//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "resourcefile/resourceintrospection.h"
#include "resourcefile/resourcedictionary.h"
#include "resourcefile/resourcetype.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
// Forward declarations
class IResourceTypeManager;
// A method used to allow clients to construct + destruct resources based
// on raw data. Needs to be installed into resource type managers based on
// resource type
abstract_class IResourceTypeConstructor { public: virtual bool Init( IResourceTypeManager *pTypeManager ) = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Returns a structure type associated with the permanent data
virtual void *AllocatePermanentData( const void *pDataFromDisk, size_t nDataSize ) = 0; virtual void DeallocatePermanentData( void *pData ) = 0;
// Returns the default memory limit
virtual size_t GetDefaultMemoryLimit() = 0;
// Allows the system to compute the actual size of the constructed class
// based on the permanent data in in the resource system. If the system
// doesn't know/care, return 0 here.
virtual size_t ComputeActualSize( void *pPermanentData ) = 0;
// NOTE: Resource references in pResourceData have been fixed up to
// be resource handles at this point
virtual void *Allocate( const void *pPermanentData, const void *pResourceData, size_t nDataSize, ResourceHandle_t hResourceHandle ) = 0; virtual void Deallocate( void *pClass ) = 0;
// Fallbacks + errors..
virtual void *GetErrorResource( const void *pPermanentData ) = 0; virtual void *GetFallback( const void *pPermanentData ) = 0; };
// A resource dictionary to look up resources
abstract_class IResourceTypeManager { public: virtual ResourceHandle_t FindOrCreateResource( const char *pFileName, const char *pSubResourceName ) = 0; virtual ResourceHandle_t FindOrCreateProceduralResource( const char *pGroupName, const char *pResourceName, const void *pPermanentData, size_t nDataSize ) = 0; virtual void DeleteResource( ResourceHandle_t hResource ) = 0; virtual ResourceHandle_t FindResource( ResourceId_t nResourceId ) = 0; virtual ResourceType_t GetResourceType() = 0; virtual ResourceId_t GetResourceId( ResourceHandle_t hResource ) const = 0;
// To bring resources in or out of memory
virtual void CacheResource( ResourceHandle_t hResource ) = 0; virtual void UncacheResource( ResourceHandle_t hResource ) = 0;
// Sets the amount of memory to restrict this resource type to using
virtual void SetMemoryLimit( int nMemoryLimit ) = 0;
// Returns the list of cached resources
virtual int GetResourceCount() const = 0; virtual int GetResources( int nFirst, int nCount, ResourceHandle_t *pResources ) = 0; };
// Methods related to managing resources
abstract_class IResourceSystem : public IAppSystem { public: // Used to indicate globals to update to the current frame counter
// This counter is controlled by the resource system + set to the
// resource system's current frame
virtual void RegisterFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter ) = 0; virtual void UnregisterFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter ) = 0;
// Allows various systems to hook in resource type constructors and class bindings
virtual void InstallResourceConstructor( ResourceType_t nType, const char *pResourceManagerType, IResourceTypeConstructor *pConstructor ) = 0; virtual void RemoveResourceConstructor( IResourceTypeConstructor *pConstructor ) = 0;
// FIXME: Should this be in IResourceSystem or CResourceSystem?
virtual void InstallSchemaClassBinding( class CSchemaClassBindingBase *pBinding ) = 0;
// Indicates globals controlled by the client which specify the frame
// that the clients have finished with, thereby telling the resource system
// what resources it can free.
virtual void RegisterFinishedFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter ) = 0; virtual void UnregisterFinishedFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter ) = 0; void MarkFinishedFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter );
// Methods related to resource introspection. Should these go into a separate interface?
virtual const CResourceStructIntrospection* FindStructIntrospection( ResourceStructureId_t id ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceStructIntrospection* FindStructIntrospection( const char *pStructName ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceEnumIntrospection* FindEnumIntrospection( ResourceStructureId_t id ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceEnumIntrospection* FindEnumIntrospection( const char *pEnumName ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceTypedefIntrospection* FindTypedefIntrospection( ResourceStructureId_t id ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceTypedefIntrospection* FindTypedefIntrospection( const char *pTypedefName ) const = 0;
// Returns the value associated with a particular enumeration
virtual bool FindEnumeratedValue( void *pValue, const char *pEnumName, const char *pEnumValueName, int nDefaultValue ) const = 0; virtual const char *FindEnumerationName( const char *pEnumName, int nValue, const char *pDefaultName ) const = 0;
// TODO: Possibly change this to use a StructIntrospectionHandle_t
virtual const CResourceStructIntrospection* FindStructIntrospectionByBlockType( ResourceBlockId_t nBlockType ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceStructIntrospection* FindStructIntrospectionForResourceType( ResourceType_t nType ) const = 0; virtual const CResourceStructIntrospection* FindPermanentStructIntrospectionForResourceType( ResourceType_t nType ) const = 0;
virtual bool UnpackIntrospectedBlock( const void *pResourceData, size_t nSrcDataSize, const CResourceIntrospection *pSrcIntro, const CResourceStructIntrospection* pSrcStructIntro, const CResourceStructIntrospection* pDstStructIntro, void const **pOutResult, int *pOutResultSize, IntrospectionCompatibilityType_t* pOutCompat ) const = 0;
// Utility methods
virtual void GetResourceMapping( const char *pDmeElementType, ResourceType_t *pType, ResourceStructureId_t *pId ) = 0; virtual int GetFieldSize( ResourceFieldType_t nType ) const = 0; virtual int GetFieldAlignment( ResourceFieldType_t nType ) const = 0; virtual const char* GetFieldName( ResourceFieldType_t nType ) const = 0;
// Methods related to a resource dictionary
// NOTE: This will become obsolete at some point I believe? It loads a map
// of resource IDs and possible resource IDs from the specified files.
virtual void LoadResourceManifest( const char *pFileName ) = 0;
// Returns a resource manager for a particular resource type
virtual IResourceTypeManager *GetResourceManager( ResourceType_t nType ) = 0;
// Frame update.. resources are cached in or out here
virtual void FrameUpdate() = 0;
// Block until all type dictionaries are loaded.
// NOTE: This call is not necessary to make if you are running the game
// It's only necessary in tools that use IFileSystem instead of IAsyncFileSystem.
virtual void BlockUntilAllVTDsLoaded() = 0;
// Returns the resource manager associated with a particular resource data type
template < class T > IResourceTypeManager *GetResourceManagerForType( ); };
template < class T > inline IResourceTypeManager *IResourceSystem::GetResourceManagerForType( ) { return GetResourceManager( ResourceTypeInfo_t< T >::ResourceType() ); }
inline void IResourceSystem::MarkFinishedFrameCounter( uint32 *pFrameCounter ) { *pFrameCounter = g_nResourceFrameCount; }