//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: CS-specific things to vote on
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_voteissues.h"
#include "cs_player.h"
#include "vote_controller.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "inetchannelinfo.h"
#include "cs_gamestats.h"
#include "gametypes.h"
//[tj]removing this to get voting to compile
//#include "cs_gcmessages.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar mp_maxrounds; extern ConVar mp_winlimit;
// Purpose: Base CS Issue
// Purpose: Restart Round Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Can people hold votes to restart the game?" ); ConVar sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after( "sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Arms Race gun level after which vote to restart is disallowed" );
// Purpose:
void CRestartGameIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_restartgame 1;" ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CRestartGameIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { if ( sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed.GetBool() ) { // Vote to restart is allowed
if ( sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after.GetInt() > 0 ) { // Need to test if a player has surpassed the maximum weapon progression
if ( sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after.GetInt() > CSGameRules()->GetMaxGunGameProgressiveWeaponIndex() ) { // No players have surpassed the maximum weapon progression, so enable vote to restart
return true; } else { // A player has surpassed the maximum weapon progression, so disable vote to restart
return false; } }
// No maximum weapon progression value is defined, so enable vote to restart
return true; }
// Vote to restart is not enabled
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CRestartGameIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CRestartGameIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_restart_game"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CRestartGameIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_restart_game"; }
// Purpose:
void CRestartGameIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: Kick Player Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Can people hold votes to kick players from the server?" ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_ban_duration( "sv_vote_kick_ban_duration", "15", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_RELEASE, "How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)" );
// Purpose:
void CKickIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { CCSPlayer *subject = NULL;
//[tj] Not applicable without TF-specific GC code
//uint32 unReason = kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Other;
uint32 unReason;
ExtractDataFromDetails( m_szDetailsString, &subject, &unReason );
if( subject ) { // Check the cached value of player crashed state
if ( ( sv_vote_kick_ban_duration.GetInt() > 0 ) && !m_bPlayerCrashed ) { CSGameRules()->SendKickBanToGC( subject, k_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingKickBanReason_VotedOff ); // don't roll the kick command into this, it will fail on a lan, where kickid will go through
engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "banid %d %d;", sv_vote_kick_ban_duration.GetInt(), subject->GetUserID() ) ); }
engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "kickid_ex %d %d You have been voted off;", subject->GetUserID(), CSGameRules()->IsPlayingOffline() ? 0 : 1 ) ); } else if ( !m_bPlayerCrashed && m_steamIDtoBan.IsValid() && ( sv_vote_kick_ban_duration.GetInt() > 0 ) ) { // Player has already disconnected, but let's still ban him!
CSGameRules()->SendKickBanToGCforAccountId( m_steamIDtoBan.GetAccountID(), k_EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingKickBanReason_VotedOff );
// Also enlist this user's SteamID in the banlist
engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "banid %d STEAM64BITID_%llu;", sv_vote_kick_ban_duration.GetInt(), m_steamIDtoBan.ConvertToUint64() ) ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CKickIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CKickIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCooperativeGametype() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
CCSPlayer *pSubject = NULL; ExtractDataFromDetails( pszDetails, &pSubject ); if ( !pSubject || pSubject->IsBot() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND; return false; }
