//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "clientmode_csnormal.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "iinput.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IPanel.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "ivmodemanager.h"
#include "buymenu.h"
#include "cliententitylist.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "hud_basechat.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "ivrenderview.h"
#if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
#include "cstrikeclassmenu.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "classmenu.h"
#include "gameui/gameui_interface.h"
#include "c_cs_playerresource.h"
#include "smokegrenade_projectile.h"
#endif //!CSTRIKE15
#include "c_props.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "model_types.h"
#include "iefx.h"
#include "dlight.h"
#include <imapoverview.h>
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "c_soundscape.h"
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include "text_message.h"
#include "panelmetaclassmgr.h"
#include "vguicenterprint.h"
#include "physpropclientside.h"
#include "c_weapon__stubs.h"
#include <engine/IEngineSound.h>
#include "c_cs_hostage.h"
#include "buy_presets/buy_presets.h"
#include "bitbuf.h"
#include "usermessages.h"
#include "prediction.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "cs_achievementdefs.h"
#include "achievements_cs.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "c_plantedc4.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "history_resource.h"
#include "cs_client_gamestats.h"
#include "viewpostprocess.h"
#include "../../engine/keys.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "matchmaking/mm_helpers.h"
#include "gameui/basepanel.h"
#include "gameui/uigamedata.h"
#include "Scaleform/messagebox_scaleform.h"
#include "GameStats.h"
#if defined ( _GAMECONSOLE )
#include "GameUI/IGameUI.h"
#include "GameUI/gameui_interface.h"
#include "platforminputdevice.h"
#include "glow_outline_effect.h"
#include "hltvcamera.h"
#include "basecsgrenade_projectile.h"
#include "hud_chat.h"
#include "Scaleform/HUD/sfhud_uniquealerts.h"
#include "Scaleform/HUD/sfhud_rosettaselector.h"
#include "hltvreplaysystem.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "playerdecals_signature.h"
#if defined ( _X360 )
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// PROGRAMMER WARNING: because there are essentially two instances of this class
// in the client.dll (ClientModeCSNormal itself, and ClientModeCSFullscreen : public ClientModeCSNormal)
// this means that both instances of this class will add message hooks of each own that call
// the same global function as the handler. So basically for every single message sent by
// the server your global __MsgFunc_XXX handler will be invoked twice. So make sure that the
// messages and handlers hooked this way are "idempotent" and resilient from being called multiple
// times per each one message generated by the server.
bool __MsgFunc_MatchEndConditions( const CCSUsrMsg_MatchEndConditions &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_DisconnectToLobby( const CCSUsrMsg_DisconnectToLobby &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_WarmupHasEnded( const CCSUsrMsg_WarmupHasEnded &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_ServerRankUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankUpdate &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_ServerRankRevealAll( const CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankRevealAll &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_ScoreLeaderboardData( const CCSUsrMsg_ScoreLeaderboardData &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_GlowPropTurnOff( const CCSUsrMsg_GlowPropTurnOff &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_XpUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_XpUpdate &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_QuestProgress( const CCSUsrMsg_QuestProgress &msg ); bool __MsgFunc_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature( const CCSUsrMsg_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature &msg ); //
class CHudHintDisplay; class CHudChat;
ConVar cl_spec_mode( "cl_spec_mode", "0", FCVAR_USERINFO | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_SS | FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, "Saves the last viewed spectator mode for use next time we start to spectate" );
ConVar cl_draw_only_deathnotices( "cl_draw_only_deathnotices", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "For drawing only the crosshair and death notices (used for moviemaking)" ); ConVar cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard( "cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_RELEASE, "If set, the radar will toggle to square when the scoreboard is visible." );
ConVar default_fov( "default_fov", "90", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static IClientMode *g_pClientMode[ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ]; IClientMode *GetClientMode() { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); return g_pClientMode[ GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ]; }
// This is a temporary entity used to render the player's model while drawing the class selection menu.
CHandle<C_BaseAnimatingOverlay> g_ClassImagePlayer; // player
CHandle<C_BaseAnimating> g_ClassImageWeapon; // weapon
STUB_WEAPON_CLASS( cycler_weapon, WeaponCycler, C_BaseCombatWeapon ); STUB_WEAPON_CLASS( weapon_cubemap, WeaponCubemap, C_BaseCombatWeapon );
// HACK: the detail sway convars are archive, and default to 0. Existing CS:S players thus have no detail
// prop sway. We'll force them to DoD's default values for now. What we really need in the long run is
// a system to apply changes to archived convars' defaults to existing players.
extern ConVar cl_detail_max_sway; extern ConVar cl_detail_avoid_radius; extern ConVar cl_detail_avoid_force; extern ConVar cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed;
extern CAchievementMgr g_AchievementMgrCS;
// Player sprays data
struct PlayerSprayClientRequestData_t { uint32 m_nEquipSlot; uint32 m_nDefIdx; uint32 m_unTintID; float m_flCreationTime; }; static uint64 s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime = 0; static CUtlMap< int, PlayerSprayClientRequestData_t, int, CDefLess< int > > s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests;
CON_COMMAND_F( cl_reloadpostprocessparams, "", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { // get optional filename
if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { GetClientModeCSNormal()->LoadPostProcessParamsFromFile( args[1] ); } else { GetClientModeCSNormal()->LoadPostProcessParamsFromFile(); } } CON_COMMAND_F( cl_sos_test_set_opvar, "", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { // get optional filename
if ( args.ArgC() > 2 ) { engine->SOSSetOpvarFloat( args[1], Q_atof( args[2] )); } } CON_COMMAND_F( cl_sos_test_get_opvar, "", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { // get optional filename
if ( args.ArgC() > 2 ) { float flResult; engine->SOSGetOpvarFloat( args[1], flResult ); DevMsg( "SOS: GetOpvar %s, %f\n", args[1], flResult ); } }
#if defined( _PS3 )
CON_COMMAND( cl_write_ps3_bindings, "Used internally for scaleform to tell us to write out our bindings to the title data." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { ConMsg( "Usage: cl_write_ps3_bindings <controller index> <device ID>\n" ); return; }
int iController = atoi( args[1] ); int iDeviceID = atoi( args[2] ); GetClientModeCSNormal()->SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData( iController, iDeviceID, KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ); }
CON_COMMAND( cl_read_ps3_bindings, "Used internally for scaleform to tell us to read in our bindings from the title data." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { ConMsg( "Usage: cl_read_ps3_bindings <controller index> <device ID>\n" ); return; }
int iController = atoi( args[1] ); int iDeviceID = atoi( args[2] ); GetClientModeCSNormal()->SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData( iController, iDeviceID, KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ); }
CON_COMMAND( cl_reset_ps3_bindings, "Used internally for scaleform to tell us to reset our bindings to their defaults and save them." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { ConMsg( "Usage: cl_reset_ps3_bindings <controller index> <device ID(s) ORed together or -1 for all devices>\n" ); return; }
int iController = atoi( args[1] ); int iDevicesToReset = atoi( args[2] );
if ( -1 == iDevicesToReset ) { iDevicesToReset = (int) PlatformInputDevice::GetValidInputDevicesForPlatform(); }
int numDevices = PlatformInputDevice::GetInputDeviceCountforPlatform();
for ( int ii=1; ii<=numDevices; ++ii ) { InputDevice_t eDevice = PlatformInputDevice::GetInputDeviceTypefromPlatformOrdinal( ii );
// See if we're supposed to reset this particular device.
if ( ( iDevicesToReset & eDevice ) == 0 ) continue;
char *cmdBuffer = NULL; switch ( eDevice ) { case INPUT_DEVICE_GAMEPAD: cmdBuffer = "exec controller_bindings" PLATFORM_EXT ".cfg game\n"; break; case INPUT_DEVICE_PLAYSTATION_MOVE: cmdBuffer = "exec controller_move_bindings" PLATFORM_EXT ".cfg game\n"; break; case INPUT_DEVICE_SHARPSHOOTER: cmdBuffer = "exec controller_sharp_shooter_bindings" PLATFORM_EXT ".cfg game\n"; break; }
if ( NULL != cmdBuffer ) { // Save out the settings for each device.
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( cmdBuffer ); // Need to use another command to write the settings because these commands are deferred.
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( VarArgs( "cl_write_ps3_bindings %d %d", iController, (int)eDevice ) ); }
} #if defined( _PS3 )
// We need to restore our settings based on our active device since we may have loaded other settings by entering this function.
InputDevice_t currentDevice = g_pInputSystem->GetCurrentInputDevice(); if( currentDevice != INPUT_DEVICE_NONE ) { // Load the bindings for the specific device.
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( VarArgs( "cl_read_ps3_bindings %d %d", GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(), (int)currentDevice ) ); }
#endif // _PS3
#endif // _PS3
CON_COMMAND_F( toggleRdrOpt, "", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { static bool s_fastMode = false; s_fastMode = !s_fastMode; if ( s_fastMode ) { engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_csm_fast_path 1" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_renderoverlaybatch 1" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "cl_radar_fast_transforms 1" ); #if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( LINUX )
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_vtxlit_new_path 1" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_depthwrite_new_path 1" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_lmap_new_path 1" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_unlit_new_path 1" ); #endif
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_2PassBuildDraw 1"); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_threaded_buildWRlist 1"); } else { engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_csm_fast_path 0" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_renderoverlaybatch 0" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "cl_radar_fast_transforms 0" ); #if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( LINUX )
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_vtxlit_new_path 0" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_depthwrite_new_path 0" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_lmap_new_path 0" ); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "mat_unlit_new_path 0" ); #endif
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_2PassBuildDraw 0"); engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "r_threaded_buildWRlist 0"); } Msg( "Rdr opt = %s\n", s_fastMode ? "TRUE":"FALSE" ); }
const char* ClientModeCSNormal::ms_postProcessEffectNames[NUM_POST_EFFECTS] = { "default", "low_health", "very_low_health", "in_buy_menu", "death_cam", "spectating", "in_fire", "zoomed_rifle", "zoomed_sniper", "zoomed_sniper_moving", "under_water", "round_end_via_bombing", "spec_camera_lerping", "map_control_unused", "death_cam_bodyshot", "death_cam_headshot" };
PostProcessParameters_t ClientModeCSNormal::ms_postProcessParams[NUM_POST_EFFECTS] = { //{ 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // default
//{ 2.5f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // low_health
//{ 1.8f, -1.0f, 0.6f, 0.95f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // in_buy_menu
//{ -0.4f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // death_cam
//{ -0.4f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // spectating
//{ 1.25f,-.65f, 0.4f, .85f, 0.0f, 0.0f } // in fire
ConVar cl_autobuy( "cl_autobuy", "", FCVAR_RELEASE, "The order in which autobuy will attempt to purchase items" );
ConVar cl_rebuy( "cl_rebuy", "", FCVAR_RELEASE, "The order in which rebuy will attempt to repurchase items" );
static void SetBuyData( ConVar &buyVar, const char *filename ) { // if we already have autobuy data, don't bother re-parsing the text file
if ( *buyVar.GetString() ) return;
// read in the auto buy string file and construct the string we will send to the mp.dll.
const char *pfile = (char*)UTIL_LoadFileForMe( filename, NULL ); if (pfile == NULL) { return; }
char token[256] = {}; char buystring[256] = {};
pfile = engine->ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof(token) );
bool first = true;
while (pfile != NULL) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Q_strncat(buystring, " ", sizeof(buystring), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS); }
Q_strncat(buystring, token, sizeof(buystring), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
pfile = engine->ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof(token) ); }
UTIL_FreeFile((byte *)pfile);
buyVar.SetValue( buystring ); }
bool MsgFunc_KillCam( const CCSUsrMsg_KillCam &msg ) { C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() );
if ( !pPlayer ) return true;
int newMode = msg.obs_mode();
if ( newMode != g_nKillCamMode ) { #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
if ( g_nKillCamMode == OBS_MODE_NONE ) { // kill cam is switch on, turn off prediction
g_bForceCLPredictOff = true; } else if ( newMode == OBS_MODE_NONE ) { // kill cam is switched off, restore old prediction setting is we switch back to normal mode
g_bForceCLPredictOff = false; } #endif
g_nKillCamMode = newMode; }
g_nKillCamTarget1 = msg.first_target(); g_nKillCamTarget2 = msg.second_target();
return true; }
bool MsgFunc_DisplayInventory( const CCSUsrMsg_DisplayInventory &msg ) { C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ); if ( !pPlayer ) return true;
bool showPistol = msg.display(); int nID = msg.user_id(); if ( pPlayer->GetUserID() == nID ) { pPlayer->DisplayInventory(showPistol); return true; }
return false; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CCSModeManager.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CCSModeManager : public IVModeManager { public: virtual void Init(); virtual void SwitchMode( bool commander, bool force ) {} virtual void LevelInit( const char *newmap ); virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); virtual void ActivateMouse( bool isactive ) {} };
static CCSModeManager g_ModeManager; IVModeManager *modemanager = ( IVModeManager * )&g_ModeManager;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CCSModeManager implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
#define SCREEN_FILE "scripts/vgui_screens.txt"
void CCSModeManager::Init() { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( i ); g_pClientMode[ i ] = GetClientModeNormal(); }
PanelMetaClassMgr()->LoadMetaClassDefinitionFile( SCREEN_FILE ); }
void CCSModeManager::LevelInit( const char *newmap ) { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( i ); GetClientMode()->LevelInit( newmap ); }
SetBuyData( cl_autobuy, "autobuy.txt" ); SetBuyData( cl_rebuy, "rebuy.txt" );
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
if ( g_nKillCamMode > OBS_MODE_NONE ) { g_bForceCLPredictOff = false; } #endif
g_nKillCamMode = OBS_MODE_NONE; g_nKillCamTarget1 = 0; g_nKillCamTarget2 = 0;
// HACK: the detail sway convars are archive, and default to 0. Existing CS:S players thus have no detail
// prop sway. We'll force them to DoD's default values for now.
