//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Implements all the functions exported by the GameUI dll
// $NoKeywords: $
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined( WIN32 )
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#ifdef SendMessage
#undef SendMessage
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "Sys_Utils.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
// interface to engine
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "VGuiSystemModuleLoader.h"
#include "bitmap/TGALoader.h"
#include "GameConsole.h"
#include "LoadingDialog.h"
#include "CDKeyEntryDialog.h"
#include "ModInfo.h"
#include "game/client/IGameClientExports.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "IGameUIFuncs.h"
#include "IEngineVGUI.h"
// vgui2 interface
// note that GameUI project uses ..\vgui2\include, not ..\utils\vgui\include
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/IPanel.h"
#include "vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PHandle.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "matsys_controls/matsyscontrols.h"
#ifndef NO_STEAM
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#if !defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR )
#include "econ_ui.h"
#if defined( SWARM_DLL )
#include "swarm/basemodpanel.h"
#include "swarm/basemodui.h"
typedef BaseModUI::CBaseModPanel UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS; inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & GetUiBaseModPanelClass() { return UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS::GetSingleton(); } inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass() { return * new UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS(); } class IMatchExtSwarm *g_pMatchExt = NULL;
#elif defined( PORTAL2 )
#include "portal2/basemodpanel.h"
#include "portal2/basemodui.h"
typedef BaseModUI::CBaseModPanel UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS; inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & GetUiBaseModPanelClass() { return UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS::GetSingleton(); } inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass() { return * new UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS(); } class IMatchExtPortal2 *g_pMatchExt = NULL;
#elif defined( PORTAL2_UITEST_DLL )
#include "portal2uitest/basemodpanel.h"
#include "portal2uitest/basemodui.h"
typedef BaseModUI::CBaseModPanel UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS; inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & GetUiBaseModPanelClass() { return UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS::GetSingleton(); } inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass() { return * new UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS(); } IMatchExtPortal2 g_MatchExtPortal2; class IMatchExtPortal2 *g_pMatchExtPortal2 = &g_MatchExtPortal2;
#include "BasePanel.h"
typedef CBasePanel UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS; inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & GetUiBaseModPanelClass() { return *BasePanel(); } inline UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS & ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass() { return *BasePanelSingleton(); }
#ifdef _X360
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#endif // _GAMECONSOLE
#ifdef _PS3
#include "ps3/ps3_core.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_win32stubs.h"
#include "ps3/saverestore_ps3_api_ui.h"
#endif // _GAMECONSOLE
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "gameui_util.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
IEngineVGui *enginevguifuncs = NULL; #ifdef _X360
IXOnline *xonline = NULL; // 360 only
#elif defined( _PS3 )
IPS3SaveRestoreToUI *ps3saveuiapi = NULL; #endif
vgui::ISurface *enginesurfacefuncs = NULL;
class CGameUI; CGameUI *g_pGameUI = NULL;
class CLoadingDialog; vgui::DHANDLE<CLoadingDialog> g_hLoadingDialog; vgui::VPANEL g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog = NULL;
static CGameUI g_GameUI;
extern void VGui_ClearTransitionVideoPanels(); extern bool VGui_IsPlayingFullScreenVideo();
static IGameClientExports *g_pGameClientExports = NULL; IGameClientExports *GameClientExports() { return g_pGameClientExports; }
// Purpose: singleton accessor
CGameUI &GameUI() { return g_GameUI; }
// Purpose: hack function to give the module loader access to the main panel handle
// only used in VguiSystemModuleLoader
vgui::VPANEL GetGameUIBasePanel() { return GetUiBaseModPanelClass().GetVPanel(); }
// Purpose: Constructor
CGameUI::CGameUI() { g_pGameUI = this; m_bTryingToLoadFriends = false; m_iFriendsLoadPauseFrames = 0; m_iGameIP = 0; m_iGameConnectionPort = 0; m_iGameQueryPort = 0; m_bActivatedUI = false; m_szPreviousStatusText[0] = 0; m_bIsConsoleUI = false; m_bHasSavedThisMenuSession = false; m_bOpenProgressOnStart = false; m_iPlayGameStartupSound = 0; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CGameUI::~CGameUI() { g_pGameUI = NULL; }
// Purpose: Initialization
void CGameUI::Initialize( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 ); ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 ); ConVar_Register( FCVAR_CLIENTDLL ); ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );
