//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Interface to Xbox 360 system functions. Helps deal with the async system and Live
// functions by either providing a handle for the caller to check results or handling
// automatic cleanup of the async data when the caller doesn't care about the results.
#include "host.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#ifdef _X360
#include <xparty.h>
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static wchar_t g_szModSaveContainerDisplayName[XCONTENT_MAX_DISPLAYNAME_LENGTH] = L""; static char g_szModSaveContainerName[XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH] = "";
#if !defined( CSTRIKE_TRIAL_MODE )
#if defined( _CERT ) && defined( _X360 )
// Implementation of IXboxSystem interface
class CXboxSystem : public IXboxSystem { public: CXboxSystem( void );
virtual ~CXboxSystem( void );
virtual AsyncHandle_t CreateAsyncHandle( void ); virtual void ReleaseAsyncHandle( AsyncHandle_t handle ); virtual int GetOverlappedResult( AsyncHandle_t handle, uint *pResultCode, bool bWait ); virtual void CancelOverlappedOperation( AsyncHandle_t handle );
// Save/Load
virtual bool GameHasSavegames( void ); virtual void GetModSaveContainerNames( const char *pchModName, const wchar_t **ppchDisplayName, const char **ppchName ); virtual uint GetContainerRemainingSpace( DWORD nDeviceID ); virtual bool DeviceCapacityAdequate( int iController, DWORD nDeviceID, const char *pModName ); virtual DWORD DiscoverUserData( DWORD nUserID, const char *pModName );
// XUI
virtual bool ShowDeviceSelector( int iController, bool bForce, uint *pStorageID, AsyncHandle_t *pHandle ); virtual void ShowSigninUI( uint nPanes, uint nFlags );
// Rich Presence and Matchmaking
virtual int UserSetContext( uint nUserIdx, XUSER_CONTEXT const &xc, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pHandle); virtual int UserSetProperty( uint nUserIndex, XUSER_PROPERTY const &xp, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pHandle ); virtual int UserGetContext( uint nUserIdx, uint nContextID, uint &nContextValue); virtual int UserGetPropertyInt( uint nUserIndex, uint nPropertyId, uint &nPropertyValue);
// Matchmaking
virtual int CreateSession( uint nFlags, uint nUserIdx, uint nMaxPublicSlots, uint nMaxPrivateSlots, uint64 *pNonce, void *pSessionInfo, XboxHandle_t *pSessionHandle, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual uint DeleteSession( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle = NULL ); virtual uint SessionSearch( uint nProcedureIndex, uint nUserIndex, uint nNumResults, uint nNumUsers, uint nNumProperties, uint nNumContexts, XUSER_PROPERTY *pSearchProperties, XUSER_CONTEXT *pSearchContexts, uint *pcbResultsBuffer, XSESSION_SEARCHRESULT_HEADER *pSearchResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual uint SessionStart( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nFlags, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual uint SessionEnd( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionJoinLocal( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const uint *pUserIndexes, const bool *pPrivateSlots, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionJoinRemote( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const XUID *pXuids, const bool *pPrivateSlot, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionLeaveLocal( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const uint *pUserIndexes, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionLeaveRemote( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const XUID *pXuids, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionMigrate( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserIndex, void *pSessionInfo, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int SessionArbitrationRegister( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nFlags, uint64 nonce, uint *pBytes, void *pBuffer, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle );
// Friends
virtual int EnumerateFriends( uint userIndex, void **pBuffer, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle = NULL );
// Stats
virtual int WriteStats( XboxHandle_t hSession, XUID xuid, uint nViews, void* pViews, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int FlushStats( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int EnumerateStatsByRank( uint nStartingRank, uint nNumRows, uint nNumSpecs, void *pSpecs, void **ppResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int EnumerateStatsByXuid( XUID nUserId, uint nNumRows, uint nNumSpecs, void *pSpecs, void **ppResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle );
// Achievements
virtual int EnumerateAchievements( uint nUserIdx, uint64 xuid, uint nStartingIdx, uint nCount, void *pBuffer, uint nBufferBytes, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ); virtual int AwardAchievement( uint nUserIdx, uint nAchievementId, AsyncHandle_t *ppOverlappedResult ); virtual int AwardAvatarAsset( uint nUserIdx, uint nAwardId, AsyncHandle_t *ppOverlappedResult );
// Arcade titles
virtual void ShowUnlockFullGameUI( void ); virtual bool UpdateArcadeTitleUnlockStatus( void ); virtual bool IsArcadeTitleUnlocked( void ); virtual float GetArcadeRemainingTrialTime( int nSlot = 0 );
virtual void FinishContainerWrites( int iController ); virtual uint GetContainerOpenResult( int iController ); virtual uint OpenContainers( int iController ); virtual void CloseContainers( int iController );
virtual void FinishAllContainerWrites( void ); virtual void CloseAllContainers( void );
// Overlapped
virtual int Io_HasOverlappedIoCompleted( XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped );
// XNet
virtual int NetRandom( byte *pb, unsigned numBytes ); virtual DWORD NetGetTitleXnAddr( XNADDR *pxna ); virtual int NetXnAddrToMachineId( const XNADDR *pxnaddr, uint64 *pqwMachineId ); virtual int NetInAddrToXnAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, XNADDR *pxna, XNKID *pxnkid ); virtual int NetXnAddrToInAddr( const XNADDR *pxna, const XNKID *pxnkid, IN_ADDR *pina );
// User
virtual XUSER_SIGNIN_STATE UserGetSigninState( int iCtrlr );
private: virtual uint CreateSavegameContainer( int iController, uint nCreationFlags ); virtual uint CreateUserSettingsContainer( int iController, uint nCreationFlags );
uint m_OpenContainerResult[ 4 ]; };
static CXboxSystem s_XboxSystem; IXboxSystem *g_pXboxSystem = &s_XboxSystem;
#define ASYNC_RESULT(ph) ((AsyncResult_t*)*ph);
// Holds the overlapped object and any persistent data for async system calls
typedef struct AsyncResult_s { XOVERLAPPED overlapped; bool bAutoRelease; void *pInputData; AsyncResult_s *pNext; } AsyncResult_t;
static AsyncResult_t * g_pAsyncResultHead = NULL;
// Purpose: Remove an AsyncResult_t from the list
static void ReleaseAsyncResult( AsyncResult_t *pAsyncResult ) { if ( pAsyncResult == g_pAsyncResultHead ) { g_pAsyncResultHead = pAsyncResult->pNext; free( pAsyncResult->pInputData ); delete pAsyncResult; return; }
AsyncResult_t *pNode = g_pAsyncResultHead; while ( pNode->pNext ) { if ( pNode->pNext == pAsyncResult ) { pNode->pNext = pAsyncResult->pNext; free( pAsyncResult->pInputData ); delete pAsyncResult; return; } pNode = pNode->pNext; } Warning( "AsyncResult_t not found in ReleaseAsyncResult.\n" ); }
// Purpose: Remove an AsyncResult_t from the list
static void ReleaseAsyncResult( XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = g_pAsyncResultHead; while ( pResult ) { if ( &pResult->overlapped == pOverlapped ) { ReleaseAsyncResult( pResult ); return; } } Warning( "XOVERLAPPED couldn't be found in ReleaseAsyncResult.\n" ); }
// Purpose: Release async results that were marked for auto-release.
