//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============//
// Purpose: Common location for hard-coded knowledge about module
// bundles, such as tier2_bundle and tier3_bundle.
#include "bundled_module_info.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
static const char * const s_pTier2BundleModules[] = { "filesystem_stdio", "imemanager", "inputsystem", "localize", "materialsystem2", "networksystem", "resourcesystem", "schemasystem", "soundsystem", };
static const char * const s_pTier3BundleModules[] = { "animationsystem", "meshsystem", "particles", "renderingpipelines", "scenesystem", "worldrenderer", };
static bool FindBundledModuleName( const char *pCheck, const char * const *pTable, int nTable ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nTable; i++ ) { if ( V_stricmp_fast( pCheck, pTable[i] ) == 0 ) { return true; } }
return false; }
const char *RemapBundledModuleName( const char *pModuleName ) { static bool s_bCheckedCmd; // Default to using bundles.
static bool s_bNoTier2Bundle = true; static bool s_bNoTier3Bundle = true; static const char *s_pNoBundleModule;
if ( !s_bCheckedCmd ) { if ( Plat_GetEnv( "SOURCE2_USE_BUNDLES" ) != NULL ) { s_bNoTier2Bundle = false; s_bNoTier3Bundle = false; }
if ( Plat_GetEnv( "SOURCE2_NO_BUNDLES" ) != NULL ) { s_bNoTier2Bundle = true; s_bNoTier3Bundle = true; } if ( CommandLine()->HasParm( "-use_tier2_bundle" ) ) { s_bNoTier2Bundle = false; } if ( CommandLine()->HasParm( "-use_tier3_bundle" ) ) { s_bNoTier3Bundle = false; } if ( CommandLine()->HasParm( "-no_tier2_bundle" ) ) { s_bNoTier2Bundle = true; } if ( CommandLine()->HasParm( "-no_tier3_bundle" ) ) { s_bNoTier3Bundle = true; } s_pNoBundleModule = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-no_bundle_module", "" ); s_bCheckedCmd = true; }
if ( s_pNoBundleModule && s_pNoBundleModule[0] && V_stricmp_fast( pModuleName, s_pNoBundleModule ) == 0 ) { return pModuleName; } if ( !s_bNoTier2Bundle && FindBundledModuleName( pModuleName, s_pTier2BundleModules, ARRAYSIZE( s_pTier2BundleModules ) ) ) { return "tier2_bundle"; }
if ( !s_bNoTier3Bundle && FindBundledModuleName( pModuleName, s_pTier3BundleModules, ARRAYSIZE( s_pTier3BundleModules ) ) ) { return "tier3_bundle"; }
return pModuleName; }