//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: CS game stats
// $NoKeywords: $
// Some tricky business here - we don't want to include the precompiled header for the statreader
// and trying to #ifdef it out does funky things like ignoring the #endif. Define our header file
// separately and include it based on the switch
#include "cbase.h"
#include <tier0/platform.h>
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "cs_gamestats.h"
#include "weapon_csbase.h"
#include "props.h"
#include "cs_achievement_constants.h"
#include "weapon_c4.h"
#include "cs_bot.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "bot_util.h"
// needed for recording grenade detonation rows
#include "basecsgrenade_projectile.h"
#include "flashbang_projectile.h"
#include "hegrenade_projectile.h"
#include "Effects/inferno.h"
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
#include "cdll_int.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar game_mode; extern ConVar game_type; extern ConVar mp_roundtime;
float g_flGameStatsUpdateTime = 0.0f; short g_iTerroristVictories[CS_NUM_LEVELS]; short g_iCounterTVictories[CS_NUM_LEVELS]; short g_iWeaponPurchases[WEAPON_MAX];
short g_iAutoBuyPurchases = 0; short g_iReBuyPurchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyM4A1Purchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyAK47Purchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyFamasPurchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyGalilPurchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyGalilARPurchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyVestHelmPurchases = 0; short g_iAutoBuyVestPurchases = 0;
struct { char* szPropModelName; CSStatType_t statType; } PropModelStatsTableInit[] = { { "models/props/cs_office/computer_caseb.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/computer_monitor.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/phone.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/projector.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/TV_plasma.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/computer_keyboard.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEELECTRONICS }, { "models/props/cs_office/radio.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICERADIO }, { "models/props/cs_office/trash_can.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEJUNK }, { "models/props/cs_office/file_box.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_OFFICEJUNK }, { "models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl", CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_ITALY_MELON }, // models/props/de_inferno/claypot01.mdl
// models/props/de_inferno/claypot02.mdl
// models/props/de_dust/grainbasket01c.mdl
// models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl
// models/props/cs_office/file_box_p1.mdl
struct { int achievementId; int statId; int roundRequirement; int matchRequirement; char* mapFilter; bool disallowGunGameProgressive;
bool IsMet(int roundStat, int matchStat) { return roundStat >= roundRequirement && matchStat >= matchRequirement; } } ServerStatBasedAchievements[] = { { CSBreakWindows, CSSTAT_NUM_BROKEN_WINDOWS, AchievementConsts::BreakWindowsInOfficeRound_Windows, 0, "cs_office", false }, //{ CSBreakProps, CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_ALL, AchievementConsts::BreakPropsInRound_Props, 0, NULL },
{ CSUnstoppableForce, CSSTAT_KILLS, AchievementConsts::UnstoppableForce_Kills, 0, NULL, true }, { CSHeadshotsInRound, CSSTAT_KILLS_HEADSHOT, AchievementConsts::HeadshotsInRound_Kills, 0, NULL, true }, { CSDominationOverkillsMatch, CSSTAT_DOMINATION_OVERKILLS, 0, 10, NULL, false }, };
// The struct below should be updated (along with the CSBombEventName enum table) whenever we write data for a new bomb-related event.
struct BombEventNameInfo { CSBombEventName eventID; const char * name; }; BombEventNameInfo s_BombEventNameInfo[]= { { BOMB_EVENT_NAME_PLANTED, "bomb_planted" }, { BOMB_EVENT_NAME_DEFUSED, "bomb_defused" }, };
CSBombEventName BombEventNameFromString( const char* pEventName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_BombEventNameInfo ); ++i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( s_BombEventNameInfo[i].name, pEventName ) ) { return s_BombEventNameInfo[i].eventID; } } return BOMB_EVENT_NAME_NONE; }
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
uint32 GetPlayerID( CCSPlayer *pPlayer ) { // Steam account id's for bots based on difficulty
static int32 s_botIDs[ NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS ] = { 551, 552, 553, 554, };
// if we're controlling a bot, return the bot ID
if( pPlayer->IsControllingBot() ) { CCSPlayer* controlledPlayer = pPlayer->GetControlledBot(); AssertMsg( controlledPlayer != pPlayer, "Player should never match controlled player: this will cause an infinite loop" ); if( controlledPlayer ) { return GetPlayerID( controlledPlayer ); } }
if ( pPlayer->IsBot() ) { CCSBot* pBot = dynamic_cast< CCSBot* >( pPlayer ); if ( pBot ) { const BotProfile* pProfile = pBot->GetProfile(); if ( pProfile ) { for ( int i = NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS - 1; i >= BOT_EASY; --i ) { if ( pProfile->IsDifficulty( ( BotDifficultyType ) i ) ) { return s_botIDs[ i ]; } } } } }
return pPlayer->GetSteamIDAsUInt64(); } #endif // !NO_STEAM
// [Forrest] Allow nemesis/revenge to be turned off for a server
static void SvNoNemesisChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue ) { ConVarRef var( pConVar ); if ( var.IsValid() && var.GetBool() ) { // Clear all nemesis relationships.
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients ; i++ ) { CCSPlayer *pTemp = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pTemp ) { pTemp->RemoveNemesisRelationships(); } } } }
ConVar sv_nonemesis( "sv_nonemesis", "0", 0, "Disable nemesis and revenge.", SvNoNemesisChangeCallback ); ConVar sv_dumpmatchweaponmetrics( "sv_dumpmatchweaponmetrics", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Turn on the exporting of weapon metrics at the end of a level."); ConVar sv_debugroundstats( "sv_debugroundstats", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
int GetCSLevelIndex( const char *pLevelName ) { for ( int i = 0; MapName_StatId_Table[i].statWinsId != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED; i ++ ) { if ( Q_strcmp( pLevelName, MapName_StatId_Table[i].szMapName ) == 0 ) return i; }
return -1; }
CCSGameStats CCS_GameStats; #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
CCSGameStats::StatContainerList_t* CCSGameStats::s_StatLists = new CCSGameStats::StatContainerList_t(); #endif
// Purpose: Constructor
// Input : -
CCSGameStats::CCSGameStats() { gamestats = this; Clear(); m_fDisseminationTimerLow = m_fDisseminationTimerHigh = 0.0f;
// create table for mapping prop models to stats
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(PropModelStatsTableInit); ++i) { m_PropStatTable.Insert(PropModelStatsTableInit[i].szPropModelName, PropModelStatsTableInit[i].statType); }
m_numberOfRoundsForDirectAverages = 0; m_numberOfTerroristEntriesForDirectAverages = 0; m_numberOfCounterTerroristEntriesForDirectAverages = 0;
// Purpose: Destructor
// Input : -
CCSGameStats::~CCSGameStats() { Clear(); }
// Purpose: Clear out game stats
// Input : -
void CCSGameStats::Clear( void ) { }
// Purpose:
bool CCSGameStats::Init( void ) { ListenForGameEvent( "round_end" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_officially_ended" ); ListenForGameEvent( "break_prop" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_decal" ); ListenForGameEvent( "begin_new_match" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_planted" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_defused" ); return true; }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_ShotFired( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon ) { if ( CSGameRules()->IsRoundOver() ) return;
Assert( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer );
// [dwenger] adding tracking for weapon used fun fact
if ( pCSPlayer && pWeapon ) { // [dwenger] Update the player's tracking of which weapon type they fired
pCSPlayer->PlayerUsedFirearm( pWeapon ); if( !pWeapon->HasAnyAmmo() ) pCSPlayer->PlayerEmptiedAmmoForFirearm( pWeapon );
IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, CSSTAT_SHOTS_FIRED, 1 );
CWeaponCSBase* pCSWeapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase * >(pWeapon);
// Increment the individual weapon
if( pCSWeapon ) { CSWeaponID weaponId = pCSWeapon->GetCSWeaponID();
//if ( weaponId == WEAPON_HEGRENADE )
// int here = 0;
// OGS tracking
// Check to see if this bullet is from a weapon that fires multiple bullets with a single shot.