enginesound = (IEngineSound *)factory(IENGINESOUND_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); engine = (IVEngineClient *)factory( VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); bik = (IBik*)factory( BIK_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #ifdef _PS3
ps3saveuiapi = (IPS3SaveRestoreToUI*)factory( IPS3SAVEUIAPI_VERSION_STRING, NULL ); #endif
#ifndef NO_STEAM
#ifndef _PS3
SteamAPI_InitSafe(); #endif
CGameUIConVarRef var( "gameui_xbox" ); m_bIsConsoleUI = var.IsValid() && var.GetBool();
vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList( "GameUI", &factory, 1 ); vgui::VGui_InitMatSysInterfacesList( "GameUI", &factory, 1 );
// load localization file
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/gameui_%language%.txt", "GAME", true );
// load mod info
// load localization file for kb_act.lst
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/valve_%language%.txt", "GAME", true );
bool bFailed = false; enginevguifuncs = (IEngineVGui *)factory( VENGINE_VGUI_VERSION, NULL ); enginesurfacefuncs = (vgui::ISurface *)factory(VGUI_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); gameuifuncs = (IGameUIFuncs *)factory( VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION, NULL ); xboxsystem = (IXboxSystem *)factory( XBOXSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #ifdef _X360
xonline = (IXOnline *)factory( XONLINE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #endif
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
g_pMatchExt = ( IMatchExtSwarm * ) factory( IMATCHEXT_SWARM_INTERFACE, NULL ); #endif
bFailed = !enginesurfacefuncs || !gameuifuncs || !enginevguifuncs || !xboxsystem || #ifdef _X360
!xonline || #endif
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
!g_pMatchExt || #endif
!g_pMatchFramework; if ( bFailed ) { Error( "CGameUI::Initialize() failed to get necessary interfaces\n" ); }
// setup base panel
UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS& factoryBasePanel = ConstructUiBaseModPanelClass(); // explicit singleton instantiation
factoryBasePanel.SetBounds( 0, 0, 640, 480 ); factoryBasePanel.SetPaintBorderEnabled( false ); factoryBasePanel.SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true ); factoryBasePanel.SetPaintEnabled( true ); factoryBasePanel.SetVisible( true );
factoryBasePanel.SetMouseInputEnabled( IsPC() ); // factoryBasePanel.SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( IsPC() );
factoryBasePanel.SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
vgui::VPANEL rootpanel = enginevguifuncs->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ); factoryBasePanel.SetParent( rootpanel ); }
void CGameUI::PostInit() { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/buttonclick.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/menu_accept.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/menu_focus.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/menu_invalid.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/menu_back.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/menu_countdown.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/ui_menu_flip_single_01.wav", true, true ); enginesound->PrecacheSound( "UI/ui_menu_flip_single_02.wav", true, true ); }
// to know once client dlls have been loaded
BaseModUI::CUIGameData::Get()->OnGameUIPostInit(); #endif
// Purpose: Sets the specified panel as the background panel for the loading
// dialog. If NULL, default background is used. If you set a panel,
// it should be full-screen with an opaque background, and must be a VGUI popup.
void CGameUI::SetLoadingBackgroundDialog( vgui::VPANEL panel ) { g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog = panel; }
// Purpose: connects to client interfaces
void CGameUI::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn gameFactory ) { g_pGameClientExports = (IGameClientExports *)gameFactory(GAMECLIENTEXPORTS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
if (!g_pGameClientExports) { Error("CGameUI::Initialize() failed to get necessary interfaces\n"); }
m_GameFactory = gameFactory; }
// Purpose: Callback function; sends platform Shutdown message to specified window
int __stdcall SendShutdownMsgFunc(WHANDLE hwnd, int lparam) { Sys_PostMessage(hwnd, Sys_RegisterWindowMessage("ShutdownValvePlatform"), 0, 1); return 1; }
// Purpose: Searches for GameStartup*.mp3 files in the sound/ui folder and plays one
void CGameUI::PlayGameStartupSound() { #if defined( LEFT4DEAD )
// L4D not using this path, L4D UI now handling with background menu movies
return; #endif
if ( IsGameConsole() ) return;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nostartupsound" ) ) return;
FileFindHandle_t fh;
CUtlVector<char *> fileNames;
char path[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "sound/ui/gamestartup*.mp3" ); Q_FixSlashes( path );
char const *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( path, "MOD", &fh ); if ( fn ) { do { char ext[ 10 ]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( fn, ext, sizeof( ext ) );
if ( !Q_stricmp( ext, "mp3" ) ) { char temp[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "ui/%s", fn );
char *found = new char[ strlen( temp ) + 1 ]; Q_strncpy( found, temp, strlen( temp ) + 1 );
Q_FixSlashes( found ); fileNames.AddToTail( found ); } fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh );
} while ( fn );
g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( fh ); }
// did we find any?
