Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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149 lines
3.7 KiB

  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // matchmaking_base_inc.VPC
  3. //
  4. // Project Script
  5. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. $Macro SRCDIR ".."
  7. $Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_lib_base.vpc"
  8. $Configuration
  9. {
  10. $Compiler
  11. {
  12. $AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$BASE,..\common,$SRCDIR\gcsdk\steamextra,$SRCDIR\game\shared,$SRCDIR\thirdparty\protobuf-2.5.0\src"
  14. $PreprocessorDefinitions "$BASE;strncpy=use_Q_strncpy_instead;_snprintf=use_Q_snprintf_instead" [!$PS3]
  15. }
  16. }
  17. $Project
  18. {
  19. $Folder "Matchmaking"
  20. {
  21. $Folder "Headers"
  22. {
  23. $File "matchmakingqos.h"
  24. $File "mm_framework.h"
  25. $File "mm_netmsgcontroller.h"
  26. $File "mm_events.h"
  27. $File "mm_extensions.h"
  28. $File "mm_session.h"
  29. $File "mm_title_main.h"
  30. $File "mm_voice.h"
  31. }
  32. $File "matchmakingqos.cpp"
  33. $File "mm_events.cpp"
  34. $File "mm_extensions.cpp"
  35. $File "mm_framework.cpp"
  36. $File "mm_netmsgcontroller.cpp"
  37. $File "mm_session.cpp"
  38. $File "mm_voice.cpp"
  39. }
  40. $Folder "Sessions"
  41. {
  42. $File "ds_searcher.h"
  43. $File "ds_searcher.cpp"
  44. $File "match_searcher.h"
  45. $File "match_searcher.cpp"
  46. $File "mm_netmgr.h"
  47. $File "mm_netmgr.cpp"
  48. $File "mm_session_offline_custom.h"
  49. $File "mm_session_offline_custom.cpp"
  50. $File "mm_session_online_client.h"
  51. $File "mm_session_online_client.cpp"
  52. $File "mm_session_online_host.h"
  53. $File "mm_session_online_host.cpp"
  54. $File "mm_session_online_search.h"
  55. $File "mm_session_online_search.cpp"
  56. $File "mm_session_online_teamsearch.h"
  57. $File "mm_session_online_teamsearch.cpp"
  58. $File "sys_session.h"
  59. $File "sys_session.cpp"
  60. }
  61. $Folder "Platform - Steam"
  62. {
  63. $File "steam_apihook.cpp"
  64. $File "steam_apihook.h"
  65. $File "steam_datacenterjobs.h"
  66. $File "steam_datacenterjobs.cpp" [!$X360]
  67. $File "steam_lobbyapi.cpp" [!$NO_STEAM && !$DEDICATED && !$X360]
  68. $File "steam_lobbyapi.h"
  69. }
  70. $Folder "Platform - Xbox 360"
  71. {
  72. $File "x360_lobbyapi.cpp" [$X360]
  73. $File "x360_lobbyapi.h"
  74. $File "x360_netmgr.cpp" [$X360]
  75. $File "x360_netmgr.h"
  76. $File "x360_xlsp_cmd.cpp"
  77. $File "x360_xlsp_cmd.h"
  78. }
  79. $Folder "Systems"
  80. {
  81. $Folder "Headers"
  82. {
  83. $File "datacenter.h"
  84. $File "leaderboards.h"
  85. $File "matchsystem.h"
  86. $File "mm_dlc.h"
  87. $File "player.h"
  88. $File "playermanager.h"
  89. $File "searchmanager.h"
  90. $File "servermanager.h"
  91. $File "playerrankingdata.h"
  92. }
  93. $File "datacenter.cpp"
  94. $File "mm_dlc.cpp"
  95. $File "leaderboards.cpp"
  96. $File "matchsystem.cpp"
  97. $File "player.cpp"
  98. $File "playermanager.cpp"
  99. $File "searchmanager.cpp"
  100. $File "servermanager.cpp"
  101. $File "playerrankingdata.cpp"
  102. }
  103. $Folder "Utils"
  104. {
  105. $File "extkeyvalues.h"
  106. $File "extkeyvalues.cpp"
  107. }
  108. $Folder "Public Headers"
  109. {
  110. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\idatacenter.h"
  111. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchasync.h"
  112. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchextensions.h"
  113. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchevents.h"
  114. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchframework.h"
  115. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchtitle.h"
  116. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchnetworkmsg.h"
  117. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchsystem.h"
  118. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\imatchvoice.h"
  119. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\iplayer.h"
  120. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\iplayermanager.h"
  121. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\isearchmanager.h"
  122. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\iservermanager.h"
  123. $File "$SRCDIR\public\matchmaking\iplayerrankingdata.h"
  124. }
  125. $Folder "Source Files"
  126. {
  127. $File "$SRCDIR\public\filesystem_helpers.cpp"
  128. $File "main.cpp"
  129. }
  130. $Folder "Link Libraries"
  131. {
  132. $Lib gcsdk [!$X360 && !$PS3]
  133. }
  134. }