//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "cmodel.h"
#include "cmodel_private.h"
#include "mathlib/vplane.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
class ICollideable; struct AABB_t;
cmodel_t *CM_LoadMap( const char *pPathName, bool allowReusePrevious, texinfo_t *pTexinfo, int texInfoCount, unsigned *checksum ); void CM_FreeMap( void ); cmodel_t *CM_InlineModel( const char *name ); // *1, *2, etc
cmodel_t *CM_InlineModelNumber( int index ); // 1, 2, etc
int CM_InlineModelContents( int index ); // 1, 2, etc
int CM_NumClusters( void ); char *CM_EntityString( void ); void CM_DiscardEntityString( void );
// returns an ORed contents mask
int CM_PointContents( const Vector &p, int headnode, int contentsMask ); int CM_TransformedPointContents( const Vector& p, int headnode, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles );
// sets the default values in a trace
void CM_ClearTrace( trace_t *trace );
const byte *CM_ClusterPVS( int cluster ); int CM_ClusterPVSSize();
const byte *CM_Vis( byte *dest, int destlen, int cluster, int visType );
int CM_PointLeafnum( const Vector& p ); void CM_SnapPointToReferenceLeaf(const Vector &referenceLeafPoint, float tolerance, Vector *pSnapPoint);
// call with topnode set to the headnode, returns with topnode
// set to the first node that splits the box
int CM_BoxLeafnums( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int *list, int listsize, int *topnode, int cmodelIndex = 0 ); //int CM_TransformedBoxContents( const Vector& pos, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int headnode, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles );
// Versions that accept rays...
void CM_TransformedBoxTrace (const Ray_t& ray, int headnode, int brushmask, const Vector& origin, QAngle const& angles, trace_t& tr ); void CM_BoxTrace (const Ray_t& ray, int headnode, int brushmask, bool computeEndpt, trace_t& tr ); struct OcclusionTestResults_t; bool CM_IsFullyOccluded( const AABB_t &aabb1, const AABB_t &aabb2 ); bool CM_IsFullyOccluded( const VectorAligned &p0, const VectorAligned &vExtents1, const VectorAligned &p1, const VectorAligned &vExtents2, OcclusionTestResults_t * pResults = NULL ); bool CM_IsFullyOccluded_WithShadow( const AABB_t &aabb1, const AABB_t &aabb2, const Vector &vShadow ); void CM_BoxTraceAgainstLeafList( const Ray_t &ray, const CTraceListData &traceData, int nBrushMask, trace_t &trace );
void CM_RayLeafnums( const Ray_t &ray, int *pLeafList, int nMaxLeafCount, int &nLeafCount );
int CM_LeafContents( int leafnum ); int CM_LeafCluster( int leafnum ); int CM_LeafArea( int leafnum ); int CM_LeafFlags( int leafnum );
void CM_SetAreaPortalState( int portalnum, int isOpen ); void CM_SetAreaPortalStates( const int *portalnums, const int *isOpen, int nPortals ); bool CM_AreasConnected( int area1, int area2 ); void CM_LeavesConnected( const Vector &vecOrigin, int nCount, const int *pLeaves, bool *pIsConnected );
int CM_WriteAreaBits( byte *buffer, int buflen, int area );
// Given a view origin (which tells us the area to start looking in) and a portal key,
// fill in the plane that leads out of this area (it points into whatever area it leads to).
bool CM_GetAreaPortalPlane( const Vector &vViewOrigin, int portalKey, VPlane *pPlane );
bool CM_HeadnodeVisible( int headnode, const byte *visbits, int vissize ); // Test to see if the given box is in the given PVS/PAS
int CM_BoxVisible( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, const byte *visbits, int vissize );
typedef struct cmodel_collision_s cmodel_collision_t; vcollide_t *CM_GetVCollide( int modelIndex ); vcollide_t* CM_VCollideForModel( int modelindex, const model_t* pModel );
// gets a virtual physcollide for a displacement
CPhysCollide *CM_PhysCollideForDisp( int index ); int CM_SurfacepropsForDisp( int index ); void CM_CreateDispPhysCollide( dphysdisp_t *pDispLump, int dispLumpSize ); void CM_DestroyDispPhysCollide();
void CM_WorldSpaceCenter( ICollideable *pCollideable, Vector *pCenter ); void CM_WorldSpaceBounds( ICollideable *pCollideable, Vector *pMins, Vector *pMaxs ); void CM_WorldAlignBounds( ICollideable *pCollideable, Vector *pMins, Vector *pMaxs );
void CM_SetupAreaFloodNums( byte areaFloodNums[MAX_MAP_AREAS], int *pNumAreas );
// This can be used as a replacement for CM_PointLeafnum if the successive
// origins will be close to each other.
// It caches the distance to the closest plane leading
// out of whatever leaf it was in last time you asked for the leaf index, and
// if it's within that distance the next time you ask for it, it'll
class CFastPointLeafNum { public: CFastPointLeafNum(); int GetLeaf( const Vector &vPos ); void Reset( void ); // level change, etc. position <--> leaf mapping has changed.
private: int m_iCachedLeaf; Vector m_vCachedPos; float m_flDistToExitLeafSqr; };