//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/vector4d.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
#include "studio.h"
// forward declarations
struct studiohdr_t; struct studiomeshdata_t; class Vector; struct LightDesc_t; class IMaterial; struct studiohwdata_t; struct Ray_t; class Vector4D; class IMaterialSystem; struct matrix3x4_t; class IMesh; struct vertexFileHeader_t; struct FlashlightState_t; class VMatrix; namespace OptimizedModel { struct FileHeader_t; } class IPooledVBAllocator; struct MeshInstanceData_t; struct ShaderStencilState_t;
// undone: what's the standard for function type naming?
typedef void (*StudioRender_Printf_t)( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... );
struct StudioRenderConfig_t { float fEyeShiftX; // eye X position
float fEyeShiftY; // eye Y position
float fEyeShiftZ; // eye Z position
float fEyeSize; // adjustment to iris textures
float fEyeGlintPixelWidthLODThreshold;
int maxDecalsPerModel; int drawEntities; int skin; int fullbright;
bool bEyeMove : 1; // look around
bool bSoftwareSkin : 1; bool bNoHardware : 1; bool bNoSoftware : 1; bool bTeeth : 1; bool bEyes : 1; bool bFlex : 1; bool bWireframe : 1; bool bDrawNormals : 1; bool bDrawTangentFrame : 1; bool bDrawZBufferedWireframe : 1; bool bSoftwareLighting : 1; bool bShowEnvCubemapOnly : 1; bool bWireframeDecals : 1;
// Reserved for future use
int m_nReserved[4]; };
// Studio render interface
DECLARE_POINTER_HANDLE( StudioDecalHandle_t ); #define STUDIORENDER_DECAL_INVALID ( (StudioDecalHandle_t)0 )
enum { ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS = -1 };
// DrawModel flags
STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ACCURATETIME = 0x10, // Use accurate timing when drawing the model.
// Standard model vertex formats
// FIXME: remove these (materials/shaders should drive vertex format). Need to
// list required forcedmaterialoverrides in models/bsps (rather than
// all models supporting all possible overrides, as they do currently).
#define VERTEX_TEXCOORD0_2D ( ( (uint64) 2 ) << ( TEX_COORD_SIZE_BIT + ( 3*0 ) ) )
// What kind of material override is it?
// DrawModel info
// Special flag for studio models that have a compiled in shadow lod version
// It's negative 2 since positive numbers == use a regular slot and -1 means
// have studiorender compute a value instead
enum { USESHADOWLOD = -2, };
// beyond this number of materials, you won't get info back from DrawModel
struct DrawModelResults_t { int m_ActualTriCount; int m_TextureMemoryBytes; int m_NumHardwareBones; int m_NumBatches; int m_NumMaterials; int m_nLODUsed; int m_flLODMetric; CFastTimer m_RenderTime; CUtlVectorFixed<IMaterial *,MAX_DRAW_MODEL_INFO_MATERIALS> m_Materials; };
struct ColorMeshInfo_t { // A given color mesh can own a unique Mesh, or it can use a shared Mesh
// (in which case it uses a sub-range defined by m_nVertOffset and m_nNumVerts)
IMesh * m_pMesh; IPooledVBAllocator * m_pPooledVBAllocator; int m_nVertOffsetInBytes; int m_nNumVerts; };
struct DrawModelInfo_t { studiohdr_t *m_pStudioHdr; studiohwdata_t *m_pHardwareData; StudioDecalHandle_t m_Decals; int m_Skin; int m_Body; int m_HitboxSet; void *m_pClientEntity; int m_Lod; ColorMeshInfo_t *m_pColorMeshes; bool m_bStaticLighting; MaterialLightingState_t m_LightingState;
enum { // This is because we store which flashlights are on which model
// in a 32-bit field (see ModelArrayInstanceData_t::m_nFlashlightUsage)
struct FlashlightInstance_t { IMaterial *m_pDebugMaterial; FlashlightState_t m_FlashlightState; VMatrix m_WorldToTexture; ITexture *m_pFlashlightDepthTexture; };
struct StudioModelArrayInfo2_t { int m_nFlashlightCount; FlashlightInstance_t *m_pFlashlights; // NOTE: Can have at most MAX_FLASHLIGHTS_PER_INSTANCE_DRAW_CALL of these
struct StudioModelArrayInfo_t : public StudioModelArrayInfo2_t { studiohdr_t *m_pStudioHdr; studiohwdata_t *m_pHardwareData; };
struct StudioArrayData_t { studiohdr_t *m_pStudioHdr; studiohwdata_t *m_pHardwareData; void *m_pInstanceData; // See StudioShadowArrayInstanceData_t or StudioArrayInstanceData_t
int m_nCount; };
struct StudioShadowArrayInstanceData_t { int m_nLOD; int m_nBody; int m_nSkin; matrix3x4a_t *m_pPoseToWorld; float *m_pFlexWeights; float *m_pDelayedFlexWeights; };
struct StudioArrayInstanceData_t : public StudioShadowArrayInstanceData_t { MaterialLightingState_t *m_pLightingState; MaterialLightingState_t *m_pDecalLightingState; ITexture *m_pEnvCubemapTexture; StudioDecalHandle_t m_Decals; uint32 m_nFlashlightUsage; // Mask indicating which flashlights to use.
