//====== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "vpc.h"
#include "dependencies.h"
#include "baseprojectdatacollector.h"
#include "utlsortvector.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#define mkdir(dir, mode) _mkdir(dir)
#define getcwd _getcwd
#define snprintf _snprintf
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; typedef signed __int16 int16_t; #else
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef STEAM
bool Q_StrSubstInPlace( char *pchInOut, int cchInOut, const char *pMatch, const char *pReplaceWith, bool bCaseSensitive ) { char *pchT = (char *)stackalloc( cchInOut ); if ( Q_StrSubst( pchInOut, pMatch, pReplaceWith, pchT, cchInOut, bCaseSensitive ) ) { Q_strncpy( pchInOut, pchT, cchInOut ); return true; } return false; } #endif
static const char *k_pchProjects = "Projects"; static const char *k_pchLegacyTarget = "build with make"; static const char *k_rgchConfigNames[] = { "Debug", "Release", "Profile", "Retail" };
static const char *g_pOption_GameOutputFile = "$GameOutputFile"; static const char *g_pOption_SystemLibraries = "$SystemLibraries"; static const char *g_pOption_SystemFrameworks = "$SystemFrameworks"; static const char *g_pOption_LocalFrameworks = "$LocalFrameworks"; static const char *g_pOption_CommandLine = "$CommandLine"; static const char *g_pOption_Outputs = "$Outputs"; static const char *g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags = "$GCC_ExtraCompilerFlags"; static const char *g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags = "$GCC_ExtraLinkerFlags"; // stupid and evil - remove when we can
static const char *g_pOption_ForceIncludes = "$ForceIncludes";
static const char *k_rgchXCConfigFiles[] = { "debug.xcconfig", "release.xcconfig", "base.xcconfig" };
static int k_oidBuildConfigList = 0xc0de; static int k_rgOidBuildConfigs[] = { 0x1c0de, 0x1c0e0 };
// we assume (and assert) that the order of this vector is the same as the order of the projects vector
extern CUtlVector<CBaseProjectDataCollector*> g_vecPGenerators;
class CSolutionGenerator_XCode : public IBaseSolutionGenerator { public: virtual void GenerateSolutionFile( const char *pSolutionFilename, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &projects ); private: void XcodeFileTypeFromFileName( const char *pszFileName, char *pchOutBuf, int cchOutBuf ); void XcodeProductTypeFromFileName( const char *pszFileName, char *pchOutBuf, int cchOutBuf ); void EmitBuildSettings( const char *pszProjectName, const char *pszProjectDir, CUtlDict<CFileConfig *,int> *pDictFiles, KeyValues *pKV, bool bIsDebug ); void WriteFilesFolder( uint64_t oid, const char *pFolderName, const char *pExtensions, const CUtlDict<CFileConfig *,int> &files );
void Write( const char *pMsg, ... ); FILE *m_fp; int m_nIndent;
// deprecated
void GenerateSolutionFileOld( const char *pSolutionFilename, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &projects );
enum EOIDType { EOIDTypeProject = 0x00001d00, EOIDTypeGroup, EOIDTypeFileReference, EOIDTypeBuildFile, EOIDTypeSourcesBuildPhase, EOIDTypeFrameworksBuildPhase, EOIDTypeCopyFilesBuildPhase, EOIDTypeHeadersBuildPhase, EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase, EOIDTypeNativeTarget, EOIDTypeAggregateTarget, EOIDTypeTargetDependency, EOIDTypeContainerItemProxy, EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration, EOIDTypeConfigurationList, };
uint64_t makeoid( const void *obj, EOIDType type, int16_t ordinal = 0 ) { return (uint64_t)obj + ((uint64_t)type << 32) + ((uint64_t)(ordinal+1) << 52); }
static const char* UsePOSIXSlashes( const char *pStr ) { int len = Q_strlen( pStr ) + 2; static char str[MAX_PATH*2]; V_strncpy( str, pStr, len ); V_FixSlashes( str, '/' ); return str; }
static bool NeedsBuildFileEntry( const char *pszFileName ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) return false; else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cpp" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cxx" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "c" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "m" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "mm" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) ) return true; else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "a" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "dylib" ) ) return true; return false; }
static bool IsSourceFile( const char *pszFileName ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) return false; else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cpp" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cxx" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "c" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "m" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "mm" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) ) return true; return false; }
static bool AppearsInSourcesBuildPhase( const char *pszFileName ) { return IsSourceFile( pszFileName ); }
static bool IsStaticLibrary( const char *pszFileName ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) return false; else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "a" ) ) return true; return false; }
static bool IsDynamicLibrary( const char *pszFileName ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) return false; else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "dylib" ) ) return true; return false; }
void ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( CDependency_Project *pCurProject, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &projects, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &additionalProjectDependencies ) { for ( int i=0; i < pCurProject->m_AdditionalProjectDependencies.Count(); i++ ) { const char *pLookingFor = pCurProject->m_AdditionalProjectDependencies[i].String(); int j; for ( j=0; j < projects.Count(); j++ ) { if ( V_stricmp( projects[j]->m_ProjectName.String(), pLookingFor ) == 0 ) break; } if ( j == projects.Count() ) g_pVPC->VPCError( "Project %s lists '%s' in its $AdditionalProjectDependencies, but there is no project by that name.", pCurProject->GetName(), pLookingFor ); additionalProjectDependencies.AddToTail( projects[j] ); } }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::WriteFilesFolder( uint64_t oid, const char *pFolderName, const char *pExtensions, const CUtlDict<CFileConfig *,int> &files ) { CUtlVector<char*> extensions; V_SplitString( pExtensions, ";", extensions ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", oid, pFolderName ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = PBXGroup;\n" ); Write( "children = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for ( int i=files.First(); i != files.InvalidIndex(); i=files.Next( i ) ) { const char *pFileName = files[i]->GetName(); // Make sure this file's extension is one of the extensions they're asking for.
