//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Expose things from GameInterface.cpp. Mostly the engine interfaces.
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mapentities.h"
#ifndef NO_STEAM
#include "steam/steam_gameserver.h"
extern INetworkStringTable *g_pStringTableInfoPanel;
// Player / Client related functions
// Most of this is implemented in gameinterface.cpp, but some of it is per-mod in files like cs_gameinterface.cpp, etc.
class CServerGameClients : public IServerGameClients { public: virtual bool ClientConnect( edict_t *pEntity, char const* pszName, char const* pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen ); virtual void ClientActive( edict_t *pEntity, bool bLoadGame ); virtual void ClientFullyConnect( edict_t *pEntity ); virtual void ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity ); virtual void ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity, const char *playername ); virtual void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity, const CCommand &args ); virtual void ClientSettingsChanged( edict_t *pEntity ); virtual void ClientSetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char *pvs, int pvssize ); virtual float ProcessUsercmds( edict_t *player, bf_read *buf, int numcmds, int totalcmds, int dropped_packets, bool ignore, bool paused ); // Player is running a command
virtual void PostClientMessagesSent( void ); virtual void SetCommandClient( int index ); virtual CPlayerState *GetPlayerState( edict_t *player ); virtual void ClientEarPosition( edict_t *pEntity, Vector *pEarOrigin ); virtual bool ClientReplayEvent( edict_t *pEdict, const ClientReplayEventParams_t ¶ms ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetPlayerLimits( int& minplayers, int& maxplayers, int &defaultMaxPlayers ) const; // returns number of delay ticks if player is in Replay mode (0 = no delay)
virtual int GetReplayDelay( edict_t *player, int& entity ); // Anything this game .dll wants to add to the bug reporter text (e.g., the entity/model under the picker crosshair)
// can be added here
virtual void GetBugReportInfo( char *buf, int buflen );
// A player sent a voice packet
virtual void ClientVoice( edict_t *pEdict );
virtual void NetworkIDValidated( const char *pszUserName, const char *pszNetworkID, CSteamID steamID ) OVERRIDE; virtual int GetMaxSplitscreenPlayers(); virtual int GetMaxHumanPlayers();
// The client has submitted a keyvalues command
virtual void ClientCommandKeyValues( edict_t *pEntity, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
// Server override for supplied client name
virtual const char * ClientNameHandler( uint64 xuid, const char *pchName ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ClientSvcUserMessage( edict_t *pEntity, int nType, int nPassthrough, uint32 cbSize, const void *pvBuffer ) OVERRIDE; };
class CServerGameDLL : public IServerGameDLL { public: virtual bool DLLInit(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals); virtual void DLLShutdown( void ); // Get the simulation interval (must be compiled with identical values into both client and game .dll for MOD!!!)
virtual float GetTickInterval( void ) const; virtual bool GameInit( void ); virtual void GameShutdown( void ); virtual bool LevelInit( const char *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background ); virtual void ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax ); virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); virtual void GameFrame( bool simulating ); // could be called multiple times before sending data to clients
virtual void PreClientUpdate( bool simulating ); // called after all GameFrame() calls, before sending data to clients
virtual ServerClass* GetAllServerClasses( void ); virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ); virtual void CreateNetworkStringTables( void ); // Save/restore system hooks
virtual CSaveRestoreData *SaveInit( int size ); virtual void SaveWriteFields( CSaveRestoreData *, char const* , void *, datamap_t *, typedescription_t *, int ); virtual void SaveReadFields( CSaveRestoreData *, char const* , void *, datamap_t *, typedescription_t *, int ); virtual void SaveGlobalState( CSaveRestoreData * ); virtual void RestoreGlobalState( CSaveRestoreData * ); virtual int CreateEntityTransitionList( CSaveRestoreData *, int ); virtual void BuildAdjacentMapList( void );
virtual void PreSave( CSaveRestoreData * ); virtual void Save( CSaveRestoreData * ); virtual void GetSaveComment( char *comment, int maxlength, float flMinutes, float flSeconds, bool bNoTime = false );
virtual void WriteSaveHeaders( CSaveRestoreData * );
virtual void ReadRestoreHeaders( CSaveRestoreData * ); virtual void Restore( CSaveRestoreData *, bool ); virtual bool IsRestoring(); virtual bool SupportsSaveRestore();
virtual CStandardSendProxies* GetStandardSendProxies();
virtual void PostInit(); virtual void PostToolsInit(); virtual void Think( bool finalTick );
virtual void OnQueryCvarValueFinished( QueryCvarCookie_t iCookie, edict_t *pPlayerEntity, EQueryCvarValueStatus eStatus, const char *pCvarName, const char *pCvarValue );
virtual void PreSaveGameLoaded( char const *pSaveName, bool bInGame );
// Returns true if the game DLL wants the server not to be made public.
