//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// nav_edit.cpp
// Implementation of Navigation Mesh edit mode
// Author: Michael Booth, 2003-2004
#include "cbase.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "nav_pathfind.h"
#include "nav_node.h"
#include "nav_colors.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "functorutils.h"
#include "team.h"
#ifdef TERROR
#include "TerrorShared.h"
#include "dota_npc_base.h"
#include "dota_player.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar nav_show_area_info( "nav_show_area_info", "0.5", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing" ); ConVar nav_snap_to_grid( "nav_snap_to_grid", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas" ); ConVar nav_create_place_on_ground( "nav_create_place_on_ground", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand." ); #ifdef DEBUG
ConVar nav_draw_limit( "nav_draw_limit", "50", FCVAR_CHEAT, "The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode" ); #else
ConVar nav_draw_limit( "nav_draw_limit", "500", FCVAR_CHEAT, "The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode" ); #endif
ConVar nav_solid_props( "nav_solid_props", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Make props solid to nav generation/editing" ); ConVar nav_create_area_at_feet( "nav_create_area_at_feet", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet" );
ConVar nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset( "nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset", "32", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "The offset of the nav drag volume top from center" ); ConVar nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset( "nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset", "32", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center" );
extern void GetNavUIEditVectors( Vector *pos, Vector *forward );
Color s_dragSelectionSetAddColor( 100, 255, 100, 96 ); Color s_dragSelectionSetDeleteColor( 255, 100, 100, 96 );
extern ConVar nav_show_nodes; #endif // DEBUG_NAV_NODES
int GetGridSize( bool forceGrid = false ) { if ( TheNavMesh->IsGenerating() ) { return (int)GenerationStepSize; }
int snapVal = nav_snap_to_grid.GetInt(); if ( forceGrid && !snapVal ) { snapVal = 1; }
if ( snapVal == 0 ) { return 0; }
int scale = (int)GenerationStepSize; switch ( snapVal ) { case 3: scale = 1; break; case 2: scale = 5; break; case 1: default: break; }
return scale; }
Vector CNavMesh::SnapToGrid( const Vector& in, bool snapX, bool snapY, bool forceGrid ) const { int scale = GetGridSize( forceGrid ); if ( !scale ) { return in; }
Vector out( in );
if ( snapX ) { out.x = RoundToUnits( in.x, scale ); }
if ( snapY ) { out.y = RoundToUnits( in.y, scale ); }
return out; }
float CNavMesh::SnapToGrid( float x, bool forceGrid ) const { int scale = GetGridSize( forceGrid ); if ( !scale ) { return x; }
x = RoundToUnits( x, scale ); return x; }
void CNavMesh::GetEditVectors( Vector *pos, Vector *forward ) { if ( !pos || !forward ) { return; }
CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if ( !player ) { return; }
//DOTA places the edit cursor where the 2D cursor is located.
CDOTAPlayer *pDOTAPlayer = ToDOTAPlayer( player );
if ( pDOTAPlayer && pDOTAPlayer->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ) { Vector dir = pDOTAPlayer->GetCrosshairTracePos() - player->EyePosition(); VectorNormalize( dir );
*forward = dir; } else { AngleVectors( player->EyeAngles() + player->GetPunchAngle(), forward ); } #else
Vector dir; AngleVectors( player->EyeAngles() + player->GetViewPunchAngle(), forward ); #endif
*pos = player->EyePosition();
// GetNavUIEditVectors( pos, forward );
* Change the edit mode */ void CNavMesh::SetEditMode( EditModeType mode ) { m_markedLadder = NULL; m_markedArea = NULL; m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; m_editMode = mode;
m_isContinuouslySelecting = false; m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false; m_bIsDragDeselecting = false; }
bool CNavMesh::FindNavAreaOrLadderAlongRay( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, CNavArea **bestArea, CNavLadder **bestLadder, CNavArea *ignore ) { if ( !m_grid.Count() ) return false;
Ray_t ray; ray.Init( start, end, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
*bestArea = NULL; *bestLadder = NULL;
float bestDist = 1.0f; // 0..1 fraction
for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i ) { CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i];
Vector left( 0, 0, 0), right(0, 0, 0), up( 0, 0, 0); VectorVectors( ladder->GetNormal(), right, up ); right *= ladder->m_width * 0.5f; left = -right;
Vector c1 = ladder->m_top + right; Vector c2 = ladder->m_top + left; Vector c3 = ladder->m_bottom + right; Vector c4 = ladder->m_bottom + left; float dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, c1, c2, c4, false ); if ( dist > 0 && dist < bestDist ) { *bestLadder = ladder; bestDist = dist; }
dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, c1, c4, c3, false ); if ( dist > 0 && dist < bestDist ) { *bestLadder = ladder; bestDist = dist; } }
Extent extent; extent.lo = extent.hi = start; extent.Encompass( end );
int loX = WorldToGridX( extent.lo.x ); int loY = WorldToGridY( extent.lo.y ); int hiX = WorldToGridX( extent.hi.x ); int hiY = WorldToGridY( extent.hi.y );
for( int y = loY; y <= hiY; ++y ) { for( int x = loX; x <= hiX; ++x ) { NavAreaVector &areaGrid = m_grid[ x + y*m_gridSizeX ];
FOR_EACH_VEC( areaGrid, it ) { CNavArea *area = areaGrid[ it ]; if ( area == ignore ) continue;
Vector nw = area->m_nwCorner; Vector se = area->m_seCorner; Vector ne, sw; ne.x = se.x; ne.y = nw.y; ne.z = area->m_neZ; sw.x = nw.x; sw.y = se.y; sw.z = area->m_swZ;
float dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, nw, ne, se, false ); if ( dist > 0 && dist < bestDist ) { *bestArea = area; bestDist = dist; }
dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, se, sw, nw, false ); if ( dist > 0 && dist < bestDist ) { *bestArea = area; bestDist = dist; } } } }
if ( *bestArea ) { *bestLadder = NULL; }
return bestDist < 1.0f; }
* Convenience function to find the nav area a player is looking at, for editing commands */ bool CNavMesh::FindActiveNavArea( void ) { VPROF( "CNavMesh::FindActiveNavArea" );
m_splitAlongX = false; m_splitEdge = 0.0f; m_selectedArea = NULL; m_climbableSurface = false; m_selectedLadder = NULL;
CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if ( player == NULL ) return false;
Vector from, dir; GetEditVectors( &from, &dir );
float maxRange = 2000.0f; // 500
bool isClippingRayAtFeet = false; if ( nav_create_area_at_feet.GetBool() ) { if ( dir.z < 0 ) { float eyeHeight = player->GetViewOffset().z; if ( eyeHeight != 0.0f ) { float rayHeight = -dir.z * maxRange; maxRange = maxRange * eyeHeight / rayHeight; isClippingRayAtFeet = true; } } }
Vector to = from + maxRange * dir;
trace_t result; CTraceFilterWalkableEntities filter( NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, WALK_THRU_EVERYTHING ); UTIL_TraceLine( from, to, (nav_solid_props.GetBool()) ? MASK_NPCSOLID : MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY, &filter, &result );
if (result.fraction != 1.0f) { if ( !IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) { m_climbableSurface = physprops->GetSurfaceData( result.surface.surfaceProps )->game.climbable != 0; if ( !m_climbableSurface ) { m_climbableSurface = (result.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) != 0; } m_surfaceNormal = result.plane.normal;
if ( m_climbableSurface ) { // check if we're on the same plane as the original point when we're building a ladder
if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { if ( m_surfaceNormal != m_ladderNormal ) { m_climbableSurface = false; } }
if ( m_surfaceNormal.z > 0.9f ) { m_climbableSurface = false; // don't try to build ladders on flat ground
} } }
if ( ( m_climbableSurface && !IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) || !IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) { float closestDistSqr = 200.0f * 200.0f;
for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i ) { CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i];
Vector absMin = ladder->m_bottom; Vector absMax = ladder->m_top;
Vector left( 0, 0, 0), right(0, 0, 0), up( 0, 0, 0); VectorVectors( ladder->GetNormal(), right, up ); right *= ladder->m_width * 0.5f; left = -right;
absMin.x += MIN( left.x, right.x ); absMin.y += MIN( left.y, right.y );
absMax.x += MAX( left.x, right.x ); absMax.y += MAX( left.y, right.y );
Extent e; e.lo = absMin + Vector( -5, -5, -5 ); e.hi = absMax + Vector( 5, 5, 5 );
if ( e.Contains( m_editCursorPos ) ) { m_selectedLadder = ladder; break; }
if ( !m_climbableSurface ) continue;
Vector p1 = (ladder->m_bottom + ladder->m_top)/2; Vector p2 = m_editCursorPos; float distSqr = p1.DistToSqr( p2 );
if ( distSqr < closestDistSqr ) { m_selectedLadder = ladder; closestDistSqr = distSqr; } } }
m_editCursorPos = result.endpos;
// find the area the player is pointing at
if ( !m_climbableSurface && !m_selectedLadder ) { // Try to clip our trace to nav areas
FindNavAreaOrLadderAlongRay( result.startpos, result.endpos + 100.0f * dir, &m_selectedArea, &m_selectedLadder ); // extend a few units into the ground
// Failing that, get the closest area to the endpoint
if ( !m_selectedArea && !m_selectedLadder ) { m_selectedArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( result.endpos, false, 500.0f ); } }
if ( m_selectedArea ) { float yaw = player->EyeAngles().y; while( yaw > 360.0f ) yaw -= 360.0f;
while( yaw < 0.0f ) yaw += 360.0f;
if ((yaw < 45.0f || yaw > 315.0f) || (yaw > 135.0f && yaw < 225.0f)) { m_splitEdge = SnapToGrid( result.endpos.y, true ); m_splitAlongX = true; } else { m_splitEdge = SnapToGrid( result.endpos.x, true ); m_splitAlongX = false; } }
if ( !m_climbableSurface && !IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { m_editCursorPos = SnapToGrid( m_editCursorPos ); }
return true; } else if ( isClippingRayAtFeet ) { m_editCursorPos = SnapToGrid( result.endpos ); }
if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) || IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) return false;
// We started solid. Look for areas in front of us.