bool bValidExt = false; const char *pFileExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ) ); if ( pFileExtension ) { for ( int iExt=0; iExt < extensions.Count(); iExt++ ) { const char *pTestExt = extensions[iExt]; if ( pTestExt[0] == '*' && pTestExt[1] == '.' && V_stricmp( pTestExt+2, pFileExtension ) == 0 ) { bValidExt = true; break; } } } if ( bValidExt ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( files[i]->GetName(), EOIDTypeFileReference ), UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileName ) ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", pFolderName ); Write( "sourceTree = \"<group>\";\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::XcodeFileTypeFromFileName( const char *pszFileName, char *pchOutBuf, int cchOutBuf ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "compiled.mach-o.executable" ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cpp" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cxx" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "h" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "hxx" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "cc" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "sourcecode.cpp.%s", pchExtension ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "c" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "sourcecode.cpp.cpp" ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "m" ) || ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "mm" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "sourcecode.objc.%s", pchExtension ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "a" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "archive.ar" ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "dylib" ) ) { const char *pszLibName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ); if ( pszLibName[0] == 'l' && pszLibName[1] == 'i' && pszLibName[2] == 'b' ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "compiled.mach-o.dylib" ); else snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "compiled.mach-o.bundle" ); } else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "pl" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "text.script.perl" ); else snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "text.plain" ); }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::XcodeProductTypeFromFileName( const char *pszFileName, char *pchOutBuf, int cchOutBuf ) { const char *pchExtension = V_GetFileExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ) ); if ( !pchExtension ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "com.apple.product-type.tool" ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "a" ) ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "com.apple.product-type.library.static" ); else if ( ! Q_stricmp( pchExtension, "dylib" ) ) { snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "com.apple.product-type.library.dynamic" ); #if 0
const char *pszLibName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( pszFileName ); if ( pszLibName[0] != 'l' || pszLibName[1] != 'i' || pszLibName[2] != 'b' ) snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "com.apple.product-type.bundle" ); #endif
} else snprintf( pchOutBuf, cchOutBuf, "com.apple.product-type.unknown" ); }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::EmitBuildSettings( const char *pszProjectName, const char *pszProjectDir, CUtlDict<CFileConfig *,int> *pDictFiles, KeyValues *pKV, bool bIsDebug ) { if ( !pKV ) { Write( "PRODUCT_NAME = \"%s\";\n", pszProjectName ); return; }
CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() ) sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ) ); if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) { char sFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( sOutputFile, sFilename, sizeof(sFilename) ); Write( "PRODUCT_NAME = \"%s\";\n", sFilename ); if ( Q_strlen( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags, "" ) ) ) Write( "OTHER_LDFLAGS = \"%s\";\n", pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraLinkerFlags ) );
CUtlString sOtherCompilerCFlags = "OTHER_CFLAGS = \"$(OTHER_CFLAGS) "; CUtlString sOtherCompilerCPlusFlags = "OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = \"$(OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS) "; if ( Q_strlen( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags, "" ) ) ) { sOtherCompilerCFlags += pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags ); sOtherCompilerCPlusFlags += pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ExtraCompilerFlags ); }
if ( Q_strlen( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ForceIncludes, "" ) ) ) { CSplitString outStrings( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_ForceIncludes ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < outStrings.Count(); i++ ) { if ( V_strlen( outStrings[i] ) > 2 ) { //char sIncludeDir[ MAX_PATH ];
char szIncludeLine[ MAX_PATH ]; /*Q_snprintf( sIncludeDir, sizeof( sIncludeDir ), "%s/%s", pszProjectDir, outStrings[i] );
V_FixSlashes( sIncludeDir, '/' ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( sIncludeDir ); #ifdef STEAM
Q_StripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( sIncludeDir ); #endif */
V_snprintf( szIncludeLine, sizeof(szIncludeLine), " -include %s", UsePOSIXSlashes( outStrings[i] ) ); sOtherCompilerCFlags += szIncludeLine; sOtherCompilerCPlusFlags += szIncludeLine; } } } sOtherCompilerCFlags += "\";\n" ; sOtherCompilerCPlusFlags += "\";\n" ; Write( sOtherCompilerCFlags ); Write( sOtherCompilerCPlusFlags ); if ( IsDynamicLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { if ( sFilename[0] != 'l' || sFilename[1] != 'i' || sFilename[2] == 'b' ) { //if ( !pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks, NULL ) )
// Write( "OTHER_LDFLAGS = \"-flat_namespace\";\n" );
// Write( "MACH_O_TYPE = mh_bundle;\n" );
// Write( "EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION = dylib;\n" );
// Write( "OTHER_LDFLAGS = \"-flat_namespace -undefined suppress\";\n" );
} Write( "MACH_O_TYPE = mh_dylib;\n" ); Write( "LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME = \"@loader_path/%s.dylib\";\n", sFilename ); } if ( IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { Write( "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = stabs;\n" ); } } else Write( "PRODUCT_NAME = \"%s\";\n", pszProjectName );
// add our header search paths
CSplitString outStrings( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_AdditionalIncludeDirectories ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); if ( outStrings.Count() ) { char sIncludeDir[MAX_PATH]; // start the iquote list with the project directory
Q_snprintf( sIncludeDir, sizeof( sIncludeDir ), "%s", pszProjectDir ); V_FixSlashes( sIncludeDir, '/' ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( sIncludeDir ); #ifdef STEAM
Q_StripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( sIncludeDir ); #endif
Write( "USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; #ifdef STEAM
Write( "\"%s\",\n", sIncludeDir ); #endif
for ( int i=0; i < outStrings.Count(); i++ ) { Q_snprintf( sIncludeDir, sizeof( sIncludeDir ), "%s/%s", pszProjectDir, outStrings[i] ); V_FixSlashes( sIncludeDir, '/' ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( sIncludeDir ); #ifdef STEAM
Q_StripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( sIncludeDir ); #endif
Write( "\"%s\",\n", sIncludeDir ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); }
// add local frameworks we link against to the compiler framework search paths
CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); if ( localFrameworks.Count() ) { Write( "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "\"$(inherited)\",\n" ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFrameworkPath, sizeof( rgchFrameworkPath ), "%s/%s", pszProjectDir, localFrameworks[i] ); rgchFrameworkPath[ Q_strlen( rgchFrameworkPath ) - Q_strlen( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ) ) ] = '\0'; Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFrameworkPath ); Write( "\"%s\",\n", rgchFrameworkPath ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); }
// add our needed preprocessor definitions
CSplitString preprocessorDefines( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_PreprocessorDefinitions ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); if ( preprocessorDefines.Count() ) { Write( "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "\"$(GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS)\",\n" ); for ( int i=0; i < preprocessorDefines.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "\"%s\",\n", preprocessorDefines[i] ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); }
if ( pDictFiles ) { CUtlMap<const char *, bool> searchPaths; searchPaths.SetLessFunc( StringLessThan ); // libraries we consume (specified in our files list)
for ( int i=pDictFiles->First(); i != pDictFiles->InvalidIndex(); i=pDictFiles->Next(i) ) { const char *pFileName = (*pDictFiles)[i]->m_Filename.String(); if ( IsStaticLibrary( pFileName ) || IsDynamicLibrary( pFileName ) ) { char rgchLibPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchLibPath, sizeof( rgchLibPath ), "%s/%s", pszProjectDir, pFileName ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchLibPath ); V_StripFilename( rgchLibPath ); int nIndex = searchPaths.Find( rgchLibPath ); if ( nIndex == searchPaths.InvalidIndex() ) { char *pszLibPath = new char[Q_strlen( rgchLibPath )+1]; Q_strncpy( pszLibPath, rgchLibPath, Q_strlen( rgchLibPath )+1 ); nIndex = searchPaths.Insert( pszLibPath ); } } } // add the library path we know we need to reference
