//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "server_pch.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "vengineserver_impl.h"
#include "vox.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "host_saverestore.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "decal.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "sv_log.h"
#include "sv_main.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "staticpropmgr.h"
#include "string_t.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "EngineSoundInternal.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "PlayerState.h"
#include "irecipientfilter.h"
#include "sv_user.h"
#include "server_class.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "enginesingleuserfilter.h"
#include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "tmessage.h"
#include "iscratchpad3d.h"
#include "pr_edict.h"
#include "networkstringtableserver.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
#include "host_phonehome.h"
#include "sv_plugin.h"
#include "singleplayersharedmemory.h"
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "LoadScreenUpdate.h"
#include "paint.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "r_decal.h"
#include "igame.h"
#include "sv_packedentities.h"
#include "hltvserver.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 2500
void SV_DetermineMulticastRecipients( bool usepas, const Vector& origin, CPlayerBitVec& playerbits );
void DecalRemove( const model_t *model, const Vector& origin, float radius );
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerServer;
extern ConVar host_timescale;
CSharedEdictChangeInfo g_SharedEdictChangeInfo; CSharedEdictChangeInfo *g_pSharedChangeInfo = &g_SharedEdictChangeInfo; IAchievementMgr *g_pAchievementMgr = NULL; CGamestatsData *g_pGamestatsData = NULL;
static ConVar sv_show_usermessage( "sv_show_usermessage", "0", 0, "Shows the user messages that the server is sending to clients. Setting this to 2 will show the contents of the message");
void InvalidateSharedEdictChangeInfos() { if ( g_SharedEdictChangeInfo.m_iSerialNumber == 0xFFFF ) { // Reset all edicts to 0.
g_SharedEdictChangeInfo.m_iSerialNumber = 1; for ( int i=0; i < sv.num_edicts; i++ ) { //if the edict has any changes, force a full state change (which will release the change info)
if( sv.edicts[i].HasStateChanged() ) sv.edicts[i].StateChanged(); } } else { g_SharedEdictChangeInfo.m_iSerialNumber++; }
g_SharedEdictChangeInfo.m_nChangeInfos = 0; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Globals.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
struct MsgData { MsgData() { Reset();
// link buffers to messages
m_DataOut.StartWriting( entitydata, sizeof(entitydata) ); m_DataOut.SetDebugName( "s_MsgData.entityMsg.m_DataOut" ); }
void Reset() { filter = NULL; reliable = false; started = false; entityMsg.Clear(); }
byte entitydata[ PAD_NUMBER( MAX_ENTITY_MSG_DATA, 4 ) ]; // buffer for outgoing entity messages
IRecipientFilter *filter; // clients who get this message
bool reliable; bool started; // IS THERE A MESSAGE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING SENT?
CSVCMsg_EntityMsg_t entityMsg; bf_write m_DataOut;
static MsgData s_MsgData;
void SeedRandomNumberGenerator( bool random_invariant ) { if (!random_invariant) { int iSeed = -(long)Sys_FloatTime(); if (1000 < iSeed) { iSeed = -iSeed; } else if (-1000 < iSeed) { iSeed -= 22261048; } RandomSeed( iSeed ); } else { // Make those random numbers the same every time!
RandomSeed( 0 ); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Static helpers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static void PR_CheckEmptyString (const char *s) { if (s[0] <= ' ') Host_Error ("Bad string: %s", s); }
// Average a list a vertices to find an approximate "center"
static void CenterVerts( Vector verts[], int vertCount, Vector& center ) { int i; float scale;
if ( vertCount ) { Vector edge0, edge1, normal;
VectorCopy( vec3_origin, center ); // sum up verts
for ( i = 0; i < vertCount; i++ ) { VectorAdd( center, verts[i], center ); } scale = 1.0f / (float)vertCount; VectorScale( center, scale, center ); // divide by vertCount
// Compute 2 poly edges
VectorSubtract( verts[1], verts[0], edge0 ); VectorSubtract( verts[vertCount-1], verts[0], edge1 ); // cross for normal
CrossProduct( edge0, edge1, normal ); // Find the component of center that is outside of the plane
scale = DotProduct( center, normal ) - DotProduct( verts[0], normal ); // subtract it off
VectorMA( center, scale, normal, center ); // center is in the plane now
} }
// Copy the list of verts from an msurface_t int a linear array
static void SurfaceToVerts( model_t *model, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, Vector verts[], int *vertCount ) { if ( *vertCount > MSurf_VertCount( surfID ) ) *vertCount = MSurf_VertCount( surfID );
// Build the list of verts from 0 to n
for ( int i = 0; i < *vertCount; i++ ) { int vertIndex = model->brush.pShared->vertindices[ MSurf_FirstVertIndex( surfID ) + i ]; Vector& vert = model->brush.pShared->vertexes[ vertIndex ].position; VectorCopy( vert, verts[i] ); } // vert[0] is the first and last vert, there is no copy
// Calculate the surface area of an arbitrary msurface_t polygon (convex with collinear verts)
static float SurfaceArea( model_t *model, SurfaceHandle_t surfID ) { Vector center, verts[32]; int vertCount = 32; float area; int i;
// Compute a "center" point and fan
SurfaceToVerts( model, surfID, verts, &vertCount ); CenterVerts( verts, vertCount, center );
area = 0; // For a triangle of the center and each edge
for ( i = 0; i < vertCount; i++ ) { Vector edge0, edge1, out; int next;
next = (i+1)%vertCount; VectorSubtract( verts[i], center, edge0 ); // 0.5 * edge cross edge (0.5 is done once at the end)
VectorSubtract( verts[next], center, edge1 ); CrossProduct( edge0, edge1, out ); area += VectorLength( out ); } return area * 0.5; // 0.5 here
// Average the list of vertices to find an approximate "center"
static void SurfaceCenter( model_t *model, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, Vector& center ) { Vector verts[32]; // We limit faces to 32 verts elsewhere in the engine
int vertCount = 32;
SurfaceToVerts( model, surfID, verts, &vertCount ); CenterVerts( verts, vertCount, center ); }
static bool ValidCmd( const char *pCmd ) { int len;
len = strlen(pCmd);
// Valid commands all have a ';' or newline '\n' as their last character
if ( len && (pCmd[len-1] == '\n' || pCmd[len-1] == ';') ) return true;
return false; }
// HLTV relay proxy whitelist
struct HltvRelayProxyWhitelistMask_t { uint32 a, b, c, d; uint32 numbits;
bool operator==( HltvRelayProxyWhitelistMask_t const &other ) const { return 0 == Q_memcmp( this, &other, sizeof( *this ) ); } }; static CUtlVector< HltvRelayProxyWhitelistMask_t > s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist;
bool IsHltvRelayProxyWhitelisted( ns_address const &adr ) { if ( !adr.IsType<netadr_t>() ) return false;
uint32 uiServerIP = adr.AsType<netadr_t>().GetIPHostByteOrder(); #define MAKE_IP_MASK( a, b, c, d, numbits ) ( uint32( ( (uint32(a)&0xFF) << 24 ) | ( (uint32(b)&0xFF) << 16 ) | ( (uint32(c)&0xFF) << 8 ) | ( (uint32(d)&0xFF) ) ) & ( (~0u) << (32-numbits) ) )
#define IPRANGEENTRY( a, b, c, d, numbits ) if ( ( uiServerIP & ( (~0u) << (32-numbits) ) ) == MAKE_IP_MASK( a, b, c, d, numbits ) ) return true;
FOR_EACH_VEC( s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist, idx ) { HltvRelayProxyWhitelistMask_t const &e = s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist[idx]; IPRANGEENTRY( e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.numbits ); } #undef IPRANGEENTRY
return false; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CVEngineServer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CVEngineServer : public IVEngineServer { public:
virtual void ChangeLevel( const char* s1, const char* s2) { static int last_spawncount; // make sure we don't issue two changelevels
if (sv.GetSpawnCount() == last_spawncount) return;
last_spawncount = sv.GetSpawnCount(); if ( !s1 ) { Sys_Error( "CVEngineServer::Changelevel with NULL s1\n" ); } char cmd[ 256 ]; if ( !s2 ) // no indication of where they are coming from; so just do a standard old changelevel
{ Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "changelevel %s\n", s1 ); } else { Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "changelevel2 %s %s\n", s1, s2 ); } Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, cmd ); } virtual int IsMapValid( const char *filename ) { return modelloader->Map_IsValid( filename ); } virtual bool IsDedicatedServer( void ) { return sv.IsDedicated(); }
virtual int GetLocalClientIndex( void ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) { return 0; // this query really makes no sense on a dedicated server, but we can agree that "local client" means "the person typing at the text console"
} else { // return splitscreen->IsLocalPlayerResolvable() ? GetLocalClient().m_nPlayerSlot : GetBaseLocalClient().m_nPlayerSlot; // this is the same check as in Cmd_ExecuteCommand()
return GetBaseLocalClient().m_nPlayerSlot + 1; // Conver 0-based slot to 1-based client index. Look at UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex() usage for reference.