static void CleanupFinishedAsyncResults() { AsyncResult_t *pResult = g_pAsyncResultHead; AsyncResult_t *pNext; while( pResult ) { pNext = pResult->pNext; if ( pResult->bAutoRelease ) { #ifdef _X360
bool bCompleted = XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( &pResult->overlapped ); #else
bool bCompleted = true; #endif
if ( bCompleted ) { ReleaseAsyncResult( pResult ); } } pResult = pNext; } }
// Purpose: Add a new AsyncResult_t object to the list
static AsyncResult_t *CreateAsyncResult( bool bAutoRelease ) { // Take this opportunity to clean up finished operations
AsyncResult_t *pAsyncResult = new AsyncResult_t; memset( pAsyncResult, 0, sizeof( AsyncResult_t ) );
pAsyncResult->pNext = g_pAsyncResultHead; g_pAsyncResultHead = pAsyncResult;
if ( bAutoRelease ) { pAsyncResult->bAutoRelease = true; }
return pAsyncResult; }
// Purpose: Return an AsyncResult_t object to the pool
static void InitializeAsyncHandle( AsyncHandle_t *pHandle ) { XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = &((AsyncResult_t *)*pHandle)->overlapped; memset( pOverlapped, 0, sizeof( XOVERLAPPED ) ); }
// Purpose: Initialize or create and async handle
static AsyncResult_t *InitializeAsyncResult( AsyncHandle_t **ppAsyncHandle ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = NULL; if ( *ppAsyncHandle ) { InitializeAsyncHandle( *ppAsyncHandle ); pResult = ASYNC_RESULT( *ppAsyncHandle ); } else { // No handle provided, create one
pResult = CreateAsyncResult( true ); } return pResult; }
CXboxSystem::CXboxSystem( void ) { memset( m_OpenContainerResult, 0, sizeof( m_OpenContainerResult ) ); }
// Purpose: Force overlapped operations to finish and clean up
CXboxSystem::~CXboxSystem() { // Force async operations to finish.
AsyncResult_t *pResult = g_pAsyncResultHead; while ( pResult ) { AsyncResult_t *pNext = pResult->pNext; GetOverlappedResult( (AsyncHandle_t)pResult, NULL, true ); pResult = pNext; }
// Release any remaining handles - should have been released by the client that created them.
int ct = 0; while ( g_pAsyncResultHead ) { ReleaseAsyncResult( g_pAsyncResultHead ); ++ct; }
if ( ct ) { Warning( "Released %d async handles\n", ct ); } }
// Purpose: Check on the result of an overlapped operation
int CXboxSystem::GetOverlappedResult( AsyncHandle_t handle, uint *pResultCode, bool bWait ) { #ifdef _X360
if ( !handle ) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
return XGetOverlappedResult( &((AsyncResult_t*)handle)->overlapped, (DWORD*)pResultCode, bWait ); #else
if ( pResultCode ) *pResultCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Cancel an overlapped operation
void CXboxSystem::CancelOverlappedOperation( AsyncHandle_t handle ) { #ifdef _X360
XCancelOverlapped( &((AsyncResult_t*)handle)->overlapped ); #else
(void) 0; #endif
// Purpose: Create a new AsyncHandle_t
AsyncHandle_t CXboxSystem::CreateAsyncHandle( void ) { #ifdef _X360
return (AsyncHandle_t)CreateAsyncResult( false ); #else
return NULL; #endif
// Purpose: Delete an AsyncHandle_t
void CXboxSystem::ReleaseAsyncHandle( AsyncHandle_t handle ) { #ifdef _X360
ReleaseAsyncResult( (AsyncResult_t*)handle ); #else
(void) 0; #endif
// Purpose: Close the open containers
void CXboxSystem::CloseContainers( int iController ) { #ifdef _X360
char szRootName[XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; DWORD ret = 0; XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SAVES_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szRootName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH ); ret = XContentClose( szRootName, NULL ); DevMsg( "XContentClose( %s ) = 0x%08X\n", szRootName, ret );
XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szRootName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH ); ret = XContentClose( szRootName, NULL ); DevMsg( "XContentClose( %s ) = 0x%08X\n", szRootName, ret ); #endif
// Purpose: Close all open containers
void CXboxSystem::CloseAllContainers( void ) { for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++ k ) CloseContainers( k ); }
// Purpose:
uint CXboxSystem::OpenContainers( int iController ) { #ifdef _X360
if ( iController < 0 || iController >= XUSER_MAX_COUNT ) return ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER;
if ( UserGetSigninState( iController ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) return ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE;
// Close the containers (force dismount)
CloseContainers( iController );
m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ] = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Open the save games
if ( ( m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ] = CreateUserSettingsContainer( iController, XCONTENTFLAG_OPENALWAYS ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ];
// If we don't care about save game space
if ( !GameHasSavegames() ) return m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ];
// Open the user settings
if ( ( m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ] = CreateSavegameContainer( iController, XCONTENTFLAG_OPENALWAYS ) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CloseContainers( iController ); return m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ]; } #else
m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ] = ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
return m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ]; }
// Purpose: Returns the results from the last container opening
uint CXboxSystem::GetContainerOpenResult( int iController ) { #ifdef _X360
if ( iController < 0 || iController >= XUSER_MAX_COUNT ) return ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER;
if ( UserGetSigninState( iController ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) return ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE; #else
m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ] = ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
return m_OpenContainerResult[ iController ]; }
#ifdef _X360
uint XHelper_CreateContainer( int iController, uint nCreationFlags, XCONTENT_DATA &contentData, uint64 uiBytesNeeded, char const *szContainerRoot ) { if ( iController < 0 || iController >= XUSER_MAX_COUNT ) return ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER;
DWORD dwStorageDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController ); if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( dwStorageDevice ) ) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
// Don't allow any of our saves or user data to be transferred to another user
contentData.DeviceID = dwStorageDevice; contentData.dwContentType = XCONTENTTYPE_SAVEDGAME;
SIZE_T dwFileCacheSize = 0; // Use the smallest size (default)
ULARGE_INTEGER ulSize; ulSize.QuadPart = uiBytesNeeded;
char szRootName[XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, szContainerRoot, szRootName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH );
int nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; bool bFound = false; if ( ( nCreationFlags & XCONTENTFLAG_OPENALWAYS ) == XCONTENTFLAG_OPENALWAYS ) { uint nTestingFlag = ( nCreationFlags & ~XCONTENTFLAG_OPENALWAYS ) | XCONTENTFLAG_OPENEXISTING; nRet = XContentCreateEx( iController, szRootName, &contentData, nTestingFlag, NULL, NULL, dwFileCacheSize, ulSize, NULL ); if ( nRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { bFound = true; } }
if ( !bFound && nRet != ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT ) { nRet = XContentCreateEx( iController, szRootName, &contentData, nCreationFlags, NULL, NULL, dwFileCacheSize, ulSize, NULL ); } if ( nRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BOOL bUserIsCreator = false; XContentGetCreator( iController, &contentData, &bUserIsCreator, NULL, NULL ); if( bUserIsCreator == false ) { XContentClose( szRootName, NULL ); return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
DevMsg( "XContentCreateEx( %s ): %s for %d\n", szRootName, contentData.szFileName, iController ); }
return nRet; } #endif
// Purpose: Open the save game container for the current mod
uint CXboxSystem::CreateSavegameContainer( int iController, uint nCreationFlags ) { #ifdef _X360
const wchar_t *pchContainerDisplayName; const char *pchContainerName; g_pXboxSystem->GetModSaveContainerNames( GetCurrentMod(), &pchContainerDisplayName, &pchContainerName );
XCONTENT_DATA contentData; memset( &contentData, 0, sizeof( contentData ) ); Q_wcsncpy( contentData.szDisplayName, pchContainerDisplayName, sizeof ( contentData.szDisplayName ) ); Q_snprintf( contentData.szFileName, sizeof( contentData.szFileName ), pchContainerName );
return XHelper_CreateContainer( iController, nCreationFlags, contentData, XBX_PERSISTENT_BYTES_NEEDED, XBX_USER_SAVES_CONTAINER_DRIVE ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Open the user settings container for the current mod
uint CXboxSystem::CreateUserSettingsContainer( int iController, uint nCreationFlags ) { #ifdef _X360
XCONTENT_DATA contentData; memset( &contentData, 0, sizeof( contentData ) ); Q_wcsncpy( contentData.szDisplayName, g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( "#GameUI_Console_UserSettings" ), sizeof( contentData.szDisplayName ) ); Q_snprintf( contentData.szFileName, sizeof( contentData.szFileName ), "UserSettings" );