if ( pSubject->IsReplay() || pSubject->IsHLTV() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_PLAYERNOTFOUND; return false; } CBaseEntity *pVoteCaller = UTIL_EntityByIndex( iEntIndex ); if ( pVoteCaller ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pVoteCaller ); bool bCanKickVote = false;
if ( pSubject && pPlayer ) { int voterTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); int nSubjectTeam = pSubject->GetTeamNumber();
bCanKickVote = ( voterTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST || voterTeam == TEAM_CT ) && ( voterTeam == nSubjectTeam || nSubjectTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ); } if ( pSubject ) { bool bDeny = false; if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() ) { if ( pSubject->entindex() == 1 ) { bDeny = true; } }
// This should only be set if we've successfully authenticated via rcon
if ( pSubject->IsAutoKickDisabled() ) { bDeny = true; }
if ( bDeny ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN; return false; } }
if ( !bCanKickVote ) { // Can't initiate a vote to kick a player on the other team
return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CKickIssue::OnVoteFailed( void ) { CBaseCSIssue::OnVoteFailed();
CCSPlayer *subject = NULL; uint32 unReason;// = kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Other;
ExtractDataFromDetails( m_szDetailsString, &subject, &unReason );
//[tj]removing this to get voting to compile
//NotifyGC( subject, false, unReason );
// Purpose:
void CKickIssue::OnVoteStarted( void ) { CCSPlayer *pSubject = NULL; ExtractDataFromDetails( m_szDetailsString, &pSubject );
// Auto vote 'No' for the person being kicked unless they are idle
// NOTE: Subtle. There's a problem with IsAwayFromKeyboard where if a player
// has idled and is taken over by a bot, IsAwayFromKeyboard will return false
// because the camera controller that takes over when idling will spoof
// input messages, making it impossible to know if the player is moving his
// joystick or not. Being on TEAM_SPECTATOR, however, means you're idling,
// so we don't want to autovote NO if they are on team spectator
if ( m_pVoteController && pSubject && ( pSubject->GetTeamNumber( ) != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) && !pSubject->IsBot( ) ) { m_pVoteController->TryCastVote( pSubject->entindex( ), "Option2" ); }
// Also when the vote starts, figure out if the player should not be banned
// if the player is crashed/hung. Need to perform the check here instead of
// inside Execute to prevent cheaters quitting before the vote finishes and
// not getting banned.
m_bPlayerCrashed = false; if ( pSubject ) { INetChannelInfo *pNetChanInfo = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo( pSubject->entindex() ); if ( !pNetChanInfo || pNetChanInfo->IsTimingOut() ) { // don't ban the player
DevMsg( "Will not ban kicked player: net channel was idle for %.2f sec.\n", pNetChanInfo ? pNetChanInfo->GetTimeSinceLastReceived() : 0.0f ); m_bPlayerCrashed = true; }
pSubject->GetSteamID( &m_steamIDtoBan ); } }
// Purpose:
const char *CKickIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { uint32 unReason = kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Other; ExtractDataFromDetails( m_szDetailsString, NULL, &unReason ); switch ( unReason ) { case kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Other: return "#SFUI_vote_kick_player_other"; case kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Cheating: return "#SFUI_vote_kick_player_cheating"; case kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Idle: return "#SFUI_vote_kick_player_idle"; case kVoteKickBanPlayerReason_Scamming: return "#SFUI_vote_kick_player_scamming"; } return "#SFUI_vote_kick_player_other"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CKickIssue::GetOtherTeamDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_otherteam_vote_kick_player"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CKickIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_kick_player"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CKickIssue::GetDetailsString( void ) { int iUserID = 0; const char *pReason = strstr( m_szDetailsString, " " ); if ( pReason != NULL ) { pReason += 1; CUtlString userID; userID.SetDirect( m_szDetailsString, pReason - m_szDetailsString ); iUserID = atoi( userID ); } else { iUserID = atoi( m_szDetailsString ); }
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByUserId( iUserID ); if ( pPlayer ) { return pPlayer->GetPlayerName(); } else { return "unnamed"; } }
// Purpose:
void CKickIssue::ExtractDataFromDetails( const char *pszDetails, CCSPlayer **pSubject, uint32 *pReason ) { int iUserID = 0; const char *pReasonString = strstr( pszDetails, " " ); if ( pReasonString != NULL ) { pReasonString += 1; CUtlString userID; userID.SetDirect( pszDetails, pReasonString - pszDetails ); iUserID = atoi( userID ); if ( pReason ) { //[tj] Not applicable without TF-specific GC code
//*pReason = GetKickBanPlayerReason( pReasonString );
} } else { iUserID = atoi( pszDetails ); }
if ( iUserID >= 0 ) { if( pSubject ) { *pSubject = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByUserId( iUserID ) ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CKickIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
char szBuffer[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, "callvote %s <userID>\n", GetTypeString() ); ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, szBuffer ); }
// Purpose: LoadBackup Player Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Can people hold votes to load match from backup?" );
// Purpose:
void CLoadBackupIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { CSGameRules()->LoadRoundDataInformation( m_szDetailsString ); }
// Purpose:
bool CLoadBackupIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed.GetBool( ); }
// Purpose:
bool CLoadBackupIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CLoadBackupIssue::OnVoteFailed( void ) { CBaseCSIssue::OnVoteFailed( ); }
// Purpose:
const char *CLoadBackupIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_loadbackup"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CLoadBackupIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_loadbackup"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CLoadBackupIssue::GetDetailsString( void ) {
// create human readable name
if ( !FStrEq( m_szDetailsString, m_szPrevDetailsString ) ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szNiceName, m_szDetailsString );
KeyValues *kvSaveFile = new KeyValues( "" ); KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_kvSaveFile( kvSaveFile ); autodelete_kvSaveFile->UsesEscapeSequences( true );
if ( kvSaveFile->LoadFromFile( filesystem, m_szDetailsString ) ) { V_sprintf_safe( m_szNiceName, "Score %d:%d", kvSaveFile->GetInt( "FirstHalfScore/team1" ) + kvSaveFile->GetInt( "SecondHalfScore/team1" ) + kvSaveFile->GetInt( "OvertimeScore/team1" ), kvSaveFile->GetInt( "FirstHalfScore/team2" ) + kvSaveFile->GetInt( "SecondHalfScore/team2" ) + kvSaveFile->GetInt( "OvertimeScore/team2" ) ); }
V_strcpy_safe( m_szPrevDetailsString, m_szDetailsString ); }
return m_szNiceName; }
// Purpose:
void CLoadBackupIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed.GetBool( ) ) return;
char szBuffer[ MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH ]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, "callvote %s <backup filename>\n", GetTypeString( ) ); ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, szBuffer ); }
// Purpose: Changelevel
ConVar sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to change levels?" ); ConVar sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point( "sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_RELEASE, "Restricts vote to change level to rounds prior to match point (default 0, vote is never disallowed)" );
// Purpose:
void CChangeLevelIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "changelevel %s;", m_szDetailsString ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CChangeLevelIssue::CanTeamCallVote( int iTeam ) const { return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CChangeLevelIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { if ( sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed.GetBool() ) { return ( sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point.GetInt() > 0 && CSGameRules() && ( CSGameRules()->IsMatchPoint() || CSGameRules()->IsIntermission() ) ) == false; } // Change Level vote disabled
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CChangeLevelIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( !Q_strcmp( pszDetails, "" ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED; return false; } else { if ( !g_pGameTypes->IsWorkshopMapGroup( gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr() ) && !engine->IsMapValid( pszDetails ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND; return false; } } bool mapIsInGroup = false; if ( gpGlobals ) { const char* groupName = gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr(); const CUtlStringList* mapsInGroup = g_pGameTypes->GetMapGroupMapList( groupName ); if ( mapsInGroup ) { int numMaps = mapsInGroup->Count();
