//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "createmultiplayergamebotpage.h"
using namespace vgui;
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "panellistpanel.h"
#include "scriptobject.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "engineinterface.h"
#include "cvartogglecheckbutton.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// for join team combo box
// these must correlate with above enum
static const char *joinTeamArg[] = { "any", "ct", "t", NULL };
// for bot chatter combo box
// these must correlate with above enum
static const char *chatterArg[] = { "normal", "minimal", "radio", "off", NULL };
extern void UTIL_StripInvalidCharacters( char *pszInput );
void CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::SetJoinTeamCombo( const char *team ) { if (team) { for( int i=0; joinTeamArg[i]; ++i ) if (!stricmp( team, joinTeamArg[i] )) { m_joinTeamCombo->ActivateItemByRow( i ); return; } } else { m_joinTeamCombo->ActivateItemByRow( BOT_GUI_TEAM_RANDOM ); } }
void CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::SetChatterCombo( const char *chatter ) { if (chatter) { for( int i=0; chatterArg[i]; ++i ) if (!stricmp( chatter, chatterArg[i] )) { m_chatterCombo->ActivateItemByRow( i ); return; } } else { m_joinTeamCombo->ActivateItemByRow( BOT_GUI_CHATTER_NORMAL ); } }
// Constructor
CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name, KeyValues *botKeys ) : PropertyPage( parent, name ) { m_pSavedData = botKeys;
m_allowRogues = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowRogueCheck", "", "bot_allow_rogues" ); m_allowPistols = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowPistolsCheck", "", "bot_allow_pistols" ); m_allowShotguns = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowShotgunsCheck", "", "bot_allow_shotguns" ); m_allowSubmachineGuns = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowSubmachineGunsCheck", "", "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns" ); m_allowRifles = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowRiflesCheck", "", "bot_allow_rifles" ); m_allowMachineGuns = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowMachineGunsCheck", "", "bot_allow_machine_guns" ); m_allowGrenades = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowGrenadesCheck", "", "bot_allow_grenades" ); m_allowSnipers = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowSnipersCheck", "", "bot_allow_snipers" ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
m_allowShields = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotAllowShieldCheck", "", "bot_allow_shield" ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
m_joinAfterPlayer = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotJoinAfterPlayerCheck", "", "bot_join_after_player" );
m_deferToHuman = new CCvarToggleCheckButton( this, "BotDeferToHumanCheck", "", "bot_defer_to_human_goals" );
// set up team join combo box
// NOTE: If order of AddItem is changed, update the associated enum
m_joinTeamCombo = new ComboBox( this, "BotJoinTeamCombo", 3, false ); m_joinTeamCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_Random", NULL ); m_joinTeamCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_ScoreBoard_CT", NULL ); m_joinTeamCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_ScoreBoard_Ter", NULL );
// set up chatter combo box
// NOTE: If order of AddItem is changed, update the associated enum
m_chatterCombo = new ComboBox( this, "BotChatterCombo", 4, false ); m_chatterCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_Bot_Chatter_Normal", NULL ); m_chatterCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_Bot_Chatter_Minimal", NULL ); m_chatterCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_Bot_Chatter_Radio", NULL ); m_chatterCombo->AddItem( "#Cstrike_Bot_Chatter_Off", NULL );
// create text entry fields for quota and prefix
m_prefixEntry = new TextEntry( this, "BotPrefixEntry" );
// set positions and sizes from resources file
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/CreateMultiplayerGameBotPage.res" );
// get initial values from bot keys
m_joinAfterPlayer->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_join_after_player", true ) ); m_allowRogues->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_rogues", true ) ); m_allowPistols->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_pistols", true ) ); m_allowShotguns->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_shotguns", true ) ); m_allowSubmachineGuns->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns", true ) ); m_allowMachineGuns->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_machine_guns", true ) ); m_allowRifles->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_rifles", true ) ); m_allowSnipers->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_snipers", true ) ); m_allowGrenades->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_grenades", true ) ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
m_allowShields->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_allow_shield", true ) ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
m_deferToHuman->SetSelected( botKeys->GetBool( "bot_defer_to_human_goals", true ) );
SetJoinTeamCombo( botKeys->GetString( "bot_join_team", "any" ) ); SetChatterCombo( botKeys->GetString( "bot_chatter", "normal" ) );
// set bot_prefix
const char *prefix = botKeys->GetString( "bot_prefix" ); if (prefix) SetControlString( "BotPrefixEntry", prefix ); }
// Destructor
CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::~CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage() { // vgui handles deletion of children automatically through the hierarchy
// Reset values
void CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::OnResetChanges() { }
void UpdateValue( KeyValues *data, const char *cvarName, int value ) { data->SetInt( cvarName, value );
ConVarRef var( cvarName ); var.SetValue( value ); }
void UpdateValue( KeyValues *data, const char *cvarName, const char *value ) { data->SetString( cvarName, value );
ConVarRef var( cvarName ); var.SetValue( value ); }
// Called to get data from the page
void CCreateMultiplayerGameBotPage::OnApplyChanges() { UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_join_after_player", m_joinAfterPlayer->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_rogues", m_allowRogues->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_pistols", m_allowPistols->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_shotguns", m_allowShotguns->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns", m_allowSubmachineGuns->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_machine_guns", m_allowMachineGuns->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_rifles", m_allowRifles->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_snipers", m_allowSnipers->IsSelected() ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_grenades", m_allowGrenades->IsSelected() ); #ifdef CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_allow_shield", m_allowShields->IsSelected() ); #endif // CS_SHIELD_ENABLED
UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_defer_to_human_goals", m_deferToHuman->IsSelected() );
// set bot_join_team
UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_join_team", joinTeamArg[ m_joinTeamCombo->GetActiveItem() ] );
// set bot_chatter
UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_chatter", chatterArg[ m_chatterCombo->GetActiveItem() ] );
// set bot_prefix
#define BUF_LENGTH 256
char entryBuffer[ BUF_LENGTH ]; m_prefixEntry->GetText( entryBuffer, BUF_LENGTH ); UpdateValue( m_pSavedData, "bot_prefix", entryBuffer ); }