.
return -1; } }
return surfaceIndex; }
// Purpose: Finds or adds a texdata for the specified name ( same as below except
// instead of finding the named texture, copies the settings from the passed
// in sourceTexture. )
// Used for creation of one off .vmt files for water surface textures
// Input : *pName - texture name
// Output : int index into dtexdata array
int FindAliasedTexData( const char *pName_, dtexdata_t *sourceTexture ) { char *pName = ( char * )_alloca( strlen( pName_ ) + 1 ); strcpy( pName, pName_ ); strlwr( pName ); int i, output; bool found; dtexdata_t *pTexData; MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID;
for ( i = 0; i < numtexdata; i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( pName, TexDataStringTable_GetString( GetTexData( i )->nameStringTableID ) ) ) return i; }
output = numtexdata; if ( numtexdata >= MAX_MAP_TEXDATA ) { Error( "Too many unique texture mappings, max = %d\n", MAX_MAP_TEXDATA ); } pTexData = GetTexData( output ); numtexdata++;
// Save the name of the material.
pTexData->nameStringTableID = TexDataStringTable_AddOrFindString( pName );
// Get the width, height, view_width, view_height, and reflectivity from the material system.
matID = FindOriginalMaterial( TexDataStringTable_GetString( sourceTexture->nameStringTableID ), &found, false ); if( matID == MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND || (!found) ) { qprintf( "WARNING: material not found: \"%s\"\n", pName ); return -1; }
GetMaterialDimensions( matID, &pTexData->width, &pTexData->height ); pTexData->view_width = pTexData->width; // undone: what is this?
pTexData->view_height = pTexData->height; // undone: what is this?
GetMaterialReflectivity( matID, pTexData->reflectivity.Base() ); g_SurfaceProperties[output] = GetSurfaceProperties( matID, pName );
return output; }
// Finds a texdata for the specified name, returns -1 if not found
int FindTexData( const char *pName ) { // Make sure the texdata doesn't already exist.
for( int i = 0; i < numtexdata; i++ ) { char const *pTexDataName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( GetTexData( i )->nameStringTableID ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pTexDataName, pName ) ) return i; } return -1; }
// Purpose: Finds or adds a texdata for the specified name
// Input : *pName - texture name
// Output : int index into dtexdata array
int FindOrCreateTexData( const char *pName_ ) { char *pName = ( char * )_alloca( strlen( pName_ ) + 1 ); strcpy( pName, pName_ );
int nOutput = FindTexData( pName ); if ( nOutput >= 0 ) return nOutput;
// Didn't find it, add a new one
nOutput = numtexdata; if ( numtexdata >= MAX_MAP_TEXDATA ) { Error( "Too many unique texture mappings, max = %d\n", MAX_MAP_TEXDATA ); } dtexdata_t *pTexData = GetTexData( nOutput ); numtexdata++;
// Save the name of the material.
pTexData->nameStringTableID = TexDataStringTable_AddOrFindString( pName );
// Get the width, height, view_width, view_height, and reflectivity from the material system.
bool bFound; MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID = FindOriginalMaterial( pName, &bFound ); if ( matID == MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND || (!bFound) ) { qprintf( "WARNING: material not found: \"%s\"\n", pName ); return nOutput; }
GetMaterialDimensions( matID, &pTexData->width, &pTexData->height ); pTexData->view_width = pTexData->width; // undone: what is this?
pTexData->view_height = pTexData->height; // undone: what is this?
