//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "movieobjects/dmevertexdata.h"
#include "movieobjects_interfaces.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include <algorithm>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Standard vertex fields
static char *g_pStandardFieldNames[] = { "positions", "normals", "tangents", "textureCoordinates", "colors", "jointWeights", "jointIndices", "balance", "speed", "wrinkle", "weight", "cloth_enable", };
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeVertexDataBase, CDmeVertexDataBase );
// Purpose:
void CDmeVertexDataBase::OnConstruction() { m_nVertexCount = 0; memset( m_pStandardFieldIndex, 0xFF, sizeof(m_pStandardFieldIndex) ); m_VertexFormat.Init( this, "vertexFormat" );
m_nJointCount.Init( this, "jointCount" ); m_bFlipVCoordinates.Init( this, "flipVCoordinates" ); }
void CDmeVertexDataBase::OnDestruction() { }
// Updates info for fast lookups for well-known fields
void CDmeVertexDataBase::UpdateStandardFieldInfo( int nFieldIndex, const char *pFieldName, DmAttributeType_t attrType ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE(g_pStandardFieldNames) == STANDARD_FIELD_COUNT ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE(g_pStandardFieldTypes) == STANDARD_FIELD_COUNT );
for ( int i = 0; i < STANDARD_FIELD_COUNT; ++i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[i] ) ) { if ( attrType != g_pStandardFieldTypes[i] ) { Warning( "Standard field %s has incorrect attribute type!\n", pFieldName ); return; } m_pStandardFieldIndex[i] = nFieldIndex; break; } }
if ( m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_CLOTH_ENABLE ] < 0 && !V_stricmp( pFieldName, "cloth_enable" ) && attrType == g_pStandardFieldTypes[ FIELD_CLOTH_ENABLE ] ) { m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_CLOTH_ENABLE ] = nFieldIndex; } }
// Computes information about how to find particular fields
void CDmeVertexDataBase::ComputeFieldInfo() { // Clear existing field info,
// but keep the old names around so field indices remain constant
int nCurrentCount = m_FieldInfo.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCurrentCount; ++i ) { m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData = NULL; m_FieldInfo[i].m_pVertexData = NULL; }
CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< char, 256 > indicesName;
// FIXME: Want to maintain field indices as constants for all time
int nFieldCount = m_VertexFormat.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nFieldCount; ++i ) { const char *pFieldName = m_VertexFormat[i]; int nLen = Q_strlen( pFieldName ) + 21; indicesName.EnsureCount( nLen ); Q_snprintf( indicesName.Base(), nLen, "%sIndices", pFieldName );
CDmAttribute *pVerticesArray = GetAttribute( pFieldName ); if ( !pVerticesArray || !IsArrayType( pVerticesArray->GetType() ) ) continue;
CDmAttribute *pIndicesArray = NULL; if ( Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS] ) && Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES] ) ) { pIndicesArray = GetAttribute( indicesName.Base() ); if ( !pIndicesArray || pIndicesArray->GetType() != AT_INT_ARRAY ) continue; }
FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = FindFieldIndex( pFieldName ); if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) { nFieldIndex = m_FieldInfo.AddToTail(); m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_Name = pFieldName; m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_bInverseMapDirty = true; UpdateStandardFieldInfo( nFieldIndex, pFieldName, pVerticesArray->GetType() ); } m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pVertexData = pVerticesArray; m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pIndexData = pIndicesArray; } }
// Computes the vertex count ( min of the index buffers )
void CDmeVertexDataBase::ComputeVertexCount() { int nCount = m_FieldInfo.Count(); if ( nCount == 0 ) { m_nVertexCount = 0; return; }
m_nVertexCount = INT_MAX; for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( !m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData ) continue;
CDmrGenericArray array( m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData ); int nFieldCount = array.Count(); if ( nFieldCount < m_nVertexCount ) { m_nVertexCount = nFieldCount; } } }
// resolve internal data from changed attributes
void CDmeVertexDataBase::Resolve() { BaseClass::Resolve();
if ( m_VertexFormat.IsDirty() ) { ComputeFieldInfo(); }
if ( !IsVertexDeltaData() ) { ComputeVertexCount(); }
// Mark inverse map dirty if necessary
int nCount = m_FieldInfo.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData && m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData->IsFlagSet( FATTRIB_DIRTY ) ) { m_FieldInfo[i].m_bInverseMapDirty = true; } } }
// Returns indices into the various fields
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetPositionIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_POSITION ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetNormalIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_NORMAL ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTangentIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_TANGENT ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTexCoordIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_TEXCOORD ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetColorIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_COLOR ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetBalanceIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_BALANCE ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetMorphSpeedIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_MORPH_SPEED ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWrinkleIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_WRINKLE ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWeightIndex( int nVertexIndex ) const { return GetFieldIndex( nVertexIndex, FIELD_WEIGHT ); }
// Vertex accessors