FindNavAreaOrLadderAlongRay( from, to, &m_selectedArea, &m_selectedLadder );
return (m_selectedArea != NULL || m_selectedLadder != NULL || isClippingRayAtFeet); }
bool CNavMesh::FindLadderCorners( Vector *corner1, Vector *corner2, Vector *corner3 ) { if ( !corner1 || !corner2 || !corner3 ) return false;
Vector ladderRight, ladderUp; VectorVectors( m_ladderNormal, ladderRight, ladderUp );
Vector from, dir; GetEditVectors( &from, &dir );
const float maxDist = 100000.0f;
Ray_t ray; ray.Init( from, from + dir * maxDist, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
*corner1 = m_ladderAnchor + ladderUp * maxDist + ladderRight * maxDist; *corner2 = m_ladderAnchor + ladderUp * maxDist - ladderRight * maxDist; *corner3 = m_ladderAnchor - ladderUp * maxDist - ladderRight * maxDist; float dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, *corner1, *corner2, *corner3, false ); if ( dist < 0 ) { *corner2 = m_ladderAnchor - ladderUp * maxDist + ladderRight * maxDist; dist = IntersectRayWithTriangle( ray, *corner1, *corner2, *corner3, false ); }
*corner3 = m_editCursorPos; if ( dist > 0 && dist < maxDist ) { *corner3 = from + dir * dist * maxDist;
float vertDistance = corner3->z - m_ladderAnchor.z; float val = vertDistance / ladderUp.z;
*corner1 = m_ladderAnchor + val * ladderUp; *corner2 = *corner3 - val * ladderUp;
return true; }
return false; }
bool CheckForClimbableSurface( const Vector &start, const Vector &end ) { trace_t result; UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result );
bool climbableSurface = false; if (result.fraction != 1.0f) { climbableSurface = physprops->GetSurfaceData( result.surface.surfaceProps )->game.climbable != 0; if ( !climbableSurface ) { climbableSurface = (result.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) != 0; } }
return climbableSurface; }
void StepAlongClimbableSurface( Vector &pos, const Vector &increment, const Vector &probe ) { while ( CheckForClimbableSurface( pos + increment - probe, pos + increment + probe ) ) { pos += increment; } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavBuildLadder( void ) { if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) || !m_climbableSurface ) { return; }
// We've got a ladder at m_editCursorPos, with a normal of m_surfaceNormal
Vector right, up; VectorVectors( -m_surfaceNormal, right, up );
m_ladderNormal = m_surfaceNormal;
Vector startPos = m_editCursorPos;
Vector leftEdge = startPos; Vector rightEdge = startPos;
// trace to the sides to find the width
Vector probe = m_surfaceNormal * -HalfHumanWidth; const float StepSize = 1.0f; StepAlongClimbableSurface( leftEdge, right * -StepSize, probe ); StepAlongClimbableSurface( rightEdge, right * StepSize, probe );
Vector topEdge = (leftEdge + rightEdge) * 0.5f; Vector bottomEdge = topEdge; StepAlongClimbableSurface( topEdge, up * StepSize, probe ); StepAlongClimbableSurface( bottomEdge, up * -StepSize, probe );
Vector top = (leftEdge + rightEdge) * 0.5f; top.z = topEdge.z;
Vector bottom = top; bottom.z = bottomEdge.z;
CreateLadder( topEdge, bottomEdge, leftEdge.DistTo( rightEdge ), m_ladderNormal.AsVector2D(), 0.0f ); }
* Flood fills all areas with current place */ class PlaceFloodFillFunctor { public: PlaceFloodFillFunctor( CNavArea *area ) { m_initialPlace = area->GetPlace(); }
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { if (area->GetPlace() != m_initialPlace) return false;
area->SetPlace( TheNavMesh->GetNavPlace() );
return true; }
private: unsigned int m_initialPlace; };
* Called when edit mode has just been enabled */ void CNavMesh::OnEditModeStart( void ) { ClearSelectedSet(); m_isContinuouslySelecting = false; m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false; }
* Called when edit mode has just been disabled */ void CNavMesh::OnEditModeEnd( void ) { }
class DrawSelectedSet { public: DrawSelectedSet( const Vector &shift ) { m_count = 0; m_shift = shift; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { if (TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area )) { area->DrawSelectedSet( m_shift ); ++m_count; } return (m_count < nav_draw_limit.GetInt()); } int m_count; Vector m_shift; };
class AddToDragSet { public: AddToDragSet( Extent &area, int zMin, int zMax, bool bDragDeselecting ) { m_nTolerance = 1; m_dragArea = area; m_zMin = zMin - m_nTolerance; m_zMax = zMax + m_nTolerance; m_bDragDeselecting = bDragDeselecting; }
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { bool bShouldBeInSelectedSet = m_bDragDeselecting; if ( ( TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area ) == bShouldBeInSelectedSet ) && area->IsOverlapping( m_dragArea ) && area->GetCenter().z >= m_zMin && area->GetCenter().z <= m_zMax ) { TheNavMesh->AddToDragSelectionSet( area ); } return true; }
Extent m_dragArea; int m_zMin; int m_zMax; int m_nTolerance; bool m_bDragDeselecting; };
void CNavMesh::UpdateDragSelectionSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
Extent dragArea; int xmin = MIN( m_anchor.x, m_editCursorPos.x ); int xmax = MAX( m_anchor.x, m_editCursorPos.x ); int ymin = MIN( m_anchor.y, m_editCursorPos.y ); int ymax = MAX( m_anchor.y, m_editCursorPos.y );
dragArea.lo = Vector( xmin, ymin, m_anchor.z ); dragArea.hi = Vector( xmax, ymax, m_anchor.z );
AddToDragSet add( dragArea, m_anchor.z - m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin, m_anchor.z + m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax, m_bIsDragDeselecting ); ForAllAreas( add ); }
* Draw navigation areas and edit them * @todo Clean the whole edit system up - its structure is legacy from peculiarities in GoldSrc. */ ConVar nav_show_compass( "nav_show_compass", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); void CNavMesh::DrawEditMode( void ) { VPROF( "CNavMesh::DrawEditMode" );
CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( IsGenerating() ) return;
// TODO: remove this when host_thread_mode 1 stops breaking NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER overlays
static ConVarRef host_thread_mode( "host_thread_mode" ); host_thread_mode.SetValue( 0 );
static ConVarRef sb_perf_collect( "sb_perf_collect" ); sb_perf_collect.SetValue( 0 );
const float maxRange = 1000.0f; // 500
if ( nav_show_nodes.GetBool() ) { for ( CNavNode *node = CNavNode::GetFirst(); node != NULL; node = node->GetNext() ) { if ( m_editCursorPos.DistToSqr( *node->GetPosition() ) < 150*150 ) { node->Draw(); } } } #endif // DEBUG_NAV_NODES
Vector from, dir; GetEditVectors( &from, &dir );
Vector to = from + maxRange * dir;
if ( !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) && nav_snap_to_grid.GetBool() ) { Vector center = SnapToGrid( m_editCursorPos );
const int GridCount = 3; const int GridArraySize = GridCount * 2 + 1; const int GridSize = GetGridSize();
// fill in an array of heights for the grid
Vector pos[GridArraySize][GridArraySize]; int x, y; for ( x=0; x<GridArraySize; ++x ) { for ( y=0; y<GridArraySize; ++y ) { pos[x][y] = center; pos[x][y].x += (x-GridCount) * GridSize; pos[x][y].y += (y-GridCount) * GridSize; pos[x][y].z += 36.0f;
GetGroundHeight( pos[x][y], &pos[x][y].z ); } }
for ( x=1; x<GridArraySize; ++x ) { for ( y=1; y<GridArraySize; ++y ) { NavDrawLine( pos[x-1][y-1], pos[x-1][y], NavGridColor ); NavDrawLine( pos[x-1][y-1], pos[x][y-1], NavGridColor );
if ( x == GridArraySize-1 ) { NavDrawLine( pos[x][y-1], pos[x][y], NavGridColor ); }
if ( y == GridArraySize-1 ) { NavDrawLine( pos[x-1][y], pos[x][y], NavGridColor ); } } } } */
if ( FindActiveNavArea() || m_markedArea || m_markedLadder || !IsSelectedSetEmpty() || IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) || IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { // draw cursor
float cursorSize = 10.0f;
if ( m_climbableSurface ) { NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( m_editCursorPos, cursorSize, 0, 255, 0, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER ); } else { NavDrawLine( m_editCursorPos + Vector( 0, 0, cursorSize ), m_editCursorPos, NavCursorColor ); NavDrawLine( m_editCursorPos + Vector( cursorSize, 0, 0 ), m_editCursorPos + Vector( -cursorSize, 0, 0 ), NavCursorColor ); NavDrawLine( m_editCursorPos + Vector( 0, cursorSize, 0 ), m_editCursorPos + Vector( 0, -cursorSize, 0 ), NavCursorColor );
if ( nav_show_compass.GetBool() ) { const float offset = cursorSize * 1.5f; Vector pos;
pos = m_editCursorPos; AddDirectionVector( &pos, NORTH, offset ); NDebugOverlay::Text( pos, "N", false, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
pos = m_editCursorPos; AddDirectionVector( &pos, SOUTH, offset ); NDebugOverlay::Text( pos, "S", false, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
pos = m_editCursorPos; AddDirectionVector( &pos, EAST, offset ); NDebugOverlay::Text( pos, "E", false, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
pos = m_editCursorPos; AddDirectionVector( &pos, WEST, offset ); NDebugOverlay::Text( pos, "W", false, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER ); } }
// show drag rectangle when creating areas and ladders
