//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef AI_SPEECH_H
#define AI_SPEECH_H
#include "utlmap.h"
#include "soundflags.h"
#include "ai_responsesystem.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "ai_speechconcept.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
class KeyValues;
using ResponseRules::ResponseType_t; using ResponseRules::AI_ResponseFollowup;
// Purpose: Used to share a global resource or prevent a system stepping on
// own toes.
class CAI_TimedSemaphore { public: CAI_TimedSemaphore() : m_ReleaseTime( 0 ) { m_hCurrentTalker = NULL; } void Acquire( float time, CBaseEntity *pTalker ) { m_ReleaseTime = gpGlobals->curtime + time; m_hCurrentTalker = pTalker; } void Release() { m_ReleaseTime = 0; m_hCurrentTalker = NULL; } // Current owner of the semaphore is always allowed to talk
bool IsAvailable( CBaseEntity *pTalker ) const { return ((gpGlobals->curtime > m_ReleaseTime) || (m_hCurrentTalker == pTalker)); } float GetReleaseTime() const { return m_ReleaseTime; }
CBaseEntity *GetOwner() { return m_hCurrentTalker; }
private: float m_ReleaseTime; EHANDLE m_hCurrentTalker; };
extern CAI_TimedSemaphore g_AIFriendliesTalkSemaphore; extern CAI_TimedSemaphore g_AIFoesTalkSemaphore;
#define GetSpeechSemaphore( pNpc ) (((pNpc)->IsPlayerAlly()) ? &g_AIFriendliesTalkSemaphore : &g_AIFoesTalkSemaphore )
// Basic speech system types
// Constants
const float AIS_NO_DELAY = 0; const soundlevel_t AIS_DEF_SNDLVL = SNDLVL_TALKING; #define AI_NULL_CONCEPT NULL
// Sentence prefix constants
#define AI_SP_WAVFILE '^'
#define AI_SP_SCENE_GROUP '='
#define AI_SPECIFIC_SENTENCE(str_constant) "!" str_constant
#define AI_WAVFILE(str_constant) "^" str_constant
// @Note (toml 09-12-02): as scene groups are not currently implemented, the string is a semi-colon delimited list
#define AI_SCENE_GROUP(str_constant) "=" str_constant
#define AI_SPECIFIC_SCENE(str_constant) "?" str_constant
// Designer overriding modifiers
// An id that represents the core meaning of a spoken phrase,
// eventually to be mapped to a sentence group or scene
typedef const char *AIConcept_t; inline bool CompareConcepts( AIConcept_t c1, AIConcept_t c2 ) { return ( (void *)c1 == (void *)c2 || ( c1 && c2 && Q_stricmp( c1, c2 ) == 0 ) ); } #else
typedef CAI_Concept AIConcept_t; inline bool CompareConcepts( AIConcept_t c1, AIConcept_t c2 ) { return c1.m_iConcept == c2.m_iConcept; } #endif
// CAI_Expresser
// Purpose: Provides the functionality of going from abstract concept ("hello")
// to specific sentence/scene/wave
// Sink supports behavior control and receives notifications of internal events
class CAI_ExpresserSink { public: virtual void OnSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response ) {}; virtual void OnStartSpeaking() {} virtual bool UseSemaphore() { return true; } };
struct ConceptHistory_t { DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC();
ConceptHistory_t(float timeSpoken = -1 ) : timeSpoken( timeSpoken ), m_response( ) { }
ConceptHistory_t( const ConceptHistory_t& src ); ConceptHistory_t& operator = ( const ConceptHistory_t& src );
~ConceptHistory_t(); float timeSpoken; AI_Response m_response; }; //-------------------------------------
class CAI_Expresser : public ResponseRules::IResponseFilter { public: CAI_Expresser( CBaseFlex *pOuter = NULL ); ~CAI_Expresser();
// --------------------------------
bool Connect( CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink ) { m_pSink = pSink; return true; } bool Disconnect( CAI_ExpresserSink *pSink ) { m_pSink = NULL; return true;}
void TestAllResponses();
// --------------------------------
bool Speak( AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers = NULL, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); bool Speak( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL );
// Given modifiers (which are colon-delimited strings), fill out a criteria set including this
// character's contexts and the ones in the modifier. This lets us hang on to them after a call
// to SpeakFindResponse.
void GatherCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet *outputCritera, const AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers ); // These two methods allow looking up a response and dispatching it to be two different steps
// AI_Response *SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers = NULL );
// AI_Response *SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria );
// Find the appropriate response for the given concept. Return false if none found.
