//========= Copyright � 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// studiomdl.c: generates a studio .mdl file from a .qc script
// models/<scriptname>.mdl.
#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4237 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4305 )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "studiomdl.h"
//#include "..\..\dlls\activity.h"
bool IsEnd( char const* pLine ) { if (strncmp( "end", pLine, 3 ) != 0) return false; return (pLine[3] == '\0') || (pLine[3] == '\n'); }
int SortAndBalanceBones( int iCount, int iMaxCount, int bones[], float weights[] ) { int i;
// collapse duplicate bone weights
for (i = 0; i < iCount-1; i++) { int j; for (j = i + 1; j < iCount; j++) { if (bones[i] == bones[j]) { weights[i] += weights[j]; weights[j] = 0.0; } } }
// do sleazy bubble sort
int bShouldSort; do { bShouldSort = false; for (i = 0; i < iCount-1; i++) { if (weights[i+1] > weights[i]) { int j = bones[i+1]; bones[i+1] = bones[i]; bones[i] = j; float w = weights[i+1]; weights[i+1] = weights[i]; weights[i] = w; bShouldSort = true; } } } while (bShouldSort);
// throw away all weights less than 1/10,000th
while (iCount > 1 && weights[iCount-1] < 0.0001) { iCount--; } #else // #ifdef MDLCOMPILE
// throw away all weights less than 1/20th
while (iCount > 1 && weights[iCount-1] < 0.05) { iCount--; } #endif // #ifdef MDLCOMPILE
// clip to the top iMaxCount bones
if (iCount > iMaxCount) { iCount = iMaxCount; }
float t = 0; for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { t += weights[i]; }
if (t <= 0.0) { // missing weights?, go ahead and evenly share?
// FIXME: shouldn't this error out?
t = 1.0 / iCount;
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { weights[i] = t; } } else { // scale to sum to 1.0
t = 1.0 / t;
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { weights[i] = weights[i] * t; } }
return iCount; }
void Grab_Vertexlist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { int j; int bone; Vector p; int iCount, bones[4]; float weights[4];
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
int i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %d %f %f %f %d %d %f %d %f %d %f %d %f", &j, &bone, &p[0], &p[1], &p[2], &iCount, &bones[0], &weights[0], &bones[1], &weights[1], &bones[2], &weights[2], &bones[3], &weights[3] ); if (i == 5) { if (bone < 0 || bone >= psource->numbones) { MdlWarning( "bogus bone index\n" ); MdlWarning( "%d %s :\n%s", g_iLinecount, g_szFilename, g_szLine ); MdlError( "Exiting due to errors\n" ); }
VectorCopy( p, g_vertex[j] ); g_bone[j].numbones = 1; g_bone[j].bone[0] = bone; g_bone[j].weight[0] = 1.0; } else if (i > 5) { iCount = SortAndBalanceBones( iCount, MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS, bones, weights );
VectorCopy( p, g_vertex[j] ); g_bone[j].numbones = iCount; for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { g_bone[j].bone[i] = bones[i]; g_bone[j].weight[i] = weights[i]; } } else { MdlError("%s: error on line %d: %s", g_szFilename, g_iLinecount, g_szLine ); } } } }
void Grab_Facelist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { int j; s_tmpface_t f;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %d %d %d", &j, &f.a, &f.b, &f.c) == 4) { g_face[j] = f; } else { MdlError("%s: error on line %d: %s", g_szFilename, g_iLinecount, g_szLine ); } } } }
void Grab_Materiallist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { // char name[256];