if ( fileNames.Count() > 0 ) { int index = Plat_MSTime() % fileNames.Count();
if ( fileNames.IsValidIndex( index ) && fileNames[index] ) { char found[ 512 ];
// escape chars "*#" make it stream, and be affected by snd_musicvolume
Q_snprintf( found, sizeof( found ), "play *#%s", fileNames[index] );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( found ); }
fileNames.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } }
// Purpose: Called to setup the game UI
void CGameUI::Start() { // determine Steam location for configuration
if ( !FindPlatformDirectory( m_szPlatformDir, sizeof( m_szPlatformDir ) ) ) return;
if ( IsPC() ) { // setup config file directory
char szConfigDir[512]; Q_strncpy( szConfigDir, m_szPlatformDir, sizeof( szConfigDir ) ); Q_strncat( szConfigDir, "config", sizeof( szConfigDir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Msg( "Steam config directory: %s\n", szConfigDir );
g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath(szConfigDir, "CONFIG"); g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy("", "CONFIG");
// user dialog configuration
vgui::system()->SetUserConfigFile("InGameDialogConfig.vdf", "CONFIG");
g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "platform", "PLATFORM" ); }
// localization
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/platform_%language%.txt"); g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/vgui_%language%.txt");
Sys_SetLastError( SYS_NO_ERROR );
if ( IsPC() ) {
// Delay playing the startup music until two frames
// this allows cbuf commands that occur on the first frame that may start a map
m_iPlayGameStartupSound = 2;
// now we are set up to check every frame to see if we can friends/server browser
m_bTryingToLoadFriends = true; m_iFriendsLoadPauseFrames = 1; } }
// Purpose: Validates the user has a cdkey in the registry
void CGameUI::ValidateCDKey() { }
// Purpose: Finds which directory the platform resides in
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CGameUI::FindPlatformDirectory(char *platformDir, int bufferSize) { platformDir[0] = '\0';
if ( platformDir[0] == '\0' ) { // we're not under steam, so setup using path relative to game
if ( IsPC() ) { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC
if ( ::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), platformDir, bufferSize ) ) #else
if ( getcwd( platformDir, bufferSize ) ) #endif
{ V_AppendSlash( platformDir, bufferSize ); Q_strncat(platformDir, "platform", bufferSize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); V_AppendSlash( platformDir, bufferSize ); return true; } } else { // xbox fetches the platform path from exisiting platform search path
// path to executeable is not correct for xbox remote configuration
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "PLATFORM", false, platformDir, bufferSize ) ) { char *pSeperator = strchr( platformDir, ';' ); if ( pSeperator ) *pSeperator = '\0'; return true; } } Error( "Unable to determine platform directory\n" ); return false; } return (platformDir[0] != 0); }
// Purpose: Called to Shutdown the game UI system
void CGameUI::Shutdown() { #ifdef GAMEUI_BASEMODPANEL_VGUI
BaseModUI::CUIGameData::Shutdown(); #endif
// notify all the modules of Shutdown
// unload the modules them from memory
ModInfo().FreeModInfo(); #ifndef NO_STEAM
steamapicontext->Clear(); #endif
ConVar_Unregister(); DisconnectTier3Libraries(); DisconnectTier2Libraries(); DisconnectTier1Libraries(); }
// Purpose: just wraps an engine call to activate the gameUI
void CGameUI::ActivateGameUI() { engine->ExecuteClientCmd("gameui_activate"); // Lock the UI to a particular player
SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( engine->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ); }
// Purpose: just wraps an engine call to hide the gameUI