ShaderStencilState_t *m_pStencilState; ColorMeshInfo_t *m_pColorMeshInfo; bool m_bColorMeshHasIndirectLightingOnly; Vector4D m_DiffuseModulation; };
struct GetTriangles_Vertex_t { Vector m_Position; Vector m_Normal; Vector4D m_TangentS; Vector2D m_TexCoord; Vector4D m_BoneWeight; int m_BoneIndex[4]; int m_NumBones;
IMPLEMENT_OPERATOR_EQUAL( GetTriangles_Vertex_t ); };
struct GetTriangles_MaterialBatch_t { IMaterial *m_pMaterial; CUtlVector<GetTriangles_Vertex_t> m_Verts; CUtlVector<int> m_TriListIndices; };
struct GetTriangles_Output_t { CUtlVector<GetTriangles_MaterialBatch_t> m_MaterialBatches; matrix3x4_t m_PoseToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
DISALLOW_OPERATOR_EQUAL( GetTriangles_Output_t ); };
// Cache Callback Function
// implementation can either statically persist data (tools) or lru cache (engine) it.
// caller returns base pointer to resident data.
// code expectes data to be dynamic and invokes cache callback prior to iterative access.
// virtualModel is member passed in via studiohdr_t and passed back for model identification.
abstract_class IStudioDataCache : public IAppSystem { public: virtual bool VerifyHeaders( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) = 0; virtual vertexFileHeader_t *CacheVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) = 0; };
// Studio render interface
abstract_class IStudioRender : public IAppSystem { public: virtual void BeginFrame( void ) = 0; virtual void EndFrame( void ) = 0;
// Used for the mat_stub console command.
virtual void Mat_Stub( IMaterialSystem *pMatSys ) = 0;
// Updates the rendering configuration
virtual void UpdateConfig( const StudioRenderConfig_t& config ) = 0; virtual void GetCurrentConfig( StudioRenderConfig_t& config ) = 0;
// Load, unload model data
virtual bool LoadModel( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, void *pVtxData, studiohwdata_t *pHardwareData ) = 0; virtual void UnloadModel( studiohwdata_t *pHardwareData ) = 0;
// Refresh the studiohdr since it was lost...
virtual void RefreshStudioHdr( studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr, studiohwdata_t* pHardwareData ) = 0;
// This is needed to do eyeglint and calculate the correct texcoords for the eyes.
virtual void SetEyeViewTarget( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int nBodyIndex, const Vector& worldPosition ) = 0; // Methods related to lighting state
// NOTE: SetAmbientLightColors assumes that the arraysize is the same as
// returned from GetNumAmbientLightSamples
virtual int GetNumAmbientLightSamples() = 0; virtual const Vector *GetAmbientLightDirections() = 0; virtual void SetAmbientLightColors( const Vector4D *pAmbientOnlyColors ) = 0; virtual void SetAmbientLightColors( const Vector *pAmbientOnlyColors ) = 0; virtual void SetLocalLights( int numLights, const LightDesc_t *pLights ) = 0;
// Sets information about the camera location + orientation
virtual void SetViewState( const Vector& viewOrigin, const Vector& viewRight, const Vector& viewUp, const Vector& viewPlaneNormal ) = 0; // LOD stuff
virtual int GetNumLODs( const studiohwdata_t &hardwareData ) const = 0; virtual float GetLODSwitchValue( const studiohwdata_t &hardwareData, int lod ) const = 0; virtual void SetLODSwitchValue( studiohwdata_t &hardwareData, int lod, float switchValue ) = 0;
// Sets the color/alpha modulation
virtual void SetColorModulation( float const* pColor ) = 0; virtual void SetAlphaModulation( float flAlpha ) = 0; // Draws the model
virtual void DrawModel( DrawModelResults_t *pResults, const DrawModelInfo_t& info, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, float *pFlexWeights, float *pFlexDelayedWeights, const Vector &modelOrigin, int flags = STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL ) = 0;
// Methods related to static prop rendering
virtual void DrawModelStaticProp( const DrawModelInfo_t& drawInfo, const matrix3x4_t &modelToWorld, int flags = STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL ) = 0; virtual void DrawStaticPropDecals( const DrawModelInfo_t &drawInfo, const matrix3x4_t &modelToWorld ) = 0; virtual void DrawStaticPropShadows( const DrawModelInfo_t &drawInfo, const matrix3x4_t &modelToWorld, int flags ) = 0;