const Vector& CDmeVertexDataBase::GetPosition( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_POSITION]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return vec3_origin;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices( GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ) ); CDmrArrayConst<Vector> vertexData( GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ) ); return vertexData[ indices[nIndex] ]; }
const float *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointWeights( int nVertexIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nVertexIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nPosFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_POSITION]; FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS]; if ( nPosFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex < 0 ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nPosFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return &vertexData[ indices[ nVertexIndex ] * m_nJointCount ]; }
// Same as GetJointWeights except it uses a direct position index instead of
// the vertex index to access the data
const float *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointPositionWeights( int nPositionIndex ) const { Assert( !IsVertexDeltaData() ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst< float > jointWeights = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); Assert( nPositionIndex * m_nJointCount < jointWeights.Count() ); return &jointWeights[ nPositionIndex * m_nJointCount ]; }
const int *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointIndices( int nVertexIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nVertexIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nPosFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_POSITION]; FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES]; if ( nPosFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex < 0 ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nPosFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<int> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return &vertexData[ indices[ nVertexIndex ] * m_nJointCount ]; }
// Same as GetJointIndices except it uses a direct position index instead of
// the vertex index to access the data
const int *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointPositionIndices( int nPositionIndex ) const { Assert( !IsVertexDeltaData() ); FieldIndex_t nJointIndicesField = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_JOINT_INDICES ]; if ( nJointIndicesField < 0 ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst<int> jointIndices = GetVertexData( nJointIndicesField ); Assert( nPositionIndex * m_nJointCount < jointIndices.Count() ); return &jointIndices[ nPositionIndex * m_nJointCount ]; }
const Vector& CDmeVertexDataBase::GetNormal( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_NORMAL]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return vec3_origin;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<Vector> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
const Vector4D& CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTangent( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_TANGENT]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return vec4_origin;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<Vector4D> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
const Vector2D& CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTexCoord( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_TEXCOORD]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return vec2_origin;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<Vector2D> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
static Color s_Black( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); const Color& CDmeVertexDataBase::GetColor( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_COLOR]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return s_Black;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<Color> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
float CDmeVertexDataBase::GetBalance( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_BALANCE]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return 0.5f;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
float CDmeVertexDataBase::GetMorphSpeed( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_MORPH_SPEED]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return 1.0f;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
float CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWrinkle( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_WRINKLE]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return 1.0f;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
float CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWeight( int nIndex ) const { Assert( IsVertexDeltaData() || nIndex < m_nVertexCount ); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_WEIGHT]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return 1.0f;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indices = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData[ indices[ nIndex ] ]; }
// Adds a field to the vertex format
void CDmeVertexDataBase::FindOrAddVertexField( const char *pFieldName ) { int i; int nFormatCount = m_VertexFormat.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < nFormatCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pFieldName, m_VertexFormat[i] ) ) return; } m_VertexFormat.AddToTail( pFieldName ); }
// Returns the field index of a particular field
FieldIndex_t CDmeVertexDataBase::CreateField( const char *pFieldName, DmAttributeType_t type ) { Assert( Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS] ) ); Assert( Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES] ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS] ) || !Q_stricmp( pFieldName, g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES] ) ) { return -1; }
AddAttribute( pFieldName, type );
int nLen = Q_strlen( pFieldName ) + 21; char *pIndicesName = (char*)_alloca( nLen ); Q_snprintf( pIndicesName, nLen, "%sIndices", pFieldName ); AddAttribute( pIndicesName, AT_INT_ARRAY );
FindOrAddVertexField( pFieldName ); // FIXME: Not hugely efficient, is there a better way of doing this?
