//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <windows.h>
#include "vis.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "pacifier.h"
#include "mpi_stats.h"
#include "vmpi.h"
#include "vmpi_dispatch.h"
#include "vmpi_filesystem.h"
#include "vmpi_distribute_work.h"
#include "iphelpers.h"
#include "threadhelpers.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "vmpi_tools_shared.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include "scratchpad_helpers.h"
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
// Sub packet IDs.
#define VMPI_SUBPACKETID_DISCONNECT_NOTIFY 3 // We send ourselves this when there is a disconnect.
extern bool fastvis;
// The worker waits until these are true.
bool g_bBasePortalVisSync = false; bool g_bPortalFlowSync = false;
CUtlVector<char> g_BasePortalVisResultsFilename;
CCycleCount g_CPUTime;
// This stuff is all for the multicast channel the master uses to send out the portal results.
ISocket *g_pPortalMCSocket = NULL; CIPAddr g_PortalMCAddr; bool g_bGotMCAddr = false; HANDLE g_hMCThread = NULL; CEvent g_MCThreadExitEvent; unsigned long g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID = 0; int g_nMulticastPortalsReceived = 0;
// Handle VVIS packets.
bool VVIS_DispatchFn( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID ) { switch ( pBuf->data[1] ) { case VMPI_SUBPACKETID_MC_ADDR: { pBuf->setOffset( 2 ); pBuf->read( &g_PortalMCAddr, sizeof( g_PortalMCAddr ) ); g_bGotMCAddr = true; return true; }
case VMPI_SUBPACKETID_DISCONNECT_NOTIFY: { // This is just used to cause nonblocking dispatches to jump out so loops like the one
// in AppBarrier can handle the fact that there are disconnects.
return true; } case VMPI_SUBPACKETID_BASEPORTALVIS_SYNC: { g_bBasePortalVisSync = true; return true; } case VMPI_SUBPACKETID_PORTALFLOW_SYNC: { g_bPortalFlowSync = true; return true; } case VMPI_BASEPORTALVIS_RESULTS: { const char *pFilename = &pBuf->data[2]; g_BasePortalVisResultsFilename.CopyArray( pFilename, strlen( pFilename ) + 1 ); return true; }
default: { return false; } } } CDispatchReg g_VVISDispatchReg( VMPI_VVIS_PACKET_ID, VVIS_DispatchFn ); // register to handle the messages we want
void VMPI_DeletePortalMCSocket() { // Stop the thread if it exists.
if ( g_hMCThread ) { g_MCThreadExitEvent.SetEvent(); WaitForSingleObject( g_hMCThread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( g_hMCThread ); g_hMCThread = NULL; }
if ( g_pPortalMCSocket ) { g_pPortalMCSocket->Release(); g_pPortalMCSocket = NULL; } }
void VVIS_SetupMPI( int &argc, char **&argv ) { if ( !VMPI_FindArg( argc, argv, "-mpi", "" ) && !VMPI_FindArg( argc, argv, VMPI_GetParamString( mpi_Worker ), "" ) ) return;
CmdLib_AtCleanup( VMPI_Stats_Term ); CmdLib_AtCleanup( VMPI_DeletePortalMCSocket );
// Force local mode?
VMPIRunMode mode; if ( VMPI_FindArg( argc, argv, VMPI_GetParamString( mpi_Local ), "" ) ) mode = VMPI_RUN_LOCAL; else mode = VMPI_RUN_NETWORKED;
// Extract mpi specific arguments
Msg( "Initializing VMPI...\n" ); if ( !VMPI_Init( argc, argv, "dependency_info_vvis.txt", HandleMPIDisconnect, mode ) ) { Error( "MPI_Init failed." ); }
StatsDB_InitStatsDatabase( argc, argv, "dbinfo_vvis.txt" ); }
void ProcessBasePortalVis( int iThread, uint64 iPortal, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { CTimeAdder adder( &g_CPUTime );
BasePortalVis( iThread, iPortal );
// Send my result to the master
if ( pBuf ) { portal_t * p = &portals[iPortal]; pBuf->write( p->portalfront, portalbytes ); pBuf->write( p->portalflood, portalbytes ); } }
void ReceiveBasePortalVis( uint64 iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iWorker ) { portal_t * p = &portals[iWorkUnit]; if ( p->portalflood != 0 || p->portalfront != 0 || p->portalvis != 0) { Msg("Duplicate portal %d\n", iWorkUnit); } if ( pBuf->getLen() - pBuf->getOffset() != portalbytes*2 ) Error( "Invalid packet in ReceiveBasePortalVis." );
// allocate memory for bitwise vis solutions for this portal
p->portalfront = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); pBuf->read( p->portalfront, portalbytes ); p->portalflood = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); pBuf->read( p->portalflood, portalbytes );
p->portalvis = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); memset (p->portalvis, 0, portalbytes);
p->nummightsee = CountBits( p->portalflood, g_numportals*2 ); }
// Run BasePortalVis across all available processing nodes
// Then collect and redistribute the results.