char path[MAX_PATH]; rgb2_t a, d, s; float g; int j;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \"%[^\"]s", &j, &a.r, &a.g, &a.b, &a.a, &d.r, &d.g, &d.b, &d.a, &s.r, &s.g, &s.b, &s.a, &g, path ) == 15) { if (path[0] == '\0') { psource->texmap[j] = -1; } else if (j < sizeof(psource->texmap)) { psource->texmap[j] = LookupTexture( path ); } else { MdlError( "Too many materials, max %d\n", sizeof(psource->texmap) ); } } } } }
void Grab_Texcoordlist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { int j; Vector2D t;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %f %f", &j, &t[0], &t[1]) == 3) { t[1] = 1.0 - t[1]; g_texcoord[0][j][0] = t[0]; g_texcoord[0][j][1] = t[1]; } else { MdlError("%s: error on line %d: %s", g_szFilename, g_iLinecount, g_szLine ); } } } }
void Grab_Normallist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { int j; int bone; Vector n;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %d %f %f %f", &j, &bone, &n[0], &n[1], &n[2]) == 5) { if (bone < 0 || bone >= psource->numbones) { MdlWarning( "bogus bone index\n" ); MdlWarning( "%d %s :\n%s", g_iLinecount, g_szFilename, g_szLine ); MdlError( "Exiting due to errors\n" ); }
VectorCopy( n, g_normal[j] ); } else { MdlError("%s: error on line %d: %s", g_szFilename, g_iLinecount, g_szLine ); } } } }
void Grab_Faceattriblist( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { int j; int smooth; int material; s_tmpface_t f; unsigned short s;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return;
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &j, &material, &smooth, &f.ta[0], &f.tb[0], &f.tc[0], &f.na, &f.nb, &f.nc) == 9) { f.a = g_face[j].a; f.b = g_face[j].b; f.c = g_face[j].c;
f.material = UseTextureAsMaterial( psource->texmap[material] ); if (f.material < 0) { MdlError( "face %d references NULL texture %d\n", j, material ); } if (1) { s = f.b; f.b = f.c; f.c = s; s = f.tb[0]; f.tb[0] = f.tc[0]; f.tc[0] = s; s = f.nb; f.nb = f.nc; f.nc = s; }
g_face[j] = f; } else { MdlError("%s: error on line %d: %s", g_szFilename, g_iLinecount, g_szLine ); } } } }
int closestNormal( int v, int n ) { float maxdot = -1.0; float dot; int r = n;
v_unify_t *cur = v_list[v];
while (cur) { dot = DotProduct( g_normal[cur->n], g_normal[n] ); if (dot > maxdot) { r = cur->n; maxdot = dot; } cur = cur->next; } return r; }
int AddToVlist(int v, int m, int n, int* t, int firstref) { v_unify_t *prev = NULL; v_unify_t *cur = v_list[v];
while (cur) { if (cur->m == m && cur->n == n) { bool bMatch = true; for (int i = 0; (i < MAXSTUDIOTEXCOORDS) && bMatch; ++i) { if (cur->t[i] != t[i]) { bMatch = false; } } if (bMatch) { cur->refcount++; return cur - v_listdata; } } prev = cur; cur = cur->next; }
if (g_numvlist >= MAXSTUDIOSRCVERTS) { MdlError( "Too many unified vertices\n"); }
cur = &v_listdata[g_numvlist++]; cur->lastref = -1; cur->refcount = 1; cur->v = v; cur->m = m; cur->n = n; for (int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOTEXCOORDS; ++i) { cur->t[i] = t[i]; }
if (prev) { prev->next = cur; } else { v_list[v] = cur; }
return g_numvlist - 1; }
void DecrementReferenceVlist( int uv, int numverts ) { if (uv < 0 || uv > MAXSTUDIOSRCVERTS) MdlError( "decrement outside of range\n");
if (v_listdata[uv].refcount == 0) { v_listdata[uv].lastref = numverts; } else if (v_listdata[uv].refcount < 0) { MdlError("<0 ref\n"); } }
void UnifyIndices( s_source_t *psource ) { int i;
s_face_t uface;
// clear v_list
g_numvlist = 0; memset( v_list, 0, sizeof( v_list ) ); memset( v_listdata, 0, sizeof( v_listdata ) );
// create an list of all the
