//====== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======//
// glentrypoints.cpp
// Immediately include gl.h, etc. here to avoid compilation warnings.
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
#include "appframework/AppFramework.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/dynfunction.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#include "tier1.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#ifdef _LINUX
#include <GL/glx.h>
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#if !defined(DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION)
#if defined( USE_SDL ) || defined(OSX)
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
ILauncherMgr *g_pLauncherMgr = NULL; #endif
bool g_bDebugOpenGLCalls = true; bool g_bPrintOpenGLCalls = false;
#define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor)
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) \
static ret (*fn##_gldebugptr) arg = NULL; \ static ret fn##_gldebug arg { \ if (!g_bDebugOpenGLCalls) { return fn##_gldebugptr call; } \ if (g_bPrintOpenGLCalls) { \ printf("Calling %s ... ", #fn); \ fflush(stdout); \ } \ ret retval = fn##_gldebugptr call; \ if (g_bPrintOpenGLCalls) { \ printf("%s returned!\n", #fn); \ fflush(stdout); \ } \ const GLenum err = glGetError_gldebugptr(); \ if ( err == GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT ) { \ const GLenum fberr = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatus( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ); \ printf("%s triggered error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT! (0x%X)\n\n\n", #fn, (int) fberr); \ fflush(stdout); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3\n\t" ); \ } else if (err != GL_NO_ERROR) { \ printf("%s triggered error 0x%X!\n\n\n", #fn, (int) err); \ fflush(stdout); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3\n\t" ); \ } \ return retval; \ }
#define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) \
static void (*fn##_gldebugptr) arg = NULL; \ static void fn##_gldebug arg { \ if (!g_bDebugOpenGLCalls) { fn##_gldebugptr call; return; } \ if (g_bPrintOpenGLCalls) { \ printf("Calling %s ... ", #fn); \ fflush(stdout); \ } \ fn##_gldebugptr call; \ if (g_bPrintOpenGLCalls) { \ printf("%s returned!\n", #fn); \ fflush(stdout); \ } \ const GLenum err = glGetError_gldebugptr(); \ if ( err == GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT ) { \ const GLenum fberr = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatus( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ); \ printf("%s triggered error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT! (0x%X)\n\n\n", #fn, (int) fberr); \ fflush(stdout); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3\n\t" ); \ } else if (err != GL_NO_ERROR) { \ printf("%s triggered error 0x%X!\n\n\n", #fn, (int) err); \ fflush(stdout); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3\n\t" ); \ } \ }
#include "togl/glfuncs.inl"
#undef GL_FUNC
#undef GL_EXT
COpenGLEntryPoints *gGL = NULL; GL_GetProcAddressCallbackFunc_t gGL_GetProcAddressCallback = NULL;
void *VoidFnPtrLookup_GlMgr( const char *libname, const char *fn, bool &okay, const bool bRequired, void *fallback) { void *retval = NULL; if ((!okay) && (!bRequired)) // always look up if required (so we get a complete list of crucial missing symbols).
return NULL; // The SDL path would work on all these platforms, if we were using SDL there, too...
#if defined( LINUX ) || defined( WIN32 )
// SDL does the right thing, so we never need to use tier0 in this case.
retval = (*gGL_GetProcAddressCallback)( libname, fn, okay, bRequired, fallback); //SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(fn);
//printf("CDynamicFunctionOpenGL: SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(\"%s\") returned %p\n", fn, retval);
if ((retval == NULL) && (fallback != NULL)) { //printf("CDynamicFunctionOpenGL: Using fallback %p for \"%s\"\n", fallback, fn);
retval = fallback; } #elif defined OSX
// there's no glXGetProcAddress() equivalent for Mac OS X...it's just dlopen(), basically. Let tier0 handle that.
retval = VoidFnPtrLookup_Tier0( libname, fn, (void *) fallback); #endif
// Note that a non-NULL response doesn't mean it's safe to call the function!