} #else
return 0; #endif
} virtual int IsInEditMode( void ) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return false; #else
return g_bInEditMode; #endif
virtual int IsInCommentaryMode( void ) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return false; #else
return g_bInCommentaryMode; #endif
virtual KeyValues* GetLaunchOptions( void ) { return g_pLaunchOptions; } virtual bool IsLevelMainMenuBackground( void ) { return sv.IsLevelMainMenuBackground(); } virtual void NotifyEdictFlagsChange( int iEdict ) { if ( g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor ) g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor->NotifyEdictFlagsChange( iEdict ); }
virtual const CCheckTransmitInfo* GetPrevCheckTransmitInfo( edict_t *pPlayerEdict ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pPlayerEdict ); if ( entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) { Error( "Invalid client specified in GetPrevCheckTransmitInfo\n" ); return NULL; } CGameClient *client = sv.Client( entnum-1 ); return client->GetPrevPackInfo(); } virtual int PrecacheDecal( const char *name, bool preload /*=false*/ ) { PR_CheckEmptyString( name ); int i = SV_FindOrAddDecal( name, preload ); if ( i >= 0 ) { return i; } Host_Error( "CVEngineServer::PrecacheDecal: '%s' overflow, too many decals", name ); return 0; } virtual int PrecacheModel( const char *s, bool preload /*= false*/ ) { PR_CheckEmptyString (s); int i = SV_FindOrAddModel( s, preload ); if ( i >= 0 ) { return i; } Host_Error( "CVEngineServer::PrecacheModel: '%s' overflow, too many models", s ); return 0; } virtual int PrecacheGeneric(const char *s, bool preload /*= false*/ ) { int i; PR_CheckEmptyString (s); i = SV_FindOrAddGeneric( s, preload ); if (i >= 0) { return i; } Host_Error ("CVEngineServer::PrecacheGeneric: '%s' overflow", s); return 0; } virtual bool IsModelPrecached( char const *s ) const { int idx = SV_ModelIndex( s ); return idx != -1 ? true : false; }
virtual bool IsDecalPrecached( char const *s ) const { int idx = SV_DecalIndex( s ); return idx != -1 ? true : false; }
virtual bool IsGenericPrecached( char const *s ) const { int idx = SV_GenericIndex( s ); return idx != -1 ? true : false; }
virtual void ForceExactFile( const char *s ) { PR_CheckEmptyString( s ); SV_ForceExactFile( s ); }
virtual void ForceModelBounds( const char *s, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs ) { PR_CheckEmptyString( s ); SV_ForceModelBounds( s, mins, maxs ); }
virtual void ForceSimpleMaterial( const char *s ) { PR_CheckEmptyString( s ); SV_ForceSimpleMaterial( s ); }
virtual bool IsInternalBuild( void ) { return !phonehome->IsExternalBuild(); }
// Purpose: Precache a sentence file (parse on server, send to client)
// Input : *s - file name
virtual int PrecacheSentenceFile( const char *s, bool preload /*= false*/ ) { // UNDONE: Set up preload flag
// UNDONE: Send this data to the client to support multiple sentence files
VOX_ReadSentenceFile( s ); return 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Retrieves the pvs for an origin into the specified array
// Input : *org - origin
// outputpvslength - size of outputpvs array in bytes
// *outputpvs - If null, then return value is the needed length
// Output : int - length of pvs array used ( in bytes )
virtual int GetClusterForOrigin( const Vector& org ) { return CM_LeafCluster( CM_PointLeafnum( org ) ); } virtual int GetPVSForCluster( int clusterIndex, int outputpvslength, unsigned char *outputpvs ) { int length = (CM_NumClusters()+7)>>3; if ( outputpvs ) { if ( outputpvslength < length ) { Sys_Error( "GetPVSForOrigin called with inusfficient sized pvs array, need %i bytes!", length ); return length; } CM_Vis( outputpvs, outputpvslength, clusterIndex, DVIS_PVS ); } return length; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Test origin against pvs array retreived from GetPVSForOrigin
// Input : *org - origin to chec
// checkpvslength - length of pvs array
// *checkpvs -
// Output : bool - true if entity is visible
virtual bool CheckOriginInPVS( const Vector& org, const unsigned char *checkpvs, int checkpvssize ) { int clusterIndex = CM_LeafCluster( CM_PointLeafnum( org ) ); if ( clusterIndex < 0 ) return false; int offset = clusterIndex>>3; if ( offset > checkpvssize ) { Sys_Error( "CheckOriginInPVS: cluster would read past end of pvs data (%i:%i)\n", offset, checkpvssize ); return false; } if ( !(checkpvs[offset] & (1<<(clusterIndex&7)) ) ) { return false; } return true; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Test origin against pvs array retreived from GetPVSForOrigin
// Input : *org - origin to chec
// checkpvslength - length of pvs array
// *checkpvs -
// Output : bool - true if entity is visible
virtual bool CheckBoxInPVS( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, const unsigned char *checkpvs, int checkpvssize ) { if ( !CM_BoxVisible( mins, maxs, checkpvs, checkpvssize ) ) { return false; } return true; } virtual int GetPlayerUserId( const edict_t *e ) { if ( !sv.IsActive() || !e) return -1; for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *cl = sv.Client(i); if ( cl->edict == e ) { return cl->m_UserID; } } // Couldn't find it
return -1; }
virtual const char *GetPlayerNetworkIDString( const edict_t *e ) { if ( !sv.IsActive() || !e) return NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *cl = sv.Client(i); if ( cl->edict == e ) { return cl->GetNetworkIDString(); } } // Couldn't find it
return NULL;
virtual bool IsUserIDInUse( int userID ) { if ( !sv.IsActive() ) return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *cl = sv.Client(i);
if ( cl->GetUserID() == userID ) { return true; } }
// Couldn't find it
return false; }
virtual int GetLoadingProgressForUserID( int userID ) { if ( !sv.IsActive() ) return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *cl = sv.Client(i);
if ( cl->GetUserID() == userID ) { return cl->m_nLoadingProgress; } }
// Couldn't find it
return -1; }
virtual int GetEntityCount( void ) { return sv.num_edicts; }
virtual INetChannelInfo* GetPlayerNetInfo( int playerIndex ) { if ( playerIndex < 1 || playerIndex > sv.GetClientCount() ) return NULL;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client( playerIndex - 1 ); return client->m_NetChannel; }
virtual edict_t* CreateEdict( int iForceEdictIndex ) { edict_t *pedict = ED_Alloc( iForceEdictIndex ); if ( g_pServerPluginHandler ) { g_pServerPluginHandler->OnEdictAllocated( pedict ); } return pedict; } virtual void RemoveEdict(edict_t* ed) { if ( g_pServerPluginHandler ) { g_pServerPluginHandler->OnEdictFreed( ed ); } ED_Free(ed); } //
// Request engine to allocate "cb" bytes on the entity's private data pointer.
virtual void *PvAllocEntPrivateData( long cb ) { return calloc( 1, cb ); } //
// Release the private data memory, if any.