if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) { float z = m_anchor.z + 2.0f; NavDrawLine( Vector( m_editCursorPos.x, m_editCursorPos.y, z ), Vector( m_anchor.x, m_editCursorPos.y, z ), NavCreationColor ); NavDrawLine( Vector( m_anchor.x, m_anchor.y, z ), Vector( m_anchor.x, m_editCursorPos.y, z ), NavCreationColor ); NavDrawLine( Vector( m_anchor.x, m_anchor.y, z ), Vector( m_editCursorPos.x, m_anchor.y, z ), NavCreationColor ); NavDrawLine( Vector( m_editCursorPos.x, m_editCursorPos.y, z ), Vector( m_editCursorPos.x, m_anchor.y, z ), NavCreationColor ); } else if ( IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) { float z1 = m_anchor.z + m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax; float z2 = m_anchor.z - m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin;
// Draw the drag select volume
Vector vMin( m_anchor.x, m_anchor.y, z1 ); Vector vMax( m_editCursorPos.x, m_editCursorPos.y, z2 ); NavDrawVolume( vMin, vMax, m_anchor.z, NavDragSelectionColor );
Color dragSelectionColor = m_bIsDragDeselecting ? s_dragSelectionSetDeleteColor : s_dragSelectionSetAddColor;
// Draw the drag selection set
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_dragSelectionSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_dragSelectionSet[ it ]; area->DrawDragSelectionSet( dragSelectionColor ); } } else if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { Vector corner1, corner2, corner3; if ( FindLadderCorners( &corner1, &corner2, &corner3 ) ) { NavEditColor color = NavCreationColor; if ( !m_climbableSurface ) { color = NavInvalidCreationColor; }
NavDrawLine( m_ladderAnchor, corner1, color ); NavDrawLine( corner1, corner3, color ); NavDrawLine( corner3, corner2, color ); NavDrawLine( corner2, m_ladderAnchor, color ); } }
if ( m_selectedLadder ) { m_lastSelectedArea = NULL;
// if ladder changed, print its ID
if (m_selectedLadder != m_lastSelectedLadder || nav_show_area_info.GetBool()) { m_lastSelectedLadder = m_selectedLadder;
// print ladder info
char buffer[80];
CBaseEntity *ladderEntity = m_selectedLadder->GetLadderEntity(); if ( ladderEntity ) { V_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Ladder #%d (Team %s)\n", m_selectedLadder->GetID(), GetGlobalTeam( ladderEntity->GetTeamNumber() )->GetName() ); } else { V_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Ladder #%d\n", m_selectedLadder->GetID() ); } NDebugOverlay::ScreenText( 0.5, 0.53, buffer, 255, 255, 0, 128, nav_show_area_info.GetBool() ? 0.1 : 0.5 ); }
// draw the ladder we are pointing at and all connected areas
m_selectedLadder->DrawLadder(); m_selectedLadder->DrawConnectedAreas(); }
if ( m_markedLadder && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { // draw the "marked" ladder
m_markedLadder->DrawLadder(); }
if ( m_markedArea && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { // draw the "marked" area
m_markedArea->Draw(); }
// find the area the player is pointing at
if (m_selectedArea) { m_lastSelectedLadder = NULL; // if area changed, print its ID
if ( m_selectedArea != m_lastSelectedArea ) { m_showAreaInfoTimer.Start( nav_show_area_info.GetFloat() ); m_lastSelectedArea = m_selectedArea; }
if (m_showAreaInfoTimer.HasStarted() && !m_showAreaInfoTimer.IsElapsed() ) { char buffer[80]; char attrib[80]; char locName[80];
if (m_selectedArea->GetPlace()) { const char *name = TheNavMesh->PlaceToName( m_selectedArea->GetPlace() ); if (name) strcpy( locName, name ); else strcpy( locName, "ERROR" ); } else { locName[0] = '\000'; }
if (IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING )) { attrib[0] = '\000'; } else { attrib[0] = 0; int attributes = m_selectedArea->GetAttributes(); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_CROUCH ) Q_strncat( attrib, "CROUCH ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_JUMP ) Q_strncat( attrib, "JUMP ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_PRECISE ) Q_strncat( attrib, "PRECISE ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP ) Q_strncat( attrib, "NO_JUMP ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_STOP ) Q_strncat( attrib, "STOP ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_RUN ) Q_strncat( attrib, "RUN ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_WALK ) Q_strncat( attrib, "WALK ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_AVOID ) Q_strncat( attrib, "AVOID ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT ) Q_strncat( attrib, "TRANSIENT ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE ) Q_strncat( attrib, "DONT_HIDE ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_STAND ) Q_strncat( attrib, "STAND ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES )Q_strncat( attrib, "NO HOSTAGES ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_STAIRS ) Q_strncat( attrib, "STAIRS ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP ) Q_strncat( attrib, "OBSTACLE ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & NAV_MESH_CLIFF ) Q_strncat( attrib, "CLIFF ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); #ifdef TERROR
if ( attributes & TerrorNavArea::NAV_PLAYERCLIP ) Q_strncat( attrib, "PLAYERCLIP ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( attributes & TerrorNavArea::NAV_BREAKABLEWALL ) Q_strncat( attrib, "BREAKABLEWALL ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( m_selectedArea->IsBlocked( TEAM_SURVIVOR ) ) Q_strncat( attrib, "BLOCKED_SURVIVOR ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( m_selectedArea->IsBlocked( TEAM_ZOMBIE ) ) Q_strncat( attrib, "BLOCKED_ZOMBIE ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); #else
if ( m_selectedArea->IsBlocked( TEAM_ANY ) ) Q_strncat( attrib, "BLOCKED ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); #endif
if ( m_selectedArea->HasAvoidanceObstacle() ) Q_strncat( attrib, "OBSTRUCTED ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( m_selectedArea->IsDamaging() ) Q_strncat( attrib, "DAMAGING ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); if ( m_selectedArea->IsUnderwater() ) Q_strncat( attrib, "UNDERWATER ", sizeof( attrib ), -1 );
int connected = 0; connected += m_selectedArea->GetAdjacentCount( NORTH ); connected += m_selectedArea->GetAdjacentCount( SOUTH ); connected += m_selectedArea->GetAdjacentCount( EAST ); connected += m_selectedArea->GetAdjacentCount( WEST ); Q_strncat( attrib, UTIL_VarArgs( "%d Connections ", connected ), sizeof( attrib ), -1 ); }
Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Area #%d %s %s\n", m_selectedArea->GetID(), locName, attrib ); NDebugOverlay::ScreenText( 0.5, 0.53, buffer, 255, 255, 0, 128, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );
// do "place painting"
if ( m_isPlacePainting ) { if (m_selectedArea->GetPlace() != TheNavMesh->GetNavPlace()) { m_selectedArea->SetPlace( TheNavMesh->GetNavPlace() ); player->EmitSound( "Bot.EditSwitchOn" ); } } }
// do continuous selecting into selected set
if ( m_isContinuouslySelecting ) { AddToSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); } else if ( m_isContinuouslyDeselecting ) { // do continuous de-selecting into selected set
RemoveFromSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); }
if (IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING )) { m_selectedArea->DrawConnectedAreas(); } else // normal editing mode
{ // draw split line
Extent extent; m_selectedArea->GetExtent( &extent );
float yaw = player->EyeAngles().y; while( yaw > 360.0f ) yaw -= 360.0f;
while( yaw < 0.0f ) yaw += 360.0f;
if (m_splitAlongX) { from.x = extent.lo.x; from.y = m_splitEdge; from.z = m_selectedArea->GetZ( from );
to.x = extent.hi.x; to.y = m_splitEdge; to.z = m_selectedArea->GetZ( to ); } else { from.x = m_splitEdge; from.y = extent.lo.y; from.z = m_selectedArea->GetZ( from );
to.x = m_splitEdge; to.y = extent.hi.y; to.z = m_selectedArea->GetZ( to ); }
NavDrawLine( from, to, NavSplitLineColor );
// draw the area we are pointing at and all connected areas
m_selectedArea->DrawConnectedAreas(); } } // render the selected set
if (!IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { Vector shift( 0, 0, 0 ); if (IsEditMode( SHIFTING_XY )) { shift = m_editCursorPos - m_anchor; shift.z = 0.0f; }
DrawSelectedSet draw( shift );
// if the selected set is small, just blast it out
if (m_selectedSet.Count() < nav_draw_limit.GetInt()) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ]; draw( area ); } } else { // draw the part nearest the player
CNavArea *nearest = NULL; float nearRange = 9999999999.9f;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ];
float range = (player->GetAbsOrigin() - area->GetCenter()).LengthSqr(); if (range < nearRange) { nearRange = range; nearest = area; } }
SearchSurroundingAreas( nearest, nearest->GetCenter(), draw, -1, INCLUDE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS | INCLUDE_BLOCKED_AREAS ); } } } }
void CNavMesh::SetMarkedLadder( CNavLadder *ladder ) { m_markedLadder = ladder; m_markedArea = NULL; m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; }
void CNavMesh::SetMarkedArea( CNavArea *area ) { m_markedLadder = NULL; m_markedArea = area; m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavDelete( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if (IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { // the old way
CNavArea *markedArea = GetMarkedArea(); CNavLadder *markedLadder = GetMarkedLadder(); FindActiveNavArea();