if ( !cl_detail_max_sway.GetFloat() && !cl_detail_avoid_radius.GetFloat() && !cl_detail_avoid_force.GetFloat() && !cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed.GetFloat() ) { cl_detail_max_sway.SetValue( "5" ); cl_detail_avoid_radius.SetValue( "64" ); cl_detail_avoid_force.SetValue( "0.4" ); cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed.SetValue( "0.25" ); }
// Record a level transition counter
++ ClientModeCSNormal::s_numLevelTransitions; }
void CCSModeManager::LevelShutdown( void ) { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++i ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( i ); GetClientMode()->LevelShutdown(); } }
static void EnableSteamScreenshots( bool bEnable ) { #if !defined(NO_STEAM)
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamScreenshots() ) { ConVarRef cl_savescreenshotstosteam( "cl_savescreenshotstosteam" ); if ( cl_savescreenshotstosteam.IsValid() ) { cl_savescreenshotstosteam.SetValue( bEnable ); steamapicontext->SteamScreenshots()->HookScreenshots( bEnable ); } } #endif
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
CON_COMMAND( cl_steamscreenshots, "Enable/disable saving screenshots to Steam" ) { bool bEnable = true; if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) bEnable = atoi(args[1]) ? true : false; EnableSteamScreenshots( bEnable ); } #endif
// Purpose:
ClientModeCSNormal::ClientModeCSNormal() { m_CCKillCamReplay = INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE; m_CCKillCamReplayPercent = 0; m_CCDeathHandle = INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE; m_CCDeathPercent = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT = INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T = INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0.0f; m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle = INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE; m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent = 0.0f;
m_activePostProcessEffect = POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT; m_lastPostProcessEffect = POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT; m_pActivePostProcessController = NULL; m_postProcessLerpStartParams = ms_postProcessParams[ POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ]; m_postProcessLerpEndParams = ms_postProcessParams[ POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ]; m_postProcessCurrentParams = ms_postProcessParams[ POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ];
m_iRoundStatus = ROUND_UNKNOWN;
m_fDelayedCTWinTime = -1.0f; m_nRoundMVP = 0; }
ClientModeCSNormal::~ClientModeCSNormal() { }
void ClientModeCSNormal::Init() { BaseClass::Init();
g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->Subscribe( this );
ListenForGameEvent( "round_end" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_mvp" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_start" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_time_warning" ); ListenForGameEvent( "cs_round_start_beep" ); ListenForGameEvent( "cs_round_final_beep" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_team" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_planted" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_exploded" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_defused" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_follows" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_killed" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_hurt" ); ListenForGameEvent( "write_game_titledata" ); ListenForGameEvent( "read_game_titledata" ); ListenForGameEvent( "switch_team" ); ListenForGameEvent( "tr_show_finish_msgbox" ); ListenForGameEvent( "tr_show_exit_msgbox" ); ListenForGameEvent( "reset_player_controls" ); // used for demo purposes
ListenForGameEvent( "seasoncoin_levelup" ); ListenForGameEvent( "game_newmap" ); //
// PROGRAMMER WARNING: because there are essentially two instances of this class
// in the client.dll (ClientModeCSNormal itself, and ClientModeCSFullscreen : public ClientModeCSNormal)
// this means that both instances of this class will add message hooks of each own that call
// the same global function as the handler. So basically for every single message sent by
// the server your global __MsgFunc_XXX handler will be invoked twice. So make sure that the
// messages and handlers hooked this way are "idempotent" and resilient from being called multiple
// times per each one message generated by the server.
HOOK_MESSAGE( MatchEndConditions ); HOOK_MESSAGE( DisconnectToLobby ); HOOK_MESSAGE( WarmupHasEnded ); HOOK_MESSAGE( ServerRankUpdate ); HOOK_MESSAGE( ServerRankRevealAll ); HOOK_MESSAGE( ScoreLeaderboardData ); HOOK_MESSAGE( GlowPropTurnOff ); HOOK_MESSAGE( XpUpdate ); HOOK_MESSAGE( QuestProgress ); HOOK_MESSAGE( PlayerDecalDigitalSignature ); //
m_UMCMsgKillCam.Bind< CS_UM_KillCam ,CCSUsrMsg_KillCam >( UtlMakeDelegate ( MsgFunc_KillCam ) );
if ( this != GetFullscreenClientMode() ) { m_UMCMsgDisplayInventory.Bind< CS_UM_DisplayInventory, CCSUsrMsg_DisplayInventory>( UtlMakeDelegate(MsgFunc_DisplayInventory) ); }
CHudElement* hintBox = (CHudElement*)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudHintDisplay ); if (hintBox) { hintBox->RegisterForRenderGroup("hide_for_scoreboard"); hintBox->RegisterForRenderGroup("hide_for_round_panel"); }
#if !defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
CHudElement* historyResource = (CHudElement*)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudHistoryResource ); if (historyResource) { historyResource->RegisterForRenderGroup("hide_for_scoreboard"); } #endif
char szName[ MAX_PATH ] = "";
if ( m_CCKillCamReplay == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { const char *szRawFile = "materials/correction/cc_deathcamreplay.raw"; V_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s_ss%d", szRawFile, GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); m_CCKillCamReplayPercent = 0.0f; m_CCKillCamReplay = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->FindColorCorrection( szName ); if ( m_CCKillCamReplay == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { m_CCKillCamReplay = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->AddColorCorrection( szName, szRawFile ); } } if ( m_CCDeathHandle == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { const char *szRawFile = "materials/correction/cc_death.raw"; V_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s_ss%d", szRawFile, GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); m_CCDeathPercent = 0.0f; m_CCDeathHandle = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->FindColorCorrection( szName ); if ( m_CCDeathHandle == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { m_CCDeathHandle = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->AddColorCorrection( szName, szRawFile ); } }
if ( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { const char *szRawFile = "materials/correction/cc_freeze_ct.raw"; V_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s_ss%d", szRawFile, GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->FindColorCorrection( szName ); if ( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->AddColorCorrection( szName, szRawFile ); } }
if ( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { const char *szRawFile = "materials/correction/cc_freeze_t.raw"; V_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s_ss%d", szRawFile, GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->FindColorCorrection( szName ); if ( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE ) { m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->AddColorCorrection( szName, szRawFile ); } }
// if ( m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE )
// {
// const char *szRawFile = "materials/correction/cc_flashed.raw";
// V_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s_ss%d", szRawFile, GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() );
// m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent = 0.0f;
// m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->FindColorCorrection( szName );
// if ( m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle == INVALID_CLIENT_CCHANDLE )
// {
// m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle = g_pColorCorrectionMgr->AddColorCorrection( szName, szRawFile );
// }
// }
int nTimer = static_cast<int>( ceil( pRules->GetRoundRemainingTime() ) );
bool bFreezePeriod = pRules->IsFreezePeriod(); if ( bFreezePeriod ) { // countdown to the start of the round while we're in freeze period
nTimer = static_cast<int>( ceil( pRules->GetRoundStartTime() - gpGlobals->curtime ) ); } */ LoadPostProcessParamsFromFile();
m_hCurrentColorCorrection = NULL;
#if !defined(NO_STEAM) && !defined (_PS3)
m_CallbackScreenshotRequested.Register( this, &ClientModeCSNormal::OnScreenshotRequested ); #endif
EnableSteamScreenshots( true ); }
#if !defined(NO_STEAM) && !defined (_PS3)
void ClientModeCSNormal::OnScreenshotRequested( ScreenshotRequested_t *pParam ) { // Steam has requested a screenshot, act as if the key currently bound to screenshots
// has been pressed (we want tagging and the killcam screenshot behavior if applicable)
KeyInput( 0, BUTTON_CODE_INVALID, "screenshot" ); engine->ClientCmd( "screenshot" ); } #endif
void ClientModeCSNormal::InitViewport() { BaseClass::InitViewport();
m_pViewport = new CounterStrikeViewport(); m_pViewport->Start( gameuifuncs, gameeventmanager ); }
// dgoodenough - fix GCC shortcoming
// ClientModeCSFullscreen::InitViewport() wants to do
// BaseClass::BaseClass::InitViewport() to bypass the immediate BaseClass,
// And just init the next class below. GCC doesn't grok this, so we have
// to do this explicitly.
void ClientModeCSNormal::InitViewport( bool bOnlyBaseClass ) { BaseClass::InitViewport();
if ( !bOnlyBaseClass ) { m_pViewport = new CounterStrikeViewport(); m_pViewport->Start( gameuifuncs, gameeventmanager ); } }
void ClientModeCSNormal::SetupStaticCameras() { m_SpecCameraPositions.RemoveAll();
char szMapName[MAX_MAP_NAME]; Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), szMapName, sizeof(szMapName) ); Q_strlower( szMapName );
char szFileName[ MAX_PATH ] = ""; V_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "maps/%s_cameras.txt", szMapName );
KeyValues *m_pCamKV = new KeyValues( "Cameras" ); if ( m_pCamKV->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFileName ) ) { for ( KeyValues *entry = m_pCamKV->GetFirstSubKey(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->GetNextKey() ) { CUtlVector< char* > coordNum; V_SplitString( entry->GetString(), " ", coordNum );
if ( coordNum.Count() < 5 ) { Msg( "Bad coordinate entry in %s (%s). Each entry needs 5 numbers, 'x y z pitch yaw'", szFileName, entry->GetString() ); continue; }
SpecCameraPosition_t spot; spot.vecPosition = Vector( atoi(coordNum[0]), atoi(coordNum[1]), atoi(coordNum[2]) ); spot.vecAngles = Vector( atoi(coordNum[3]), atoi(coordNum[4]), 0.0f ); spot.flWeight = 0.0f;
m_SpecCameraPositions.AddToTail( spot );
coordNum.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } } }
int ClientModeCSNormalCameraSortFunction( const SpecCameraPosition_t* entry1, const SpecCameraPosition_t* entry2 ) { if ( entry1 == NULL ) return 1;
if ( entry2 == NULL ) return -1;
if ( entry1->flWeight < entry2->flWeight ) return 1; else return -1; }
bool ClientModeCSNormal::GetIdealCameraPosForPlayer( int playerindex ) { CUtlVector<SpecCameraPosition_t> m_IdealCameras; CCSPlayer* pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerindex ) ); if ( !pPlayer ) return false;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return false;
for ( int i=0; i<m_SpecCameraPositions.Count(); ++i ) { // build a list of cameras that can see the target player
Vector vecCam = Vector( m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[0], m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[1], m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[2] ); trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( pPlayer->EyePosition(), vecCam, MASK_OPAQUE, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f ) { // build a list of cameras that can see the target player
Vector vecCam = Vector( m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[0], m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[1], m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecPosition[2] ); Vector forward; AngleVectors( QAngle(m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecAngles[0],m_SpecCameraPositions[i].vecAngles[1],0.0f) , &forward, NULL, NULL ); Vector toAimSpot = pPlayer->EyePosition() - vecCam; toAimSpot.NormalizeInPlace(); float flCone = DotProduct( toAimSpot, forward ); float flMaxLength = 600; float flLength = clamp( VectorLength( pPlayer->EyePosition() - vecCam ), 0, flMaxLength ); if ( flCone > 0.6f ) { // weight by more centered
m_SpecCameraPositions[i].flWeight = (flCone*1.5); // weight by closer
m_SpecCameraPositions[i].flWeight += ((flMaxLength - flLength)/flMaxLength)*2; m_IdealCameras.AddToTail( m_SpecCameraPositions[i] ); } } }
if ( m_IdealCameras.Count() > 0 ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_IdealCameras.Count(); ++i ) { // now find all other entities/players in view
Vector vecCam = Vector( m_IdealCameras[i].vecPosition[0], m_IdealCameras[i].vecPosition[1], m_IdealCameras[i].vecPosition[2] ); Vector vecStartPos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecMinDist = vecStartPos + Vector( -1024.0f, -1024.0f, -256.0f ); Vector vecMaxDist = vecStartPos + Vector( 1024.0f, 1024.0f, 256.0f );
CBaseEntity *pEntList[128]; int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pEntList, ARRAYSIZE(pEntList), vecMinDist, vecMaxDist, 0 );
const int nMaxFocusPoints = 32; Vector vecFocusPos[nMaxFocusPoints]; int focusCount = 0;
// add the main player's focus into the array
if ( pPlayer ) { Vector vecDirShooting, vecRight, vecUp; AngleVectors( pPlayer->GetFinalAimAngle(), &vecDirShooting, &vecRight, &vecUp ); VectorNormalize( vecDirShooting ); Vector vecPlayerShootPos = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition(); Vector vecEnd = vecPlayerShootPos + (vecDirShooting * 600); trace_t tr; // main enter bullet trace
UTIL_TraceLine( vecPlayerShootPos, vecEnd, MASK_OPAQUE, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
vecFocusPos[0] = vecStartPos; vecFocusPos[1] = tr.endpos; focusCount = 2; }
for ( int j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { CBaseEntity *pOther = pEntList[j]; if ( focusCount < nMaxFocusPoints && (dynamic_cast<C_CSPlayer*>(pOther) || (dynamic_cast<C_WeaponCSBase*>(pOther) && (dynamic_cast<C_WeaponCSBase*>(pOther)->GetWeaponType() == WEAPONTYPE_C4) ) || dynamic_cast<C_PlantedC4*>(pOther) || dynamic_cast<CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile*>(pOther)) ) { Vector vecOtherPos = pOther->IsPlayer() ? pOther->EyePosition() : pOther->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector forward; AngleVectors( QAngle(m_IdealCameras[i].vecAngles[0],m_IdealCameras[i].vecAngles[1],0.0f) , &forward, NULL, NULL ); Vector toAimSpot = pOther->EyePosition() - vecCam; toAimSpot.NormalizeInPlace(); float flCone = DotProduct( toAimSpot, forward );
if ( VectorLength( pOther->EyePosition() - vecCam ) > 64.0f ) m_IdealCameras[i].flWeight += flCone; else m_IdealCameras[i].flWeight -= 100.0f; // player is blocking the camera
if ( flCone > 0.55f ) { vecFocusPos[focusCount] = pOther->GetAbsOrigin(); focusCount++; } } }
Vector vecAvPos = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); for ( int j = 0; j < focusCount; j++ ) { vecAvPos += vecFocusPos[j]; }
Vector vecNewPos = vecStartPos; if ( focusCount > 0 ) { vecNewPos = (vecAvPos/focusCount); }
// look into direction of second target
QAngle cameraAngles; Vector forward = vecNewPos - vecCam; VectorAngles( forward, cameraAngles );
// set the stored camera angles to point to the center of the mass of players weighting the selected player
m_IdealCameras[i].vecAngles[0] = cameraAngles[0]; m_IdealCameras[i].vecAngles[1] = cameraAngles[1]; }
if ( m_IdealCameras.Count() > 1 ) m_IdealCameras.Sort( ClientModeCSNormalCameraSortFunction );
int slot = 0; char commandBuffer[128]; char commandB[32] = "spec_goto"; float flLerpTime = 0.5f;
Vector vecSpecPos = g_bEngineIsHLTV ? HLTVCamera()->GetCameraPosition() : pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( m_IdealCameras[slot].vecPosition, vecSpecPos, MASK_OPAQUE, pLocalPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( pLocalPlayer && tr.fraction == 1.0f ) V_snprintf( commandB, sizeof( commandB ), "%s", "spec_lerpto" );
V_snprintf( commandBuffer, sizeof( commandBuffer ), "%s %f %f %f %f %f %d %f", commandB, m_IdealCameras[slot].vecPosition[0], m_IdealCameras[slot].vecPosition[1], m_IdealCameras[slot].vecPosition[2], m_IdealCameras[slot].vecAngles[0], m_IdealCameras[slot].vecAngles[1], playerindex, flLerpTime ); engine->ClientCmd( commandBuffer ); m_IdealCameras.RemoveAll();
return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void ClientModeCSNormal::LevelShutdown( void ) { BaseClass::LevelShutdown();
// reset all of the post process effects
m_lastPostProcessEffect = POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT; m_activePostProcessEffect = POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT; m_pActivePostProcessController = NULL; m_postProcessEffectCountdown.Reset(); m_postProcessLerpEndParams = ms_postProcessParams[POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT]; m_postProcessLerpStartParams = ms_postProcessParams[POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT]; m_postProcessCurrentParams = ms_postProcessParams[POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT];
// Unregister all glow boxes here otherwise they would leak
// Clear out all uncommitted quest progress
sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.Purge(); s_ScoreLeaderboardData.Clear();
// Shutdown outstanding player spray signature requests
s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.Purge(); s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime = 0;
// Shutdown decals system
extern void OnPlayerDecalsLevelShutdown(); OnPlayerDecalsLevelShutdown();
// Increment level transitions counter
++ s_numLevelTransitions;
// Remove any lingering debug overlays, since it's possible they won't get cleaned up automatically later.
