//====== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "movieobjects/dmetrack.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetrackgroup.h"
#include "movieobjects_interfaces.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// The solo track
// CDmeTrack - common container class for clip objects
void CDmeTrack::OnConstruction() { m_hOwner = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID;
m_Flags.ClearAllFlags(); m_Clips.Init( this, "children", FATTRIB_HAS_CALLBACK ); m_Collapsed.InitAndSet( this, "collapsed", true ); m_Mute.InitAndSet( this, "mute", false ); m_Synched.InitAndSet( this, "synched", true ); m_ClipType.InitAndSet( this, "clipType", DMECLIP_UNKNOWN, FATTRIB_HAS_CALLBACK );
m_Volume.InitAndSet( this, "volume", 1.0 ); m_flDisplayScale.InitAndSet( this, "displayScale", 1.0f ); }
void CDmeTrack::OnDestruction() { }
// Methods of IDmElement
void CDmeTrack::OnAttributeChanged( CDmAttribute *pAttribute ) { BaseClass::OnAttributeChanged( pAttribute );
// Attach callbacks to detected sorted conditions if we're a film clip
if ( pAttribute == m_ClipType.GetAttribute() ) { if ( m_ClipType == DMECLIP_FILM ) { m_Flags.ClearFlag( IS_SORTED ); } return; }
// This gets called when start/end time of children change, or if the array changes
// This is a hack, since any OnAttributeChanged call that gets chained here from another element will trigger this
// At some point, we'll probably have to start sending more data through OnAttributeChanged, (like an event string or chain path)
// or perhaps add a new callback OnElementChanged() with this data
if ( pAttribute == m_Clips.GetAttribute() || ( pAttribute->GetOwner() != this ) ) { if ( !m_Flags.IsFlagSet( SUPPRESS_DIRTY_ORDERING ) ) { m_Flags.ClearFlag( IS_SORTED ); } return; } }
// Clip type
DmeClipType_t CDmeTrack::GetClipType() const { return (DmeClipType_t)m_ClipType.Get(); }
void CDmeTrack::SetClipType( DmeClipType_t type ) { m_ClipType = type; } void CDmeTrack::SetCollapsed( bool state ) { m_Collapsed = state;
bool CDmeTrack::IsCollapsed() const { return m_Collapsed.Get(); }
void CDmeTrack::SetMute( bool state ) { m_Mute = state; }
// Volume
void CDmeTrack::SetVolume( float state ) { m_Volume = state; } float CDmeTrack::GetVolume() const { return m_Volume.Get(); }
// Is this track synched to the film track?
void CDmeTrack::SetSynched( bool bState ) { m_Synched = bState; }
bool CDmeTrack::IsSynched() const { return m_Synched; }
bool CDmeTrack::IsMute( bool bCheckSoloing ) const { // if we're muted, don't play regardless of whether we're solo
CDmeTrack *pSoloTrack = bCheckSoloing ? GetSoloTrack() : NULL; return m_Mute.Get() || ( pSoloTrack != this && pSoloTrack != NULL ); }
int CDmeTrack::GetClipCount() const { return m_Clips.Count(); }
CDmeClip *CDmeTrack::GetClip( int i ) const { return m_Clips[ i ]; }
const CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > &CDmeTrack::GetClips( ) const { return m_Clips.Get(); }
void CDmeTrack::AddClip( CDmeClip *clip ) { if ( clip->GetClipType() == GetClipType() ) { // FIXME: In the case of a non-overlapped track,
// we could optimize this to insert the clip in sorted order,
// then fix overlaps (fixing overlaps requires a sorted list)
Assert( FindClip( clip ) < 0 ); m_Clips.AddToTail( clip ); } }
void CDmeTrack::RemoveClip( int i ) { // NOTE: Removal shouldn't cause sort order or fixup to become invalid
CSuppressAutoFixup suppress( this, SUPPRESS_OVERLAP_FIXUP | SUPPRESS_DIRTY_ORDERING ); m_Clips.Remove( i ); }
bool CDmeTrack::RemoveClip( CDmeClip *clip ) { Assert( clip->GetClipType() == GetClipType() ); int i = FindClip( clip ); if ( i != -1 ) { RemoveClip( i ); return true; } return false; }
void CDmeTrack::RemoveAllClips() { CSuppressAutoFixup suppress( this, SUPPRESS_OVERLAP_FIXUP | SUPPRESS_DIRTY_ORDERING ); m_Clips.RemoveAll(); }
// Returns the solo track, if any
CDmeTrack *CDmeTrack::GetSoloTrack( DmeClipType_t clipType ) { return GetElement< CDmeTrack >( m_hSoloTrack[ clipType ] ); }
void CDmeTrack::SetSoloTrack( DmeClipType_t clipType, CDmeTrack *pTrack ) { m_hSoloTrack[ clipType ] = pTrack ? pTrack->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID; }
bool CDmeTrack::IsSoloTrack() const { return m_hSoloTrack[ GetClipType() ] == GetHandle(); }
CDmeTrack *CDmeTrack::GetSoloTrack() const { return GetSoloTrack( GetClipType() ); }
void CDmeTrack::SetSoloTrack( ) { m_hSoloTrack[ GetClipType() ] = GetHandle(); }
// Methods related to finding clips