void CGameUI::HideGameUI() { engine->ExecuteClientCmd("gameui_hide"); }
// Purpose: Toggle allowing the engine to hide the game UI with the escape key
void CGameUI::PreventEngineHideGameUI() { engine->ExecuteClientCmd("gameui_preventescape"); }
// Purpose: Toggle allowing the engine to hide the game UI with the escape key
void CGameUI::AllowEngineHideGameUI() { engine->ExecuteClientCmd("gameui_allowescape"); }
// Purpose: Activate the game UI
void CGameUI::OnGameUIActivated() { bool bWasActive = m_bActivatedUI; m_bActivatedUI = true; materials->OnDebugEvent( "CGameUI::OnGameUIActivated" );
// Lock the UI to a particular player
if ( !bWasActive ) { SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( engine->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ); }
// pause the server in case it is pausable
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "setpause nomsg" );
SetSavedThisMenuSession( false );
UI_BASEMOD_PANEL_CLASS &ui = GetUiBaseModPanelClass(); bool bNeedActivation = true; if ( ui.IsVisible() ) { // Already visible, maybe don't need activation
if ( ( !IsInLevel() && IsInBackgroundLevel() ) || ( !IsGameConsole() && !IsInLevel() ) ) { bNeedActivation = false; } } if ( bNeedActivation ) { GetUiBaseModPanelClass().OnGameUIActivated(); } }
// Purpose: Hides the game ui, in whatever state it's in
void CGameUI::OnGameUIHidden() { bool bWasActive = m_bActivatedUI; m_bActivatedUI = false;
// unpause the game when leaving the UI
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "unpause nomsg" );
#if !defined( NO_STEAM ) && !defined( NO_STEAM_GAMECOORDINATOR )
// Tell the econ UI to close
EconUI()->CloseEconUI(); #endif
// Restore to default
if ( bWasActive ) { SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( 0 ); } }
// Purpose: paints all the vgui elements
void CGameUI::RunFrame() { if ( IsGameConsole() && m_bOpenProgressOnStart ) { StartProgressBar(); m_bOpenProgressOnStart = false; }
int wide, tall; #if defined( TOOLFRAMEWORK_VGUI_REFACTOR )
// resize the background panel to the screen size
vgui::VPANEL clientDllPanel = enginevguifuncs->GetPanel( PANEL_ROOT );
int x, y; vgui::ipanel()->GetPos( clientDllPanel, x, y ); vgui::ipanel()->GetSize( clientDllPanel, wide, tall ); staticPanel->SetBounds( x, y, wide,tall ); #else
vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize(wide, tall);
GetUiBaseModPanelClass().SetSize(wide, tall); #endif
// Run frames
// Play the start-up music the first time we run frame
if ( IsPC() && m_iPlayGameStartupSound > 0 ) { m_iPlayGameStartupSound--; if ( !m_iPlayGameStartupSound ) { PlayGameStartupSound(); } }
if ( IsPC() && m_bTryingToLoadFriends && m_iFriendsLoadPauseFrames-- < 1 ) { // we got the mutex, so load Friends/Serverbrowser
// clear the loading flag
m_bTryingToLoadFriends = false; g_VModuleLoader.LoadPlatformModules(&m_GameFactory, 1, false);
// notify the game of our game name
const char *fullGamePath = engine->GetGameDirectory(); const char *pathSep = strrchr( fullGamePath, '/' ); if ( !pathSep ) { pathSep = strrchr( fullGamePath, '\\' ); } if ( pathSep ) { KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues("ActiveGameName" ); pKV->SetString( "name", pathSep + 1 ); pKV->SetInt( "appid", engine->GetAppID() ); KeyValues *modinfo = new KeyValues("ModInfo"); if ( modinfo->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "gameinfo.txt" ) ) { pKV->SetString( "game", modinfo->GetString( "game", "" ) ); } modinfo->deleteThis(); g_VModuleLoader.PostMessageToAllModules( pKV ); }
// notify the ui of a game connect if we're already in a game
if (m_iGameIP) { SendConnectedToGameMessage(); } } }
// Purpose: Called when the game connects to a server
void CGameUI::OLD_OnConnectToServer(const char *game, int IP, int port) { // Nobody should use this anymore because the query port and the connection port can be different.
