//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Base NPC character with AI
#ifndef AI_AGENT_H
#define AI_AGENT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "ai_debug.h"
#include "ai_default.h"
#include "ai_schedule.h"
#include "ai_condition.h"
#include "ai_task.h"
#include "ai_namespaces.h"
#include "bitstring.h"
class CAI_Agent;
void DevMsg( CAI_Agent *pAI, unsigned flags, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pszFormat, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 3, 4 ); void DevMsg( CAI_Agent *pAI, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pszFormat, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 ); #endif
typedef CBitVec<MAX_CONDITIONS> CAI_ScheduleBits;
// Constants & enumerations
// Debug bits
struct AIScheduleChoice_t { float m_flTimeSelected; CAI_Schedule *m_pScheduleSelected; }; #endif//AI_MONITOR_FOR_OSCILLATION
// Types used by CAI_Agent
struct AIAgentScheduleState_t { int iCurTask; TaskStatus_e fTaskStatus; float timeStarted; float timeCurTaskStarted; AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailureCode; int iTaskInterrupt; bool bScheduleWasInterrupted;
// class CAI_Agent
class CAI_Agent { public: //-----------------------------------------------------
// Initialization, cleanup, serialization, identity
CAI_Agent(); ~CAI_Agent();
virtual int Save( ISave &save ); virtual int Restore( IRestore &restore ); void SaveConditions( ISave &save, const CAI_ScheduleBits &conditions ); void RestoreConditions( IRestore &restore, CAI_ScheduleBits *pConditions );
virtual void Init( void ); // derived calls after Spawn()
// Flaccid implementations to satisfy boilerplate debug code
virtual const char *GetDebugName() { return "CAI_Agent"; } virtual int entindex() { return -1; }
public: //-----------------------------------------------------
// AI processing - thinking, schedule selection and task running
// Thinking, including core thinking, movement, animation
virtual void Think( void );
// Core thinking (schedules & tasks)
virtual void RunAI( void );// core ai function!
// Called to gather up all relevant conditons
virtual void GatherConditions( void );
// Called immediately prior to schedule processing
virtual void PrescheduleThink( void );
// Called immediately after schedule processing
virtual void PostscheduleThink( void ) { return; };
// Notification that the current schedule, if any, is ending and a new one is being selected
virtual void OnScheduleChange( void );
// Notification that a new schedule is about to run its first task
virtual void OnStartSchedule( int scheduleType ) {};
// This function implements a decision tree for the NPC. It is responsible for choosing the next behavior (schedule)
// based on the current conditions and state.
virtual int SelectSchedule( void ); virtual int SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode );
// After the schedule has been selected, it will be processed by this function so child NPC classes can
// remap base schedules into child-specific behaviors
virtual int TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { return scheduleType; }
virtual void StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ); virtual void RunTask( const Task_t *pTask );
virtual void ClearTransientConditions();
void ForceGatherConditions() { m_bForceConditionsGather = true; } // Force an NPC out of PVS to call GatherConditions on next think
COND_NONE = 0, // A way for a function to return no condition to get
COND_TASK_FAILED, COND_SCHEDULE_DONE, COND_NO_CUSTOM_INTERRUPTS, // Don't call BuildScheduleTestBits for this schedule. Used for schedules that must strictly control their interruptibility.
