//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "model_combiner.h"
struct model_combine_t; enum combine_result_t { COMBINE_NOT_STARTED, COMBINE_IN_PROCESS, COMBINE_SUCCEEDED, COMBINE_FAILED, };
static const char *g_pszCombineResults[] = { "not started", // COMBINE_NOT_STARTED,
"in process", // COMBINE_IN_PROCESS,
"succeeded", // COMBINE_SUCCEEDED,
"failed" // COMBINE_FAILED,
// Purpose:
// Class that manages combining multiple models into single models
class CModelCombiner : public CAutoGameSystem { public: CModelCombiner();
// Request a combined model to be created for the base model and the attached additional models.
// The requester it must derive from IModelCombinerRequesterInterface. The ModelCombineFinished
// function will be called with the result of the combine request.
bool CombineModel( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const char *pszBaseModel, CUtlVector<const char *> *vecAdditionalModels ); bool CombineModel( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine );
// Call this when you're being destroyed. It'll remove you from any pending callback lists.
void AbortCombineModelFor( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester );
public: model_combine_t *FindCombineRequestForIndex( int iCombineIndex ); virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity( void ); void DumpStats( void );
private: void FillOutCombineRequest( model_combine_t *pRequest, IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const char *pszBaseModel, CUtlVector<const char *> *vecAdditionalModels ); void FillOutCombineRequest( model_combine_t *pRequest, IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ); bool CombineRequestExists( model_combine_t *pRequest, combine_result_t *iResult, int *iIndex ); void AddRequesterToCallbackList( int iIndex, IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester );
private: CUtlVector<model_combine_t*> m_vecCombines; int m_nNextCombineIndex; };
CModelCombiner *ModelCombiner( void );
// Struct that contains the state of a single model combine request
struct model_combine_t { model_combine_t& operator=( const model_combine_t& src ) { if ( this == &src ) { return *this; }
nCombinedModelIndex = src.nCombinedModelIndex; vecModelsToCombine = src.vecModelsToCombine; pRequesterCallbackList = src.pRequesterCallbackList; iCombineRequestIndex = src.iCombineRequestIndex; iCombineResult = src.iCombineResult;
return *this; }
bool operator==( const model_combine_t &val ) const { if ( vecModelsToCombine.Count() != val.vecModelsToCombine.Count() ) { return false; } FOR_EACH_VEC( vecModelsToCombine, i ) { if ( ( vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_iszModelName != val.vecModelsToCombine[i].m_iszModelName ) || ( vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_nBodyGroupSubModelSelection != val.vecModelsToCombine[i].m_nBodyGroupSubModelSelection ) ) { return false; } for ( int j = 0; j < COMBINER_MAX_MATERIALS_PER_INPUT_MODEL; j++ ) { for ( int k = 0; k < COMBINER_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_MATERIAL; k++ ) { if ( ( vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_textureSubstitutes[ j ][ k ].m_iszMaterialParam != val.vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_textureSubstitutes[ j ][ k ].m_iszMaterialParam ) || ( vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_textureSubstitutes[ j ][ k ].m_pVTFTexture != val.vecModelsToCombine[ i ].m_textureSubstitutes[ j ][ k ].m_pVTFTexture ) ) { return false; } } } }
return true; }
int nCombinedModelIndex; CCopyableUtlVector<SCombinerModelInput_t> vecModelsToCombine; CCopyableUtlVector<IModelCombinerRequesterInterface*> pRequesterCallbackList; int iCombineRequestIndex; combine_result_t iCombineResult; };
CModelCombiner g_ModelCombiner; CModelCombiner* ModelCombiner() { return &g_ModelCombiner; }
// Request a combined model to be created for the base model and the attached additional models.