for( int i = 0 ; i < numMaps ; ++i ) { const char* internalMapName = ( *mapsInGroup )[i]; if ( !V_strcmp( pszDetails, internalMapName ) ) { mapIsInGroup = true; break; } } } }
return mapIsInGroup;
// Purpose:
const char *CChangeLevelIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_changelevel"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CChangeLevelIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_changelevel"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CChangeLevelIssue::GetDetailsString( void ) { return m_szDetailsString; }
// Purpose:
void CChangeLevelIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
char szBuffer[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, "callvote %s <mapname>\n", GetTypeString() ); ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, szBuffer ); }
// Purpose:
bool CChangeLevelIssue::IsYesNoVote( void ) { return true; }
// Purpose: Nextlevel
ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed", "1", 1, "Can people hold votes to set the next level?" ); ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode", "1", 0, "Present players with a list of lowest playtime maps to choose from?" ); ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend", "1", 0, "Allow players to extend the current map?" ); ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change", "1", 1, "Not allowed to vote for a nextlevel if one has already been set." );
// Purpose:
void CNextLevelIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { if ( Q_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, "Extend current Map" ) == 0 ) { // Players want to extend the current map, so extend any existing limits
if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_timelimit %d;", mp_timelimit.GetInt() + 20 ) ); } if ( mp_maxrounds.GetInt() > 0 ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_maxrounds %d;", mp_maxrounds.GetInt() + 2 ) ); } if ( mp_winlimit.GetInt() > 0 ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_winlimit %d;", mp_winlimit.GetInt() + 2 ) ); } } else { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "nextlevel %s;", m_szDetailsString ) );
if ( gpGlobals ) { const char* groupName = gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr(); const CUtlStringList* mapsInGroup = g_pGameTypes->GetMapGroupMapList( groupName ); if ( mapsInGroup ) { int numMaps = mapsInGroup->Count();
for( int i = 0 ; i < numMaps ; ++i ) { const char* internalMapName = ( *mapsInGroup )[i]; if ( !V_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, internalMapName ) ) { CSGameRules()->SetNextMapInMapGroup(i); break; } } } } } }
// Purpose:
bool CNextLevelIssue::CanTeamCallVote( int iTeam ) const { return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CNextLevelIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CNextLevelIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
// CSGameRules created vote
if ( sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode.GetBool() && iEntIndex == 99 ) { // Invokes a UI down stream
if ( Q_strcmp( pszDetails, "" ) == 0 ) { return true; }
return false; } if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( Q_strcmp( pszDetails, "" ) == 0 ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED; return false; } else { if ( !g_pGameTypes->IsWorkshopMapGroup( gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr() ) && !engine->IsMapValid( pszDetails ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND; return false; } }
if ( sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change.GetBool() ) { if ( nextlevel.GetString() && *nextlevel.GetString() && ( g_pGameTypes->IsWorkshopMapGroup( gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr() ) || engine->IsMapValid( nextlevel.GetString() ) ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET; return false; } } bool mapIsInGroup = false; if ( gpGlobals ) { const char* groupName = gpGlobals->mapGroupName.ToCStr(); const CUtlStringList* mapsInGroup = g_pGameTypes->GetMapGroupMapList( groupName ); if ( mapsInGroup ) { int numMaps = mapsInGroup->Count();
for( int i = 0 ; i < numMaps ; ++i ) { const char* internalMapName = ( *mapsInGroup )[i]; if ( !V_strcmp( pszDetails, internalMapName ) ) { mapIsInGroup = true; break; } } } }
return mapIsInGroup; }
// Purpose:
const char *CNextLevelIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { // If we don't have a map passed in already...