// Fills out the response object that you provide.
bool FindResponse( AI_Response &outResponse, AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet *modifiers = NULL ); virtual bool SpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); float GetResponseDuration( AI_Response *response );
virtual int SpeakRawSentence( const char *pszSentence, float delay, float volume = VOL_NORM, soundlevel_t soundlevel = SNDLVL_TALKING, CBaseEntity *pListener = NULL ); bool SemaphoreIsAvailable( CBaseEntity *pTalker ); float GetSemaphoreAvailableTime( CBaseEntity *pTalker );
virtual void OnSpeechFinished() {};
// This function can be overriden by games to suppress speech altogether during glue screens, etc
static bool IsSpeechGloballySuppressed();
// --------------------------------
virtual bool IsSpeaking(); bool CanSpeak(); bool CanSpeakAfterMyself(); float GetTimeSpeechComplete() const { return m_flStopTalkTime; } void BlockSpeechUntil( float time );
// --------------------------------
bool CanSpeakConcept( AIConcept_t concept ); bool SpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept ); float GetTimeSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept ); // returns -1 if never
void SetSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response, bool bCallback = true ); void ClearSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept ); // --------------------------------
void SetVoicePitch( int voicePitch ) { m_voicePitch = voicePitch; } int GetVoicePitch() const;
void NoteSpeaking( float duration, float delay = 0 );
// Force the NPC to release the semaphore & clear next speech time
void ForceNotSpeaking( void );
// helper used in dealing with RESPONSE_ENTITYIO
// response is the output of AI_Response::GetName
// note: the response string will get stomped on (by strtok)
// returns false on failure (eg, couldn't match parse contents)
static bool FireEntIOFromResponse( char *response, CBaseEntity *pInitiator );
protected: CAI_TimedSemaphore *GetMySpeechSemaphore( CBaseEntity *pNpc );
bool SpeakRawScene( const char *pszScene, float delay, AI_Response *response, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); // This will create a fake .vcd/CChoreoScene to wrap the sound to be played
bool SpeakAutoGeneratedScene( char const *soundname, float delay );
void DumpHistories();
void SpeechMsg( CBaseEntity *pFlex, const char *pszFormat, ... );
// --------------------------------
CAI_ExpresserSink *GetSink() { return m_pSink; }
private: // --------------------------------
virtual bool IsValidResponse( ResponseType_t type, const char *pszValue );
// --------------------------------
CAI_ExpresserSink *m_pSink; // --------------------------------
// Speech concept data structures
CUtlDict< ConceptHistory_t, int > m_ConceptHistories; // --------------------------------
// Speaking states
float m_flStopTalkTime; // when in the future that I'll be done saying this sentence.
float m_flStopTalkTimeWithoutDelay; // same as the above, but minus the delay before other people can speak
float m_flBlockedTalkTime; int m_voicePitch; // pitch of voice for this head
float m_flLastTimeAcceptedSpeak; // because speech may not be blocked until NoteSpeaking called by scene ent, this handles in-think blocking
// --------------------------------
public: void SetOuter( CBaseFlex *pOuter );
CBaseFlex * GetOuter() { return m_pOuter; } const CBaseFlex * GetOuter() const { return m_pOuter; }
private: CHandle<CBaseFlex> m_pOuter; };
// An NPC base class to assist a branch of the inheritance graph
// in utilizing CAI_Expresser
template <class BASE_NPC> class CAI_ExpresserHost : public BASE_NPC, protected CAI_ExpresserSink { DECLARE_CLASS_NOFRIEND( CAI_ExpresserHost, BASE_NPC );
public: virtual void NoteSpeaking( float duration, float delay );
virtual bool Speak( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers = NULL, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); virtual bool Speak( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet *pCriteria, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL );
void GatherCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet *outputCritera, const AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers ); // These two methods allow looking up a response and dispatching it to be two different steps
// AI_Response * SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers = NULL );
// AI_Response *SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria );
// AI_Response *SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept );
// Find the appropriate response for the given concept. Return false if none found.
// Fills out the response object that you provide.