// The requester it must derive from IModelCombinerRequesterInterface. The ModelCombineFinished
// function will be called with the result of the combine request.
bool ModelCombiner_CombineModel( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const char *pszBaseModel, CUtlVector<const char *> *vecAdditionalModels ) { CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > vecModelsToCombine; string_t iszBaseModel = AllocPooledString( pszBaseModel );
vecModelsToCombine.AddToTail( SCombinerModelInput_t( iszBaseModel ) ); FOR_EACH_VEC( *vecAdditionalModels, i ) { string_t iszAdditionalModel = AllocPooledString( vecAdditionalModels->Element( i ) ); vecModelsToCombine.AddToTail( SCombinerModelInput_t( iszAdditionalModel ) ); } return ModelCombiner()->CombineModel( pRequester, vecModelsToCombine ); }
bool ModelCombiner_CombineModel( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ) { return ModelCombiner()->CombineModel( pRequester, vecModelsToCombine ); }
// Call this when you're being destroyed. It'll remove you from any pending callback lists.
void ModelCombiner_AbortCombineModelFor( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester ) { ModelCombiner()->AbortCombineModelFor( pRequester ); }
// Purpose:
CModelCombiner::CModelCombiner() { m_nNextCombineIndex = 0; }
// Purpose:
void CModelCombiner::FillOutCombineRequest( model_combine_t *pRequest, IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( vecModelsToCombine, i ) { pRequest->vecModelsToCombine.AddToTail( vecModelsToCombine.Element( i ) ); }
pRequest->pRequesterCallbackList.AddToTail( pRequester ); pRequest->iCombineRequestIndex = -1; pRequest->nCombinedModelIndex = 0; pRequest->iCombineResult = COMBINE_NOT_STARTED; }
// Purpose:
bool CModelCombiner::CombineRequestExists( model_combine_t *pRequest, combine_result_t *iResult, int *iIndex ) { *iResult = COMBINE_NOT_STARTED; *iIndex = -1;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines, i ) { if ( *m_vecCombines[i] == *pRequest ) { *iResult = m_vecCombines[i]->iCombineResult; *iIndex = i; break; } }
return (*iIndex != -1); }
// Purpose:
void CModelCombiner::AddRequesterToCallbackList( int iIndex, IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines[iIndex]->pRequesterCallbackList, i ) { if ( m_vecCombines[iIndex]->pRequesterCallbackList[i] == pRequester ) return; }
m_vecCombines[iIndex]->pRequesterCallbackList.AddToTail( pRequester ); }
// Purpose:
model_combine_t *CModelCombiner::FindCombineRequestForIndex( int iCombineIndex ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines, i ) { if ( m_vecCombines[i]->iCombineRequestIndex == iCombineIndex ) return m_vecCombines[i]; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
void CModelCombiner::LevelShutdownPostEntity( void ) { // Release all the combined models.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines, i ) { modelinfo->ReleaseDynamicModel( m_vecCombines[i]->nCombinedModelIndex ); }
m_vecCombines.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
// Purpose:
void ModelCombineFinished( void *pUserData, MDLHandle_t OldHandle, MDLHandle_t NewHandle, TCombinedResults &CombinedResults ) { int *pCombineIndex = (int *)pUserData; if ( !pCombineIndex ) return;
model_combine_t *pCombine = ModelCombiner()->FindCombineRequestForIndex( *pCombineIndex ); if ( !pCombine ) { Warning("MODELCOMBINER: Received a ModelCombineFinished call with no matching combine request (%d)\n", *pCombineIndex ); return; }
bool bSucceeded = ( CombinedResults.m_nCombinedResults == COMBINE_RESULT_FLAG_OK ); if ( bSucceeded ) { DevMsg("MODELCOMBINER: Finishing building combined model for %s.\n", STRING( pCombine->vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ) ); pCombine->iCombineResult = COMBINE_SUCCEEDED; modelinfo->UpdateCombinedDynamicModel( pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex, NewHandle ); } else { DevMsg("MODELCOMBINER: Failed to build combined model for %s: Error %s (%d)\n", STRING( pCombine->vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ), CombinedResults.m_szErrorMessage, CombinedResults.m_nCombinedResults ); pCombine->iCombineResult = COMBINE_FAILED; modelinfo->ReleaseDynamicModel( pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex ); }
// Fire off the callbacks for every requester that wanted to use their combined model
FOR_EACH_VEC( pCombine->pRequesterCallbackList, i ) { pCombine->pRequesterCallbackList[i]->ModelCombineFinished( bSucceeded, pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex ); }
pCombine->pRequesterCallbackList.Purge(); }
// Purpose:
bool CModelCombiner::CombineModel( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ) { Assert( vecModelsToCombine.Count() > 1 );
model_combine_t *pCombine = new model_combine_t(); FillOutCombineRequest( pCombine, pRequester, vecModelsToCombine );
DevMsg("MODELCOMBINER: Received combine request for:\n"); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecModelsToCombine, i ) { DevMsg(" -> %s\n", STRING( vecModelsToCombine.Element( i ).m_iszModelName ) ); } DevMsg(" %d models.\n", vecModelsToCombine.Count() );
// Have we already tried combining this set of models?
