//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// AI Navigation areas
// Author: Michael S. Booth ([email protected]), January 2003
#include "cbase.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "nav_node.h"
#include "nav_pathfind.h"
#include "nav_colors.h"
#ifdef TERROR
#include "TerrorShared.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar nav_area_bgcolor;
unsigned int CNavLadder::m_nextID = 1;
* Shift the nav area */ void CNavLadder::Shift( const Vector &shift ) { m_top += shift; m_bottom += shift; }
void CNavLadder::CompressIDs( void ) { m_nextID = 1;
if ( TheNavMesh ) { for ( int i=0; i<TheNavMesh->GetLadders().Count(); ++i ) { CNavLadder *ladder = TheNavMesh->GetLadders()[i]; ladder->m_id = m_nextID++; } } }
CNavArea ** CNavLadder::GetConnection( LadderConnectionType dir ) { switch ( dir ) { case LADDER_TOP_FORWARD: return &m_topForwardArea; case LADDER_TOP_LEFT: return &m_topLeftArea; case LADDER_TOP_RIGHT: return &m_topRightArea; case LADDER_TOP_BEHIND: return &m_topBehindArea; case LADDER_BOTTOM: return &m_bottomArea; }
return NULL; }
void CNavLadder::OnSplit( CNavArea *original, CNavArea *alpha, CNavArea *beta ) { for ( int con=0; con<NUM_LADDER_CONNECTIONS; ++con ) { CNavArea ** areaConnection = GetConnection( (LadderConnectionType)con );
if ( areaConnection && *areaConnection == original ) { float alphaDistance = alpha->GetDistanceSquaredToPoint( m_top ); float betaDistance = beta->GetDistanceSquaredToPoint( m_top );
if ( alphaDistance < betaDistance ) { *areaConnection = alpha; } else { *areaConnection = beta; } } } }
* Connect this ladder to given area */ void CNavLadder::ConnectTo( CNavArea *area ) { float center = (m_top.z + m_bottom.z) * 0.5f;
if (area->GetCenter().z > center) { // connect to top
NavDirType dir;
Vector dirVector = area->GetCenter() - m_top; if ( fabs( dirVector.x ) > fabs( dirVector.y ) ) { if ( dirVector.x > 0.0f ) // east
{ dir = EAST; } else // west
{ dir = WEST; } } else { if ( dirVector.y > 0.0f ) // south
{ dir = SOUTH; } else // north
{ dir = NORTH; } }
if ( m_dir == dir ) { m_topBehindArea = area; } else if ( OppositeDirection( m_dir ) == dir ) { m_topForwardArea = area; } else if ( DirectionLeft( m_dir ) == dir ) { m_topLeftArea = area; } else { m_topRightArea = area; } } else { // connect to bottom
m_bottomArea = area; } }
* Destructor */ CNavLadder::~CNavLadder() { // tell the other areas we are going away
FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ];
area->OnDestroyNotify( this ); } }
* invoked when given area is going away */ void CNavLadder::OnDestroyNotify( CNavArea *dead ) { Disconnect( dead ); }
* Disconnect this ladder from given area */ void CNavLadder::Disconnect( CNavArea *area ) { if ( m_topForwardArea == area ) { m_topForwardArea = NULL; } else if ( m_topLeftArea == area ) { m_topLeftArea = NULL; } else if ( m_topRightArea == area ) { m_topRightArea = NULL; } else if ( m_topBehindArea == area ) { m_topBehindArea = NULL; } else if ( m_bottomArea == area ) { m_bottomArea = NULL; } }
* returns true if given area is connected in given direction */ bool CNavLadder::IsConnected( const CNavArea *area, LadderDirectionType dir ) const { if ( dir == LADDER_DOWN ) { return area == m_bottomArea; } else if ( dir == LADDER_UP ) { return ( area == m_topForwardArea || area == m_topLeftArea || area == m_topRightArea || area == m_topBehindArea ); } else { return ( area == m_bottomArea || area == m_topForwardArea || area == m_topLeftArea || area == m_topRightArea || area == m_topBehindArea ); } }
void CNavLadder::SetDir( NavDirType dir ) { m_dir = dir;
m_normal.Init(); AddDirectionVector( &m_normal, m_dir, 1.0f ); // worst-case, we have the NavDirType as a normal
Vector from = (m_top + m_bottom) * 0.5f + m_normal * 5.0f; Vector to = from - m_normal * 32.0f;
trace_t result; #ifdef TERROR
// TERROR: use the MASK_ZOMBIESOLID_BRUSHONLY contents, since that's what zombies use
if (result.fraction != 1.0f) { bool climbableSurface = physprops->GetSurfaceData( result.surface.surfaceProps )->game.climbable != 0; if ( !climbableSurface ) { climbableSurface = (result.contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) != 0; } if ( climbableSurface ) { m_normal = result.plane.normal; } } }
void CNavLadder::DrawLadder( void ) const { CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_GetListenServerHost(); if (player == NULL) return;
Vector dir; const Vector &eye = player->EyePosition(); AngleVectors( player->EyeAngles() + player->GetViewPunchAngle(), &dir );
float dx = eye.x - m_bottom.x; float dy = eye.y - m_bottom.y;
Vector2D eyeDir( dx, dy ); eyeDir.NormalizeInPlace(); bool isSelected = ( this == TheNavMesh->GetSelectedLadder() ); bool isMarked = ( this == TheNavMesh->GetMarkedLadder() ); bool isFront = DotProduct2D( eyeDir, GetNormal().AsVector2D() ) > 0;