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
uint8 iSubBullet = 0; SWeaponShotData *lastShotData = m_WeaponShotData.Count() ? m_WeaponShotData.Tail() : NULL;
// If the previous weapon shot data has the save bulletid, then we check the sub bullet id and increment one from that
if ( lastShotData && lastShotData->m_uiBulletID == CCSPlayer::GetBulletGroup() ) { iSubBullet = lastShotData->m_uiSubBulletID + 1; }
m_WeaponShotData.AddToTail( new SWeaponShotData( pCSPlayer, pCSWeapon, iSubBullet, CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed, (int)pCSWeapon->m_flRecoilIndex ) ); #endif
for (int i = 0; WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].weaponId != WEAPON_NONE; ++i) { if ( WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].weaponId == weaponId && WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].shotStatId != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].shotStatId, 1 ); break; } }
CSWeaponMode weaponMode = pCSWeapon->m_weaponMode; ++m_weaponStats[weaponId][weaponMode].shots; } } }
void CCSGameStats::Event_ShotHit( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { Assert( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( info.GetDamagedOtherPlayers() <= 0 ) { // [dkorus] a 'hit' is a only counted for the first character hit. Otherwise we can end up with an artificially high hit count and >100% accuracy
IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, CSSTAT_SHOTS_HIT, 1 ); }
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor();
if ( pInflictor ) { if ( pInflictor == pPlayer ) { if ( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() ) { CWeaponCSBase* pCSWeapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase * >(pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()); if (pCSWeapon) { CSWeaponID weaponId = pCSWeapon->GetCSWeaponID(); for (int i = 0; WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].weaponId != WEAPON_NONE; ++i) { if ( WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].weaponId == weaponId && WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].shotStatId != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].hitStatId, 1 ); IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].damageStatId, info.GetDamage() ); break; } }
CSWeaponMode weaponMode = pCSWeapon->m_weaponMode; ++m_weaponStats[weaponId][weaponMode].hits; m_weaponStats[weaponId][weaponMode].damage += info.GetDamage(); } } } } } void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { Assert( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer ); IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, CSSTAT_DEATHS, 1 ); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerSprayedDecal( CCSPlayer* pPlayer ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_DECAL_SPRAYS, 1 ); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerKilled_PreWeaponDrop( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { Assert( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pAttacker = ToCSPlayer( info.GetAttacker() ); bool victimZoomed = ( pCSPlayer->GetFOV() != pCSPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() );
if (victimZoomed) { IncrementStat(pAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_AGAINST_ZOOMED_SNIPER, 1); }
//Check for knife fight achievements
if (pAttacker && pCSPlayer && pAttacker == info.GetInflictor() && pAttacker->GetTeamNumber() != pCSPlayer->GetTeamNumber()) { CWeaponCSBase* attackerWeapon = pAttacker->GetActiveCSWeapon(); CWeaponCSBase* victimWeapon = pCSPlayer->GetActiveCSWeapon();
CSWeaponID victimWeaponID = ( ( victimWeapon ) ? victimWeapon->GetCSWeaponID() : WEAPON_NONE );
if (attackerWeapon && victimWeapon) { CSWeaponID attackerWeaponID = attackerWeapon->GetCSWeaponID();
if (attackerWeaponID == WEAPON_KNIFE && victimWeaponID == WEAPON_KNIFE) { IncrementStat(pAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_KNIFE_FIGHT, 1); }
if( CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGame() ) { int nWeapon = CSGameRules()->GetCurrentGunGameWeapon( pAttacker->m_iGunGameProgressiveWeaponIndex, pAttacker->GetTeamNumber() ); if ( nWeapon == WEAPON_KNIFE && CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGameTRBomb() ) { // just got a knife kill in a TR game
if ( pCSPlayer->PlacedBombThisRound() ) pAttacker->SetKnifeLevelKilledBombPlacer(); }
nWeapon = CSGameRules()->GetCurrentGunGameWeapon( pCSPlayer->m_iGunGameProgressiveWeaponIndex, pCSPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ); if ( nWeapon == WEAPON_KNIFE || nWeapon == WEAPON_KNIFE_GG ) { pAttacker->AwardAchievement( CSGunGameKillKnifer ); if ( attackerWeaponID == WEAPON_KNIFE || attackerWeaponID == WEAPON_KNIFE_GG ) { pAttacker->AwardAchievement( CSGunGameKnifeKillKnifer ); }
if ( attackerWeapon->IsKindOf( WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN ) ) { pAttacker->AwardAchievement( CSGunGameSMGKillKnifer ); } } }
} } }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_BombPlanted( CCSPlayer* pPlayer) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_NUM_BOMBS_PLANTED, 1 ); if( CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGameTRBomb() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_TR_NUM_BOMBS_PLANTED, 1 );
} }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_BombDefused( CCSPlayer* pPlayer) {
IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_NUM_BOMBS_DEFUSED, 1 ); IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_OBJECTIVES_COMPLETED, 1 ); if( pPlayer && pPlayer->HasDefuser() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_BOMBS_DEFUSED_WITHKIT, 1 ); }
if( CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGameTRBomb() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_TR_NUM_BOMBS_DEFUSED, 1 ); } }
// Purpose: Increment terrorist team stat
void CCSGameStats::Event_BombExploded( CCSPlayer* pPlayer ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_OBJECTIVES_COMPLETED, 1 ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_HostageRescued( CCSPlayer* pPlayer) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_NUM_HOSTAGES_RESCUED, 1 ); }
// Purpose: Increment counter-terrorist team stat
void CCSGameStats::Event_AllHostagesRescued() { IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_CT, CSSTAT_OBJECTIVES_COMPLETED, 1 ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_WindowShattered( CBasePlayer *pPlayer) { Assert( pPlayer ); CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer );
IncrementStat( pCSPlayer, CSSTAT_NUM_BROKEN_WINDOWS, 1 ); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_BreakProp( CCSPlayer* pPlayer, CBreakableProp *pProp ) { if (!pPlayer) return;
DevMsg("Player %s broke a %s (%i)\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), pProp->GetModelName().ToCStr(), pProp->entindex());
int iIndex = m_PropStatTable.Find(pProp->GetModelName().ToCStr()); if (m_PropStatTable.IsValidIndex(iIndex)) { IncrementStat(pPlayer, m_PropStatTable[iIndex], 1); } IncrementStat(pPlayer, CSSTAT_PROPSBROKEN_ALL, 1); }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::UpdatePlayerRoundStats(int winner) { int mapIndex = GetCSLevelIndex(gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr()); CSStatType_t mapStatWinIndex = CSSTAT_UNDEFINED, mapStatRoundIndex = CSSTAT_UNDEFINED;
if ( mapIndex != -1 ) { mapStatWinIndex = MapName_StatId_Table[mapIndex].statWinsId; mapStatRoundIndex = MapName_StatId_Table[mapIndex].statRoundsId; }
// increment the team specific stats
IncrementTeamStat( winner, CSSTAT_ROUNDS_WON, 1 );
if( CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGame() ) { IncrementTeamStat( winner, CSTAT_GUNGAME_ROUNDS_WON, 1 ); IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_TERRORIST, CSTAT_GUNGAME_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1 ); IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_CT, CSTAT_GUNGAME_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1 ); }
if ( mapStatWinIndex != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementTeamStat( winner, mapStatWinIndex, 1 ); } if ( CSGameRules()->IsPistolRound() ) { IncrementTeamStat( winner, CSSTAT_PISTOLROUNDS_WON, 1 ); } IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_TERRORIST, CSSTAT_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1 ); IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_CT, CSSTAT_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1 );
if( mapStatRoundIndex != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_TERRORIST, mapStatRoundIndex, 1 ); IncrementTeamStat( TEAM_CT, mapStatRoundIndex, 1 ); }
for( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsConnected() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1, false, true ); if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGame() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSTAT_GUNGAME_ROUNDS_PLAYED, 1, false, true );
} if( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameProgressive() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer,CSSTAT_GG_PROGRESSIVE_CONTRIBUTION_SCORE, MAX( pPlayer->GetRoundContributionScore(), 0.0f), false, true ); } else { IncrementStat( pPlayer,CSSTAT_CONTRIBUTION_SCORE, MAX( pPlayer->GetRoundContributionScore(), 0.0f), false, true ); } pPlayer->ClearRoundContributionScore(); pPlayer->ClearRoundProximityScore();
if ( winner == TEAM_CT ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_CT_ROUNDS_WON, 1, true, true ); } else if ( winner == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_T_ROUNDS_WON, 1, true, true ); }
if ( winner == TEAM_CT || winner == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { // Increment the win stats if this player is on the winning team
if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == winner ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_ROUNDS_WON, 1, true, true ); if( CSGameRules( )->IsPlayingGunGame() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSTAT_GUNGAME_ROUNDS_WON, 1, true, true ); }
if ( CSGameRules()->IsPistolRound() ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_PISTOLROUNDS_WON, 1, true, true ); }
if ( mapStatWinIndex != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, mapStatWinIndex, 1, true, true ); } }
if ( mapStatWinIndex != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED ) { IncrementStat( pPlayer, mapStatRoundIndex, 1, true, true ); }
// set the play time for the round
IncrementStat( pPlayer, CSSTAT_PLAYTIME, (int)CSGameRules()->GetRoundElapsedTime(), true, true ); } } }
// send a stats update to all players
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsConnected()) { SendStatsToPlayer(pPlayer, CSSTAT_PRIORITY_ENDROUND); } } }
// Purpose: Log accumulated weapon usage and performance data
void CCSGameStats::DumpMatchWeaponMetrics() { // generate a filename
time_t t = time( NULL ); struct tm *now = localtime( &t ); if ( !now ) return;
int year = now->tm_year + 1900; int month = now->tm_mon + 1; int day = now->tm_mday; int hour = now->tm_hour; int minute = now->tm_min; int second = now->tm_sec;
char filename[ 128 ]; Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "wm_%4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_%s.csv", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr());
FileHandle_t hLogFile = filesystem->Open( filename, "wt" );
if ( hLogFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return;
filesystem->FPrintf(hLogFile, "%s\n", "WeaponId, Mode, Cost, Bullets, CycleTime, TotalShots, TotalHits, TotalDamage, TotalKills");
for (int iWeapon = 0; iWeapon < WEAPON_MAX; ++iWeapon) { const CCSWeaponInfo* pInfo = GetWeaponInfo( (CSWeaponID)iWeapon ); if ( !pInfo ) continue;
const char* pWeaponName = pInfo->szClassName; if ( !pWeaponName ) continue;
if ( IsWeaponClassname( pWeaponName ) ) { pWeaponName += WEAPON_CLASSNAME_PREFIX_LENGTH; }
for ( int iMode = 0; iMode < WeaponMode_MAX; ++iMode) { filesystem->FPrintf(hLogFile, "%s, %d, %d, %d, %f, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", pWeaponName, iMode, pInfo->GetWeaponPrice(), pInfo->GetBullets(), pInfo->GetCycleTime(), m_weaponStats[iWeapon][iMode].shots, m_weaponStats[iWeapon][iMode].hits, m_weaponStats[iWeapon][iMode].damage, m_weaponStats[iWeapon][iMode].kills); } }
filesystem->FPrintf(hLogFile, "\n"); filesystem->FPrintf(hLogFile, "bot_difficulty, %d\n", cv_bot_difficulty.GetInt());
g_pFullFileSystem->Close(hLogFile); }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerConnected( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { ResetPlayerStats( ToCSPlayer( pPlayer ) ); }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerDisconnected( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer ); if ( !pCSPlayer ) return;
ResetPlayerStats( pCSPlayer ); }
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerKilledOther( CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { // This also gets called when the victim is a building. That gets tracked separately as building destruction, don't count it here
if ( !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) return;
CCSPlayer *pPlayerAttacker = ToCSPlayer( pAttacker ); CCSPlayer *pPlayerVictim = ToCSPlayer( pVictim );
// keep track of how many times every player kills every other player
TrackKillStats( pPlayerAttacker, pPlayerVictim );
// Skip rest of stat reporting for friendly fire
if ( pPlayerAttacker->GetTeam() == pVictim->GetTeam() ) return;
CWeaponCSBase* pCSWeapon = dynamic_cast<CWeaponCSBase*>( info.GetWeapon() );
// CSN-8452 Gungame modes were counting towards kills with enemy weapons.
if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingClassic() ) { if ( pCSWeapon ) { if ( pCSWeapon->WasOwnedByTeam( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() ) ) { // Stat is incremented if kill is made with a weapon that was once owned by the team that the killed player is on
IncrementStat(pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_ENEMY_WEAPON, 1); } } }
CSWeaponMode weaponMode = Primary_Mode; if ( pCSWeapon ) { weaponMode = pCSWeapon->m_weaponMode; }
// CSN-8983 - Grenades aren't the player's weapon upon killing. Get the weapon info from the damage.
CSWeaponID weaponId = WEAPON_NONE; const CCSWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfoFronDamage = CCSPlayer::GetWeaponInfoFromDamageInfo(info); if ( pWeaponInfoFronDamage ) { weaponId = pWeaponInfoFronDamage->m_weaponId; }
// update weapon stats
for (int i = 0; WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].killStatId != CSSTAT_UNDEFINED; ++i) { if ( WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].weaponId == weaponId ) { IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, WeaponName_StatId_Table[i].killStatId, 1 ); break; } }
if (pPlayerVictim && pPlayerVictim->IsBlind()) { IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_ENEMY_BLINDED, 1 ); }
if (pPlayerVictim && pPlayerAttacker && pPlayerAttacker->IsBlindForAchievement()) { IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_WHILE_BLINDED, 1 ); }
// [sbodenbender] check for deaths near planted bomb for funfact
if (pPlayerVictim && pPlayerAttacker && pPlayerAttacker->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST && CSGameRules()->m_bBombPlanted) { if ( pPlayerAttacker->IsCloseToActiveBomb() || pPlayerVictim->IsCloseToActiveBomb() ) { IncrementStat(pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_WHILE_DEFENDING_BOMB, 1); } }
//Increment stat if this is a headshot.
if (info.GetDamageType() & DMG_HEADSHOT) { IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_HEADSHOT, 1 ); }
IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS, 1 );
// we don't have a simple way (yet) to check if the victim actually just achieved The Unstoppable Force, so we
// award this achievement simply if they've met the requirements and would have received it.
PlayerStats_t &victimStats = m_aPlayerStats[pVictim->entindex()]; if (victimStats.statsCurrentRound[CSSTAT_KILLS] >= AchievementConsts::ImmovableObject_Kills && !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameProgressive() ) { pPlayerAttacker->AwardAchievement(CSImmovableObject); }
CCSGameRules::TeamPlayerCounts playerCounts[TEAM_MAXCOUNT];
CSGameRules()->GetPlayerCounts(playerCounts); int iAttackerTeamNumber = pPlayerAttacker->GetTeamNumber() ; if (playerCounts[iAttackerTeamNumber].totalAlivePlayers == 1 && playerCounts[iAttackerTeamNumber].killedPlayers >= 2) { IncrementStat(pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_WHILE_LAST_PLAYER_ALIVE, 1); }
//if they were damaged by more than one person that must mean that someone else did damage before the killer finished them off.
if (pPlayerVictim->GetNumEnemyDamagers() > 1) { IncrementStat(pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_ENEMY_WOUNDED, 1); }
// set the number of consecutive kills this scorer has on the victim:
int nConsecutiveKills = pPlayerAttacker ? MAX( FindPlayerStats( pPlayerVictim ).statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[pPlayerAttacker->entindex()], 1 ) : 0; pPlayerVictim->SetLastConcurrentKilled( MIN( nConsecutiveKills, 8 ) );
// check to see if a player killed another with a StatTrak weapon
if ( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon *>( info.GetWeapon() ) ) { // Does the player own this item?
