#include "cbase.h"
#include "usermessages.h"
#include "funfactmgr_cs.h"
#include "cs_shareddefs.h"
const float kCooldownRatePlayer = 0.5f; const float kCooldownRateFunFact = 0.2f;
const float kWeightPlayerCooldown = 0.7f; const float kWeightFunFactCooldown = 1.0f; const float kWeightCoolness = 1.2f; const float kWeightRarity = 1.0f;
#include "cs_player.h"
// Purpose: constructor
CCSFunFactMgr::CCSFunFactMgr() : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( "CCSFunFactMgr" ), m_funFactDatabase(0, 100, DefLessFunc(int) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_playerCooldown); ++i ) { m_playerCooldown[i] = 0.0f; } }
CCSFunFactMgr::~CCSFunFactMgr() { Shutdown(); }
// Purpose: Initializes the fun fact manager
bool CCSFunFactMgr::Init() { ListenForGameEvent( "player_connect" );
CFunFactHelper *pFunFactHelper = CFunFactHelper::s_pFirst;
// create database of all fun fact evaluators (and initial usage metrics)
while ( pFunFactHelper ) { FunFactDatabaseEntry entry; entry.fCooldown = 0.0f; entry.iOccurrences = 0; entry.pEvaluator = pFunFactHelper->m_pfnCreate(); m_funFactDatabase.Insert(entry.pEvaluator->GetId(), entry);
pFunFactHelper = pFunFactHelper->m_pNext; }
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_playerCooldown); ++i) { m_playerCooldown[i] = 0.0f; }
m_numRounds = 0;
return true; }
// Purpose: Shuts down the fun fact manager
void CCSFunFactMgr::Shutdown() { FOR_EACH_MAP( m_funFactDatabase, iter ) { delete m_funFactDatabase[iter].pEvaluator; } m_funFactDatabase.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose: Per frame processing
void CCSFunFactMgr::Update( float frametime ) {
// Purpose: Listens for game events. Clears out map based stats and player based stats when necessary
void CCSFunFactMgr::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *eventname = event->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp( "player_connect", eventname ) == 0 ) { int index = event->GetInt("index");// player slot (entity index-1)
ASSERT( index >= 0 && index <= MAX_PLAYERS ); if( index >= 0 && index <= MAX_PLAYERS ) { m_playerCooldown[index] = 0.0f; } } }
// Purpose: Finds the best fun fact to display and returns all necessary information through the parameters
bool CCSFunFactMgr::GetRoundEndFunFact( int iWinningTeam, e_RoundEndReason iRoundResult, FunFact& funfact ) {
//No fun fact for surrender
if ( iRoundResult == CTs_Surrender || iRoundResult == Terrorists_Surrender ) { return false; }
FunFactVector validFunFacts;
// Generate a vector of all valid fun facts for this round
FOR_EACH_MAP( m_funFactDatabase, i ) { FunFact funFact; if ( m_funFactDatabase[i].pEvaluator->Evaluate(iRoundResult, validFunFacts) ) { m_funFactDatabase[i].iOccurrences++; } }
if (validFunFacts.Count() == 0) return false;
// pick the fun fact with the highest score
float fBestScore = -FLT_MAX; int iFunFactIndex = -1;
Msg("Scoring fun facts:\n"); #endif
FOR_EACH_VEC(validFunFacts, i) { float fScore = ScoreFunFact(validFunFacts[i]);
char szPlayerName[64]; const FunFact& funfact = validFunFacts[i]; if (funfact.iPlayer > 0) V_strncpy(szPlayerName, ToCSPlayer(UTIL_PlayerByIndex(funfact.iPlayer))->GetPlayerName(), sizeof(szPlayerName)); else V_strcpy(szPlayerName, "");
Msg("(%5.4f) %s, %s, %i, %i, %i\n", fScore, funfact.szLocalizationToken, szPlayerName, funfact.iData1, funfact.iData2, funfact.iData3); #endif
if (fScore > fBestScore) { fBestScore = fScore; iFunFactIndex = i; } }
if (iFunFactIndex < 0) return false; funfact = validFunFacts[iFunFactIndex];
// decay player cooldowns
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_playerCooldown); ++i ) { m_playerCooldown[i] *= (1.0f - kCooldownRatePlayer); }
// decay funfact cooldowns
FOR_EACH_MAP(m_funFactDatabase, i) { m_funFactDatabase[i].fCooldown *= (1.0f - kCooldownRateFunFact); }
// set player cooldown for player in funfact
m_playerCooldown[funfact.iPlayer] = 1.0f;
// set funfact cooldown for current funfact
m_funFactDatabase[m_funFactDatabase.Find(funfact.id)].fCooldown = 1.0f;
return true; }
float CCSFunFactMgr::ScoreFunFact( const FunFact& funfact ) { float fScore = 0.0f; const FunFactDatabaseEntry& dbEntry = m_funFactDatabase[m_funFactDatabase.Find(funfact.id)];
// add the coolness score for the funfact
fScore += kWeightCoolness * dbEntry.pEvaluator->GetCoolness() * (1.0f + funfact.fMagnitude);
// subtract the cooldown for the funfact
fScore -= kWeightFunFactCooldown * dbEntry.fCooldown; // subtract the cooldown for the player
fScore -= kWeightPlayerCooldown * m_playerCooldown[funfact.iPlayer];
// add the rarity bonus
fScore += kWeightRarity * powf((1.0f - (float)dbEntry.iOccurrences / m_numRounds), 4.0f);
return fScore; }