protected: // Used by derived classes to chain a task to a task that might not be the
// one they are currently handling:
void ChainStartTask( int task, float taskData = 0 ) { Task_t tempTask = { task, taskData }; StartTask( (const Task_t *)&tempTask ); } void ChainRunTask( int task, float taskData = 0 ) { Task_t tempTask = { task, taskData }; RunTask( (const Task_t *) &tempTask ); }
bool PreThink( void ); void MaintainSchedule( void ); virtual int StartTask ( Task_t *pTask ) { DevMsg( "Called wrong StartTask()\n" ); StartTask( (const Task_t *)pTask ); return 0; } // to ensure correct signature in derived classes
virtual int RunTask ( Task_t *pTask ) { DevMsg( "Called wrong RunTask()\n" ); RunTask( (const Task_t *)pTask ); return 0; } // to ensure correct signature in derived classes
public: //-----------------------------------------------------
// Schedules & tasks
void SetSchedule( CAI_Schedule *pNewSchedule ); bool SetSchedule( int localScheduleID ); void SetDefaultFailSchedule( int failSchedule ) { m_failSchedule = failSchedule; } void ClearSchedule( const char *szReason ); CAI_Schedule * GetCurSchedule() { return m_pSchedule; } bool IsCurSchedule( int schedId, bool fIdeal = true ); virtual CAI_Schedule *GetSchedule(int localScheduleID); virtual int GetLocalScheduleId( int globalScheduleID ) { return AI_IdIsLocal( globalScheduleID ) ? globalScheduleID : GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleGlobalToLocal( globalScheduleID ); } virtual int GetGlobalScheduleId( int localScheduleID ) { return AI_IdIsGlobal( localScheduleID ) ? localScheduleID : GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleLocalToGlobal( localScheduleID ); }
float GetTimeScheduleStarted() const { return m_ScheduleState.timeStarted; } //---------------------------------
const Task_t* GetTask( void ); int TaskIsRunning( void ); virtual void TaskFail( AI_TaskFailureCode_t ); void TaskFail( const char *pszGeneralFailText ) { TaskFail( MakeFailCode( pszGeneralFailText ) ); } void TaskComplete( bool fIgnoreSetFailedCondition = false );
void TaskInterrupt() { m_ScheduleState.iTaskInterrupt++; } void ClearTaskInterrupt() { m_ScheduleState.iTaskInterrupt = 0; } int GetTaskInterrupt() const { return m_ScheduleState.iTaskInterrupt; } void TaskMovementComplete( void ); inline int TaskIsComplete( void ) { return (GetTaskStatus() == TASKSTATUS_COMPLETE); }
virtual const char *TaskName(int taskID);
float GetTimeTaskStarted() const { return m_ScheduleState.timeCurTaskStarted; } virtual int GetLocalTaskId( int globalTaskId) { return GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->TaskGlobalToLocal( globalTaskId ); }
virtual const char *GetSchedulingErrorName() { return "CAI_Agent"; }
protected: static bool LoadSchedules(void); virtual bool LoadedSchedules(void); virtual void BuildScheduleTestBits( void );
// This is the main call to select/translate a schedule
virtual CAI_Schedule *GetNewSchedule( void ); virtual CAI_Schedule *GetFailSchedule( void );
private: // This function maps the type through TranslateSchedule() and then retrieves the pointer
// to the actual CAI_Schedule from the database of schedules available to this class.
CAI_Schedule * GetScheduleOfType( int scheduleType ); bool FHaveSchedule( void ); bool FScheduleDone ( void ); CAI_Schedule * ScheduleInList( const char *pName, CAI_Schedule **pList, int listCount );
int GetScheduleCurTaskIndex() const { return m_ScheduleState.iCurTask; } inline int IncScheduleCurTaskIndex(); inline void ResetScheduleCurTaskIndex(); void NextScheduledTask ( void ); bool IsScheduleValid ( void ); // Selecting the ideal state
// Various schedule selections based on NPC_STATE
void OnStartTask( void ) { SetTaskStatus( TASKSTATUS_RUN_MOVE_AND_TASK ); } void SetTaskStatus( TaskStatus_e status ) { m_ScheduleState.fTaskStatus = status; } TaskStatus_e GetTaskStatus() const { return m_ScheduleState.fTaskStatus; }