return XHelper_CreateContainer( iController, nCreationFlags, contentData, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_BYTES, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
ConVar host_write_last_time( "host_write_last_time", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ); #endif
// Purpose:
void CXboxSystem::FinishContainerWrites( int iController ) { #ifdef _X360
XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SAVES_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szRootName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH ); XContentFlush( szRootName, NULL );
XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szRootName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH ); XContentFlush( szRootName, NULL ); #endif
static ConVarRef host_write_last_time( "host_write_last_time" ); float flTimeSinceLastWrite = Plat_FloatTime() - host_write_last_time.GetFloat(); if ( flTimeSinceLastWrite < 3.0f ) { DevWarning( "CXboxSystem::FinishContainerWrites when only %.2f sec elapsed after last write!\n", flTimeSinceLastWrite ); } host_write_last_time.SetValue( ( float ) Plat_FloatTime() ); #else
void CXboxSystem::FinishAllContainerWrites( void ) { for ( DWORD k = 0; k < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++ k ) FinishContainerWrites( k ); }
// Purpose: Determine if game has savegame containers
bool CXboxSystem::GameHasSavegames( void ) { static bool s_bInitialized = false; static bool s_bHasSavegames = true;
if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() != 1 ) return false; if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() ) return false; #endif
if ( !s_bInitialized ) { const char *pszMod = GetCurrentMod();
if ( !Q_stricmp( pszMod, "left4dead2" ) ) s_bHasSavegames = false; else if ( !Q_stricmp( pszMod, "tf" ) ) s_bHasSavegames = false;
s_bInitialized = true; }
return s_bHasSavegames; }
// Purpose: Retrieve the names used for our save game container
// Input : *pchModName - Name of the mod we're running (tf, hl2, etc)
// **ppchDisplayName - Display name that will be presented to users by the console
// **ppchName - Filename of the container
void CXboxSystem::GetModSaveContainerNames( const char *pchModName, const wchar_t **ppchDisplayName, const char **ppchName ) { // If the strings haven't been setup
if ( g_szModSaveContainerDisplayName[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { char chFmtString[256] = {0}; Q_snprintf( chFmtString, sizeof( chFmtString ), "#GameUI_Console_%s_Saves", pchModName ); wchar_t const *wszLocStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( chFmtString ); if ( !wszLocStr || !*wszLocStr ) wszLocStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_Console_SaveGames" ); if ( !wszLocStr || !*wszLocStr ) wszLocStr = L"SAVES";
Q_wcsncpy( g_szModSaveContainerDisplayName, wszLocStr, sizeof( g_szModSaveContainerDisplayName ) );
// Create a filename with the format "mod_saves"
Q_snprintf( g_szModSaveContainerName, sizeof( g_szModSaveContainerName ), "%s_saves", pchModName ); }
// Return pointers to these internally kept strings
*ppchDisplayName = g_szModSaveContainerDisplayName; *ppchName = g_szModSaveContainerName; }
// Purpose: Search the device and find out if we have adequate space to start a game
// Input : nStorageID - Device to check
// *pModName - Name of the mod we want to check for
bool CXboxSystem::DeviceCapacityAdequate( int iController, DWORD nStorageID, const char *pModName ) { #ifdef _X360
// If we don't have a valid user id, we can't poll the device
if ( iController == XBX_INVALID_USER_ID ) return false;
if ( XUserGetSigninState( iController ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) return XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID;
// Must be a valid storage device to poll
if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( nStorageID ) ) return false;
// Get the actual amount on the drive
XDEVICE_DATA deviceData; if ( XContentGetDeviceData( nStorageID, &deviceData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false;
const ULONGLONG nSaveGameSize = XContentCalculateSize( XBX_PERSISTENT_BYTES_NEEDED, 1 ); const ULONGLONG nUserSettingsSize = XContentCalculateSize( XBX_USER_SETTINGS_BYTES, 1 ); bool bHasSaves = GameHasSavegames(); ULONGLONG nTotalSpaceNeeded = ( !bHasSaves ) ? nUserSettingsSize : ( nSaveGameSize + nUserSettingsSize ); ULONGLONG nAvailableSpace = deviceData.ulDeviceFreeBytes; // Take the first device's free space to compare this against
// If they've already got enough space, early out
if ( nAvailableSpace >= nTotalSpaceNeeded ) return true;
const int nNumItemsToRetrieve = 1; const int fContentFlags = XCONTENTFLAG_ENUM_EXCLUDECOMMON;
// Save for queries against the storage devices
const wchar_t *pchContainerDisplayName; const char *pchContainerName; GetModSaveContainerNames( pModName, &pchContainerDisplayName, &pchContainerName );
// Look for a user settings block for all products
DWORD nBufferSize; HANDLE hEnumerator; if ( XContentCreateEnumerator( iController, nStorageID, XCONTENTTYPE_SAVEDGAME, fContentFlags, nNumItemsToRetrieve, &nBufferSize, &hEnumerator ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Allocate a buffer of the correct size
BYTE *pBuffer = new BYTE[nBufferSize]; if ( pBuffer == NULL ) return XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID;
// Step through all items, looking for ones we care about
DWORD nNumItems; while ( XEnumerate( hEnumerator, pBuffer, nBufferSize, &nNumItems, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Grab the item in question
pData = (XCONTENT_DATA *) pBuffer;
// Safely store this away (null-termination is not guaranteed by the API!)
memcpy( szFilename, pData->szFileName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH );
// See if this is our user settings file
if ( !Q_stricmp( szFilename, "UserSettings" ) ) { nTotalSpaceNeeded -= nUserSettingsSize; } else if ( bHasSaves && !Q_stricmp( szFilename, pchContainerName ) ) { nTotalSpaceNeeded -= nSaveGameSize; } }
// Clean up
delete[] pBuffer; CloseHandle( hEnumerator ); }
// Finally, check its complete size
if ( nTotalSpaceNeeded <= nAvailableSpace ) return true;
return false; #else
return true; #endif
// Purpose: Enumerate all devices and search for game data already present. If only one device has it, we return it
// Input : nUserID - User whose data we're searching for
// *pModName - Name of the mod we're searching for
// Output : Device ID which contains our data (-1 if no data was found, or data resided on multiple devices)
DWORD CXboxSystem::DiscoverUserData( DWORD nUserID, const char *pModName ) { #ifdef _X360
// If we're entering this function without a storage device, then we must pop the UI anyway to choose it!
if ( XUserGetSigninState( nUserID ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) return XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID;
const int nNumItemsToRetrieve = 1; const int fContentFlags = XCONTENTFLAG_ENUM_EXCLUDECOMMON; DWORD nFoundDevice = XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID;
// Save for queries against the storage devices
const wchar_t *pchContainerDisplayName; const char *pchContainerName; GetModSaveContainerNames( pModName, &pchContainerDisplayName, &pchContainerName );
const ULONGLONG nSaveGameSize = XContentCalculateSize( XBX_PERSISTENT_BYTES_NEEDED, 1 ); const ULONGLONG nUserSettingsSize = XContentCalculateSize( XBX_USER_SETTINGS_BYTES, 1 ); bool bHasSaves = GameHasSavegames(); ULONGLONG nTotalSpaceNeeded = ( !bHasSaves ) ? nUserSettingsSize : ( nSaveGameSize + nUserSettingsSize ); ULONGLONG nAvailableSpace = 0; // Take the first device's free space to compare this against
// Look for a user settings block for all products
DWORD nBufferSize; HANDLE hEnumerator; if ( XContentCreateEnumerator( nUserID, XCONTENTDEVICE_ANY, // All devices we know about
XCONTENTTYPE_SAVEDGAME, fContentFlags, nNumItemsToRetrieve, &nBufferSize, &hEnumerator ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Allocate a buffer of the correct size
BYTE *pBuffer = new BYTE[nBufferSize]; if ( pBuffer == NULL ) return XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID;
// Step through all items, looking for ones we care about
DWORD nNumItems; while ( XEnumerate( hEnumerator, pBuffer, nBufferSize, &nNumItems, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Grab the item in question
pData = (XCONTENT_DATA *) pBuffer;
// If they have multiple devices installed, then we must ask
if ( nFoundDevice != XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID && nFoundDevice != pData->DeviceID ) { // Clean up
delete[] pBuffer; CloseHandle( hEnumerator );
// Hold on to this device ID
if ( nFoundDevice != pData->DeviceID ) { nFoundDevice = pData->DeviceID;
XDEVICE_DATA deviceData; if ( XContentGetDeviceData( nFoundDevice, &deviceData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) continue;
nAvailableSpace = deviceData.ulDeviceFreeBytes; }
// Safely store this away (null-termination is not guaranteed by the API!)