// Necessary to return a field index for the name
ComputeFieldInfo(); FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = FindFieldIndex( pFieldName ); if ( !IsVertexDeltaData() && m_nVertexCount > 0 ) { CDmrArray<int> indices( GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ) ); indices.EnsureCount( m_nVertexCount ); } return nFieldIndex; }
// Creates a field given a file ID
FieldIndex_t CDmeVertexDataBase::CreateField( StandardFields_t fieldId ) { return CreateField( g_pStandardFieldNames[fieldId], g_pStandardFieldTypes[fieldId] ); }
// Use this to create vertex fields for joint weights + indices
void CDmeVertexDataBase::CreateJointWeightsAndIndices( int nJointCount, FieldIndex_t *pJointWeightsField, FieldIndex_t *pJointIndicesField ) { m_nJointCount = nJointCount;
AddAttribute( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS], AT_FLOAT_ARRAY ); AddAttribute( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES], AT_INT_ARRAY );
FindOrAddVertexField( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS] ); FindOrAddVertexField( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES] );
// FIXME: Not hugely efficient, is there a better way of doing this?
// Necessary to return a field index for the name
ComputeFieldInfo(); *pJointWeightsField = FindFieldIndex( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS] ); *pJointIndicesField = FindFieldIndex( g_pStandardFieldNames[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES] ); }
// Adds a new vertex; creates a new entry in all vertex data fields
// Returns the vertex index
int CDmeVertexDataBase::AddVertexData( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex, int nCount ) { CDmrGenericArray array( m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pVertexData ); int nDataCount = array.Count(); array.EnsureCount( nDataCount + nCount );
// DmeMeshDeltaData must have the same number of vertices + indices
if ( IsVertexDeltaData() ) { CDmrArray<int> indices( GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ) ); Assert( nDataCount == indices.Count() ); indices.EnsureCount( nDataCount + nCount ); }
return nDataCount; }
// Sets vertex data
void CDmeVertexDataBase::SetVertexData( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex, int nFirstVertex, int nCount, DmAttributeType_t valueType, const void *pData ) { CDmrGenericArray array( m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pVertexData ); Assert( nFirstVertex + nCount <= array.Count() ); array.SetMultiple( nFirstVertex, nCount, valueType, pData ); }
void CDmeVertexDataBase::SetVertexIndices( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex, int nFirstIndex, int nCount, const int *pIndices ) { CDmrArray<int> array( GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ) ); Assert( nFirstIndex + nCount <= array.Count() ); array.SetMultiple( nFirstIndex, nCount, pIndices ); }
// Removes all vertex data associated with a particular field
void CDmeVertexDataBase::RemoveAllVertexData( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex ) { CDmrGenericArray array( m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pVertexData ); array.RemoveAll(); if ( IsVertexDeltaData() ) { CDmrArray<int> array( m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex].m_pIndexData ); array.RemoveAll(); } }
// Returns the field index of a particular field
FieldIndex_t CDmeVertexDataBase::FindFieldIndex( const char *pFieldName ) const { int nCount = m_FieldInfo.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( m_FieldInfo[i].m_Name, pFieldName ) ) return i; } return -1; }
// Returns well-known vertex data
static CUtlVector<Vector4D> s_EmptyVector4D; static CUtlVector<Vector> s_EmptyVector; static CUtlVector<Vector2D> s_EmptyVector2D; static CUtlVector<Color> s_EmptyColor; static CUtlVector<float> s_EmptyFloat;
const CUtlVector<Vector> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetPositionData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_POSITION ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyVector;
CDmrArrayConst<Vector> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<Vector> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetNormalData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_NORMAL ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyVector;
CDmrArrayConst<Vector> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<Vector4D> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTangentData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_TANGENT ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyVector4D;
CDmrArrayConst<Vector4D> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<Vector2D> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetTextureCoordData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_TEXCOORD ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyVector2D;
CDmrArrayConst<Vector2D> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<Color> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetColorData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_COLOR ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyColor;
CDmrArrayConst<Color> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const float *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointWeightData( int nDataIndex ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return &vertexData[ nDataIndex * m_nJointCount ]; }