void DiscardScheduleState();
CAI_Schedule * m_pSchedule; int m_IdealSchedule; AIAgentScheduleState_t m_ScheduleState; int m_failSchedule; // Schedule type to choose if current schedule fails
public: //-----------------------------------------------------
// Conditions
virtual const char* ConditionName(int conditionID); virtual void RemoveIgnoredConditions ( void ); void SetCondition( int iCondition /*, bool state = true*/ ); bool HasCondition( int iCondition ); bool HasCondition( int iCondition, bool bUseIgnoreConditions ); bool HasInterruptCondition( int iCondition ); bool HasConditionsToInterruptSchedule( int nLocalScheduleID );
void ClearCondition( int iCondition ); void ClearConditions( int *pConditions, int nConditions ); void SetIgnoreConditions( int *pConditions, int nConditions ); void ClearIgnoreConditions( int *pConditions, int nConditions ); bool ConditionInterruptsCurSchedule( int iCondition ); bool ConditionInterruptsSchedule( int schedule, int iCondition );
void SetCustomInterruptCondition( int nCondition ); bool IsCustomInterruptConditionSet( int nCondition ); void ClearCustomInterruptCondition( int nCondition ); void ClearCustomInterruptConditions( void );
bool ConditionsGathered() const { return m_bConditionsGathered; } const CAI_ScheduleBits &AccessConditionBits() const { return m_Conditions; } CAI_ScheduleBits & AccessConditionBits() { return m_Conditions; }
private: CAI_ScheduleBits m_Conditions; CAI_ScheduleBits m_CustomInterruptConditions; //Bit string assembled by the schedule running, then
//modified by leaf classes to suit their needs
CAI_ScheduleBits m_ConditionsPreIgnore; CAI_ScheduleBits m_InverseIgnoreConditions;
bool m_bForceConditionsGather; bool m_bConditionsGathered;
public: //-----------------------------------------------------
// Core mapped data structures
// String Registries for default AI Shared by all CBaseNPCs
// These are used only during initialization and in debug
static void InitSchedulingTables();
static CAI_GlobalScheduleNamespace *GetSchedulingSymbols() { return &gm_SchedulingSymbols; } static CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace &AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect() { return gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; } virtual CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace * GetClassScheduleIdSpace() { return &gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; }
static int GetScheduleID (const char* schedName); static int GetConditionID (const char* condName); static int GetTaskID (const char* taskName);
private: friend class CAI_SystemHook; friend class CAI_SchedulesManager; static bool LoadDefaultSchedules(void);
static void InitDefaultScheduleSR(void); static void InitDefaultTaskSR(void); static void InitDefaultConditionSR(void); static CAI_GlobalScheduleNamespace gm_SchedulingSymbols; static CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace;
public: //----------------------------------------------------
// Debugging tools
// -----------------------------
// Debuging Fields and Methods
// -----------------------------
int m_AgentDebugOverlays; Vector m_vecAgentDebugOverlaysPos; const char* m_failText; // Text of why it failed
const char* m_interruptText; // Text of why schedule interrupted
CAI_Schedule* m_failedSchedule; // The schedule that failed last
CAI_Schedule* m_interuptSchedule; // The schedule that was interrupted last
int m_nDebugCurIndex; // Index used for stepping through AI
void DumpTaskTimings(); virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays( int text_offset ); void EntityText( int text_offset, const char *text, float flDuration, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255 ); int GetDebugOverlayFlags() {return m_AgentDebugOverlays;} string_t GetEntityName() { return NULL_STRING; } };
inline int CAI_Agent::IncScheduleCurTaskIndex() { m_ScheduleState.iTaskInterrupt = 0; return ++m_ScheduleState.iCurTask; }