memcpy( szFilename, pData->szFileName, XCONTENT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH );
// See if this is our user settings file
if ( !Q_stricmp( szFilename, "UserSettings" ) ) { nTotalSpaceNeeded -= nUserSettingsSize; } else if ( bHasSaves && !Q_stricmp( szFilename, pchContainerName ) ) { nTotalSpaceNeeded -= nSaveGameSize; } }
// Clean up
delete[] pBuffer; CloseHandle( hEnumerator ); }
// If we found nothing, then give up
if ( nFoundDevice == XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID ) return nFoundDevice;
// Finally, check its complete size
if ( nTotalSpaceNeeded <= nAvailableSpace ) return nFoundDevice;
// Purpose: Space free on the current device
uint CXboxSystem::GetContainerRemainingSpace( DWORD nStorageID ) { #ifdef _X360
XDEVICE_DATA deviceData; if ( XContentGetDeviceData( nStorageID, &deviceData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 0;
return deviceData.ulDeviceFreeBytes; #else
return 1024*1024*1024; // 1 Gb
// Purpose: Show the storage device selector
bool CXboxSystem::ShowDeviceSelector( int iController, bool bForce, uint *pStorageID, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle );
// We validate the size outside of this because we want to look inside our packages to see what's really free
DWORD ret = XShowDeviceSelectorUI( iController, XCONTENTTYPE_SAVEDGAME, showFlags, bytes, (DWORD*) pStorageID, &pResult->overlapped );
if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { Msg( "Error showing device Selector UI\n" ); return false; }
return true; #else
return false; #endif
// Purpose: Show the user sign in screen
void CXboxSystem::ShowSigninUI( uint nPanes, uint nFlags ) { #ifdef _X360
XShowSigninUI( nPanes, nFlags ); #else
// Purpose: Set a user context
int CXboxSystem::UserSetContext( uint nUserIdx, XUSER_CONTEXT const &xc, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL; if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XUserSetContextEx( nUserIdx, xc.dwContextId, xc.dwValue, pOverlapped ); #else
return 0; #endif
// Purpose: Set a user property
int CXboxSystem::UserSetProperty( uint nUserIndex, XUSER_PROPERTY const &xp, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
int nBytes = 0; void const *pvData = NULL;
switch ( xp.value.type ) { case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_INT32: nBytes = sizeof( xp.value.nData ); pvData = &xp.value.nData; break; case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_INT64: nBytes = sizeof( xp.value.i64Data ); pvData = &xp.value.i64Data; break; case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: nBytes = sizeof( xp.value.dblData ); pvData = &xp.value.dblData; break; case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_UNICODE: nBytes = xp.value.string.cbData; pvData = xp.value.string.pwszData; break; case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: nBytes = sizeof( xp.value.fData ); pvData = &xp.value.fData; break; case XUSER_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: nBytes = xp.value.binary.cbData; pvData = xp.value.binary.pbData; break; default: Warning( "UserSetProperty for unsupported property type %d!\n", xp.value.type ); break; }
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle );
if ( nBytes && pvData ) { pResult->pInputData = malloc( nBytes ); memcpy( pResult->pInputData, pvData, nBytes ); } else { nBytes = 0; }
pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; pvData = pResult->pInputData; }
return XUserSetPropertyEx( nUserIndex, xp.dwPropertyId, nBytes, pvData, pOverlapped ); #else
return 0; #endif
// Purpose: Get a user context
int CXboxSystem::UserGetContext( uint nUserIdx, uint nContextID, uint &nContextValue) { #ifdef _X360
XUSER_CONTEXT context; context.dwContextId = nContextID; context.dwValue = 0;
int retValue = XUserGetContext(nUserIdx,&context,NULL);
nContextValue = context.dwValue;
return retValue; #else
return 0; #endif
int CXboxSystem::UserGetPropertyInt( uint nUserIndex, uint nPropertyId, uint &nPropertyValue) { #ifdef _X360
XUSER_PROPERTY prop; prop.dwPropertyId = nPropertyId; prop.value.nData = 0;
DWORD size = sizeof(XUSER_PROPERTY);
int retVal = XUserGetProperty(nUserIndex,&size,&prop,NULL);
nPropertyValue = prop.value.nData; return retVal; #else
return 0; #endif
// Purpose: Create a matchmaking session
int CXboxSystem::CreateSession( uint nFlags, uint nUserIdx, uint nMaxPublicSlots, uint nMaxPrivateSlots, uint64 *pNonce, void *pSessionInfo, XboxHandle_t *pSessionHandle, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
// Create the session
return XSessionCreate( nFlags, nUserIdx, nMaxPublicSlots, nMaxPrivateSlots, pNonce, (XSESSION_INFO*)pSessionInfo, pOverlapped, pSessionHandle ); #else
// Purpose: Destroy a matchmaking session
uint CXboxSystem::DeleteSession( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
// Delete the session
uint ret = XSessionDelete( hSession, pOverlapped ); CloseHandle( hSession );
return ret; #else
// Purpose: Create a matchmaking session
uint CXboxSystem::SessionSearch( uint nProcedureIndex, uint nUserIndex, uint nNumResults, uint nNumUsers, uint nNumProperties, uint nNumContexts, XUSER_PROPERTY *pSearchProperties, XUSER_CONTEXT *pSearchContexts, uint *pcbResultsBuffer, XSESSION_SEARCHRESULT_HEADER *pSearchResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
// Search for the session
return XSessionSearchEx( nProcedureIndex, nUserIndex, nNumResults, nNumUsers, nNumProperties, nNumContexts, pSearchProperties, pSearchContexts, (DWORD*)pcbResultsBuffer, pSearchResults, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Starting a multiplayer game
uint CXboxSystem::SessionStart( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nFlags, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionStart( hSession, nFlags, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Finished a multiplayer game
uint CXboxSystem::SessionEnd( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionEnd( hSession, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Join local users to a session
int CXboxSystem::SessionJoinLocal( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const uint *pUserIndexes, const bool *pPrivateSlots, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionJoinLocal( hSession, nUserCount, (DWORD*)pUserIndexes, (BOOL*)pPrivateSlots, pOverlapped ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Join remote users to a session
int CXboxSystem::SessionJoinRemote( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const XUID *pXuids, const bool *pPrivateSlots, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionJoinRemote( hSession, nUserCount, pXuids, (BOOL*)pPrivateSlots, pOverlapped ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Remove local users from a session
int CXboxSystem::SessionLeaveLocal( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const uint *pUserIndexes, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionLeaveLocal( hSession, nUserCount, (DWORD*)pUserIndexes, pOverlapped ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Remove remote users from a session
int CXboxSystem::SessionLeaveRemote( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserCount, const XUID *pXuids, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionLeaveRemote( hSession, nUserCount, pXuids, pOverlapped ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
// Purpose: Migrate a session to a new host