const int *CDmeVertexDataBase::GetJointIndexData( int nDataIndex ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return NULL;
CDmrArrayConst<int> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return &vertexData.Element( nDataIndex * m_nJointCount ); }
const CUtlVector<float> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetBalanceData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_BALANCE ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyFloat;
CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<float> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetMorphSpeedData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_MORPH_SPEED ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyFloat;
CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<float> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWrinkleData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_WRINKLE ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyFloat;
CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<float> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetWeightData( ) const { FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_WEIGHT ]; if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyFloat;
CDmrArrayConst<float> vertexData = GetVertexData( nFieldIndex ); return vertexData.Get(); }
// Returns well-known index data
static CUtlVector<int> s_EmptyInt; const CUtlVector<int> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetVertexIndexData( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex ) const { if ( nFieldIndex < 0 || nFieldIndex >= m_FieldInfo.Count() ) return s_EmptyInt;
CDmrArrayConst<int> indexData = GetIndexData( nFieldIndex ); return indexData.Get(); }
const CUtlVector<int> &CDmeVertexDataBase::GetVertexIndexData( StandardFields_t fieldId ) const { return GetVertexIndexData( m_pStandardFieldIndex[fieldId] ); }
// Returns an inverse map from vertex data index to vertex index
const CUtlVector< int > &CDmeVertexDataBase::FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex, int nDataIndex ) { if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) return s_EmptyInt;
FieldInfo_t &info = m_FieldInfo[nFieldIndex]; if ( info.m_bInverseMapDirty ) { CDmrArrayConst<int> array( info.m_pIndexData ); CDmrGenericArray vertexArray( info.m_pVertexData );
int nDataCount = vertexArray.Count(); int nCount = array.Count();
// Clear out the utlvectors
info.m_InverseMap.RemoveAll(); info.m_InverseMap.SetCount( nDataCount );
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nIndex = array[ i ]; info.m_InverseMap[nIndex].AddToTail( i ); } info.m_bInverseMapDirty = false; }
return info.m_InverseMap[ nDataIndex ]; }
const CUtlVector< int > &CDmeVertexDataBase::FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( StandardFields_t fieldId, int nDataIndex ) { // NOTE! Wrinkles don't exist in the base state, therefore we use the index to index
// into the TEXCOORD base state fields instead of the wrinkle fields
if ( fieldId == FIELD_WRINKLE ) { fieldId = FIELD_TEXCOORD; }
return FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( m_pStandardFieldIndex[fieldId], nDataIndex ); }
// Do we have skinning data?
bool CDmeVertexDataBase::HasSkinningData() const { if ( m_nJointCount == 0 ) return false; FieldIndex_t nWeightFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS]; if ( nWeightFieldIndex < 0 ) return false; FieldIndex_t nIndexFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES]; if ( nIndexFieldIndex < 0 ) return false;
CDmrArrayConst<float> weightData = GetVertexData( nWeightFieldIndex ); CDmrArrayConst<int> indexData = GetVertexData( nIndexFieldIndex ); return ( weightData.Count() > 0 && indexData.Count() > 0 ); }
bool CDmeVertexDataBase::HasClothData() { Resolve();
FieldIndex_t nClothEnableIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[ FIELD_CLOTH_ENABLE ]; if ( nClothEnableIndex < 0 ) return false; CDmrArrayConst< float > weightData = GetVertexData( nClothEnableIndex ); CDmrArrayConst< int > indexData = GetIndexData( nClothEnableIndex ); return weightData.Count() > 0 && indexData.Count() > 0; }
// Do we need tangent data? (Utility method for applications to know if they should call ComputeDefaultTangentData)
bool CDmeVertexDataBase::NeedsTangentData() const { FieldIndex_t posField = m_pStandardFieldIndex[CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_POSITION]; FieldIndex_t normalField = m_pStandardFieldIndex[CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_NORMAL]; FieldIndex_t uvField = m_pStandardFieldIndex[CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_TEXCOORD]; FieldIndex_t tangentField = m_pStandardFieldIndex[CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_TANGENT]; return ( posField >= 0 && uvField >= 0 && normalField >= 0 && tangentField < 0 ); }
int CDmeVertexDataBase::FieldCount() const { return m_VertexFormat.Count(); }
// Returns the full fieldname (semanticname$index)
const char *CDmeVertexDataBase::FieldName( int i ) const { if ( i < 0 || i >= m_VertexFormat.Count() ) return NULL;
return m_VertexFormat[ i ]; }
void CDmeVertexDataBase::CopyFrom( CDmeVertexDataBase *pSrc ) { pSrc->CopyTo( this ); }
void CDmeVertexDataBase::CopyTo( CDmeVertexDataBase *pDst ) const { // Preserve the name of the destination
const CUtlString dstName = pDst->GetName();
CopyAttributesTo( pDst );
pDst->SetName( dstName ); // The Copy really copies everything!