int CDmeTrack::FindClip( CDmeClip *clip ) { Assert( clip->GetClipType() == GetClipType() ); int c = m_Clips.Count(); for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( m_Clips[ i ] == clip ) return i; } return -1; }
CDmeClip *CDmeTrack::FindNamedClip( const char *name ) { int c = m_Clips.Count(); for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { CDmeClip *child = m_Clips[ i ]; if ( child && !Q_stricmp( child->GetName(), name ) ) return child; } return NULL; }
// Find clips at, intersecting or within a particular time interval
void CDmeTrack::FindClipsAtTime( DmeTime_t time, DmeClipSkipFlag_t flags, CUtlVector< CDmeClip * >& clips ) const { if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_INVISIBLE ) && IsCollapsed() ) return;
if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && IsMute() ) return;
int nClipCount = GetClipCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nClipCount; ++j ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( j ); if ( !pSubClip ) continue; if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && pSubClip->IsMute() ) continue;
if ( time.IsInRange( pSubClip->GetStartTime(), pSubClip->GetEndTime() ) ) { clips.AddToTail( pSubClip ); } } }
void CDmeTrack::FindClipsIntersectingTime( DmeTime_t startTime, DmeTime_t endTime, DmeClipSkipFlag_t flags, CUtlVector< CDmeClip * >& clips ) const { if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_INVISIBLE ) && IsCollapsed() ) return;
if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && IsMute() ) return;
int nClipCount = GetClipCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nClipCount; ++j ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( j ); if ( !pSubClip ) continue; if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && pSubClip->IsMute() ) continue;
DmeTime_t clipStart = pSubClip->GetStartTime(); DmeTime_t clipEnd = pSubClip->GetEndTime(); if ( clipEnd >= startTime && clipStart < endTime ) { clips.AddToTail( pSubClip ); } } }
void CDmeTrack::FindClipsWithinTime( DmeTime_t startTime, DmeTime_t endTime, DmeClipSkipFlag_t flags, CUtlVector< CDmeClip * >& clips ) const { if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_INVISIBLE ) && IsCollapsed() ) return;
if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && IsMute() ) return;
int nClipCount = GetClipCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nClipCount; ++j ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( j ); if ( !pSubClip ) continue; if ( ( flags & DMESKIP_MUTED ) && pSubClip->IsMute() ) continue;
DmeTime_t clipStart = pSubClip->GetStartTime(); DmeTime_t clipEnd = pSubClip->GetEndTime(); if ( clipStart >= startTime && clipEnd <= endTime ) { clips.AddToTail( pSubClip ); } } }
// Methods related to shifting clips
void CDmeTrack::ShiftAllClips( DmeTime_t dt ) { if ( dt == DmeTime_t( 0 ) ) return;
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = m_Clips[ i ]; pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); } }
void CDmeTrack::ShiftAllClipsAfter( DmeTime_t startTime, DmeTime_t dt, bool bTestStartingTime ) { if ( dt == DmeTime_t( 0 ) ) return;
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); DmeTime_t testTime = bTestStartingTime ? pSubClip->GetStartTime() : pSubClip->GetEndTime(); if ( startTime < testTime ) { pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); } } }
void CDmeTrack::ShiftAllClipsBefore( DmeTime_t endTime, DmeTime_t dt, bool bTestEndingTime ) { if ( dt == DmeTime_t( 0 ) ) return;
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); DmeTime_t testTime = bTestEndingTime ? pSubClip->GetEndTime() : pSubClip->GetStartTime(); if ( endTime > testTime ) { DmeTime_t startTime = pSubClip->GetStartTime(); pSubClip->SetStartTime( startTime + dt ); } } }
// A version that works only on film clips
void CDmeTrack::ShiftAllFilmClipsAfter( CDmeClip *pClip, DmeTime_t dt, bool bShiftClip /*=false*/, bool bSortClips /*=true*/ ) { Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) || ( dt == DmeTime_t( 0 ) ) ) return;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
if ( bSortClips ) { SortClipsByStartTime(); }
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = c; --i >= 0; ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( pSubClip == pClip ) { if ( bShiftClip ) { pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); } return; } pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); }
// Clip wasn't found!