// This is in response to anecdotal reports that players can 'mark' the world with showimpacts or grenade trajectories,
// then use them to their advantage on subsequent games played immediately on the same map.
debugoverlay->ClearAllOverlays(); }
uint32 ClientModeCSNormal::s_numLevelTransitions = 0;
void ClientModeCSNormal::Update() { BaseClass::Update();
// Update decals system
extern void OnPlayerDecalsUpdate(); OnPlayerDecalsUpdate();
// Override the hud's visibility if this is a logo (like E3 demo) map.
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsLogoMap() ) m_pViewport->SetVisible( false );
if ( ( m_fDelayedCTWinTime > 0.0f ) && ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_fDelayedCTWinTime ) ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.CTWin");
m_fDelayedCTWinTime = -1.0f; } // halftime music needs a delay thusly
static bool bStartedHalfTimeMusic = false; static float flHalfTimeStart = 0.0; if( CSGameRules() && ( CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_HALFTIME || CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_MATCH_ENDED) ) { if( !bStartedHalfTimeMusic && gpGlobals->curtime - flHalfTimeStart > 6.5 ) { bStartedHalfTimeMusic = true; CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter(C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer()); if( CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_HALFTIME ) { PlayMusicSelection(filter, CSMUSIC_HALFTIME); } else if( m_nRoundMVP != 0 ) { PlayMusicSelection(filter, CSMUSIC_HALFTIME, m_nRoundMVP ); } } } else { flHalfTimeStart = gpGlobals->curtime; bStartedHalfTimeMusic = false; } #if defined ( _X360 )
if ( !xboxsystem->IsArcadeTitleUnlocked() ) { const char *levelName = engine->GetLevelName(); if (levelName && levelName[0] && !engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground()) { // verify globals->frametime is not outrageous and subtract from arcade trial timer
SplitScreenConVarRef xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time("xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time"); if ( gpGlobals->frametime < 5.0f ) { float trialTime = xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time.GetFloat( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); trialTime -= gpGlobals->frametime; if ( trialTime < 0.0f ) { trialTime = 0.0f; } xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time.SetValue( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(), trialTime ); } } } #endif
if ( HLTVCamera() ) HLTVCamera()->Update();
// Check if client is now eligible to stop demo recording
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd ) { char name[ 256 ] = "Cannot stop recording now"; if ( clientdll->CanStopRecordDemo( name, sizeof( name ) ) ) { CSGameRules()->m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd = false; engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "stop;\n" ); } }
// Check if quests need chat confirmation
for ( uint32 i = sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.FirstInorder(); i != sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.InvalidIndex(); i = sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.NextInorder( i ) ) { CQuestUncommittedProgress_t &questProgress = sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.Element( i ); if ( !questProgress.m_dblNormalPointsProgressTime ) continue; if ( Plat_FloatTime() - questProgress.m_dblNormalPointsProgressTime < 1.6 ) continue; questProgress.m_dblNormalPointsProgressTime = 0; if ( questProgress.m_numNormalPointsProgressBaseline < questProgress.m_numNormalPoints ) { if ( const CEconQuestDefinition *pQuestDef = GetItemSchema()->GetQuestDefinition( sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.Key( i ) ) ) { uint32 numPointsEarned = questProgress.m_numNormalPoints - questProgress.m_numNormalPointsProgressBaseline; char const *fmtToken = ( numPointsEarned > 1 ) ? "#quest_uncommitted_points_chat_plural" : "#quest_uncommitted_points_chat_singular";
// Quest string keys
KeyValues *pKVLocalizedQuestStrings = new KeyValues( "LocalizedQuestStrings" ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pKVLocalizedQuestStrings ); FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pQuestDef->GetStringTokens(), keyvalue ) { pKVLocalizedQuestStrings->SetWString( keyvalue->GetName(), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( keyvalue->GetString() ) ); } // Points earned
wchar_t wchPoints[ 64 ] = {}; V_snwprintf( wchPoints, ARRAYSIZE( wchPoints ), PRI_S_FOR_WS, V_FormatNumber( numPointsEarned ) ); pKVLocalizedQuestStrings->SetWString( "points", wchPoints );
if ( questProgress.m_bIsEventQuest ) { fmtToken = "#quest_uncommitted_points_chat_event";
wchar_t wchQuestName[ 256 ] = {};
locchar_t * locShortName = L"";
locShortName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pQuestDef->GetShortNameLocToken( ) );
if ( !locShortName ) { locShortName = L"QUEST MISSING SHORT NAME"; }
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wchQuestName, sizeof( wchQuestName ), locShortName, pKVLocalizedQuestStrings ); pKVLocalizedQuestStrings->SetWString( "quest_short_name", wchQuestName ); } else { if ( ( !pQuestDef->GetQuestPoints().Count() || ( pQuestDef->GetQuestPoints().Head() <= 1 ) ) && ( numPointsEarned == 1 ) && !questProgress.m_numNormalPointsProgressBaseline ) // Missions requiring a single point to score print a custom string
fmtToken = "#quest_uncommitted_points_chat_one"; }
// Make the message
wchar_t wchHudMessage[256] = {}; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wchHudMessage, sizeof( wchHudMessage ), fmtToken, pKVLocalizedQuestStrings ); if ( wchHudMessage[0] ) { if ( CHudChat* pChat = ( CHudChat* )( GetHud( 0 ).FindElement( "CHudChat" ) ) ) { pChat->ChatPrintfW( 0, CHAT_FILTER_NONE, wchHudMessage ); } }
// Quest notification alert
if (SFUniqueAlerts* pAlerts = (SFUniqueAlerts*)(GetHud(0).FindElement("SFUniqueAlerts"))) { // REI: Not sure this is correct. Need to understand why this is a vector, and which "points" from the
// vector the uncommitted quest progress is referring to
const CCopyableUtlVector< uint32 >& questPointsVec = pQuestDef->GetQuestPoints(); uint32 questPoints = 0; if (questPointsVec.Count() > 0) questPoints = questPointsVec[0];
pAlerts->ShowQuestProgress(numPointsEarned, questProgress.m_numNormalPoints, questPoints, "weapon_knife", "do the thing"); // TODO: Correctly extract the weapon icon to use
} } } questProgress.m_numNormalPointsProgressBaseline = questProgress.m_numNormalPoints; }
// Check if we need anti-addiction chat print out
static double s_dblLastAntiAddictionCheckPlatFloatTime = 0; static int s_nLastTimePlayedConsecutivelyPrinted = 0; double dblTimeNow = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( dblTimeNow > s_dblLastAntiAddictionCheckPlatFloatTime + 50 ) { s_dblLastAntiAddictionCheckPlatFloatTime = dblTimeNow; int nTimePlayedConsecutively = 0;//Helper_GetTimePlayedConsecutively();
if ( ( nTimePlayedConsecutively >= 3600 ) && ( nTimePlayedConsecutively/1200 != s_nLastTimePlayedConsecutivelyPrinted/1200 ) ) { // Print in chat after 1 hour of anti-addiction consecutive time every 20 minutes
if ( CHudChat* pChat = ( CHudChat* ) ( GetHud( 0 ).FindElement( "CHudChat" ) ) ) { s_nLastTimePlayedConsecutivelyPrinted = nTimePlayedConsecutively;
static wchar_t const * const kwszHour = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_Time_Hour" ); static wchar_t const * const kwszHours = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_Time_Hours" ); static wchar_t const * const kwszMinutes = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_Time_Minutes" ); static wchar_t const * const kwszFmtH = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_Time_Format_H" ); static wchar_t const * const kwszFmtHM = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_Time_Format_HM" );
wchar_t wszHours[64] = {}, wszMinutes[64] = {}; V_swprintf_safe( wszHours, L"%d", nTimePlayedConsecutively/3600 ); V_swprintf_safe( wszMinutes, L"%02d", ( nTimePlayedConsecutively%3600 ) / 60 ); wchar_t const *wszFmtTime = ( ( nTimePlayedConsecutively%3600 ) / 60 >= 5 ) ? kwszFmtHM : kwszFmtH; wchar_t wszTimeString[256] = {}; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszTimeString, sizeof( wszTimeString ), wszFmtTime, 4, wszHours, ( nTimePlayedConsecutively/3600 > 1 ) ? kwszHours : kwszHour, wszMinutes, kwszMinutes );
char const *szColor = "Green"; if ( nTimePlayedConsecutively/3600 >= 5 ) szColor = "Red"; else if ( nTimePlayedConsecutively/3600 >= 3 ) szColor = "Yellow"; wchar_t wszLocalizedAntiAddiction[1024] = {}; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedAntiAddiction, sizeof( wszLocalizedAntiAddiction ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#SFUI_Warning_AntiAddiction_%s", szColor ) ), 1, wszTimeString ); pChat->ChatPrintfW( 0, CHAT_FILTER_NONE, wszLocalizedAntiAddiction ); } } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
CON_COMMAND_F(quest_ui_test, "Test quest ui", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE) { int newPoints = 1; int totalPoints = 10; int maxPoints = 20;
if (args.ArgC() > 1) { newPoints = Q_atoi(args.ArgV()[1]); }
if (args.ArgC() > 2) { totalPoints = Q_atoi(args.ArgV()[2]); }
if (args.ArgC() > 3) { maxPoints = Q_atoi(args.ArgV()[3]); }
if (SFUniqueAlerts* pAlerts = (SFUniqueAlerts*)(GetHud(0).FindElement("SFUniqueAlerts"))) { pAlerts->ShowQuestProgress(newPoints, totalPoints, maxPoints, "weapon_knife", "quest desc"); } } #endif
ConVar spec_replay_colorcorrection( "spec_replay_colorcorrection", "0.5", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "Amount of color correction in deathcam replay" );
void ClientModeCSNormal::UpdateColorCorrectionWeights( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); C_CSPlayer* pPlayer = ToCSPlayer(pLocalPlayer);
if ( !pPlayer ) { m_CCKillCamReplayPercent = 0.0f; m_CCDeathPercent = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0.0f; m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent = 0.0f; return; }
m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent = Min( 1.0f, pPlayer->m_flFlashOverlayAlpha + 0.25f ); if ( g_HltvReplaySystem.GetHltvReplayDelay() ) { m_CCKillCamReplayPercent = spec_replay_colorcorrection.GetFloat(); m_CCDeathPercent = 0.0f; m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent *= 0.5f; } else { m_CCKillCamReplayPercent = 0.0f; bool isDying = false; if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() && (pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM) ) { isDying = true; }
m_CCDeathPercent = clamp( m_CCDeathPercent + ((isDying) ? 0.1f : -0.1f), 0.0f, 1.0f ); }
float flTimer = 0;
bool bFreezePeriod = CSGameRules()->IsFreezePeriod(); bool bImmune = pPlayer->m_bGunGameImmunity; if ( bFreezePeriod || bImmune ) { float flFadeBegin = 2.0f;
// countdown to the start of the round while we're in freeze period
if ( bImmune ) { // if freeze time is also active and freeze time is longer than immune time, use that time instead
if ( bFreezePeriod && (CSGameRules()->GetRoundStartTime() - gpGlobals->curtime) > (pPlayer->m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime - gpGlobals->curtime)) flTimer = CSGameRules()->GetRoundStartTime() - gpGlobals->curtime; else { flTimer = pPlayer->m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime - gpGlobals->curtime; flFadeBegin = 0.5; } } else if ( bFreezePeriod ) { flTimer = CSGameRules()->GetRoundStartTime() - gpGlobals->curtime; }
if ( flTimer > flFadeBegin ) { if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 1.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0.0f; } else { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0.0f; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 1.0f; } } else { if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = clamp( flTimer / flFadeBegin, 0.05f, 1.0f ); m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0; } else { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = clamp( flTimer / flFadeBegin, 0.05f, 1.0f ); m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0; } } } else { int nTeam = CSGameRules()->IsHostageRescueMap() ? TEAM_TERRORIST : TEAM_CT;
if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCooperativeGametype() && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == nTeam ) { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = MIN( 1.0f, pPlayer->m_flGuardianTooFarDistFrac * 3); } else { m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T = 0; m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT = 0; } }
void ClientModeCSNormal::OnColorCorrectionWeightsReset( void ) { UpdateColorCorrectionWeights(); g_pColorCorrectionMgr->SetColorCorrectionWeight( m_CCKillCamReplay, m_CCKillCamReplayPercent ); g_pColorCorrectionMgr->SetColorCorrectionWeight( m_CCDeathHandle, m_CCDeathPercent ); g_pColorCorrectionMgr->SetColorCorrectionWeight( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_CT, m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_CT ); g_pColorCorrectionMgr->SetColorCorrectionWeight( m_CCFreezePeriodHandle_T, m_CCFreezePeriodPercent_T ); g_pColorCorrectionMgr->SetColorCorrectionWeight( m_CCPlayerFlashedHandle, m_CCPlayerFlashedPercent );
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { C_ColorCorrection* pCC = pPlayer->GetActiveColorCorrection(); if ( pCC != m_hCurrentColorCorrection ) { if ( m_hCurrentColorCorrection ) { m_hCurrentColorCorrection->EnableOnClient( false ); } if ( pCC ) { pCC->EnableOnClient( true, m_hCurrentColorCorrection == NULL ); } m_hCurrentColorCorrection = pCC; } } }
float ClientModeCSNormal::GetColorCorrectionScale( void ) const { return 1.0f; }
PostProcessEffect_t ClientModeCSNormal::PostProcessEffectFromName( const char* pName ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POST_EFFECTS; i++ ) { if ( V_stricmp( pName, ms_postProcessEffectNames[i] ) == 0 ) { return PostProcessEffect_t( i ); } } return NUM_POST_EFFECTS; }
void ClientModeCSNormal::LoadPostProcessParamsFromFile( const char* pFileName ) { if ( !pFileName ) { pFileName = "scripts/postprocess.txt"; }
KeyValues *pPPKeys = new KeyValues( "post_process" ); if ( pPPKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pFileName ) == false ) { Warning( "Error loading postprocessing params from file %s\n" , pFileName ); pPPKeys->deleteThis(); return; }
for ( KeyValues* pSubKeys = pPPKeys->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKeys; pSubKeys = pSubKeys->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { PostProcessEffect_t effect = PostProcessEffectFromName( pSubKeys->GetName() ); if ( effect == NUM_POST_EFFECTS ) { Warning( "Unknown postprocess effect type: %s\n", pSubKeys->GetName() ); continue; }
ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_FADE_TIME] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "fadetime", 0.5f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_LOCAL_CONTRAST_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "localcontrast", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_LOCAL_CONTRAST_EDGE_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "edgelocalcontrast", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_START] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "vignettestart", 1.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_END] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "vignetteend", 2.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_BLUR_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "vignetteblur", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_FADE_TO_BLACK_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "fadetoblack", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_DEPTH_BLUR_FOCAL_DISTANCE] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "depthblur_focaldist", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_DEPTH_BLUR_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "depthblur_strength", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_SCREEN_BLUR_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "screenblur_strength", 0.0f ); ms_postProcessParams[effect].m_flParameters[PPPN_FILM_GRAIN_STRENGTH] = pSubKeys->GetFloat( "filmgrain_strength", 0.0f ); }
// update the currently active postprocess type with the new params
if ( m_activePostProcessEffect < NUM_POST_EFFECTS ) { m_postProcessLerpEndParams = ms_postProcessParams[m_activePostProcessEffect]; }
pPPKeys->deleteThis(); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::UpdatePostProcessingEffects() { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); C_CSPlayer* pPlayer = ToCSPlayer(pLocalPlayer);
// If we set off the bomb, run the bomb round end post process effect.
