//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_hull.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
struct ai_hull_t { ai_hull_t( int bit, const char *pName, const Vector &_mins, const Vector &_maxs, const Vector &_smallMins, const Vector &_smallMaxs, const unsigned int _nAITraceMask = MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC ) : hullBit( bit ), mins( _mins ), maxs( _maxs ), smallMins( _smallMins ), smallMaxs( _smallMaxs ), name( pName ), nAITraceMask( _nAITraceMask ) {} int hullBit; const char* name;
Vector mins; Vector maxs;
Vector smallMins; Vector smallMaxs;
unsigned int nAITraceMask; };
// Create the hull types here.
ai_hull_t Human_Hull (bits_HUMAN_HULL, "HUMAN_HULL", Vector(-13,-13, 0), Vector(13, 13, 72), Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector( 8, 8, 72) ); // Colonists
ai_hull_t Small_Centered_Hull (bits_SMALL_CENTERED_HULL, "SMALL_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-20,-20, -20), Vector(20, 20, 20), Vector(-12,-12,-12), Vector(12, 12, 12) ); // -
ai_hull_t Wide_Human_Hull (bits_WIDE_HUMAN_HULL, "WIDE_HUMAN_HULL", Vector(-20,-20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 72), Vector(-20,-20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 72) ); // Marines
ai_hull_t Tiny_Hull (bits_TINY_HULL, "TINY_HULL", Vector(-12,-12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 12), Vector(-12,-12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 12) ); // Parasites/grubs
ai_hull_t Wide_Short_Hull (bits_WIDE_SHORT_HULL, "WIDE_SHORT_HULL", Vector(-40,-40, 0), Vector(40, 40, 72), Vector(-24,-24, 0), Vector(24, 24, 32) ); // Harvester/Bodysnatcher/Mortarbug
ai_hull_t Medium_Hull (bits_MEDIUM_HULL, "MEDIUM_HULL", Vector(-16,-16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 64), Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector(8, 8, 64) ); // -
ai_hull_t Tiny_Centered_Hull (bits_TINY_CENTERED_HULL, "TINY_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-8, -8, -4), Vector(8, 8, 4), Vector(-8,-8, -4), Vector( 8, 8, 4) ); // Buzzer
ai_hull_t Large_Hull (bits_LARGE_HULL, "LARGE_HULL", Vector(-40,-40, 0), Vector(40, 40, 110), Vector(-40,-40, 0), Vector(40, 40, 110) ); // Shieldbug
ai_hull_t Large_Centered_Hull (bits_LARGE_CENTERED_HULL, "LARGE_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-80,-80, 0), Vector(80, 80, 200), Vector(-80,-80,0), Vector(80, 80, 200) ); // Queen
ai_hull_t Medium_Tall_Hull (bits_MEDIUM_TALL_HULL, "MEDIUM_TALL_HULL", Vector(-22,-22, 0), Vector(22, 22, 100), Vector(-22,-22, 0), Vector(22, 22, 100) ); // Hunter/Meatbug
ai_hull_t Tiny_Fluid_Hull (bits_TINY_FLUID_HULL, "TINY_FLUID_HULL", Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector(8, 8, 16), Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector(8, 8, 16), MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC_FLUID ); // Blob?