CSteamID HolderSteamID; pAttacker->GetSteamID( &HolderSteamID ); if ( CEconItemView *pItemView = pWeapon->GetEconItemView() ) { // Get the supported killeater types on this weapon
CUtlSortVector<uint32> killEaterTypes; pItemView->GetKillEaterTypes( killEaterTypes );
if ( killEaterTypes.Count() > 0 ) { if ( pItemView->GetAccountID() == HolderSteamID.GetAccountID() ) { // Here we could differentiate on StatTrak types (normal, headshot, etc.):
IncrementStat( pPlayerAttacker, CSSTAT_KILLS_WITH_STATTRAK_WEAPON, 1 ); } } } } }
void CCSGameStats::CalculateOverkill(CCSPlayer* pAttacker, CCSPlayer* pVictim) { //Count domination overkills - Do this before determining domination
if (pAttacker->GetTeam() != pVictim->GetTeam()) { if (pAttacker->IsPlayerDominated(pVictim->entindex())) { IncrementStat( pAttacker, CSSTAT_DOMINATION_OVERKILLS, 1 ); } } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Stats event for giving damage to player
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerDamage( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { CCSPlayer *pAttacker = ToCSPlayer( info.GetAttacker() ); if ( pAttacker && pAttacker->GetTeam() != pBasePlayer->GetTeam() ) { IncrementStat( pAttacker, CSSTAT_DAMAGE, info.GetDamage() ); }
// OGS stats
// See if this is a bullet from a weapon that fires multiple (shotgun)
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( info.GetBulletID() != 0 ) { uint8 iSubBullet = 0; SWeaponHitData *lastHitData = m_WeaponHitData.Count() ? m_WeaponHitData.Tail() : NULL;
// If the previous weapon shot data has the save bulletid, then we check the sub bullet id and increment one from that
if ( lastHitData && lastHitData->m_uiBulletID == CCSPlayer::GetBulletGroup() ) { iSubBullet = lastHitData->m_uiSubBulletID + 1; }
m_WeaponHitData.AddToTail( new SWeaponHitData( ToCSPlayer( pBasePlayer ), info, iSubBullet, CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed, info.GetRecoilIndex() ) ); } #endif
// Purpose: Stats event for giving money to player
void CCSGameStats::Event_MoneyEarned( CCSPlayer* pPlayer, int moneyEarned) { if ( pPlayer && moneyEarned > 0) { IncrementStat(pPlayer, CSSTAT_MONEY_EARNED, moneyEarned); } }
void CCSGameStats::Event_MoneySpent( CCSPlayer* pPlayer, int moneySpent, const char *pItemName ) { if ( pPlayer && moneySpent > 0) { IncrementStat(pPlayer, CSSTAT_MONEY_SPENT, moneySpent); #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( pItemName && !pPlayer->IsBot() ) { CSteamID steamIDForBuyer; pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamIDForBuyer ); m_MarketPurchases.AddToTail( new SMarketPurchases( steamIDForBuyer.ConvertToUint64(), moneySpent, pItemName, CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed ) ); } #endif
} }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerDonatedWeapon (CCSPlayer* pPlayer) { if (pPlayer) { IncrementStat(pPlayer, CSSTAT_WEAPONS_DONATED, 1); } }
void CCSGameStats::Event_MVPEarned( CCSPlayer* pPlayer ) { if (pPlayer) { IncrementStat(pPlayer, CSSTAT_MVPS, 1); } }
// Purpose: Event handler
void CCSGameStats::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *pEventName = event->GetName();
if ( V_strcmp(pEventName, "round_end") == 0 ) { const int reason = event->GetInt( "reason" );
if( reason == Game_Commencing ) { ResetPlayerClassMatchStats(); } else { UpdatePlayerRoundStats(event->GetInt("winner")); } } else if ( V_strcmp( pEventName, "round_officially_ended" ) == 0 ) { #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Upload round stats here to avoid end-of-round visual hitch
UploadRoundStats(); #endif
} else if ( V_strcmp(pEventName, "break_prop") == 0 ) { int userid = event->GetInt("userid", 0); int entindex = event->GetInt("entindex", 0); CBreakableProp* pProp = static_cast<CBreakableProp*>(CBaseEntity::Instance(entindex)); Event_BreakProp(ToCSPlayer(UTIL_PlayerByUserId(userid)), pProp); } else if ( V_strcmp(pEventName, "player_decal") == 0 ) { int userid = event->GetInt("userid", 0); Event_PlayerSprayedDecal(ToCSPlayer(UTIL_PlayerByUserId(userid))); } else if ( V_strcmp(pEventName, "begin_new_match") == 0 ) { CreateNewGameStatsSession(); } else if ( V_strcmp(pEventName, "bomb_planted") == 0 || V_strcmp(pEventName, "bomb_defused") == 0 ) { //Generate a special weapon hit entry for each alive human player
CPlantedC4* pPlantedC4 = g_PlantedC4s[0]; uint8 unBombsite = event->GetInt("site",0); //Get Bombsite
CSBombEventName nBombEventName = BombEventNameFromString(pEventName); for( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { if (CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) ) ) { if ( pCSPlayer->IsConnected() && pCSPlayer->IsAlive() && !pCSPlayer->IsBot() ) { CCSPlayer::StartNewBulletGroup(); SWeaponHitData *pHitData = new SWeaponHitData; if ( pHitData->InitAsBombEvent( pCSPlayer, pPlantedC4, CCSPlayer::GetBulletGroup(), unBombsite, nBombEventName ) ) { CCS_GameStats.RecordWeaponHit( pHitData ); // submission deletes the struct.
} else { delete pHitData; } } } } } }
// Purpose: Return stats for the given player
const PlayerStats_t& CCSGameStats::FindPlayerStats( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) const { return m_aPlayerStats[pPlayer->entindex()]; }
// Purpose: Return stats for the given team
const StatsCollection_t& CCSGameStats::GetTeamStats( int iTeamIndex ) const { int arrayIndex = iTeamIndex - FIRST_GAME_TEAM; Assert( arrayIndex >= 0 && arrayIndex < TEAM_MAXCOUNT - FIRST_GAME_TEAM ); return m_aTeamStats[arrayIndex]; }
// Purpose: Resets the stats for each team
void CCSGameStats::ResetAllTeamStats() { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_aTeamStats); ++i ) { m_aTeamStats[i].Reset(); } }
// Purpose: Resets all stats (including round, match, accumulated and rolling averages
void CCSGameStats::ResetAllStats() { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_aPlayerStats ); i++ ) { m_aPlayerStats[i].statsDelta.Reset(); m_aPlayerStats[i].statsCurrentRound.Reset(); m_aPlayerStats[i].statsCurrentMatch.Reset(); m_aPlayerStats[i].statsKills.Reset(); m_numberOfRoundsForDirectAverages = 0; m_numberOfTerroristEntriesForDirectAverages = 0; m_numberOfCounterTerroristEntriesForDirectAverages = 0; }
ClearOGSRoundStats(); }
void CCSGameStats::ResetWeaponStats() { V_memset(m_weaponStats, 0, sizeof(m_weaponStats)); }
void CCSGameStats::IncrementTeamStat( int iTeamIndex, int iStatIndex, int iAmount ) { int arrayIndex = iTeamIndex - TEAM_TERRORIST; Assert( iStatIndex >= 0 && iStatIndex < CSSTAT_MAX ); if( arrayIndex >= 0 && arrayIndex < TEAM_MAXCOUNT - TEAM_TERRORIST ) { m_aTeamStats[arrayIndex][iStatIndex] += iAmount; } }
// Purpose: Resets all stats for this player
void CCSGameStats::ResetPlayerStats( CBasePlayer* pPlayer ) { PlayerStats_t &stats = m_aPlayerStats[pPlayer->entindex()]; // reset the stats on this player
stats.Reset(); // reset the matrix of who killed whom with respect to this player
ResetKillHistory( pPlayer ); }
// Purpose: Resets the kill history for this player
void CCSGameStats::ResetKillHistory( CBasePlayer* pPlayer ) { int iPlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex();
PlayerStats_t& statsPlayer = m_aPlayerStats[iPlayerIndex];
// for every other player, set all all the kills with respect to this player to 0
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_aPlayerStats ); i++ ) { //reset their record of us.
