Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
//====== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "commentarydialog.h"
#include "basepanel.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "engineinterface.h"
#include "gameui_interface.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace vgui;
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose:
CCommentaryDialog::CCommentaryDialog(vgui::Panel *parent) : BaseClass(parent, "CommentaryDialog") { SetDeleteSelfOnClose(true); SetSizeable( false );
input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(GetVPanel()); GameUI().PreventEngineHideGameUI();
SetTitle("#GameUI_CommentaryDialogTitle", true);
bool bCommentaryOn = false; ConVarRef commentary( "commentary" ); if ( commentary.IsValid() ) { bCommentaryOn = commentary.GetBool(); }
// Setup the buttons & labels to reflect the current state of the commentary
if ( bCommentaryOn ) { SetControlString( "ModeLabel", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_LabelOn" ); SetControlString( "TurnOnButton", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_LeaveOn" ); SetControlString( "TurnOffButton", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_TurnOff" ); } else { SetControlString( "ModeLabel", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_LabelOff" ); SetControlString( "TurnOnButton", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_TurnOn" ); SetControlString( "TurnOffButton", "#GAMEUI_Commentary_LeaveOff" ); } }
// Purpose:
CCommentaryDialog::~CCommentaryDialog() { }
// Purpose:
void CCommentaryDialog::OnClose( void ) { BaseClass::OnClose();
vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(NULL); GameUI().AllowEngineHideGameUI();
// Bring up the post dialog
DHANDLE<CPostCommentaryDialog> hPostCommentaryDialog; if ( !hPostCommentaryDialog.Get() ) { hPostCommentaryDialog = new CPostCommentaryDialog( BasePanel() ); } hPostCommentaryDialog->Activate(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *command -
void CCommentaryDialog::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "TurnOn" ) ) { ConVarRef commentary("commentary"); commentary.SetValue( 1 ); Close(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "TurnOff" ) ) { ConVarRef commentary("commentary"); commentary.SetValue( 0 ); Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } }
// Purpose:
void CCommentaryDialog::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { // Ignore escape key
if (code == KEY_ESCAPE) return;
BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); }
// Purpose:
void OpenCommentaryDialog( void ) { DHANDLE<CCommentaryDialog> hCommentaryDialog; if ( !hCommentaryDialog.Get() ) { hCommentaryDialog = new CCommentaryDialog( BasePanel() ); }
GameUI().ActivateGameUI(); hCommentaryDialog->Activate(); }
// Purpose:
ConVar commentary_firstrun("commentary_firstrun", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); void CC_CommentaryTestFirstRun( void ) { if ( !commentary_firstrun.GetBool() ) { commentary_firstrun.SetValue(1); OpenCommentaryDialog(); } } static ConCommand commentary_testfirstrun("commentary_testfirstrun", CC_CommentaryTestFirstRun, 0 );
// Purpose:
CPostCommentaryDialog::CPostCommentaryDialog(vgui::Panel *parent) : BaseClass(parent, "PostCommentaryDialog") { SetDeleteSelfOnClose(true); SetSizeable( false );
input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(GetVPanel()); m_bResetPaintRestrict = false;
SetTitle("#GameUI_CommentaryDialogTitle", true);
bool bCommentaryOn = false; ConVarRef commentary("commentary"); if ( commentary.IsValid() ) { bCommentaryOn = commentary.GetBool(); } // Setup the buttons & labels to reflect the current state of the commentary
if ( bCommentaryOn ) { SetControlString( "PostModeLabel", "#GAMEUI_PostCommentary_ModeLabelOn" ); } else { SetControlString( "PostModeLabel", "#GAMEUI_PostCommentary_ModeLabelOff" ); } }
// Purpose:
CPostCommentaryDialog::~CPostCommentaryDialog() { }
// Purpose:
void CPostCommentaryDialog::OnFinishedClose( void ) { BaseClass::OnFinishedClose();
if ( !m_bResetPaintRestrict ) { m_bResetPaintRestrict = true; vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(NULL); GameUI().HideGameUI(); } }
// Purpose:
void CPostCommentaryDialog::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { if (code == KEY_ESCAPE) { Close(); vgui::surface()->RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(NULL); m_bResetPaintRestrict = true; } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); } }