Write( "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "\"$(inherited)\",\n" ); FOR_EACH_DICT_FAST( searchPaths, iSearchPath ) { Write( "\"%s\",\n", searchPaths.Key(iSearchPath) ); delete[] searchPaths.Key(iSearchPath); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); } }
class CStringLess { public: bool Less( const char *lhs, const char *rhs, void *pCtx ) { return ( strcmp( lhs, rhs ) < 0 ? true : false ); } };
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::GenerateSolutionFile( const char *pSolutionFilename, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &projects ) { Assert( projects.Count() == g_vecPGenerators.Count() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { AssertFatal( !Q_strcmp( projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName, g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->GetProjectName() ) ); } char sPbxProjFile[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( sPbxProjFile, "%s.xcodeproj", pSolutionFilename ); mkdir( sPbxProjFile, 0777 ); sprintf( sPbxProjFile, "%s.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj", pSolutionFilename ); m_fp = fopen( sPbxProjFile, "wt" ); m_nIndent = 0; Msg( "\nWriting master XCode project %s.xcodeproj.\n\n", pSolutionFilename ); /** header **/ Write( "// !$*UTF8*$!\n{\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { /**
** ** preamble ** **/ Write( "archiveVersion = 1;\n" ); Write( "classes = {\n" ); Write( "};\n" ); Write( "objectVersion = 44;\n" ); Write( "objects = {\n" ); { /**
** ** buildfiles - any file that's involved in, or the output of, a build phase ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */" ); ++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { // poke into the project we're looking @ in the dependency projects vector to figure out it's location on disk
char rgchProjectDir[MAX_PATH]; rgchProjectDir[0] = '\0'; V_strncpy( rgchProjectDir, projects[iGenerator]->m_ProjectFilename.String(), sizeof( rgchProjectDir ) ); V_StripFilename( rgchProjectDir );
// the files this project references
for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); CFileConfig *pFileConfig = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]; const char *pFileName = pFileConfig->m_Filename.String(); bool bExcluded = true; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { bExcluded &= ( pFileConfig->IsExcludedFrom( k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ) ); } if ( bExcluded ) continue; if ( AppearsInSourcesBuildPhase( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ) ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s */; };", makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeBuildFile ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ), makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeFileReference ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ) ); } if ( IsDynamicLibrary( pFileName ) ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s */; };", makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeBuildFile ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ), makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeFileReference ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ) ); }
if ( IsStaticLibrary( pFileName ) ) { const char *pszLibPfx = "lib"; const char *pszLibName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ); if ( pszLibName[0] == 'l' && pszLibName[1] == 'i' && pszLibName[2] == 'b' ) pszLibPfx = ""; Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s%s in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s%s */; };", makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeBuildFile ), pszLibPfx, V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ), makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeFileReference ), pszLibPfx, V_UnqualifiedFileName( pFileName ) ); } } // system libraries we link against
KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CSplitString libs( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < libs.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* lib%s.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* lib%s.dylib */; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), libs[i], makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), libs[i] ); }
// system frameworks we link against
CSplitString sysFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < sysFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s.framework */; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), sysFrameworks[i], makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), sysFrameworks[i] ); }
// local frameworks we link against
CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkName[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ), rgchFrameworkName, sizeof( rgchFrameworkName ) );
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s.framework */; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), rgchFrameworkName, makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), rgchFrameworkName ); }
// look at everyone who depends on us, and emit a build file pointing at our output file for each of them
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iGenerator]; const char *pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ); CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() || IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ); sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); } if ( sOutputFile.Length() && ( IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) || IsDynamicLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) ) { for ( int iTestProject=0; iTestProject < projects.Count(); iTestProject++ ) { if ( iGenerator == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pTestProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pTestProject->DependsOn( pCurProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pCurProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* (lib)%s */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* (lib)%s - depended on by %s */; };", makeoid( pszOutputFile, EOIDTypeBuildFile, iTestProject ), sOutputFile.String(), makeoid( pszOutputFile, EOIDTypeFileReference ), sOutputFile.String(), pTestProject->m_ProjectName.String() ); } } }
// and our output file
if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s in Products */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %024llX /* %s */; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) ? pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) : pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, NULL ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, -1 ), sOutputFile.String(), makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) ? pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) : pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, NULL ), EOIDTypeFileReference ), sOutputFile.String() ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXBuildFile section */\n" ); /**
** ** file references - any file that appears in the project browser ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */" ); ++m_nIndent; { // include the xcconfig files
for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchXCConfigFiles); iConfig++ ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s.xcodeproj/../devtools/%s", pSolutionFilename, k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig] ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = \"%s\"; path = \"%s\"; sourceTree = \"<absolute>\"; };", makeoid( k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], EOIDTypeFileReference ), k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], rgchFilePath ); } FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { // find the project we're looking @ in the dependency projects vector to figure out it's location on disk
char rgchProjectDir[MAX_PATH]; rgchProjectDir[0] = '\0'; V_strncpy( rgchProjectDir, projects[iGenerator]->m_ProjectFilename.String(), sizeof( rgchProjectDir ) ); V_StripFilename( rgchProjectDir ); for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); const char *pFileName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ); char rgchFileType[MAX_PATH]; XcodeFileTypeFromFileName( pFileName, rgchFileType, sizeof( rgchFileType ) ); Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; explicitFileType = \"%s\"; name = \"%s\"; path = \"%s\"; sourceTree = \"<absolute>\"; };", makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String(), EOIDTypeFileReference ), pFileName, rgchFileType, pFileName, rgchFilePath ); } KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; // system libraries we link against
CSplitString libs( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < libs.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* lib%s.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = \"compiled.mach-o.dylib\"; name = \"lib%s.dylib\"; path = \"usr/lib/lib%s.dylib\"; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), libs[i], libs[i], libs[i] ); } // system frameworks we link against
CSplitString sysFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < sysFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = %s.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), sysFrameworks[i], sysFrameworks[i], sysFrameworks[i] ); }
