//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "CreateMultiplayerGameServerPage.h"
using namespace vgui;
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/RadioButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h>
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "CvarToggleCheckButton.h"
#include "ModInfo.h"
// for SRC
#include <vstdlib/random.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#define RANDOM_MAP "#GameUI_RandomMap"
// Purpose: Constructor
CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : PropertyPage(parent, name) { m_pSavedData = NULL;
// we can use this if we decide we want to put "listen server" at the end of the game name
m_pMapList = new ComboBox(this, "MapList", 12, false);
m_pEnableBotsCheck = new CheckButton( this, "EnableBotsCheck", "" ); m_pEnableBotsCheck->SetVisible( false ); m_pEnableBotsCheck->SetEnabled( false );
LoadMapList(); m_szMapName[0] = 0;
// initialize hostname
SetControlString("ServerNameEdit", ModInfo().GetGameName());//szHostName);
// initialize password
// SetControlString("PasswordEdit", engine->pfnGetCvarString("sv_password"));
ConVarRef var( "sv_password" ); if ( var.IsValid() ) { SetControlString("PasswordEdit", var.GetString() ); } }
// Purpose: Destructor
CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::~CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage() { }
// Purpose:
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::EnableBots( KeyValues *data ) { m_pSavedData = data;
int quota = data->GetInt( "bot_quota", 0 ); SetControlInt( "BotQuotaCombo", quota ); m_pEnableBotsCheck->SetSelected( (quota > 0) );
int difficulty = data->GetInt( "bot_difficulty", 0 ); difficulty = MAX( difficulty, 0 ); difficulty = MIN( 3, difficulty );
char buttonName[64]; Q_snprintf( buttonName, sizeof( buttonName ), "SkillLevel%d", difficulty ); vgui::RadioButton *button = dynamic_cast< vgui::RadioButton * >(FindChildByName( buttonName )); if ( button ) { button->SetSelected( true ); } }
// Purpose: called to get the info from the dialog
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::OnApplyChanges() { KeyValues *kv = m_pMapList->GetActiveItemUserData(); Q_strncpy(m_szMapName, kv->GetString("mapname", ""), DATA_STR_LENGTH);
if ( m_pSavedData ) { int quota = GetControlInt( "BotQuotaCombo", 0 ); if ( !m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected() ) { quota = 0; } m_pSavedData->SetInt( "bot_quota", quota ); ConVarRef bot_quota( "bot_quota" ); bot_quota.SetValue( quota );
int difficulty = 0; for ( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) { char buttonName[64]; Q_snprintf( buttonName, sizeof( buttonName ), "SkillLevel%d", i ); vgui::RadioButton *button = dynamic_cast< vgui::RadioButton * >(FindChildByName( buttonName )); if ( button ) { if ( button->IsSelected() ) { difficulty = i; break; } } } m_pSavedData->SetInt( "bot_difficulty", difficulty ); ConVarRef bot_difficulty( "bot_difficulty" ); bot_difficulty.SetValue( difficulty ); } }
// Purpose: loads the list of available maps into the map list
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadMaps( const char *pszPathID ) { FileFindHandle_t findHandle = NULL;
KeyValues *hiddenMaps = ModInfo().GetHiddenMaps();
const char *pszFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( "maps/*.bsp", &findHandle ); while ( pszFilename ) { const char *str = NULL; char *ext = NULL; char mapname[256];
// FindFirst ignores the pszPathID, so check it here
// TODO: this doesn't find maps in fallback dirs
Q_snprintf( mapname, sizeof(mapname), "maps/%s", pszFilename ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( mapname, pszPathID ) ) { goto nextFile; }
// remove the text 'maps/' and '.bsp' from the file name to get the map name
str = Q_strstr( pszFilename, "maps" ); if ( str ) { Q_strncpy( mapname, str + 5, sizeof(mapname) - 1 ); // maps + \\ = 5
} else { Q_strncpy( mapname, pszFilename, sizeof(mapname) - 1 ); } ext = Q_strstr( mapname, ".bsp" ); if ( ext ) { *ext = 0; }
//!! hack: strip out single player HL maps
// this needs to be specified in a seperate file
if ( !stricmp( ModInfo().GetGameName(), "Half-Life" ) && ( mapname[0] == 'c' || mapname[0] == 't') && mapname[2] == 'a' && mapname[1] >= '0' && mapname[1] <= '5' ) { goto nextFile; }
// strip out maps that shouldn't be displayed
if ( hiddenMaps ) { if ( hiddenMaps->GetInt( mapname, 0 ) ) { goto nextFile; } }
// add to the map list
m_pMapList->AddItem( mapname, new KeyValues( "data", "mapname", mapname ) );
// get the next file
nextFile: pszFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle ); }
// Purpose: loads the list of available maps into the map list
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadMapList() { // clear the current list (if any)
// add special "name" to represent loading a randomly selected map
m_pMapList->AddItem( RANDOM_MAP, new KeyValues( "data", "mapname", RANDOM_MAP ) );
// iterate the filesystem getting the list of all the files
// UNDONE: steam wants this done in a special way, need to support that
const char *pathID = "MOD"; if ( !stricmp(ModInfo().GetGameName(), "Half-Life" ) ) { pathID = NULL; // hl is the base dir
// Load the GameDir maps
LoadMaps( pathID );
// If we're not the Valve directory and we're using a "fallback_dir" in gameinfo.txt then include those maps...
// (pathID is NULL if we're "Half-Life")
const char *pszFallback = ModInfo().GetFallbackDir(); if ( pathID && pszFallback[0] ) { LoadMaps( "GAME_FALLBACK" ); }
// set the first item to be selected
m_pMapList->ActivateItem( 0 ); }
// Purpose:
bool CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::IsRandomMapSelected() { const char *mapname = m_pMapList->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetString("mapname"); if (!stricmp( mapname, RANDOM_MAP )) { return true; } return false; }
// Purpose:
const char *CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::GetMapName() { int count = m_pMapList->GetItemCount();
// if there is only one entry it's the special "select random map" entry
if( count <= 1 ) return NULL;
const char *mapname = m_pMapList->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetString("mapname"); if (!strcmp( mapname, RANDOM_MAP )) { int which = RandomInt( 1, count - 1 ); mapname = m_pMapList->GetItemUserData( which )->GetString("mapname"); }
return mapname; }
// Purpose: Sets currently selected map in the map combobox
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::SetMap(const char *mapName) { for (int i = 0; i < m_pMapList->GetItemCount(); i++) { if (!m_pMapList->IsItemIDValid(i)) continue;
if (!stricmp(m_pMapList->GetItemUserData(i)->GetString("mapname"), mapName)) { m_pMapList->ActivateItem(i); break; } } }
// Purpose:
void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::OnCheckButtonChecked() { SetControlEnabled("SkillLevel0", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("SkillLevel1", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("SkillLevel2", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("SkillLevel3", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("BotQuotaCombo", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("BotQuotaLabel", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); SetControlEnabled("BotDifficultyLabel", m_pEnableBotsCheck->IsSelected()); }