// You always have to check that the extension is supported;
// an implementation MAY return NULL in this case, but it doesn't have to (and doesn't, with the DRI drivers).
okay = (okay && (retval != NULL)); if (bRequired && !okay) fprintf(stderr, "Could not find required OpenGL entry point '%s'!\n", fn);
return retval; }
COpenGLEntryPoints *GetOpenGLEntryPoints(GL_GetProcAddressCallbackFunc_t callback) { if (gGL == NULL) { gGL_GetProcAddressCallback = callback; gGL = new COpenGLEntryPoints(LIBGL_SONAME); if (!gGL->m_bHave_OpenGL) Error( "Missing basic required OpenGL functionality. %s", LIBGL_SONAME ); } return gGL; }
void ClearOpenGLEntryPoints() { if ( gGL ) { gGL->ClearEntryPoints(); } } COpenGLEntryPoints *ToGLConnectLibraries( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 ); ConVar_Register(); ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem ) { Warning( "ToGL was unable to access the required interfaces!\n" ); }
// NOTE! : Overbright is 1.0 so that Hammer will work properly with the white bumped and unbumped lightmaps.
MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
#if defined( USE_SDL )
g_pLauncherMgr = (ILauncherMgr *)factory( SDLMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #elif defined( OSX )
g_pLauncherMgr = (ILauncherMgr *)factory( COCOAMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #endif
return gGL; }
void ToGLDisconnectLibraries() { DisconnectTier2Libraries(); ConVar_Unregister(); DisconnectTier1Libraries(); }
#define GLVERNUM(Major, Minor, Patch) (((Major) * 100000) + ((Minor) * 1000) + (Patch))
static void GetOpenGLVersion( const char *libname, int *major, int *minor, int *patch) { *major = *minor = *patch = 0; static CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< true, const GLubyte *( APIENTRY *)(GLenum name), const GLubyte * > glGetString( libname, "glGetString"); if (glGetString) { const char *version = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION); if (version) { sscanf( version, "%d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch ); } } }
static int GetOpenGLVersionMajor(const char *libname) { int major, minor, patch; GetOpenGLVersion(libname, &major, &minor, &patch); return major; }
static int GetOpenGLVersionMinor(const char *libname) { int major, minor, patch; GetOpenGLVersion(libname, &major, &minor, &patch); return minor; }
static int GetOpenGLVersionPatch(const char *libname) { int major, minor, patch; GetOpenGLVersion(libname, &major, &minor, &patch); return patch; }
static bool CheckBaseOpenGLVersion(const char *libname) { const int NEED_MAJOR = 2; const int NEED_MINOR = 0; const int NEED_PATCH = 0;
int major, minor, patch; GetOpenGLVersion(libname, &major, &minor, &patch);
const int need = GLVERNUM(NEED_MAJOR, NEED_MINOR, NEED_PATCH); const int have = GLVERNUM(major, minor, patch); if (have < need) { fprintf(stderr, "PROBLEM: You appear to have OpenGL %d.%d.%d, but we need at least %d.%d.%d!\n", major, minor, patch, NEED_MAJOR, NEED_MINOR, NEED_PATCH); return false; } return true; }
static bool CheckOpenGLExtension_internal(const char *libname, const char *ext, const int coremajor, const int coreminor) { if ((coremajor >= 0) && (coreminor >= 0)) // we know that this extension is part of the base spec as of GL_VERSION coremajor.coreminor.
{ int major, minor, patch; GetOpenGLVersion(libname, &major, &minor, &patch); const int need = GLVERNUM(coremajor, coreminor, 0); const int have = GLVERNUM(major, minor, patch); if (have >= need) return true; // we definitely have access to this "extension," as it is part of this version of the GL's core functionality.
// okay, see if the GL_EXTENSIONS string reports it.
static CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< true, const GLubyte *( APIENTRY *)(GLenum name), const GLubyte * > glGetString(libname, "glGetString"); if (!glGetString) return false;
// hacky scanning of this string, because I don't want to spend time breaking it into a vector like I should have.
const char *extensions = (const char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); const size_t extlen = strlen(ext); while ((extensions) && (*extensions)) { const char *ptr = strstr(extensions, ext); #if _WIN32
if (!ptr) { static CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< true, const char *( APIENTRY *)( ), const char * > wglGetExtensionsStringEXT(NULL, "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT"); if (wglGetExtensionsStringEXT) { extensions = wglGetExtensionsStringEXT(); ptr = strstr(extensions, ext); }
if (!ptr) { return false; } } #elif defined (OSX)
if (!ptr) return false; // definitely not there.
if (!ptr) { static CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< true, Display *( APIENTRY *)( ), Display* > glXGetCurrentDisplay( NULL, "glXGetCurrentDisplay"); static CDynamicFunctionOpenGL< true, const char *( APIENTRY *)( Display*, int ), const char * > glXQueryExtensionsString( NULL, "glXQueryExtensionsString"); if (glXQueryExtensionsString && glXGetCurrentDisplay) { extensions = glXQueryExtensionsString(glXGetCurrentDisplay(), 0); ptr = strstr(extensions, ext); }
if (!ptr) { return false; } } #endif
// make sure this matches the entire string, and isn't a substring match of some other extension.