int CXboxSystem::SessionMigrate( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nUserIndex, void *pSessionInfo, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionMigrateHost( hSession, nUserIndex, (XSESSION_INFO*)pSessionInfo, pOverlapped ); #else
return ERROR_SUCCESS; // On PC migration is not necessary because sessions are server-side
// Purpose: Register for arbitration
int CXboxSystem::SessionArbitrationRegister( XboxHandle_t hSession, uint nFlags, uint64 nonce, uint *pBytes, void *pBuffer, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionArbitrationRegister( hSession, nFlags, nonce, (DWORD*)pBytes, (XSESSION_REGISTRATION_RESULTS*)pBuffer, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Get a list of the players friends
int CXboxSystem::EnumerateFriends( uint userIndex, void **ppBuffer, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
HANDLE *phEnumerator = new HANDLE; *phEnumerator = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD nBufferBytes; DWORD ret = XFriendsCreateEnumerator( userIndex, 0, MAX_FRIENDS, &nBufferBytes, phEnumerator );
// Just looking for the buffer size needed to hold the results
if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "EnumerateFriends: XFriendsCreateEnumerator returned the error code: %d\n", ret ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ret; }
*ppBuffer = malloc( nBufferBytes ); if ( !*ppBuffer ) { Warning( "EnumerateFriends: malloc failed for ppBuffer\n" ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL; int items = 0; int *pItems = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pAsyncResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pAsyncResult->overlapped;
// Free any existing input data
if ( pAsyncResult->pInputData ) delete pAsyncResult->pInputData;
pAsyncResult->pInputData = phEnumerator; } else { pItems = &items; }
ret = XEnumerate( *phEnumerator, *ppBuffer, nBufferBytes, (DWORD*)pItems, pOverlapped ); if ( ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS && !bAsync ) || ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING && bAsync ) ) { Warning( "XEnumerate failed in EnumerateFriends.\n" ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return -1; }
if ( !bAsync ) { CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; }
return items; #else
// Purpose: Upload player stats to Xbox Live
int CXboxSystem::WriteStats( XboxHandle_t hSession, XUID xuid, uint nViews, void* pViews, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionWriteStats( hSession, xuid, nViews, (XSESSION_VIEW_PROPERTIES*)pViews, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Upload player stats to Xbox Live
int CXboxSystem::FlushStats( XboxHandle_t hSession, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pResult->overlapped; }
return XSessionFlushStats( hSession, pOverlapped ); #else
// Purpose: Enumerate player stats for a specific range starting at a particular rank
int CXboxSystem::EnumerateStatsByRank( uint nStartingRank, uint nNumRows, uint nNumSpecs, void *pSpecs, void **ppResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
HANDLE *phEnumerator = new HANDLE; *phEnumerator = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
DWORD nBufferBytes; DWORD ret = XUserCreateStatsEnumeratorByRank( 0, nStartingRank, nNumRows, nNumSpecs, (XUSER_STATS_SPEC*)pSpecs, &nBufferBytes, phEnumerator );
if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByRank: XUserCreateStatsEnumeratorByRank failed (ret %d)\n", ret ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ret; }
*ppResults = malloc( nBufferBytes ); if ( !*ppResults ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByRank: malloc failed for ppResults\n" ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL; DWORD items = 0; DWORD *pItems = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pAsyncResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pAsyncResult->overlapped;
// Free any existing input data
if ( pAsyncResult->pInputData ) delete pAsyncResult->pInputData;
pAsyncResult->pInputData = phEnumerator; } else { pItems = &items; }
ret = XEnumerate( *phEnumerator, *ppResults, nBufferBytes, pItems, pOverlapped ); if ( ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS && !bAsync ) || ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING && bAsync ) ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByRank: XEnumerate failed (ret %d)\n", ret ); items = (DWORD)-1; }
if ( !bAsync ) { CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; }
return ret; #else
// Purpose: Enumerate player stats for a specific range starting at a particular rank
int CXboxSystem::EnumerateStatsByXuid( XUID nUserId, uint nNumRows, uint nNumSpecs, void *pSpecs, void **ppResults, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { #ifdef _X360
if (nUserId == 0) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByXuid: XUserCreateStatsEnumeratorByXuid failed (nUserID is 0)\n" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
DWORD nBufferBytes; HANDLE *phEnumerator = new HANDLE; *phEnumerator = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
DWORD ret = XUserCreateStatsEnumeratorByXuid( 0, nUserId, nNumRows, nNumSpecs, (XUSER_STATS_SPEC*)pSpecs, &nBufferBytes, phEnumerator ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByXuid: XUserCreateStatsEnumeratorByXuid failed (ret %d)\n", ret ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ret; }
*ppResults = malloc( nBufferBytes ); if ( !*ppResults ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByXuid: malloc failed for ppResults\n" ); CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
DWORD items = 0; DWORD *pItems = NULL;
if ( bAsync ) { AsyncResult_t *pAsyncResult = InitializeAsyncResult( &pAsyncHandle ); pOverlapped = &pAsyncResult->overlapped; // Free any existing input data
if ( pAsyncResult->pInputData ) delete pAsyncResult->pInputData;
pAsyncResult->pInputData = phEnumerator; } else { pItems = &items; }
ret = XEnumerate( *phEnumerator, *ppResults, nBufferBytes, pItems, pOverlapped ); if ( ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS && !bAsync ) || ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING && bAsync ) ) { Warning( "EnumerateStatsByXuid: XEnumerate failed (ret %d)\n", ret ); items = (DWORD)-1; }
if ( !bAsync ) { CloseHandle( *phEnumerator ); delete phEnumerator; }
return ret;
// Purpose: Enumerate a player's achievements
int CXboxSystem::EnumerateAchievements( uint nUserIdx, uint64 xuid, uint nStartingIdx, uint nCount, void *pBuffer, uint nBufferBytes, bool bAsync, AsyncHandle_t *pAsyncHandle ) { Error( "This function is obsolete and should not be used!\nReturn code cannot be an error code and number of results at the same time!\n" ); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE; }
// Purpose: Award an achievement to the current user
int CXboxSystem::AwardAchievement( uint nUserIdx, uint nAchievementId, AsyncHandle_t *ppOverlappedResult ) { #ifdef _X360
// Can't award achievements if this is a trial package!
if ( IsArcadeTitleUnlocked() == false ) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Create a new result
AsyncResult_t *pResult = CreateAsyncResult( false );
XUSER_ACHIEVEMENT ach; ach.dwUserIndex = nUserIdx; ach.dwAchievementId = nAchievementId;
pResult->pInputData = malloc( sizeof( ach ) ); Q_memcpy( pResult->pInputData, &ach, sizeof( ach ) );
DWORD ret = XUserWriteAchievements( 1, (XUSER_ACHIEVEMENT*)pResult->pInputData, &pResult->overlapped ); if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { Warning( "XUserWriteAchievments failed.\n" ); }
// Return it to the user if they've supplied a pointer