if( markedArea ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( markedArea ); TheNavMesh->OnEditDestroyNotify( markedArea ); TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( markedArea ); } else if( markedLadder ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); m_ladders.FindAndRemove( markedLadder ); OnEditDestroyNotify( markedLadder ); delete markedLadder; } else if ( m_selectedArea ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( m_selectedArea ); CNavArea *deadArea = m_selectedArea; OnEditDestroyNotify( deadArea ); TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( deadArea ); } else if ( m_selectedLadder ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); m_ladders.FindAndRemove( m_selectedLadder ); CNavLadder *deadLadder = m_selectedLadder; OnEditDestroyNotify( deadLadder ); delete deadLadder; } } else { // delete all areas in the selected set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ]; TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( area ); OnEditDestroyNotify( area ); TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( area ); } Msg( "Deleted %d areas\n", m_selectedSet.Count() ); ClearSelectedSet(); } StripNavigationAreas();
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
class SelectCollector { public: SelectCollector( void ) { m_count = 0; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { // already selected areas terminate flood select
if (TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area )) return false; TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area ); ++m_count; return true; }
int m_count; };
void CNavMesh::CommandNavDeleteMarked( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
CNavArea *markedArea = GetMarkedArea(); if( markedArea ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); TheNavMesh->OnEditDestroyNotify( markedArea ); TheNavAreas.FindAndRemove( markedArea ); TheNavMesh->DestroyArea( markedArea ); }
CNavLadder *markedLadder = GetMarkedLadder(); if( markedLadder ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); m_ladders.FindAndRemove( markedLadder ); delete markedLadder; }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
SetMarkedLadder( NULL ); // unmark the mark ladder
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
* Select the current nav area and all recursively connected areas */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavFloodSelect( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
CNavArea *start = m_selectedArea; if ( !start ) { start = m_markedArea; }
if ( start ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" );
int connections = INCLUDE_BLOCKED_AREAS | INCLUDE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; if ( args.ArgC() == 2 && FStrEq( "out", args[1] ) ) { connections = INCLUDE_BLOCKED_AREAS; } if ( args.ArgC() == 2 && FStrEq( "in", args[1] ) ) { connections = INCLUDE_BLOCKED_AREAS | INCLUDE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS | EXCLUDE_OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS; }
// collect all areas connected to this area
SelectCollector collector; SearchSurroundingAreas( start, start->GetCenter(), collector, -1, connections ); Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", collector.m_count ); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
* Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavToggleSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" );
NavAreaVector notInSelectedSet;
// Build a list of all areas not in the selected set
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[it]; if ( !IsInSelectedSet( area ) ) { notInSelectedSet.AddToTail( area ); } }
// Clear out the selected set
// Add areas back into the selected set
FOR_EACH_VEC( notInSelectedSet, nit ) { CNavArea *area = notInSelectedSet[nit]; AddToSelectedSet( area ); }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", notInSelectedSet.Count() );
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
* Saves the current selected set for later retrieval. */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavStoreSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" );
m_storedSelectedSet.RemoveAll(); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { m_storedSelectedSet.AddToTail( m_selectedSet[it]->GetID() ); } }
* Restores an older selected set. */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavRecallSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" );
for ( int i=0; i<m_storedSelectedSet.Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *area = GetNavAreaByID( m_storedSelectedSet[i] ); if ( area ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() ); }
* Add current area to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavAddToSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { AddToSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } }
* Add area ID to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavAddToSelectedSetByID( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) || args.ArgC() < 2 ) return;
int id = atoi( args[1] ); CNavArea *area = GetNavAreaByID( id ); if ( area ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); Msg( "Added area %d. ( to go there: setpos %f %f %f )\n", id, area->GetCenter().x, area->GetCenter().y, area->GetCenter().z + 5 ); } else { Msg( "No area with id %d\n", id ); } }
* Remove current area from selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavRemoveFromSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { RemoveFromSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Add/remove current area from selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavToggleInSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (IsInSelectedSet( m_selectedArea )) { RemoveFromSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); } else { AddToSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); } player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Clear the selected set to empty */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavClearSelectedSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
ClearSelectedSet(); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); }
* Start continuously selecting areas into the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginSelecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslySelecting = true; m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false; player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.Creating" ); }
* Stop continuously selecting areas into the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndSelecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslySelecting = false; m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginDragSelecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) && !IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) return;
if ( IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) { ClearDragSelectionSet(); SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); SetEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING );
// m_anchor starting corner
m_anchor = m_editCursorPos; m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax = nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset.GetInt(); m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin = nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset.GetInt(); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndDragSelecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) { // Transfer drag selected areas to the selected set
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_dragSelectionSet, it ) { AddToSelectedSet( m_dragSelectionSet[it] ); } SetEditMode( NORMAL ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); }
ClearDragSelectionSet(); m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginDragDeselecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) && !IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) return;
if ( IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) { ClearDragSelectionSet(); SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); SetEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ); m_bIsDragDeselecting = true;
// m_anchor starting corner
m_anchor = m_editCursorPos; m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax = nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset.GetInt(); m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin = nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset.GetInt(); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndDragDeselecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( IsEditMode( DRAG_SELECTING ) ) { // Remove drag selected areas from the selected set
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_dragSelectionSet, it ) { RemoveFromSelectedSet( m_dragSelectionSet[it] ); } SetEditMode( NORMAL ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); }
ClearDragSelectionSet(); m_bIsDragDeselecting = false; m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavRaiseDragVolumeMax( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax += 32; nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset.SetValue( m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax ); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavLowerDragVolumeMax( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax = MAX( 0, m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax - 32 ); nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset.SetValue( m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax ); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavRaiseDragVolumeMin( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin = MAX( 0, m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin - 32 ); nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset.SetValue( m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin ); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavLowerDragVolumeMin( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin += 32; nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset.SetValue( m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin ); }