for (i = 0; i < g_numfaces; i++) { uface.a = AddToVlist(g_face[i].a, g_face[i].material, g_face[i].na, (int*)g_face[i].ta, g_numverts); uface.b = AddToVlist(g_face[i].b, g_face[i].material, g_face[i].nb, (int*)g_face[i].tb, g_numverts); uface.c = AddToVlist(g_face[i].c, g_face[i].material, g_face[i].nc, (int*)g_face[i].tc, g_numverts); uface.d = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( g_face[i].d != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { uface.d = AddToVlist(g_face[i].d, g_face[i].material, g_face[i].nd, (int*)g_face[i].td, g_numverts); }
// keep an original copy
g_src_uface[i] = uface; }
// printf("%d : %d %d %d\n", numvlist, g_numverts, g_numnormals, g_numtexcoords );
void CalcModelTangentSpaces( s_source_t *pSrc );
// Builds a list of unique vertices in a source
static void BuildUniqueVertexList( s_source_t *pSource, const int *pDesiredToVList ) { // allocate memory
pSource->vertex = (s_vertexinfo_t *)calloc( pSource->numvertices, sizeof( s_vertexinfo_t ) );
int numValidTexcoords = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < MAXSTUDIOTEXCOORDS; ++i) { if (g_numtexcoords[i]) { numValidTexcoords++; } else { break; } }
// create arrays of unique vertexes, normals, texcoords.
for (int i = 0; i < pSource->numvertices; i++) { int j = pDesiredToVList[i];
s_vertexinfo_t &vertex = pSource->vertex[i]; VectorCopy( g_vertex[ v_listdata[j].v ], vertex.position ); VectorCopy( g_normal[ v_listdata[j].n ], vertex.normal );
vertex.boneweight.numbones = g_bone[ v_listdata[j].v ].numbones; int k; for( k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS; k++ ) { vertex.boneweight.bone[k] = g_bone[ v_listdata[j].v ].bone[k]; vertex.boneweight.weight[k] = g_bone[ v_listdata[j].v ].weight[k]; }
for (k = 0; k < numValidTexcoords; ++k) { Vector2Copy(g_texcoord[k][v_listdata[j].t[k]], vertex.texcoord[k]); } vertex.numTexcoord = numValidTexcoords;
// store a bunch of other info
vertex.material = v_listdata[j].m;
#if 0
pSource->vertexInfo[i].firstref = v_listdata[j].firstref; pSource->vertexInfo[i].lastref = v_listdata[j].lastref; #endif
// printf("%4d : %2d : %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", i, psource->boneweight[i].bone[0], psource->vertex[i][0], psource->vertex[i][1], psource->vertex[i][2] );
// sort new vertices by materials, last used
static int vlistCompare( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) { v_unify_t *u1 = &v_listdata[*(int *)elem1]; v_unify_t *u2 = &v_listdata[*(int *)elem2];
// sort by material
if (u1->m < u2->m) return -1; if (u1->m > u2->m) return 1;
// sort by last used
if (u1->lastref < u2->lastref) return -1; if (u1->lastref > u2->lastref) return 1;
return 0; }
static void SortVerticesByMaterial( int *pDesiredToVList, int *pVListToDesired ) { for ( int i = 0; i < g_numvlist; i++ ) { pDesiredToVList[i] = i; } qsort( pDesiredToVList, g_numvlist, sizeof( int ), vlistCompare ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_numvlist; i++ ) { pVListToDesired[ pDesiredToVList[i] ] = i; } }
// sort new faces by materials, last used
static int faceCompare( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) { int i1 = *(int *)elem1; int i2 = *(int *)elem2;
// sort by material
if (g_face[i1].material < g_face[i2].material) return -1; if (g_face[i1].material > g_face[i2].material) return 1;
// sort by original usage
if (i1 < i2) return -1; if (i1 > i2) return 1;
return 0; }
static void SortFacesByMaterial( int *pDesiredToSrcFace ) { // NOTE: Unlike SortVerticesByMaterial, srcFaceToDesired isn't needed, so we're not computing it
for ( int i = 0; i < g_numfaces; i++ ) { pDesiredToSrcFace[i] = i; } qsort( pDesiredToSrcFace, g_numfaces, sizeof( int ), faceCompare ); }