virtual void FreeEntPrivateData( void *pEntity ) { #if defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( WIN32 )
// set the memory to a known value
int size = _msize( pEntity ); memset( pEntity, 0xDD, size ); #endif
if ( pEntity ) { free( pEntity ); } } virtual void *SaveAllocMemory( size_t num, size_t size ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
return ::SaveAllocMemory(num, size); #else
return NULL; #endif
} virtual void SaveFreeMemory( void *pSaveMem ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
::SaveFreeMemory(pSaveMem); #endif
} /*
================= EmitAmbientSound ================= */ virtual void EmitAmbientSound( int entindex, const Vector& pos, const char *samp, float vol, soundlevel_t soundlevel, int fFlags, int pitch, float soundtime /*=0.0f*/ ) { SoundInfo_t sound; sound.SetDefault(); sound.nEntityIndex = entindex; sound.fVolume = vol; sound.Soundlevel = soundlevel; sound.nFlags = fFlags; sound.nPitch = pitch; sound.nChannel = CHAN_STATIC; sound.vOrigin = pos; sound.bIsAmbient = true;
ASSERT_COORD( sound.vOrigin ); // set sound delay
if ( soundtime != 0.0f ) { sound.fDelay = soundtime - sv.GetTime(); sound.nFlags |= SND_DELAY; } // if this is a sentence, get sentence number
if ( TestSoundChar(samp, CHAR_SENTENCE) ) { sound.bIsSentence = true; sound.nSoundNum = Q_atoi( PSkipSoundChars(samp) ); if ( sound.nSoundNum >= (unsigned int)VOX_SentenceCount() ) { ConMsg("EmitAmbientSound: invalid sentence number: %s", PSkipSoundChars(samp)); return; } } else { // check to see if samp was properly precached
sound.bIsSentence = false; sound.nSoundNum = SV_SoundIndex( samp ); if (sound.nSoundNum <= 0) { ConMsg ("EmitAmbientSound: sound not precached: %s\n", samp); return; } }
if ( (fFlags & SND_SPAWNING) && sv.allowsignonwrites ) { CSVCMsg_Sounds_t sndmsg;
sndmsg.set_reliable_sound( true ); sound.WriteDelta( NULL, sndmsg, sv.GetFinalTickTime() ); // write into signon buffer
if ( !sndmsg.WriteToBuffer( sv.m_Signon ) ) { Sys_Error( "EmitAmbientSound: Init message would overflow signon buffer!\n" ); return; } } else { if ( fFlags & SND_SPAWNING ) { DevMsg("EmitAmbientSound: warning, broadcasting sound labled as SND_SPAWNING.\n" ); }
// send sound to all active players
CEngineRecipientFilter filter; filter.AddAllPlayers(); filter.MakeReliable(); sv.BroadcastSound( sound, filter ); } } virtual void FadeClientVolume(const edict_t *clientent, float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT(clientent); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) { ConMsg ("tried to DLL_FadeClientVolume a non-client\n"); return; } IClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1);
CNETMsg_StringCmd_t sndMsg( va("soundfade %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f", fadePercent, holdTime, fadeOutSeconds, fadeInSeconds ) ); client->SendNetMsg( sndMsg ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sentence API
virtual int SentenceGroupPick( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen ) { if ( !name ) { Sys_Error( "SentenceGroupPick with NULL name\n" ); } Assert( nameLen > 0 ); return VOX_GroupPick( groupIndex, name, nameLen ); } virtual int SentenceGroupPickSequential( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset ) { if ( !name ) { Sys_Error( "SentenceGroupPickSequential with NULL name\n" ); } Assert( nameLen > 0 ); return VOX_GroupPickSequential( groupIndex, name, nameLen, sentenceIndex, reset ); } virtual int SentenceIndexFromName( const char *pSentenceName ) { if ( !pSentenceName ) { Sys_Error( "SentenceIndexFromName with NULL pSentenceName\n" ); } int sentenceIndex = -1; VOX_LookupString( pSentenceName, &sentenceIndex ); return sentenceIndex; } virtual const char *SentenceNameFromIndex( int sentenceIndex ) { return VOX_SentenceNameFromIndex( sentenceIndex ); } virtual int SentenceGroupIndexFromName( const char *pGroupName ) { if ( !pGroupName ) { Sys_Error( "SentenceGroupIndexFromName with NULL pGroupName\n" ); } return VOX_GroupIndexFromName( pGroupName ); } virtual const char *SentenceGroupNameFromIndex( int groupIndex ) { return VOX_GroupNameFromIndex( groupIndex ); } virtual float SentenceLength( int sentenceIndex ) { return VOX_SentenceLength( sentenceIndex ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual int CheckHeadnodeVisible( int nodenum, const byte *visbits, int vissize ) { return CM_HeadnodeVisible(nodenum, visbits, vissize ); } /*
================= ServerCommand Sends text to servers execution buffer localcmd (string) ================= */ virtual void ServerCommand( const char *str ) { if ( !str ) { Sys_Error( "ServerCommand with NULL string\n" ); } if ( ValidCmd( str ) ) { Cbuf_AddText( CBUF_SERVER, str ); } else { ConMsg( "Error, bad server command %s\n", str ); } } /*
================= ServerExecute Executes all commands in server buffer localcmd (string) ================= */ virtual void ServerExecute( void ) { Cbuf_Execute(); } /*
================= ClientCommand Sends text over to the client's execution buffer stuffcmd (clientent, value) ================= */ virtual void ClientCommand(edict_t* pEdict, const char* szFmt, ...) { va_list argptr; static char szOut[1024]; va_start(argptr, szFmt); Q_vsnprintf(szOut, sizeof( szOut ), szFmt, argptr); va_end(argptr);
if ( szOut[0] == 0 ) { Warning( "ClientCommand, 0 length string supplied.\n" ); return; }
int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pEdict ); if ( ( entnum < 1 ) || ( entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) ) { ConMsg("\n!!!\n\nStuffCmd: Some entity tried to stuff '%s' to console buffer of entity %i when maxclients was set to %i, ignoring\n\n", szOut, entnum, sv.GetMaxClients() ); return; } CNETMsg_StringCmd_t string( szOut ); sv.GetClient(entnum-1)->SendNetMsg( string ); }
// Send a client command keyvalues
// keyvalues are deleted inside the function
virtual void ClientCommandKeyValues( edict_t *pEdict, KeyValues *pCommand ) { if ( !pCommand ) return; // Ensure the contract of deleting the key values here
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pCommand( pCommand );
int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pEdict );
if ( ( entnum < 1 ) || ( entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) ) { ConMsg("\n!!!\n\nClientCommandKeyValues: Some entity tried to stuff '%s' to console buffer of entity %i when maxclients was set to %i, ignoring\n\n", pCommand->GetName(), entnum, sv.GetMaxClients() ); return; }
CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t cmd; CmdKeyValuesHelper::SVCMsg_SetKeyValues( cmd, pCommand ); sv.GetClient(entnum-1)->SendNetMsg( cmd ); } /*
=============== LightStyle void(float style, string value) lightstyle =============== */ virtual void LightStyle(int style, const char* val) { if ( !val ) { Sys_Error( "LightStyle with NULL value!\n" ); }
// change the string in string table
INetworkStringTable *stringTable = sv.GetLightStyleTable();
stringTable->SetStringUserData( style, Q_strlen(val)+1, val ); } virtual void StaticDecal( const Vector& origin, int decalIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, bool lowpriority ) { CSVCMsg_BSPDecal_t decal;