void RunMPIBasePortalVis() { int i;
Msg( "\n\nportalbytes: %d\nNum Work Units: %d\nTotal data size: %d\n", portalbytes, g_numportals*2, portalbytes*g_numportals*2 ); Msg("%-20s ", "BasePortalVis:"); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) StartPacifier("");
VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "RunMPIBasePortalVis" );
// Note: we're aiming for about 1500 portals in a map, so about 3000 work units.
g_CPUTime.Init(); double elapsed = DistributeWork( g_numportals * 2, // # work units
ProcessBasePortalVis, // Worker function to process work units
ReceiveBasePortalVis // Master function to receive work results
if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { EndPacifier( false ); Msg( " (%d)\n", (int)elapsed ); } //
// Distribute the results to all the workers.
if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { if ( !fastvis ) { VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "SendPortalResults" );
// Store all the portal results in a temp file and multicast that to the workers.
CUtlVector<char> allPortalData; allPortalData.SetSize( g_numportals * 2 * portalbytes * 2 );
char *pOut = allPortalData.Base(); for ( i=0; i < g_numportals * 2; i++) { portal_t *p = &portals[i]; memcpy( pOut, p->portalfront, portalbytes ); pOut += portalbytes; memcpy( pOut, p->portalflood, portalbytes ); pOut += portalbytes; }
const char *pVirtualFilename = "--portal-results--"; VMPI_FileSystem_CreateVirtualFile( pVirtualFilename, allPortalData.Base(), allPortalData.Count() );
char cPacketID[2] = { VMPI_VVIS_PACKET_ID, VMPI_BASEPORTALVIS_RESULTS }; VMPI_Send2Chunks( cPacketID, sizeof( cPacketID ), pVirtualFilename, strlen( pVirtualFilename ) + 1, VMPI_PERSISTENT ); } } else { VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "RecvPortalResults" );
// Wait until we've received the filename from the master.
while ( g_BasePortalVisResultsFilename.Count() == 0 ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage(); }
// Open
FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( g_BasePortalVisResultsFilename.Base(), "rb", VMPI_VIRTUAL_FILES_PATH_ID ); if ( !fp ) Error( "Can't open '%s' to read portal info.", g_BasePortalVisResultsFilename.Base() );
for ( i=0; i < g_numportals * 2; i++) { portal_t *p = &portals[i];
p->portalfront = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); g_pFileSystem->Read( p->portalfront, portalbytes, fp ); p->portalflood = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); g_pFileSystem->Read( p->portalflood, portalbytes, fp ); p->portalvis = (byte*)malloc (portalbytes); memset (p->portalvis, 0, portalbytes); p->nummightsee = CountBits (p->portalflood, g_numportals*2); }
g_pFileSystem->Close( fp ); }
if ( !g_bMPIMaster ) { if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) Msg( "\n%% worker CPU utilization during BasePortalVis: %.1f\n", (g_CPUTime.GetSeconds() * 100.0f / elapsed) / numthreads ); } }
void ProcessPortalFlow( int iThread, uint64 iPortal, MessageBuffer *pBuf ) { // Process Portal and distribute results
CTimeAdder adder( &g_CPUTime );
PortalFlow( iThread, iPortal );
// Send my result to root and potentially the other slaves
// The slave results are read in RecursiveLeafFlow
if ( pBuf ) { portal_t * p = sorted_portals[iPortal]; pBuf->write( p->portalvis, portalbytes ); } }
void ReceivePortalFlow( uint64 iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iWorker ) { portal_t *p = sorted_portals[iWorkUnit];
if ( p->status != stat_done ) { pBuf->read( p->portalvis, portalbytes ); p->status = stat_done;
// Multicast the status of this portal out.