PlayerStats_t &statsOther = m_aPlayerStats[i]; statsOther.statsKills.iNumKilled[iPlayerIndex] = 0; statsOther.statsKills.iNumKilledBy[iPlayerIndex] = 0; statsOther.statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[iPlayerIndex] = 0;
//reset our record of them
statsPlayer.statsKills.iNumKilled[i] = 0; statsPlayer.statsKills.iNumKilledBy[i] = 0; statsPlayer.statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[i] = 0; } }
// Purpose: Resets per-round stats for all players
void CCSGameStats::ResetRoundStats() { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_aPlayerStats ); i++ ) { m_aPlayerStats[i].statsCurrentRound.Reset(); }
ClearOGSRoundStats(); }
// Purpose: Reset round stats
void CCSGameStats::ClearOGSRoundStats() { #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
m_WeaponHitData.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_WeaponMissData.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_WeaponShotData.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_MarketPurchases.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); #endif
// Purpose: Increments specified stat for specified player by specified amount
void CCSGameStats::IncrementStat( CCSPlayer* pPlayer, CSStatType_t statId, int iDelta, bool bPlayerOnly /* = false */, bool bIncludeBotController /* = false */ ) { // note: don't track stats for players after they switch teams
if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->m_bTeamChanged) { // if we're controlling a bot, credit the BOT with our stats
if( pPlayer->IsControllingBot() ) { CCSPlayer* controlledPlayer = pPlayer->GetControlledBot();
AssertMsg( controlledPlayer != pPlayer, "Player should never match controlled player: this will cause an infinite loop" ); if( controlledPlayer ) { IncrementStat( controlledPlayer, statId,iDelta,bPlayerOnly ); }
if ( !bIncludeBotController ) return; }
PlayerStats_t &stats = m_aPlayerStats[pPlayer->entindex()]; stats.statsDelta[statId] += iDelta; stats.statsCurrentRound[statId] += iDelta; stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId] += iDelta;
// increment team stat
int teamIndex = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() - FIRST_GAME_TEAM; if ( !bPlayerOnly && teamIndex >= 0 && teamIndex < ARRAYSIZE(m_aTeamStats) ) { m_aTeamStats[teamIndex][statId] += iDelta; }
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ServerStatBasedAchievements); ++i) { if (ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].statId == statId) { // skip this if there is a map filter and it doesn't match
if (ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].mapFilter != NULL && V_strcmp(gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(), ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].mapFilter) != 0) continue;
if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGameProgressive() && ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].disallowGunGameProgressive ) continue;
bool bWasMet = ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].IsMet(stats.statsCurrentRound[statId] - iDelta, stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId] - iDelta); bool bIsMet = ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].IsMet(stats.statsCurrentRound[statId], stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId]); if (!bWasMet && bIsMet) { pPlayer->AwardAchievement(ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].achievementId); } } } } }
// Purpose: Sets the specified stat for specified player to the specified amount
void CCSGameStats::SetStat( CCSPlayer *pPlayer, CSStatType_t statId, int iValue ) { if (pPlayer) { int oldRoundValue, oldMatchValue; PlayerStats_t &stats = m_aPlayerStats[pPlayer->entindex()];
oldRoundValue = stats.statsCurrentRound[statId]; oldMatchValue = stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId];
stats.statsDelta[statId] = iValue; stats.statsCurrentRound[statId] = iValue; stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId] = iValue;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ServerStatBasedAchievements); ++i) { if (ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].statId == statId) { // skip this if there is a map filter and it doesn't match
if (ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].mapFilter != NULL && V_strcmp(gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(), ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].mapFilter) != 0) continue;
bool bWasMet = ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].IsMet(oldRoundValue, oldMatchValue); bool bIsMet = ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].IsMet(stats.statsCurrentRound[statId], stats.statsCurrentMatch[statId]); if (!bWasMet && bIsMet) { pPlayer->AwardAchievement(ServerStatBasedAchievements[i].achievementId); } } } } }
void CRC32Helper_ProcessInt16( CRC32_t &crc, int16 n ) { int16 plat_n = LittleShort( n ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, &plat_n, sizeof(plat_n) ); }
void CRC32Helper_ProcessInt32( CRC32_t &crc, int32 n ) { int32 plat_n = LittleDWord( n ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, &plat_n, sizeof(plat_n) ); }
void CRC32Helper_ProcessUInt32( CRC32_t &crc, uint32 n ) { uint32 plat_n = LittleDWord( n ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, &plat_n, sizeof(plat_n) ); }
void CCSGameStats::SendStatsToPlayer( CCSPlayer * pPlayer, int iMinStatPriority ) { ASSERT(CSSTAT_MAX < 0xFFFF); // if we add more than 2^16 stats, we'll need to update this protocol
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsConnected()) { StatsCollection_t &deltaStats = m_aPlayerStats[pPlayer->entindex()].statsDelta;
// check to see if we have any stats to actually send
short iStatsToSend = 0; for ( int iStat = CSSTAT_FIRST; iStat < CSSTAT_MAX; ++iStat ) { int iPriority = CSStatProperty_Table[iStat].flags & CSSTAT_PRIORITY_MASK; if (deltaStats[iStat] != 0 && iPriority >= iMinStatPriority) { #if defined ( DEBUG_STAT_TRANSMISSION )
Msg( "Sending Stat '%s' to client. Value: %d\n", CSStatProperty_Table[iStat].szSteamName, deltaStats[iStat] ); #endif
++iStatsToSend; } }
// nothing changed - bail out
if ( !iStatsToSend ) return;
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer ); filter.MakeReliable();
CCSUsrMsg_PlayerStatsUpdate msg; CRC32_t crc; CRC32_Init( &crc );
// begin the CRC with a trivially hidden key value to discourage packet modification
const uint32 key = 0x82DA9F4C; // this key should match the key in cs_client_gamestats.cpp
CRC32Helper_ProcessUInt32( crc, key );
// if we make any change to the ordering of the stats or this message format, update this value
const byte version = 0x03; CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, &version, sizeof(version)); msg.set_version(version);
CRC32Helper_ProcessInt16( crc, iStatsToSend );