// if ( ( (string is at start of extension list) or (the char before the string is a space) ) and
// (the next char after the string is a space or a null terminator) )
if ( ((ptr == extensions) || (ptr[-1] == ' ')) && ((ptr[extlen] == ' ') || (ptr[extlen] == '\0')) ) return true; // found it!
extensions = ptr + extlen; // skip ahead, search again.
} return false; }
static bool CheckOpenGLExtension(const char *libname, const char *ext, const int coremajor, const int coreminor) { const bool retval = CheckOpenGLExtension_internal(libname, ext, coremajor, coreminor); printf("This system %s the OpenGL extension %s.\n", retval ? "supports" : "DOES NOT support", ext); return retval; }
// The GL context you want entry points for must be current when you hit this constructor!
COpenGLEntryPoints::COpenGLEntryPoints(const char *libname) : m_nTotalGLCycles(0) , m_nTotalGLCalls(0) , m_strLibName(libname) , m_nOpenGLVersionMajor(GetOpenGLVersionMajor(m_strLibName)) , m_nOpenGLVersionMinor(GetOpenGLVersionMinor(m_strLibName)) , m_nOpenGLVersionPatch(GetOpenGLVersionPatch(m_strLibName)) , m_bHave_OpenGL(CheckBaseOpenGLVersion(m_strLibName)) // may reset to false as these lookups happen.
#define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor) , m_bHave_##x(CheckOpenGLExtension(m_strLibName, #x, glmajor, glminor))
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) , fn(m_strLibName, #fn, m_bHave_##ext)
#define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) , fn(m_strLibName, #fn, m_bHave_##ext)
#include "togl/glfuncs.inl"
#undef GL_FUNC
#undef GL_EXT
{ // Locally cache the copy of the GL device strings, to avoid needing to call these glGet's (which can be extremely slow) more than once.
const char *pszString = ( const char * )glGetString(GL_VENDOR); m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString] = strdup( pszString ? pszString : "" );
m_nDriverProvider = cGLDriverProviderUnknown; if ( V_stristr( m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString], "nvidia" ) ) m_nDriverProvider = cGLDriverProviderNVIDIA; else if ( V_stristr( m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString], "amd" ) || V_stristr( m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString], "ati" ) ) m_nDriverProvider = cGLDriverProviderAMD; else if ( V_stristr( m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString], "intel" ) ) m_nDriverProvider = cGLDriverProviderIntelOpenSource; else if ( V_stristr( m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVendorString], "apple" ) ) m_nDriverProvider = cGLDriverProviderApple;
pszString = ( const char * )glGetString(GL_RENDERER); m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLRendererString] = strdup( pszString ? pszString : "" );
pszString = ( const char * )glGetString(GL_VERSION); m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLVersionString] = strdup( pszString ? pszString : "" );
pszString = ( const char * )glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); m_pGLDriverStrings[cGLExtensionsString] = strdup( pszString ? pszString : "" );
// !!! FIXME: Alfred says the original GL_APPLE_fence code only exists to
// !!! FIXME: hint Apple's drivers and not because we rely on the
// !!! FIXME: functionality. If so, just remove this check (and the
// !!! FIXME: GL_NV_fence code entirely).
if ((m_bHave_OpenGL) && ((!m_bHave_GL_NV_fence) && (!m_bHave_GL_ARB_sync) && (!m_bHave_GL_APPLE_fence))) { Error( "Required OpenGL extension \"GL_NV_fence\", \"GL_ARB_sync\", or \"GL_APPLE_fence\" is not supported. Please upgrade your OpenGL driver." ); }
// same extension, different name.
if (m_bHave_GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra || m_bHave_GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra) { m_bHave_GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra = m_bHave_GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra = true; }
// GL_ARB_framebuffer_object is a superset of GL_EXT_framebuffer_object,
// (etc) but if you don't call in through the ARB entry points, you won't
// get the relaxed restrictions on mismatched attachment dimensions.
