//========= Copyright � 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
class CBaseGamesPage;
// Purpose: Acts like a regular ListPanel but forwards enter key presses
// to its outer control.
class CGameListPanel : public vgui::ListPanel { public: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CGameListPanel, vgui::ListPanel ); CGameListPanel( CBaseGamesPage *pOuter, const char *pName ); virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(vgui::KeyCode code);
private: CBaseGamesPage *m_pOuter; };
class CQuickListMapServerList : public CUtlVector< int > { public: CQuickListMapServerList() : CUtlVector< int >( 1, 0 ) { }
CQuickListMapServerList( const CQuickListMapServerList& src ) { CopyArray( src.Base(), src.Count() ); }
CQuickListMapServerList &operator=( const CQuickListMapServerList &src ) { CopyArray( src.Base(), src.Count() ); return *this; } };
struct servermaps_t { const char *pOriginalName; const char *pFriendlyName; int iPanelIndex; bool bOnDisk; };
struct gametypes_t { ~gametypes_t() { delete[] m_szPrefix; delete[] m_szGametypeName; delete[] m_szGametypeIcon; } const char *m_szPrefix; const char *m_szGametypeName; const char *m_szGametypeIcon; int m_iIconImageIndex; };
// Purpose: Base property page for all the games lists (internet/favorites/lan/etc.)
class CBaseGamesPage : public vgui::PropertyPage, public IGameList, public ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse, public ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CBaseGamesPage, vgui::PropertyPage );
public: enum EPageType { eInternetServer, eLANServer, eFriendsServer, eFavoritesServer, eHistoryServer, eSpectatorServer }; const char* PageTypeToString( EPageType eType ) const;
public: CBaseGamesPage( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name, EPageType eType, const char *pCustomResFilename=NULL); ~CBaseGamesPage();
virtual void PerformLayout(); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
// gets information about specified server
virtual gameserveritem_t *GetServer(unsigned int serverID);
uint32 GetServerFilters( MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t **pFilters );
virtual void SetRefreshing(bool state);
// loads filter settings from disk
virtual void LoadFilterSettings();
// Called by CGameList when the enter key is pressed.
// This is overridden in the add server dialog - since there is no Connect button, the message
// never gets handled, but we want to add a server when they dbl-click or press enter.
virtual bool OnGameListEnterPressed(); int GetSelectedItemsCount();
// adds a server to the favorites
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnAddToFavorites, "AddToFavorites" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnAddToBlacklist, "AddToBlacklist" );
virtual void StartRefresh();
virtual void UpdateDerivedLayouts( void ); void PrepareQuickListMap( const char *pMapName, int iListID ); void SelectQuickListServers( void ); vgui::Panel *GetActiveList( void ); virtual bool IsQuickListButtonChecked() { return false; // m_pQuickListCheckButton ? m_pQuickListCheckButton->IsSelected() : false;
STEAM_CALLBACK( CBaseGamesPage, OnFavoritesMsg, FavoritesListChanged_t, m_CallbackFavoritesMsg );
// applies games filters to current list
void ApplyGameFilters();
protected: #if !defined(NO_STEAM)
bool ViewCommunityMapsInWorkshop( uint64 workshopID = 0 ); #endif
virtual void OnCommand(const char *command); virtual void OnKeyCodePressed(vgui::KeyCode code); virtual int GetRegionCodeToFilter() { return -1; }
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnItemSelected, "ItemSelected" );
// updates server count UI
void UpdateStatus();
// ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse callbacks
virtual void ServerResponded( HServerListRequest hReq, int iServer ); virtual void ServerResponded( int iServer, gameserveritem_t *pServerItem ); virtual void ServerFailedToRespond( HServerListRequest hReq, int iServer ); virtual void RefreshComplete( HServerListRequest hReq, EMatchMakingServerResponse response ) = 0;
// ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse callbacks
virtual void ServerResponded( gameserveritem_t &server ); virtual void ServerFailedToRespond() {}
// Removes server from list
void RemoveServer( serverdisplay_t &server );
virtual bool BShowServer( serverdisplay_t &server ) { return server.m_bDoNotRefresh; } void ClearServerList();
// filtering methods
// returns true if filters passed; false if failed
virtual bool CheckPrimaryFilters( gameserveritem_t &server); virtual bool CheckSecondaryFilters( gameserveritem_t &server ); virtual bool CheckTagFilter( gameserveritem_t &server ) { return true; } virtual int GetInvalidServerListID();
virtual void OnSaveFilter(KeyValues *filter); virtual void OnLoadFilter(KeyValues *filter); virtual void UpdateFilterSettings();
// whether filter settings limit which master server to query
CGameID &GetFilterAppID() { return m_iLimitToAppID; } virtual void GetNewServerList(); virtual void StopRefresh(); virtual bool IsRefreshing(); virtual void OnPageShow(); virtual void OnPageHide();
// called when Connect button is pressed
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnBeginConnect, "ConnectToServer" ); // called to look at game info
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnViewGameInfo, "ViewGameInfo" ); // refreshes a single server
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnRefreshServer, "RefreshServer", serverID ); // View workshop page for a map
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnViewWorkshop, "ViewInWorkshop", serverID );
// If true, then we automatically select the first item that comes into the games list.
bool m_bAutoSelectFirstItemInGameList;
CGameListPanel *m_pGameList; vgui::PanelListPanel *m_pQuickList;
vgui::ComboBox *m_pLocationFilter;
// command buttons
vgui::Button *m_pConnect; vgui::Button *m_pRefreshAll; vgui::Button *m_pRefreshQuick; vgui::Button *m_pAddServer; vgui::Button *m_pAddCurrentServer; vgui::Button *m_pAddToFavoritesButton; vgui::ToggleButton *m_pFilter;
CUtlMap<uint64, int> m_mapGamesFilterItem; CUtlMap<int, serverdisplay_t> m_mapServers; CUtlMap<netadr_t, int> m_mapServerIP; CUtlVector<MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t> m_vecServerFilters; CUtlDict< CQuickListMapServerList, int > m_quicklistserverlist; int m_iServerRefreshCount; CUtlVector< servermaps_t > m_vecMapNamesFound;
EPageType m_eMatchMakingType; HServerListRequest m_hRequest;
int GetSelectedServerID( void );
void ClearQuickList( void );
bool TagsExclude( void );
protected: virtual void CreateFilters(); virtual void UpdateGameFilter();
MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR_CHARPTR( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", panel, text ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR_INT( OnButtonToggled, "ButtonToggled", panel, state ); void UpdateFilterAndQuickListVisibility();
private: void RequestServersResponse( int iServer, EMatchMakingServerResponse response, bool bLastServer ); // callback for matchmaking interface
void RecalculateFilterString();
// If set, it uses the specified resfile name instead of its default one.
const char *m_pCustomResFilename;
// filter controls
vgui::ComboBox *m_pGameFilter; vgui::TextEntry *m_pMapFilter; vgui::ComboBox *m_pWorkshopFilter; vgui::ComboBox *m_pPingFilter; vgui::ComboBox *m_pSecureFilter; vgui::ComboBox *m_pTagsIncludeFilter; vgui::CheckButton *m_pNoFullServersFilterCheck; vgui::CheckButton *m_pNoEmptyServersFilterCheck; vgui::CheckButton *m_pNoPasswordFilterCheck; // vgui::CheckButton *m_pQuickListCheckButton;
vgui::Label *m_pFilterString; char m_szComboAllText[64];
KeyValues *m_pFilters; // base filter data
bool m_bFiltersVisible; // true if filter section is currently visible
vgui::HFont m_hFont;
// filter data
char m_szGameFilter[32]; char m_szMapFilter[32]; int m_iWorkshopFilter; int m_iPingFilter; bool m_bFilterNoFullServers; bool m_bFilterNoEmptyServers; bool m_bFilterNoPasswordedServers; int m_iSecureFilter; int m_iServersBlacklisted;
int m_iWorkshopIconIndex;
CGameID m_iLimitToAppID; };