decal.mutable_pos()->set_x( origin.x ); decal.mutable_pos()->set_y( origin.y ); decal.mutable_pos()->set_z( origin.z ); decal.set_decal_texture_index( decalIndex ); decal.set_entity_index( entityIndex ); decal.set_model_index( modelIndex ); decal.set_low_priority( lowpriority );
if ( sv.allowsignonwrites ) { decal.WriteToBuffer( sv.m_Signon ); } else { sv.BroadcastMessage( decal, false, true ); } }
void Message_DetermineMulticastRecipients( bool usepas, const Vector& origin, CPlayerBitVec& playerbits ) { SV_DetermineMulticastRecipients( usepas, origin, playerbits ); } /*
=============================================================================== MESSAGE WRITING =============================================================================== */ virtual bf_write *EntityMessageBegin( int ent_index, ServerClass * ent_class, bool reliable ) { if ( s_MsgData.started ) { Sys_Error( "EntityMessageBegin: New message started before matching call to EndMessage.\n " ); return NULL; } s_MsgData.Reset(); Assert( ent_class ); s_MsgData.filter = NULL; s_MsgData.reliable = reliable; s_MsgData.started = true; s_MsgData.entityMsg.set_ent_index( ent_index ); s_MsgData.entityMsg.set_class_id( ent_class->m_ClassID ); s_MsgData.m_DataOut.Reset(); return &s_MsgData.m_DataOut; } // Validates user message type and checks to see if it's variable length
// returns true if variable length
int Message_CheckMessageLength() { int bytesWritten = s_MsgData.m_DataOut.GetNumBytesWritten(); if ( bytesWritten > MAX_ENTITY_MSG_DATA ) // TODO use a define or so
{ Warning( "Entity Message to %i, %i bytes written (max is %d)\n", s_MsgData.entityMsg.ent_index(), bytesWritten, MAX_ENTITY_MSG_DATA ); return -1; } return bytesWritten; // all checks passed, estimated final length
} virtual void MessageEnd( void ) { if ( !s_MsgData.started ) { Sys_Error( "MESSAGE_END called with no active message\n" ); return; } int length = Message_CheckMessageLength(); // check to see if it's a valid message
if ( length < 0 ) { s_MsgData.Reset(); // clear message data
return; }
s_MsgData.entityMsg.set_ent_data( s_MsgData.entitydata, s_MsgData.m_DataOut.GetNumBytesWritten() );
if ( s_MsgData.filter ) { // send entity/user messages only to full connected clients in filter
sv.BroadcastMessage( s_MsgData.entityMsg, *s_MsgData.filter ); } else { // send entity messages to all full connected clients
sv.BroadcastMessage( s_MsgData.entityMsg, true, s_MsgData.reliable ); } s_MsgData.Reset(); // clear message data
} virtual void SendUserMessage( IRecipientFilter& filter, int message, const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg ) { CSVCMsg_UserMessage_t _userMsg;
if ( !msg.IsInitialized() ) { Msg("SendUserMessage %s(%d) is not initialized! Probably missing required fields!\n", msg.GetTypeName().c_str(), message ); }
int size = msg.ByteSize();
if ( sv_show_usermessage.GetBool() ) { Msg("SendUserMessage - %s(%d) bytes: %d\n", msg.GetTypeName().c_str(), message, size ); if( sv_show_usermessage.GetInt() > 1 ) Msg("%s", msg.DebugString().c_str() ); }
_userMsg.set_msg_type( message ); _userMsg.mutable_msg_data()->resize( size ); if ( !msg.SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray( (uint8*)&(*_userMsg.mutable_msg_data())[0] ) ) { Msg( "SendUserMessage: Error serializing %s!\n", msg.GetTypeName().c_str() ); return; }
sv.BroadcastMessage( _userMsg, filter ); }
/* single print to a specific client */ virtual void ClientPrintf( edict_t *pEdict, const char *szMsg ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pEdict ); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) { ConMsg ("tried to sprint to a non-client\n"); return; } sv.Client(entnum-1)->ClientPrintf( "%s", szMsg ); } #ifdef DEDICATED
void Con_NPrintf( int pos, const char *fmt, ... ) { }
void Con_NXPrintf( const struct con_nprint_s *info, const char *fmt, ... ) { } #else
void Con_NPrintf( int pos, const char *fmt, ... ) { if ( IsDedicatedServer() ) return;
va_list argptr; char text[4096]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr);
::Con_NPrintf( pos, "%s", text ); }
void Con_NXPrintf( const struct con_nprint_s *info, const char *fmt, ... ) { if ( IsDedicatedServer() ) return;
va_list argptr; char text[4096]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr);
::Con_NXPrintf( info, "%s", text ); } #endif
virtual void SetView(const edict_t *clientent, const edict_t *viewent) { int clientnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( clientent ); if (clientnum < 1 || clientnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) Host_Error ("DLL_SetView: not a client"); CGameClient *client = sv.Client(clientnum-1);
client->m_pViewEntity = viewent; CSVCMsg_SetView_t view; view.set_entity_index( NUM_FOR_EDICT(viewent) );
client->SendNetMsg( view ); } virtual void CrosshairAngle(const edict_t *clientent, float pitch, float yaw) { int clientnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( clientent );
if (clientnum < 1 || clientnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) Host_Error ("DLL_Crosshairangle: not a client"); IClient *client = sv.Client(clientnum-1);
if (pitch > 180) pitch -= 360; if (pitch < -180) pitch += 360; if (yaw > 180) yaw -= 360; if (yaw < -180) yaw += 360; CSVCMsg_CrosshairAngle_t crossHairMsg;
crossHairMsg.mutable_angle()->set_x( pitch ); crossHairMsg.mutable_angle()->set_y( yaw ); crossHairMsg.mutable_angle()->set_z( 0 );
client->SendNetMsg( crossHairMsg ); } virtual void GetGameDir( char *szGetGameDir, int maxlength ) { COM_GetGameDir(szGetGameDir, maxlength ); } virtual int CompareFileTime( const char *filename1, const char *filename2, int *iCompare) { return COM_CompareFileTime(filename1, filename2, iCompare); } virtual bool LockNetworkStringTables( bool lock ) { return networkStringTableContainerServer->Lock( lock ); }
// For use with FAKE CLIENTS
virtual edict_t* CreateFakeClient( const char *netname ) { CGameClient *fcl = static_cast<CGameClient*>(sv.CreateFakeClient(netname)); if ( !fcl ) { // server is full
return NULL; }
return fcl->edict; } // Get a keyvalue for s specified client
virtual const char *GetClientConVarValue( int clientIndex, const char *name ) { if ( clientIndex < 1 || clientIndex > sv.GetClientCount() ) { DevMsg( 1, "GetClientConVarValue: player invalid index %i\n", clientIndex ); return ""; }
return sv.GetClient( clientIndex - 1 )->GetUserSetting( name ); } virtual const char *ParseFile(const char *data, char *token, int maxlen) { return ::COM_ParseFile(data, token, maxlen ); }
virtual bool CopyFile( const char *source, const char *destination ) { return ::COM_CopyFile( source, destination ); } virtual void AddOriginToPVS( const Vector& origin ) { ::SV_AddOriginToPVS(origin); } virtual void ResetPVS( byte* pvs, int pvssize ) { ::SV_ResetPVS( pvs, pvssize ); } virtual void SetAreaPortalState( int portalNumber, int isOpen ) { CM_SetAreaPortalState(portalNumber, isOpen); }
virtual void SetAreaPortalStates( const int *portalNumbers, const int *isOpen, int nPortals ) { CM_SetAreaPortalStates( portalNumbers, isOpen, nPortals ); }
virtual void DrawMapToScratchPad( IScratchPad3D *pPad, unsigned long iFlags ) { worldbrushdata_t *pData = host_state.worldmodel->brush.pShared; if ( !pData ) return;
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( host_state.worldmodel->brush.firstmodelsurface, pData ); for (int i=0; i< host_state.worldmodel->brush.nummodelsurfaces; ++i, ++surfID) { // Don't bother with nodraw surfaces
