//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef DISPCOLL_H
#define DISPCOLL_H
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
class CCoreDispInfo;
// Displacement Collision Triangle Data
class CDispCollTri { public: void Init( void ); inline void SetPoint( int index, Vector const& vert ); inline void SetPointNormal( int index, Vector const& normal ); void CalcPlane( void ); inline void SetIntersect( bool bIntersect ); inline bool IsIntersect( void );
Vector m_Points[3]; // polygon points
Vector m_PointNormals[3]; // polygon point normals
Vector m_Normal; // plane normal
float m_Distance; // plane distance
short m_ProjAxes[2]; // projection axes (2 minor axes)
bool m_bIntersect; // intersected triangle???
// Displacement Collision Node Data
class CDispCollNode { public: CDispCollNode(); inline bool IsLeaf( void ); inline void SetBounds( Vector const &bMin, Vector const &bMax ); inline void GetBounds( Vector &bMin, Vector &bMax ); Vector m_Bounds[2]; // node minimum and maximum
bool m_bIsLeaf; // is the node a leaf? ( may have to make this an int for alignment!)
CDispCollTri m_Tris[2]; // two triangles contained in leaf node
// Displacement Collision Data
class CDispCollData { public:
Vector m_StartPos; Vector m_EndPos; Vector m_Extents; float m_Fraction; int m_Contents; Vector m_Normal; float m_Distance; bool m_bOcclude; };
// HACKHACK: JAY: Moved this out of CDispCollTree to be thread safe in vrad
enum { TRILIST_CACHE_SIZE = 128 };
class CDispCollTreeTempData { public: //
// temps
int m_TriListCount; CDispCollTri *m_ppTriList[TRILIST_CACHE_SIZE];
// collision tree node cache
float m_AABBDistances[6]; };
// Displacement Collision Tree
class CDispCollTree { public:
static const float COLLISION_EPSILON; static const float ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON;
// Creation/Destruction
CDispCollTree(); ~CDispCollTree();
virtual bool Create( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp );
// Collision Functions
bool RayTest( CDispCollData *pData ); bool RayTestAllTris( CDispCollData *pData, int power );
bool AABBIntersect( CDispCollData *pData ); bool AABBSweep( CDispCollData *pData );
// Attrib Functions
inline void SetPower( int power ); inline int GetPower( void );
inline void SetCheckCount( int count ); inline int GetCheckCount( void );
inline void GetBounds( Vector& boundMin, Vector& boundMax );
int m_Power;
int m_NodeCount; CDispCollNode *m_pNodes;
int m_CheckCount;
// collision tree node cache
Vector m_AABBNormals[6]; //=========================================================================
// Creation/Destruction
void InitAABBData( void ); void InitLeaves( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ); void CreateNodes( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ); void CreateNodes_r( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp, int nodeIndex, int termLevel ); void CalcBounds( CDispCollNode *pNode, int nodeIndex );
// Collision Functions
void CreatePlanesFromBounds( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector const &bbMin, Vector const &bbMax );
// void RayNodeTest_r( int nodeIndex, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd );
void RayNodeTest_r( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, int nodeIndex, Vector rayStart, Vector rayEnd ); bool RayAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd ); bool RayTriListTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, CDispCollData *pData ); bool RayTriTest( Vector const &rayStart, Vector const &rayDir, float const rayLength, CDispCollTri const *pTri, float *fraction );
void BuildTriList_r( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, int nodeIndex, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, bool bIntersect ); bool IntersectAABBAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, const Vector &pos, const Vector &extents ); bool SweptAABBAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, const Vector &rayStart, const Vector &rayEnd, const Vector &extents );
bool CullTriList( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, bool bIntersect ); bool SweptAABBTriTest( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri ); bool AABBTriIntersect( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, CDispCollData *pData ); bool IntersectAABBTriTest( Vector &rayStart, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri ); bool SweptAABBTriIntersect( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri, Vector &plNormal, float *plDist, float *fraction );
// Memory Functions
bool AllocNodes( int nodeCount ); void FreeNodes( void );
// Utility Functions
inline int CalcNodeCount( int power ); inline int GetParentNode( int nodeIndex ); inline int GetChildNode( int nodeIndex, int direction ); inline int GetNodeLevel( int nodeIndex ); int GetNodeIndexFromComponents( int x, int y ); };
inline void CDispCollTree::SetPower( int power ) { m_Power = power; }
inline int CDispCollTree::GetPower( void ) { return m_Power; }
inline void CDispCollTree::SetCheckCount( int count ) { m_CheckCount = count; }
inline int CDispCollTree::GetCheckCount( void ) { return m_CheckCount; }
inline void CDispCollTree::GetBounds( Vector& boundMin, Vector& boundMax ) { boundMin[0] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[0].x; boundMin[1] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[0].y; boundMin[2] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[0].z;
boundMax[0] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[1].x; boundMax[1] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[1].y; boundMax[2] = m_pNodes[0].m_Bounds[1].z; }
#endif // DISPCOLL_H