if ( pPlayer && m_iRoundStatus == ROUND_ENDED_VIA_BOMBING && (pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM || ( pPlayer->GetObserverTarget() && !pPlayer->GetObserverTarget()->IsPlayer() ) ) ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_ROUND_END_VIA_BOMBING, 1.0f ); } else if ( !pPlayer ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ); } else if ( pPlayer->GetViewEntity() != NULL ) { // Our view is on a camera
PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ); } else if ( pPlayer->GetObserverInterpState() == C_CSPlayer::OBSERVER_INTERP_TRAVELING ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_SPEC_CAMERA_LERPING, 0.1f ); } else if ( pPlayer->IsBuyMenuOpen() ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_IN_BUY_MENU, 0.1f ); } else if ( false ) // [msmith]: Currently in progress...
{ PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_UNDER_WATER, 0.1f ); } else if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() && pPlayer->GetFOV() != pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() && pPlayer->m_bIsScoped ) { CWeaponCSBase *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveCSWeapon(); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->GetWeaponType() == WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE ) { float flBaseAccuracy = pWeapon->GetInaccuracyStand(); float flInacc = MAX( pWeapon->GetInaccuracy() - flBaseAccuracy, 0 ); if ( flInacc * 100 > 5 ) PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER_MOVING, 0.01f ); else PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER, 0.01f ); } else if ( pWeapon ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_RIFLE, 0.01f ); } } else if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() && pPlayer->m_iDeathPostEffect > 0 && mp_forcecamera.GetInt() != OBS_ALLOW_ALL ) { PostProcessEffect_t post_effect = ( PostProcessEffect_t ) pPlayer->m_iDeathPostEffect;
if ( post_effect == POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_BODYSHOT ) { extern ConVar spec_freeze_time; PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_BODYSHOT, spec_freeze_time.GetInt() ); } else if ( post_effect == POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_HEADSHOT ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_HEADSHOT, 1.0f ); } } else if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() && pPlayer->GetObserverTarget() == NULL && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM ); }
else if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetHealth() <= pPlayer->GetMaxHealth()/3 ) { float flStartHealthFrac = (pPlayer->GetMaxHealth()/3) * 0.01; float fHealthFrac = clamp( (float)pPlayer->GetHealth() / (float)pPlayer->GetMaxHealth(), 0.0f, 1.0f ); float flFXFrac = fHealthFrac / flStartHealthFrac; PostProcessParameters_t incapParams;
// lerp target params based on health state, then let DoPostProcessParamLerp() do the rest
LerpPostProcessParam( 1.0f - flFXFrac, incapParams, ms_postProcessParams[POST_EFFECT_LOW_HEATH], ms_postProcessParams[POST_EFFECT_VERY_LOW_HEATH] );
PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT, 0.5f, &incapParams ); } else if ( pPlayer->GetEffectEntity() != NULL ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_IN_FIRE ); }*/ else { C_PostProcessController* pPPCtrl = pPlayer->GetActivePostProcessController();
float flFadeTime = 0.5f; if ( m_activePostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER_MOVING || m_activePostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER || m_activePostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_RIFLE ) { flFadeTime = 0.0f; } else if ( m_activePostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_SPEC_CAMERA_LERPING ) { flFadeTime = 0.1f; } else if ( !pPPCtrl && engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground() ) { // FIXME: In the main menu the server is unable to set up the postprocess controller for the player for some reason.
// Just use the master controller for now.
pPPCtrl = C_PostProcessController::GetMasterController(); }
if ( !pPPCtrl ) { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT, flFadeTime); } else { PostProcessLerpTo( POST_EFFECT_MAP_CONTROLLED, pPPCtrl ); } }
// Apply params to postprocessing code
PostProcessParameters_t currentParams = m_postProcessCurrentParams;
SetPostProcessParams( ¤tParams ); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::PostProcessLerpTo( PostProcessEffect_t effectID, float fFadeDuration, const PostProcessParameters_t* pTargetParams ) { if ( m_activePostProcessEffect == effectID ) { // the target params might still be updated
if ( pTargetParams ) { m_postProcessLerpEndParams = *pTargetParams; } return; }
m_lastPostProcessEffect = m_activePostProcessEffect; m_activePostProcessEffect = effectID; m_pActivePostProcessController = NULL; m_postProcessEffectCountdown.Start( fFadeDuration ); m_postProcessLerpStartParams = m_postProcessCurrentParams; if ( pTargetParams ) { m_postProcessLerpEndParams = *pTargetParams; } else { m_postProcessLerpEndParams = ms_postProcessParams[ effectID ]; } }
void ClientModeCSNormal::PostProcessLerpTo( PostProcessEffect_t effectID, const C_PostProcessController* pPostProcessController ) { Assert( pPostProcessController );
m_lastPostProcessEffect = m_activePostProcessEffect; m_activePostProcessEffect = effectID;
if ( m_pActivePostProcessController != pPostProcessController ) { float flFade = pPostProcessController->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_FADE_TIME]; // we force the fade back time to be short when coming from the buy menu
if ( m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_IN_BUY_MENU ) flFade = 0.25; else if ( m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_RIFLE || m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER || m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_ZOOMED_SNIPER_MOVING ) flFade = 0.01; else if ( m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_SPEC_CAMERA_LERPING ) flFade = 0.1; else if ( m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_BODYSHOT || m_lastPostProcessEffect == POST_EFFECT_DEATH_CAM_HEADSHOT ) flFade = 0.01; m_pActivePostProcessController = pPostProcessController; m_postProcessEffectCountdown.Start( flFade ); m_postProcessLerpStartParams = m_postProcessCurrentParams; }
m_postProcessLerpEndParams = pPostProcessController->m_PostProcessParameters;
void ClientModeCSNormal::DoPostProcessParamLerp() { float fAmount = 1.0f - m_postProcessEffectCountdown.GetRemainingRatio();
// just force it
if ( fAmount == 1 ) m_postProcessCurrentParams = m_postProcessLerpEndParams; else { #define PP_LERP(x) m_postProcessCurrentParams.x = Lerp( fAmount, m_postProcessLerpStartParams.x, m_postProcessLerpEndParams.x )
} }
void ClientModeCSNormal::LerpPostProcessParam( float fAmount, PostProcessParameters_t& result, const PostProcessParameters_t& from, const PostProcessParameters_t& to ) const { #define PP_LERP(x) result.x = Lerp( fAmount, from.x, to.x )
void ClientModeCSNormal::GetDefaultPostProcessingParams( C_CSPlayer* pPlayer, PostProcessEffectParams_t* pParams ) { Assert( pParams );
C_PostProcessController* pPPCtrl = NULL; if ( pPlayer ) { pPPCtrl = pPlayer->GetActivePostProcessController(); }
if ( pPPCtrl ) { pParams->fLocalContrastStrength = pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_LOCAL_CONTRAST_STRENGTH]; pParams->fLocalContrastEdgeStrength = pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_LOCAL_CONTRAST_EDGE_STRENGTH]; pParams->fVignetteStart = pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_START]; pParams->fVignetteEnd = pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_END]; pParams->fVignetteBlurStrength = pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_VIGNETTE_BLUR_STRENGTH]; pParams->fFadeToBlackStrength= pPPCtrl->m_PostProcessParameters.m_flParameters[PPPN_FADE_TO_BLACK_STRENGTH]; } else { memcpy( pParams, &ms_postProcessParams[ POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT ], sizeof( PostProcessEffectParams_t ) ); } }
void ClientModeCSNormal::UpdateSpectatorMode( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer ) return;
IMapOverview * overviewmap = m_pViewport->GetMapOverviewInterface();
if ( !overviewmap ) return;
overviewmap->SetTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
int obs_mode = pPlayer->GetObserverMode();
if ( obs_mode < OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) return;
Vector worldpos = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin(); QAngle angles; engine->GetViewAngles( angles );
C_BaseEntity *target = pPlayer->GetObserverTarget();
if ( target && (obs_mode == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || obs_mode == OBS_MODE_CHASE) ) { worldpos = target->GetAbsOrigin();
if ( obs_mode == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) { angles = target->GetAbsAngles(); } }
Vector2D mappos = overviewmap->WorldToMap( worldpos );
overviewmap->SetCenter( mappos ); overviewmap->SetAngle( angles.y ); for ( int i = 1; i<= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { C_BaseEntity *ent = ClientEntityList().GetEnt( i );
if ( !ent || !ent->IsPlayer() ) continue;
C_BasePlayer *p = ToBasePlayer( ent );
// update position of active players in our PVS
Vector position = p->GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle angle = p->GetAbsAngles();
if ( p->IsDormant() ) { // if player is not in PVS, use PlayerResources data
position = g_PR->GetPosition( i ); angles[1] = g_PR->GetViewAngle( i ); } overviewmap->SetPlayerPositions( i-1, position, angles ); } } */
// Sets convars to tag the current mapname and the player in your crosshairs.
// The player tagged will be overridden for killcam shots to be the killer
static void ScreenshotTaggingKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { if ( pszCurrentBinding && ( FStrEq( pszCurrentBinding, "screenshot" ) || FStrEq( pszCurrentBinding, "jpeg" ) ) ) { // Tag the player in the crosshairs
C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ); if ( pPlayer ) { C_CSPlayer *pCrosshairs = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( pPlayer->GetIDTarget() ) ); if ( pCrosshairs && !pCrosshairs->IsBot() ) { CSteamID steamID; if ( pCrosshairs->GetSteamID( &steamID ) && steamID.IsValid() ) { ConVarRef cl_screenshotusertag( "cl_screenshotusertag" ); if ( cl_screenshotusertag.IsValid() ) { cl_screenshotusertag.SetValue( (int)steamID.GetAccountID() ); } } } }
// Tag the current map
ConVarRef cl_screenshotlocation( "cl_screenshotlocation" ); if ( cl_screenshotlocation.IsValid() ) { char szMapName[MAX_MAP_NAME]; Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), szMapName, sizeof(szMapName) ); Q_strlower( szMapName ); cl_screenshotlocation.SetValue( szMapName ); } } }
ConVar cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding( "cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding", "+attack2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Name of the binding to enable mouse selection in the scoreboard" ); //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: We've received a keypress from the engine. Return 1 if the engine is allowed to handle it.
int ClientModeCSNormal::KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { // don't process input in LogoMaps
if( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsLogoMap() ) return 1;
// Applies basic tags if we're going to take a screenshot
ScreenshotTaggingKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding );
return BaseClass::KeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ); }
// Purpose: this is the viewport that contains all the hud elements
class CHudViewport : public CBaseViewport { private: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudViewport, CBaseViewport );
protected: virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
GetHud().InitColors( pScheme );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); }
virtual void CreateDefaultPanels( void ) { /* don't create any panels yet*/ }; };
class FullscreenCSViewport : public CHudViewport { private: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( FullscreenCSViewport, CHudViewport );
private: virtual void InitViewportSingletons( void ) { SetAsFullscreenViewportInterface(); }
virtual void SetUpPopup( void ) { }
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false ); SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); } };
class ClientModeCSFullscreen : public ClientModeCSNormal { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( ClientModeCSFullscreen, ClientModeCSNormal );
public: virtual void InitViewport() { // dgoodenough - fix up GCC shortcoming.
// FIXME - there may be a way to do this more elegantly under GCC, but for now,
// just write a second ClientModeCSNormal::InitViewport(); that takes a bool
// parameter that allows skipping the init on the immediate BaseClass
// Skip over BaseClass!!!