Assert( 0 ); }
void CDmeTrack::ShiftAllFilmClipsBefore( CDmeClip *pClip, DmeTime_t dt, bool bShiftClip /*=false*/, bool bSortClips /*=true*/ ) { Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) || ( dt == DmeTime_t( 0 ) ) ) return; // This algorithm requires sorted clips
if ( bSortClips ) { SortClipsByStartTime(); }
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i );
if ( pSubClip == pClip ) { if ( bShiftClip ) { pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); } return; } pSubClip->SetStartTime( pSubClip->GetStartTime() + dt ); }
// Clip wasn't found!
Assert( 0 ); }
// Method to sort clips by start time
struct SortInfo_t { DmeTime_t m_startTime; CDmeClip *m_pClip; };
static int ClipStartLessFunc( const void * lhs, const void * rhs ) { SortInfo_t *pInfo1 = (SortInfo_t*)lhs; SortInfo_t *pInfo2 = (SortInfo_t*)rhs; if ( pInfo1->m_startTime == pInfo2->m_startTime ) return 0;
return pInfo1->m_startTime < pInfo2->m_startTime ? -1 : 1; }
void CDmeTrack::SortClipsByStartTime( ) { // If we're not a film clip, then we haven't installed callbacks to make sorting fast.
// The IS_SORTED flag is some random state
if ( (m_ClipType == DMECLIP_FILM) && m_Flags.IsFlagSet( IS_SORTED ) ) return; m_Flags.SetFlag( IS_SORTED );
int c = GetClipCount(); if ( c <= 1 ) return;
DmeTime_t lastTime; SortInfo_t *pSortInfo = (SortInfo_t*)_alloca( c * sizeof(SortInfo_t) ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip(i); pSortInfo[i].m_startTime = pSubClip ? pSubClip->GetStartTime() : DmeTime_t::InvalidTime(); pSortInfo[i].m_pClip = pSubClip; if ( lastTime > pSortInfo[i].m_startTime ) { m_Flags.ClearFlag( IS_SORTED ); } lastTime = pSortInfo[i].m_startTime; } if ( m_Flags.IsFlagSet( IS_SORTED ) ) return;
m_Flags.SetFlag( IS_SORTED ); qsort( pSortInfo, c, sizeof(SortInfo_t), ClipStartLessFunc );
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { m_Clips.AddToTail( pSortInfo[i].m_pClip ); } }
// Shifts all clips to be non-overlapping
void CDmeTrack::FixOverlaps() { int c = GetClipCount(); if ( c <= 1 ) return;
// Cull NULL clips
int nActualCount = 0; CDmeClip **pClips = (CDmeClip**)_alloca( c * sizeof(CDmeClip*) ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pCurr = GetClip( i ); if ( pCurr && ((i == 0) || (pClips[i-1] != pCurr)) ) { pClips[nActualCount++] = pCurr; } }
if ( nActualCount <= 1 ) return;
CDmeClip *pPrev = pClips[0]; for ( int i = 1; i < nActualCount; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pCurr = pClips[i];
DmeTime_t prevEndTime = pPrev->GetEndTime(); DmeTime_t startTime = pCurr->GetStartTime();
if ( startTime < prevEndTime ) { pCurr->SetStartTime( prevEndTime ); }
pPrev = pCurr; } }
// Finds a clip at a particular time
CDmeClip* CDmeTrack::FindFilmClipAtTime( DmeTime_t localTime ) { if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return NULL;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( pSubClip && pSubClip->GetStartTime() <= localTime && pSubClip->GetEndTime() > localTime ) return pSubClip; }
return NULL; }
// Find first clip in a specific time range
CDmeClip* CDmeTrack::FindFirstFilmClipIntesectingTime( DmeTime_t localStartTime, DmeTime_t localEndTime ) { if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return NULL;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( !pSubClip ) continue; if ( ( localStartTime < pSubClip->GetEndTime() ) && ( localEndTime >= pSubClip->GetStartTime() ) ) return static_cast<CDmeFilmClip*>( pSubClip ); if ( localEndTime <= pSubClip->GetStartTime() ) break; }
return NULL; }
// Inserts space in a film track for a film clip
void CDmeTrack::InsertSpaceInFilmTrack( DmeTime_t localStartTime, DmeTime_t localEndTime ) { if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
CDmeClip *pClip = FindFirstFilmClipIntesectingTime( localStartTime, localEndTime ); if ( pClip ) { DmeTime_t filmStart = pClip->GetStartTime(); DmeTime_t dt = localEndTime - filmStart; ShiftAllFilmClipsAfter( pClip, dt, true ); }
return; }
// Returns the next/previous clip in a film track
CDmeClip* CDmeTrack::FindPrevFilmClip( CDmeClip *pClip ) { Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return NULL;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
if ( !pClip ) return m_Clips[ m_Clips.Count() - 1 ];
// FIXME: Could use a binary search here based on time.