// Use OnConnectToServer2 instead.
Assert( false ); OnConnectToServer2( game, IP, port, port ); }
// Purpose: Called when the game connects to a server
void CGameUI::OnConnectToServer2(const char *game, int IP, int connectionPort, int queryPort) { m_iGameIP = IP; m_iGameConnectionPort = connectionPort; m_iGameQueryPort = queryPort;
SendConnectedToGameMessage(); }
void CGameUI::SendConnectedToGameMessage() { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "ConnectedToGame" ); kv->SetInt( "ip", m_iGameIP ); kv->SetInt( "connectionport", m_iGameConnectionPort ); kv->SetInt( "queryport", m_iGameQueryPort );
g_VModuleLoader.PostMessageToAllModules( kv ); }
// Purpose: Called when the game disconnects from a server
void CGameUI::OnDisconnectFromServer( uint8 eSteamLoginFailure ) { m_iGameIP = 0; m_iGameConnectionPort = 0; m_iGameQueryPort = 0;
if ( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, new KeyValues("DisconnectedFromGame"), NULL ); }
g_VModuleLoader.PostMessageToAllModules(new KeyValues("DisconnectedFromGame"));
if ( eSteamLoginFailure == STEAMLOGINFAILURE_NOSTEAMLOGIN ) { if ( g_hLoadingDialog ) { g_hLoadingDialog->DisplayNoSteamConnectionError(); } } else if ( eSteamLoginFailure == STEAMLOGINFAILURE_VACBANNED ) { if ( g_hLoadingDialog ) { g_hLoadingDialog->DisplayVACBannedError(); } } else if ( eSteamLoginFailure == STEAMLOGINFAILURE_LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHERE ) { if ( g_hLoadingDialog ) { g_hLoadingDialog->DisplayLoggedInElsewhereError(); } } }
// Purpose: activates the loading dialog on level load start
void CGameUI::OnLevelLoadingStarted( const char *levelName, bool bShowProgressDialog ) { g_VModuleLoader.PostMessageToAllModules( new KeyValues( "LoadingStarted" ) );
GetUiBaseModPanelClass().OnLevelLoadingStarted( levelName, bShowProgressDialog ); ShowLoadingBackgroundDialog();
if ( bShowProgressDialog ) { StartProgressBar(); }
// Don't play the start game sound if this happens before we get to the first frame
m_iPlayGameStartupSound = 0; }
// Purpose: closes any level load dialog
void CGameUI::OnLevelLoadingFinished(bool bError, const char *failureReason, const char *extendedReason) { StopProgressBar( bError, failureReason, extendedReason );
// notify all the modules
g_VModuleLoader.PostMessageToAllModules( new KeyValues( "LoadingFinished" ) );
HideLoadingBackgroundDialog(); }
// Purpose: Updates progress bar
// Output : Returns true if screen should be redrawn
bool CGameUI::UpdateProgressBar(float progress, const char *statusText) { return GetUiBaseModPanelClass().UpdateProgressBar(progress, statusText); }
// Purpose:
void CGameUI::SetProgressLevelName( const char *levelName ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); if ( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ) { KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "ProgressLevelName" ); pKV->SetString( "levelName", levelName ); vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, pKV, NULL ); }
if ( g_hLoadingDialog.Get() ) { // TODO: g_hLoadingDialog->SetLevelName( levelName );
} }
// Purpose:
void CGameUI::StartProgressBar() { }
// Purpose: returns true if the screen should be updated
bool CGameUI::ContinueProgressBar( float progressFraction ) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return false;
g_hLoadingDialog->Activate(); return g_hLoadingDialog->SetProgressPoint(progressFraction); }
// Purpose: stops progress bar, displays error if necessary
void CGameUI::StopProgressBar(bool bError, const char *failureReason, const char *extendedReason) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return;
if ( !IsGameConsole() && bError ) { // turn the dialog to error display mode
g_hLoadingDialog->DisplayGenericError(failureReason, extendedReason); } else { // close loading dialog
g_hLoadingDialog->Close(); g_hLoadingDialog = NULL; } // should update the background to be in a transition here
// Purpose: sets loading info text
bool CGameUI::SetProgressBarStatusText(const char *statusText) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return false;