// local frameworks we link against
CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkName[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ), rgchFrameworkName, sizeof( rgchFrameworkName ) );
char rgchFrameworkPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFrameworkPath, sizeof( rgchFrameworkPath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, localFrameworks[i] ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFrameworkPath );
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = %s.framework; path = \"%s\"; sourceTree = \"<absolute>\"; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), rgchFrameworkName, rgchFrameworkName, rgchFrameworkPath ); }
// include the output files (build products)
const char *pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ); CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() || IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ); sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); } if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) { char rgchFileType[MAX_PATH]; XcodeFileTypeFromFileName( sOutputFile, rgchFileType, sizeof( rgchFileType ) ); Write( "\n" ); if ( IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { const char *pszLibPfx = "lib"; const char *pszLibName = sOutputFile; if ( pszLibName[0] == 'l' && pszLibName[0] == 'i' && pszLibName[0] == 'b' ) pszLibPfx = ""; Write( "%024llX /* %s%s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = \"%s\"; includeInIndex = 0; path = \"%s%s\"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };", makeoid( pszOutputFile, EOIDTypeFileReference ), pszLibPfx, sOutputFile.String(), rgchFileType, pszLibPfx, sOutputFile.String() ); } else Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = \"%s\"; includeInIndex = 0; path = \"%s\"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };", makeoid( pszOutputFile, EOIDTypeFileReference ), sOutputFile.String(), rgchFileType, sOutputFile.String() ); }
// and the gameoutputfile
CUtlString sGameOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ); if ( sGameOutputFile.Length() ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, sGameOutputFile.String() ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); char rgchFileType[MAX_PATH]; XcodeFileTypeFromFileName( sGameOutputFile, rgchFileType, sizeof( rgchFileType ) ); Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = \"%s\"; includeInIndex = 0; path = \"%s\"; sourceTree = \"<absolute>\"; };", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ), EOIDTypeFileReference ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( sGameOutputFile ), rgchFileType, rgchFilePath ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXFileReference section */\n" ); /**
** ** groups - the file hierarchy displayed in the project ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXGroup section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { CUtlVector<char*> folderNames; V_SplitString( "Source Files;Header Files;Resources;VPC Files", ";", folderNames ); static const char* folderExtensions[] = { "*.c;*.C;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cp;*.cxx;*.c++;*.prg;*.pas;*.dpr;*.asm;*.s;*.bas;*.java;*.cs;*.sc;*.e;*.cob;*.html;*.tcl;*.py;*.pl;*.m;*.mm", "*.h;*.H;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.inc;*.sh;*.cpy;*.if", "*.plist;*.strings;*.xib;*.rc;*.proto", "*.vpc" }; FOR_EACH_VEC( folderNames, iFolder ) { WriteFilesFolder( makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_ProjectName, EOIDTypeGroup, iFolder+1 ), folderNames[iFolder], folderExtensions[iFolder], g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files ); } Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator], EOIDTypeGroup ), g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String() ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXGroup;\n" ); Write( "children = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( folderNames, iFolder ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_ProjectName, EOIDTypeGroup, iFolder+1 ), folderNames[iFolder] ); }
KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV;
// system libraries we link against
CSplitString libs( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < libs.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* lib%s.dylib (system library) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), libs[i] ); } // system frameworks we link against
CSplitString sysFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < sysFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework (system framework) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), sysFrameworks[i] ); } // local frameworks we link against
CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkName[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ), rgchFrameworkName, sizeof( rgchFrameworkName ) );
Write( "%024llX /* %s.framework (local framework) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), EOIDTypeFileReference, i ), rgchFrameworkName ); }
// libraries we consume (specified in our files list)
for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { CUtlString sFileName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ) ); bool bInclude = IsDynamicLibrary( sFileName ); if ( IsStaticLibrary( sFileName ) ) { bInclude = true; FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator2 ) { // don't include static libs generated by other projects - we'll pull them out of the built products tree
KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator2]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( sFileName, sOutputFile ) ) { bInclude = false; break; } } } if ( bInclude ) Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks (explicit) */,\n", makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String(), EOIDTypeFileReference ), sFileName.String() ); } CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ) ); if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ), EOIDTypeFileReference ), sOutputFile.String() );
} --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String() ); Write( "sourceTree = \"<group>\";\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); } // root group - the top of the displayed hierarchy
Write( "%024llX = {\n", makeoid( &projects, EOIDTypeGroup ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXGroup;\n" ); Write( "children = (\n" ); // sort the projects by name before we emit the list
CUtlSortVector< CUtlString, CStringLess > vecSortedProjectNames; FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGen ) { // fprintf( stderr, "inserting %s (%p)\n", g_vecPGenerators[iGen]->GetProjectName().String(), &g_vecPGenerators[iGen]->GetProjectName() );
vecSortedProjectNames.Insert( g_vecPGenerators[iGen]->GetProjectName() ); }
++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( vecSortedProjectNames, iProjectName ) { // fprintf( stderr, "looking for %s\n", vecSortedProjectNames[iProjectName].String() );
// and each project's group (of groups)
FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { if ( strcmp( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_ProjectName.String(), vecSortedProjectNames[iProjectName] ) ) { // fprintf( stderr, " skipping '%s' (%p) != '%s' (%p) (%d, %d)\n", g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String(), g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String(), vecSortedProjectNames[iProjectName].String(), vecSortedProjectNames[iProjectName].String(), iGenerator, iProjectName );
continue; } // fprintf( stderr, "emitting %s (%d, %d)\n", g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String(), iGenerator, iProjectName );
Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator], EOIDTypeGroup ), g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->GetProjectName().String() ); break; } }
// add the build config (.xcconfig) files
for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchXCConfigFiles); iConfig++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */, \n", makeoid( k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], EOIDTypeFileReference ), k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig] ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "sourceTree = \"<group>\";\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } m_nIndent--; Write( "\n/* End PBXGroup section */\n" ); /**