// Probably doesn't matter though, since there will usually not be a ton of tracks
CDmeClip *pPrevClip = NULL;
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( pSubClip == pClip ) return pPrevClip;
pPrevClip = pSubClip; }
return NULL; }
CDmeClip* CDmeTrack::FindNextFilmClip( CDmeClip *pClip ) { Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return NULL;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
if ( !pClip ) return m_Clips[ 0 ];
CDmeClip *pNextClip = NULL;
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = c; --i >= 0; ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( pSubClip == pClip ) return pNextClip;
pNextClip = pSubClip; }
return NULL; }
void CDmeTrack::FindAdjacentFilmClips( CDmeClip *pClip, CDmeClip *&pPrevClip, CDmeClip *&pNextClip ) { pPrevClip = pNextClip = NULL;
Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || !pClip || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( pSubClip == pClip ) { pNextClip = ( i != c-1 ) ? GetClip( i+1 ) : NULL; return; }
pPrevClip = pSubClip; }
pPrevClip = NULL; }
// Gets the start/end time of the owning clip in local time
void CDmeTrack::FindAdjacentFilmClips( DmeTime_t localTime, CDmeClip *&pPrevClip, CDmeClip *&pNextClip ) { pPrevClip = pNextClip = NULL;
Assert( IsFilmTrack() ); if ( !IsFilmTrack() || ( m_Clips.Count() == 0 ) ) return;
// This algorithm requires sorted clips
int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pSubClip = GetClip( i ); if ( localTime >= pSubClip->GetEndTime() ) { pPrevClip = pSubClip; } if ( localTime < pSubClip->GetStartTime() ) { pNextClip = pSubClip; break; } } }
// Fills all gaps in a film track with slugs
void CDmeTrack::FillAllGapsWithSlugs( const char *pSlugName, DmeTime_t startTime, DmeTime_t endTime ) { if ( !IsFilmTrack() ) return;
// Create temporary slugs to fill in the gaps
bool bSlugAdded = false; int c = GetClipCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeClip *pFilmClip = GetClip(i); DmeTime_t clipStartTime = pFilmClip->GetStartTime(); if ( clipStartTime > startTime ) { // There's a gap, create a slug
CDmeFilmClip *pSlug = CreateSlugClip( pSlugName, startTime, clipStartTime, GetFileId() );
// This will add the slug to the end; so we don't have to
// worry about iterating over it (we've cached off the initial count)
AddClip( pSlug );
bSlugAdded = true; } startTime = pFilmClip->GetEndTime(); }
if ( endTime > startTime ) { // There's a gap, create a temporary slug
CDmeFilmClip *pSlug = CreateSlugClip( pSlugName, startTime, endTime, GetFileId() );
// This will add the slug to the end; so we don't have to
// worry about iterating over it (we've cached off the initial count)
AddClip( pSlug );
bSlugAdded = true; }
if ( bSlugAdded ) { FixOverlaps(); } }
// helper methods
CDmeTrackGroup *GetParentTrackGroup( CDmeTrack *pTrack ) { DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t hAttr = g_pDataModel->FirstAttributeReferencingElement( pTrack->GetHandle() ); for ( ; hAttr != DMATTRIBUTE_REFERENCE_ITERATOR_INVALID; hAttr = g_pDataModel->NextAttributeReferencingElement( hAttr ) ) { CDmAttribute *pAttr = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( hAttr ); if ( !pAttr ) continue;
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = CastElement< CDmeTrackGroup >( pAttr->GetOwner() ); if ( pTrackGroup ) return pTrackGroup; } return NULL; }