BaseClass::InitViewport( true ); //BaseClass::InitViewport( );
m_pViewport = new FullscreenCSViewport(); m_pViewport->Start( gameuifuncs, gameeventmanager ); }
virtual void Init( void ); virtual void OnEvent( KeyValues *pEvent ); virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); } g_ClientModeFullscreen;
IClientMode *GetFullscreenClientMode() { return &g_ClientModeFullscreen; }
ClientModeCSNormal g_ClientModeNormal[ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS ];
IClientMode *GetClientModeNormal() { ASSERT_LOCAL_PLAYER_RESOLVABLE(); return &g_ClientModeNormal[ GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ]; }
ClientModeCSNormal* GetClientModeCSNormal() { return assert_cast< ClientModeCSNormal* >( GetClientModeNormal() ); }
int ClientModeCSNormal::GetDeathMessageStartHeight( void ) { return m_pViewport->GetDeathMessageStartHeight(); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData( int iController, int eDevice, const SyncKeyBindingValueDirection_t eOp ) {
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
//Key Names
#define ACTION( name )
#define BINDING( name, cppType ) { #name },
static char sJoystickNames[][MAX_BINDING_NAME] = { #include "xlast_csgo/inc_bindings_usr.inc"
// Additional Keyboard Bindings for PS3
#if defined( _PS3 )
#include "xlast_csgo/inc_ps3_key_bindings_usr.inc"
{ "" } }; #undef BINDING
#undef ACTION
//Action Names
#define BINDING( name, cppType )
#define ACTION( name ) { #name },
static char sBindingActionNames[][MAX_BINDING_NAME] = { #include "xlast_csgo/inc_bindings_usr.inc"
{ "" } }; #undef BINDING
#undef ACTION
// Get the number of keybindings.
static int sNumBindings = 0; if ( sNumBindings == 0 ) { while ( sBindingActionNames[sNumBindings][0] != '\0') sNumBindings++; }
// Sync the device specific convars as well.
#define CFG( name, scfgType, cppType ) { #name },
static const char sDeviceSpecificSettings[][MAX_BINDING_NAME] = { #include "xlast_csgo/inc_gameconsole_device_specific_settings_usr.inc"
#undef CFG
{ "" } }; static int sNumDeviceSpecificSettings = 0; if ( sNumDeviceSpecificSettings == 0 ) { while ( sDeviceSpecificSettings[sNumDeviceSpecificSettings][0] != '\0') sNumDeviceSpecificSettings++; }
// Only process this if it is the controller associated with this clientmodenormal
int iSlot = XBX_GetSlotByUserId( iController ); ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( iSlot ); #endif
if ( this != GetClientModeCSNormal() ) return;
// get the matchmaking local player
IPlayerLocal *pPlayerLocal = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( iController ); if ( !pPlayerLocal ) return;
TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pFields = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->DescribeTitleDataStorage(); if ( !pFields ) return;
#if defined ( _X360 )
// Check version number
ConVarRef cl_titledataversionblock3 ( "cl_titledataversionblock3" ); TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *versionField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, "TITLEDATA.BLOCK3.VERSION" ); if ( !versionField || versionField->m_eDataType != TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint16 ) { Warning( "ClientModeCSNormal::SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData TITLEDATA.BLOCK3.VERSION is expected to be defined as DT_uint16\n" ); return; }
if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) { // If we're reading from title data, check the version to make sure it's good. If not, we bail and just use the defaults that were put into the controls earlier.
int versionNumber = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<uint16>( versionField, pPlayerLocal ); if ( versionNumber != cl_titledataversionblock3.GetInt() ) { Warning ( "ClientModeCSNormal::SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData wrong version # for TITLEDATA.BLOCK3.VERSION; expected %d, got %d\n", cl_titledataversionblock3.GetInt(), versionNumber ); return; } } else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) { // If we're saving, just write the version out.
TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<uint16>( versionField, pPlayerLocal, cl_titledataversionblock3.GetInt() ); }
#endif // _X360
char* devicePrefix = "";
#if defined( _PS3 )
// For PS3, we have 3 different sets of controller bindings.
// We want to work on the active controller when reading or writing them out.
// If we're using the primary controller, then we use an empty string as the text string option.
#endif // _PS3
char bindingKeyName[MAX_BINDING_NAME]; if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) { for (int i=0; sJoystickNames[i][0] != '\0'; ++i) { Q_snprintf( bindingKeyName, MAX_BINDING_NAME, TITLE_DATA_PREFIX "%sBINDING.%s", devicePrefix, &sJoystickNames[i][0] ); TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, bindingKeyName ); if ( NULL == pField ) { Warning( "Could not find TitleDataField for %s\n", bindingKeyName ); continue; }
if ( pField->m_eDataType != TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint8 ) { Warning( "%s is expected to be defined as DT_uint8\n", bindingKeyName ); continue; }
const char *pBindingName = ""; uint8 bindingIndex = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<uint8>( pField, pPlayerLocal ); if ( bindingIndex > 0 && bindingIndex < sNumBindings && sBindingActionNames[bindingIndex][0] != '\0' ) { pBindingName = sBindingActionNames[bindingIndex]; }
// If the name of the button code is prefixed with "KEY_" then this is a PS3 key binding. Do the direct translation
// from key name to ButtonCode_t here.
ButtonCode_t buttonCode = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( &sJoystickNames[i][0] ); if ( buttonCode == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) { Warning( "ClientModeCSNormal::SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData Unknown joystick name %s\n", &sJoystickNames[i][0] ); } else { engine->Key_SetBinding( buttonCode, pBindingName ); }
} } else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) { for (int i=0; sJoystickNames[i][0] != '\0'; ++i) { Q_snprintf( bindingKeyName, MAX_BINDING_NAME, TITLE_DATA_PREFIX "%sBINDING.%s", devicePrefix, &sJoystickNames[i][0] );
// find the current binding for the keyname
ButtonCode_t buttonCode = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( &sJoystickNames[i][0] ); const char* keyBinding = engine->Key_BindingForKey( buttonCode ); if ( NULL == keyBinding ) continue;
size_t cmpSize = strlen( keyBinding );
// Find the keybinding index
uint8 bindingIndex = 0; for ( ; keyBinding && bindingIndex < sNumBindings; ++bindingIndex ) { if ( sBindingActionNames[bindingIndex][0] == '\0' ) continue;
if ( cmpSize != strlen( sBindingActionNames[bindingIndex] ) ) continue;
if ( !Q_strncmp( &sBindingActionNames[bindingIndex][0], keyBinding, cmpSize ) ) break; }
if ( bindingIndex == sNumBindings ) { bindingIndex = 0; }
TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, bindingKeyName ); if ( NULL == pField ) { Warning( "Could not find TitleDataField for %s\n", bindingKeyName ); continue; } if ( pField->m_eDataType != TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint8 ) { Warning( "%s is expected to be defined as DT_uint8\n", bindingKeyName ); continue; }
// Finally write the value.
TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<uint8>( pField, pPlayerLocal, bindingIndex ); } }
// Now sync all the device specific convars.
for (int ii=0; ii<sNumDeviceSpecificSettings; ++ii) { CFmtStr sFieldLookup( TITLE_DATA_PREFIX "%sCFG.usr.%s", devicePrefix, sDeviceSpecificSettings[ii] ); TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pField = TitleDataFieldsDescriptionFindByString( pFields, sFieldLookup ); ConVarRef conVarRef( sDeviceSpecificSettings[ii] ); if ( pField ) { switch( pField->m_eDataType ) { case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_float: if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<float>( pField, pPlayerLocal, conVarRef.GetFloat() ); else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) conVarRef.SetValue( TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<float>( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break;
case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint32: if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<int32>( pField, pPlayerLocal, conVarRef.GetInt() ); else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) conVarRef.SetValue( TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<int32>( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break;
case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint16: if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<int16>( pField, pPlayerLocal, conVarRef.GetInt() ); else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) conVarRef.SetValue( TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<int16>( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break;
case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_uint8: if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetValue<int8>( pField, pPlayerLocal, conVarRef.GetInt() ); else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) conVarRef.SetValue( TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetValue<int8>( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break;
case TitleDataFieldsDescription_t::DT_BITFIELD: if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ) TitleDataFieldsDescriptionSetBit( pField, pPlayerLocal, conVarRef.GetBool() ); else if ( eOp == KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ) conVarRef.SetValue( !!TitleDataFieldsDescriptionGetBit( pField, pPlayerLocal ) ); break;
default: AssertMsg(false, "Format type not handled in device specific bindings. Have a programmer add the case in." ); } } }
#endif // _GAMECONSOLE
void ClientModeCSNormal::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() != event->GetInt( "splitscreenplayer" ) ) return;
CBaseHudChat *pHudChat = CBaseHudChat::GetHudChat(); C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
// we want to i/o title profile data from menu screens (not just in game) so we bypass checking for C_BasePlayer since we know we have a matchmaking local player
bool bIgnoreLocalPlayerCheck = false; if ( Q_strcmp( "read_game_titledata", event->GetName() ) ==0 || Q_strcmp( "write_game_titledata", event->GetName() ) ==0 ) bIgnoreLocalPlayerCheck = true; if ( !bIgnoreLocalPlayerCheck && ( !pLocalPlayer || !pHudChat ) ) return;
const char *eventname = event->GetName();
if ( !eventname || !eventname[0] ) return;
if ( Q_strcmp( "reset_player_controls", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "exec config" PLATFORM_EXT ".cfg game\n" );
#if defined( _X360 )
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "exec controller" PLATFORM_EXT ".cfg\n" ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
engine->ExecuteClientCmd( VarArgs( "cl_reset_ps3_bindings %d %d", GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(), -1 ) ); #endif
} if ( Q_strcmp( "round_start", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
m_iRoundStatus = ROUND_STARTED; m_nRoundMVP = 0; // recreate all client side physics props
// remove hostage ragdolls
for ( int i=0; i<g_HostageRagdolls.Count(); ++i ) { // double-check that the EHANDLE is still valid
if ( g_HostageRagdolls[i] ) { g_HostageRagdolls[i]->Remove(); } } g_HostageRagdolls.RemoveAll();
// Just tell engine to clear decals
engine->ClientCmd( "r_cleardecals\n" );
//stop any looping sounds
// enginesound->StopAllSounds( true );
CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, pLocalPlayer->entindex(), "Music.StopAllExceptMusic" );
Soundscape_OnStopAllSounds(); // Tell the soundscape system.
// Remove any left over particle effects from the last round.
// remove any stacked up temporary effect events
#if defined ( _X360 )
if ( !xboxsystem->IsArcadeTitleUnlocked() ) { int playerInt = event->GetInt( "splitscreenplayer" ); SplitScreenConVarRef xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time("xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time"); if ( xbox_arcade_remaining_trial_time.GetFloat( playerInt ) < 0.5f ) { // only process this if it is the associated player
ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( playerInt ); if ( this == GetClientModeCSNormal() ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "trial_time_expired" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "slot", playerInt ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "disconnect" ); } } // verify they have not pulled the MU in an attempt to get past the trial mode time restriction
CheckTitleDataStorageConnected(); } #endif
} if ( V_strcmp( "round_time_warning", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return; if( !CSGameRules()->m_bBombPlanted ) { PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_ROUNDTEN ); for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CCSPlayer* pPlayer = ToCSPlayer(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i)); if( !pPlayer ) continue; } } } else if ( V_strcmp( "cs_round_start_beep", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
bool bTeamPanelActive = ( GetViewPortInterface()->GetActivePanel() && ( V_strcmp( GetViewPortInterface()->GetActivePanel()->GetName(), PANEL_TEAM ) == 0 ) ); if( !bTeamPanelActive ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, 0, "UI.CounterBeep" ); } } else if ( V_strcmp( "cs_round_final_beep", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
bool bTeamPanelActive = ( GetViewPortInterface()->GetActivePanel() && ( V_strcmp( GetViewPortInterface()->GetActivePanel()->GetName(), PANEL_TEAM ) == 0 ) );
if( !bTeamPanelActive ) { CBaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, 0, "UI.CounterDoneBeep" ); }
int nObsMode = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode(); if( nObsMode == OBS_MODE_FIXED || nObsMode == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) { C_CSPlayer *pCSLocalPlayer = ToCSPlayer(pLocalPlayer); if(pCSLocalPlayer->GetCurrentMusic() == CSMUSIC_START ) { CLocalPlayerFilter filter; PlayMusicSelection(filter, CSMUSIC_ACTION); pCSLocalPlayer->SetCurrentMusic(CSMUSIC_ACTION); } } } else if ( V_strcmp( "round_mvp", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( event->GetInt("userid") ); if ( pPlayer ) { int nPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex();
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast< C_CS_PlayerResource * >( g_PR ) ) { int nMusicID = cs_PR->GetMusicID( nPlayerIndex ); if ( nMusicID > 1 ) { m_nRoundMVP = nPlayerIndex; PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_MVP, nPlayerIndex ); } } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "round_end", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
int winningTeam = event->GetInt("winner"); int reason = event->GetInt("reason");
if ( Target_Bombed == reason ) { m_iRoundStatus = ROUND_ENDED_VIA_BOMBING; } else { m_iRoundStatus = ROUND_ENDED; }
if ( reason != Game_Commencing ) { // if spectating play music for team being spectated at that moment
C_BasePlayer *pTeamPlayer = pLocalPlayer; if( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR || pLocalPlayer->IsHLTV() ) { pTeamPlayer = GetHudPlayer(); } if( winningTeam == pTeamPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) { PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_WONROUND ); } else { PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_LOSTROUND ); } } // play endround announcer sound
if ( winningTeam == TEAM_CT ) { if ( reason == Bomb_Defused ) { int nAnnouncementLine = 0; static char const * const s_arrAnnouncementLines[] = { "Event.BombDefused", "Event.BombDefused_Legacy1", "Event.BombDefused_Legacy2", "Event.BombDefused_Legacy3" }; if ( pLocalPlayer && ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) ) { int nLegacyBragLine = event->GetInt( "legacy" ); if ( ( nLegacyBragLine >= 1 ) && ( nLegacyBragLine <= 3 ) ) nAnnouncementLine = nLegacyBragLine; } // Play "Bomb has been defused" announcement
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound(filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, s_arrAnnouncementLines[nAnnouncementLine]); // Queue up the CT Win audio to play after the bomb defused audio completes
m_fDelayedCTWinTime = gpGlobals->curtime + C_BaseEntity::GetSoundDuration( s_arrAnnouncementLines[nAnnouncementLine], NULL) + ( nAnnouncementLine ? 0.7 : 0.3 ); } else if ( reason == All_Hostages_Rescued ) { // Queue up the CT Win audio to play after the hostage rescue audio completes
m_fDelayedCTWinTime = gpGlobals->curtime + C_BaseEntity::GetSoundDuration( "Event.HostageRescued", NULL ); } else { C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.CTWin"); } } else if ( winningTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { if ( reason != Terrorists_Planted ) C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.TERWin"); } else { if ( reason != Game_Commencing ) { // Prevent the round draw sound event from playing when the player spawns into an empty game
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.RoundDraw"); } } // [pfreese] Only show centerprint message for game commencing; the rest of
// these messages are handled by the end-of-round panel.
