//====== Copyright � 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Implementation of CDmeTransformControl class, a helper for
// modifying a transform. The CDmeTransformControl class implementation
// contains functions for setting and retrieving parameters used in transform
// manipulations, these parameters are allocated when the first value is set.
// If the manipulation parameters have not been allocated a default value will
// be returned. Additionally the CDmeTransformControl provides access to the
// rotation channel associated with the transform, even if the transform
// control is not directly attached to the rotation channel.
#include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetransformcontrol.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetransform.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmerigconstraintoperators.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeTransformControl, CDmeTransformControl );
// Purpose: Provide post construction processing.
void CDmeTransformControl::OnConstruction() { m_PivotOffset = vec3_origin; m_pManipulationParams = NULL;
m_PositionValue.InitAndSet( this, "valuePosition", vec3_origin ); m_OrientationValue.InitAndSet( this, "valueOrientation", quat_identity ); m_PositionChannel.Init( this, "positionChannel" ); m_OrientationChannel.Init( this, "orientationChannel" ); }
// Purpose: Provide processing and cleanup before shutdown
void CDmeTransformControl::OnDestruction() { // Destroy the manipulation parameters if they have been created.
delete m_pManipulationParams; m_pManipulationParams = NULL; }
// Purpose: Allocate and initialize the manipulation parameters
// Output : Returns true if the manipulation parameters were successfully
// initialized, false if the initialization failed.
bool CDmeTransformControl::InitManipulationParams() { if ( m_pManipulationParams == NULL ) { m_pManipulationParams = new ManipulationParams_t;
if ( m_pManipulationParams ) { m_pManipulationParams->Pivot = vec3_origin; m_pManipulationParams->RotationLocal = quat_identity; m_pManipulationParams->RotationParent = quat_identity; SetIdentityMatrix( m_pManipulationParams->Transform ); } }
return ( m_pManipulationParams != NULL ); }
// Purpose: Get the manipulation transform matrix
// Output : transform - The transform that will be applied by the current
// manipulation.
void CDmeTransformControl::GetManipulationTransform( matrix3x4_t &transform ) const { if ( m_pManipulationParams ) { transform = m_pManipulationParams->Transform; } else { SetIdentityMatrix( transform ); } }
// Purpose: Set the manipulation transform matrix
// Input : transform - Matrix specifying the transform to be performed by the
// manipulation.
void CDmeTransformControl::SetManipulationTransform( const matrix3x4_t &transform ) { if ( InitManipulationParams() ) { m_pManipulationParams->Transform = transform; } }
// Purpose: Get the manipulation rotation amount in the transform local space
// Output : deltaRotation - Current rotation that will be applied in the
// transform manipulation
void CDmeTransformControl::GetManipulationRotationLocal( Quaternion &rotation ) const { if ( m_pManipulationParams ) { rotation = m_pManipulationParams->RotationLocal; } else { rotation = quat_identity; } }
// Purpose: Set the manipulation rotation amount in the transform local space
// Input : deltaRotation - Rotation to be applied in the transform manipulation
void CDmeTransformControl::SetManipulationRotationLocal( const Quaternion &rotation ) { if ( InitManipulationParams() ) { m_pManipulationParams->RotationLocal = rotation; } }
// Get the manipulation rotation amount in the parent space of the transform
// Output : localRotation - Current local rotation that will be applied in the
// transform manipulation
void CDmeTransformControl::GetManipulationRotationParent( Quaternion &rotation ) const { if ( m_pManipulationParams ) { rotation = m_pManipulationParams->RotationParent; } else { rotation = quat_identity; } }
// Set the manipulation rotation amount in the parent space of the transform
// Input : localRotation - Local rotation to be applied in the transform
// manipulation.
void CDmeTransformControl::SetManipulationRotationParent( const Quaternion &rotation ) { if ( InitManipulationParams() ) { m_pManipulationParams->RotationParent = rotation; } }
// Purpose: Get the manipulation pivot position, this may differ from the pivot
// offset
// Output : pivotPosition - Pivot position being used for the current transform
// manipulation
void CDmeTransformControl::GetManipulationPivot( Vector &pivotPosition ) const { if ( m_pManipulationParams ) { pivotPosition = m_pManipulationParams->Pivot; } else { pivotPosition = vec3_origin; }
// Purpose: Set the manipulation pivot position
// Input : Position to be used as the pivot location for manipulations
void CDmeTransformControl::SetManipulationPivot( const Vector &pivotPosition ) { if ( InitManipulationParams() ) { m_pManipulationParams->Pivot = pivotPosition; } }
// Purpose: Get the current local space pivot offset
// Output : Return the current local space pivot offset
const Vector &CDmeTransformControl::GetPivotOffset() const { return m_PivotOffset; }
// Purpose: Set the current local space pivot offset
// Input : localOffset - The new local offset that is to be assigned to the
// pivot.