// Builds mesh structures in the source
static void PointMeshesToVertexAndFaceData( s_source_t *pSource, int *pDesiredToSrcFace ) { // First, assign all meshes to be empty
// A mesh is a set of faces + vertices that all use 1 material
for ( int m = 0; m < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; m++ ) { pSource->mesh[m].numvertices = 0; pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset = pSource->numvertices;
pSource->mesh[m].numfaces = 0; pSource->mesh[m].faceoffset = pSource->numfaces; }
// find first and count of vertices per material
for ( int i = 0; i < pSource->numvertices; i++ ) { int m = pSource->vertex[i].material; pSource->mesh[m].numvertices++; if (pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset > i) { pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset = i; } }
// find first and count of faces per material
for ( int i = 0; i < pSource->numfaces; i++ ) { int m = g_face[ pDesiredToSrcFace[i] ].material;
pSource->mesh[m].numfaces++; if (pSource->mesh[m].faceoffset > i) { pSource->mesh[m].faceoffset = i; } }
for (k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; k++) { printf("%d : %d:%d %d:%d\n", k, psource->mesh[k].numvertices, psource->mesh[k].vertexoffset, psource->mesh[k].numfaces, psource->mesh[k].faceoffset ); } */ }
// Builds the face list in the mesh
static void BuildFaceList( s_source_t *pSource, int *pVListToDesired, int *pDesiredToSrcFace ) { pSource->face = (s_face_t *)calloc( pSource->numfaces, sizeof( s_face_t )); for ( int m = 0; m < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; m++) { if ( !pSource->mesh[m].numfaces ) continue;
pSource->meshindex[ pSource->nummeshes++ ] = m;
for ( int i = pSource->mesh[m].faceoffset; i < pSource->mesh[m].numfaces + pSource->mesh[m].faceoffset; i++) { int j = pDesiredToSrcFace[i];
// NOTE: per-face vertex indices a,b,c,d are mesh relative (hence the subtraction), while g_src_uface are model relative
pSource->face[i].a = pVListToDesired[ g_src_uface[j].a ] - pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset; pSource->face[i].b = pVListToDesired[ g_src_uface[j].b ] - pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset; pSource->face[i].c = pVListToDesired[ g_src_uface[j].c ] - pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset;
if ( g_src_uface[j].d != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { pSource->face[i].d = pVListToDesired[ g_src_uface[j].d ] - pSource->mesh[m].vertexoffset; }
Assert( ((pSource->face[i].a & 0xF0000000) == 0) && ((pSource->face[i].b & 0xF0000000) == 0) && ((pSource->face[i].c & 0xF0000000) == 0) && (((pSource->face[i].d & 0xF0000000) == 0) || (pSource->face[i].d == 0xFFFFFFFF)) ); // printf("%3d : %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", i, pSource->face[i].a, pSource->face[i].b, pSource->face[i].c, pSource->face[i].d );
} } }
// Remaps the vertex animations based on the new vertex ordering
static void RemapVertexAnimations( s_source_t *pSource, int *pVListToDesired ) { CUtlVectorAuto< int > temp; int nAnimationCount = pSource->m_Animations.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nAnimationCount; ++i ) { s_sourceanim_t &anim = pSource->m_Animations[i]; if ( !anim.newStyleVertexAnimations ) continue;
for ( int j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOANIMFRAMES; ++j ) { int nVAnimCount = anim.numvanims[j]; if ( nVAnimCount == 0 ) continue;
// Copy off the initial vertex data
// Have to do it in 2 loops because it'll overwrite itself if we do it in 1
