//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "datamodel/dmattributetypes.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "tier1/utlsortvector.h"
#include "dmxloader/dmxattribute.h"
// Sort functor class for attributes
class CDmxAttributeLess { public: bool Less( const CDmxAttribute * pAttribute1, const CDmxAttribute *pAttribute2, void *pContext ) { return (pAttribute1?pAttribute1->GetNameSymbol():CUtlSymbolLarge(UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL_LARGE)) < (pAttribute2?pAttribute2->GetNameSymbol():CUtlSymbolLarge(UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL_LARGE)); } };
// Used to unpack elements into a structure. Does not recurse
// Also does not work with arrays.
struct DmxElementUnpackStructure_t { const char *m_pAttributeName; const char *m_pDefaultString; DmAttributeType_t m_AttributeType; int m_nOffset; int m_nSize; // If size is -1 the AT_STRING datatype is considered to be a UtlString, rather than a char array.
int m_nBitOffset; // Default value for this should be -1. A non-negative value indicates that the attribute is a bitfield and
// m_nSize should be interpreted as number of bits
BitfieldType_t m_BitfieldType; // the data type of your variable in the bitfield.
const void *m_pUserData; // If you want to associate some app-specific data with each field
// Embedded structure / Baseclass ptr
const char *m_pTypeName; const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *m_pSub;
int m_nArrayLength; // For fixed-size arrays, this is a positive value (default is 0). For arrays, m_nSize is the size of an array element and m_pDefaultString is the default element value.
#define NO_BIT_OFFSET -1
#define UTL_STRING_SIZE -1
#define NOT_AN_ARRAY 0
template <typename T> friend DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit(T *);
#define BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK( _structName ) \
template <typename T> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit(T *); \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit<_structName>( _structName * ); \ namespace _structName##_UnpackInit \ { \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *s_pUnpack = DmxElementUnpackInit( (_structName *)NULL ); \ } \ \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit<_structName>( _structName * ) \ { \ typedef _structName DestStructType_t; \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t unpack[] = \ { \
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FLTX4( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, CDmAttributeInfo<float>::AttributeType(), offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( fltx4 ), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY },
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_EMBEDDED( _typeName, _attributeName, _varName, _embeddedUnpackStructure ) \
{ _attributeName, "", AT_TYPE_COUNT, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, _typeName, _embeddedUnpackStructure, NOT_AN_ARRAY },
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_BASECLASS( _structName, _baseClass ) \
{ "Baseclass unpack", "", AT_TYPE_COUNT, size_cast< int >((intp) static_cast< _baseClass * >( (_structName*)0)), 0, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, #_baseClass, DmxElementUnpackInit<_baseClass>( (_baseClass *)0 ), NOT_AN_ARRAY },
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_BASECLASS_NAMESPACE( _namespace, _structName, _baseClass ) \
{ "Baseclass unpack", "", AT_TYPE_COUNT, size_cast< int >((intp) static_cast< _baseClass * >( (_structName*)0)), 0, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, #_baseClass, DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace<_baseClass>( (_baseClass *)0 ), NOT_AN_ARRAY },
DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_BASECLASS_NAMESPACE( vgui, DestStructType_t, DestStructType_t::BaseClass ) \
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( _attributeName, _defaultString, _type, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, CDmAttributeInfo<_type>::AttributeType(), offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, // Use for preallocated char array
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_STRING( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_STRING, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, // Use for UtlString datatype
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_UTLSTRING( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_STRING, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), UTL_STRING_SIZE, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, #define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_SHORT( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_INT, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( short ), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, #define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_CHAR( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_INT, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( char ), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, #define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_BITFIELD( _attributeName, _defaultString, _bitfieldType, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, CDmAttributeInfo<int>::AttributeType(), DestStructType_t::Get##_varName##ByteOffset(), DestStructType_t::Get##_varName##BitCount(), DestStructType_t::Get##_varName##BitOffset(), _bitfieldType, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY },
// NOTE: DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_ARRAY is for fixed-size arrays, not pointers or CUtlVectors (TODO: doesn't work for strings or bitfields yet!)
