//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hltvdirector.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CCSHLTVDirector : public CHLTVDirector { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CCSHLTVDirector, CHLTVDirector );
const char** GetModEvents(); void AddHLTVServer( IHLTVServer *hltv ); void CreateShotFromEvent( CHLTVGameEvent *event );
void CCSHLTVDirector::AddHLTVServer( IHLTVServer *hltv ) { BaseClass::AddHLTVServer( hltv );
// mod specific events the director uses to find interesting shots
ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_rescued" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_killed" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_hurt" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hostage_follows" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_pickup" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_dropped" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_exploded" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_defused" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_planted" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_begindefuse" ); ListenForGameEvent( "bomb_beginplant" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vip_escaped" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vip_killed" ); }
void CCSHLTVDirector::CreateShotFromEvent( CHLTVGameEvent *event ) { // show event at least for 2 more seconds after it occured
const char *name = event->m_Event->GetName(); IGameEvent *shot = NULL;
CBaseEntity *player = NULL;
if ( !Q_strcmp( "hostage_rescued", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "hostage_hurt", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "hostage_follows", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "hostage_killed", name ) ) { player = UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->m_Event->GetInt("userid") );
if ( !player ) return;
// shot player as primary, hostage as secondary target
shot = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_chase", true ); shot->SetInt( "target1", player->entindex() ); shot->SetInt( "target2", event->m_Event->GetInt("hostage") ); shot->SetFloat( "distance", 96.0f ); shot->SetInt( "theta", 40 ); shot->SetInt( "phi", 20 );
// shot 2 seconds after event
m_nNextShotTick = MIN( m_nNextShotTick, (event->m_Tick+TIME_TO_TICKS(2.0)) ); m_iPVSEntity = player->entindex(); }
else if ( !Q_strcmp( "bomb_beginplant", name ) || !Q_strcmp( "bomb_begindefuse", name ) ) {
player = UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->m_Event->GetInt("userid") );
if ( !player ) return;
// chasecam
shot = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_chase", true );
if ( shot ) { shot->SetInt( "target1", player->entindex() ); shot->SetInt( "target2", 0 ); shot->SetFloat( "distance", 500.0f ); shot->SetInt( "theta", 180 ); shot->SetInt( "phi", 45 ); shot->SetBool( "ineye", true );
// shot 3 seconds after pickup
m_nNextShotTick = MIN( m_nNextShotTick, (event->m_Tick+TIME_TO_TICKS(3.0)) ); m_iPVSEntity = player->entindex();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HltvServers.Count(); ++i ) { m_HltvServers[ i ].m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( shot ); } gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( shot ); DevMsg("DrcCmd: %s\n", name );
return; } } // let baseclass create a shot
BaseClass::CreateShotFromEvent( event ); }
const char** CCSHLTVDirector::GetModEvents() { // game events relayed to spectator clients
static const char *s_modevents[] = { "hltv_status", "hltv_chat", "player_connect", "player_connect_full", "player_disconnect", "player_team", "player_info", "server_cvar", "player_changename", "teamplay_broadcast_audio", "player_death", "other_death", "player_hurt", "player_chat", "round_start", "round_end", // additional CS:S events:
"bomb_planted", "bomb_defused", "bomb_beginplant", "bomb_begindefuse", "hostage_killed", "hostage_hurt", "begin_new_match", // UI events
"cs_match_end_restart", "cs_game_disconnected", "announce_phase_end", "round_mvp", "server_spawn", "player_spawn", "hltv_status", "cs_win_panel_round", "endmatch_cmm_start_reveal_items", "game_newmap", "hostage_rescued", "bomb_exploded", "bomb_pickup", "bomb_dropped", "defuser_pickup", "defuser_dropped", "decoy_started", "decoy_detonate", "hegrenade_detonate", "flashbang_detonate", "smokegrenade_detonate", "smokegrenade_expired", "inferno_startburn", "inferno_expire", "bot_takeover", "bomb_beep", "weapon_fire", "weapon_fire_on_empty", "weapon_outofammo", "weapon_reload", "weapon_zoom", "player_footstep", "player_jump", "player_blind", "round_freeze_end", "cs_win_panel_match", "cs_pre_restart", "tournament_reward", "item_found", "items_gifted", "achievement_earned", "round_announce_warmup", "round_announce_last_round_half", "round_announce_final", "round_announce_match_point", "round_poststart", "buytime_ended", "round_time_warning", "dm_bonus_weapon_start", "endmatch_mapvote_selecting_map", "cs_round_start_beep", "cs_round_final_beep", "round_announce_match_start", "seasoncoin_levelup", "player_falldamage", "hostage_rescued_all", "round_officially_ended", "round_prestart", NULL };
return s_modevents; }
static CCSHLTVDirector s_HLTVDirector; // singleton
CHLTVDirector* HLTVDirector() { return &s_HLTVDirector; }
IGameSystem* HLTVDirectorSystem() { return &s_HLTVDirector; }