if( MSurf_Flags( surfID ) & SURFDRAW_NODRAW ) continue;
CSPVertList vertList; for ( int iVert=0; iVert < MSurf_VertCount( surfID ); iVert++ ) { int iWorldVert = pData->vertindices[surfID->firstvertindex + iVert]; const Vector &vPos = pData->vertexes[iWorldVert].position;
vertList.m_Verts.AddToTail( CSPVert( vPos ) ); }
pPad->DrawPolygon( vertList ); } }
const CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS>* GetEntityTransmitBitsForClient( int iClientIndex ) { if ( iClientIndex < 0 || iClientIndex >= sv.GetClientCount() ) { Assert( false ); return NULL; }
CGameClient *pClient = sv.Client( iClientIndex ); CClientFrame *deltaFrame = pClient->GetClientFrame( pClient->m_nDeltaTick ); if ( !deltaFrame ) return NULL;
return &deltaFrame->transmit_entity; }
virtual bool IsPaused() { return sv.IsPaused(); }
virtual float GetTimescale( void ) const { extern float CL_GetHltvReplayTimeScale(); return sv.GetTimescale() * host_timescale.GetFloat() * CL_GetHltvReplayTimeScale(); }
virtual void SetFakeClientConVarValue( edict_t *pEntity, const char *cvar, const char *value ) { int clientnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pEntity ); if (clientnum < 1 || clientnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) Host_Error ("DLL_SetView: not a client");
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(clientnum-1); if ( client->IsFakeClient() ) { client->SetUserCVar( cvar, value ); client->m_bConVarsChanged = true; } }
virtual CSharedEdictChangeInfo* GetSharedEdictChangeInfo() { return &g_SharedEdictChangeInfo; }
virtual IChangeInfoAccessor *GetChangeAccessor( const edict_t *pEdict ) { extern int NUM_FOR_EDICTINFO( const edict_t * e );
int idx = NUM_FOR_EDICTINFO( pEdict ); return &sv.edictchangeinfo[ idx ]; }
virtual QueryCvarCookie_t StartQueryCvarValue( edict_t *pPlayerEntity, const char *pCvarName ) { int clientnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pPlayerEntity ); if (clientnum < 1 || clientnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) Host_Error( "StartQueryCvarValue: not a client" );
CGameClient *client = sv.Client( clientnum-1 ); return SendCvarValueQueryToClient( client, pCvarName, false ); }
// Name of most recently load .sav file
virtual char const *GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName() { #if !defined( DEDICATED )
return saverestore->GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName(); #else
return ""; #endif
virtual char const *GetSaveFileName() { #if !defined( DEDICATED )
return saverestore->GetSaveFileName(); #else
return ""; #endif
// Tells the engine we can immdiately re-use all edict indices
// even though we may not have waited enough time
virtual void AllowImmediateEdictReuse( ) { ED_AllowImmediateReuse(); } virtual void SetAchievementMgr( IAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr ) { g_pAchievementMgr = pAchievementMgr; } virtual IAchievementMgr *GetAchievementMgr() { return g_pAchievementMgr; }
virtual int GetAppID() { return GetSteamAppID(); } virtual bool IsLowViolence();
virtual bool IsAnyClientLowViolence();
================= InsertServerCommand Sends text to servers execution buffer localcmd (string) ================= */ virtual void InsertServerCommand( const char *str ) { if ( !str ) { Sys_Error( "InsertServerCommand with NULL string\n" ); } if ( ValidCmd( str ) ) { Cbuf_InsertText( CBUF_SERVER, str ); } else { ConMsg( "Error, bad server command %s (InsertServerCommand)\n", str ); } }
bool GetPlayerInfo( int ent_num, player_info_t *pinfo ) { // Entity numbers are offset by 1 from the player numbers
return sv.GetPlayerInfo( (ent_num-1), pinfo ); }
bool IsClientFullyAuthenticated( edict_t *pEdict ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pEdict ); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return false;
// Entity numbers are offset by 1 from the player numbers
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); if ( client ) return client->IsFullyAuthenticated();
return false; } virtual ISPSharedMemory *GetSinglePlayerSharedMemorySpace( const char *szName, int ent_num = MAX_EDICTS ) { return g_pSinglePlayerSharedMemoryManager->GetSharedMemory( szName, ent_num ); }
virtual void *AllocLevelStaticData( size_t bytes ) { return Hunk_AllocName( bytes, "AllocLevelStaticData", false ); } bool IsSplitScreenPlayer( int entnum ) { if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return false;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); return client->IsSplitScreenUser(); }
edict_t *GetSplitScreenPlayerAttachToEdict( int ent_num ) { if (ent_num < 1 || ent_num > sv.GetClientCount() ) return NULL;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(ent_num-1); if ( !client->IsSplitScreenUser() ) return NULL;
Assert( client->m_pAttachedTo ); if ( !client->m_pAttachedTo ) return NULL;
return static_cast< CGameClient * >( client->m_pAttachedTo )->edict; }
CrossPlayPlatform_t GetClientCrossPlayPlatform( int entnum ) { if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return CROSSPLAYPLATFORM_UNKNOWN;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); return client->GetClientPlatform(); }
void EnsureInstanceBaseline( int ent_num ) { edict_t *pEnt = EDICT_NUM( ent_num ); Assert ( pEnt && pEnt->GetNetworkable() ); if ( pEnt && pEnt->GetNetworkable() ) { SerializedEntityHandle_t handle = g_pSerializedEntities->AllocateSerializedEntity(__FILE__, __LINE__); Assert( handle != SERIALIZED_ENTITY_HANDLE_INVALID); if ( handle != SERIALIZED_ENTITY_HANDLE_INVALID ) { ServerClass *pServerClass = pEnt->GetNetworkable()->GetServerClass(); SV_EnsureInstanceBaseline( pServerClass, ent_num, handle ); } g_pSerializedEntities->ReleaseSerializedEntity( handle ); } }
// Sets server reservation payload
bool ReserveServerForQueuedGame( char const *szReservationPayload ) { bool bResult = sv.ReserveServerForQueuedGame( szReservationPayload ); if ( bResult && szReservationPayload && ( szReservationPayload[0] != 'R' ) ) { ServerCommand( "removeallids\n" ); } return bResult; }
bool GetEngineHltvInfo( CEngineHltvInfo_t &info ) { Q_memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) ); CActiveHltvServerIterator hltv; if ( !hltv ) return false; // broadcast is not active, no active GOTV[] instances
info.m_bBroadcastActive = true; info.m_bMasterProxy = !hltv->IsDemoPlayback() && hltv->IsMasterProxy(); if ( info.m_bMasterProxy ) info.m_flDelay = hltv->GetDirector()->GetDelay();
info.m_nTvPort = hltv->GetUDPPort(); info.m_flTime = hltv->GetTime();
hltv->GetGlobalStats( info.m_numProxies, info.m_numSlots, info.m_numClients ); hltv->GetLocalStats( info.m_numLocalProxies, info.m_numLocalSlots, info.m_numLocalClients ); hltv->GetRelayStats( info.m_numRelayProxies, info.m_numRelaySlots, info.m_numRelayClients ); hltv->GetExternalStats( info.m_numExternalTotalViewers, info.m_numExternalLinkedViewers );
const netadr_t *pRelayAdr = info.m_bMasterProxy ? NULL : hltv->GetRelayAddress(); if ( pRelayAdr ) { info.m_relayAddress = pRelayAdr->GetIPHostByteOrder(); info.m_relayPort = pRelayAdr->GetPort(); } else { info.m_relayAddress = 0; info.m_relayPort = 0; }
// while ( hltv.Next() )
// {
// // ... reduce the information from multiple broadcasts here?