int iExistingIndex; combine_result_t iExistingState; if ( CombineRequestExists( pCombine, &iExistingState, &iExistingIndex ) ) { DevMsg(" FOUND existing combine in state: %d\n", iExistingState );
if ( iExistingState == COMBINE_IN_PROCESS ) { // We're still combining this set. Add ourselves to the callback list.
AddRequesterToCallbackList( iExistingIndex, pRequester );
DevMsg(" ADDING to the in-progress callback list.\n" ); } else if ( iExistingState == COMBINE_SUCCEEDED ) { // Tell the requester the combined model is already available.
pRequester->ModelCombineFinished( true, m_vecCombines[iExistingIndex]->nCombinedModelIndex ); DevMsg(" RE-USING existing combined model (%d).\n", m_vecCombines[iExistingIndex]->nCombinedModelIndex ); }
delete pCombine; return ( ( iExistingState == COMBINE_SUCCEEDED ) || ( iExistingState == COMBINE_IN_PROCESS ) ); }
// New combine. Add it to our list.
m_vecCombines.AddToTail( pCombine ); pCombine->iCombineRequestIndex = m_nNextCombineIndex++; pCombine->iCombineResult = COMBINE_FAILED;
// Build our unique combined model name.
char szCombinedModelName[ 256 ]; V_sprintf_safe( szCombinedModelName, "%s_c_%d", STRING( vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ), pCombine->iCombineRequestIndex );
pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex = modelinfo->BeginCombinedModel( szCombinedModelName, true ); if ( pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex == -1 ) { AssertMsg1( false, "Failed to combine model %s", STRING( vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ) ); return false; }
if ( !modelinfo->SetCombineModels( pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex, vecModelsToCombine ) ) { // we failed - invalid handle?
AssertMsg( "Failed to set combined models for %s!", STRING( vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ) ); return false; }
DevMsg(" STARTED Combining: final model index will be %d\n", pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex );
pCombine->iCombineResult = COMBINE_IN_PROCESS; modelinfo->FinishCombinedModel( pCombine->nCombinedModelIndex, &ModelCombineFinished, &pCombine->iCombineRequestIndex ); return true; }
// Purpose:
void CModelCombiner::AbortCombineModelFor( IModelCombinerRequesterInterface *pRequester ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines, i ) { FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecCombines[ i ]->pRequesterCallbackList, j ) { if ( m_vecCombines[ i ]->pRequesterCallbackList[ j ] == pRequester ) { m_vecCombines[ i ]->pRequesterCallbackList.Remove( j );
DevMsg("MODELCOMBINER: Removing requester from callback for %s\n", STRING( m_vecCombines[ i ]->vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ) ); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CModelCombiner::DumpStats( void ) { Msg("Model Combiner State\n %d combined models.\n", m_vecCombines.Count()); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines, i ) { Msg(" %d: Base model %s (%d attached models)\n", i, STRING( m_vecCombines[ i ]->vecModelsToCombine.Element( 0 ).m_iszModelName ), m_vecCombines[ i ]->vecModelsToCombine.Count() - 1 );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCombines[ i ]->vecModelsToCombine, j ) { if ( j > 0 ) { Msg(" -> %s\n", STRING( m_vecCombines[ i ]->vecModelsToCombine.Element( j ).m_iszModelName ) ); } }
Msg(" Combine result: %s\n", g_pszCombineResults[ m_vecCombines[ i ]->iCombineResult ] ); Msg(" Combine model index: %d\n", m_vecCombines[ i ]->nCombinedModelIndex ); Msg(" Combine request index: %d\n", m_vecCombines[ i ]->iCombineRequestIndex ); Msg(" Number of requesters: %d\n", m_vecCombines[ i ]->pRequesterCallbackList.Count() ); } }