//========= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Playback of broadcast (cst) files
#include "broadcast.h"
#include "demostreamhttp.h"
#include "tier1/utlbufferstrider.h"
class CBroadcastPlayer : public IDemoPlayer, public IDemoStreamClient { public: CBroadcastPlayer(); ~CBroadcastPlayer();
virtual IDemoStream *GetDemoStream(); virtual int GetPlaybackStartTick( void ) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetPlaybackTick( void ) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetPlaybackDeltaTick( void ) ; virtual int GetPacketTick( void ) ;
void StartStreaming( const char *url, const char *options ); bool StartBroadcastPlayback( int nStartingTick ); bool OnEngineGotvSyncPacket( const CEngineGotvSyncPacket *pPkt );
virtual bool IsPlayingBack( void ) const OVERRIDE { return m_bPlayingBack; } virtual bool IsPlaybackPaused( void ) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsPlayingTimeDemo( void ) const OVERRIDE { return false; } // not supported
virtual bool IsSkipping( void ) const OVERRIDE { return m_bPlayingBack && m_nSkipToTick != -1; } // true, if demo player skipping trough packets
virtual bool CanSkipBackwards( void ) const OVERRIDE { return true; } // true if demoplayer can skip backwards
virtual void SetPlaybackTimeScale( float timescale ) OVERRIDE; // sets playback timescale
virtual float GetPlaybackTimeScale( void ) OVERRIDE; // get playback timescale
virtual void PausePlayback( float seconds ) OVERRIDE; // pause playback n seconds, -1 = forever
virtual void SkipToTick( int tick, bool bRelative, bool bPause ) OVERRIDE { } // goto a specific tick, 0 = start, -1 = end
virtual void SkipToImportantTick( const DemoImportantTick_t *pTick ) OVERRIDE { } virtual void ResumePlayback( void ) OVERRIDE; // resume playback
virtual void StopPlayback( void ) OVERRIDE; // stop playback, close file
virtual void InterpolateViewpoint() OVERRIDE { } // override viewpoint
virtual netpacket_t *ReadPacket( void ) OVERRIDE; // read packet from demo file
void SetDemoBuffer( CDemoStreamHttp::Buffer_t * pBuffer ); void StrideDemoPacket( int nLength ); void StrideDemoPacket(); uint GetReminingStrideLength();
virtual void ResetDemoInterpolation() OVERRIDE { }
virtual CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const * GetDemoPlaybackParameters() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetPacketReadSuspended( bool bSuspendPacketReading ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetImportantEventData( const KeyValues *pData ) OVERRIDE { } virtual int FindNextImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName = NULL ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); return 0; } // -1 = no next important tick
virtual int FindPreviousImportantTick( int nCurrentTick, const char *pEventName = NULL ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); return 0; } // -1 = no previous important tick
virtual const DemoImportantTick_t *GetImportantTick( int nIndex ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); return NULL; } virtual const DemoImportantGameEvent_t *GetImportantGameEvent( const char *pszEventName ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); return NULL; } virtual void ListImportantTicks( void ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); } virtual void ListHighlightData( void ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); } virtual void SetHighlightXuid( uint64 xuid, bool bLowlights ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); }
virtual bool ScanDemo( const char *filename, const char* pszMode ) OVERRIDE { Assert( !"not implemented" ); return false; }
virtual void OnDemoStreamStart( const DemoStreamReference_t &start, int nResync ); virtual bool OnDemoStreamRestarting(); virtual void OnDemoStreamStop() OVERRIDE;
protected: bool StartStreamingInternal(); void ResyncDemoClock(); bool CheckPausedPlayback( void ); bool PreparePacket( void ); // read packet from demo file
void ReadCmdHeader( unsigned char& cmd, int& tick, int &nPlayerSlot ); void ResyncStream(); protected:
int m_nStartHostTick; // For synchronizing playback during timedemo.
int m_nStreamStartTick; int m_nPreviousTick; CDemoStreamHttp::BufferRef m_DemoBuffer; CBufferStrider m_DemoStrider; netpacket_t m_DemoPacket; // last read demo packet
bool m_bPlayingBack; bool m_bPlaybackPaused; float m_flAutoResumeTime; float m_flPlaybackRateModifier; int m_nSkipToTick; // skip to tick ASAP, -1 = off
uint m_nFileSize; CUtlVector< BroadcastTocKeyframe_t > m_Keyframes; bool m_bInterpolateView; bool m_bResetInterpolation; bool m_bPacketReadSuspended; float m_flTotalFPSVariability; // Frame rate variability
int m_nPacketTick; int m_nPreparePacketLastFail;
enum StreamStateEnum_t { STREAM_STOP, STREAM_SYNC, STREAM_START, STREAM_MAP_LOADED, STREAM_WAITING_FOR_KEYFRAME, STREAM_FULLFRAME, STREAM_BEFORE_DELTAFRAMES, STREAM_DELTAFRAMES }; StreamStateEnum_t m_nStreamState; // the pieces of stream state that still need to be streamed
int m_nStreamFragment; // the next fragment to stream
double m_dDelayedPrecacheTimeStart;
CDemoStreamHttp m_DemoStream;
bool m_bIgnoreDemoStopCommand; bool m_bSkipSync; double m_dResyncTimerStart; };
extern CBroadcastPlayer s_ClientBroadcastPlayer;