void CDmeTransformControl::SetPivotOffset( const Vector &localOffset ) { m_PivotOffset = localOffset; }
// Purpose: Get the transform associated with the transform control
// Output : Returns the pointer to the transform element
CDmeTransform *CDmeTransformControl::GetTransform() const { CDmeTransform *pTransform = NULL;
CDmeChannel *pChannel = GetPositionChannel(); if ( pChannel == NULL ) { pChannel = GetOrientationChannel(); } if ( pChannel ) { CDmElement *pToElement = pChannel->GetToElement(); pTransform = CastElement< CDmeTransform>( pToElement );
// If the element targeted by the channel is not a transform,
// see if it is a constraint slave, and get the transform from that.
if ( pTransform == NULL ) { CDmeConstraintSlave *pConstraintSlave = CastElement< CDmeConstraintSlave >( pToElement ); if ( pConstraintSlave ) { CDmeDag *pDag = pConstraintSlave->GetDag(); if ( pDag ) { pTransform = pDag->GetTransform(); } } } }
return pTransform; }
// Get the dag node associated with the transform control
// Output: Returns the pointer to the dag node targeted by the transform
// control.
CDmeDag *CDmeTransformControl::GetDag() const { CDmeDag *pDagNode = NULL; CDmeTransform *pTransform = GetTransform();
if ( pTransform ) { pDagNode = pTransform->GetDag(); }
return pDagNode; }
// Get the position attribute of the control
CDmAttribute *CDmeTransformControl::GetPositionAttr() { return m_PositionValue.GetAttribute(); }
// Get the orientation attribute of the control
CDmAttribute *CDmeTransformControl::GetOrientationAttr() { return m_OrientationValue.GetAttribute(); }
// Get the position value of the control
const Vector &CDmeTransformControl::GetPosition() const { return m_PositionValue; }
// Get the orientation value of the control
const Quaternion &CDmeTransformControl::GetOrientation() const { return m_OrientationValue; }
// Determine if the control currently has a default position set
bool CDmeTransformControl::HasDefaultPosition() const { return HasAttribute( DEFAULT_POSITION_ATTR, AT_VECTOR3 ); }
// Determine if the control currently has a default orientation set
bool CDmeTransformControl::HasDefaultOrientation() const { return HasAttribute( DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_ATTR, AT_QUATERNION ); }
// Get the default position of the control
const Vector &CDmeTransformControl::GetDefaultPosition() const { return GetValue< Vector >( DEFAULT_POSITION_ATTR, vec3_origin ); }
// Get the default orientation of the control
const Quaternion &CDmeTransformControl::GetDefaultOrientation() const { return GetValue< Quaternion >( DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_ATTR, quat_identity ); }
// Get the default position attribute
const CDmAttribute *CDmeTransformControl::GetDefaultPositionAttr() const { return GetAttribute( DEFAULT_POSITION_ATTR, AT_VECTOR3 ); }
// Get the default position attribute
const CDmAttribute *CDmeTransformControl::GetDefaultOrientationAttr() const { return GetAttribute( DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_ATTR, AT_QUATERNION ); }
// Get the position channel targeting the control
CDmeChannel *CDmeTransformControl::GetPositionChannel() const { return m_PositionChannel; }
// Get the orientation channel targeting the control
CDmeChannel *CDmeTransformControl::GetOrientationChannel() const { return m_OrientationChannel; }
// Set the position value of the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetPosition( const Vector &position ) { m_PositionValue = position; }
// Set the orientation value of the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetOrientation( const Quaternion &orientation ) { m_OrientationValue = orientation; }
// Set the default position of the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetDefaultPosition( const Vector &position ) { CDmAttribute *pAttr = SetValue< Vector >( DEFAULT_POSITION_ATTR, position ); if ( pAttr ) { pAttr->AddFlag( FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); } }
// Set the default orientation of the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetDefaultOrientation( const Quaternion &orientation ) { CDmAttribute *pAttr = SetValue< Quaternion >( DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_ATTR, orientation ); if ( pAttr ) { pAttr->AddFlag( FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); } }
// Set the position channel that is targeting the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetPositionChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel ) { m_PositionChannel = pChannel; }
// Get the orientation channel that is targeting the control
void CDmeTransformControl::SetOrientationChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel ) { m_OrientationChannel = pChannel; }