if ( Q_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, "" ) == 0 ) { if ( sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode.GetBool() ) { return "#SFUI_vote_nextlevel_choices"; } }
return "#SFUI_vote_nextlevel"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CNextLevelIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { if ( Q_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) == 0 ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend"; } return "#SFUI_vote_passed_nextlevel"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CNextLevelIssue::GetDetailsString( void ) { return m_szDetailsString; }
// Purpose:
void CNextLevelIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
if ( !sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode.GetBool() ) { char szBuffer[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, "callvote %s <mapname>\n", GetTypeString() ); ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, szBuffer ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CNextLevelIssue::IsYesNoVote( void ) { // If we don't have a map name already, this will trigger a list of choices
if ( Q_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, "" ) == 0 ) { if ( sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode.GetBool() ) return false; } return true; }
// Purpose:
int CNextLevelIssue::GetNumberVoteOptions( void ) { // If we don't have a map name already, this will trigger a list of choices
if ( Q_strcmp( m_szDetailsString, "" ) == 0 ) { if ( sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode.GetBool() ) return MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; }
// Vote on a specific map - Yes, No
return 2; }
// Purpose: Scramble Teams Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to scramble the teams?" );
// Purpose:
void CScrambleTeams::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_scrambleteams 2;" ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CScrambleTeams::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CScrambleTeams::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->GetScrambleTeamsOnRestart() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CScrambleTeams::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_scramble_teams"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CScrambleTeams::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_scramble_teams"; }
// Purpose:
void CScrambleTeams::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: Pause Match
ConVar sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to pause/unpause the match?" );
// Purpose:
void CPauseMatchIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_pause_match;" ) );
CBaseEntity *pVoteCaller = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_pVoteController->GetCallingEntity( ) ); if ( !pVoteCaller ) return;
CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pVoteCaller ); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
CFmtStr fmtEntName; if ( pPlayer ) fmtEntName.AppendFormat( "#ENTNAME[%d]%s", pPlayer->entindex(), pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#SFUI_vote_passed_pause_match_chat", fmtEntName.Access() ); }
// Purpose:
bool CPauseMatchIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CPauseMatchIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( !CSGameRules() ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules()->IsMatchWaitingForResume() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CPauseMatchIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_pause_match"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CPauseMatchIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_pause_match"; }
// Purpose:
void CPauseMatchIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: UnPause Match
// Purpose:
void CUnpauseMatchIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_unpause_match;" ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CUnpauseMatchIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CUnpauseMatchIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if (!CSGameRules()) return false;
if ( !CSGameRules()->IsMatchWaitingForResume() ) {
nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_NOT_PAUSED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CUnpauseMatchIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_unpause_match"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CUnpauseMatchIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_unpause_match"; }
// Purpose:
void CUnpauseMatchIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: TimeOut
ConVar sv_vote_issue_timeout_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_timeout_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to time out?" );
// Purpose:
void CStartTimeOutIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { CBaseEntity *pVoteHolder = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_pVoteController->GetCallingEntity( ) ); if ( !pVoteHolder ) return;
if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "timeout_ct_start;" ) ); } else if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "timeout_terrorist_start;" ) ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CStartTimeOutIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && sv_vote_issue_timeout_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CStartTimeOutIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsTimeOutActive() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsMatchWaitingForResume() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CStartTimeOutIssue::CanTeamCallVote(int iTeam ) const { if ( !CSGameRules() ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules()->IsTimeOutActive() ) return false;
if ( iTeam == TEAM_CT ) { return ( CSGameRules()->GetCTTimeOuts() > 0 ); } else if ( iTeam == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { return ( CSGameRules()->GetTerroristTimeOuts() > 0 ); }
return false; }
// Purpose:
const char *CStartTimeOutIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_start_timeout"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CStartTimeOutIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_timeout"; }