pDst->Resolve(); }
// Sort models function
struct TempVertex_t { float m_flBoneWeight; int m_nBoneIndex; };
inline bool TempVertexLessFunc( const TempVertex_t &left, const TempVertex_t &right ) { return left.m_nBoneIndex < right.m_nBoneIndex; }
inline bool WeightLessFunc( const TempVertex_t &left, const TempVertex_t &right ) { return left.m_flBoneWeight > right.m_flBoneWeight; }
// Reskins the vertex data to new bones
// The joint index remap maps an initial bone index to a new bone index
void CDmeVertexDataBase::Reskin( const int *pJointTransformIndexRemap ) { if ( !HasSkinningData() ) return;
FieldIndex_t nWeightFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_WEIGHTS]; FieldIndex_t nIndexFieldIndex = m_pStandardFieldIndex[FIELD_JOINT_INDICES]; CDmrArray<float> weightData = GetVertexData( nWeightFieldIndex ); CDmrArray<int> indexData = GetVertexData( nIndexFieldIndex );
int nVertexCount = weightData.Count(); Assert( ( nVertexCount % m_nJointCount ) == 0 ); Assert( nVertexCount == indexData.Count() ); nVertexCount /= m_nJointCount;
TempVertex_t *pTempVertex = (TempVertex_t*)stackalloc( m_nJointCount * sizeof(TempVertex_t) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nVertexCount; ++i ) { // Remap bones
int nOffset = i * m_nJointCount; for ( int j = 0; j < m_nJointCount; ++j ) { pTempVertex[j].m_nBoneIndex = pJointTransformIndexRemap[ indexData[ nOffset + j ] ]; pTempVertex[j].m_flBoneWeight = weightData[ nOffset + j ]; }
std::make_heap( pTempVertex, pTempVertex + m_nJointCount, TempVertexLessFunc ); std::sort_heap( pTempVertex, pTempVertex + m_nJointCount, TempVertexLessFunc );
// Collapse identical bones
int nRemapCount = m_nJointCount; for ( int j = 1; j < nRemapCount; ++j ) { if ( pTempVertex[j].m_nBoneIndex != pTempVertex[j-1].m_nBoneIndex ) continue; pTempVertex[j-1].m_flBoneWeight += pTempVertex[j].m_flBoneWeight; --nRemapCount; memmove( &pTempVertex[j], &pTempVertex[j+1], ( m_nJointCount - j - 1 ) * sizeof(TempVertex_t) ); pTempVertex[ m_nJointCount-1 ].m_flBoneWeight = 0.0f; pTempVertex[ m_nJointCount-1 ].m_nBoneIndex = 0; //-1 ?