// Used by commentary system to hide multiplayer commentary servers from the master.
virtual bool ShouldHideServer( void );
virtual void InvalidateMdlCache();
// Called to apply lobby settings to a dedicated server
virtual void ApplyGameSettings( KeyValues *pKV );
virtual void GetMatchmakingTags( char *buf, size_t bufSize );
virtual void ServerHibernationUpdate( bool bHibernating );
virtual bool ShouldPreferSteamAuth();
virtual bool ShouldAllowDirectConnect( void ); virtual bool FriendsReqdForDirectConnect( void ); virtual bool IsLoadTestServer( void );
virtual bool IsValveDS( void );
// Builds extended server info for new connecting client
virtual KeyValues* GetExtendedServerInfoForNewClient();
virtual void UpdateGCInformation(); // Marks the queue matchmaking game as starting
virtual void ReportGCQueuedMatchStart( int32 iReservationStage, uint32 *puiConfirmedAccounts, int numConfirmedAccounts );
// Given a path to a map (relative to the game dir) returns a publish file id if its a UGC file known by the server, or 0 otherwise.
virtual PublishedFileId_t GetUGCMapFileID( const char* szMapPath );
// Query steam for the latest file info, download new version if needed.
virtual bool GetNewestSubscribedFiles( void );
// Same as above but for a single ugc map
virtual void UpdateUGCMap( PublishedFileId_t id );
// Returns true if we are currently downloading a new version of the map, or if there is a query pending to check for a newer version.
virtual bool HasPendingMapDownloads( void ) const; // Precaches particle systems defined in the specific file
virtual void PrecacheParticleSystemFile( const char *pParticleSystemFile );
// Matchmaking game data buffer to set into SteamGameServer()->SetGameData
virtual void GetMatchmakingGameData( char *buf, size_t bufSize );
float m_fAutoSaveDangerousTime; float m_fAutoSaveDangerousMinHealthToCommit; bool m_bIsHibernating;
// Called after the steam API has been activated post-level startup
virtual void GameServerSteamAPIActivated( bool bActive );
// Returns which encryption key to use for messages to be encrypted for TV
virtual EncryptedMessageKeyType_t GetMessageEncryptionKey( INetMessage *pMessage );
// If server game dll needs more time before server process quits then
// it should return true to hold game server reservation from this interface method.
// If this method returns false then the server process will clear the reservation
// and might shutdown to meet uptime or memory limit requirements.
virtual bool ShouldHoldGameServerReservation( float flTimeElapsedWithoutClients );
// Pure server validation failed for the given client, client supplied
// data is included in the payload
virtual void OnPureServerFileValidationFailure( edict_t *edictClient, const char *path, const char *fileName, uint32 crc, int32 hashType, int32 len, int packNumber, int packFileID );
// Last chance validation on connect packet for the client, non-NULL return value
// causes the client connect to be aborted with the provided error
virtual char const * ClientConnectionValidatePreNetChan( bool bGameServer, char const *adr, int nAuthProtocol, uint64 ullSteamID );
// validate if player is a caster and add them to the active caster list
virtual bool ValidateAndAddActiveCaster( const CSteamID &steamID );
// Network channel notification from engine to game server code
virtual void OnEngineClientNetworkEvent( edict_t *edictClient, uint64 ullSteamID, int nEventType, void *pvParam ) OVERRIDE; virtual void EngineGotvSyncPacket( const CEngineGotvSyncPacket *pPkt ) OVERRIDE;
// GOTV client attempt redirect over SDR
virtual bool OnEngineClientProxiedRedirect( uint64 ullClient, const char *adrProxiedRedirect, const char *adrRegular ) OVERRIDE;
// Tell server about a line we will write to the log file which may be sent to remote listeners
bool LogForHTTPListeners( const char* szLogLine ) OVERRIDE; private:
// This can just be a wrapper on MapEntity_ParseAllEntities, but CS does some tricks in here
// with the entity list.
void LevelInit_ParseAllEntities( const char *pMapEntities ); void LoadMessageOfTheDay(); };
// Normally, when the engine calls ClientPutInServer, it calls a global function in the game DLL
// by the same name. Use this to override the function that it calls. This is used for bots.
typedef CBasePlayer* (*ClientPutInServerOverrideFn)( edict_t *pEdict, const char *playername );
void ClientPutInServerOverride( ClientPutInServerOverrideFn fn );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Entity list management stuff.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// These are created for map entities in order as the map entities are spawned.
class CMapEntityRef { public: int m_iEdict; // Which edict slot this entity got. -1 if CreateEntityByName failed.
int m_iSerialNumber; // The edict serial number. TODO used anywhere ?
extern CUtlLinkedList<CMapEntityRef, unsigned short> g_MapEntityRefs;
// Purpose:
class CMapLoadEntityFilter : public IMapEntityFilter { public: virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pClassname ) { // During map load, create all the entities.
return true; }
virtual CBaseEntity* CreateNextEntity( const char *pClassname ) { CBaseEntity *pRet = CreateEntityByName( pClassname );
CMapEntityRef ref; ref.m_iEdict = -1; ref.m_iSerialNumber = -1;
if ( pRet ) { ref.m_iEdict = pRet->entindex(); if ( pRet->edict() ) ref.m_iSerialNumber = pRet->edict()->m_NetworkSerialNumber; }
g_MapEntityRefs.AddToTail( ref ); return pRet; } };
bool IsEngineThreaded();
class CServerGameTags : public IServerGameTags { public: virtual void GetTaggedConVarList( KeyValues *pCvarTagList );
#ifndef NO_STEAM
// Purpose:
class CSteam3Server : public CSteamGameServerAPIContext { public: CSteam3Server();
void Shutdown( void ) { Clear(); m_bInitialized = false; }
bool CheckInitialized( void ) { if ( !m_bInitialized ) { Init(); m_bInitialized = true; return true; }
return false; }
private: bool m_bInitialized; }; CSteam3Server &Steam3Server(); #endif