// }
return true; }
// Add HLTV proxy whitelist to bypass password and Steam Auth checks upon connection, as CIDR a.b.c.d/numbits
void AddHltvRelayProxyWhitelist( uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c, uint32 d, uint32 numbits ) { HltvRelayProxyWhitelistMask_t mask; Q_memset( &mask, 0, sizeof( mask ) ); mask.a = a; mask.b = b; mask.c = c; mask.d = d; mask.numbits = numbits; // Add a mask if it hasn't been added yet
if ( s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist.Find( mask ) == s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist.InvalidIndex() ) s_arrHltvRelayProxyWhitelist.AddToTail( mask ); }
// On master HLTV this call updates number of external viewers and which portion of those are linked with Steam
void UpdateHltvExternalViewers( uint32 numTotalViewers, uint32 numLinkedViewers ) { for ( CHltvServerIterator hltv; hltv; hltv.Next() ) { hltv->UpdateHltvExternalViewers( numTotalViewers, numLinkedViewers ); } }
void SetDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode( bool bBenchmarkMode ) { g_bDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode = bBenchmarkMode; if ( bBenchmarkMode ) { extern ConVar sv_stressbots; sv_stressbots.SetValue( (int)1 ); } }
// Returns the SteamID of the game server
const CSteamID *GetGameServerSteamID() { if ( !Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID().IsValid() ) return NULL;
return &Steam3Server().GetGSSteamID(); }
int GetNumSplitScreenUsersAttachedToEdict( int ent_num ) { if (ent_num < 1 || ent_num > sv.GetClientCount() ) return 0;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(ent_num-1); if ( client->IsSplitScreenUser() ) return 0;
int c = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < host_state.max_splitscreen_players; ++i ) { if ( client->m_SplitScreenUsers[ i ] ) ++c; }
return c; } edict_t *GetSplitScreenPlayerForEdict( int ent_num, int nSlot ) { if (ent_num < 1 || ent_num > sv.GetClientCount() ) return NULL;
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(ent_num-1); if ( client->IsSplitScreenUser() ) return NULL;
if ( nSlot <= 0 || nSlot >= host_state.max_splitscreen_players ) return NULL;
CBaseClient *cl = client->m_SplitScreenUsers[ nSlot ]; if ( !cl ) return NULL;
return (( CGameClient * )cl)->edict; }
virtual int GetClusterCount() { CCollisionBSPData *pBSPData = GetCollisionBSPData(); if ( pBSPData && pBSPData->map_vis ) return pBSPData->map_vis->numclusters; return 0; }
virtual int GetAllClusterBounds( bbox_t *pBBoxList, int maxBBox ) { CCollisionBSPData *pBSPData = GetCollisionBSPData(); if ( pBSPData && pBSPData->map_vis && host_state.worldbrush ) { // clamp to max clusters in the map
if ( maxBBox > pBSPData->map_vis->numclusters ) { maxBBox = pBSPData->map_vis->numclusters; } // reset all of the bboxes
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBBox; i++ ) { ClearBounds( pBBoxList[i].mins, pBBoxList[i].maxs ); } // add each leaf's bounds to the bounds for that cluster
for ( int i = 0; i < host_state.worldbrush->numleafs; i++ ) { mleaf_t *pLeaf = &host_state.worldbrush->leafs[i]; // skip solid leaves and leaves with cluster < 0
if ( !(pLeaf->contents & CONTENTS_SOLID) && pLeaf->cluster >= 0 && pLeaf->cluster < maxBBox ) { Vector mins, maxs; mins = pLeaf->m_vecCenter - pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal; maxs = pLeaf->m_vecCenter + pLeaf->m_vecHalfDiagonal; AddPointToBounds( mins, pBBoxList[pLeaf->cluster].mins, pBBoxList[pLeaf->cluster].maxs ); AddPointToBounds( maxs, pBBoxList[pLeaf->cluster].mins, pBBoxList[pLeaf->cluster].maxs ); } }
return pBSPData->map_vis->numclusters; } return 0; }
virtual bool IsCreatingReslist() { return MapReslistGenerator().IsEnabled(); } virtual bool IsCreatingXboxReslist() { return MapReslistGenerator().IsCreatingForXbox(); }
virtual bool IsDedicatedServerForXbox() { return sv.IsDedicatedForXbox(); }
virtual bool IsDedicatedServerForPS3( void ) { return sv.IsDedicatedForPS3(); }
virtual void Pause( bool bPause, bool bForce ) { ConVarRef sv_pausable( "sv_pausable" ); int oldValue = sv_pausable.GetInt(); if ( bForce && !oldValue ) { sv_pausable.SetValue( 1 ); }
sv.SetPaused( bPause );
if ( bForce && !oldValue ) { sv_pausable.SetValue( 0 ); } }
virtual void SetTimescale( float flTimescale ) { sv.SetTimescale( flTimescale ); }
virtual bool HasPaintmap() { return g_PaintManager.m_bShouldRegister; }
virtual bool SpherePaintSurface( const model_t *pModel, const Vector& vPosition, BYTE colorIndex, float flSphereRadius, float flPaintCoatPercent ) { return ShootPaintSphere( pModel, vPosition, colorIndex, flSphereRadius, flPaintCoatPercent ); }
virtual void SphereTracePaintSurface( const model_t *pModel, const Vector& vPosition, const Vector& vContactNormal, float flSphereRadius, CUtlVector<BYTE>& surfColors ) { TracePaintSphere( pModel, vPosition, vContactNormal, flSphereRadius, surfColors ); } virtual void RemoveAllPaint() { g_PaintManager.RemoveAllPaint(); }
virtual void PaintAllSurfaces( BYTE color ) { g_PaintManager.PaintAllSurfaces( color ); }
virtual void GetPaintmapDataRLE( CUtlVector<uint32> &data ) { g_PaintManager.GetPaintmapDataRLE( data ); }
virtual void LoadPaintmapDataRLE( const CUtlVector<uint32> &data ) { g_PaintManager.LoadPaintmapDataRLE( data ); }
virtual void RemovePaint( const model_t* pModel ) { g_PaintManager.RemovePaint( pModel ); }
virtual void SendPaintmapDataToClient( edict_t *pPlayerEdict ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pPlayerEdict ); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return;
// Entity numbers are offset by 1 from the player numbers
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); if ( !client ) return;
CUtlVector< uint32 > data; g_PaintManager.GetPaintmapDataRLE( data ); AssertMsg2( data.Count() < NET_MAX_PAYLOAD, "Sending paint data with size [%d bytes] to client, max payload is [%d bytes]\n", data.Count(), NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
if ( data.Count() > 0 ) { //handle endian issue between platforms
CByteswap swap; swap.ActivateByteSwapping( !CByteswap::IsMachineBigEndian() ); swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian( data.Base(), data.Base(), data.Count() );
CSVCMsg_PaintmapData_t svcPaintmap; int nBytes = data.Count() * sizeof( data.Base()[0] ); svcPaintmap.set_paintmap( (void*)data.Base(), nBytes ); client->SendNetMsg( svcPaintmap, true ); } }
// Returns the SteamID of the specified player. It'll be NULL if the player hasn't authenticated yet.
const CSteamID *GetClientSteamID( const edict_t *pPlayerEdict, bool bRequireFullyAuthenticated ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pPlayerEdict ); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return NULL;
// Entity numbers are offset by 1 from the player numbers
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); if ( !client ) return NULL;
if ( !client->m_SteamID.IsValid() ) return NULL;
if ( bRequireFullyAuthenticated && !client->IsFullyAuthenticated() ) return NULL;
return &client->m_SteamID; }
// Returns the XUID of the specified player. It'll be NULL if the player hasn't connected yet.