bool FindResponse( AI_Response &outResponse, AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria = NULL );
bool SpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria = NULL ); virtual void PostSpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response ) { return; } float GetResponseDuration( AI_Response *response );
float GetTimeSpeechComplete() const { return this->GetExpresser()->GetTimeSpeechComplete(); }
bool IsSpeaking() { return this->GetExpresser()->IsSpeaking(); } bool CanSpeak() { return this->GetExpresser()->CanSpeak(); } bool CanSpeakAfterMyself() { return this->GetExpresser()->CanSpeakAfterMyself(); }
void SetSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response, bool bCallback = true ) { this->GetExpresser()->SetSpokeConcept( concept, response, bCallback ); } float GetTimeSpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept ) { return this->GetExpresser()->GetTimeSpokeConcept( concept ); } bool SpokeConcept( AIConcept_t concept ) { return this->GetExpresser()->SpokeConcept( concept ); }
protected: int PlaySentence( const char *pszSentence, float delay, float volume = VOL_NORM, soundlevel_t soundlevel = SNDLVL_TALKING, CBaseEntity *pListener = NULL ); virtual void ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& set );
virtual ResponseRules::IResponseSystem *GetResponseSystem(); // Override of base entity response input handler
virtual void DispatchResponse( const char *conceptName ); };
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::NoteSpeaking( float duration, float delay ) { this->GetExpresser()->NoteSpeaking( duration, delay ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::Speak( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers /*= NULL*/, char *pszOutResponseChosen /*=NULL*/, size_t bufsize /* = 0 */, IRecipientFilter *filter /* = NULL */ ) { AssertOnce( this->GetExpresser()->GetOuter() == this ); return this->GetExpresser()->Speak( concept, modifiers, pszOutResponseChosen, bufsize, filter ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::Speak( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet *pCriteria, char *pszOutResponseChosen /*=NULL*/, size_t bufsize /* = 0 */, IRecipientFilter *filter /* = NULL */ ) { AssertOnce( this->GetExpresser()->GetOuter() == this ); CAI_Expresser * const RESTRICT pExpresser = this->GetExpresser(); concept.SetSpeaker( this ); // add in any local criteria to the one passed on the command line.
pExpresser->GatherCriteria( pCriteria, concept, NULL ); // call the "I have aleady gathered criteria" version of Expresser::Speak
return pExpresser->Speak( concept, pCriteria, pszOutResponseChosen, bufsize, filter ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::PlaySentence( const char *pszSentence, float delay, float volume, soundlevel_t soundlevel, CBaseEntity *pListener ) { return this->GetExpresser()->SpeakRawSentence( pszSentence, delay, volume, soundlevel, pListener ); }
extern void CAI_ExpresserHost_NPC_DoModifyOrAppendCriteria( CAI_BaseNPC *pSpeaker, AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet );
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ) { BaseClass::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( criteriaSet );
#ifndef TERROR // no such thing as NPC pointers in L4D
if ( this->MyNPCPointer() ) { CAI_ExpresserHost_NPC_DoModifyOrAppendCriteria( this->MyNPCPointer(), criteriaSet ); } #endif
template <class BASE_NPC> inline ResponseRules::IResponseSystem *CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::GetResponseSystem() { extern ResponseRules::IResponseSystem *g_pResponseSystem; // Expressive NPC's use the general response system
return g_pResponseSystem; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::GatherCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet *outputCriteria, const AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers ) { return this->GetExpresser()->GatherCriteria( outputCriteria, concept, modifiers ); }
#if 0
template <class BASE_NPC> inline AI_Response *CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers /*= NULL*/ ) { return this->GetExpresser()->SpeakFindResponse( concept, modifiers ); } #endif
#if 0
template <class BASE_NPC> inline AI_Response *CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria /*= NULL*/ ) { return this->GetExpresser()->SpeakFindResponse( concept, criteria ); }
// In this case we clearly don't care to hang on to the criteria, so make a convenience
// class that generates a one off.
template <class BASE_NPC> inline AI_Response * CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::SpeakFindResponse( AIConcept_t concept ) { AI_CriteriaSet criteria; GatherCriteria( &criteria, concept, NULL ); return this->GetExpresser()->SpeakFindResponse( concept, &criteria ); } #endif
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::FindResponse( AI_Response &outResponse, AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria ) { return this->GetExpresser()->FindResponse( outResponse, concept, criteria ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::SpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t concept, AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria ) { if ( this->GetExpresser()->SpeakDispatchResponse( concept, response, criteria ) ) { PostSpeakDispatchResponse( concept, response ); return true; }
return false; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::GetResponseDuration( AI_Response *response ) { return this->GetExpresser()->GetResponseDuration( response ); }
// Override of base entity response input handler
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC>::DispatchResponse( const char *conceptName ) { Speak( (AIConcept_t)conceptName ); }
/// A shim under CAI_ExpresserHost you can use when deriving a new expresser
/// host type under CAI_BaseNPC. This does the extra step of declaring an m_pExpresser
/// member and initializing it from CreateComponents(). If your BASE_NPC class isn't
/// actually an NPC, then CreateComponents() never gets called and you won't have
/// an expresser created.
/// Note: you still need to add m_pExpresser to the Datadesc for your derived type.