* Start/stop continuously selecting areas into the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavToggleSelecting( bool playSound ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslySelecting = !m_isContinuouslySelecting; m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false;
if ( playSound ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); } }
* Start continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginDeselecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = true; m_isContinuouslySelecting = false; player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.Creating" ); }
* Stop continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndDeselecting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = false; m_isContinuouslySelecting = false;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); }
* Start/stop continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavToggleDeselecting( bool playSound ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
m_isContinuouslyDeselecting = !m_isContinuouslyDeselecting; m_isContinuouslySelecting = false;
if ( playSound ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); } }
* Selects all areas that intersect the half-space * Arguments: "+z 100", or "-x 30", etc. */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectHalfSpace( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) && !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( args.ArgC() != 3 ) { Warning( "Error: <+X|-X|+Y|-Y|+Z|-Z> <value>\n" ); return; }
enum HalfSpaceType { PLUS_X, MINUS_X, PLUS_Y, MINUS_Y, PLUS_Z, MINUS_Z, } halfSpace = PLUS_X; if (FStrEq( "+x", args[1] )) { halfSpace = PLUS_X; } else if (FStrEq( "-x", args[1] )) { halfSpace = MINUS_X; } else if (FStrEq( "+y", args[1] )) { halfSpace = PLUS_Y; } else if (FStrEq( "-y", args[1] )) { halfSpace = MINUS_Y; } else if (FStrEq( "+z", args[1] )) { halfSpace = PLUS_Z; } else if (FStrEq( "-z", args[1] )) { halfSpace = MINUS_Z; }
float value = atof( args[2] ); Extent extent; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[it]; area->GetExtent( &extent ); switch( halfSpace ) { case PLUS_X: if (extent.lo.x < value && extent.hi.x < value) { continue; } break;
case PLUS_Y: if (extent.lo.y < value && extent.hi.y < value) { continue; } break;
case PLUS_Z: if (extent.lo.z < value && extent.hi.z < value) { continue; } break;
case MINUS_X: if (extent.lo.x > value && extent.hi.x > value) { continue; } break;
case MINUS_Y: if (extent.lo.y > value && extent.hi.y > value) { continue; } break;
case MINUS_Z: if (extent.lo.z > value && extent.hi.z > value) { continue; } break; }
// toggle membership
if ( IsInSelectedSet( area ) ) { RemoveFromSelectedSet( area ); } else { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DELETE" ); }
* Begin shifting selected set in the XY plane */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginShiftXY( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if (GetEditMode() == SHIFTING_XY) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); return; } else { SetEditMode( SHIFTING_XY ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.Creating" ); } // m_anchor starting corner
m_anchor = m_editCursorPos; }
* Shift a set of areas, and all connected ladders */ class ShiftSet { public: ShiftSet( const Vector &shift ) { m_shift = shift; }
bool operator()( CNavArea *area ) { area->Shift( m_shift );
const NavLadderConnectVector *ladders = area->GetLadders( CNavLadder::LADDER_UP ); int it; for( it = 0; it < ladders->Count(); ++it ) { CNavLadder *ladder = (*ladders)[ it ].ladder; if ( !m_ladders.HasElement( ladder ) ) { ladder->Shift( m_shift ); m_ladders.AddToTail( ladder ); } }
ladders = area->GetLadders( CNavLadder::LADDER_DOWN ); for( it = 0; it < ladders->Count(); ++it ) { CNavLadder *ladder = (*ladders)[ it ].ladder; if ( !m_ladders.HasElement( ladder ) ) { ladder->Shift( m_shift ); m_ladders.AddToTail( ladder ); } }
return true; }
private: CUtlVector< CNavLadder * > m_ladders; Vector m_shift; };
* End shifting selected set in the XY plane */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndShiftXY( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
SetEditMode( NORMAL );
Vector shiftAmount = m_editCursorPos - m_anchor; shiftAmount.z = 0.0f;
ShiftSet shift( shiftAmount );
// update the position of all areas in the selected set
TheNavMesh->ForAllSelectedAreas( shift );
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); }
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_shift, "Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
TheNavMesh->SetEditMode( CNavMesh::NORMAL );
Vector shiftAmount( vec3_origin ); if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { shiftAmount.x = atoi( args[1] );
if ( args.ArgC() > 2 ) { shiftAmount.y = atoi( args[2] );
if ( args.ArgC() > 3 ) { shiftAmount.z = atoi( args[3] ); } } }
ShiftSet shift( shiftAmount );
// update the position of all areas in the selected set
TheNavMesh->ForAllSelectedAreas( shift );
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" ); }
void CommandNavCenterInWorld( void ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
TheNavMesh->SetEditMode( CNavMesh::NORMAL );
// Build the nav mesh's extent
Extent navExtent; bool first = true; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[it]; if ( first ) { area->GetExtent( &navExtent ); first = false; } else { navExtent.Encompass( area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ) ); navExtent.Encompass( area->GetCorner( NORTH_EAST ) ); navExtent.Encompass( area->GetCorner( SOUTH_WEST ) ); navExtent.Encompass( area->GetCorner( SOUTH_EAST ) ); } }
// Get the world's extent
CWorld *world = dynamic_cast< CWorld * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( INDEXENT( 0 ) ) ); if ( !world ) return;
Extent worldExtent; world->GetWorldBounds( worldExtent.lo, worldExtent.hi );
// Compute the difference, and shift in XY
Vector navCenter = ( navExtent.lo + navExtent.hi ) * 0.5f; Vector worldCenter = ( worldExtent.lo + worldExtent.hi ) * 0.5f; Vector shift = worldCenter - navCenter; shift.z = 0.0f;
// update the position of all areas
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
area->Shift( shift ); }
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
Msg( "Shifting mesh by %f,%f\n", shift.x, shift.y ); } ConCommand nav_world_center( "nav_world_center", CommandNavCenterInWorld, "Centers the nav mesh in the world", FCVAR_CHEAT );
* Add invalid areas to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectInvalidAreas( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
Extent areaExtent; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area ) { area->GetExtent( &areaExtent ); for ( float x = areaExtent.lo.x; x + GenerationStepSize <= areaExtent.hi.x; x += GenerationStepSize ) { for ( float y = areaExtent.lo.y; y + GenerationStepSize <= areaExtent.hi.y; y += GenerationStepSize ) { float nw = area->GetZ( x, y ); float ne = area->GetZ( x + GenerationStepSize, y ); float sw = area->GetZ( x, y + GenerationStepSize ); float se = area->GetZ( x + GenerationStepSize, y + GenerationStepSize );
if ( !IsHeightDifferenceValid( nw, ne, sw, se ) || !IsHeightDifferenceValid( ne, nw, sw, se ) || !IsHeightDifferenceValid( sw, ne, nw, se ) || !IsHeightDifferenceValid( se, ne, sw, nw ) ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } } } } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Add blocked areas to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectBlockedAreas( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area && area->IsBlocked( TEAM_ANY ) ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Add obstructed areas to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectObstructedAreas( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area && area->HasAvoidanceObstacle() ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Add damaging areas to selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectDamagingAreas( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area && area->IsDamaging() ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
* Adds stairs areas to the selected set */ void CNavMesh::CommandNavSelectStairs( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if ( player == NULL ) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area && area->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_STAIRS ) ) { AddToSelectedSet( area ); } }
Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavSplit( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (m_selectedArea->SplitEdit( m_splitAlongX, m_splitEdge )) player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLIT.MarkedArea" ); else player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLIT.NoMarkedArea" ); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
bool MakeSniperSpots( CNavArea *area ) { if ( !area ) return false;
bool splitAlongX; float splitEdge;