if ( ppOverlappedResult != NULL ) { *ppOverlappedResult = pResult; }
return ret; #else
// Purpose: Grant an avatar asset award to the current user
int CXboxSystem::AwardAvatarAsset( uint nUserIdx, uint nAwardId, AsyncHandle_t *ppOverlappedResult ) { #ifdef _X360
// Create a new result
AsyncResult_t *pResult = CreateAsyncResult( false );
XUSER_AVATARASSET award; award.dwUserIndex = nUserIdx; award.dwAwardId = nAwardId;
pResult->pInputData = malloc( sizeof( award ) ); Q_memcpy( pResult->pInputData, &award, sizeof( award ) );
DWORD ret = XUserAwardAvatarAssets( 1, (XUSER_AVATARASSET*)pResult->pInputData, &pResult->overlapped ); if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { Warning( "XUserAwardAvatarAssets failed.\n" ); }
if ( ppOverlappedResult != NULL ) { *ppOverlappedResult = pResult; }
return ret; #else
// trial mode
// Purpose: Show the "unlock trial game" blade
void CXboxSystem::ShowUnlockFullGameUI( void ) { #ifdef _X360
XShowMarketplaceUI( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), XSHOWMARKETPLACEUI_ENTRYPOINT_CONTENTITEM, 0x5841096000000001, (DWORD) -1 ); #endif
static ConVar xbox_arcade_title_unlocked( "xbox_arcade_title_unlocked", CSTRIKE_TRIAL_MODE ? "0": "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "debug unlocking arcade title" ); static bool g_bTitleUnlocked = false; static ConVar xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time( "xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time", "2700.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE_GAMECONSOLE | FCVAR_SS | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "time remaining in trial mode" ); //=============================================================================
float CXboxSystem::GetArcadeRemainingTrialTime( int nSlot ) { SplitScreenConVarRef trialTime( "xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time" ); return trialTime.GetFloat( nSlot ); }
// Purpose: Determine whether this arcade game is unlocked
bool CXboxSystem::UpdateArcadeTitleUnlockStatus( void ) { #ifdef _X360
// This means it was unlocked at some point during this session, which allows it to stay unlocked for the duration of the session
if ( g_bTitleUnlocked ) return false;
// Synchronously retrieve our own license bits
DWORD dwLicenseMask; if ( XContentGetLicenseMask( &dwLicenseMask, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( ( dwLicenseMask & 0x01 ) == 0x01 ) { g_bTitleUnlocked = true; return true; } }
return false; #else
return true; #endif
// Purpose: Determine whether this arcade game is unlocked
bool CXboxSystem::IsArcadeTitleUnlocked( void ) { #if defined ( _X360 )
// This allows us to quickly test licenses being on or off
if ( xbox_arcade_title_unlocked.GetBool() ) return true;
// This means it was unlocked at some point during this session, which allows it to stay unlocked for the duration of the session
return g_bTitleUnlocked; #else
return true; #endif
int CXboxSystem::Io_HasOverlappedIoCompleted( XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped ) { #ifdef _X360
return XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( pOverlapped ); #else
return 1; #endif
int CXboxSystem::NetRandom( byte *pb, unsigned numBytes ) { #ifdef _X360
return XNetRandom( pb, numBytes ); #else
if ( pb ) { for ( byte * const pbEnd = pb + numBytes; pb < pbEnd; ++ pb ) *pb = ( byte ) ( unsigned ) RandomInt( 0, 255 ); } return 0; #endif
DWORD CXboxSystem::NetGetTitleXnAddr( XNADDR *pxna ) { #ifdef _X360
return XNetGetTitleXnAddr( pxna ); #else
if ( pxna ) memset( pxna, 0, sizeof( *pxna ) ); return XNET_GET_XNADDR_NONE; #endif
int CXboxSystem::NetXnAddrToMachineId( const XNADDR *pxnaddr, uint64 *pqwMachineId ) { #ifdef _X360
return XNetXnAddrToMachineId( pxnaddr, pqwMachineId ); #else
if ( pqwMachineId ) *pqwMachineId = 0ull; return 0; #endif
int CXboxSystem::NetInAddrToXnAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, XNADDR *pxna, XNKID *pxnkid ) { #ifdef _X360
return XNetInAddrToXnAddr( ina, pxna, pxnkid ); #else
if ( pxnkid ) { memset( pxnkid, 0, sizeof( *pxnkid ) ); }
if ( pxna ) { memset( pxna, 0, sizeof( *pxna ) ); pxna->ina = ina; } return 0; #endif
int CXboxSystem::NetXnAddrToInAddr( const XNADDR *pxna, const XNKID *pxnkid, IN_ADDR *pina ) { #ifdef _X360
return XNetXnAddrToInAddr( pxna, pxnkid, pina ); #else
if ( pina ) { if ( pxna ) { *pina = pxna->ina; } else { memset( pina, 0, sizeof( *pina ) ); } } return 0; #endif
XUSER_SIGNIN_STATE CXboxSystem::UserGetSigninState( int iCtrlr ) { #ifdef _X360
return XUserGetSigninState( iCtrlr ); #else
return eXUserSigninState_SignedInToLive; #endif
#ifdef _X360
// Title server address refcounting service
struct XTitleServerAddr_t { IN_ADDR m_ina; DWORD m_dwServiceID; IN_ADDR m_result; DWORD m_dwRefCount; };
class XTitleServerAddrRefs { public: INT XNetServerToInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, DWORD dwServiceId, IN_ADDR *pina ); INT XNetUnregisterInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina ); protected: CUtlVector< XTitleServerAddr_t > m_arrServerAddrs; } g_XTitleServerAddrRefs;
INT XTitleServerAddrRefs::XNetServerToInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, DWORD dwServiceId, IN_ADDR *pina ) { for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrServerAddrs.Count(); ++ k ) { XTitleServerAddr_t &x = m_arrServerAddrs[k]; if ( x.m_ina.s_addr == ina.s_addr && x.m_dwServiceID == dwServiceId ) { *pina = x.m_result; ++ x.m_dwRefCount; DevMsg( "XTitleServerAddrRefs::XNetServerToInAddr( %08X -> %08X ), cached connection [state = %d], refcount %d\n", x.m_ina.s_addr, x.m_result.s_addr, ::XNetGetConnectStatus( x.m_result ), x.m_dwRefCount ); INT iConnectCode = ::XNetConnect( x.m_result ); DevMsg( " XNetConnect code = %d\n", iConnectCode ); return 0; } }
INT nResult = ::XNetServerToInAddr( ina, dwServiceId, pina ); if ( nResult ) return nResult;
XTitleServerAddr_t x = { ina, dwServiceId, *pina, 1 }; m_arrServerAddrs.AddToTail( x ); DevMsg( "XTitleServerAddrRefs::XNetServerToInAddr( %08X -> %08X ), new connection, refcount %d\n", x.m_ina.s_addr, x.m_result.s_addr, x.m_dwRefCount ); return 0; }
INT XTitleServerAddrRefs::XNetUnregisterInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina ) { for ( int k = 0; k < m_arrServerAddrs.Count(); ++ k ) { XTitleServerAddr_t &x = m_arrServerAddrs[k]; if ( x.m_result.s_addr == ina.s_addr ) { -- x.m_dwRefCount; DevMsg( "XTitleServerAddrRefs::XNetUnregisterInAddr( %08X -> %08X ), cached connection, refcount %d\n", x.m_ina.s_addr, x.m_result.s_addr, x.m_dwRefCount ); if ( x.m_dwRefCount ) return 0; // not unregistering netadr since there are more references to it
m_arrServerAddrs.FastRemove( k ); break; } }
return ::XNetUnregisterInAddr( ina ); }
// XSession calls serializer service
static ConVar sys_xsessioncallstack_delay( "sys_xsessioncallstack_delay", "0" );
class XSessionCallStack { public: struct OverlappedSessionCall { HANDLE m_hSession; XOVERLAPPED *m_pxOverlapped; XOVERLAPPED m_xOverlapped; virtual DWORD Run() = NULL; virtual char const * Name() = NULL;
virtual ~OverlappedSessionCall() {} OverlappedSessionCall( HANDLE hSession, XOVERLAPPED *pxOverlapped ) : m_hSession( hSession ), m_pxOverlapped( pxOverlapped ) { Plat_FastMemset( &m_xOverlapped, 0, sizeof( m_xOverlapped ) ); if ( m_pxOverlapped ) { Assert( !memcmp( &m_xOverlapped, m_pxOverlapped, sizeof( m_xOverlapped ) ) ); m_pxOverlapped->InternalLow = ERROR_IO_PENDING; } } };
struct DebugDelayCall : public OverlappedSessionCall { DebugDelayCall( HANDLE hSession ) : OverlappedSessionCall( hSession, NULL ), m_flTimeStarted( 0 ) {}