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_ARRAY( _attributeName, _defaultString, _type, _varName ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, CDmAttributeInfo< CUtlVector< _type > >::AttributeType(), offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName[0]), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, ARRAYSIZE( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName ) },
#define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_USERDATA( _attributeName, _defaultString, _type, _varName, _userData ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, CDmAttributeInfo<_type>::AttributeType(), offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, _userData, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, #define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_STRING_USERDATA( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName, _userData ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_STRING, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), sizeof( ((DestStructType_t *)0)->_varName), NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, _userData, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY }, #define DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD_UTLSTRING_USERDATA( _attributeName, _defaultString, _varName, _userData ) \
{ _attributeName, _defaultString, AT_STRING, offsetof( DestStructType_t, _varName ), UTL_STRING_SIZE, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, _userData, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR, NOT_AN_ARRAY },
#define END_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK( _structName, _varName ) \
{ NULL, NULL, AT_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR } \ }; \ return unpack; \ } \ DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_varName = _structName##_UnpackInit::s_pUnpack;
#define END_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_TEMPLATE( _structName, _varName ) \
{ NULL, NULL, AT_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR } \ }; \ return unpack; \ } \ template<> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_varName = _structName##_UnpackInit::s_pUnpack;
// Macros for when your class is inside a namespace.
#define BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_NAMESPACE_UNPACK( _nameSpace, _structName ) \
template <typename T> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit(T *); \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_nameSpace::DmxElementUnpackInit<_nameSpace::_structName>( _nameSpace::_structName * ); \ namespace _structName##_UnpackInit \ { \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *s_pUnpack = _nameSpace::DmxElementUnpackInit( (_nameSpace::_structName *)NULL ); \ } \ \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_nameSpace::DmxElementUnpackInit<_nameSpace::_structName>( _nameSpace::_structName * ) \ { \ typedef _nameSpace::_structName DestStructType_t; \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t unpack[] = \ { \
//#define DECLARE_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_NAMESPACE( _namespace ) \ // template <typename T> friend DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace(T *);
// Adds serialization unpack structure and unpack func to your class.
#if defined( _PS3 ) && defined( __GCC__ )
template <typename T> friend DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_namespace::DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace(T *); \ private: \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *s_pUnpackParams; \ public: \ virtual const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t* GetUnpackStructure() const { return s_pUnpackParams; } #else
template <typename T> friend DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace(T *); \ private: \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *s_pUnpackParams; \ public: \ virtual const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t* GetUnpackStructure() const { return s_pUnpackParams; } #endif
// Use when your panel class is derived from another baseclass
#define BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_NAMESPACE_SIMPLE( _namespace, _structName ) \
// Use when your panel class has no base class
BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_NAMESPACE( _namespace, _structName ) \
#define BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_NAMESPACE( _namespace, _structName ) \
namespace _namespace { \ template <typename T> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace(T *); \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace<_structName>( _namespace::_structName * ); \ namespace _namespace##_structName##_UnpackInit \ { \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *s_pUnpack = _namespace::DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace( (_namespace::_structName *)NULL ); \ } \ \ template <> DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *DmxElementUnpackInit##_namespace<_structName>( _namespace::_structName * ) \ { \ typedef _structName DestStructType_t; \ static DmxElementUnpackStructure_t unpack[] = \ { \
#define END_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_NAMESPACE( _namespace, _structName, _varName ) \
{ NULL, NULL, AT_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, NO_BIT_OFFSET, NOT_A_BITFIELD, NO_USER_DATA, NO_EMBEDDED_TYPENAME, NO_EMBEDDED_STRUCT_PTR } \ }; \ return unpack; \ } \ DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *_structName::_varName = _namespace##_structName##_UnpackInit::s_pUnpack; \ } \
// Return a variable of type 'T' with all bits set
template <typename T> inline T GetAllOnesNumber() { T temp = 0; /* Temp variable to avoid gcc warnings */ return (T)~temp; }
// Special case of GetAllOnesVar for bool to avoid
// warnings from VC++.