const float minSplitSize = 2.0f; // ensure the first split is larger than this
float sizeX = area->GetSizeX(); float sizeY = area->GetSizeY();
if ( sizeX > GenerationStepSize && sizeX > sizeY ) { splitEdge = RoundToUnits( area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).x, GenerationStepSize ); if ( splitEdge < area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).x + minSplitSize ) splitEdge += GenerationStepSize; splitAlongX = false; } else if ( sizeY > GenerationStepSize && sizeY > sizeX ) { splitEdge = RoundToUnits( area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).y, GenerationStepSize ); if ( splitEdge < area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ).y + minSplitSize ) splitEdge += GenerationStepSize; splitAlongX = true; } else { return false; }
CNavArea *first, *second; if ( !area->SplitEdit( splitAlongX, splitEdge, &first, &second ) ) { return false; }
first->Disconnect( second ); second->Disconnect( first );
MakeSniperSpots( first ); MakeSniperSpots( second );
return true; }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavMakeSniperSpots( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { // recursively split the area
if ( MakeSniperSpots( m_selectedArea ) ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLIT.MarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLIT.NoMarkedArea" ); } } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLIT.NoMarkedArea" ); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavMerge( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { CNavArea *other = m_markedArea; if ( !m_markedArea && m_selectedSet.Count() == 1 ) { other = m_selectedSet[0]; }
if ( other && other != m_selectedArea ) { if ( m_selectedArea->MergeEdit( other ) ) player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MERGE.Enable" ); else player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MERGE.Disable" ); } else { Msg( "To merge, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the merge command" ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MERGE.Disable" ); } }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
ClearSelectedSet(); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavMark( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return; if (!IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { // add or remove areas from the selected set
if (IsInSelectedSet( m_selectedArea )) { // remove from set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); RemoveFromSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); } else { // add to set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); AddToSelectedSet( m_selectedArea ); } return; }
if ( m_markedArea || m_markedLadder ) { // Unmark area or ladder
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); Msg("Area unmarked.\n"); SetMarkedArea( NULL ); } else if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { if ( FStrEq( args[1], "ladder" ) ) { if ( args.ArgC() > 2 ) { const char *ladderIDNameToMark = args[2]; if ( ladderIDNameToMark ) { unsigned int ladderIDToMark = atoi( ladderIDNameToMark ); if ( ladderIDToMark != 0 ) { CNavLadder *ladder = TheNavMesh->GetLadderByID( ladderIDToMark ); if ( ladder ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); SetMarkedLadder( ladder );
int connected = 0; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topForwardArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topLeftArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topRightArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topBehindArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_bottomArea != NULL;
Msg( "Marked Ladder is connected to %d Areas\n", connected ); } } } } } else { const char *areaIDNameToMark = args[1]; if( areaIDNameToMark != NULL ) { unsigned int areaIDToMark = atoi(areaIDNameToMark); if( areaIDToMark != 0 ) { CNavArea *areaToMark = NULL; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, nit ) { if( TheNavAreas[nit]->GetID() == areaIDToMark ) { areaToMark = TheNavAreas[nit]; break; } } if( areaToMark ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); SetMarkedArea( areaToMark );
int connected = 0; connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( NORTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( SOUTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( EAST ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( WEST );
Msg( "Marked Area is connected to %d other Areas\n", connected ); } } } } } else if ( m_selectedArea ) { // Mark an area
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); SetMarkedArea( m_selectedArea );
int connected = 0; connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( NORTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( SOUTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( EAST ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( WEST );
Msg( "Marked Area is connected to %d other Areas\n", connected ); } else if ( m_selectedLadder ) { // Mark a ladder
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Disable" ); SetMarkedLadder( m_selectedLadder );
int connected = 0; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topForwardArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topLeftArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topRightArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_topBehindArea != NULL; connected += m_markedLadder->m_bottomArea != NULL;
Msg( "Marked Ladder is connected to %d Areas\n", connected ); }
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavUnmark( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK.Enable" ); SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavBeginArea( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !(IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) || IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) || IsEditMode( NORMAL )) ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); return; }
if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.Creating" ); } else if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.Creating" ); } else if ( m_climbableSurface ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); SetEditMode( CREATING_LADDER );
// m_ladderAnchor starting corner
m_ladderAnchor = m_editCursorPos; m_ladderNormal = m_surfaceNormal; } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_BEGIN_AREA.NotCreating" ); SetEditMode( CREATING_AREA );
// m_anchor starting corner
m_anchor = m_editCursorPos; }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavEndArea( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !(IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) || IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) || IsEditMode( NORMAL )) ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); return; }
if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_AREA ) ) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); // create the new nav area
Vector endPos = m_editCursorPos; endPos.z = m_anchor.z; // We're a manually-created area, so let's look around to see what's nearby
CNavArea *nearby = GetMarkedArea(); if ( !nearby ) { nearby = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( m_editCursorPos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ), false, 10000.0f, true ); } if ( !nearby ) { nearby = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( endPos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ), false, 10000.0f, true ); } if ( !nearby ) { nearby = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( m_editCursorPos ); } if ( !nearby ) { nearby = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( endPos ); }
CNavArea *newArea = CreateArea(); if (newArea == NULL) { Warning( "NavEndArea: Out of memory\n" ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); return; } newArea->Build( m_anchor, endPos );
if ( nearby ) { newArea->InheritAttributes( nearby ); // inherit from the nearby area
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( newArea ); TheNavMesh->AddNavArea( newArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
if ( nav_create_place_on_ground.GetBool() ) { newArea->PlaceOnGround( NUM_CORNERS ); }
// if we have a marked area, inter-connect the two
if (GetMarkedArea()) { Extent extent; GetMarkedArea()->GetExtent( &extent );
if (m_anchor.x > extent.hi.x && m_editCursorPos.x > extent.hi.x) { GetMarkedArea()->ConnectTo( newArea, EAST ); newArea->ConnectTo( GetMarkedArea(), WEST ); } else if (m_anchor.x < extent.lo.x && m_editCursorPos.x < extent.lo.x) { GetMarkedArea()->ConnectTo( newArea, WEST ); newArea->ConnectTo( GetMarkedArea(), EAST ); } else if (m_anchor.y > extent.hi.y && m_editCursorPos.y > extent.hi.y) { GetMarkedArea()->ConnectTo( newArea, SOUTH ); newArea->ConnectTo( GetMarkedArea(), NORTH ); } else if (m_anchor.y < extent.lo.y && m_editCursorPos.y < extent.lo.y) { GetMarkedArea()->ConnectTo( newArea, NORTH ); newArea->ConnectTo( GetMarkedArea(), SOUTH ); }
// propogate marked area to new area
SetMarkedArea( newArea ); }
TheNavMesh->OnEditCreateNotify( newArea ); } else if ( IsEditMode( CREATING_LADDER ) ) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
Vector corner1, corner2, corner3; if ( m_climbableSurface && FindLadderCorners( &corner1, &corner2, &corner3 ) ) { // m_ladderAnchor and corner2 are at the same Z, and corner1 & corner3 share Z.