// [Forrest] Show all centerprint messages if the end-of-round panel is disabled.
static ConVarRef sv_nowinpanel( "sv_nowinpanel" ); bool isFinishedGunGameRound = CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameProgressive() && (reason == CTs_Win || reason == Terrorists_Win ); if ( isFinishedGunGameRound || reason == Game_Commencing || sv_nowinpanel.GetBool() ) { // dont show centerprint message anymore
// we handle this info int he win panel and this info is distracting and redundant
// GetCenterPrint()->Print( hudtextmessage->LookupString( event->GetString("message") ) );
// we are starting a new round; store old stats and clear the current match stats
g_CSClientGameStats.UpdateLastMatchStats(); g_CSClientGameStats.ResetMatchStats(); }
// [jason] Reset the round stats for leaderboards now
if ( reason == Game_Commencing ) { g_CSClientGameStats.ResetRoundStats(); } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_team", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
CBaseHudChat *pHudChat = CBaseHudChat::GetHudChat(); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( event->GetInt("userid") ); if ( !pHudChat ) return;
if ( !pPlayer ) return;
bool bDisconnected = event->GetBool("disconnect");
if ( bDisconnected ) return;
int iTeam = event->GetInt("team");
if ( C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pPlayer ) ) { ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( pPlayer ); // that's me
pPlayer->TeamChange( iTeam ); }
bool bSilent = event->GetBool( "silent" );
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCoopMission() && pPlayer->IsBot() ) bSilent = true;
if ( !bSilent ) { wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; char szLocalized[100]; bool bIsBot = !!event->GetInt("isbot"); // squelch 'bot has joined the game' messages
if ( iTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR && !bIsBot ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_game_join_spectators" ), 1, wszPlayerName );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); pHudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%s", szLocalized ); } else if ( iTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST && !bIsBot ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_game_join_terrorist" ), 1, wszPlayerName );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); pHudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%s", szLocalized ); } else if ( iTeam == TEAM_CT && !bIsBot ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_game_join_ct" ), 1, wszPlayerName );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalized, szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); pHudChat->Printf( CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%s", szLocalized ); } } }
else if ( Q_strcmp( "bomb_planted", eventname ) == 0 ) { // C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( event->GetInt("userid") );
if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
// show centerprint message when not in training
if ( !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingTraining() && !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCooperativeGametype() ) { STEAMWORKS_TESTSECRET_AMORTIZE(5);
wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; wchar_t seconds[4];
V_swprintf_safe( seconds, L"%d", mp_c4timer.GetInt() );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Bomb_Planted" ), 1, seconds );
GetCenterPrint()->Print( wszLocalized );
PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_BOMB ); }
// play sound
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.BombPlanted" ); } // else if ( Q_strcmp( "bomb_defused", eventname ) == 0 )
// {
// if ( !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingTraining() )
// {
// C_CSPlayer *pHudPlayer = GetHudPlayer();
// C_CSPlayer *pCSLocalPlayer = ToCSPlayer(pLocalPlayer);
// // music logic says: if mvp has music pack, play that. else, if spectating play win/lose and pack of hudplayer.. else play local win/lose and pack.
// C_CSPlayer *pMusicPlayer = pCSLocalPlayer ? pCSLocalPlayer : pHudPlayer;
// if( pCSLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR || pCSLocalPlayer->IsHLTV() )
// {
// pMusicPlayer = pHudPlayer;
// }
// if ( pMusicPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT)
// {
// PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_WONROUND );
// }
// else
// {
// PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_LOSTROUND );
// }
// }
// }
// [menglish] Tell the client side bomb that the bomb has exploding here creating the explosion particle effect
else if ( Q_strcmp( "bomb_exploded", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
if ( g_PlantedC4s.Count() > 0 ) { // bomb is planted
C_PlantedC4 *pC4 = g_PlantedC4s[0]; pC4->Explode(); }
//pLocalPlayer->EmitSound( "Music.StopAllMusic" );
else if ( Q_strcmp( "hostage_follows", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
// show centerprint message when not in training
if ( !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingTraining() ) { GetCenterPrint()->Print( "#Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Hostage_Being_Taken" );
bool roundWasAlreadyWon = ( CSGameRules()->m_iRoundWinStatus != WINNER_NONE ); if ( !roundWasAlreadyWon ) { PlayMusicSelection( filter, CSMUSIC_HOSTAGE ); } } }
else if ( Q_strcmp( "hostage_killed", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
// play sound for spectators and CTs
if ( pLocalPlayer->IsObserver() || (pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT) ) { C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Event.HostageKilled") ; }
// Show warning to killer
if ( pLocalPlayer->GetUserID() == event->GetInt("userid") ) { GetCenterPrint()->Print( "#Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Killed_Hostage" ); } }
else if ( Q_strcmp( "hostage_hurt", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
// Let the loacl player know he harmed a hostage
if ( pLocalPlayer->GetUserID() == event->GetInt("userid") ) { GetCenterPrint()->Print( "#Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Injured_Hostage" ); } }
else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_death", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = USERID2PLAYER( event->GetInt("userid") );
C_CSPlayer* csPlayer = ToCSPlayer(pPlayer); if (csPlayer) { csPlayer->ClearSoundEvents(); }
if ( pPlayer == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ) { // we just died, hide any buy panels
CSGameRules()->CloseBuyMenu( pLocalPlayer->GetUserID() ); } }
else if ( Q_strcmp( "player_changename", eventname ) == 0 ) { return; // server sends a colorized text string for this
else if ( Q_strcmp( "seasoncoin_levelup", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) { CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); //int iCategory = event->GetInt( "category" );
int iRank = event->GetInt( "rank" );
if ( !hudChat || !pPlayer ) return;
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ) ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe );
wchar_t wszLocalizedString[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; if ( iRank == MEDAL_RANK_SILVER ) g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Silver" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); else if ( iRank == MEDAL_RANK_GOLD ) g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Gold" ), 1, wszPlayerName );
if ( wszLocalizedString[0] ) { hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } } }
// [tj] We handle this here instead of in the base class
// The reason is that we don't use string tables to localize.
// Instead, we use the steam localization mechanism.
else if ( Q_strcmp( "achievement_earned", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) { CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); int iAchievement = event->GetInt( "achievement" );
if ( !hudChat || !pPlayer ) return;
if ( !g_AchievementMgrCS.CheckAchievementsEnabled() ) return;
IAchievement *pAchievement = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByID( iAchievement, GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ); if ( pAchievement ) { if ( pPlayer->ShouldAnnounceAchievement() || C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pPlayer ) ) { pPlayer->SetNextAchievementAnnounceTime( gpGlobals->curtime + ACHIEVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT_MIN_TIME );
//Do something for the player - Actually we should probably do this client-side when the achievement is first earned.
if (pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer()) { } pPlayer->OnAchievementAchieved( iAchievement );
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ) ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), (EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_t)( k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe | k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontUseAssassinationTargetName ) );
wchar_t achievementName[1024]; const wchar_t* constAchievementName = &achievementName[0];
constAchievementName = ACHIEVEMENT_LOCALIZED_NAME( pAchievement );
if (constAchievementName) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Achievement_Earned" ), 2, wszPlayerName, constAchievementName/*wszAchievementString*/ );
hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } } } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "item_found", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) { //
// LEGACY game event handler to correctly print items uncased in demos before May 2014
CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); // int iItemRarity = event->GetInt( "quality" );
int iMethod = event->GetInt( "method" ); int iItemDef = event->GetInt( "itemdef" ); uint64 itemID = event->GetInt( "itemid", -1 ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDefinition = dynamic_cast<const GameItemDefinition_t *>( GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( iItemDef ) );
// White list of item acquisitions to print in chat.
if ( ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_IN_CRATE - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_PURCHASED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_TRADED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_CRAFTED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_GIFTED - 1 ) ) ) return;
if ( !pPlayer || !pItemDefinition ) return;
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ) ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe );
if ( iMethod < 0 || iMethod >= ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings ) ) { iMethod = 0; }
const char *pszLocString = g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings[iMethod]; wchar_t const *wszItemFound = pszLocString ? g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszLocString ) : NULL; if ( wszItemFound ) { // TODO: Update the localization strings to only have two format parameters since that's all we need.
CSteamID steamID; wchar_t wszLocalizedString[2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; bool bUsingFullName = false; if ( itemID != -1 && pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID ) ) { CCSPlayerInventory* pPlayerInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetInventoryForPlayer( steamID ); if ( pPlayerInv ) { CEconItemView* pEconItem = pPlayerInv->GetInventoryItemByItemID( itemID ); if ( pEconItem ) { int nRarity = pEconItem->GetRarity() - 1;
wchar_t wszItemName[256]; _snwprintf( wszItemName, ARRAYSIZE( wszItemName ), L"%c" PRI_WS_FOR_WS L"\01", nRarity + COLOR_RARITY_FIRST, pEconItem->GetItemName() );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszItemFound, 3, wszPlayerName, wszItemName, L"" ); bUsingFullName = true; } } } if ( !bUsingFullName ) g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszItemFound, 3, wszPlayerName, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pItemDefinition->GetItemBaseName() ), L"" );
if ( wszLocalizedString[0] ) { hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "items_gifted", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) && ( event->GetInt( "giftidx" ) == 0 ) ) { // PUBLIC GIFT ANNOUNCEMENT -- print info when event comes about the first gift in the batch
CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); int iItemDef = event->GetInt( "itemdef" ); int numGifts = event->GetInt( "numgifts" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDefinition = dynamic_cast< const GameItemDefinition_t* >( GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( iItemDef ) );
if ( !pPlayer || !pItemDefinition ) return;
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ) ) { // [VITALIY] has given out a gift! ///OR/// [VITALIY] has given out 25 gifts!
char const *fmtMessageLoc = ( numGifts > 1 ) ? "#Item_GiftsSentMany" : "#Item_GiftsSent1Anon"; wchar_t wszArg2[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; V_snwprintf( wszArg2, Q_ARRAYSIZE( wszArg2 ), L"%d", numGifts );
wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe );
if ( wchar_t const *wszLocToken = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtMessageLoc ) ) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszLocToken, 2, wszPlayerName, wszArg2 );
hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } } if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) { // print gift details if a local player is one of the players involved in the gift exchange
CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" ); int iItemDef = event->GetInt( "itemdef" ); uint32 unAccountID = event->GetInt( "accountid" ); C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDefinition = dynamic_cast< const GameItemDefinition_t* >( GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( iItemDef ) ); C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR );
if ( !pPlayer || !pItemDefinition || !pLocalPlayer || !cs_PR ) return;
if ( pLocalPlayer == pPlayer ) { // Local player is the gifter!
CSteamID steamID; CBasePlayer *pFoundRecipient = NULL; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer == NULL ) continue;
if ( pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID ) == false ) continue;
if ( steamID.GetAccountID() == unAccountID ) { pFoundRecipient = pPlayer; break; } }
// Print who got my gift? (if the person is in my game server, as opposed to spectating via twitch.tv/GOTV)
if ( pFoundRecipient ) { wchar_t wszArg2[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( pFoundRecipient->entindex(), wszArg2, sizeof( wszArg2 ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe ); char const *fmtMessageLoc = "#Item_GiftsYouSentGift"; if ( wchar_t const *wszLocToken = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtMessageLoc ) ) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszLocToken, 1, wszArg2 );
hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } } else if ( unAccountID == steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID().GetAccountID() ) { // Local player got a gift!
wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe );
char const *fmtMessageLoc = "#Item_GiftsYouGotGift"; if ( wchar_t const *wszLocToken = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( fmtMessageLoc ) ) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalizedString, sizeof( wszLocalizedString ), wszLocToken, 1, wszPlayerName );
hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString );
// Play a sound for the local player
// CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
// C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "UI.ContractSeal" );
} } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( "write_game_titledata", eventname ) == 0 ) { #if !defined( _PS3 )
SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData( event->GetInt( "controllerId" ), INPUT_DEVICE_NONE, KEYBINDING_WRITE_TO_TITLEDATA ); #endif
} else if ( Q_strcmp( "read_game_titledata", eventname ) == 0 ) { #if !defined( _PS3 )
SyncCurrentKeyBindingsToDeviceTitleData( event->GetInt( "controllerId" ), INPUT_DEVICE_NONE, KEYBINDING_READ_FROM_TITLEDATA ); #endif
} else if ( V_strcmp( "switch_team", eventname ) == 0 ) { if ( this == GetFullscreenClientMode() ) return;
// Someone in the game joined or changed teams. Notify matchmaking that it needs to update any
// properties based on team distribution.
if ( g_pMatchFramework && g_PR ) { int numPlayers = event->GetInt( "numPlayers" ); int numSpectators = event->GetInt( "numSpectators" ); int avgRank = event->GetInt( "timeout" ); int numTSlotsFree = event->GetInt( "numTSlotsFree" ); int numCTSlotsFree = event->GetInt( "numCTSlotsFree" );
KeyValues *pTeamProperties = new KeyValues( "switch_team" ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autoDeleteEvent( pTeamProperties );
pTeamProperties->SetInt( "members/numPlayers", numPlayers ); pTeamProperties->SetInt( "members/numSpectators", numSpectators ); pTeamProperties->SetInt( "members/timeout", avgRank ); pTeamProperties->SetInt( "members/numTSlotsFree", numTSlotsFree ); pTeamProperties->SetInt( "members/numCTSlotsFree", numCTSlotsFree );
g_pMatchFramework->UpdateTeamProperties( pTeamProperties ); } } else { BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event ); } }
bool __MsgFunc_SendPlayerItemFound( const CCSUsrMsg_SendPlayerItemFound &msg ) { CBaseHudChat *hudChat = ( CBaseHudChat * ) GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); int iPlayerIndex = msg.entindex();
int iMethod = GetUnacknowledgedReason( msg.iteminfo().inventory() ) - 1; C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex );
// White list of item acquisitions to print in chat.
if ( ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_IN_CRATE - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_PURCHASED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_TRADED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_CRAFTED - 1 ) ) && ( iMethod != ( UNACK_ITEM_GIFTED - 1 ) ) ) return true;
if ( !pPlayer ) return true;
if ( C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast< C_CS_PlayerResource * >( g_PR ) ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[ MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ]; cs_PR->GetDecoratedPlayerName( iPlayerIndex, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ), k_EDecoratedPlayerNameFlag_DontMakeStringSafe );
if ( iMethod < 0 || iMethod >= ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings ) ) { iMethod = 0; }
const char *pszLocString = g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings[ iMethod ]; wchar_t *wszItemFound = pszLocString ? g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszLocString ) : NULL; if ( wszItemFound ) { wchar_t wszLocalizedString[ 2 * MAX_DECORATED_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ] = {}; if ( wszLocalizedString[0] ) { hudChat->ChatPrintfW( iPlayerIndex, CHAT_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT, wszLocalizedString ); } } }
return true; }
void ClientModeCSNormal::OnEvent( KeyValues *pEvent ) { const char *pEventName = pEvent->GetName();
if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( pEventName, "OnSysStorageDevicesChanged" ) ) { CheckTitleDataStorageConnected(); } }
#if defined ( _X360 )
CON_COMMAND_F( boot_to_start_and_reset_config, "Reset the profile for the indexed player and then go to the start screen", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { if ( args.ArgC() <= 1 || args.ArgC() > 2) { ConMsg( "Usage: boot_to_start_and_reset_config: <playerIndex>\n" ); return; }
if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { int slot = atoi( args[1] );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( VarArgs( "host_reset_config %d", slot ) ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( VarArgs( "host_writeconfig_ss %d", slot ) );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "disconnect" ); BasePanel()->SetForceStartScreen(); BasePanel()->HandleOpenCreateStartScreen(); } }
CON_COMMAND_F( boot_to_start, "Go to the start screen", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ) { engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "disconnect" ); BasePanel()->SetForceStartScreen(); BasePanel()->HandleOpenCreateStartScreen(); } #endif
void ClientModeCSNormal::CheckTitleDataStorageConnected( void ) { #if defined ( _X360 )
ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ); if ( this != GetClientModeCSNormal() ) return; IPlayerLocal *pPlayer = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetActiveUserId() ); if ( pPlayer ) { if ( !pPlayer->IsTitleDataStorageConnected() ) { if ( !xboxsystem->IsArcadeTitleUnlocked() ) { // Here we know that you have pulled the storage unit that we need to save your progress; since you are in trial mode, we boot you back to the start screen
// Need to inform player that they must have a storage device connected to their profile in order to play in trial mode and hence they got kicked
int iSlot = XBX_GetSlotByUserId( XBX_GetActiveUserId() );
ECommandMsgBoxSlot slot = CMB_SLOT_FULL_SCREEN; if ( GameUI().IsInLevel() ) { if ( iSlot == 0 ) { slot = CMB_SLOT_PLAYER_0; } else { slot = CMB_SLOT_PLAYER_1; } }
GameUI().CreateCommandMsgBoxInSlot( slot, "#SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle", "#SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg", true, false, "boot_to_start", NULL, NULL, NULL );
} else { // Here we know that you have pulled the storage unit that we need to save your progress; we need to inform user they wont be able to save stats/etc
// until they reattach the storage unit
} } } #endif
void RemoveClassImageEntity() { C_BaseAnimating *pEnt = g_ClassImagePlayer.Get(); if ( pEnt ) { pEnt->Remove(); g_ClassImagePlayer = NULL; }
pEnt = g_ClassImageWeapon.Get(); if ( pEnt ) { pEnt->Remove(); g_ClassImagePlayer = NULL; } }
bool ShouldRecreateClassImageEntity( C_BaseAnimating *pEnt, const char *pNewModelName ) { if ( !pNewModelName || !pNewModelName[0] ) return false;
if ( !pEnt ) return true;
const model_t *pModel = pEnt->GetModel();
if ( !pModel ) return true;
const char *pName = modelinfo->GetModelName( pModel ); if ( !pName ) return true;
// reload only if names are different
const char *pNameNoPath = V_UnqualifiedFileName( pName ); const char *pNewModelNameNoPath = V_UnqualifiedFileName( pNewModelName ); return( Q_stricmp( pNameNoPath, pNewModelNameNoPath ) != 0 ); }
#if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// Draw a doll of a player character for the team selection VGUI screen.
static void UpdateClassImageEntity( const char *pModelName, int x, int y, int width, int height ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
const char *pWeaponName = "models/weapons/w_rif_ak47.mdl"; const char *pWeaponSequence = "Walk_Upper_AK";
int i; for ( i=0; i<CTPlayerModels.Count(); ++i ) { if ( Q_strcasecmp( pModelName, CTPlayerModels[i] ) == 0 ) { // give CTs a M4
pWeaponName = "models/weapons/w_rif_m4a1.mdl"; pWeaponSequence = "Walk_Upper_M4"; break; } }
if ( pLocalPlayer->IsAlive() && pLocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() ) { C_WeaponCSBase *weapon = dynamic_cast< C_WeaponCSBase * >(pLocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()); if ( weapon ) { pWeaponName = weapon->GetWorldModel(); pWeaponSequence = VarArgs("Walk_Upper_%s", weapon->GetPlayerAnimationExtension()); } }
C_BaseAnimatingOverlay *pPlayerModel = g_ClassImagePlayer.Get();
// Does the entity even exist yet?
bool recreatePlayer = ShouldRecreateClassImageEntity( pPlayerModel, pModelName ); if ( recreatePlayer ) { if ( pPlayerModel ) pPlayerModel->Remove();
pPlayerModel = new C_BaseAnimatingOverlay; pPlayerModel->InitializeAsClientEntity( pModelName, false ); pPlayerModel->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // don't let the renderer draw the model normally
// let player walk ahead
pPlayerModel->SetSequence( pPlayerModel->LookupSequence( "walk_lower" ) ); pPlayerModel->SetPoseParameter( "move_yaw", 0.0f ); // move_yaw
pPlayerModel->SetPoseParameter( "body_pitch", 10.0f ); // body_pitch, look down a bit
pPlayerModel->SetPoseParameter( "body_yaw", 0.0f ); // body_yaw
pPlayerModel->SetPoseParameter( "move_y", 0.0f ); // move_y
pPlayerModel->SetPoseParameter( "move_x", 1.0f ); // move_x, walk forward
pPlayerModel->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
g_ClassImagePlayer = pPlayerModel; }
C_BaseAnimating *pWeaponModel = g_ClassImageWeapon.Get();
// Does the entity even exist yet?
if ( recreatePlayer || ShouldRecreateClassImageEntity( pWeaponModel, pWeaponName ) ) { if ( pWeaponModel ) pWeaponModel->Remove();
pWeaponModel = new C_BaseAnimating; pWeaponModel->InitializeAsClientEntity( pWeaponName, false ); pWeaponModel->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // don't let the renderer draw the model normally
pWeaponModel->FollowEntity( pPlayerModel ); // attach to player model
pWeaponModel->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime; g_ClassImageWeapon = pWeaponModel; }
Vector origin = pLocalPlayer->EyePosition(); Vector lightOrigin = origin;
// find a spot inside the world for the dlight's origin, or it won't illuminate the model
Vector testPos( origin.x - 100, origin.y, origin.z + 100 ); trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( origin, testPos, MASK_OPAQUE, pLocalPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f ) { lightOrigin = tr.endpos; } else { // Now move the model away so we get the correct illumination
lightOrigin = tr.endpos + Vector( 1, 0, -1 ); // pull out from the solid
Vector start = lightOrigin; Vector end = lightOrigin + Vector( 100, 0, -100 ); UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, MASK_OPAQUE, pLocalPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); origin = tr.endpos; }
// move player model in front of our view
pPlayerModel->SetAbsOrigin( origin ); pPlayerModel->SetAbsAngles( QAngle( 0, 210, 0 ) );
// wacky hacky, set upper body animation
pPlayerModel->m_SequenceTransitioner.CheckForSequenceChange( pPlayerModel->GetModelPtr(), pPlayerModel->LookupSequence( "walk_lower" ), false, true ); pPlayerModel->m_SequenceTransitioner.UpdateCurrent( pPlayerModel->GetModelPtr(), pPlayerModel->LookupSequence( "walk_lower" ), pPlayerModel->GetCycle(), pPlayerModel->GetPlaybackRate(), gpGlobals->realtime );
// Now, blend the lower and upper (aim) anims together
pPlayerModel->SetNumAnimOverlays( 2 ); int numOverlays = pPlayerModel->GetNumAnimOverlays(); for ( i=0; i < numOverlays; ++i ) { C_AnimationLayer *layer = pPlayerModel->GetAnimOverlay( i );
layer->SetCycle( pPlayerModel->GetCycle() ); if ( i ) layer->SetSequence( pPlayerModel->LookupSequence( pWeaponSequence ) ); else layer->SetSequence( pPlayerModel->LookupSequence( "walk_lower" ) );
layer->SetPlaybackRate( 1.0 ); layer->SetWeight( 1.0f ); layer->SetOrder( i ); }
pPlayerModel->FrameAdvance( gpGlobals->frametime );
// Now draw it.
CViewSetup view; view.x = x; view.y = y; view.width = width; view.height = height;
view.m_bOrtho = false; view.fov = 54;
view.origin = origin + Vector( -110, -5, -5 );
Vector vMins, vMaxs; pPlayerModel->C_BaseAnimating::GetRenderBounds( vMins, vMaxs ); view.origin.z += ( vMins.z + vMaxs.z ) * 0.55f;
view.angles.Init(); view.zNear = VIEW_NEARZ; view.zFar = 1000;
Frustum dummyFrustum; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); render->Push3DView( pRenderContext, view, 0, NULL, dummyFrustum );
// [mhansen] We don't want to light the model in the world. We want it to
// always be lit normal like even if you are standing in a dark (or green) area
// in the world.
pRenderContext->SetLightingOrigin( vec3_origin );
LightDesc_t ld; ld.InitDirectional( Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f ), Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f ) ); pRenderContext->SetLights( 1, &ld );
static Vector white[6] = { Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), Vector( 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ), };
g_pStudioRender->SetAmbientLightColors( white ); g_pStudioRender->SetLocalLights( 0, NULL );
modelrender->SuppressEngineLighting( true ); float color[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; render->SetColorModulation( color ); render->SetBlend( 1.0f );
RenderableInstance_t instance; instance.m_nAlpha = 255; pPlayerModel->DrawModel( STUDIO_RENDER, instance );
if ( pWeaponModel ) { pWeaponModel->DrawModel( STUDIO_RENDER, instance ); }
modelrender->SuppressEngineLighting( false );
render->PopView( pRenderContext, dummyFrustum ); }
#endif // CSTRIKE15
bool WillPanelBeVisible( vgui::VPANEL hPanel ) { while ( hPanel ) { if ( !vgui::ipanel()->IsVisible( hPanel ) ) return false;
hPanel = vgui::ipanel()->GetParent( hPanel ); } return true; }
void ClientModeCSNormal::PreRender(CViewSetup *pSetup) { ClientModeShared::PreRender( pSetup );
// Make sure preview decals update before the current render pass every frame (if needed of course)
extern void UpdatePreviewDecal(); UpdatePreviewDecal(); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::PostRenderVGui() { #if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// If the team menu is up, then we will render the model of the character that is currently selected.
for ( int i=0; i < g_ClassImagePanels.Count(); i++ ) { CCSClassImagePanel *pPanel = g_ClassImagePanels[i]; if ( WillPanelBeVisible( pPanel->GetVPanel() ) ) { // Ok, we have a visible class image panel.
int x, y, w, h; pPanel->GetBounds( x, y, w, h ); pPanel->LocalToScreen( x, y );
// Allow for the border.
x += 3; y += 5; w -= 2; h -= 10;
UpdateClassImageEntity( g_ClassImagePanels[i]->m_ModelName, x, y, w, h ); return; } } #endif // !CSTRIKE15
bool ClientModeCSNormal::ShouldDrawViewModel( void ) { C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = GetHudPlayer(); if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetFOV() != CSGameRules()->DefaultFOV() && pPlayer->m_bIsScoped ) { CWeaponCSBase *pWpn = pPlayer->GetActiveCSWeapon();
if( pWpn && pWpn->DoesHideViewModelWhenZoomed() ) { return false; } }
return BaseClass::ShouldDrawViewModel(); }
bool ClientModeCSNormal::CanRecordDemo( char *errorMsg, int length ) const { C_CSPlayer *player = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( !player ) { return true; }
if ( !player->IsAlive() ) { return true; }
// don't start recording while flashed, as it would remove the flash
if ( player->m_flFlashBangTime > gpGlobals->curtime ) { Q_strncpy( errorMsg, "Cannot record demos while blind.", length ); return false; }
// don't start recording while smoke grenades are spewing smoke, as the existing smoke would be destroyed
C_BaseEntityIterator it; C_BaseEntity *ent; while ( (ent = it.Next()) != NULL ) { if ( Q_strcmp( ent->GetClassname(), "class C_ParticleSmokeGrenade" ) == 0 ) { Q_strncpy( errorMsg, "Cannot record demos while a smoke grenade is active.", length ); return false; } }
return true; }
void ClientModeCSNormal::SetBlurFade( float scale ) { }
void ClientModeCSNormal::DoPostScreenSpaceEffects( const CViewSetup *pSetup ) { GlowObjectManager().RenderGlowEffects( pSetup, GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::SetServerName( wchar_t *name ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pServerName, name, sizeof( m_pServerName ) ); }
void ClientModeCSNormal::SetMapName( wchar_t *name ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pMapName, name, sizeof( m_pMapName ) ); }
// Receive the PlayerIgnited user message and send out a clientside event for achievements to hook.