vote_create_failed_t CStartTimeOutIssue::MakeVoteFailErrorCodeForClients( vote_create_failed_t eDefaultFailCode ) { switch ( eDefaultFailCode ) { case VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL: { if ( CSGameRules( ) && CSGameRules( )->IsTimeOutActive( ) ) return VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE; else if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsMatchWaitingForResume() ) return VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED; else return VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED; }
default: return eDefaultFailCode; } }
// Purpose:
void CStartTimeOutIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
ConVar sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to ready/unready the match?" );
// Purpose:
void CReadyForMatchIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { CSGameRules()->SetWarmupPeriodStartTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_warmup_pausetimer 0;" ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CReadyForMatchIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CReadyForMatchIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && !CSGameRules()->IsWarmupPeriod() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP; return false; }
#if !defined ( _DEBUG )
if ( UTIL_HumansInGame( true, true ) != 10 ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_NOT_10_PLAYERS; return false; } #endif
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CReadyForMatchIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_ready_for_match"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CReadyForMatchIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_ready_for_match"; }
// Purpose:
void CReadyForMatchIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: Someone wants to abort the ready process
// Purpose:
void CNotReadyForMatchIssue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_warmup_pausetimer 1;" ) );
CBaseEntity *pVoteCaller = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_pVoteController->GetCallingEntity( ) ); if ( !pVoteCaller ) return;
CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pVoteCaller ); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
CFmtStr fmtEntName; if ( pPlayer ) fmtEntName.AppendFormat( "#ENTNAME[%d]%s", pPlayer->entindex(), pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#SFUI_vote_passed_not_ready_for_match_chat", fmtEntName.Access() ); }
// Purpose:
bool CNotReadyForMatchIssue::IsEnabled( void ) { return CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CNotReadyForMatchIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && !CSGameRules()->IsWarmupPeriod() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CNotReadyForMatchIssue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_not_ready_for_match"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CNotReadyForMatchIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_not_ready_for_match"; }
// Purpose:
void CNotReadyForMatchIssue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: Swap Teams Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_swap_teams_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_swap_teams_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to swap the teams?" );
// Purpose:
void CSwapTeams::ExecuteCommand( void ) { engine->ServerCommand( CFmtStr( "mp_swapteams;" ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CSwapTeams::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_swap_teams_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CSwapTeams::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->GetSwapTeamsOnRestart() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CSwapTeams::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_swap_teams"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CSwapTeams::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_swap_teams"; }
// Purpose:
void CSwapTeams::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_swap_teams_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose: Surrender Issue
ConVar sv_vote_issue_surrender_allowed( "sv_vote_issue_surrrender_allowed", "1", 0, "Can people hold votes to surrender?" );
// Purpose:
void CSurrender::ExecuteCommand( void ) { CBaseEntity *pVoteHolder = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_pVoteController->GetCallingEntity( ) ); if ( !pVoteHolder ) return;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) { if ( CSGameRules()->m_iRoundWinStatus != WINNER_NONE || CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_HALFTIME ) { // if the vote succeeds at the round end, just cancel it because we don't handle this in the gamerules round logic
CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller = dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer* >( pVoteHolder ); if ( pVoteCaller ) m_pVoteController->SendVoteFailedMessage( VOTE_FAILED_CANT_ROUND_END, pVoteCaller, 0 ); } else if ( ( CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState == CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_MatchInProgress ) && ( CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() != GAMEPHASE_MATCH_ENDED ) ) { if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { CSGameRules()->GetMatch()->AddCTWins( 1 ); CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState = CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematch_T_Surrender; CSGameRules()->TerminateRound( 0, Terrorists_Surrender ); } if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) { CSGameRules()->GetMatch()->AddTerroristWins( 1 ); CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState = CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematch_CT_Surrender; CSGameRules()->TerminateRound( 0, CTs_Surrender ); } } } else { if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { CSGameRules()->TerminateRound( 0, Terrorists_Surrender ); } if ( pVoteHolder->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) { CSGameRules()->TerminateRound( 0, CTs_Surrender ); } } }
// Purpose:
bool CSurrender::IsEnabled( void ) { return sv_vote_issue_surrender_allowed.GetBool(); }
// Purpose:
bool CSurrender::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) { if ( CSGameRules()->IsPlayingCooperativeGametype() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState != CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_MatchInProgress ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_MATCH_ENDED || CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_HALFTIME || CSGameRules()->IsLastRoundBeforeHalfTime() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
if ( CSGameRules()->GetRoundsPlayed() < 1 ) { // Cannot surrender unless at least one round was played
nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS; return false; } }
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
return true; }
bool CSurrender::CanTeamCallVote( int iTeam ) const { if ( !CSGameRules() || !CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) return false;
bool bTeamsArePlayingSwitchedSides = CSGameRules()->AreTeamsPlayingSwitchedSides(); FOR_EACH_MAP( CSGameRules()->m_mapQueuedMatchmakingPlayersData, idxQPD ) { CCSGameRules::CQMMPlayerData_t const &qpd = * CSGameRules()->m_mapQueuedMatchmakingPlayersData.Element( idxQPD ); if ( qpd.m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender ) { bool bSecondTeam = ( qpd.m_iDraftIndex >= 5 ); int iTeamOfThisQPlayer = ( bSecondTeam == bTeamsArePlayingSwitchedSides ) ? TEAM_CT : TEAM_TERRORIST; if ( iTeamOfThisQPlayer == iTeam ) return true; } }
#if 0
return true; // Allow in debug mode
return false; }
// Purpose:
const char *CSurrender::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_surrender"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CSurrender::GetOtherTeamDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_otherteam_vote_surrender"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CSurrender::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ) ? "#SFUI_vote_passed_surrender_q" : "#SFUI_vote_passed_surrender"; }
// Purpose:
void CSurrender::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !sv_vote_issue_surrender_allowed.GetBool() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
// Purpose:
void CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::ExecuteCommand( void ) { if ( CSGameRules() ) { CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState = CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematchSucceeded; } }
void CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::OnVoteFailed() { if ( CSGameRules() ) { CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState = CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematchFailed; } }
void CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::OnVoteStarted() { if ( CSGameRules() ) { CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState = CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematchInProgress; } }
// Purpose:
bool CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::IsEnabled( void ) { return IsTimeForRematchVote(); }
// Purpose:
bool CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsTimeForRematchVote() ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_rematch"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_rematch"; }
// Purpose:
void CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if ( !IsTimeForRematchVote() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
bool CQueuedMatchmakingRematch::IsTimeForRematchVote() { return CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() && ( CSGameRules()->GetGamePhase() == GAMEPHASE_MATCH_ENDED ) && ( CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState == CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteStarting ); }
// Purpose:
void CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::ExecuteCommand( void ) { // By design: successful vote to continue does not disrupt the game
void CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::OnVoteFailed() { Msg( "Aborting match...\n" ); }
void CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::OnVoteStarted() { CBaseCSIssue::OnVoteStarted();
if ( CSGameRules() ) CSGameRules()->m_bNeedToAskPlayersForContinueVote = false; }
// Purpose:
bool CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::IsEnabled( void ) { return ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ); }
// Purpose:
bool CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { if ( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) ) return false;
if ( !IsEnabled() ) return false;
if ( iEntIndex != 99 ) // only game rules on the server can call the vote
return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_continue"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_continue"; }
// Purpose:
void CQueuedMatchmakingContinue::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); }
#ifdef TF_MVM_MODE
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineStartRound::ExecuteCommand( void ) { if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->InSetup() && CSGameRules()->GetActiveRoundTimer() ) { // need to find the current timer and set the new countdown time to 5
CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = CSGameRules()->GetActiveRoundTimer(); if ( pTimer && pTimer->ShowInHud() && ( pTimer->GetTimerState() == RT_STATE_SETUP ) && ( pTimer->GetTimeRemaining() > 6 ) ) { variant_t sVariant; sVariant.SetInt( 6 );
pTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); } } }
// Purpose:
bool CMannVsMachineStartRound::IsEnabled( void ) { if ( CSGameRules() ) { if ( !CSGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) return false;
if ( !CSGameRules()->InSetup() ) return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CMannVsMachineStartRound::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { // if( !CBaseCSIssue::CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszDetails, nFailCode, nTime ) )
// return false;
if( !IsEnabled() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
const char *CMannVsMachineStartRound::GetDisplayString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_td_start_round"; }
// Purpose:
const char *CMannVsMachineStartRound::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "#SFUI_vote_passed_td_start_round"; }
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineStartRound::ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !IsEnabled() ) return;
ListStandardNoArgCommand( pForWhom, GetTypeString() ); } #endif // TF_MVM_MODE