//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
#include "server_class.h"
#include "client_class.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "dt_localtransfer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CLocalNetworkBackdoor *g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor = NULL;
// This is called
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::InitFastCopy() { if ( !GetBaseLocalClient().m_NetChannel->IsLoopback() ) return;
const CStandardSendProxies *pSendProxies = serverGameDLL->GetStandardSendProxies(); const CStandardRecvProxies *pRecvProxies = g_ClientDLL->GetStandardRecvProxies();
int nFastCopyProps = 0; int nSlowCopyProps = 0;
for ( int iClass=0; iClass < GetBaseLocalClient().m_nServerClasses; iClass++ ) { ClientClass *pClientClass = GetBaseLocalClient().GetClientClass(iClass); if ( !pClientClass ) Error( "InitFastCopy - missing client class %d (Should be equivelent of server class: %s)", iClass, GetBaseLocalClient().m_pServerClasses[iClass].m_ClassName );
ServerClass *pServerClass = SV_FindServerClass( pClientClass->GetName() ); if ( !pServerClass ) Error( "InitFastCopy - missing server class %s", pClientClass->GetName() );
LocalTransfer_InitFastCopy( pServerClass->m_pTable, pSendProxies, pClientClass->m_pRecvTable, pRecvProxies, nSlowCopyProps, nFastCopyProps ); }
int percentFast = (nFastCopyProps * 100 ) / (nSlowCopyProps + nFastCopyProps + 1); if ( percentFast <= 45 ) { // This may not be a real problem, but at the time this code was added, 67% of the
// properties were able to be copied without proxies. If percentFast goes to 0 or some
// really low number suddenly, then something probably got screwed up.
Assert( false ); Warning( "InitFastCopy: only %d%% fast props. Bug?\n", percentFast ); } } #endif //DEDICATED
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::StartEntityStateUpdate() { m_EntsAlive.ClearAll(); m_nEntsCreated = 0; m_nEntsChanged = 0;
// signal client that we start updating entities
ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_START ); }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::EndEntityStateUpdate() { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_POSTDATAUPDATE_START );
// Handle entities created.
int i; for ( i=0; i < m_nEntsCreated; i++ ) { int iEdict = m_EntsCreatedIndices[i]; CCachedEntState *pCached = &m_CachedEntState[iEdict]; IClientNetworkable *pNet = pCached->m_pNetworkable;
pNet->PostDataUpdate( DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ); pNet->NotifyShouldTransmit( SHOULDTRANSMIT_START ); pCached->m_bDormant = false; }
// Handle entities changed.
for ( i=0; i < m_nEntsChanged; i++ ) { int iEdict = m_EntsChangedIndices[i]; m_CachedEntState[iEdict].m_pNetworkable->PostDataUpdate( DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED ); }
// Handle entities removed (= SV_WriteDeletions() in normal mode)
int nDWords = m_PrevEntsAlive.GetNumDWords();
// Handle entities removed.
for ( i=0; i < nDWords; i++ ) { unsigned long prevEntsAlive = m_PrevEntsAlive.GetDWord( i ); unsigned long entsAlive = m_EntsAlive.GetDWord( i ); unsigned long toDelete = (prevEntsAlive ^ entsAlive) & prevEntsAlive;
if ( toDelete ) { for ( int iBit=0; iBit < 32; iBit++ ) { if ( toDelete & (1 << iBit) ) { int iEdict = (i<<5) + iBit; if ( iEdict < MAX_EDICTS ) { if ( m_CachedEntState[iEdict].m_pNetworkable ) { m_CachedEntState[iEdict].m_pNetworkable->Release(); m_CachedEntState[iEdict].m_pNetworkable = NULL; } else { AssertOnce( !"EndEntityStateUpdate: Would have crashed with NULL m_pNetworkable\n" ); } } else { AssertOnce( !"EndEntityStateUpdate: Would have crashed with entity out of range\n" ); } } } } }
// Remember the previous state of which entities were around.
m_PrevEntsAlive = m_EntsAlive;
// end of all entity update activity
ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_END );
#ifdef _DEBUG
for ( i=0; i <= highest_index; i++ ) { if ( !( m_EntsAlive[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31)) ) ) Assert( !m_CachedEntState[i].m_pNetworkable );
if ( ( m_EntsAlive[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31)) ) && ( m_EntsCreated[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31)) ) ) { Assert( FindInList( m_EntsCreatedIndices, m_nEntsCreated, i ) ); }
if ( (m_EntsAlive[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31))) && !(m_EntsCreated[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31))) && (m_EntsChanged[i>>5] & (1 << (i & 31))) ) { Assert( FindInList( m_EntsChangedIndices, m_nEntsChanged, i ) ); } } #endif
*/ }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::EntityDormant( int iEnt, int iSerialNum ) { CCachedEntState *pCached = &m_CachedEntState[iEnt];
IClientNetworkable *pNet = pCached->m_pNetworkable; Assert( pNet == entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( iEnt ) ); if ( pNet ) { Assert( pCached->m_iSerialNumber == pNet->GetIClientUnknown()->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber() ); if ( pCached->m_iSerialNumber == iSerialNum ) { m_EntsAlive.Set( iEnt );
// Tell the game code that this guy is now dormant.