XUID GetClientXUID( edict_t *pPlayerEdict ) { int entnum = NUM_FOR_EDICT( pPlayerEdict ); if (entnum < 1 || entnum > sv.GetClientCount() ) return 0ull;
// Entity numbers are offset by 1 from the player numbers
CGameClient *client = sv.Client(entnum-1); if ( !client ) return 0ull;
return client->GetClientXuid(); }
void SetGamestatsData( CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData ) { g_pGamestatsData = pGamestatsData; }
CGamestatsData *GetGamestatsData() { return g_pGamestatsData; }
void HostValidateSession() { extern void HostValidateSessionImpl(); HostValidateSessionImpl(); }
void RefreshScreenIfNecessary() { ::RefreshScreenIfNecessary(); }
float GetLatencyForChoreoSounds();
int GetServerVersion() const { return ::GetServerVersion(); }
bool WasShutDownRequested() const { extern bool sv_ShutDown_WasRequested(); return sv_ShutDown_WasRequested(); }
private: // Purpose: Sends a temp entity to the client ( follows the format of the original MESSAGE_BEGIN stuff from HL1
virtual void PlaybackTempEntity( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay, const void *pSender, const SendTable *pST, int classID ); virtual int CheckAreasConnected( int area1, int area2 ); virtual int GetArea( const Vector& origin ); virtual void GetAreaBits( int area, unsigned char *bits, int buflen ); virtual bool GetAreaPortalPlane( Vector const &vViewOrigin, int portalKey, VPlane *pPlane ); virtual client_textmessage_t *TextMessageGet( const char *pName ); virtual void LogPrint(const char * msg); virtual bool IsLogEnabled(); virtual bool LoadGameState( char const *pMapName, bool createPlayers ); virtual bool IsOverrideLoadGameEntsOn(); virtual void ForceFlushEntity( int iEntity ); virtual void LoadAdjacentEnts( const char *pOldLevel, const char *pLandmarkName ); virtual void ClearSaveDir(); virtual void ClearSaveDirAfterClientLoad();
virtual const char* GetMapEntitiesString(); virtual void BuildEntityClusterList( edict_t *pEdict, PVSInfo_t *pPVSInfo ); virtual void CleanUpEntityClusterList( PVSInfo_t *pPVSInfo ); virtual void SolidMoved( edict_t *pSolidEnt, ICollideable *pSolidCollide, const Vector* pPrevAbsOrigin, bool accurateBboxTriggerChecks ); virtual void TriggerMoved( edict_t *pTriggerEnt, bool accurateBboxTriggerChecks );
virtual ISpatialPartition *CreateSpatialPartition( const Vector& worldmin, const Vector& worldmax ) { return ::CreateSpatialPartition( worldmin, worldmax ); } virtual void DestroySpatialPartition( ISpatialPartition *pPartition ) { ::DestroySpatialPartition( pPartition ); }
virtual bool IsActiveApp() { return game->IsActiveApp(); }
virtual void SetNoClipEnabled( bool bEnabled ) { extern bool g_bNoClipEnabled; g_bNoClipEnabled = bEnabled; }
virtual bool StartClientHltvReplay( int nClientIndex, const HltvReplayParams_t ¶ms ) OVERRIDE { if ( IClient *pClient = sv.GetClient( nClientIndex ) ) { return pClient->StartHltvReplay( params ); } return false; }
virtual void StopClientHltvReplay( int nClientIndex ) OVERRIDE { if ( IClient *pClient = sv.GetClient( nClientIndex ) ) { pClient->StopHltvReplay(); } }
virtual int GetClientHltvReplayDelay( int nClientIndex ) OVERRIDE { if ( IClient *pClient = sv.GetClient( nClientIndex ) ) { return pClient->GetHltvReplayDelay(); } return 0; } virtual bool ClientCanStartHltvReplay( int nClientIndex ) OVERRIDE { if ( IClient* pClient = sv.GetClient( nClientIndex ) ) { return pClient->CanStartHltvReplay(); } return false; }
virtual bool HasHltvReplay( ) OVERRIDE { CActiveHltvServerIterator hltv;
return hltv && hltv->GetOldestTick() > 0; }
virtual void ClientResetReplayRequestTime( int nClientIndex ) OVERRIDE { if ( IClient* pClient = sv.GetClient( nClientIndex ) ) { return pClient->ResetReplayRequestTime(); } }
virtual bool AnyClientsInHltvReplayMode() OVERRIDE { return sv.AnyClientsInHltvReplayMode(); } };
// Expose CVEngineServer to the game DLL.
static CVEngineServer g_VEngineServer; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CVEngineServer, IVEngineServer, INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, g_VEngineServer);
// Expose CVEngineServer to the engine.
IVEngineServer *g_pVEngineServer = &g_VEngineServer;
// Used to allocate pvs infos
static CUtlMemoryPool s_PVSInfoAllocator( 128, 128 * 64, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_SLOW, "pvsinfopool", 128 );
// Purpose: Sends a temp entity to the client, using the reliable data stream
// Input : delay -
// *pSender -
// *pST -
// classID -
static void WriteReliableEvent( const SendTable *pST, float delay, int classID, SerializedEntityHandle_t handle, IClient *client, bf_write *buf ) { CSVCMsg_TempEntities_t eventMsg;
eventMsg.set_reliable( true );
// special case 0 signals single reliable event
eventMsg.set_num_entries( 0 ); eventMsg.mutable_entity_data()->resize( CEventInfo::MAX_EVENT_DATA ); bf_write buffer( &(*eventMsg.mutable_entity_data())[0], eventMsg.entity_data().size() );
if ( delay == 0.0f ) { buffer.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // no delay
} else { buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 ); buffer.WriteUBitLong( delay*100.0f, 16 ); }
buffer.WriteOneBit( 1 ); // full update
buffer.WriteUBitLong( classID, sv.serverclassbits ); // classID
// write event properties
SendTable_WritePropList( pST, handle, &buffer, -1, NULL );
// write message
if ( client ) { client->SendNetMsg( eventMsg, true ); }
if ( buf ) { eventMsg.WriteToBuffer( *buf ); } }
// Purpose: Sends a temp entity to the client ( follows the format of the original MESSAGE_BEGIN stuff from HL1
// Input : msg_dest -
// delay -
// *origin -
// *recipient -
// *pSender -
// *pST -
// classID -
void CVEngineServer::PlaybackTempEntity( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay, const void *pSender, const SendTable *pST, int classID ) { VPROF( "PlaybackTempEntity" );
// don't add more events to a snapshot than a client can receive
if ( sv.m_TempEntities.Count() >= ((1<<CEventInfo::EVENT_INDEX_BITS)-1) ) { // remove oldest effect
delete sv.m_TempEntities[0]; sv.m_TempEntities.Remove( 0 ); } // Make this start at 1
classID = classID + 1;
SerializedEntityHandle_t handle = g_pSerializedEntities->AllocateSerializedEntity(__FILE__, __LINE__);
// write all properties, if init or reliable message delta against zero values
if( !SendTable_Encode( pST, handle, pSender, classID, NULL ) ) { Host_Error( "PlaybackTempEntity: SendTable_Encode returned false (ent %d), overflow?\n", classID ); return; } bool bSendReliable = filter.IsReliable();
// Reliable events are sent one by one to each recipient
// Unreliable events are queued below and added to delta update packet if there is space...
if ( bSendReliable ) { int c = filter.GetRecipientCount(); for ( int slot = 0; slot < c; slot++ ) { int index = filter.GetRecipientIndex( slot ); if ( index < 1 || index > sv.GetClientCount() ) continue; CGameClient *cl = sv.Client( index - 1 ); if ( ( cl->IsFakeClient() && !cl->IsHLTV() ) || !cl->IsActive() ) continue;
WriteReliableEvent( pST, delay, classID, handle, cl, NULL ); }
g_pSerializedEntities->ReleaseSerializedEntity( handle ); return; }
// create CEventInfo:
CEventInfo *newEvent = new CEventInfo;
//copy client filter
newEvent->filter.AddPlayersFromFilter( &filter );
newEvent->classID = classID; newEvent->pSendTable= pST; newEvent->fire_delay= delay;
newEvent->m_Packed = handle;
// add to list
sv.m_TempEntities[sv.m_TempEntities.AddToTail()] = newEvent; }
int CVEngineServer::CheckAreasConnected( int area1, int area2 ) { return CM_AreasConnected(area1, area2); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *origin -
// *bits -
// Output : void
int CVEngineServer::GetArea( const Vector& origin ) { return CM_LeafArea( CM_PointLeafnum( origin ) ); }
void CVEngineServer::GetAreaBits( int area, unsigned char *bits, int buflen ) { CM_WriteAreaBits( bits, buflen, area ); }
bool CVEngineServer::GetAreaPortalPlane( Vector const &vViewOrigin, int portalKey, VPlane *pPlane ) { return CM_GetAreaPortalPlane( vViewOrigin, portalKey, pPlane ); }
client_textmessage_t *CVEngineServer::TextMessageGet( const char *pName ) { return ::TextMessageGet( pName ); }
void CVEngineServer::LogPrint(const char * msg) { g_Log.Print( msg ); } bool CVEngineServer::IsLogEnabled() { return g_Log.IsActive(); }
// HACKHACK: Save/restore wrapper - Move this to a different interface
bool CVEngineServer::LoadGameState( char const *pMapName, bool createPlayers ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
return saverestore->LoadGameState( pMapName, createPlayers ) != 0; #else
return 0; #endif
bool CVEngineServer::IsOverrideLoadGameEntsOn() { #ifndef DEDICATED
return saverestore->IsOverrideLoadGameEntsOn(); #else