template <> inline bool GetAllOnesNumber<bool>() { return true; }
#define DECLARE_DMXELEMENT_BITFIELD( _fieldName, _type, _structName ) \
class CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName \ { \ public: \ CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName () \ { \ const int nSize = ( sizeof(_structName) + 3 ) & ~0x3; \ unsigned char pBuf[nSize] = {}; \ (( _structName * )pBuf)->_fieldName = GetAllOnesNumber<_type>(); \ _type *pTest = (_type *)pBuf; \ for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(_structName); ++i ) \ { \ if ( pTest[i] == 0 ) \ continue; \ \ for ( int j = 0; j < 8*sizeof(_type); ++j ) \ { \ unsigned int temp = ((unsigned int)pTest[i]) & ( 1 << j ) ; \ if ( temp == 0 ) \ continue; \ \ m_nByteOffset = i*sizeof(_type) + j / 8; \ m_nBitOffset = j & 0x7; \ \ int k; \ for ( k = j+1; k < 8*sizeof(_type); ++k ) \ { \ unsigned int temp = ((unsigned int)pTest[i]) & ( 1 << k ) ; \ if ( temp != 0 ) \ continue; \ break; \ } \ m_nBitCount = k - j; \ break; \ } \ break; \ } \ } \ \ int GetByteOffset() const \ { \ return m_nByteOffset; \ } \ \ int GetBitCount() const \ { \ return m_nBitCount; \ } \ \ int GetBitOffset() const \ { \ return m_nBitOffset; \ } \ \ private: \ int m_nByteOffset; \ int m_nBitCount; \ int m_nBitOffset; \ }; \ \ static int Get##_fieldName##BitCount() \ { \ CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName info; \ return info.GetBitCount(); \ } \ \ static int Get##_fieldName##ByteOffset() \ { \ CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName info; \ return info.GetByteOffset(); \ } \ \ static int Get##_fieldName##BitOffset() \ { \ CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName info; \ return info.GetBitOffset(); \ } \ friend class CBitFieldInfo_##_fieldName; \
// A bit of a hack, but we don't have access to
extern CUtlSymbolTableLargeMT g_DmxAttributeStrings;
// Element used to read dmx files from mod code. Similar to keyvalues.
class CDmxElement { DECLARE_DMX_ALLOCATOR( );
public: bool HasAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ) const; CDmxAttribute *GetAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ); const CDmxAttribute *GetAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ) const; int AttributeCount() const; CDmxAttribute *GetAttribute( int nIndex ); const CDmxAttribute *GetAttribute( int nIndex ) const; CUtlSymbolLarge GetType() const; const char* GetTypeString() const; const char* GetName() const; const DmObjectId_t &GetId() const;
// Add+remove+rename can only occur during lock
// NOTE: AddAttribute will find or add; returning an existing attribute if
// one with the appropriate name exists
void LockForChanges( bool bLock ); CDmxAttribute *AddAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ); void RemoveAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ); void RemoveAttributeByPtr( CDmxAttribute *pAttribute ); void RemoveAllAttributes(); void RenameAttribute( const char *pAttributeName, const char *pNewName );
// Simple methods to read attributes
const char *GetValueString( const char *pAttributeName ) const; template< class T > const T& GetValue( const char *pAttributeName ) const; template< class T > const T& GetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const T& defaultValue ) const;
template< class T > const CUtlVector<T>& GetArray( const char *pAttributeName ) const; template< class T > const CUtlVector<T>& GetArray( const char *pAttributeName, const CUtlVector<T>& defaultValue ) const;
// Set methods
void SetName( const char *pName ); CDmxAttribute* SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const char *pString ); CDmxAttribute* SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, void *pBuffer, int nLen ); template< class T > CDmxAttribute* SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const T& value );
// Method to unpack data into a structure
void UnpackIntoStructure( void *pData, const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *pUnpack ) const;
// Creates attributes based on the unpack structure
void AddAttributesFromStructure( const void *pData, const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *pUnpack );
private: typedef CUtlSortVector< CDmxAttribute*, CDmxAttributeLess > AttributeList_t;
CDmxElement( const char *pType ); ~CDmxElement();
// Removes all elements recursively
void RemoveAllElementsRecursive();
// Adds elements to delete to the deletion list
void AddElementsToDelete( CUtlVector< CDmxElement * >& elementsToDelete );
// Sorts the vector when a change has occurred
void Resort( ) const;
// Finds an attribute by name
int FindAttribute( const char *pAttributeName ) const; int FindAttribute( CUtlSymbolLarge attributeName ) const;
// Sets the object id
void SetId( const DmObjectId_t &id );
// Are we locked?