Assert( pCached->m_bDormant == pNet->IsDormant() ); if ( !pCached->m_bDormant ) { pNet->NotifyShouldTransmit( SHOULDTRANSMIT_END ); pCached->m_bDormant = true; } } else { pNet->Release(); pCached->m_pNetworkable = NULL; m_PrevEntsAlive.Clear( iEnt ); } } }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::AddToPendingDormantEntityList( unsigned short iEdict ) { edict_t *e = &sv.edicts[iEdict]; if ( !( e->m_fStateFlags & FL_EDICT_PENDING_DORMANT_CHECK ) ) { e->m_fStateFlags |= FL_EDICT_PENDING_DORMANT_CHECK; m_PendingDormantEntities.AddToTail( iEdict ); } }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::ProcessDormantEntities() { FOR_EACH_LL( m_PendingDormantEntities, i ) { int iEdict = m_PendingDormantEntities[i]; edict_t *e = &sv.edicts[iEdict];
// Make sure the entity still exists and stil has the dontsend flag set.
if ( e->IsFree() || !(e->m_fStateFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND) ) { e->m_fStateFlags &= ~FL_EDICT_PENDING_DORMANT_CHECK; continue; }
EntityDormant( iEdict, e->m_NetworkSerialNumber ); e->m_fStateFlags &= ~FL_EDICT_PENDING_DORMANT_CHECK; } m_PendingDormantEntities.Purge(); }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::EntState( int iEnt, int iSerialNum, int iClass, const SendTable *pSendTable, const void *pSourceEnt, bool bChanged, bool bShouldTransmit ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
CCachedEntState *pCached = &m_CachedEntState[iEnt];
// Remember that this ent is alive.
ClientClass *pClientClass = GetBaseLocalClient().GetClientClass(iClass); if ( !pClientClass ) Error( "CLocalNetworkBackdoor::EntState - missing client class %d", iClass );
IClientNetworkable *pNet = pCached->m_pNetworkable; Assert( pNet == entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( iEnt ) );
if ( !bShouldTransmit ) { if ( pNet ) { Assert( pCached->m_iSerialNumber == pNet->GetIClientUnknown()->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber() ); if ( pCached->m_iSerialNumber == iSerialNum ) { // Tell the game code that this guy is now dormant.
Assert( pCached->m_bDormant == pNet->IsDormant() ); if ( !pCached->m_bDormant ) { pNet->NotifyShouldTransmit( SHOULDTRANSMIT_END ); pCached->m_bDormant = true; } } else { pNet->Release(); pNet = NULL; pCached->m_pNetworkable = NULL; // Since we set this above, need to clear it now to avoid assertion in EndEntityStateUpdate()
m_EntsAlive.Clear(iEnt); m_PrevEntsAlive.Clear( iEnt ); } } else { m_EntsAlive.Clear( iEnt ); } return; } // Do we have an entity here already?
bool bExistedAndWasDormant = false; if ( pNet ) { // If the serial numbers are different, make it recreate the ent.
Assert( pCached->m_iSerialNumber == pNet->GetIClientUnknown()->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber() ); if ( iSerialNum == pCached->m_iSerialNumber ) { bExistedAndWasDormant = pCached->m_bDormant; } else { pNet->Release(); pNet = NULL; m_PrevEntsAlive.Clear(iEnt); } }
// Create the entity?
bool bCreated = false; DataUpdateType_t updateType; if ( pNet ) { updateType = DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED; } else { updateType = DATA_UPDATE_CREATED; pNet = pClientClass->m_pCreateFn( iEnt, iSerialNum ); bCreated = true; m_EntsCreatedIndices[m_nEntsCreated++] = iEnt;
pCached->m_iSerialNumber = iSerialNum; pCached->m_pDataPointer = pNet->GetDataTableBasePtr(); pCached->m_pNetworkable = pNet; // Tracker 73192: ywb 8/1/07: We used to get an assertion that the pCached->m_bDormant was not equal to pNet->IsDormant() in ProcessDormantEntities.
// This appears to be the case if when we get here, the entity is set for Transmit still, but is a dormant entity on the server.
// Seems safe to go ahead an fill in the cache with the correct data. Probably was just an oversight.
pCached->m_bDormant = pNet->IsDormant(); }
if ( bChanged || bCreated || bExistedAndWasDormant ) { pNet->PreDataUpdate( updateType );
Assert( pCached->m_pDataPointer == pNet->GetDataTableBasePtr() );
LocalTransfer_TransferEntity( &sv.edicts[iEnt], pSendTable, pSourceEnt, pClientClass->m_pRecvTable, pCached->m_pDataPointer, bCreated, bExistedAndWasDormant, iEnt );
if ( bExistedAndWasDormant ) { // Set this so we use DATA_UPDATE_CREATED logic
m_EntsCreatedIndices[m_nEntsCreated++] = iEnt; } else { if ( !bCreated ) { m_EntsChangedIndices[m_nEntsChanged++] = iEnt; } } } #endif
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::ClearState() { // Clear the cache for all the entities.
for ( int i=0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++ ) { CCachedEntState &ces = m_CachedEntState[i];
ces.m_pNetworkable = NULL; ces.m_iSerialNumber = -1; ces.m_bDormant = false; ces.m_pDataPointer = NULL; }
m_PrevEntsAlive.ClearAll(); }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::StartBackdoorMode() { ClearState();
for ( int i=0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++ ) { IClientNetworkable *pNet = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( i );
CCachedEntState &ces = m_CachedEntState[i];
if ( pNet ) { ces.m_pNetworkable = pNet; ces.m_iSerialNumber = pNet->GetIClientUnknown()->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber(); ces.m_bDormant = pNet->IsDormant(); ces.m_pDataPointer = pNet->GetDataTableBasePtr(); m_PrevEntsAlive.Set( i ); } } }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::StopBackdoorMode() { ClearState(); }
void CLocalNetworkBackdoor::ForceFlushEntity( int iEntity ) { CCachedEntState *pCached = &m_CachedEntState[iEntity]; if ( pCached->m_pNetworkable ) pCached->m_pNetworkable->Release();
pCached->m_pNetworkable = NULL; pCached->m_iSerialNumber = -1; pCached->m_bDormant = false; pCached->m_pDataPointer = NULL; }