if ( TheNavMesh->IsEditMode( CNavMesh::PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { isSelected = isMarked = false; isFront = true; }
// Highlight ladder entity ------------------------------------------------
CBaseEntity *ladderEntity = m_ladderEntity.Get(); if ( ladderEntity ) { ladderEntity->DrawAbsBoxOverlay(); }
// Draw 'ladder' lines ----------------------------------------------------
NavEditColor ladderColor = NavNormalColor; if ( isFront ) { if ( isMarked ) { ladderColor = NavMarkedColor; } else if ( isSelected ) { ladderColor = NavSelectedColor; } else { ladderColor = NavSamePlaceColor; } } else if ( isMarked ) { ladderColor = NavMarkedColor; } else if ( isSelected ) { ladderColor = NavSelectedColor; }
Vector right(0, 0, 0), up( 0, 0, 0 ); VectorVectors( GetNormal(), right, up ); if ( up.z <= 0.0f ) { AssertMsg( false, "A nav ladder has an invalid normal" ); up.Init( 0, 0, 1 ); }
right *= m_width * 0.5f;
Vector bottomLeft = m_bottom - right; Vector bottomRight = m_bottom + right; Vector topLeft = m_top - right; Vector topRight = m_top + right;
int bgcolor[4]; if ( 4 == sscanf( nav_area_bgcolor.GetString(), "%d %d %d %d", &(bgcolor[0]), &(bgcolor[1]), &(bgcolor[2]), &(bgcolor[3]) ) ) { for ( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) bgcolor[i] = clamp( bgcolor[i], 0, 255 );
if ( bgcolor[3] > 0 ) { Vector offset( 0, 0, 0 ); AddDirectionVector( &offset, OppositeDirection( m_dir ), 1 ); NDebugOverlay::Triangle( topLeft+offset, topRight+offset, bottomRight+offset, bgcolor[0], bgcolor[1], bgcolor[2], bgcolor[3], true, 0.15f ); NDebugOverlay::Triangle( bottomRight+offset, bottomLeft+offset, topLeft+offset, bgcolor[0], bgcolor[1], bgcolor[2], bgcolor[3], true, 0.15f ); } }
NavDrawLine( topLeft, bottomLeft, ladderColor ); NavDrawLine( topRight, bottomRight, ladderColor );
while ( bottomRight.z < topRight.z ) { NavDrawLine( bottomRight, bottomLeft, ladderColor ); bottomRight += up * (GenerationStepSize/2); bottomLeft += up * (GenerationStepSize/2); }
// Draw connector lines ---------------------------------------------------
if ( !TheNavMesh->IsEditMode( CNavMesh::PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { Vector bottom = m_bottom; Vector top = m_top;
NavDrawLine( top, bottom, NavConnectedTwoWaysColor );
if (m_bottomArea) { float offset = GenerationStepSize; const Vector& areaBottom = m_bottomArea->GetCenter();
// don't draw the bottom connection too high if the ladder is very short
if ( top.z - bottom.z < GenerationStepSize * 1.5f ) offset = 0.0f;
// don't draw the bottom connection too high if the ladder is high above the area
if ( bottom.z - areaBottom.z > GenerationStepSize * 1.5f ) offset = 0.0f;
NavDrawLine( bottom + Vector( 0, 0, offset ), areaBottom, ((m_bottomArea->IsConnected( this, LADDER_UP ))?NavConnectedTwoWaysColor:NavConnectedOneWayColor) ); }
if (m_topForwardArea) NavDrawLine( top, m_topForwardArea->GetCenter(), ((m_topForwardArea->IsConnected( this, LADDER_DOWN ))?NavConnectedTwoWaysColor:NavConnectedOneWayColor) );
if (m_topLeftArea) NavDrawLine( top, m_topLeftArea->GetCenter(), ((m_topLeftArea->IsConnected( this, LADDER_DOWN ))?NavConnectedTwoWaysColor:NavConnectedOneWayColor) );
if (m_topRightArea) NavDrawLine( top, m_topRightArea->GetCenter(), ((m_topRightArea->IsConnected( this, LADDER_DOWN ))?NavConnectedTwoWaysColor:NavConnectedOneWayColor) );
if (m_topBehindArea) NavDrawLine( top, m_topBehindArea->GetCenter(), ((m_topBehindArea->IsConnected( this, LADDER_DOWN ))?NavConnectedTwoWaysColor:NavConnectedOneWayColor) ); } }
void CNavLadder::DrawConnectedAreas( void ) { CUtlVector< CNavArea * > areas; if ( m_topForwardArea ) areas.AddToTail( m_topForwardArea ); if ( m_topLeftArea ) areas.AddToTail( m_topLeftArea ); if ( m_topRightArea ) areas.AddToTail( m_topRightArea ); if ( m_topBehindArea ) areas.AddToTail( m_topBehindArea ); if ( m_bottomArea ) areas.AddToTail( m_bottomArea );
for ( int i=0; i<areas.Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *adj = areas[i];
if ( !TheNavMesh->IsEditMode( CNavMesh::PLACE_PAINTING ) ) { adj->DrawHidingSpots(); } } }
* invoked when a game round restarts */ void CNavLadder::OnRoundRestart( void ) { FindLadderEntity(); }
void CNavLadder::FindLadderEntity( void ) { m_ladderEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameNearest( "func_simpleladder", (m_top + m_bottom) * 0.5f, HalfHumanWidth ); }
* Save a navigation ladder to the opened binary stream */ void CNavLadder::Save( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version ) const { // save ID
fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( m_id );
// save extent of ladder
fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_width );
// save top endpoint of ladder
fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_top.x ); fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_top.y ); fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_top.z );
// save bottom endpoint of ladder
fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_bottom.x ); fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_bottom.y ); fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_bottom.z );
// save ladder length
fileBuffer.PutFloat( m_length );
// save direction
fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( m_dir );
// save IDs of connecting areas
unsigned int id; id = ( m_topForwardArea ) ? m_topForwardArea->GetID() : 0; fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( id );
id = ( m_topLeftArea ) ? m_topLeftArea->GetID() : 0; fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( id );
id = ( m_topRightArea ) ? m_topRightArea->GetID() : 0; fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( id );
id = ( m_topBehindArea ) ? m_topBehindArea->GetID() : 0; fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( id );
id = ( m_bottomArea ) ? m_bottomArea->GetID() : 0; fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( id ); }
* Load a navigation ladder from the opened binary stream */ void CNavLadder::Load( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version ) { // load ID
m_id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
// update nextID to avoid collisions
if (m_id >= m_nextID) m_nextID = m_id+1;
// load extent of ladder
m_width = fileBuffer.GetFloat();
// load top endpoint of ladder
m_top.x = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); m_top.y = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); m_top.z = fileBuffer.GetFloat();
// load bottom endpoint of ladder
m_bottom.x = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); m_bottom.y = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); m_bottom.z = fileBuffer.GetFloat();
// load ladder length
m_length = fileBuffer.GetFloat();
// load direction
m_dir = (NavDirType)fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); SetDir( m_dir ); // regenerate the surface normal
// load dangling status
if ( version == 6 ) { bool m_isDangling; fileBuffer.Get( &m_isDangling, sizeof(m_isDangling) ); }
// load IDs of connecting areas
unsigned int id; id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_topForwardArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( id );
id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_topLeftArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( id );
id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_topRightArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( id );
id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_topBehindArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( id );
id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_bottomArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( id ); if ( !m_bottomArea ) { DevMsg( "ERROR: Unconnected ladder #%d bottom at ( %g, %g, %g )\n", m_id, m_bottom.x, m_bottom.y, m_bottom.z ); DevWarning( "nav_unmark; nav_mark ladder %d; nav_warp_to_mark\n", m_id ); } else if (!m_topForwardArea && !m_topLeftArea && !m_topRightArea) // can't include behind area, since it is not used when going up a ladder
{ DevMsg( "ERROR: Unconnected ladder #%d top at ( %g, %g, %g )\n", m_id, m_top.x, m_top.y, m_top.z ); DevWarning( "nav_unmark; nav_mark ladder %d; nav_warp_to_mark\n", m_id ); }
FindLadderEntity(); }
* Functor returns true if ladder is free, or false if someone is on the ladder */ class IsLadderFreeFunctor { public: IsLadderFreeFunctor( const CNavLadder *ladder, const CBasePlayer *ignore ) { m_ladder = ladder; m_ignore = ignore; }
bool operator() ( CBasePlayer *player ) { if (player == m_ignore) return true;
if (!player->IsOnLadder()) return true;
// player is on a ladder - is it this one?
const Vector &feet = player->GetAbsOrigin();
if (feet.z > m_ladder->m_top.z + HalfHumanHeight) return true;
if (feet.z + HumanHeight < m_ladder->m_bottom.z - HalfHumanHeight) return true;
Vector2D away( m_ladder->m_bottom.x - feet.x, m_ladder->m_bottom.y - feet.y ); const float onLadderRange = 50.0f; return away.IsLengthGreaterThan( onLadderRange ); }
const CNavLadder *m_ladder; const CBasePlayer *m_ignore; };
* Return true if someone is on this ladder */ bool CNavLadder::IsInUse( const CBasePlayer *ignore ) const { IsLadderFreeFunctor isLadderFree( this, ignore ); return !ForEachPlayer( isLadderFree ); }
Vector CNavLadder::GetPosAtHeight( float height ) const { if ( height < m_bottom.z ) { return m_bottom; }
if ( height > m_top.z ) { return m_top; }
if ( m_top.z == m_bottom.z ) { return m_top; }
float percent = ( height - m_bottom.z ) / ( m_top.z - m_bottom.z );
return m_top * percent + m_bottom * ( 1.0f - percent ); }