//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "cs_gamestats_shared.h"
#include "matchmaking/cstrike15/imatchext_cstrike15.h"
#include "steamworks_gamestats_client.h"
#include "gametypes.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
struct PlayerStatData_t { wchar_t* pStatDisplayName; // Localized display name of the stat
int iStatId; // CSStatType_t enum value of stat
int32 iStatValue; // Value of the stat
enum CSSyncStatValueDirection_t { CSSTAT_WRITE_STAT, CSSTAT_READ_STAT };
enum CSClientCsgoGameEventType_t { // WARNING: must be in sync with the g_CSClientCsgoGameEventTypeNames[] in cpp
k_CSClientCsgoGameEventType_SprayApplication = 1, k_CSClientCsgoGameEventType_ConnectionProblem_Generic = 2, k_CSClientCsgoGameEventType_ConnectionProblem_Loss = 3, k_CSClientCsgoGameEventType_ConnectionProblem_Choke = 4, // WARNING: must be in sync with the g_CSClientCsgoGameEventTypeNames[] in cpp
// OGS Gamestats
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
struct SRoundData : public BaseStatData { explicit SRoundData( const StatsCollection_t *pRoundData ) { nRoundTime = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_PLAYTIME]; nWasKilled = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_DEATHS]; nIsMVP = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_MVPS]; nMoneySpent = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_MONEY_SPENT]; nStartingMoney = -1;// We'll get this data separately
nRoundScore = 0; nRevenges = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_REVENGES]; nDamageDealt = (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_DAMAGE]; llExperimental = 0;
nTeamID = 0; nWinningTeamID = 0;
if ( (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_T_ROUNDS_WON] ) { nWinningTeamID = TEAM_TERRORIST; /*
if ( (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_ROUNDS_WON] ) { nTeamID = TEAM_TERRORIST; } else { nTeamID = TEAM_CT; } */ } else if ( (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_CT_ROUNDS_WON] ) { nWinningTeamID = TEAM_CT; /*
if ( (*pRoundData)[CSSTAT_ROUNDS_WON] ) { nTeamID = TEAM_CT; } else { nTeamID = TEAM_TERRORIST; } */ }
//nGameType = g_pGameTypes ? g_pGameTypes->GetCurrentGameType() : -1;
// HACK: Game type isn't useful to record in stats because for official servers
// the map can tell us that. Game mode, however, isn't being captured.
// Game type is now game mode.
nGameType = g_pGameTypes ? g_pGameTypes->GetCurrentGameMode() : -1; nRound = -1; // We'll get this data seperately, need to get it from the matchstats
nReason = Invalid_Round_End_Reason; // We track this seperately since we normally get the round stats from the server but not all the pieces
uint32 nRoundTime; int nTeamID; int nWinningTeamID; int nWasKilled; int nIsMVP; int nDamageDealt; int nMoneySpent; int nStartingMoney; int nRoundScore; int nRevenges; int nGameType; int nRound; int nReason; uint64 llExperimental;
BEGIN_STAT_TABLE( "CSGORoundData" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nRoundTime, "RoundTime" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nTeamID, "TeamID" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nWinningTeamID, "WinningTeamID" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nWasKilled, "WasKilled" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nIsMVP, "IsMvp" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nDamageDealt, "DamageDealt" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nMoneySpent, "MoneySpent" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nStartingMoney, "StartingMoney" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nRoundScore, "RoundScore" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nRevenges, "Revenges" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nGameType, "GameTypeID" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nRound, "Round" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( nReason, "RoundEndReason" ) REGISTER_STAT_NAMED( llExperimental, "Experimental" ) END_STAT_TABLE() }; #endif
class CCSClientGameStats : public CAutoGameSystem, public CGameEventListener #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
, public IGameStatTracker #endif
{ public: CCSClientGameStats(); virtual void PostInit(); virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity(); virtual void LevelInitPostEntity();
int GetStatCount();
void AddClientCSGOGameEvent( CSClientCsgoGameEventType_t eEvent, Vector const &pos, QAngle const &ang, uint64 ullData = 0ull, char const *szMapName = NULL, int16 nRound = CSCLIENTCSGOGAMEEVENTTYPE_AUTODETECT_INT16, int16 nRoundSecondsElapsed = CSCLIENTCSGOGAMEEVENTTYPE_AUTODETECT_INT16 );
PlayerStatData_t GetStatById(int id, int nUserSlot );
void ResetAllStats( int nUserSlot ); void ResetAllStatsAndAchievements( void ); void ResetMatchStats( void ); void UpdateLastMatchStats( void );
// [jhail] Reset the round stats
void ResetRoundStats( void );
// [jhail] Reset all leaderboard data on partnernet. Does not work on retail builds/hardware.