bool __MsgFunc_MatchEndConditions( const CCSUsrMsg_MatchEndConditions &msg ) { int iFragLimit = (int) msg.fraglimit(); int iMaxRounds = (int) msg.mp_maxrounds(); int iWinRounds = (int) msg.mp_winlimit(); int iTimeLimit = (int) msg.mp_timelimit();
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "match_end_conditions" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "frags", iFragLimit ); event->SetInt( "max_rounds", iMaxRounds ); event->SetInt( "win_rounds", iWinRounds ); event->SetInt( "time", iTimeLimit ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); }
return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_ServerRankUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankUpdate &msg ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_ServerRankRevealAll( const CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankRevealAll &msg ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_DisconnectToLobby( const CCSUsrMsg_DisconnectToLobby &msg ) { if ( engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnDemoFileEndReached" ) ); g_pMatchFramework->CloseSession(); } else { g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnEngineEndGame", "reason", "gameover" ) ); }
return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_WarmupHasEnded( const CCSUsrMsg_WarmupHasEnded &msg ) { if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) { IViewPortPanel *pTextWindow = GetViewPortInterface()->FindPanelByName( PANEL_INFO ); if ( pTextWindow && pTextWindow->IsVisible() ) { ( static_cast< vgui::Frame * >( ( CTextWindow * )pTextWindow ) )->OnCommand( "okay" ); } }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool __MsgFunc_GlowPropTurnOff( const CCSUsrMsg_GlowPropTurnOff &msg ) { CDynamicProp *pProp = dynamic_cast<CDynamicProp*>( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( msg.entidx() ) ); if ( pProp ) pProp->ForceTurnOffGlow();
return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_XpUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_XpUpdate &msg ) { /* Removed for partner depot */ return true; }
CUtlMap< uint32, ClientModeCSNormal::CQuestUncommittedProgress_t, uint32, CDefLess< uint32 > > ClientModeCSNormal::sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted;
bool __MsgFunc_QuestProgress( const CCSUsrMsg_QuestProgress &msg ) { uint32 uidxMap = ClientModeCSNormal::sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.Find( msg.quest_id() ); if ( uidxMap == ClientModeCSNormal::sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.InvalidIndex() ) { ClientModeCSNormal::CQuestUncommittedProgress_t questProgressDefault; V_memset( &questProgressDefault, 0, sizeof( questProgressDefault ) ); uidxMap = ClientModeCSNormal::sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.InsertOrReplace( msg.quest_id(), questProgressDefault ); }
ClientModeCSNormal::CQuestUncommittedProgress_t &questProgress = ClientModeCSNormal::sm_mapQuestProgressUncommitted.Element( uidxMap ); if ( msg.normal_points() > questProgress.m_numNormalPoints ) { if ( !questProgress.m_dblNormalPointsProgressTime ) questProgress.m_numNormalPointsProgressBaseline = questProgress.m_numNormalPoints; questProgress.m_dblNormalPointsProgressTime = Plat_FloatTime(); }
questProgress.m_bIsEventQuest = msg.is_event_quest();
questProgress.m_numNormalPoints = msg.normal_points();
return true; }
ScoreLeaderboardData ClientModeCSNormal::s_ScoreLeaderboardData;
bool __MsgFunc_ScoreLeaderboardData( const CCSUsrMsg_ScoreLeaderboardData &msg ) { ClientModeCSNormal::s_ScoreLeaderboardData.Clear(); if ( msg.has_data() ) ClientModeCSNormal::s_ScoreLeaderboardData.CopyFrom( msg.data() ); return true; }
bool __MsgFunc_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature( const CCSUsrMsg_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature &msg ) { // Game server requests us to make a digital signature for the message that we requested
if ( s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime ) { uint64 uiNow = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( uiNow == s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime ) return true; // ignore servers that are trying to guess the trace ID
} s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime = Plat_FloatTime();
// Find the trace ID that server is referring to
int idx = s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.Find( msg.data().trace_id() ); if ( idx == s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.InvalidIndex() ) return true;
PlayerSprayClientRequestData_t data = s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.Element( idx ); s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.RemoveAt( idx );
static CSteamID s_mysteamid = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID();
// Ensure that creation time is within reasonable range from when it was requested
// and all the fields match
if ( s_mysteamid.GetAccountID() != msg.data().accountid() ) return true; if ( data.m_nEquipSlot != msg.data().equipslot() ) return true; if ( data.m_nDefIdx != msg.data().tx_defidx() ) return true; if ( data.m_unTintID != msg.data().tint_id() ) return true; if ( fabs( gpGlobals->curtime - data.m_flCreationTime ) > 10 ) return true; if ( fabs( gpGlobals->curtime - msg.data().creationtime() ) > 10 ) return true;
// Ensure that the decal to spray is around where our local player is? (grace margins due to networking delays)
C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); Vector vecCheck; if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return true; if ( msg.data().startpos_size() != 3 ) return true; vecCheck.Init( msg.data().startpos( 0 ), msg.data().startpos( 1 ), msg.data().startpos( 2 ) ); if ( pLocalPlayer->EyePosition().DistToSqr( vecCheck ) > 128*128 ) return true; if ( msg.data().endpos_size() != 3 ) return true; vecCheck.Init( msg.data().endpos( 0 ), msg.data().endpos( 1 ), msg.data().endpos( 2 ) ); if ( pLocalPlayer->EyePosition().DistToSqr( vecCheck ) > 256*256 ) return true;
// Validate our inventory again so that we could request charge consumption from GC
CCSPlayerInventory* pPlayerInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetLocalCSInventory(); if ( !pPlayerInv ) return true;
CEconItemView* pEconItem = pPlayerInv->GetItemInLoadout( 0, LOADOUT_POSITION_SPRAY0 + data.m_nEquipSlot ); if ( !pEconItem || !pEconItem->IsValid() ) return true;
uint32 unStickerKitID = pEconItem->GetStickerAttributeBySlotIndexInt( 0, k_EStickerAttribute_ID, 0 ); if ( !unStickerKitID ) return true; if ( unStickerKitID != data.m_nDefIdx ) return true;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle hAttrSprayTintID( "spray tint id" ); uint32 unTintID = 0; if ( !hAttrSprayTintID || !pEconItem->FindAttribute( hAttrSprayTintID, &unTintID ) ) unTintID = 0; if ( unTintID != data.m_unTintID ) return true;
// Record our spray into OGS:
g_CSClientGameStats.AddClientCSGOGameEvent( k_CSClientCsgoGameEventType_SprayApplication, vecCheck, pLocalPlayer->EyeAngles(), ( uint64( unStickerKitID ) << 32 ) | uint64( unTintID ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
DevMsg( "Client decal signature (%llu) @(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) T%u requested\n", cl2gc.Body().itemid(), msg.data().endpos( 0 ), msg.data().endpos( 1 ), msg.data().endpos( 2 ), msg.data().rtime() ); #endif
return true; }
class ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientPlayerDecalSign : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: explicit ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientPlayerDecalSign( GCSDK::CGCClient *pGCClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pGCClient ) { }
virtual bool BYieldingRunJobFromMsg( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientPlayerDecalSign> msg( pNetPacket ); #ifdef _DEBUG
DevMsg( "Client decal signature (%llu) T%u = [%u b]\n", msg.Body().itemid(), msg.Body().data().rtime(), msg.Body().data().signature().size() ); #endif
if ( !msg.Body().data().signature().size() ) return false; if ( !BValidateClientPlayerDecalSignature( msg.Body().data() ) ) return false;
CSVCMsg_UserMessage_t um; CCSUsrMsg_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature gameMsg; gameMsg.mutable_data()->CopyFrom( msg.Body().data() ); if ( BSerializeUserMessageToSVCMSG( um, CS_UM_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature, gameMsg ) ) engine->SendMessageToServer( &um );
return true; } }; GC_REG_CLIENT_JOB( ClientJob_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientPlayerDecalSign, k_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientPlayerDecalSign );
void PlayerDecalDataSendActionSprayToServer( int nSlot ) { CCSPlayerInventory* pPlayerInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetLocalCSInventory(); if ( !pPlayerInv ) return;
CEconItemView* pEconItem = pPlayerInv->GetItemInLoadout( 0, LOADOUT_POSITION_SPRAY0 + nSlot ); if ( !pEconItem || !pEconItem->IsValid() ) return;
uint32 unStickerKitID = pEconItem->GetStickerAttributeBySlotIndexInt( 0, k_EStickerAttribute_ID, 0 ); if ( !unStickerKitID ) return;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle hAttrSprayTintID( "spray tint id" );
int nRandomKey = RandomInt( 2, INT_MAX/2 ); PlayerSprayClientRequestData_t data; data.m_nEquipSlot = nSlot; data.m_nDefIdx = unStickerKitID; if ( !hAttrSprayTintID || !pEconItem->FindAttribute( hAttrSprayTintID, &data.m_unTintID ) ) data.m_unTintID = 0; data.m_flCreationTime = gpGlobals->curtime; s_flLastDigitalSignatureTime = 0; s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.RemoveAll(); s_mapClientDigitalSignatureRequests.InsertOrReplace( nRandomKey, data );
static CSteamID s_mysteamid = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID();
CCSUsrMsg_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature msg; PlayerDecalDigitalSignature &dd = *msg.mutable_data(); dd.set_accountid( s_mysteamid.GetAccountID() ); dd.set_equipslot( data.m_nEquipSlot ); dd.set_tx_defidx( data.m_nDefIdx ); dd.set_tint_id( data.m_unTintID ); dd.set_creationtime( data.m_flCreationTime ); dd.set_trace_id( nRandomKey );
CSVCMsg_UserMessage_t um; if ( BSerializeUserMessageToSVCMSG( um, CS_UM_PlayerDecalDigitalSignature, msg ) ) engine->SendMessageToServer( &um ); }
void ClientModeCSFullscreen::Init( void ) { BaseClass::Init(); ListenForGameEvent( "smokegrenade_detonate" ); ListenForGameEvent( "smokegrenade_expired" ); }
bool g_bClientIsAllowedToPlayOnSecureServers = true;
CEG_NOINLINE void ClientModeCSFullscreen::OnEvent( KeyValues *pEvent ) { BaseClass::OnEvent( pEvent );
const char *pEventName = pEvent->GetName();
if ( !Q_stricmp( pEventName, "OnEngineDisconnectReason" ) ) { DevMsg( "ClientModeCSNormal::OnEvent" ); KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( pEvent, 1 );
char const *szReason = pEvent->GetString( "reason", "" );
if ( char const *szDisconnectHdlr = pEvent->GetString( "disconnecthdlr", NULL ) ) { // If a disconnect handler was set during the event, then we don't interfere with
// the dialog explaining disconnection, just let the disconnect handler do everything.
return; }
// Display the disconnection reason.
RemapText_t arrText[] = { { "", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }, { "Lost connection to LIVE", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE", RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL }, { "For killing too many teammates", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamKilling", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "For killing a teammate at round start", "#SFUI_SessionError_KickBan_TK_Start", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Account is Untrusted", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_OfficialBan", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Account is Convicted", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_Convicted", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Player has competitive matchmaking cooldown", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_CompetitiveCooldown", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "For doing too much team damage", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_TeamHurting", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "For killing too many hostages", "#SFUI_SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Player removed from host session", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Connection to server timed out", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedFromServer", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Server shutting down", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_DisconnectedServerShuttingDown", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Added to banned list", "#SFUI_SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Kicked and banned", "#SFUI_SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "You have been voted off", "#SFUI_SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "VAC authentication error", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_VAC", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Player idle", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_Idle", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "For suiciding too many times", "#SFUI_DisconnectionReason_Suicide", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "You must use matchmaking to connect to this CS:GO server", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_MustUseMatchmaking", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "You cannot connect to this CS:GO server because it is restricted to LAN connections only", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_ServerLanRestricted", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, { "Kicked by", "#SFUI_SessionError_Kicked", RemapText_t::MATCH_SUBSTR }, // Since many strings include "kicked by", insert messages above this one
{ "", "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown", RemapText_t::MATCH_START }, // Catch all cases for X360
{ NULL, NULL, RemapText_t::MATCH_FULL } };
// For any disconnection reason other than unknown:
if ( szReason && !StringHasPrefix( szReason, "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_Unknown" ) ) { STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); }
szReason = RemapText_t::RemapRawText( arrText, szReason );
const char *okCommand = NULL; if ( !V_strcmp( szReason, "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_VAC" ) ) okCommand = "error_message_explain_vac"; else if ( !V_strcmp( szReason, "#GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch" ) ) okCommand = "error_message_explain_pure";
CCommandMsgBox::CreateAndShow("#SFUI_Disconnect_Title", szReason, true, false, okCommand ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pEventName, "OnClientInsecureBlocked" ) ) { STEAMWORKS_SELFCHECK(); g_bClientIsAllowedToPlayOnSecureServers = false; CMessageBoxScaleform::UnloadAllDialogs(); BasePanel()->RestoreMainMenuScreen(); char const *szSuffix = ""; if ( ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-insecure" ) && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-insecure_forced_by_launcher" ) ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tools" ) ) szSuffix = "_cmd"; CCommandMsgBox::CreateAndShow( CFmtStr( "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_OnClientInsecureTitle_%s", pEvent->GetString( "reason" ) ), CFmtStr( "#SFUI_DisconnectReason_OnClientInsecureBlocked_%s%s", pEvent->GetString( "reason" ), szSuffix ), true); } }
CON_COMMAND_F( error_message_explain_vac, "Take user to Steam support article", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE | FCVAR_HIDDEN ) { vgui::system()->ShellExecute( "open", "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2117-ILZV-2837" ); }
CON_COMMAND_F( error_message_explain_pure, "Take user to Steam support article", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE | FCVAR_HIDDEN ) { vgui::system()->ShellExecute( "open", "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8285-YOAZ-6049" ); }
void ClientModeCSFullscreen::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *eventname = event->GetName();
if ( !eventname || !eventname[0] ) return;
if ( Q_strcmp( "tr_show_finish_msgbox", eventname ) == 0 ) { GameUI().CreateCommandMsgBoxInSlot( CMB_SLOT_PLAYER_0, "#TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Title", "#TR_Finish_All_MsgBox_Body", true, false, "disconnect\n", NULL, NULL, NULL ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( "tr_show_exit_msgbox", eventname ) == 0 ) { GameUI().CreateCommandMsgBoxInSlot( CMB_SLOT_PLAYER_0, "#TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Title", "#TR_ExitDoor_MsgBox_Body", true, true, "tr_map_show_exit_door_msg", NULL, NULL, NULL ); } else if ( V_strcmp( "smokegrenade_detonate", eventname ) == 0 ) { Vector v; v.x = event->GetFloat( "X" ); v.y = event->GetFloat( "Y" ); v.z = event->GetFloat( "Z" ); FirePerfStatsEvent( PERF_STATS_SMOKE );
int index = event->GetInt( "entityid" ); C_BaseEntity* pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( index ); if ( pEnt ) AddSmokeGrenadeHandle( pEnt ); } else if ( V_strcmp( "smokegrenade_expired", eventname ) == 0 ) { Vector v; v.x = event->GetFloat( "X" ); v.y = event->GetFloat( "Y" ); v.z = event->GetFloat( "Z" );
int index = event->GetInt( "entityid" ); C_BaseEntity* pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( index ); if ( pEnt ) RemoveSmokeGrenadeHandle( pEnt ); } else if ( V_strcmp( "round_start", eventname ) == 0 ) { // empty the client side list of smoke grenade locations
RemoveAllSmokeGrenades(); BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event ); } else if ( V_strcmp( "game_newmap", eventname ) == 0 ) { RemoveAllSmokeGrenades(); } else { BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event ); } }