** ** the sources build phases - each target that compiles source references on of these, it in turn references the source files to be compiled ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */" ); ++m_nIndent; FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* Sources */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeSourcesBuildPhase ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n" ); Write( "buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n" ); Write( "files = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { const char *pFileName = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String(); if ( AppearsInSourcesBuildPhase( pFileName ) ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s in Sources */,\n", makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeBuildFile ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileName ) ) ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n"); Write( "runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */\n" ); /**
** ** the frameworks build phases - each target that links libraries (static, dyamic, framework) has one of these, it references the linked thing ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */" ); ++m_nIndent; FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* Frameworks */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeFrameworksBuildPhase ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n" ); Write( "buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n" ); Write( "files = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { // libraries we consume (specified in our files list)
for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { const char *pFileName = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String(); if ( IsStaticLibrary( UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileName ) ) || IsDynamicLibrary( UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileName ) ) ) { CUtlString sFileName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files[i]->m_Filename.String() ) ); bool bInclude = true; FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { // don't include libs generated by other projects - we'll pull them out of the built products tree
KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( sFileName, sOutputFile ) ) { bInclude = false; break; } } if ( bInclude ) Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks (explicit) */,\n", makeoid( pFileName, EOIDTypeBuildFile ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileName ) ) );
} }
// libraries from projects we depend on
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pCurProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); for ( int iTestProject=projects.Count()-1; iTestProject >= 0; --iTestProject ) { if ( iProject == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pCurProject->DependsOn( pTestProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pTestProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iTestProject]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; const char *pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ); CUtlString sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() || IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) { pszOutputFile = pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ); sOutputFile = V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pszOutputFile ) ); } if ( sOutputFile.Length() && ( IsStaticLibrary( sOutputFile ) || IsDynamicLibrary( sOutputFile ) ) ) { Write( "%024llX /* (lib)%s (dependency) */,\n", makeoid( pszOutputFile, EOIDTypeBuildFile, iProject ), sOutputFile.String() ); } } }
KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV;
// local frameworks we link against
CSplitString localFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < localFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { char rgchFrameworkName[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( localFrameworks[i] ), rgchFrameworkName, sizeof( rgchFrameworkName ) ); Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks (local framework) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_LocalFrameworks ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), rgchFrameworkName ); } // system frameworks we link against
CSplitString sysFrameworks( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < sysFrameworks.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks (system framework) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemFrameworks ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), sysFrameworks[i] ); } // system libraries we link against
CSplitString libs( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), (const char**)g_IncludeSeparators, Q_ARRAYSIZE(g_IncludeSeparators) ); for ( int i=0; i < libs.Count(); i++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s in Frameworks (system library) */,\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_SystemLibraries ), EOIDTypeBuildFile, i ), libs[i] ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n"); Write( "runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n" ); /**
** ** the shell script (pre/post build step) build phases - each target that generates a "gameoutputfile" has one of these, ** to p4 edit the target and copy the build result there. ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */" ); ++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGenerator ) { char rgchProjectDir[MAX_PATH]; rgchProjectDir[0] = '\0'; V_strncpy( rgchProjectDir, projects[iGenerator]->m_ProjectFilename.String(), sizeof( rgchProjectDir ) ); V_StripFilename( rgchProjectDir );
char sInputFiles[8192]; sInputFiles[0] = '\0'; char sCommands[8192]; sCommands[0] = '\0'; char sOutputFiles[8192]; sOutputFiles[0] = '\0'; // we don't have an output file - wander the list of files, looking for custom build steps
// if we find any, magic up a shell script to run them
for ( int i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.First(); i != g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.InvalidIndex(); i=g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files.Next(i) ) { CFileConfig *pFileConfig = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_Files[i]; CSpecificConfig *pFileSpecificData = pFileConfig->GetOrCreateConfig( g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[1]->GetConfigName(), g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[1] ); CUtlString sCustomBuildCommandLine = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_CommandLine ); CUtlString sOutputFile = pFileSpecificData->GetOption( g_pOption_Outputs ); if ( sOutputFile.Length() && sCustomBuildCommandLine.Length() ) { char sInFile[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( sInFile, sizeof( sInFile ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileConfig->m_Filename.String() ) );
Q_snprintf( sInputFiles, sizeof( sInputFiles ), "%s%s%s", sInputFiles, sInputFiles[0] ? ";" : "", UsePOSIXSlashes( pFileConfig->m_Filename.String() ) ); char sCommand[8192]; CBaseProjectDataCollector::DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( sCustomBuildCommandLine, sInFile, sCommand, sizeof( sCommand ) ); Q_StrSubstInPlace( sCommand, sizeof( sCommand ), "$(OBJ_DIR)", rgchProjectDir, false ); Q_snprintf( sCommands, sizeof( sCommands ), "%s%s;\\n", sCommands, sCommand );
char sOutFile[MAX_PATH]; CBaseProjectDataCollector::DoStandardVisualStudioReplacements( sOutputFile, sInFile, sOutFile, sizeof( sOutFile ) ); Q_StrSubstInPlace( sOutFile, sizeof( sOutFile ), "$(OBJ_DIR)", rgchProjectDir, false ); Q_snprintf( sOutputFiles, sizeof( sOutputFiles ), "%s%s%s", sOutputFiles, sOutFile[0] ? ";" : "", sOutFile ); } } if ( Q_strlen( sCommands ) ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* ShellScript */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iGenerator], EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase, 0 ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;\n" ); Write( "buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n" ); Write( "files = (\n" ); Write( ");\n" ); Write( "inputPaths = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { CSplitString inFiles( sInputFiles, ";" ); for ( int i = 0; i < inFiles.Count(); i ++ ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, inFiles[i] ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); Write( "\"%s\",\n", rgchFilePath ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "outputPaths = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { CSplitString outFiles( sOutputFiles, ";" ); for ( int i = 0; i < outFiles.Count(); i ++ ) { char rgchFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchFilePath, sizeof( rgchFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, outFiles[i] ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchFilePath ); Write( "\"%s\",\n", rgchFilePath ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n"); Write( "runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n" ); Write( "shellPath = /bin/bash;\n" ); Write( "shellScript = \"cd %s;\\n" "%s\";\n", rgchProjectDir, sCommands ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } KeyValues *pDebugKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CUtlString sDebugOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pDebugKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ); KeyValues *pReleaseKV = g_vecPGenerators[iGenerator]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[1]->m_pKV; CUtlString sReleaseOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pReleaseKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ); if ( !sDebugOutputFile.Length() || !sReleaseOutputFile.Length() ) { sDebugOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pDebugKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ); sReleaseOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pReleaseKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ); } if ( sDebugOutputFile.Length() || sReleaseOutputFile.Length() ) { char rgchDebugFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchDebugFilePath, sizeof( rgchDebugFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, sDebugOutputFile.String() ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchDebugFilePath ); char rgchReleaseFilePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( rgchReleaseFilePath, sizeof( rgchReleaseFilePath ), "%s/%s", rgchProjectDir, sReleaseOutputFile.String() ); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( rgchReleaseFilePath ); Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* ShellScript */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iGenerator], EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase, 1 ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;\n" ); Write( "buildActionMask = 2147483647;\n" ); Write( "files = (\n" ); Write( ");\n" ); Write( "inputPaths = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "\"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FULL_PRODUCT_NAME}\",\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "outputPaths = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Q_StrSubstInPlace( rgchDebugFilePath, sizeof( rgchDebugFilePath ), "/lib/osx32/debug/", "/lib/osx32/${BUILD_STYLE}/", false ); Q_StrSubstInPlace( rgchReleaseFilePath, sizeof( rgchReleaseFilePath ), "/lib/osx32/release/", "/lib/osx32/${BUILD_STYLE}/", false );