bool IsLocked() const;
template <typename T> void UnpackBitfield( T *pDest2, const DmxElementUnpackStructure_t *pUnpack, const CDmxAttribute *pAttribute ) const;
AttributeList_t m_Attributes; DmObjectId_t m_Id; // We need this strictly because we support serialization
CUtlSymbolLarge m_Type; char m_nLockCount; mutable bool m_bResortNeeded : 1; bool m_bIsMarkedForDeletion : 1;
static CUtlSymbolTableLargeMT s_TypeSymbols;
friend class CDmxSerializer; friend class CDmxSerializerKeyValues2; friend void CleanupDMX( CDmxElement* pElement ); friend CDmxElement* CreateDmxElement( const char *pType ); };
// inline methods
// Are we locked?
inline bool CDmxElement::IsLocked() const { return m_nLockCount > 0; }
inline const char *CDmxElement::GetValueString( const char *pAttributeName ) const { const CDmxAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute ) return pAttribute->GetValueString(); return ""; }
template< class T > inline const T& CDmxElement::GetValue( const char *pAttributeName ) const { const CDmxAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute ) return pAttribute->GetValue<T>();
static T defaultValue; CDmAttributeInfo<T>::SetDefaultValue( defaultValue ); return defaultValue; }
template< class T > inline const T& CDmxElement::GetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const T& defaultValue ) const { const CDmxAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute ) return pAttribute->GetValue<T>(); return defaultValue; }
template< class T > inline const CUtlVector<T>& CDmxElement::GetArray( const char *pAttributeName ) const { const CDmxAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute ) return pAttribute->GetArray<T>();
static CUtlVector<T> defaultValue; return defaultValue; }
template< class T > inline const CUtlVector<T>& CDmxElement::GetArray( const char *pAttributeName, const CUtlVector<T>& defaultValue ) const { const CDmxAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute ) return pAttribute->GetArray<T>(); return defaultValue; }
// Creates a dmx element
CDmxElement* CreateDmxElement( const char *pType );
// Helper class to lock elements for changes
class CDmxElementModifyScope { public: CDmxElementModifyScope( CDmxElement *pElement ) : m_pElement( pElement ) { m_pElement->LockForChanges( true ); } ~CDmxElementModifyScope() { Release(); } void Release() { if ( m_pElement ) { m_pElement->LockForChanges( false ); m_pElement = NULL; } } private: CDmxElement *m_pElement; };
// Set methods
inline CDmxAttribute* CDmxElement::SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const char *pString ) { CDmxElementModifyScope modify( this ); CDmxAttribute *pAttribute = AddAttribute( pAttributeName ); pAttribute->SetValue( pString ); return pAttribute; }
inline CDmxAttribute* CDmxElement::SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, void *pBuffer, int nLen ) { CDmxElementModifyScope modify( this ); CDmxAttribute *pAttribute = AddAttribute( pAttributeName ); pAttribute->SetValue( pBuffer, nLen ); return pAttribute; }
template< class T > inline CDmxAttribute* CDmxElement::SetValue( const char *pAttributeName, const T& value ) { CDmxElementModifyScope modify( this ); CDmxAttribute *pAttribute = AddAttribute( pAttributeName ); pAttribute->SetValue( value ); return pAttribute; }
#endif // DMXELEMENT_H