for ( short iStat = CSSTAT_FIRST; iStat < CSSTAT_MAX; ++iStat ) { int iPriority = CSStatProperty_Table[iStat].flags & CSSTAT_PRIORITY_MASK; if (deltaStats[iStat] != 0 && iPriority >= iMinStatPriority) { CCSUsrMsg_PlayerStatsUpdate::Stat *pStat = msg.add_stats();
CRC32Helper_ProcessInt16( crc, iStat ); pStat->set_idx(iStat);
Assert(deltaStats[iStat] <= 0x7FFF && deltaStats[iStat] > 0); // make sure we aren't truncating bits
short delta = deltaStats[iStat]; CRC32Helper_ProcessInt16( crc, delta ); pStat->set_delta( deltaStats[iStat]);
deltaStats[iStat] = 0; --iStatsToSend; } }
Assert(iStatsToSend == 0);
int userID = pPlayer->GetUserID(); msg.set_user_id( userID ); CRC32Helper_ProcessInt32( crc, userID );
CRC32_Final( &crc ); msg.set_crc(crc);
SendUserMessage( filter, CS_UM_PlayerStatsUpdate, msg ); } }
// Purpose: Sends intermittent stats updates for stats that need to be updated during a round and/or life
void CCSGameStats::PreClientUpdate() { int iMinStatPriority = -1; m_fDisseminationTimerHigh += gpGlobals->frametime; m_fDisseminationTimerLow += gpGlobals->frametime;
if ( m_fDisseminationTimerHigh > cDisseminationTimeHigh) { iMinStatPriority = CSSTAT_PRIORITY_HIGH; m_fDisseminationTimerHigh = 0.0f;
if ( m_fDisseminationTimerLow > cDisseminationTimeLow) { iMinStatPriority = CSSTAT_PRIORITY_LOW; m_fDisseminationTimerLow = 0.0f; } } else return;
//The proper time has elapsed, now send the update to every player
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(iPlayerIndex) ); SendStatsToPlayer(pPlayer, iMinStatPriority); } }
// Purpose: Updates the stats of who has killed whom
void CCSGameStats::TrackKillStats( CCSPlayer *pAttacker, CCSPlayer *pVictim ) { int iPlayerIndexAttacker = pAttacker->entindex(); int iPlayerIndexVictim = pVictim->entindex();
PlayerStats_t &statsAttacker = m_aPlayerStats[iPlayerIndexAttacker]; PlayerStats_t &statsVictim = m_aPlayerStats[iPlayerIndexVictim];
if( !pVictim->IsControllingBot() ) { statsVictim.statsKills.iNumKilledBy[iPlayerIndexAttacker]++; statsVictim.statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[iPlayerIndexAttacker]++; }
if( !pAttacker->IsControllingBot() ) { statsAttacker.statsKills.iNumKilled[iPlayerIndexVictim]++; statsAttacker.statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[iPlayerIndexVictim] = 0; } }
// Purpose: Determines if attacker and victim have gotten domination or revenge
void CCSGameStats::CalcDominationAndRevenge( CCSPlayer *pAttacker, CCSPlayer *pVictim, int *piDeathFlags ) { // [Forrest] Allow nemesis/revenge to be turned off for a server
if ( sv_nonemesis.GetBool() ) { return; }
// if we aren't playing gungame, we dont do domination or revenge
if ( !CSGameRules()->IsPlayingGunGame() ) return;
//If there is no attacker, there is no domination or revenge
if( !pAttacker || !pVictim ) { return; } if (pAttacker->GetTeam() == pVictim->GetTeam()) { return; } int iPlayerIndexVictim = pVictim->entindex(); PlayerStats_t &statsVictim = m_aPlayerStats[iPlayerIndexVictim]; // calculate # of unanswered kills between killer & victim
// This is plus 1 as this function gets called before the stat is updated. That is done so that the domination
// and revenge will be calculated prior to the death message being sent to the clients
int attackerEntityIndex = pAttacker->entindex(); int iKillsUnanswered = statsVictim.statsKills.iNumKilledByUnanswered[attackerEntityIndex] + 1;
if ( CS_KILLS_FOR_DOMINATION == iKillsUnanswered ) { // this is the Nth unanswered kill between killer and victim, killer is now dominating victim
*piDeathFlags |= ( CS_DEATH_DOMINATION ); } else if ( pVictim->IsPlayerDominated( pAttacker->entindex() ) && !pAttacker->IsControllingBot() ) { // the killer killed someone who was dominating him, gains revenge
*piDeathFlags |= ( CS_DEATH_REVENGE ); }
//Check the overkill on 1 player achievement
if (!pAttacker->IsControllingBot() && iKillsUnanswered == CS_KILLS_FOR_DOMINATION + AchievementConsts::ExtendedDomination_AdditionalKills) { pAttacker->AwardAchievement(CSExtendedDomination); }
if (!pAttacker->IsControllingBot() && iKillsUnanswered == CS_KILLS_FOR_DOMINATION) { //this is the Nth unanswered kill between killer and victim, killer is now dominating victim
//set victim to be dominated by killer
pAttacker->SetPlayerDominated( pVictim, true );
//Check concurrent dominations achievement
int numConcurrentDominations = 0; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients ; i++ ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer= ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if (pPlayer && pAttacker->IsPlayerDominated(pPlayer->entindex())) { numConcurrentDominations++; } } if (numConcurrentDominations >= AchievementConsts::ConcurrentDominations_MinDominations) { pAttacker->AwardAchievement(CSConcurrentDominations); }
// record stats
Event_PlayerDominatedOther( pAttacker, pVictim ); } else if ( pVictim->IsPlayerDominated( pAttacker->entindex() ) && !pAttacker->IsControllingBot() ) { // the killer killed someone who was dominating him, gains revenge
// set victim to no longer be dominating the killer
pVictim->SetPlayerDominated( pAttacker, false ); // record stats
Event_PlayerRevenge( pAttacker ); } }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerDominatedOther( CCSPlayer *pAttacker, CCSPlayer* pVictim ) { IncrementStat( pAttacker, CSSTAT_DOMINATIONS, 1 ); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerRevenge( CCSPlayer *pAttacker ) { IncrementStat( pAttacker, CSSTAT_REVENGES, 1 ); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_PlayerAvengedTeammate( CCSPlayer* pAttacker, CCSPlayer* pAvengedPlayer ) { if (pAttacker && pAvengedPlayer) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_avenged_teammate" );
if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "avenger_id", pAttacker->GetUserID() ); event->SetInt( "avenged_player_id", pAvengedPlayer->GetUserID() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } }
void CCSGameStats::Event_LevelInit() { ResetAllTeamStats(); ResetWeaponStats(); CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelInit(); }
void CCSGameStats::Event_LevelShutdown( float fElapsed ) { if (sv_dumpmatchweaponmetrics.GetBool()) { DumpMatchWeaponMetrics(); } CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelShutdown(fElapsed);
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
GetSteamWorksGameStatsServer().EndSession(); #endif
// Reset any per match info that resides in the player class
void CCSGameStats::ResetPlayerClassMatchStats() { for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->SetNumMVPs( 0 ); } } }
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
extern double g_rowCommitTime; extern double g_rowWriteTime; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Submits all round specific data to the OGS system
void CCSGameStats::UploadRoundStats( void ) { #if !defined( NO_STEAM )
// If we don't have any data to send, we can early out now;
// Purpose: Linux servers hang if they submit too many bullets at once and they restart. That's bad!