Write( "\"%s\",\n", rgchDebugFilePath ); if ( Q_strcmp( rgchDebugFilePath, rgchReleaseFilePath ) ) Write( "\"%s\",\n", rgchReleaseFilePath ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n"); Write( "runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n" ); Write( "shellPath = /bin/bash;\n" ); Write( "shellScript = " "\"if [ \\\"$BUILD_STYLE\\\" == \\\"Release\\\" ]; then\\n" " OUTPUTFILE=%s\\n" " POST_BUILD_COMMAND=%s\\n" "else\\n" " OUTPUTFILE=%s\\n" " POST_BUILD_COMMAND=%s\\n" "fi\\n" "if [ \\\"$POST_BUILD_COMMAND\\\" != \\\"\\\" ]; then\\n" " ${POST_BUILD_COMMAND}\\n" "fi\\n" "if [ -x \\\"$OUTPUTFILE\\\" -o -x \\\"$OUTPUTFILE.dSYM\\\" ]; then\\n" " p4 edit \\\"$OUTPUTFILE...\\\" | grep -v \\\"also opened\\\"\\n" "fi\\n" "if [ -d \\\"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FULL_PRODUCT_NAME}.dSYM\\\" ]; then\\n" " cp -R \\\"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FULL_PRODUCT_NAME}.dSYM\\\" \\\"${OUTPUTFILE}.dSYM\\\"\\n" "fi\\n" "cp -v \\\"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FULL_PRODUCT_NAME}\\\" \\\"$OUTPUTFILE\\\"\";\n", rgchReleaseFilePath, pReleaseKV->GetString( g_pOption_CommandLine, "" ), rgchDebugFilePath, pDebugKV->GetString( g_pOption_CommandLine, "" ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */\n" );
** ** nativetargets section - build targets, which ultimately reference build phases ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */" ); ++m_nIndent; FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CUtlString sOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() ) sOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() ) continue; Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXNativeTarget;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"%s\" */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeConfigurationList ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "buildPhases = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "%024llX /* ShellScript */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase, 0 ) ); Write( "%024llX /* Sources */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeSourcesBuildPhase ) ); Write( "%024llX /* Frameworks */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeFrameworksBuildPhase ) ); Write( "%024llX /* ShellScript */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase, 1 ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "buildRules = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "dependencies = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { // these dependencies point to the dependency objects, which reference other projects through the container item proxy objects
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pCurProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); for ( int iTestProject=0; iTestProject < projects.Count(); iTestProject++ ) { if ( iProject == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pCurProject->DependsOn( pTestProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pTestProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeTargetDependency, (uint16_t)iTestProject ), pTestProject->GetName() ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "productName = \"%s\";\n", projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) Write( "productReference = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) ? pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, NULL ) : pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ), EOIDTypeFileReference ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( sOutputFile ) ); char rgchProductType[MAX_PATH]; XcodeProductTypeFromFileName( V_UnqualifiedFileName( sOutputFile ), rgchProductType, sizeof( rgchProductType ) ); Write( "productType = \"%s\";\n", rgchProductType ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXNativeTarget section */\n" ); /**
** ** aggregate targets - for targets that have no output files (i.e. are scripts) ** and the "all" target ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXAggregateTarget section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "%024llX /* All */ = {\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeAggregateTarget ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXAggregateTarget;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget \"All\" */;\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeConfigurationList, 1 ) ); Write( "buildPhases = (\n" ); Write( ");\n" ); Write( "dependencies = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { // note the sneaky -1 ordinal here, is we can later generate a dependency block for the target thats not tied to any other targets dependency.
Write( "%024llX /* PBXProjectDependency */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeTargetDependency, -1 ) ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "name = All;\n" ); Write( "productName = All;\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { KeyValues *pKV = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations[0]->m_pKV; CUtlString sOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_GameOutputFile, "" ) ); if ( !sOutputFile.Length() ) sOutputFile = UsePOSIXSlashes( pKV->GetString( g_pOption_OutputFile, "" ) ); if ( sOutputFile.Length() ) continue; // NOTE: the use of EOIDTypeNativeTarget here is intentional - a project will never appear as both, and this makes things link up without
// having to special case in dependencies and aggregate targets
Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXAggregateTarget;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget \"%s\" */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeConfigurationList ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "buildPhases = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "%024llX /* ShellScript */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeShellScriptBuildPhase ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "buildRules = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "dependencies = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { // these dependencies point to the dependency objects, which reference other projects through the container item proxy objects
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pCurProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); for ( int iTestProject=0; iTestProject < projects.Count(); iTestProject++ ) { if ( iProject == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pCurProject->DependsOn( pTestProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pTestProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeTargetDependency, (uint16_t)iTestProject ), pTestProject->GetName() ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "productName = \"%s\";\n", projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXAggregateTarget section */\n" ); /**
** ** project section - the top-level object that ties all the bits (targets, groups, ...) together ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXProject section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "%024llX /* project object */ = {\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeProject ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXProject;\n" ); Write( "attributes = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel = YES;\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"%s\" */;\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeConfigurationList ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pSolutionFilename ) ) ); Write( "compatibilityVersion = \"Xcode 3.0\";\n" ); Write( "hasScannedForEncodings = 0;\n" ); Write( "mainGroup = %024llX;\n", makeoid( &projects, EOIDTypeGroup ) ); Write( "productRefGroup = %024llX /* Products */;\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeGroup ) ); Write( "projectDirPath = \"\";\n" ); Write( "projectRoot = \"\";\n" ); Write( "targets = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "%024llX /* All */,\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeAggregateTarget ) ); // sort the projects by name before we emit the list
CUtlSortVector< CUtlString, CStringLess > vecSortedProjectNames; FOR_EACH_VEC( g_vecPGenerators, iGen ) { vecSortedProjectNames.Insert( g_vecPGenerators[iGen]->GetProjectName() ); } FOR_EACH_VEC( vecSortedProjectNames, iProjectName ) {
FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { if ( strcmp( projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String(), vecSortedProjectNames[iProjectName] ) ) { continue; } Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); Write( "\n/* End PBXProject section */\n" ); /**