ai_hull_t MediumBig_Hull (bits_MEDIUMBIG_HULL, "MEDIUMBIG_HULL", Vector(-20,-20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 69), Vector(-20,-20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 69) ); // Drones
ai_hull_t Human_Hull (bits_HUMAN_HULL, "HUMAN_HULL", Vector(-13,-13, 0), Vector(13, 13, 72), Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector( 8, 8, 72) ); ai_hull_t Small_Centered_Hull (bits_SMALL_CENTERED_HULL, "SMALL_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-20,-20, -20), Vector(20, 20, 20), Vector(-12,-12,-12), Vector(12, 12, 12) ); ai_hull_t Wide_Human_Hull (bits_WIDE_HUMAN_HULL, "WIDE_HUMAN_HULL", Vector(-15,-15, 0), Vector(15, 15, 72), Vector(-10,-10, 0), Vector(10, 10, 72) ); ai_hull_t Tiny_Hull (bits_TINY_HULL, "TINY_HULL", Vector(-12,-12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 24), Vector(-12,-12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 24) ); ai_hull_t Wide_Short_Hull (bits_WIDE_SHORT_HULL, "WIDE_SHORT_HULL", Vector(-35,-35, 0), Vector(35, 35, 32), Vector(-20,-20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 32) ); ai_hull_t Medium_Hull (bits_MEDIUM_HULL, "MEDIUM_HULL", Vector(-16,-16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 64), Vector(-8,-8, 0), Vector(8, 8, 64) ); ai_hull_t Tiny_Centered_Hull (bits_TINY_CENTERED_HULL, "TINY_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-8, -8, -4), Vector(8, 8, 4), Vector(-8,-8, -4), Vector( 8, 8, 4) ); ai_hull_t Large_Hull (bits_LARGE_HULL, "LARGE_HULL", Vector(-40,-40, 0), Vector(40, 40, 100), Vector(-40,-40, 0), Vector(40, 40, 100) ); ai_hull_t Large_Centered_Hull (bits_LARGE_CENTERED_HULL, "LARGE_CENTERED_HULL", Vector(-38,-38, -38), Vector(38, 38, 38), Vector(-30,-30,-30), Vector(30, 30, 30) ); ai_hull_t Medium_Tall_Hull (bits_MEDIUM_TALL_HULL, "MEDIUM_TALL_HULL", Vector(-18,-18, 0), Vector(18, 18, 100), Vector(-12,-12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 100) ); ai_hull_t Tiny_Fluid_Hull (bits_TINY_FLUID_HULL, "TINY_FLUID_HULL", Vector(-6.5,-6.5, 0), Vector(6.5, 6.5, 13), Vector(-6.5,-6.5, 0), Vector(6.5, 6.5, 13), MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC_FLUID ); ai_hull_t MediumBig_Hull (bits_MEDIUMBIG_HULL, "MEDIUMBIG_HULL", Vector(-17,-17, 0), Vector(17, 17, 69), Vector(-15,-15, 0), Vector(15, 15, 69) ); // asw
// Array of hulls. These hulls must correspond with the enumerations in AI_Hull.h!
ai_hull_t* hull[NUM_HULLS] = { &Human_Hull, &Small_Centered_Hull, &Wide_Human_Hull, &Tiny_Hull, &Wide_Short_Hull, &Medium_Hull, &Tiny_Centered_Hull, &Large_Hull, &Large_Centered_Hull, &Medium_Tall_Hull, &Tiny_Fluid_Hull, &MediumBig_Hull, };
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
const Vector &NAI_Hull::Mins(int id) { return hull[id]->mins; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
const Vector &NAI_Hull::Maxs(int id) { return hull[id]->maxs; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
const Vector &NAI_Hull::SmallMins(int id) { return hull[id]->smallMins; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
const Vector &NAI_Hull::SmallMaxs(int id) { return hull[id]->smallMaxs; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
float NAI_Hull::Length(int id) { return (hull[id]->maxs.x - hull[id]->mins.x); }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
float NAI_Hull::Width(int id) { return (hull[id]->maxs.y - hull[id]->mins.y); }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
float NAI_Hull::Height(int id) { return (hull[id]->maxs.z - hull[id]->mins.z); }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
int NAI_Hull::Bits(int id) { return hull[id]->hullBit; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
const char *NAI_Hull::Name(int id) { return hull[id]->name; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
unsigned int NAI_Hull::TraceMask(int id) { return hull[id]->nAITraceMask; }
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
Hull_t NAI_Hull::LookupId(const char *szName) { int i; if (!szName) { return HULL_HUMAN; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_HULLS; i++) { if (stricmp( szName, NAI_Hull::Name( i )) == 0) { return (Hull_t)i; } } return HULL_HUMAN; }