if (!statusText) return false;
if (!stricmp(statusText, m_szPreviousStatusText)) return false;
g_hLoadingDialog->SetStatusText(statusText); Q_strncpy(m_szPreviousStatusText, statusText, sizeof(m_szPreviousStatusText)); return true; }
// Purpose:
void CGameUI::SetSecondaryProgressBar(float progress /* range [0..1] */) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return;
g_hLoadingDialog->SetSecondaryProgress(progress); }
// Purpose:
void CGameUI::SetSecondaryProgressBarText(const char *statusText) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return;
g_hLoadingDialog->SetSecondaryProgressText(statusText); }
// Purpose: Returns prev settings
bool CGameUI::SetShowProgressText( bool show ) { if (!g_hLoadingDialog.Get()) return false;
return g_hLoadingDialog->SetShowProgressText( show ); }
// Purpose: returns true if we're currently playing the game
bool CGameUI::IsInLevel() { const char *levelName = engine->GetLevelName(); if (levelName && levelName[0] && !engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground()) { return true; } return false; }
// Purpose: returns true if we're at the main menu and a background level is loaded
bool CGameUI::IsInBackgroundLevel() { const char *levelName = engine->GetLevelName(); if (levelName && levelName[0] && engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground()) { return true; } return false; }
// Purpose: returns true if we're in a multiplayer game
bool CGameUI::IsInMultiplayer() { return (IsInLevel() && engine->GetMaxClients() > 1); }
// Purpose: returns true if we're console ui
bool CGameUI::IsConsoleUI() { return m_bIsConsoleUI; }
// Purpose: returns true if we've saved without closing the menu
bool CGameUI::HasSavedThisMenuSession() { return m_bHasSavedThisMenuSession; }
void CGameUI::SetSavedThisMenuSession( bool bState ) { m_bHasSavedThisMenuSession = bState; }
// Purpose: Makes the loading background dialog visible, if one has been set
void CGameUI::ShowLoadingBackgroundDialog() { if ( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ) { vgui::VPANEL panel = GetUiBaseModPanelClass().GetVPanel();
vgui::ipanel()->SetParent( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, panel ); vgui::ipanel()->MoveToFront( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ); } }
// Purpose: Hides the loading background dialog, if one has been set
void CGameUI::HideLoadingBackgroundDialog() { if ( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ) { if ( engine->IsInGame() ) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, new KeyValues( "LoadedIntoGame" ), NULL ); } else { vgui::ipanel()->SetVisible( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, false ); vgui::ipanel()->MoveToBack( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ); }
vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, new KeyValues("HideAsLoadingPanel"), NULL ); } }
// Purpose: Returns whether a loading background dialog has been set
bool CGameUI::HasLoadingBackgroundDialog() { return ( NULL != g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog ); }
void CGameUI::NeedConnectionProblemWaitScreen() { #ifdef GAMEUI_BASEMODPANEL_VGUI
BaseModUI::CUIGameData::Get()->NeedConnectionProblemWaitScreen(); #endif
void CGameUI::ShowPasswordUI( char const *pchCurrentPW ) { #ifdef GAMEUI_BASEMODPANEL_VGUI
BaseModUI::CUIGameData::Get()->ShowPasswordUI( pchCurrentPW ); #endif
void CGameUI::SetProgressOnStart() { m_bOpenProgressOnStart = true; }
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && defined( _DEMO )
void CGameUI::OnDemoTimeout() { GetUiBaseModPanelClass().OnDemoTimeout(); } #endif
bool CGameUI::LoadingProgressWantsIsolatedRender( bool bContextValid ) { return GetUiBaseModPanelClass().LoadingProgressWantsIsolatedRender( bContextValid ); }
bool CGameUI::IsPlayingFullScreenVideo() { return VGui_IsPlayingFullScreenVideo(); }
bool CGameUI::IsTransitionEffectEnabled() { return GetUiBaseModPanelClass().IsTransitionEffectEnabled(); }