** ** container item proxies (no clue, I just work here...) - they sit between projects when expressing dependencies ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */" ); { FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) {
// for the aggregate target
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeContainerItemProxy, -1 ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;\n" ); // it looks like if you cross ref between xcodeprojs, this is the oid for the other xcode proj
Write( "containerPortal = %024llX; /* Project object */\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeProject ) ); Write( "proxyType = 1;\n" ); Write( "remoteGlobalIDString = %024llX;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ) ); Write( "remoteInfo = \"%s\";\n", projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
// for each project, figure out what projects it depends on, and spit out a containeritemproxy for that dependency
// of particular note is that there are many item proxies for a given project, so we make their oids with the ordinal
// of the project they depend on - this must be consistent within the generated solution
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pCurProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); for ( int iTestProject=0; iTestProject < projects.Count(); iTestProject++ ) { if ( iProject == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pCurProject->DependsOn( pTestProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pTestProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeContainerItemProxy, (uint16_t)iTestProject ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;\n" ); // it looks like if you cross ref between xcodeprojs, this is the oid for the other xcode proj
Write( "containerPortal = %024llX; /* Project object */\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeProject ) ); Write( "proxyType = 1;\n" ); Write( "remoteGlobalIDString = %024llX;\n", makeoid( projects[iTestProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ) ); Write( "remoteInfo = \"%s\";\n", projects[iTestProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } } } Write( "\n/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */\n" );
** ** target dependencies - referenced by each project, in turn references the proxy container objects to express dependencies between targets ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeTargetDependency, -1 ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXTargetDependency;\n" ); Write( "target = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "targetProxy = %024llX /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeContainerItemProxy, -1 ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
CDependency_Project *pCurProject = projects[iProject]; CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> additionalProjectDependencies; ResolveAdditionalProjectDependencies( pCurProject, projects, additionalProjectDependencies ); for ( int iTestProject=0; iTestProject < projects.Count(); iTestProject++ ) { if ( iProject == iTestProject ) continue; CDependency_Project *pTestProject = projects[iTestProject]; int dependsOnFlags = k_EDependsOnFlagTraversePastLibs | k_EDependsOnFlagCheckNormalDependencies | k_EDependsOnFlagRecurse; if ( pCurProject->DependsOn( pTestProject, dependsOnFlags ) || additionalProjectDependencies.Find( pTestProject ) != additionalProjectDependencies.InvalidIndex() ) { // project_t *pTestProjectT = &g_projects[ pTestProject->m_iProjectIndex ];
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeTargetDependency, (uint16_t)iTestProject ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = PBXTargetDependency;\n" ); Write( "target = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeNativeTarget ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); Write( "targetProxy = %024llX /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeContainerItemProxy, (uint16_t)iTestProject ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXTargetDependency section */\n" ); /**
** ** build configurations - each target (and the project) has a set of build configurations (one release, one debug), each with their own set of build settings ** the "baseConfigurationReference" points back to the appropriate .xcconfig file that gets referenced by the project and has all the non-target specific settings ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */" ); ++m_nIndent; { // project and aggregate "all" target
for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { bool bIsDebug = V_stristr( k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig], "debug" ) != NULL; Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( (uint8_t*)this + (uint64_t)&k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n" ); Write( "baseConfigurationReference = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], EOIDTypeFileReference ), k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig] ); Write( "buildSettings = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { EmitBuildSettings( "All", NULL, NULL, NULL, bIsDebug ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( (uint8_t*)this + (uint64_t)&k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration, 1 ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n" ); Write( "baseConfigurationReference = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], EOIDTypeFileReference ), k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig] ); Write( "buildSettings = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { EmitBuildSettings( "All", NULL, NULL, NULL, bIsDebug ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { CFileConfig& pcurrentConfigData = g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_BaseConfigData;
for ( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { if ( pcurrentConfigData.m_Configurations.IsValidIndex( iConfig ) ) { bool bIsDebug = V_stristr( k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig], "debug" ) != NULL;
Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* %s */ = {\n", makeoid( ( uint8_t* ) projects[iProject] + ( uint64_t ) & k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n" ); Write( "baseConfigurationReference = %024llX /* %s */;\n", makeoid( k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig], EOIDTypeFileReference ), k_rgchXCConfigFiles[iConfig] ); Write( "buildSettings = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { KeyValues *pKV = pcurrentConfigData.m_Configurations[iConfig]->m_pKV; char rgchProjectDir[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( rgchProjectDir, projects[iProject]->m_ProjectFilename.String(), sizeof( rgchProjectDir ) ); V_StripFilename( rgchProjectDir );
EmitBuildSettings( projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName, rgchProjectDir, &( g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_Files ), pKV, bIsDebug ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "name = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */\n" ); /**
** ** configuration lists - aggregates the build configurations above into sets, which are referenced by the individual targets. ** **/ Write( "\n/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "%024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"%s\" */ = {\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeConfigurationList ), V_UnqualifiedFileName( UsePOSIXSlashes( pSolutionFilename ) ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCConfigurationList;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurations = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( (uint8_t*)this + (uint64_t)&k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationName = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[0] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" );
Write( "%024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget \"All\" */ = {\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeConfigurationList, 1 ) ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCConfigurationList;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurations = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( (uint8_t*)this + (uint64_t)&k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration, 1 ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationName = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[0] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024llX /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"%s\" */ = {\n", makeoid( projects[iProject], EOIDTypeConfigurationList ), projects[iProject]->m_ProjectName.String() ); ++m_nIndent; { Write( "isa = XCConfigurationList;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurations = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { if (g_vecPGenerators[iProject]->m_BaseConfigData.m_Configurations.IsValidIndex(iConfig)) { Write( "%024llX /* %s */,\n", makeoid( (uint8_t*)projects[iProject] + (uint64_t)&k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig], EOIDTypeBuildConfiguration ), k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationName = \"%s\";\n", k_rgchConfigNames[0] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } } --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End XCConfigurationList section */\n" ); } Write( "};\n" ); // objects = { ...