void ResetLeaderboardStats( void );
void IncrementMatchmakingData( const StatsCollection_t &stats ); void UpdateMatchmakingData( void ); void ResetMatchmakingData( MatchmakingDataScope mmDataScope );
const StatsCollection_t& GetLifetimeStats( int nUserSlot ); const StatsCollection_t& GetMatchStats( int nUserSlot );
// [jhail] Retrieve the per-round stats
const StatsCollection_t& GetRoundStats( int nUserSlot );
bool MsgFunc_PlayerStatsUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_PlayerStatsUpdate &msg );
bool ValidateTitleBlockVersion( struct TitleDataFieldsDescription_t const *pFields, class IPlayerLocal *pPlayerLocal, CSSyncStatValueDirection_t eOp, int titleBlockNo );
bool SyncCSStatsToTitleData( int iController, CSSyncStatValueDirection_t eOp ); bool SyncCSLoadoutsToTitleData( int iController, CSSyncStatValueDirection_t eOp ); bool SyncCSMatchmakingDataToTitleData( int iController, CSSyncStatValueDirection_t eOp ); bool SyncCSRankingDataToTitleData( int iController, CSSyncStatValueDirection_t eOp );
// [jhail] write stats to the leaderboard
void WriteLeaderboardStats( void );
// Public OGS functions and data
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
virtual void SubmitGameStats( KeyValues *pKV ) { int listCount = s_StatLists->Count(); for( int i=0; i < listCount; ++i ) { // Create a master key value that has stats everybody should share (map name, session ID, etc)
(*s_StatLists)[i]->SendData(pKV); (*s_StatLists)[i]->Clear(); } }
virtual StatContainerList_t* GetStatContainerList( void ) { return s_StatLists; }
void UploadRoundStats(); #endif
CUserMessageBinder m_UMCMsgPlayerStatsUpdate; CUserMessageBinder m_UMCMsgXRankGet; CUserMessageBinder m_UMCMsgXRankUpd;
protected: void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
void UpdateSteamStats(); void RetrieveSteamStats(); void UpdateStats( const StatsCollection_t &stats, int nUserSlot ); void CalculateMatchFavoriteWeapons(); private: struct CsgoGameEvent_t { CSClientCsgoGameEventType_t m_eEvent; Vector m_pos; QAngle m_ang; uint64 m_ullData; CUtlSymbol m_symMap; int16 m_nRound; int16 m_numRoundSeconds; bool m_bRequireMoreReliableUpload; }; CUtlVector< CsgoGameEvent_t > m_arrClientCsgoGameEvents; StatsCollection_t m_lifetimeStats[MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS]; StatsCollection_t m_matchStats[MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS]; StatsCollection_t m_roundStats[MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS];
// Value of the lifetime stats collection last time we updated steam with our current values.
// we keep this to prevent spamming IPC calls for stats that haven't changed.
StatsCollection_t m_lifetimeStatsLastUpload[MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS];
int m_matchMaxPlayerCount; bool m_bSteamStatsDownload;
// Private OGS functions and data
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
int m_RoundEndReason; bool m_bObjectiveAttempted;
// A static list of all the stat containers, one for each data structure being tracked
static StatContainerList_t * s_StatLists; #endif
extern CCSClientGameStats g_CSClientGameStats;
#ifdef _X360
#define MAX_PROPS_WINS 7
class CAsyncLeaderboardWriteThread { public: CAsyncLeaderboardWriteThread(); ~CAsyncLeaderboardWriteThread();
LeaderboardWriteData_t* CreateLeaderboardWriteData( void );
static unsigned CallbackThreadProc( void *pvParam ) { reinterpret_cast<CAsyncLeaderboardWriteThread*>(pvParam)->ThreadProc(); return 0; } void ThreadProc( void ); void QueueData( LeaderboardWriteData_t* pData );
protected: ThreadHandle_t m_hThread; CThreadFastMutex m_mutex; CUtlVector<LeaderboardWriteData_t*> m_queue; HANDLE m_hEvent; };
void MsgFunc_ClientInfo( bf_read &msg );
#endif // _X360