--j; }
std::make_heap( pTempVertex, pTempVertex + m_nJointCount, WeightLessFunc ); std::sort_heap( pTempVertex, pTempVertex + m_nJointCount, WeightLessFunc );
#ifdef _DEBUG
float flTotalWeight = 0; for ( int j = 0; j < m_nJointCount; ++j ) { flTotalWeight += pTempVertex[j].m_flBoneWeight; } Assert( fabs( flTotalWeight - 1.0f ) < 1e-3 ); #endif
for ( int j = 0; j < m_nJointCount; ++j ) { indexData.Set( nOffset + j, pTempVertex[j].m_nBoneIndex ); weightData.Set( nOffset + j, pTempVertex[j].m_flBoneWeight ); } } }
// Expose this class to the scene database
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeVertexData, CDmeVertexData ); IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeVertexDeltaData, CDmeVertexDeltaData );
// Purpose:
void CDmeVertexData::OnConstruction() { }
void CDmeVertexData::OnDestruction() { }
void CDmeVertexDeltaData::OnConstruction() { m_bCorrected.InitAndSet( this, "corrected", false ); m_bRenderVerts.InitAndSet( this, "renderVerts", false, FATTRIB_DONTSAVE ); // Runtime flag
void CDmeVertexDeltaData::OnDestruction() { }
// Method to add vertex indices for normal vertex data
int CDmeVertexData::AddVertexIndices( int nIndexCount ) { int nFirstVertex = m_nVertexCount; m_nVertexCount += nIndexCount; int nCount = m_FieldInfo.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData ) { CDmrArray<int> indices( m_FieldInfo[i].m_pIndexData ); indices.EnsureCount( m_nVertexCount ); } } return nFirstVertex; }
// Computes max positional delta length
float CDmeVertexDeltaData::ComputeMaxDeflection( ) { float flMaxDeflection = 0.0f;
const CUtlVector<Vector> &pos = GetPositionData(); int nCount = pos.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { float flDeflection = pos[i].Length(); if ( flMaxDeflection < flDeflection ) { flMaxDeflection = flDeflection; } } return flMaxDeflection; }
// Computes wrinkle data from position deltas
void CDmeVertexDeltaData::GenerateWrinkleDelta( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, float flScale, bool bOverwrite, bool bUseNormalForSign /* = false */ ) { FieldIndex_t nPosIndex = FindFieldIndex( FIELD_POSITION ); if ( nPosIndex < 0 ) return;
FieldIndex_t nBaseTexCoordIndex = pBindState->FindFieldIndex( FIELD_TEXCOORD ); if ( nBaseTexCoordIndex < 0 ) return;
FieldIndex_t nNormalIndex = pBindState->FindFieldIndex( FIELD_NORMAL ); if ( bUseNormalForSign && nNormalIndex < 0 ) return;
FieldIndex_t nWrinkleIndex = FindFieldIndex( FIELD_WRINKLE ); if ( nWrinkleIndex < 0 ) { nWrinkleIndex = CreateField( FIELD_WRINKLE ); } else if ( !bOverwrite ) return;
RemoveAllVertexData( nWrinkleIndex ); if ( flScale == 0.0f ) return;
const float flMaxDeflection( ComputeMaxDeflection() ); if ( flMaxDeflection == 0.0f ) return;
const double scaledInverseMaxDeflection = static_cast< double >( flScale ) / static_cast< double >( flMaxDeflection );
const CUtlVector<int> &positionIndices = GetVertexIndexData( nPosIndex ); const CUtlVector<Vector> &pos = GetPositionData(); const CUtlVector<int> &baseTexCoordIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( nBaseTexCoordIndex );
CDmrArrayConst<Vector2D> texData( pBindState->GetVertexData( nBaseTexCoordIndex ) ); int nBaseTexCoordCount = texData.Count(); int nBufSize = ( ( nBaseTexCoordCount + 7 ) >> 3 ); unsigned char *pUsedBits = (unsigned char*)_alloca( nBufSize ); memset( pUsedBits, 0, nBufSize );
const int nCount = pos.Count();
if ( bUseNormalForSign ) { const CUtlVector<int> &normalIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( nNormalIndex ); const CUtlVector<Vector> &normals = pBindState->GetNormalData();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { float flWrinkleDelta = static_cast< float >( static_cast< double >( pos[i].Length() ) * scaledInverseMaxDeflection ); Assert( fabs( flWrinkleDelta ) <= fabs( flScale ) ); float flNegativeWrinkleDelta = -flWrinkleDelta;
Vector vPosDelta = pos[i]; vPosDelta.NormalizeInPlace();
// NOTE: This will produce bad behavior in cases where two positions share the
// same texcoord, which shouldn't theoretically happen.
const CUtlVector< int > &baseVerts = pBindState->FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( FIELD_POSITION, positionIndices[i] ); int nBaseVertCount = baseVerts.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < nBaseVertCount; ++j ) { // See if we have a delta for this texcoord...