** ** root object in the graph ** **/ Write( "rootObject = %024llX /* Project object */;\n", makeoid( this, EOIDTypeProject ) ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "}\n" ); fclose( m_fp ); }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::GenerateSolutionFileOld( const char *pSolutionFilename, CUtlVector<CDependency_Project*> &projects ) { char sPbxProjFile[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( sPbxProjFile, "%s.xcodeproj", pSolutionFilename ); mkdir( sPbxProjFile, 0777 ); sprintf( sPbxProjFile, "%s.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj", pSolutionFilename ); m_fp = fopen( sPbxProjFile, "wt" ); m_nIndent = 0;
Msg( "\nWriting master XCode project %s.xcodeproj.\n\n", pSolutionFilename );
/** preamble **/ Write( "// !$*UTF8*$!\n{\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "archiveVersion = 1;\n" ); Write( "classes = {\n" ); Write( "};\n" ); Write( "objectVersion = 42;\n" ); Write( "objects = {\n" );
/** file references **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { char sDir[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( sDir, projects[iProject]->m_ProjectFilename.String(), sizeof( sDir ) ); V_StripFilename( sDir );
char sFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( projects[iProject]->m_ProjectFilename.String() ), sFilename, sizeof(sFilename) );
Write( "%024X /* %s */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = \"wrapper.pb-project\"; name = \"%s\"; path = %s/%s.xcodeproj; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n", iProject, sFilename, sFilename, sDir, sFilename ); } --m_nIndent; Write( "/* End PBXFileReference section */\n" );
/** groups **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXGroup section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "%024X /* %s */ = {\n", k_pchProjects, k_pchProjects ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = PBXGroup;\n" ); Write( "children = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; FOR_EACH_VEC( projects, iProject ) { char sFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( V_UnqualifiedFileName( projects[iProject]->m_ProjectFilename.String() ), sFilename, sizeof(sFilename) );
Write( "%024X /* %s */,\n", iProject, sFilename ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "name = %s;\n", k_pchProjects ); Write( "sourceTree = \"<group>\";\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" );
Write( "%024X = {\n", &projects ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = PBXGroup;\n" ); Write( "children = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "%024X /* %s */,\n", k_pchProjects, k_pchProjects ); --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "sourceTree = \"<group>\";\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
Write( "\n/* End PBXGroup section */\n" ); /** write legacy project section **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXLegacyTarget section */\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "%024X /* build with make */ = {\n", k_pchLegacyTarget ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = PBXLegacyTarget;\n"); Write( "buildArgumentsString = \"-f %s.mak $(ACTION) MAKE_VERBOSE=1\";\n", V_UnqualifiedFileName( pSolutionFilename ) ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024X /* Build configuration list for PBXLegacyTarget \"build with make\" */;\n", k_oidBuildConfigList ); Write( "buildPhases = (\n" ); Write( ");\n" ); Write( "buildToolPath = /usr/bin/make;\n" ); char rgchSolutionDir[MAX_PATH]; V_ExtractFilePath( pSolutionFilename, rgchSolutionDir, sizeof( rgchSolutionDir ) ); Write( "buildWorkingDirectory = %s;\n", rgchSolutionDir ); Write( "dependencies = (\n" ); Write( ");\n"); Write( "name = \"build with make\";\n" ); Write( "passBuildSettingsInEnvironment = 1;\n" ); Write( "productName = \"build with make\";\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "\n/* End PBXLegacyTarget section */\n" );
/** project section **/ Write( "\n/* Begin PBXProject section */\n" ); Write( "%024X /* Project object */ = {\n", this ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = PBXProject;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurationList = %024X /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"%s\" */;\n", k_oidBuildConfigList+1, V_UnqualifiedFileName( pSolutionFilename ) ); Write( "compatibilityVersion = \"Xcode 2.4\";\n" ); Write( "hasScannedForEncodings = 0;\n" ); Write( "mainGroup = %024X;\n", &projects ); Write( "projectDirPath = \"\";\n" ); Write( "projectRoot = \"\";\n" ); Write( "targets = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "%024X /* build with make */, \n", k_pchLegacyTarget ); --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); Write( "\n/* End PBXProject section */\n" );
/** build configurations **/ ++m_nIndent;
Write( "\n/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */" ); for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024X /* %s */ = {\n", k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n" ); Write( "buildSettings = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "COPY_PHASE_STRIP = %s;\n", ( V_strstr( k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig], "release" ) ? "YES" : "NO" ) ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "name = %s;\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); }
for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "\n" ); Write( "%024X /* %s */ = {\n", k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig]+Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgOidBuildConfigs)+1, k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n" ); Write( "buildSettings = {\n" ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "CFG = %s;\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); Write( "PRODUCT_NAME = \"build with make\";\n" ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "name = %s;\n", k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" ); } Write( "\n/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */\n" );
Write( "%024X /* Build configuration list for PBXLegacyTarget \"build with make\" */ = {\n", k_oidBuildConfigList ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = XCConfigurationList;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurations = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "%024X /* %s */,\n", k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig]+Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgOidBuildConfigs)+1, k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationName = %s;\n", k_rgchConfigNames[0] ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};" );
Write( "\n/* Begin XCBuildConfigurationList section */\n" ); Write( "%024X /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"%s\" */ = {\n", k_oidBuildConfigList+1, V_UnqualifiedFileName( pSolutionFilename ) ); ++m_nIndent; Write( "isa = XCConfigurationList;\n" ); Write( "buildConfigurations = (\n" ); ++m_nIndent; for( int iConfig = 0; iConfig < Q_ARRAYSIZE(k_rgchConfigNames); iConfig++ ) { Write( "%024X /* %s */,\n", k_rgOidBuildConfigs[iConfig], k_rgchConfigNames[iConfig] ); } --m_nIndent; Write( ");\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n" ); Write( "defaultConfigurationName = %s;\n", k_rgchConfigNames[0] ); --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "\n/* End XCBuildConfigurationList section */\n" );
/** postamble **/ --m_nIndent; Write( "};\n" ); Write( "rootObject = %024X /* Project object */;\n", this ); --m_nIndent; Write( "}\n" );
fclose( m_fp ); }
void CSolutionGenerator_XCode::Write( const char *pMsg, ... ) { char sOut[8192];
va_list marker; va_start( marker, pMsg ); V_vsnprintf( sOut, sizeof( sOut ), pMsg, marker ); va_end( marker );
for ( int i=0; i < m_nIndent; i++ ) fprintf( m_fp, "\t" );
fprintf( m_fp, "%s", sOut ); }
static CSolutionGenerator_XCode g_SolutionGenerator_XCode; IBaseSolutionGenerator* GetSolutionGenerator_XCode() { return &g_SolutionGenerator_XCode; }