// Only report rounds that are likely to yield valuable data and not cause issues:
// Competitive Rounds (including tournaments on other servers)
// Valve's Casual Rounds (to capture Operation Payback and other special events).
bool bIsCompetitiveRound = ( game_mode.GetInt() == 1 && game_type.GetInt() == 0 && CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->GetRoundLength() < 300 ); bool bIsValveCasualRound = ( game_mode.GetInt() == 0 && game_type.GetInt() == 0 && IsValveDedicated() ); //Adding IsValveDedicated
static char const * s_pchTournamentServer = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-tournament", ( char const * ) NULL ); static bool s_bSubmittingStats = ( RandomFloat() < 0.1 ) || ( IsValveDedicated() && s_pchTournamentServer ); // Valve tournament major servers do not throttle
bool bIsValidMatch = bIsCompetitiveRound || bIsValveCasualRound;
if ( !bIsValidMatch || !s_bSubmittingStats ) { CCSPlayer::ResetBulletGroup(); ClearOGSRoundStats(); return; }
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "basedata" ); if ( !pKV ) return;
CFastTimer totalTimer, weaponHitTimer, weaponMissTimer, marketPurchaseTimer, submitTimer, cleanupTimer; g_rowCommitTime = 0.0f; g_rowWriteTime = 0.0f;
totalTimer.Start(); const char *pzMapName = gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(); pKV->SetString( "MapID", pzMapName );
// Calculate the shot misses by searching for any entries that are in the shot fired list but not in the damage given list
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_WeaponShotData.Count() ; ++i ) { bool found = false; for ( int k=0 ; k < m_WeaponHitData.Count() ; ++k ) { // This shot was a hit so we can move on and search for the next miss
if ( m_WeaponShotData[i]->m_uiBulletID == m_WeaponHitData[k]->m_uiBulletID && m_WeaponShotData[i]->m_uiSubBulletID == m_WeaponHitData[k]->m_uiSubBulletID ) { found = true; break; } }
// This shot was a miss so add it to Missed container
if ( !found ) { m_WeaponMissData.AddToTail( new SWeaponMissData( m_WeaponShotData[i] ) ); } }
weaponHitTimer.Start(); uint32 iNumHits = m_WeaponHitData.Count(); for ( int j=0 ; j < m_WeaponHitData.Count() ; ++j ) { m_WeaponHitData[ j ]->CompactBulletID(); SubmitStat( m_WeaponHitData[ j ] ); } weaponHitTimer.End();
weaponMissTimer.Start(); uint32 iNumMisses = m_WeaponMissData.Count(); for ( int k=0 ; k < m_WeaponMissData.Count() ; ++k ) { m_WeaponMissData[ k ]->CompactBulletID(); SubmitStat( m_WeaponMissData[ k ] ); } weaponMissTimer.End();
marketPurchaseTimer.Start(); uint32 iNumPurchases = m_MarketPurchases.Count(); for ( int k=0 ; k < m_MarketPurchases.Count() ; ++k ) SubmitStat( m_MarketPurchases[ k ] ); marketPurchaseTimer.End();
submitTimer.Start(); // Perform the actual submission
SubmitGameStats( pKV ); submitTimer.End();
cleanupTimer.Start(); // Clear out the per round stats
ClearOGSRoundStats(); pKV->deleteThis(); cleanupTimer.End();
if ( sv_debugroundstats.GetBool() ) { Msg( "**** ROUND STAT DEBUG ****\n" ); Msg( "UploadRoundStats completed. %.3f msec. Breakdown:\n hit: %.3f msec\n miss: %.3f msec\n market: %.3f msec\n submit: %.3f msec\n cleanup: %.3f msec\n counts: %d %d %d \n commit: %.3fms\n write: %.3fms.\n\n", totalTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), weaponHitTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), weaponMissTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), marketPurchaseTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), submitTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), cleanupTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(), iNumHits, iNumMisses, iNumPurchases, g_rowCommitTime, g_rowWriteTime ); }
// Reset the bullet ID.
CCSPlayer::ResetBulletGroup(); #endif // !NO_STEAM
#if 0
CON_COMMAND ( teststats, "Test command" ) { CFastTimer totalTimer; double uploadTime = 0.0f; g_rowCommitTime = 0.0f; g_rowWriteTime = 0.0f;
for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "basedata" ); if ( !pKV ) return;
pKV->SetName( "foobartest" ); pKV->SetUint64( "test1", 1234 ); pKV->SetUint64( "test2", 1234 ); pKV->SetUint64( "test3", 1234 ); pKV->SetUint64( "test4", 1234 ); pKV->SetString( "test5", "TEST1234567890TEST1234567890TEST!");
totalTimer.Start(); GetSteamWorksGameStatsServer().AddStatsForUpload( pKV, args.ArgC() == 1 ); totalTimer.End();
uploadTime += totalTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF(); }
Msg( "teststats took %.3f msec commit: %.3fms write: %.3fms.\n", uploadTime, g_rowCommitTime, g_rowWriteTime ); } #endif
// Purpose:
void CCSGameStats::SubmitGameStats( KeyValues *pKV ) { #if !defined( NO_STEAM )
int listCount = s_StatLists->Count(); for( int i=0; i < listCount; ++i ) { // Create a master key value that has stats everybody should share (map name, session ID, etc)
(*s_StatLists)[i]->SendData(pKV); (*s_StatLists)[i]->Clear(); } #endif // !NO_STEAM
// Purpose:
CCSGameStats::StatContainerList_t* CCSGameStats::GetStatContainerList( void ) { #if !defined( NO_STEAM )
return s_StatLists; #else
return NULL; #endif
// Purpose:
bool CCSGameStats::AnyOGSDataToSubmit( void ) { #if !defined( NO_STEAM )
return m_WeaponShotData.Count() > 0 || m_MarketPurchases.Count() > 0; #else
return false; #endif
void CCSGameStats::CreateNewGameStatsSession( void ) { GetSteamWorksGameStatsServer().EndSession(); GetSteamWorksGameStatsServer().StartSession(); }
void CCSGameStats::RecordWeaponHit( SWeaponHitData* pHitData ) { m_WeaponHitData.AddToTail( pHitData ); }
float UTIL_GetEffectiveRange( CCSPlayer* pPlayer ) { if ( !pPlayer ) return 0.0f;
CWeaponCSBase *weapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase * >( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() );
if ( !weapon ) return 0.0f;
Vector vecDirShooting, vecRight, vecUp; AngleVectors( pPlayer->GetFinalAimAngle(), &vecDirShooting, &vecRight, &vecUp ); float fInaccuracy = weapon->GetInaccuracy(); float fSpread = weapon->GetSpread(); float fFinalInaccuracy = fInaccuracy + fSpread; Vector vecInaccFinal = vecDirShooting + fFinalInaccuracy * vecRight + fFinalInaccuracy * vecUp; VectorNormalize( vecInaccFinal ); float flDotInaccFinal = DotProduct( vecDirShooting.Normalized(), vecInaccFinal.Normalized() ); float flAngleInaccFinal = flDotInaccFinal < 0.0f ? -acos( flDotInaccFinal ) : acos( flDotInaccFinal ); //Msg( "Inaccuracy : %.2f deg.\n", RAD2DEG( flAngleInaccFinal ) );
return ( 0.5 * 12 ) / tanf( 0.5 * flAngleInaccFinal ); // 12 inch dinner plate
SWeaponHitData::SWeaponHitData( CCSPlayer *pCSTarget, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, uint8 subBullet, uint8 round, uint8 iRecoilIndex ) { Clear();
CWeaponCSBase* pCSWeapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase * >(info.GetWeapon());
// If we don't have a valid pCSWeapon then the weapon is most likely a radius type weapon
uint8 shotInaccuracy = 0;
{ CBaseEntity* pInflictor = info.GetInflictor();
if ( CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile* pGrenade = dynamic_cast< CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile* >( pInflictor ) ) { //Some form of grenade, not Molotov.
if ( CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pGrenade->GetThrower() ) ) { for ( int i = LOADOUT_POSITION_GRENADE0; i <= LOADOUT_POSITION_GRENADE5; ++i ) { if ( !pGrenade->m_pWeaponInfo ) continue;
if ( !pPlayer->Inventory() ) continue;
CEconItemView *pGrenadeItemView = pPlayer->Inventory()->GetItemInLoadout( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), i ); //LOADOUT_POSITION_GRENADE0 );
if ( !pGrenadeItemView || !pGrenadeItemView->GetItemDefinition() ) continue;
//if ( V_strcmp( pGrenadeItemView->GetItemDefinition()->GetItemClass(), pGrenadeItemView->m_pWeaponInfo->szClassname ) == 0 )
if ( V_strcmp( pGrenadeItemView->GetItemDefinition()->GetItemClass(), pGrenade->m_pWeaponInfo->szClassName ) == 0 ) { m_ui8WeaponID = (uint8)pGrenadeItemView->GetItemIndex(); } } } } else if ( CInferno* pInferno = dynamic_cast< CInferno* >( pInflictor ) ) { //Molotov's FIRE damage, not the projectile itself.
CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( info.GetAttacker() ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->Inventory() ) { for ( int i = LOADOUT_POSITION_GRENADE0; i <= LOADOUT_POSITION_GRENADE5; ++i ) { CEconItemView *pInfernoItemView = pPlayer->Inventory()->GetItemInLoadout( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), i ); if ( !pInfernoItemView || !pInfernoItemView->GetItemDefinition() || !pInferno->GetSourceWeaponInfo() ) continue;
if ( V_strcmp( pInfernoItemView->GetItemDefinition()->GetItemClass(), pInferno->GetSourceWeaponInfo()->szClassName) == 0 ) { m_ui8WeaponID = (uint8)pInfernoItemView->GetItemIndex(); } } } } else if ( CPlantedC4* pPlantedC4 = dynamic_cast< CPlantedC4* > ( pInflictor ) ) { //C4 explosion damage
if ( CCSPlayer *pPlayer = pPlantedC4->GetPlanter() ) { if ( CEconItemView *pPlantedC4ItemView = pPlayer->Inventory()->GetItemInLoadout( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), LOADOUT_POSITION_C4 ) ) { m_ui8WeaponID = (uint8)pPlantedC4ItemView->GetItemIndex(); } } } }
CCSPlayer *pCSAttacker = ToCSPlayer( info.GetAttacker() );
// If there isn't a valid attacker, then try using the weapon's owner entity
if ( !pCSAttacker && pCSWeapon ) { pCSAttacker = ToCSPlayer( pCSWeapon->GetOwnerEntity() ); }
if ( pCSAttacker ) { // If we haven't been able to classify the weapon yet, then assume it's the player's current active weapon.
if ( m_ui8WeaponID == WEAPON_NONE && pCSAttacker->GetActiveWeapon() ) { CWeaponCSBase* pCSWeapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase * >(pCSAttacker->GetActiveWeapon());
m_ui8WeaponID = /*pCSWeapon ? (uint8)pCSWeapon->GetEconItemView()->GetItemIndex() :*/ WEAPON_NONE; }
m_vAttackerPos = pCSAttacker->GetAbsOrigin(); m_ui64AttackerID = GetPlayerID( pCSAttacker );
m_uAttackerMovement = (uint8)pCSAttacker->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() << 8 | (FBitSet( pCSAttacker->GetFlags(), FL_ONGROUND ) ? 0 : 1) << 16 //Not on ground?
| (FBitSet( pCSAttacker->GetFlags(), FL_DUCKING ) ? 1 : 0) << 17 | shotInaccuracy;
if ( pCSTarget ) { m_vTargetPos = pCSTarget->GetAbsOrigin(); m_uiDamage = info.GetDamage(); m_ui8Health = pCSTarget->GetHealth();
// Where on the target's body was hit?
m_HitRegion = pCSTarget->m_LastHitGroup; m_ui64TargertID = GetPlayerID( pCSTarget );
m_uAttackerMovement = m_uAttackerMovement | (uint8)pCSTarget->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() << 24; }
m_uiBulletID = info.GetBulletID(); m_uiSubBulletID = subBullet; m_uiRecoilIndex = iRecoilIndex; m_RoundID = round; }
bool SWeaponHitData::InitAsGrenadeDetonation( CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile *pGrenade, uint32 unBulletGroup ) { // Weaponinfo gets set in different places for different grenades...
// all grenades getting detonated should have a weaponinfo set by then, but it's hard to know that just reading
// the code. Putting a warning/safety guard here just in case.
if ( !pGrenade || !pGrenade->m_pWeaponInfo ) { Warning( "Failing to submit row for a grenade detonation: Grenade has no weapon info!\n" ); return false; }
m_ui8WeaponID = pGrenade->m_pWeaponInfo->m_weaponId; CCSPlayer *pCSAttacker = ToCSPlayer( pGrenade->GetThrower() ); Assert( pGrenade->GetThrower() == pGrenade->GetOriginalThrower() ); // Appears these are always the same-- If this fires, investigate which should be recorded.
if ( pCSAttacker ) { m_vAttackerPos = pCSAttacker->GetAbsOrigin(); m_ui64AttackerID = GetPlayerID( pCSAttacker ); }
// target is always null for grenade detonation rows, origin is the place we landed
m_ui64TargertID = 0; m_vTargetPos = pGrenade->GetAbsOrigin(); m_uiBulletID = unBulletGroup;
// overriding to store info about what the grenaded did upon detonation
m_HitRegion = pGrenade->m_unOGSExtraFlags;
m_RoundID = CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed;
// for flashes, using these fields to smuggle counts of players effected
if ( CFlashbangProjectile *pFlash = dynamic_cast<CFlashbangProjectile*>(pGrenade) ) { m_uiDamage = pFlash->m_numOpponentsHit; m_ui8Health = pFlash->m_numTeammatesHit; } else { m_uiDamage = 0; m_ui8Health = 0; }
// todo: possible places to smuggle info
m_uiSubBulletID = 0; m_uiRecoilIndex = 0; return true; }
bool SWeaponHitData::InitAsBombEvent( CCSPlayer *pCSPlayer, CPlantedC4 *pPlantedC4, uint32 unBulletGroup, uint8 unBombsite, CSBombEventName nBombEventID ) { // If for any reason we cannot get a pointer to the currently-planted C4 or current player, skip data collection
if ( !pCSPlayer || !pPlantedC4 ) { Warning( "Failing to submit row for bomb plant: Player or C4 missing!\n" ); return false; }
//If bomb has been planted and is not defused, set TargetID to Planter
//If bomb has been planted and has been defused, set TargetID to Defuser
//Store plant state in m_uiDamage
m_uiDamage = nBombEventID;
if ( CCSPlayer *pPlanter = pPlantedC4->GetPlanter() ) { //Get data from planted C4: WeaponID
if ( CEconItemView *pPlantedC4ItemView = pPlanter->Inventory()->GetItemInLoadout( pPlanter->GetTeamNumber(), LOADOUT_POSITION_C4 ) ) { m_ui8WeaponID = (uint8)pPlantedC4ItemView->GetItemIndex(); } if ( nBombEventID == BOMB_EVENT_NAME_PLANTED ) { m_ui64TargertID = GetPlayerID( pPlanter ); m_uiDamage = 1; } if ( nBombEventID == BOMB_EVENT_NAME_DEFUSED ) { if ( CCSPlayer *pDefuser = pPlantedC4->GetDefuser() ) { m_ui64TargertID = GetPlayerID( pDefuser ); } } }
m_vTargetPos = pPlantedC4->GetAbsOrigin(); //Record Bomb Location
// Attacker position, in this case, is just the location of the current alive player
if ( pCSPlayer ) { m_vAttackerPos = pCSPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); m_ui64AttackerID = GetPlayerID( pCSPlayer ); } m_uiBulletID = unBulletGroup;
// overriding to store info about the bombsite involved.
// Shifting storage of unBombsite from m_HitRegion, because we have no guarantee that the value will fall within a tinyint field.
m_uAttackerMovement = unBombsite;
m_RoundID = CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed;
// fields remaining to store info about the plant/defuse event
// m_HitRegion = 0;
// m_ui8Health = 0;
// m_uiSubBulletID = 0;
// m_uiRecoilIndex = 0;
return true; }
#endif // !_GAMECONSOLE