inline void CAI_Agent::ResetScheduleCurTaskIndex() { m_ScheduleState.iCurTask = 0; m_ScheduleState.iTaskInterrupt = 0; }
// ============================================================================
// Macros for introducing new schedules in sub-classes
// Strings registries and schedules use unique ID's for each item, but
// sub-class enumerations are non-unique, so we translate between the
// enumerations and unique ID's
// ============================================================================
#define AI_BEGIN_AGENT_( derivedClass, baseClass ) \
IMPLEMENT_AGENT(derivedClass, baseClass ) \ void derivedClass::InitCustomSchedules( void ) \ { \ typedef derivedClass CNpc; \ typedef baseClass CAgentBase; \ const char *pszClassName = #derivedClass; \ \ CUtlVector<char *> schedulesToLoad; \ CUtlVector<AIScheduleLoadFunc_t> reqiredOthers; \ CAI_AgentNamespaceInfos scheduleIds; \ CAI_AgentNamespaceInfos taskIds; \ CAI_AgentNamespaceInfos conditionIds;
#define AI_BEGIN_AGENT( derivedClass ) \
AI_BEGIN_AGENT_( derivedClass, BaseClass )
#define DEFINE_SCHEDULE( id, text ) \
scheduleIds.PushBack( #id, id ); \ char * g_psz##id = \ "\n Schedule" \ "\n " #id \ text \ "\n"; \ schedulesToLoad.AddToTail( (char *)g_psz##id ); //-----------------
#define DECLARE_CONDITION( id ) \
conditionIds.PushBack( #id, id );
#define DECLARE_TASK( id ) \
taskIds.PushBack( #id, id );
// IDs are stored and then added in order due to constraints in the namespace implementation
#define AI_END_AGENT() \
\ int i; \ \ CNpc::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect().Init( pszClassName, CAgentBase::GetSchedulingSymbols(), &CAgentBase::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect() ); \ \ scheduleIds.Sort(); \ taskIds.Sort(); \ conditionIds.Sort(); \ \ for ( i = 0; i < scheduleIds.Count(); i++ ) \ { \ ADD_CUSTOM_SCHEDULE_NAMED( CNpc, scheduleIds[i].pszName, scheduleIds[i].localId ); \ } \ \ for ( i = 0; i < taskIds.Count(); i++ ) \ { \ ADD_CUSTOM_TASK_NAMED( CNpc, taskIds[i].pszName, taskIds[i].localId ); \ } \ \ for ( i = 0; i < conditionIds.Count(); i++ ) \ { \ if ( AIAgentValidateConditionLimits( conditionIds[i].pszName ) ) \ { \ ADD_CUSTOM_CONDITION_NAMED( CNpc, conditionIds[i].pszName, conditionIds[i].localId ); \ } \ } \ \ for ( i = 0; i < reqiredOthers.Count(); i++ ) \ { \ (*reqiredOthers[i])(); \ } \ \ for ( i = 0; i < schedulesToLoad.Count(); i++ ) \ { \ if ( CNpc::gm_SchedLoadStatus.fValid ) \ { \ CNpc::gm_SchedLoadStatus.fValid = g_AI_AgentSchedulesManager.LoadSchedulesFromBuffer( pszClassName, schedulesToLoad[i], &AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect(), GetSchedulingSymbols() ); \ } \ else \ break; \ } \ }
inline bool AIAgentValidateConditionLimits( const char *pszNewCondition ) { int nGlobalConditions = CAI_Agent::GetSchedulingSymbols()->NumConditions(); if ( nGlobalConditions >= MAX_CONDITIONS ) { AssertMsg2( 0, "Exceeded max number of conditions (%d), ignoring condition %s\n", MAX_CONDITIONS, pszNewCondition ); DevWarning( "Exceeded max number of conditions (%d), ignoring condition %s\n", MAX_CONDITIONS, pszNewCondition ); return false; } return true; }
struct AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t { AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t( const char *pszName, int localId ) : pszName( pszName ), localId( localId ) { } const char *pszName; int localId; };
class CAI_AgentNamespaceInfos : public CUtlVector<AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t> { public: void PushBack( const char *pszName, int localId ) { AddToTail( AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t( pszName, localId ) ); }
void Sort() { CUtlVector<AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t>::Sort( Compare ); } private: static int __cdecl Compare(const AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t *pLeft, const AI_AgentNamespaceAddInfo_t *pRight ) { return pLeft->localId - pRight->localId; } };