/// This is because I couldn't figure out how to make a templatized datadesc declaration
/// that works generically on the template type.
template <class BASE_NPC, class EXPRESSER_TYPE> class CAI_ExpresserHostWithData : public CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC> { DECLARE_CLASS_NOFRIEND( CAI_ExpresserHostWithData, CAI_ExpresserHost<BASE_NPC> );
public: CAI_ExpresserHostWithData( ) : m_pExpresser(NULL) {};
virtual CAI_Expresser *GetExpresser() { return m_pExpresser; } const CAI_Expresser *GetExpresser() const { return m_pExpresser; }
virtual bool CreateComponents() { return BaseClass::CreateComponents() && ( CreateExpresser() != NULL ); }
protected: EXPRESSER_TYPE *CreateExpresser( void ) { AssertMsg1( m_pExpresser == NULL, "Tried to double-initialize expresser in %s\n", this->GetDebugName() ); m_pExpresser = new EXPRESSER_TYPE(this); if ( !m_pExpresser) { AssertMsg1( false, "Creating an expresser failed in %s\n", this->GetDebugName() ); return NULL; }
m_pExpresser->Connect(this); return m_pExpresser; }
virtual ~CAI_ExpresserHostWithData( void ) { delete m_pExpresser; m_pExpresser = NULL; }
EXPRESSER_TYPE *m_pExpresser; };
/// response rules
namespace RR { /// some applycontext clauses have operators preceding them,
/// like ++1 which means "take the current value and increment it
/// by one". These classes detect these cases and do the appropriate
/// thing.
class CApplyContextOperator { public: inline CApplyContextOperator( int nSkipChars ) : m_nSkipChars(nSkipChars) {};
/// perform whatever this operator does upon the given context value.
/// Default op is simply to copy old to new.
/// pOldValue should be the currently set value of the context. May be NULL meaning no prior value.
/// pOperator the value that applycontext says to set
/// pNewValue a pointer to a buffer where the real new value will be writ.
/// returns true on success; false on failure (eg, tried to increment a
/// non-numeric value).
virtual bool Apply( const char *pOldValue, const char *pOperator, char *pNewValue, int pNewValBufSize );
/// This is the function that should be called from outside,
/// fed the input string, it'll select the right operator
/// to apply.
static CApplyContextOperator *FindOperator( const char *pContextString ); protected: int m_nSkipChars; // how many chars to "skip" in the value string to get past the op specifier to the actual value
// eg, "++3" has a m_nSkipChars of 2, because the op string "++" is two characters.
class CIncrementOperator : public CApplyContextOperator { public: inline CIncrementOperator( int nSkipChars ) : CApplyContextOperator(nSkipChars) {}; virtual bool Apply( const char *pOldValue, const char *pOperator, char *pNewValue, int pNewValBufSize ); };
class CDecrementOperator : public CApplyContextOperator { public: inline CDecrementOperator( int nSkipChars ) : CApplyContextOperator(nSkipChars) {}; virtual bool Apply( const char *pOldValue, const char *pOperator, char *pNewValue, int pNewValBufSize ); };
class CToggleOperator : public CApplyContextOperator { public: inline CToggleOperator( int nSkipChars ) : CApplyContextOperator(nSkipChars) {}; virtual bool Apply( const char *pOldValue, const char *pOperator, char *pNewValue, int pNewValBufSize ); };
// the singleton operators
extern CApplyContextOperator sm_OpCopy; extern CIncrementOperator sm_OpIncrement; extern CDecrementOperator sm_OpDecrement; extern CToggleOperator sm_OpToggle; };
#include "ai_speechqueue.h"
// A kind of AI Expresser that can dispatch a follow-up speech event when it
// finishes speaking.
class CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup : public CAI_Expresser { public: CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup( CBaseFlex *pOuter = NULL ) : CAI_Expresser(pOuter), m_pPostponedFollowup(NULL) {}; virtual bool Speak( AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers = NULL, char *pszOutResponseChosen = NULL, size_t bufsize = 0, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); virtual bool SpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria, IRecipientFilter *filter = NULL ); virtual void SpeakDispatchFollowup( AI_ResponseFollowup &followup );
virtual void OnSpeechFinished();
typedef CAI_Expresser BaseClass; protected: static void DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( const AIConcept_t &concept, const char *criteriaStr, const CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t &target, float delay, CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pOuter );
AI_ResponseFollowup *m_pPostponedFollowup; // TODO: save/restore
CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t m_followupTarget; };
class CMultiplayer_Expresser : public CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup { public: CMultiplayer_Expresser( CBaseFlex *pOuter = NULL ); //~CMultiplayer_Expresser();
virtual bool IsSpeaking();
void AllowMultipleScenes(); void DisallowMultipleScenes();
private: bool m_bAllowMultipleScenes;
#endif // AI_SPEECH_H