// Causes a material to be used instead of the materials the model was compiled with
virtual void ForcedMaterialOverride( IMaterial *newMaterial, OverrideType_t nOverrideType = OVERRIDE_NORMAL, int nMaterialIndex = -1 ) = 0; virtual bool IsForcedMaterialOverride() = 0;
// Create, destroy list of decals for a particular model
virtual StudioDecalHandle_t CreateDecalList( studiohwdata_t *pHardwareData ) = 0; virtual void DestroyDecalList( StudioDecalHandle_t handle ) = 0;
// Add decals to a decal list by doing a planar projection along the ray
// The BoneToWorld matrices must be set before this is called
virtual void AddDecal( StudioDecalHandle_t handle, studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, const Ray_t & ray, const Vector& decalUp, IMaterial* pDecalMaterial, float radius, int body, bool noPokethru = false, int maxLODToDecal = ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS, void *pvProxyUserData = NULL, int nAdditionalDecalFlags = 0 ) = 0;
// Compute the lighting at a point and normal
virtual void ComputeLighting( const Vector* pAmbient, int lightCount, LightDesc_t* pLights, const Vector& pt, const Vector& normal, Vector& lighting ) = 0;
// Compute the lighting at a point, constant directional component is passed
// as flDirectionalAmount
virtual void ComputeLightingConstDirectional( const Vector* pAmbient, int lightCount, LightDesc_t* pLights, const Vector& pt, const Vector& normal, Vector& lighting, float flDirectionalAmount ) = 0;
// Shadow state (affects the models as they are rendered)
virtual void AddShadow( IMaterial* pMaterial, void* pProxyData, FlashlightState_t *m_pFlashlightState = NULL, VMatrix *pWorldToTexture = NULL, ITexture *pFlashlightDepthTexture = NULL ) = 0; virtual void ClearAllShadows() = 0;
// Gets the model LOD; pass in the screen size in pixels of a sphere
// of radius 1 that has the same origin as the model to get the LOD out...
virtual int ComputeModelLod( studiohwdata_t* pHardwareData, float unitSphereSize, float *pMetric = NULL ) = 0;
// Return a number that is usable for budgets, etc.
// Things that we care about:
// 1) effective triangle count (factors in batch sizes, state changes, etc)
// 2) texture memory usage
// Get Triangles returns the LOD used
virtual void GetPerfStats( DrawModelResults_t *pResults, const DrawModelInfo_t &info, CUtlBuffer *pSpewBuf = NULL ) const = 0; virtual void GetTriangles( const DrawModelInfo_t& info, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, GetTriangles_Output_t &out ) = 0;
// Returns materials used by a particular model
virtual int GetMaterialList( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int count, IMaterial** ppMaterials ) = 0; virtual int GetMaterialListFromBodyAndSkin( MDLHandle_t studio, int nSkin, int nBody, int nCountOutputMaterials, IMaterial** ppOutputMaterials ) = 0;
// no debug modes, just fastest drawing path
virtual void DrawModelArrayStaticProp( const DrawModelInfo_t& drawInfo, int nInstanceCount, const MeshInstanceData_t *pInstanceData, ColorMeshInfo_t **pColorMeshes ) = 0;
// draw an array of models with the same state
virtual void DrawModelArray( const StudioModelArrayInfo_t &drawInfo, int nCount, StudioArrayInstanceData_t *pInstanceData, int nInstanceStride, int flags = STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL ) = 0;
// draw an array of models with the same state
virtual void DrawModelShadowArray( int nCount, StudioArrayData_t *pShadowData, int nInstanceStride, int flags = STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL ) = 0;
// draw an array of models with the same state
virtual void DrawModelArray( const StudioModelArrayInfo2_t &info, int nCount, StudioArrayData_t *pArrayData, int nInstanceStride, int flags = STUDIORENDER_DRAW_ENTIRE_MODEL ) = 0;
#ifndef _CERT
struct FacesRenderedInfo_t { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr; unsigned int nFaceCount; unsigned int nRenderCount; };
typedef void ( * FaceInfoCallbackFunc_t )( int nTopN, FacesRenderedInfo_t *pRenderedFaceInfo, int nTotalFaces ); virtual void GatherRenderedFaceInfo( FaceInfoCallbackFunc_t pFunc ) = 0; #endif // !_CERT
DECLARE_TIER3_INTERFACE( IStudioRender, g_pStudioRender );