// Declares the static variables that hold the string registry offset for the new subclass
// as well as the initialization in schedule load functions
struct AI_AgentSchedLoadStatus_t { bool fValid; int signature; };
// Load schedules pulled out to support stepping through with debugger
inline bool AI_DoLoadSchedules( bool (*pfnBaseLoad)(), void (*pfnInitCustomSchedules)(), AI_AgentSchedLoadStatus_t *pLoadStatus ) { (*pfnBaseLoad)(); if (pLoadStatus->signature != g_AI_AgentSchedulesManager.GetScheduleLoadSignature()) { (*pfnInitCustomSchedules)(); pLoadStatus->fValid = true; pLoadStatus->signature = g_AI_AgentSchedulesManager.GetScheduleLoadSignature(); } return pLoadStatus->fValid; }
typedef bool (*AIScheduleLoadFunc_t)();
// @Note (toml 02-16-03): The following class exists to allow us to establish an anonymous friendship
// in DEFINE_AGENT. The particulars of this implementation is almost entirely
// defined by bugs in MSVC 6.0
class AgentScheduleLoadHelperImpl { public: template <typename T> static AIScheduleLoadFunc_t AccessScheduleLoadFunc(T *) { return (&T::LoadSchedules); } };
#define DEFINE_AGENT()\
static AI_AgentSchedLoadStatus_t gm_SchedLoadStatus; \ static CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; \ static const char * gm_pszErrorClassName;\ \ static CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace & AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect() { return gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; } \ virtual CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace * GetClassScheduleIdSpace() { return &gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; } \ virtual const char * GetSchedulingErrorName() { return gm_pszErrorClassName; } \ \ static void InitCustomSchedules(void);\ \ static bool LoadSchedules(void);\ virtual bool LoadedSchedules(void); \ \ friend class AgentScheduleLoadHelperImpl; \ \ class CScheduleLoader \ { \ public: \ CScheduleLoader(); \ } m_ScheduleLoader; \ \ friend class CScheduleLoader;
#define IMPLEMENT_AGENT(derivedClass, baseClass)\
AI_AgentSchedLoadStatus_t derivedClass::gm_SchedLoadStatus = { true, -1 }; \ CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace derivedClass::gm_ClassScheduleIdSpace; \ const char * derivedClass::gm_pszErrorClassName = #derivedClass; \ \ derivedClass::CScheduleLoader::CScheduleLoader()\ { \ derivedClass::LoadSchedules(); \ } \ \ /* --------------------------------------------- */ \ /* Load schedules for this type of NPC */ \ /* --------------------------------------------- */ \ bool derivedClass::LoadSchedules(void)\ {\ return AI_DoLoadSchedules( derivedClass::baseClass::LoadSchedules, \ derivedClass::InitCustomSchedules, \ &derivedClass::gm_SchedLoadStatus ); \ }\ \ bool derivedClass::LoadedSchedules(void) \ { \ return derivedClass::gm_SchedLoadStatus.fValid;\ }
#define ADD_CUSTOM_SCHEDULE_NAMED(derivedClass,schedName,schedEN)\
if ( !derivedClass::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect().AddSchedule( schedName, schedEN, derivedClass::gm_pszErrorClassName ) ) return;
#define ADD_CUSTOM_SCHEDULE(derivedClass,schedEN) ADD_CUSTOM_SCHEDULE_NAMED(derivedClass,#schedEN,schedEN)
#define ADD_CUSTOM_TASK_NAMED(derivedClass,taskName,taskEN)\
if ( !derivedClass::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect().AddTask( taskName, taskEN, derivedClass::gm_pszErrorClassName ) ) return;
#define ADD_CUSTOM_TASK(derivedClass,taskEN) ADD_CUSTOM_TASK_NAMED(derivedClass,#taskEN,taskEN)
#define ADD_CUSTOM_CONDITION_NAMED(derivedClass,condName,condEN)\
if ( !derivedClass::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect().AddCondition( condName, condEN, derivedClass::gm_pszErrorClassName ) ) return;
#define ADD_CUSTOM_CONDITION(derivedClass,condEN) ADD_CUSTOM_CONDITION_NAMED(derivedClass,#condEN,condEN)
#endif // AI_AGENT_H