Vector top = (m_ladderAnchor + corner2) * 0.5f; Vector bottom = (corner1 + corner3) * 0.5f; if ( top.z < bottom.z ) { Vector tmp = top; top = bottom; bottom = tmp; }
float width = m_ladderAnchor.DistTo( corner2 ); Vector2D ladderDir = m_surfaceNormal.AsVector2D();
CreateLadder( top, bottom, width, ladderDir, HumanHeight ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); } } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_END_AREA.NotCreating" ); }
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavConnect( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
Vector center; float halfWidth; if ( m_selectedSet.Count() > 1 ) { bool bValid = true; for ( int i = 1; i < m_selectedSet.Count(); ++i ) { // Make sure all connections are valid
CNavArea *first = m_selectedSet[0]; CNavArea *second = m_selectedSet[i];
NavDirType dir = second->ComputeLargestPortal( first, ¢er, &halfWidth ); if (dir == NUM_DIRECTIONS) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); bValid = false; break; }
dir = first->ComputeLargestPortal( second, ¢er, &halfWidth ); if (dir == NUM_DIRECTIONS) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); bValid = false; break; } }
if ( bValid ) { for ( int i = 1; i < m_selectedSet.Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *first = m_selectedSet[0]; CNavArea *second = m_selectedSet[i];
NavDirType dir = second->ComputeLargestPortal( first, ¢er, &halfWidth ); second->ConnectTo( first, dir );
dir = first->ComputeLargestPortal( second, ¢er, &halfWidth ); first->ConnectTo( second, dir ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.Added" ); } } } else if ( m_selectedArea ) { if ( m_markedLadder ) { m_markedLadder->ConnectTo( m_selectedArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.Added" ); } else if ( m_markedArea ) { NavDirType dir = GetMarkedArea()->ComputeLargestPortal( m_selectedArea, ¢er, &halfWidth ); if (dir == NUM_DIRECTIONS) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); } else { m_markedArea->ConnectTo( m_selectedArea, dir ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.Added" ); } } else { if ( m_selectedSet.Count() == 1 ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[0]; NavDirType dir = area->ComputeLargestPortal( m_selectedArea, ¢er, &halfWidth ); if (dir == NUM_DIRECTIONS) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); } else { area->ConnectTo( m_selectedArea, dir ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.Added" ); } } else { Msg( "To connect areas, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the connect command. Make sure the cursor is directly north, south, east, or west of the marked area." ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); } } } else if ( m_selectedLadder ) { if ( m_markedArea ) { m_markedArea->ConnectTo( m_selectedLadder ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.Added" ); } else { Msg( "To connect areas, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the connect command. Make sure the cursor is directly north, south, east, or west of the marked area." ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); } }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
ClearSelectedSet(); }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavDisconnect( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedSet.Count() > 1 ) { bool bValid = true; for ( int i = 1; i < m_selectedSet.Count(); ++i ) { // 2 areas are selected, so connect them bi-directionally
CNavArea *first = m_selectedSet[0]; CNavArea *second = m_selectedSet[i]; if ( !first->IsConnected( second, NUM_DIRECTIONS ) && !second->IsConnected( first, NUM_DIRECTIONS ) ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_CONNECT.AllDirections" ); bValid = false; break; } }
if ( bValid ) { for ( int i = 1; i < m_selectedSet.Count(); ++i ) { // 2 areas are selected, so connect them bi-directionally
CNavArea *first = m_selectedSet[0]; CNavArea *second = m_selectedSet[i]; first->Disconnect( second ); second->Disconnect( first ); } player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } } else if ( m_selectedArea ) { if ( m_markedArea ) { m_markedArea->Disconnect( m_selectedArea ); m_selectedArea->Disconnect( m_markedArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } else if ( m_selectedSet.Count() == 1 ) { m_selectedSet[0]->Disconnect( m_selectedArea ); m_selectedArea->Disconnect( m_selectedSet[0] ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } else { if ( m_markedLadder ) { m_markedLadder->Disconnect( m_selectedArea ); m_selectedArea->Disconnect( m_markedLadder ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } else { Msg( "To disconnect areas, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two areas." ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.NoMarkedArea" ); } } } else if ( m_selectedLadder ) { if ( m_markedArea ) { m_markedArea->Disconnect( m_selectedLadder ); m_selectedLadder->Disconnect( m_markedArea ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } if ( m_selectedSet.Count() == 1 ) { m_selectedSet[0]->Disconnect( m_selectedLadder ); m_selectedLadder->Disconnect( m_selectedSet[0] ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.MarkedArea" ); } else { Msg( "To disconnect areas, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two areas." ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_DISCONNECT.NoMarkedArea" ); } }
ClearSelectedSet(); SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavSplice( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (GetMarkedArea()) { if (m_selectedArea->SpliceEdit( GetMarkedArea() )) player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLICE.MarkedArea" ); else player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLICE.NoMarkedArea" ); } else { Msg( "To splice, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the splice command to create an area between them" ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SPLICE.NoMarkedArea" ); } }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
ClearSelectedSet(); m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
* Toggle an attribute on given area */ void CNavMesh::DoToggleAttribute( CNavArea *area, NavAttributeType attribute ) { area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() ^ attribute );
// keep a list of all "transient" nav areas
if ( attribute == NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT ) { if ( area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT ) { m_transientAreas.AddToTail( area ); } else { m_transientAreas.FindAndRemove( area ); } } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavToggleAttribute( NavAttributeType attribute ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( IsSelectedSetEmpty() ) { // the old way
if ( m_selectedArea ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT.ToggleAttribute" ); DoToggleAttribute( m_selectedArea, attribute ); } } else { // toggle the attribute in all areas in the selected set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT.ToggleAttribute" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ];
DoToggleAttribute( area, attribute ); }
Msg( "Changed attribute in %d areas\n", m_selectedSet.Count() );
ClearSelectedSet(); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavTogglePlaceMode( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { SetEditMode( NORMAL ); } else { SetEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ); }
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_TOGGLE_PLACE_MODE" );
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavPlaceFloodFill( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { PlaceFloodFillFunctor pff( m_selectedArea ); SearchSurroundingAreas( m_selectedArea, m_selectedArea->GetCenter(), pff ); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavPlaceSet( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( !IsSelectedSetEmpty() ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ]; area->SetPlace( TheNavMesh->GetNavPlace() ); } } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavPlacePick( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_PLACE_PICK" ); TheNavMesh->SetNavPlace( m_selectedArea->GetPlace() ); }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavTogglePlacePainting( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( PLACE_PAINTING ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (m_isPlacePainting) { m_isPlacePainting = false; player->EmitSound( "Bot.EditSwitchOff" ); } else { m_isPlacePainting = true;
player->EmitSound( "Bot.EditSwitchOn" );
// paint the initial area
m_selectedArea->SetPlace( TheNavMesh->GetNavPlace() ); } }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavMarkUnnamed( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (GetMarkedArea()) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK_UNNAMED.Enable" ); SetMarkedArea( NULL ); } else { SetMarkedArea( NULL ); FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
if ( area->GetPlace() == 0 ) { SetMarkedArea( area ); break; } } if ( !GetMarkedArea() ) { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK_UNNAMED.NoMarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MARK_UNNAMED.MarkedArea" );