GetMaterialReflectivity( matID, pTexData->reflectivity.Base() ); g_SurfaceProperties[nOutput] = GetSurfaceProperties( matID, pName );
#if 0
Msg( "reflectivity: %f %f %f\n", pTexData->reflectivity[0], pTexData->reflectivity[1], pTexData->reflectivity[2] ); #endif
return nOutput; }
int AddCloneTexData( dtexdata_t *pExistingTexData, char const *cloneTexDataName ) { int existingIndex = pExistingTexData - GetTexData( 0 ); dtexdata_t *pNewTexData = GetTexData( numtexdata ); int newIndex = numtexdata; numtexdata++;
*pNewTexData = *pExistingTexData; pNewTexData->nameStringTableID = TexDataStringTable_AddOrFindString( cloneTexDataName ); g_SurfaceProperties[newIndex] = g_SurfaceProperties[existingIndex];
return newIndex; }
// Finds a texinfo that exactly matches the passed in texinfo
int FindTexInfo( const texinfo_t &searchTexInfo ) { for( int i = 0; i < texinfo.Count(); i++ ) { // Just an early-out for performance
if ( texinfo[i].texdata != searchTexInfo.texdata ) continue;
if ( !memcmp( &texinfo[i], &searchTexInfo, sizeof( texinfo_t ) ) ) return i; }
return -1; }
// Finds or creates a texinfo that exactly matches the passed in texinfo
int FindOrCreateTexInfo( const texinfo_t &searchTexInfo ) { int i = FindTexInfo( searchTexInfo ); if ( i >= 0 ) return i;
i = texinfo.AddToTail( searchTexInfo );
if ( onlyents ) { Error( "FindOrCreateTexInfo: Tried to create new texinfo during -onlyents compile!\nMust compile without -onlyents" ); }
return i; }
int TexinfoForBrushTexture (plane_t *plane, brush_texture_t *bt, const Vector& origin) { Vector vecs[2]; int sv, tv; vec_t ang, sinv, cosv; vec_t ns, nt; texinfo_t tx; int i, j;
if (!bt->name[0]) return 0;
memset (&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));
// HLTOOLS - add support for texture vectors stored in the map file
if (g_nMapFileVersion < 220) { TextureAxisFromPlane(plane, vecs[0], vecs[1]); }
if (!bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0]) bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0] = 1; if (!bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1]) bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1] = 1;
float shiftScaleU = 1.0f / 16.0f; float shiftScaleV = 1.0f / 16.0f;
if (g_nMapFileVersion < 220) { // rotate axis
if (bt->rotate == 0) { sinv = 0 ; cosv = 1; } else if (bt->rotate == 90) { sinv = 1 ; cosv = 0; } else if (bt->rotate == 180) { sinv = 0 ; cosv = -1; } else if (bt->rotate == 270) { sinv = -1 ; cosv = 0; } else { ang = bt->rotate / 180 * M_PI; sinv = sin(ang); cosv = cos(ang); }
if (vecs[0][0]) sv = 0; else if (vecs[0][1]) sv = 1; else sv = 2; if (vecs[1][0]) tv = 0; else if (vecs[1][1]) tv = 1; else tv = 2; for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { ns = cosv * vecs[i][sv] - sinv * vecs[i][tv]; nt = sinv * vecs[i][sv] + cosv * vecs[i][tv]; vecs[i][sv] = ns; vecs[i][tv] = nt; }
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[i][j] = vecs[i][j] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[i]; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[i][j] = tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[i][j] / 16.0f; } } } else { tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0][0] = bt->UAxis[0] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0]; tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0][1] = bt->UAxis[1] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0]; tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0][2] = bt->UAxis[2] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0];
tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1][0] = bt->VAxis[0] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1]; tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1][1] = bt->VAxis[1] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1]; tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1][2] = bt->VAxis[2] / bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1];
tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0][0] = bt->UAxis[0] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0][1] = bt->UAxis[1] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0][2] = bt->UAxis[2] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1][0] = bt->VAxis[0] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1][1] = bt->VAxis[1] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1][2] = bt->VAxis[2] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel;
shiftScaleU = bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; shiftScaleV = bt->textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1] / bt->lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel; }
tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0][3] = bt->shift[0] + DOT_PRODUCT( origin, tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[0] ); tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1][3] = bt->shift[1] + DOT_PRODUCT( origin, tx.textureVecsTexelsPerWorldUnits[1] ); tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0][3] = shiftScaleU * bt->shift[0] + DOT_PRODUCT( origin, tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0] ); tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1][3] = shiftScaleV * bt->shift[1] + DOT_PRODUCT( origin, tx.lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1] ); tx.flags = bt->flags; tx.texdata = FindOrCreateTexData( bt->name );
// find the texinfo
return FindOrCreateTexInfo( tx ); }
void LoadSurfacePropFile( const char *pMaterialFilename ) { FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( pMaterialFilename, "rb" );
if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { return; }
int len = g_pFileSystem->Size( fp );
char *pText = new char[len]; g_pFileSystem->Read( pText, len, fp ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fp );
physprops->ParseSurfaceData( pMaterialFilename, pText );
delete[] pText; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Loads the surface properties database into the physics DLL
void LoadSurfaceProperties( void ) { CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory = GetPhysicsFactory(); if ( !physicsFactory ) return;
physprops = (IPhysicsSurfaceProps *)physicsFactory( VPHYSICS_SURFACEPROPS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
const char *SURFACEPROP_MANIFEST_FILE = "scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt"; KeyValues *manifest = new KeyValues( SURFACEPROP_MANIFEST_FILE ); if ( manifest->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, SURFACEPROP_MANIFEST_FILE, "GAME" ) ) { for ( KeyValues *sub = manifest->GetFirstSubKey(); sub != NULL; sub = sub->GetNextKey() ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "file" ) ) { // Add
LoadSurfacePropFile( sub->GetString() ); continue; } } }
manifest->deleteThis(); }