virtual DWORD Run() { m_flTimeStarted = Plat_FloatTime(); return ERROR_IO_PENDING; } virtual char const * Name() { return "DebugDelayCall"; }
float m_flTimeStarted; };
typedef CUtlVector< OverlappedSessionCall * > CallsArray; typedef CUtlVector< CallsArray * > SessionCalls;
public: DWORD ScheduleOverlappedSessionCall( OverlappedSessionCall *pCall ); bool CancelOverlapped( XOVERLAPPED *pxOverlapped );
void RunFrame();
protected: void OnDeleteHeadCallAndRunNext( CallsArray &arrCalls, int &idx ); void OnSessionCallFinished( CallsArray &arrCalls ); void RunNextCall( CallsArray &arrCalls );
protected: SessionCalls m_SessionCalls; } g_XSessionCallStack;
#include "xboxsystem.xsessioncallstack.inl"
void XSessionCallStack::RunFrame() { // Walk over all currently pending calls and see
// if they are finished:
for ( int k = 0; k < m_SessionCalls.Count(); ++ k ) { CallsArray &arrCalls = *m_SessionCalls[k]; Assert( arrCalls.Count() );
OverlappedSessionCall &osc = *arrCalls.Head();
if ( !osc.m_pxOverlapped ) { if ( DebugDelayCall *pDebugDelayCall = dynamic_cast< DebugDelayCall * >( &osc ) ) { if ( Plat_FloatTime() < pDebugDelayCall->m_flTimeStarted + sys_xsessioncallstack_delay.GetFloat() ) continue; } }
if ( !XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( &osc.m_xOverlapped ) ) continue;
DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: finished overlapped call %s for session %p [%d]\n", osc.Name(), osc.m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() ); OnDeleteHeadCallAndRunNext( arrCalls, k ); } }
bool XSessionCallStack::CancelOverlapped( XOVERLAPPED *pxOverlapped ) { if ( !pxOverlapped ) return false;
// Attempt to find the overlapped operation in the session calls
for ( int k = 0; k < m_SessionCalls.Count(); ++ k ) { CallsArray &arrCalls = *m_SessionCalls[k]; Assert( arrCalls.Count() );
OverlappedSessionCall &osc = *arrCalls.Head();
if ( osc.m_pxOverlapped == pxOverlapped ) { // Actually cancel the faked overlapped call
::XCancelOverlapped( &osc.m_xOverlapped ); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: cancelled overlapped call %s for session %p [%d]\n", osc.Name(), osc.m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() );
OnDeleteHeadCallAndRunNext( arrCalls, k );
return true; } }
return false; }
DWORD XSessionCallStack::ScheduleOverlappedSessionCall( OverlappedSessionCall *pCall ) { // If the call has a NULL overlapped, then execute it right away
if ( !pCall->m_pxOverlapped ) { DevWarning( "Executing a non-overlapped call in XSessionCallStack!\n" ); DWORD ret = pCall->Run(); delete pCall; return ret; }
// Attempt to find the session for this call
for ( int k = 0; k < m_SessionCalls.Count(); ++ k ) { CallsArray &arrCalls = *m_SessionCalls[k]; Assert( arrCalls.Count() );
OverlappedSessionCall &osc = *arrCalls.Head();
if ( osc.m_hSession == pCall->m_hSession ) { if ( sys_xsessioncallstack_delay.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { DebugDelayCall *pDbgCall = new DebugDelayCall( pCall->m_hSession ); arrCalls.AddToTail( pDbgCall ); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: injecting debug delay call %s for session %p [%d]\n", pDbgCall->Name(), pDbgCall->m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() ); }
// We have a call stack for this session
arrCalls.AddToTail( pCall ); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: queued call %s for session %p [%d]\n", pCall->Name(), pCall->m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() ); return ERROR_IO_PENDING; } }
// In case special call stack debugging is enabled, we insert a delay between
// every scheduled call
if ( sys_xsessioncallstack_delay.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { DebugDelayCall *pDbgCall = new DebugDelayCall( pCall->m_hSession ); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: injecting debug delay call %s for session %p [new call stack]\n", pDbgCall->Name(), pDbgCall->m_hSession );
CallsArray *pCallStack = new CallsArray; pCallStack->AddToTail( pDbgCall ); pCallStack->AddToTail( pCall ); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: queued call %s for session %p [%d]\n", pCall->Name(), pCall->m_hSession, pCallStack->Count() );
m_SessionCalls.AddToTail( pCallStack ); return pDbgCall->Run(); }
// Otherwise it is a new session, we should queue the call
// and if it goes PENDING create a new call stack
DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: running call %s for session %p [new call stack]\n", pCall->Name(), pCall->m_hSession );
DWORD ret = pCall->Run(); if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DevWarning( 2, "XSessionCallStack: ret=%d for call %s for session %p [call stack not created]\n", ret, pCall->Name(), pCall->m_hSession ); delete pCall; return ret; }
// Call is pending
CallsArray *pCallStack = new CallsArray; pCallStack->AddToTail( pCall );
m_SessionCalls.AddToTail( pCallStack );
void XSessionCallStack::OnDeleteHeadCallAndRunNext( CallsArray &arrCalls, int &idx ) { // Mark call as finished and delete it
OnSessionCallFinished( arrCalls );
// Check if the stack has another call to schedule
RunNextCall( arrCalls );
// Check if the stack for the current session is now empty
if ( !arrCalls.Count() ) { delete &arrCalls; m_SessionCalls.Remove( idx -- ); } }
void XSessionCallStack::OnSessionCallFinished( CallsArray &arrCalls ) { OverlappedSessionCall &osc = *arrCalls.Head();
// Copy data into the caller's overlapped structure
if ( osc.m_pxOverlapped ) { Plat_FastMemcpy( osc.m_pxOverlapped, &osc.m_xOverlapped, sizeof( osc.m_xOverlapped ) ); }
// Delete the call and pop it off the stack
delete &osc; arrCalls.RemoveMultipleFromHead( 1 ); }
void XSessionCallStack::RunNextCall( CallsArray &arrCalls ) { while ( arrCalls.Count() ) { OverlappedSessionCall &osc = *arrCalls.Head(); DevMsg( 2, "XSessionCallStack: running next call %s for session %p [%d]\n", osc.Name(), osc.m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() ); DWORD ret = osc.Run();
if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DevWarning( 2, "XSessionCallStack: ret=%d for call %s for session %p [%d]\n", ret, osc.Name(), osc.m_hSession, arrCalls.Count() ); OnSessionCallFinished( arrCalls ); } else { break; // call is pending
} } }
// CXOnline implementation
static class CXOnline_Impl : public IXOnline {
public: virtual void RunFrame() { g_XSessionCallStack.RunFrame(); }
public: virtual DWORD XCancelOverlapped( PXOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ) { if ( g_XSessionCallStack.CancelOverlapped( pOverlapped ) ) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
return ::XCancelOverlapped( pOverlapped ); }
public: virtual DWORD XFriendsCreateEnumerator( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwStartingIndex, DWORD dwFriendsToReturn, DWORD *pcbBuffer, HANDLE *ph ) { return ::XFriendsCreateEnumerator( dwUserIndex, dwStartingIndex, dwFriendsToReturn, pcbBuffer, ph ); }
virtual INT XNetQosRelease( XNQOS * pxnqos ) { return ::XNetQosRelease( pxnqos ); }
virtual INT XNetQosServiceLookup( DWORD dwFlags, WSAEVENT hEvent, XNQOS * * ppxnqos ) { return ::XNetQosServiceLookup( dwFlags, hEvent, ppxnqos ); }
virtual DWORD XInviteGetAcceptedInfo( DWORD dwUserIndex, XINVITE_INFO *pInfo ) { return ::XInviteGetAcceptedInfo( dwUserIndex, pInfo ); }
virtual DWORD XInviteSend( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD cInvitees, const XUID *pXuidInvitees, const WCHAR *pszText, XOVERLAPPED *pXOverlapped ) { return ::XInviteSend( dwUserIndex, cInvitees, pXuidInvitees, pszText, pXOverlapped ); }