for ( int k = 0; k < nVAnimCount; ++k ) { temp[k] = anim.vanim[j][k].vertex; }
for ( int k = 0; k < nVAnimCount; ++k ) { // NOTE: vertex animations are model relative, not mesh relative
anim.vanim[j][k].vertex = pVListToDesired[ temp[k] ]; } } } }
// Sorts vertices by material type, re-maps data structures that refer to those vertices
// to use the new indices
void BuildIndividualMeshes( s_source_t *pSource ) { int *v_listsort = (int *)malloc( g_numvlist * sizeof( int ) ); // map desired order to vlist entry
int *v_ilistsort = (int *)malloc( g_numvlist * sizeof( int ) ); // map vlist entry to desired order
int *facesort = (int *)malloc( g_numfaces * sizeof( int ) ); // map desired order to src_face entry
SortVerticesByMaterial( v_listsort, v_ilistsort ); SortFacesByMaterial( facesort );
pSource->numvertices = g_numvlist; pSource->numfaces = g_numfaces;
BuildUniqueVertexList( pSource, v_listsort ); PointMeshesToVertexAndFaceData( pSource, facesort ); BuildFaceList( pSource, v_ilistsort, facesort ); RemapVertexAnimations( pSource, v_ilistsort ); CalcModelTangentSpaces( pSource );
free( facesort ); free( v_ilistsort ); free( v_listsort ); }
void Grab_MRMFaceupdates( s_source_t *psource ) { while (1) { if (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { g_iLinecount++;
// check for end
if (IsEnd(g_szLine)) return; } } }
int Load_VRM ( s_source_t *psource ) { char cmd[1024]; int option;
if (!OpenGlobalFile( psource->filename )) { return 0; }
if( !g_quiet ) { printf ("grabbing %s\n", psource->filename); }
g_iLinecount = 0;
while (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL) { g_iLinecount++; sscanf( g_szLine, "%1023s %d", cmd, &option ); if (stricmp( cmd, "version" ) == 0) { if (option != 2) { MdlError("bad version\n"); } } else if (stricmp( cmd, "name" ) == 0) { } else if (stricmp( cmd, "vertices" ) == 0) { g_numverts = option; } else if (stricmp( cmd, "faces" ) == 0) { g_numfaces = option; } else if (stricmp( cmd, "materials" ) == 0) { // doesn't matter;
} else if (stricmp( cmd, "texcoords" ) == 0) { g_numtexcoords[0] = option; if (option == 0) MdlError( "model has no texture coordinates\n"); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "normals" ) == 0) { g_numnormals = option; } else if (stricmp( cmd, "tristrips" ) == 0) { // should be 0;
else if (stricmp( cmd, "vertexlist" ) == 0) { Grab_Vertexlist( psource ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "facelist" ) == 0) { Grab_Facelist( psource ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "materiallist" ) == 0) { Grab_Materiallist( psource ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "texcoordlist" ) == 0) { Grab_Texcoordlist( psource ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "normallist" ) == 0) { Grab_Normallist( psource ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "faceattriblist" ) == 0) { Grab_Faceattriblist( psource ); }
else if (stricmp( cmd, "MRM" ) == 0) { } else if (stricmp( cmd, "MRMvertices" ) == 0) { } else if (stricmp( cmd, "MRMfaces" ) == 0) { } else if (stricmp( cmd, "MRMfaceupdates" ) == 0) { Grab_MRMFaceupdates( psource ); }
else if (stricmp( cmd, "nodes" ) == 0) { psource->numbones = Grab_Nodes( psource->localBone ); } else if (stricmp( cmd, "skeleton" ) == 0) { Grab_Animation( psource, "BindPose" ); } /*
else if (stricmp( cmd, "triangles" ) == 0) { Grab_Triangles( psource ); } */ else { MdlError("unknown VRM command : %s \n", cmd ); } }
UnifyIndices( psource ); BuildIndividualMeshes( psource );
fclose( g_fpInput );
return 1; }