//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "movieobjects/dmelight.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetransform.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "movieobjects_interfaces.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Expose this class to the scene database
// Purpose:
void CDmeLight::OnConstruction() { m_Color.InitAndSet( this, "color", Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); m_flIntensity.InitAndSet( this, "intensity", 1.0f ); }
void CDmeLight::OnDestruction() { }
// Sets the color and intensity
// NOTE: Color is specified 0-255 floating point.
void CDmeLight::SetColor( const Color &color ) { m_Color.Set( color ); }
void CDmeLight::SetIntensity( float flIntensity ) { m_flIntensity = flIntensity; }
// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
void CDmeLight::SetupRenderStateInternal( LightDesc_t &desc, float flAtten0, float flAtten1, float flAtten2 ) { desc.m_Color[0] = m_Color.Get().r(); desc.m_Color[1] = m_Color.Get().g(); desc.m_Color[2] = m_Color.Get().b(); desc.m_Color *= m_flIntensity / 255.0f;
desc.m_Attenuation0 = flAtten0; desc.m_Attenuation1 = flAtten1; desc.m_Attenuation2 = flAtten2;
desc.m_Flags = 0; if ( desc.m_Attenuation0 != 0.0f ) { desc.m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION0; } if ( desc.m_Attenuation1 != 0.0f ) { desc.m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION1; } if ( desc.m_Attenuation2 != 0.0f ) { desc.m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION2; } }
// A directional light
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeDirectionalLight, CDmeDirectionalLight );
// Purpose:
void CDmeDirectionalLight::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeDirectionalLight::OnDestruction() { }
// Gets a light desc for the light
bool CDmeDirectionalLight::GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc ) { memset( pDesc, 0, sizeof(LightDesc_t) );
pDesc->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL; SetupRenderStateInternal( *pDesc, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
matrix3x4_t m; GetAbsTransform( m ); MatrixGetColumn( m, 0, pDesc->m_Direction ); // from mathlib_base.cpp: MatrixVectors(): Matrix is right-handed x=forward, y=left, z=up. We a left-handed convention for vectors in the game code (forward, right, up)
pDesc->m_Theta = 0.0f; pDesc->m_Phi = 0.0f; pDesc->m_Falloff = 1.0f; pDesc->RecalculateDerivedValues();
return true; }
// A point light
// Purpose:
void CDmePointLight::OnConstruction() { m_flAttenuation0.InitAndSet( this, "constantAttenuation", 1.0f ); m_flAttenuation1.InitAndSet( this, "linearAttenuation", 0.0f ); m_flAttenuation2.InitAndSet( this, "quadraticAttenuation", 0.0f ); m_flMaxDistance.InitAndSet( this, "maxDistance", 600.0f ); // 50 feet
void CDmePointLight::OnDestruction() { }
// Sets the attenuation factors
void CDmePointLight::SetAttenuation( float flConstant, float flLinear, float flQuadratic ) { m_flAttenuation0 = flConstant; m_flAttenuation1 = flLinear; m_flAttenuation2 = flQuadratic; }
// Sets the maximum range
void CDmePointLight::SetMaxDistance( float flMaxDistance ) { m_flMaxDistance = flMaxDistance; }
// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
bool CDmePointLight::GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc ) { memset( pDesc, 0, sizeof(LightDesc_t) );
pDesc->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT; SetupRenderStateInternal( *pDesc, m_flAttenuation0, m_flAttenuation1, m_flAttenuation2 );
matrix3x4_t m; GetAbsTransform( m ); MatrixPosition( m, pDesc->m_Position ); pDesc->m_Direction.Init( 0, 0, 1 ); pDesc->m_Range = m_flMaxDistance;
pDesc->m_Theta = 0.0f; pDesc->m_Phi = 0.0f; pDesc->m_Falloff = 1.0f; pDesc->RecalculateDerivedValues();
return true; }
// A spot light
// Purpose:
void CDmeSpotLight::OnConstruction() { m_flSpotInnerAngle.InitAndSet( this, "spotInnerAngle", 60.0f ); m_flSpotOuterAngle.InitAndSet( this, "spotOuterAngle", 90.0f ); m_flSpotAngularFalloff.InitAndSet( this, "spotAngularFalloff", 1.0f ); }
void CDmeSpotLight::OnDestruction() { }
// Sets the spotlight angle factors
// Angles are specified in degrees, as full angles (as opposed to half-angles)
void CDmeSpotLight::SetAngles( float flInnerAngle, float flOuterAngle, float flAngularFalloff ) { m_flSpotInnerAngle = flInnerAngle; m_flSpotOuterAngle = flOuterAngle; m_flSpotAngularFalloff = flAngularFalloff; }
// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
bool CDmeSpotLight::GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc ) { memset( pDesc, 0, sizeof(LightDesc_t) );
pDesc->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT; SetupRenderStateInternal( *pDesc, m_flAttenuation0, m_flAttenuation1, m_flAttenuation2 );
matrix3x4_t m; GetAbsTransform( m ); MatrixPosition( m, pDesc->m_Position ); MatrixGetColumn( m, 0, pDesc->m_Direction ); // from mathlib_base.cpp: MatrixVectors(): Matrix is right-handed x=forward, y=left, z=up. We a left-handed convention for vectors in the game code (forward, right, up)
pDesc->m_Range = m_flMaxDistance;
// Convert to radians
pDesc->m_Theta = 0.5f * m_flSpotInnerAngle * M_PI / 180.0f; pDesc->m_Phi = 0.5f * m_flSpotOuterAngle * M_PI / 180.0f; pDesc->m_Falloff = m_flSpotAngularFalloff; pDesc->RecalculateDerivedValues();
return true; }
// An ambient light
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeAmbientLight, CDmeAmbientLight );
// Purpose:
void CDmeAmbientLight::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeAmbientLight::OnDestruction() { }