virtual DWORD XTitleServerCreateEnumerator( LPCSTR pszServerInfo, DWORD cItem, PDWORD pcbBuffer, PHANDLE phEnum ) { return ::XTitleServerCreateEnumerator( pszServerInfo, cItem, pcbBuffer, phEnum ); }
virtual INT XNetQosLookup( UINT cxna, const XNADDR * apxna[], const XNKID * apxnkid[], const XNKEY * apxnkey[], UINT cina, const IN_ADDR aina[], const DWORD adwServiceId[], UINT cProbes, DWORD dwBitsPerSec, DWORD dwFlags, WSAEVENT hEvent, XNQOS ** ppxnqos ) { return ::XNetQosLookup( cxna, apxna, apxnkid, apxnkey, cina, aina, adwServiceId, cProbes, dwBitsPerSec, dwFlags, hEvent, ppxnqos ); }
virtual INT XNetUnregisterInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina ) { return g_XTitleServerAddrRefs.XNetUnregisterInAddr( ina ); }
virtual INT XNetServerToInAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, DWORD dwServiceId, IN_ADDR *pina ) { return g_XTitleServerAddrRefs.XNetServerToInAddr( ina, dwServiceId, pina ); }
virtual DWORD XSessionSearchEx( DWORD dwProcedureIndex, DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwNumResults, DWORD dwNumUsers, WORD wNumProperties, WORD wNumContexts, PXUSER_PROPERTY pSearchProperties, PXUSER_CONTEXT pSearchContexts, DWORD *pcbResultsBuffer, PXSESSION_SEARCHRESULT_HEADER pSearchResults, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped ) { return ::XSessionSearchEx( dwProcedureIndex, dwUserIndex, dwNumResults, dwNumUsers, wNumProperties, wNumContexts, pSearchProperties, pSearchContexts, pcbResultsBuffer, pSearchResults, pXOverlapped ); }
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_2( XSessionGetDetails, DWORD *, pcbResultsBuffer, XSESSION_LOCAL_DETAILS *, pSessionDetails );
virtual INT XNetQosListen( const XNKID * pxnkid, const BYTE * pb, UINT cb, DWORD dwBitsPerSec, DWORD dwFlags ) { return ::XNetQosListen( pxnkid, pb, cb, dwBitsPerSec, dwFlags ); }
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_3( XSessionModify, DWORD, dwFlags, DWORD, dwMaxPublicSlots, DWORD, dwMaxPrivateSlots );
virtual DWORD XNetGetTitleXnAddr( XNADDR *pxna ) { return ::XNetGetTitleXnAddr( pxna ); }
virtual INT XNetRegisterKey( const XNKID *pxnkid, const XNKEY *pxnkey ) { return ::XNetRegisterKey( pxnkid, pxnkey ); }
virtual INT XNetUnregisterKey( const XNKID *pxnkid ) { return ::XNetUnregisterKey( pxnkid ); }
virtual INT XNetCreateKey( XNKID *pxnkid, XNKEY *pxnkey ) { return ::XNetCreateKey( pxnkid, pxnkey ); }
virtual INT XNetReplaceKey( const XNKID *pxnkidUnregister, const XNKID * pxnkidReplace ) { return ::XNetReplaceKey( pxnkidUnregister, pxnkidReplace ); }
virtual DWORD XSessionCreate( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwMaxPublicSlots, DWORD dwMaxPrivateSlots, ULONGLONG *pqwSessionNonce, PXSESSION_INFO pSessionInfo, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped, HANDLE *ph ) { return ::XSessionCreate( dwFlags, dwUserIndex, dwMaxPublicSlots, dwMaxPrivateSlots, pqwSessionNonce, pSessionInfo, pXOverlapped, ph ); }
virtual DWORD XSessionSearchByID( XNKID sessionID, DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD *pcbResultsBuffer, PXSESSION_SEARCHRESULT_HEADER pSearchResults, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped ) { return ::XSessionSearchByID( sessionID, dwUserIndex, pcbResultsBuffer, pSearchResults, pXOverlapped ); }
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_2( XSessionMigrateHost, DWORD, dwUserIndex, XSESSION_INFO *, pSessionInfo );
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_3( XSessionJoinRemote, DWORD, dwXuidCount, const XUID *, pXuids, const BOOL *, pfPrivateSlots );
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_3( XSessionJoinLocal, DWORD, dwUserCount, const DWORD *, pdwUserIndexes, const BOOL *, pfPrivateSlots );
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_2( XSessionLeaveRemote, DWORD, dwXuidCount, const XUID *, pXuids );
IMPLEMENT_OVERLAPPED_SESSION_CALL_2( XSessionLeaveLocal, DWORD, dwUserCount, const DWORD *, pdwUserIndexes );
virtual DWORD XNetGetConnectStatus( const IN_ADDR ina ) { return ::XNetGetConnectStatus( ina ); }
virtual INT XNetInAddrToXnAddr( const IN_ADDR ina, XNADDR *pxna, XNKID *pxnkid ) { return ::XNetInAddrToXnAddr( ina, pxna, pxnkid ); }
virtual INT XNetXnAddrToInAddr( const XNADDR *pxna, const XNKID *pxnkid, IN_ADDR *pina ) { return ::XNetXnAddrToInAddr( pxna, pxnkid, pina ); }
virtual INT XNetConnect( const IN_ADDR ina ) { return ::XNetConnect( ina ); }
virtual DWORD XUserReadProfileSettingsByXuid( DWORD dwTitleId, DWORD dwUserIndexRequester, DWORD dwNumFor, const XUID *pxuidFor, DWORD dwNumSettingIds, const DWORD *pdwSettingIds, DWORD *pcbResults, PXUSER_READ_PROFILE_SETTING_RESULT pResults, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped ) { return ::XUserReadProfileSettingsByXuid( dwTitleId, dwUserIndexRequester, dwNumFor, pxuidFor, dwNumSettingIds, pdwSettingIds, pcbResults, pResults, pXOverlapped ); }
virtual DWORD XUserReadProfileSettings( DWORD dwTitleId, DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwNumSettingIds, const DWORD *pdwSettingIds, DWORD *pcbResults, PXUSER_READ_PROFILE_SETTING_RESULT pResults, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped ) { return ::XUserReadProfileSettings( dwTitleId, dwUserIndex, dwNumSettingIds, pdwSettingIds, pcbResults, pResults, pXOverlapped ); }
virtual DWORD XUserWriteProfileSettings( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwNumSettings, const PXUSER_PROFILE_SETTING pSettings, PXOVERLAPPED pXOverlapped ) { return ::XUserWriteProfileSettings( dwUserIndex, dwNumSettings, pSettings, pXOverlapped ); }
virtual DWORD XUserMuteListQuery( DWORD dwUserIndex, XUID XuidRemoteTalker, BOOL *pfOnMuteList ) { return ::XUserMuteListQuery( dwUserIndex, XuidRemoteTalker, pfOnMuteList ); }
virtual DWORD XShowMarketplaceDownloadItemsUI( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwEntryPoint, CONST ULONGLONG *pOfferIDs, DWORD dwOfferIdCount, HRESULT *phrResult, PXOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ) { return ::XShowMarketplaceDownloadItemsUI( dwUserIndex, dwEntryPoint, pOfferIDs, dwOfferIdCount, phrResult, pOverlapped ); }
virtual DWORD XMarketplaceGetDownloadStatus( DWORD dwUserIndex, ULONGLONG qwOfferID, LPDWORD pdwResult ) { return ::XMarketplaceGetDownloadStatus( dwUserIndex, qwOfferID, pdwResult ); }
virtual DWORD XShowMarketplaceUI( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwEntryPoint, ULONGLONG qwOfferID, DWORD dwContentCategories ) { return ::XShowMarketplaceUI( dwUserIndex, dwEntryPoint, qwOfferID, dwContentCategories ); }
virtual DWORD XShowGameInviteUI( DWORD dwUserIndex, CONST XUID *pXuidRecipients, DWORD cRecipients, LPCWSTR wszUnused ) { return ::XShowGameInviteUI( dwUserIndex, pXuidRecipients, cRecipients, wszUnused ); }
virtual HRESULT XShowPartyUI( DWORD dwUserIndex ) { return ::XShowPartyUI( dwUserIndex ); }
virtual DWORD XPartySendGameInvites( DWORD dwUserIndex, XOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped ) { return ::XPartySendGameInvites( dwUserIndex, pOverlapped ); }
virtual HRESULT XShowCommunitySessionsUI( DWORD dwUserIndex, DWORD dwSocialSessionsFlags ) { return ::XShowCommunitySessionsUI( dwUserIndex, dwSocialSessionsFlags ); }
virtual INT XNetXnAddrToMachineId( const XNADDR *pxnaddr, ULONGLONG *pqwMachineId ) { return ::XNetXnAddrToMachineId( pxnaddr, pqwMachineId ); }
virtual DWORD XNetGetEthernetLinkStatus() { return ::XNetGetEthernetLinkStatus(); }
virtual XONLINE_NAT_TYPE XOnlineGetNatType() { return ::XOnlineGetNatType(); }