int nTexCoordIndex = baseTexCoordIndices[ baseVerts[j] ]; if ( pUsedBits[ nTexCoordIndex >> 3 ] & ( 1 << ( nTexCoordIndex & 0x7 ) ) ) continue;
pUsedBits[ nTexCoordIndex >> 3 ] |= 1 << ( nTexCoordIndex & 0x7 );
Vector vNormal = normals[ normalIndices[ baseVerts[j] ] ]; vNormal.NormalizeInPlace();
int nDeltaIndex = AddVertexData( nWrinkleIndex, 1 ); SetVertexIndices( nWrinkleIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, &nTexCoordIndex );
if ( DotProduct( vPosDelta, vNormal ) < 0 ) { SetVertexData( nWrinkleIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, AT_FLOAT, &flNegativeWrinkleDelta ); } else { SetVertexData( nWrinkleIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, AT_FLOAT, &flWrinkleDelta ); } } } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { float flWrinkleDelta = static_cast< float >( static_cast< double >( pos[i].Length() ) * scaledInverseMaxDeflection ); Assert( fabs( flWrinkleDelta ) <= fabs( flScale ) );
// NOTE: This will produce bad behavior in cases where two positions share the
// same texcoord, which shouldn't theoretically happen.
const CUtlVector< int > &baseVerts = pBindState->FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( FIELD_POSITION, positionIndices[i] ); int nBaseVertCount = baseVerts.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < nBaseVertCount; ++j ) { // See if we have a delta for this texcoord...
int nTexCoordIndex = baseTexCoordIndices[ baseVerts[j] ]; if ( pUsedBits[ nTexCoordIndex >> 3 ] & ( 1 << ( nTexCoordIndex & 0x7 ) ) ) continue;
pUsedBits[ nTexCoordIndex >> 3 ] |= 1 << ( nTexCoordIndex & 0x7 );
int nDeltaIndex = AddVertexData( nWrinkleIndex, 1 ); SetVertexIndices( nWrinkleIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, &nTexCoordIndex ); SetVertexData( nWrinkleIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, AT_FLOAT, &flWrinkleDelta ); } } } }
// Updates existing wrinkle data or generates new data if there is no existing data
void CDmeVertexDeltaData::UpdateWrinkleDelta( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, float flOldScale, float flScale ) { // if no wrinkle data exists, generate new data
const FieldIndex_t nWrinkleFieldIndex = FindFieldIndex( FIELD_WRINKLE ); if ( nWrinkleFieldIndex < 0 || flOldScale == 0.0f || flScale == 0.0 ) { GenerateWrinkleDelta( pBindState, flScale, true ); return; }
CDmAttribute *pWrinkleDataAttr = GetVertexData( nWrinkleFieldIndex ); if ( pWrinkleDataAttr ) { CDmrArray< float > wrinkleData( pWrinkleDataAttr ); const int nWrinkleCount = wrinkleData.Count(); if ( nWrinkleCount <= 0 ) GenerateWrinkleDelta( pBindState, flScale, true );
const double dNewScale = static_cast< double >( flScale ) / static_cast< double >( flOldScale ); for ( int nWrinkleIndex = 0; nWrinkleIndex < nWrinkleCount; ++nWrinkleIndex ) { wrinkleData.Set( nWrinkleIndex, wrinkleData.Get( nWrinkleIndex ) * dNewScale ); } } }
// Computes weight data from position deltas
float CDmeVertexDeltaData::GenerateWeightDelta( CDmeVertexData *pBindState ) { FieldIndex_t nPosIndex = FindFieldIndex( FIELD_POSITION ); if ( nPosIndex < 0 ) return 0.0;
FieldIndex_t nFieldIndex = FindFieldIndex( FIELD_WEIGHT ); if ( nFieldIndex < 0 ) { nFieldIndex = CreateField( FIELD_WEIGHT ); }
RemoveAllVertexData( nFieldIndex );
const float maxDeflection( static_cast< double >( ComputeMaxDeflection() ) );
if ( maxDeflection == 0.0 ) return maxDeflection;
const CUtlVector<Vector> &pos( GetPositionData() ); const CUtlVector< int > &posIndices( GetVertexIndexData( nPosIndex ) );
float flDeltaDistance; int nDeltaIndex; const int nCount = pos.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { flDeltaDistance = pos[ i ].Length();
nDeltaIndex = AddVertexData( nFieldIndex, 1 ); SetVertexData( nFieldIndex, nDeltaIndex, 1, AT_FLOAT, &flDeltaDistance ); }
SetVertexIndices( nFieldIndex, 0, posIndices.Count(), posIndices.Base() );
return maxDeflection; }