Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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//========== Copyright � 2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========
#ifndef _CERT
void OnFrameTimestampAvailableFlip( float ms ); void OnFrameTimestampAvailableRsx( float ms ); void OnFrameTimestampAvailableMain( float ms ); void OnFrameTimestampAvailableMST( float ms ); extern int32 g_ps3_timestampBeginIdx; #endif
#include "ps3/ps3gcmmemory.h"
class RsxInterruptFifo { public: struct Event_t { uint8 m_nCause; uint8 m_nSurfaceFlipIdx; }; protected: enum { MAX_EVENT_COUNT = 0x80 }; volatile uint m_nGet; uint m_nPut; Event_t m_queue[MAX_EVENT_COUNT]; public: void Init();
uint Queue( uint8 nCause, uint8 nSurfaceFlipIdx ); uint Queue( const Event_t &event ); uint GetPutMarker()const; int HasEvents( uint nMarker ); bool IsIdle()const { return m_nPut == m_nGet;} bool IsValidMarker( uint nMarker ); Event_t & PeekEvent(); const Event_t DequeueEvent( ); void QueueRsxInterrupt(); };
class CFlipHandler { public: void Init(); void Shutdown(); void Flip(); void BeginScene(); void EndScene(){} bool OnRsxInterrupt( const RsxInterruptFifo::Event_t event ); void TryFlipVblank(); void TryPumpEvents( uint nMarker, uint isVblank ); void QmsPrepareFlipSubmit( GcmUserCommandEnum_t nEvent, uint surfaceFlipIdx ); bool QmsAdviceBeforeDrawPrevFramebuffer(); void DisableMlaa(){ m_nMlaaFlagsThisFrame = 0; } void DisableMlaaPermannetly(){ m_nMlaaFlagMaskNextFrame = 0; } void EnableMlaaPermannetly(){ m_nMlaaFlagMaskNextFrame = ~0u; } //void DisableMlaaForTwoFrames(){ m_nMlaaFlagsThisFrame = m_nMlaaFlagMaskNextFrame = 0; }
int IsMlaaEnabled()const { return m_nMlaaFlagsThisFrame; } enum DebugStateEnum_t { RENDERING_SURFACE, DISPLAYING_SURFACE, DEBUG_STATE_COUNT };
//void OnState( int nState, int nValue );
public: static void INTERRUPT_VBlankHandler( const uint32 head ); static void INTERRUPT_UserHandler( const uint32 cause );
void PumpEventsUnsafe( uint nMarker ); bool TryFlipSurface( uint isVblank ); protected: void TransferMlaaResultIfNecessary( uint nSurfacePrevFlipIdx );
public: //int m_nDebugStates[DEBUG_STATE_COUNT];
// How often to present in terms of vblanks?
// (@60Hz scanout TV: 1 = 60 Hz = every vblank, 2 = 30 Hz = every other vblank, 3 = 20 Hz = every 3rd vblank)
// (@50Hz PAL TV: 1 = 50 Hz = every vblank, 2 = 25 Hz = every other vblank, 3 = 17 Hz = every 3rd vblank)
int m_nPresentFrequency;
// Interrupt-driven data
double m_flFlipImmediateTimestamp; #endif
double m_flVBlankTimestamp, m_flVBlankTimestamp0;
// Mutex to sync with interrupt thread
CThreadMutex m_mutexOfInterruptThread; CThreadManualEvent m_evFlipReady[ CPs3gcmDisplay::SURFACE_COUNT ]; uint m_nFlipSurfaceIdx, m_nFlipSurfaceCount; // the next surface to flip, count of surfaces to flip
uint m_nSystemFlipId[ CPs3gcmDisplay::SURFACE_COUNT ]; //uint m_nLastFlippedSurfaceIdx; // used to check for duplicate TryFlip callbacks
uint m_nVblankCounter; uint32 * m_pLastInterruptGet; RsxInterruptFifo m_interruptFifo; uint8 m_surfaceEdgePost[CPs3gcmDisplay::SURFACE_COUNT]; // true when the corresponding surface must be post-processed
// VSync enabled?
// true = Syncronize with VSync = true
// false = Syncronize with every HSync scanline
bool m_bVSync; bool m_bEdgePostResultAlreadyInLocalMemory; int m_nMlaaFlagsThisFrame; int m_nMlaaFlagMaskNextFrame; };
extern CFlipHandler g_flipHandler;