if (m_bHave_GL_ARB_framebuffer_object) { m_bHave_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object = true; m_bHave_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit = true; m_bHave_GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample = true; glBindFramebufferEXT.Force(glBindFramebuffer.Pointer()); glBindRenderbufferEXT.Force(glBindRenderbuffer.Pointer()); glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT.Force(glCheckFramebufferStatus.Pointer()); glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT.Force(glDeleteRenderbuffers.Pointer()); glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT.Force(glFramebufferRenderbuffer.Pointer()); glFramebufferTexture2DEXT.Force(glFramebufferTexture2D.Pointer()); glFramebufferTexture3DEXT.Force(glFramebufferTexture3D.Pointer()); glGenFramebuffersEXT.Force(glGenFramebuffers.Pointer()); glGenRenderbuffersEXT.Force(glGenRenderbuffers.Pointer()); glDeleteFramebuffersEXT.Force(glDeleteFramebuffers.Pointer()); glBlitFramebufferEXT.Force(glBlitFramebuffer.Pointer()); glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT.Force(glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.Pointer()); } #if DEBUG_ALL_GLCALLS
// push all GL calls through the debug wrappers.
#define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor)
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) \
fn##_gldebugptr = this->fn; \ this->fn.Force(fn##_gldebug); #define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) \
fn##_gldebugptr = this->fn; \ this->fn.Force(fn##_gldebug); #include "togl/glfuncs.inl"
#undef GL_FUNC
#undef GL_EXT
#ifdef OSX
m_bHave_GL_NV_bindless_texture = false; m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory = false; #else
if ( ( m_bHave_GL_NV_bindless_texture ) && ( !CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_nv_bindless_texturing" ) ) ) { m_bHave_GL_NV_bindless_texture = false; glGetTextureHandleNV.Force( NULL ); glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV.Force( NULL ); glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV.Force( NULL ); glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV.Force( NULL ); glUniformHandleui64NV.Force( NULL ); glUniformHandleui64vNV.Force( NULL ); glProgramUniformHandleui64NV.Force( NULL ); glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV.Force( NULL ); glIsTextureHandleResidentNV.Force( NULL ); }
if ( ( m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory ) && ( !CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_amd_pinned_memory" ) ) ) { m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory = false; } #endif
if ( ( m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage ) && ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_disable_arb_buffer_storage" ) ) ) { m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage = false; }
char buf[256]; V_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "GL_NV_bindless_texture: %s\n", m_bHave_GL_NV_bindless_texture ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED" ); Plat_DebugString( buf );
V_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "GL_AMD_pinned_memory: %s\n", m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED" ); Plat_DebugString( buf );
V_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "GL_ARB_buffer_storage: %s\n", m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage ? "AVAILABLE" : "NOT AVAILABLE" ); Plat_DebugString( buf );
V_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode: %s\n", m_bHave_GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode ? "AVAILABLE" : "NOT AVAILABLE" ); Plat_DebugString( buf );
bool bGLCanDecodeS3TCTextures = m_bHave_GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc || ( m_bHave_GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 && m_bHave_GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 && m_bHave_GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 ); if ( !bGLCanDecodeS3TCTextures ) { Error( "This application requires either the GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc or the GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 + GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 + GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 OpenGL extensions. Please install S3TC texture support.\n" ); }
#ifndef OSX
if ( !m_bHave_GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode ) { Error( "Required OpenGL extension \"GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode\" is not supported. Please update your OpenGL driver.\n" ); } #endif
COpenGLEntryPoints::~COpenGLEntryPoints() { for ( uint i = 0; i < cGLTotalDriverProviders; ++i ) { free( m_pGLDriverStrings[i] ); m_pGLDriverStrings[i] = NULL; } }
void COpenGLEntryPoints::ClearEntryPoints() { #define GL_EXT(x,glmajor,glminor)
#define GL_FUNC(ext,req,ret,fn,arg,call) fn.Force( NULL );
#define GL_FUNC_VOID(ext,req,fn,arg,call) fn.Force( NULL );
#include "togl/glfuncs.inl"
#undef GL_FUNC
#undef GL_EXT
} // Turn off memdbg macros (turned on up top) since this is included like a header
#include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"