int connected = 0; connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( NORTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( SOUTH ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( EAST ); connected += GetMarkedArea()->GetAdjacentCount( WEST );
int totalUnnamedAreas = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ]; if ( area->GetPlace() == 0 ) { ++totalUnnamedAreas; } }
Msg( "Marked Area is connected to %d other Areas - there are %d total unnamed areas\n", connected, totalUnnamedAreas ); } } }
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
void CNavMesh::CommandNavCornerSelect( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (GetMarkedArea()) { int corner = (m_markedCorner + 1) % (NUM_CORNERS + 1); m_markedCorner = (NavCornerType)corner; player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SELECT_CORNER.MarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_SELECT_CORNER.NoMarkedArea" ); } } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavCornerRaise( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
int amount = 1; if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { amount = atoi( args[1] ); }
if (IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { // the old way
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (GetMarkedArea()) { GetMarkedArea()->RaiseCorner( m_markedCorner, amount ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.NoMarkedArea" ); } } } else { // raise all areas in the selected set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ];
area->RaiseCorner( NUM_CORNERS, amount, false ); }
Msg( "Raised %d areas\n", m_selectedSet.Count() ); } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavCornerLower( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
int amount = -1; if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { amount = -atoi( args[1] ); }
if (IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { // the old way
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if (GetMarkedArea()) { GetMarkedArea()->RaiseCorner( m_markedCorner, amount ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.NoMarkedArea" ); } } } else { // raise all areas in the selected set
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ];
area->RaiseCorner( NUM_CORNERS, amount, false ); }
Msg( "Lowered %d areas\n", m_selectedSet.Count() ); } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavCornerPlaceOnGround( const CCommand &args ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
float inset = 0.0f; if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { inset = atof(args[1]); }
if (IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { // the old way
if ( m_selectedArea ) { if ( m_markedArea ) { m_markedArea->PlaceOnGround( m_markedCorner, inset ); } else { m_selectedArea->PlaceOnGround( NUM_CORNERS, inset ); } player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" ); } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.NoMarkedArea" ); } } else { // snap all areas in the selected set to the ground
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ];
area->PlaceOnGround( NUM_CORNERS, inset ); }
Msg( "Placed %d areas on the ground\n", m_selectedSet.Count() ); } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavWarpToMark( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
CNavArea *targetArea = GetMarkedArea(); if ( !targetArea && !IsSelectedSetEmpty() ) { targetArea = m_selectedSet[0]; }
if ( targetArea ) { Vector origin = targetArea->GetCenter() + Vector( 0, 0, 0.75f * HumanHeight ); QAngle angles = player->GetAbsAngles();
if ( ( player->IsDead() || player->IsObserver() ) && player->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) { UTIL_SetOrigin( player, origin ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK" ); } else { player->Teleport( &origin, &angles, &vec3_origin ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK" ); } } else if ( GetMarkedLadder() ) { CNavLadder *ladder = GetMarkedLadder();
QAngle angles = player->GetAbsAngles(); Vector origin = (ladder->m_top + ladder->m_bottom)/2; origin.x += ladder->GetNormal().x * GenerationStepSize; origin.y += ladder->GetNormal().y * GenerationStepSize;
if ( ( player->IsDead() || player->IsObserver() ) && player->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) { UTIL_SetOrigin( player, origin ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK" ); } else { player->Teleport( &origin, &angles, &vec3_origin ); player->EmitSound( "EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK" ); } } else { player->EmitSound( "EDIT_WARP_TO_MARK" ); } }
void CNavMesh::CommandNavLadderFlip( void ) { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
if ( !IsEditMode( NORMAL ) ) return;
if ( m_selectedLadder ) { CNavArea *area;
// flip direction
player->EmitSound( "EDIT_MOVE_CORNER.MarkedArea" ); m_selectedLadder->SetDir( OppositeDirection( m_selectedLadder->GetDir() ) );
// and reverse ladder's area pointers
area = m_selectedLadder->m_topBehindArea; m_selectedLadder->m_topBehindArea = m_selectedLadder->m_topForwardArea; m_selectedLadder->m_topForwardArea = area;
area = m_selectedLadder->m_topRightArea; m_selectedLadder->m_topRightArea = m_selectedLadder->m_topLeftArea; m_selectedLadder->m_topLeftArea = area; }
SetMarkedArea( NULL ); // unmark the mark area
m_markedCorner = NUM_CORNERS; // clear the corner selection
class RadiusSelect { Vector m_origin; float m_radiusSquared; int m_selected;
public: RadiusSelect( const Vector &origin, float radius ) { m_origin = origin; m_radiusSquared = radius * radius; m_selected = 0; }
bool operator()( CNavArea *area ) { if ( TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area ) ) return true;
Vector close; area->GetClosestPointOnArea( m_origin, &close ); if ( close.DistToSqr( m_origin ) < m_radiusSquared ) { TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area ); ++m_selected; }
return true; }
int GetNumSelected( void ) const { return m_selected; } };
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_select_radius, "Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() || engine->IsDedicatedServer() ) return;
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Msg( "Needs a radius\n" ); return; }
float radius = atof( args[ 1 ] ); CBasePlayer *host = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if ( !host ) return;
RadiusSelect select( host->GetAbsOrigin(), radius ); TheNavMesh->ForAllAreas( select );
Msg( "%d areas added to selection\n", select.GetNumSelected() ); }
* Add area to the currently selected set */ void CNavMesh::AddToSelectedSet( CNavArea *area ) { if ( !area ) return;
// make sure area is not already in list
if (m_selectedSet.Find( area ) != m_selectedSet.InvalidIndex()) return; m_selectedSet.AddToTail( area ); }
* Remove area from the currently selected set */ void CNavMesh::RemoveFromSelectedSet( CNavArea *area ) { m_selectedSet.FindAndRemove( area ); }
* Add area to the drag selection set */ void CNavMesh::AddToDragSelectionSet( CNavArea *area ) { if ( !area ) return;
// make sure area is not already in list
if (m_dragSelectionSet.Find( area ) != m_dragSelectionSet.InvalidIndex()) return; m_dragSelectionSet.AddToTail( area ); }
* Remove area from the drag selection set */ void CNavMesh::RemoveFromDragSelectionSet( CNavArea *area ) { m_dragSelectionSet.FindAndRemove( area ); }
* Clear the currently selected set to empty */ void CNavMesh::ClearDragSelectionSet( void ) { m_dragSelectionSet.RemoveAll(); }
* Clear the currently selected set to empty */ void CNavMesh::ClearSelectedSet( void ) { m_selectedSet.RemoveAll(); }
* Return true if the selected set is empty */ bool CNavMesh::IsSelectedSetEmpty( void ) const { return (m_selectedSet.Count() == 0); }
* Return size of the selected set */ int CNavMesh::GetSelecteSetSize( void ) const { return m_selectedSet.Count(); }
* Return the selected set */ const NavAreaVector &CNavMesh::GetSelectedSet( void ) const { return m_selectedSet; }
* Return true if the given area is in the selected set */ bool CNavMesh::IsInSelectedSet( const CNavArea *area ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { const CNavArea *setArea = m_selectedSet[ it ]; if (setArea == area) return true; } return false; }
* Invoked when given area has just been added to the mesh in edit mode */ void CNavMesh::OnEditCreateNotify( CNavArea *newArea ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { TheNavAreas[ it ]->OnEditCreateNotify( newArea ); } }
* Invoked when given area has just been deleted from the mesh in edit mode */ void CNavMesh::OnEditDestroyNotify( CNavArea *deadArea ) { // clean up any edit hooks
m_markedArea = NULL; m_selectedArea = NULL; m_lastSelectedArea = NULL; m_selectedLadder = NULL; m_lastSelectedLadder = NULL; m_markedLadder = NULL;
m_avoidanceObstacleAreas.FindAndRemove( deadArea ); m_blockedAreas.FindAndRemove( deadArea );
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { TheNavAreas[ it ]->OnEditDestroyNotify( deadArea ); }
EditDestroyNotification notification( deadArea ); ForEachActor( notification ); }
* Invoked when given ladder has just been deleted from the mesh in edit mode * @TODO: Implement me */ void CNavMesh::OnEditDestroyNotify( CNavLadder *deadLadder ) { }