return false; #endif
void CVEngineServer::ForceFlushEntity( int iEntity ) { if ( g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor ) { g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor->ForceFlushEntity( iEntity ); } }
void CVEngineServer::LoadAdjacentEnts( const char *pOldLevel, const char *pLandmarkName ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
saverestore->LoadAdjacentEnts( pOldLevel, pLandmarkName ); #endif
void CVEngineServer::ClearSaveDir() { #ifndef DEDICATED
saverestore->ClearSaveDir(); #endif
void CVEngineServer::ClearSaveDirAfterClientLoad() { #ifndef DEDICATED
saverestore->RequestClearSaveDir(); #endif
const char* CVEngineServer::GetMapEntitiesString() { return CM_EntityString(); }
// Builds PVS information for an entity
inline bool SortClusterLessFunc( const int &left, const int &right ) { return left < right; }
void CVEngineServer::BuildEntityClusterList( edict_t *pEdict, PVSInfo_t *pPVSInfo ) { int i, j; int topnode; int leafCount; int leafs[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS], clusters[MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS]; int area;
CleanUpEntityClusterList( pPVSInfo ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum2 = 0; if ( !pEdict ) return;
ICollideable *pCollideable = pEdict->GetCollideable(); Assert( pCollideable ); if ( !pCollideable ) return;
topnode = -1;
//get all leafs, including solids
Vector vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs; pCollideable->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vecWorldMins, &vecWorldMaxs ); leafCount = CM_BoxLeafnums( vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs, leafs, MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS, &topnode );
// set areas
bool bAreaCheck = false; for ( i = 0; i < leafCount; i++ ) { clusters[i] = CM_LeafCluster( leafs[i] ); area = CM_LeafArea( leafs[i] ); if ( area == 0 ) continue;
// doors may legally straggle two areas,
// but nothing should ever need more than that
if ( pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum && pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum != area ) { if ( !bAreaCheck && pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum2 && pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum2 != area ) { // if you are touching more than 2 areas, do a check to get the approximate best area
bAreaCheck = true; if ( sv.IsLoading() ) { ConDMsg ("Object touching 3 areas at %f %f %f\n", vecWorldMins[0], vecWorldMins[1], vecWorldMins[2]); } } pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum2 = area; } else { pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum = area; } }
Vector center = (vecWorldMins+vecWorldMaxs) * 0.5f; // calc center
if ( bAreaCheck ) { // make sure the area of your center is being tested, otherwise just pick the first ones
// in the list
int leaf = CM_PointLeafnum( center ); int area = CM_LeafArea(leaf); if ( pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum != area && pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum2 != area ) { pPVSInfo->m_nAreaNum = area; } } pPVSInfo->m_nHeadNode = topnode; // save headnode
// save origin
pPVSInfo->m_vCenter[0] = center[0]; pPVSInfo->m_vCenter[1] = center[1]; pPVSInfo->m_vCenter[2] = center[2];
if ( leafCount >= MAX_TOTAL_ENT_LEAFS ) { // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount = -1; return; }
pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = pPVSInfo->m_pClustersInline; if ( leafCount >= 16 ) { std::make_heap( clusters, clusters + leafCount, SortClusterLessFunc ); std::sort_heap( clusters, clusters + leafCount, SortClusterLessFunc ); for ( i = 0; i < leafCount; i++ ) { if ( clusters[i] == -1 ) continue; // not a visible leaf
if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( clusters[i] == clusters[i-1] ) ) continue;
if ( pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount == MAX_FAST_ENT_CLUSTERS ) { unsigned short *pClusters = (unsigned short *)s_PVSInfoAllocator.Alloc(); memcpy( pClusters, pPVSInfo->m_pClusters, MAX_FAST_ENT_CLUSTERS * sizeof(unsigned short) ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = pClusters; } else if ( pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount == MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS ) { // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
s_PVSInfoAllocator.Free( pPVSInfo->m_pClusters ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount = -1; break; }
pPVSInfo->m_pClusters[pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount++] = (short)clusters[i]; } return; }
for ( i = 0; i < leafCount; i++ ) { if ( clusters[i] == -1 ) continue; // not a visible leaf
for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if ( clusters[j] == clusters[i] ) break; }
if ( j != i ) continue;
if ( pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount == MAX_FAST_ENT_CLUSTERS ) { unsigned short *pClusters = (unsigned short*)s_PVSInfoAllocator.Alloc(); memcpy( pClusters, pPVSInfo->m_pClusters, MAX_FAST_ENT_CLUSTERS * sizeof(unsigned short) ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = pClusters; } else if ( pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount == MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS ) { // assume we missed some leafs, and mark by headnode
s_PVSInfoAllocator.Free( pPVSInfo->m_pClusters ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount = -1; break; }
pPVSInfo->m_pClusters[pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount++] = (short)clusters[i]; } }
// Cleans up the cluster list
void CVEngineServer::CleanUpEntityClusterList( PVSInfo_t *pPVSInfo ) { if ( pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount > MAX_FAST_ENT_CLUSTERS ) { s_PVSInfoAllocator.Free( pPVSInfo->m_pClusters ); pPVSInfo->m_pClusters = 0; pPVSInfo->m_nClusterCount = 0; } }
// Adds a handle to the list of entities to update when a partition query occurs
void CVEngineServer::SolidMoved( edict_t *pSolidEnt, ICollideable *pSolidCollide, const Vector* pPrevAbsOrigin, bool accurateBboxTriggerChecks ) { SV_SolidMoved( pSolidEnt, pSolidCollide, pPrevAbsOrigin, accurateBboxTriggerChecks ); }
void CVEngineServer::TriggerMoved( edict_t *pTriggerEnt, bool accurateBboxTriggerChecks ) { SV_TriggerMoved( pTriggerEnt, accurateBboxTriggerChecks ); }
// Called by the server to determine violence settings.
bool CVEngineServer::IsLowViolence() { return g_bLowViolence; }
// Called by the (multiplayer) server to determine violence settings.
bool CVEngineServer::IsAnyClientLowViolence() { for ( int i=0; i<sv.GetClientCount(); ++i ) { CGameClient *client = sv.Client(i); if ( client && client->IsLowViolenceClient() ) { return true; } }
return false; }
// Called by server to delay choreo sounds accordingly to IO latency.
float CVEngineServer::GetLatencyForChoreoSounds() { #ifdef DEDICATED
return 0.0f; #elif LINUX
return 0.0f; #else
extern ConVar snd_mixahead; extern ConVar snd_delay_for_choreo_enabled; extern ConVar snd_delay_for_choreo_reset_after_N_milliseconds; extern float g_fDelayForChoreo; extern uint32 g_nDelayForChoreoLastCheckInMs; extern int g_nDelayForChoreoNumberOfSoundsPlaying;
float fResult = snd_mixahead.GetFloat(); if ( snd_delay_for_choreo_enabled.GetBool() ) { float fDelayForChoreo = g_fDelayForChoreo; if ( fDelayForChoreo != 0.0f ) { // Let's see if we have to reset the delay due to choreo (do this just before we return any useful information from scene entity).
// Note that this access is not thread safe, however there is no dire consequence here in case of race conditions.
// Delay may be reset when it should not, or delay may not be reset when it should (that case would be corrected by a subsequent call anyway).
if ( g_nDelayForChoreoNumberOfSoundsPlaying == 0 ) { // We only reset the delay if no other sound is still behind in term of latency. Several VCDs could be running in parallel.
// As if we do it later, like when the samples are ready, we are going to hit the timeout more easily. We would then lose previously accumulated delay,
// and the sound could be potentially cut off later.
uint32 nCurrentTime = Plat_MSTime(); uint32 nLastCheck = g_nDelayForChoreoLastCheckInMs; if ( nLastCheck + snd_delay_for_choreo_reset_after_N_milliseconds.GetInt() < nCurrentTime ) { // Msg( "Reset delay for choreo as no choreo has been executed for the past %f seconds. Old value=%f.\n", (float)( nCurrentTime - nLastCheck ) / 1000.0f, fDelayForChoreo );
g_fDelayForChoreo = fDelayForChoreo = 0.0f; } } }
// Remove the delay to the mix-ahead, which is going to push back the latency.
fResult -= fDelayForChoreo; } return fResult; #endif