if ( g_pPortalMCSocket ) { char cPacketID[2] = { VMPI_VVIS_PACKET_ID, VMPI_PORTALFLOW_RESULTS }; void *chunks[4] = { cPacketID, &g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID, &iWorkUnit, p->portalvis }; int chunkLengths[4] = { sizeof( cPacketID ), sizeof( g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID ), sizeof( iWorkUnit ), portalbytes };
g_pPortalMCSocket->SendChunksTo( &g_PortalMCAddr, chunks, chunkLengths, ARRAYSIZE( chunks ) ); } } }
DWORD WINAPI PortalMCThreadFn( LPVOID p ) { CUtlVector<char> data; data.SetSize( portalbytes + 128 );
DWORD waitTime = 0; while ( WaitForSingleObject( g_MCThreadExitEvent.GetEventHandle(), waitTime ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { CIPAddr ipFrom; int len = g_pPortalMCSocket->RecvFrom( data.Base(), data.Count(), &ipFrom ); if ( len == -1 ) { waitTime = 20; } else { // These lengths must match exactly what is sent in ReceivePortalFlow.
if ( len == 2 + sizeof( g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID ) + sizeof( int ) + portalbytes ) { // Perform more validation...
if ( data[0] == VMPI_VVIS_PACKET_ID && data[1] == VMPI_PORTALFLOW_RESULTS ) { if ( *((unsigned long*)&data[2]) == g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID ) { int iWorkUnit = *((int*)&data[6]); if ( iWorkUnit >= 0 && iWorkUnit < g_numportals*2 ) { portal_t *p = sorted_portals[iWorkUnit]; if ( p ) { ++g_nMulticastPortalsReceived; memcpy( p->portalvis, &data[10], portalbytes ); p->status = stat_done; waitTime = 0; } } } } } } } return 0; }
void MCThreadCleanupFn() { g_MCThreadExitEvent.SetEvent(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Cheesy hack to let them stop the job early and keep the results of what has
// been done so far.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CVisDistributeWorkCallbacks : public IWorkUnitDistributorCallbacks { public: CVisDistributeWorkCallbacks() { m_bExitedEarly = false; m_iState = STATE_NONE; } virtual bool Update() { if ( kbhit() ) { int key = toupper( getch() ); if ( m_iState == STATE_NONE ) { if ( key == 'M' ) { m_iState = STATE_AT_MENU; Warning("\n\n" "----------------------\n" "1. Write scratchpad file.\n" "2. Exit early and use fast vis for remaining portals.\n" "\n" "0. Exit menu.\n" "----------------------\n" "\n" ); } } else if ( m_iState == STATE_AT_MENU ) { if ( key == '1' ) { Warning( "\n" "\nWriting scratchpad file." "\nCommand line: scratchpad3dviewer -file scratch.pad\n" "\nRed portals are the portals that are fast vis'd." "\n" ); m_iState = STATE_NONE; IScratchPad3D *pPad = ScratchPad3D_Create( "scratch.pad" ); if ( pPad ) { ScratchPad_DrawWorld( pPad, false ); // Draw the portals that haven't been vis'd.
for ( int i=0; i < g_numportals*2; i++ ) { portal_t *p = sorted_portals[i]; ScratchPad_DrawWinding( pPad, p->winding->numpoints, p->winding->points, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), Vector( .3, .3, .3 ) ); } pPad->Release(); } } else if ( key == '2' ) { // Exit the process early.
m_bExitedEarly = true; return true; } else if ( key == '0' ) { m_iState = STATE_NONE; Warning( "\n\nExited menu.\n\n" ); } } } return false; } public: enum { STATE_NONE, STATE_AT_MENU }; bool m_bExitedEarly; int m_iState; // STATE_ enum.
CVisDistributeWorkCallbacks g_VisDistributeWorkCallbacks;
void CheckExitedEarly() { if ( g_VisDistributeWorkCallbacks.m_bExitedEarly ) { Warning( "\nExited early, using fastvis results...\n" ); Warning( "Exited early, using fastvis results...\n" ); // Use the fastvis results for portals that we didn't get results for.
for ( int i=0; i < g_numportals*2; i++ ) { if ( sorted_portals[i]->status != stat_done ) { sorted_portals[i]->portalvis = sorted_portals[i]->portalflood; sorted_portals[i]->status = stat_done; } } } }
// Run PortalFlow across all available processing nodes
void RunMPIPortalFlow() { Msg( "%-20s ", "MPIPortalFlow:" ); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) StartPacifier("");
// Workers wait until we get the MC socket address.
g_PortalMCThreadUniqueID = StatsDB_GetUniqueJobID(); if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { CCycleCount cnt; cnt.Sample(); CUniformRandomStream randomStream; randomStream.SetSeed( cnt.GetMicroseconds() );
g_PortalMCAddr.port = randomStream.RandomInt( 22000, 25000 ); // Pulled out of something else.
g_PortalMCAddr.ip[0] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 225, 238 ); g_PortalMCAddr.ip[1] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 0, 255 ); g_PortalMCAddr.ip[2] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 0, 255 ); g_PortalMCAddr.ip[3] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 3, 255 );
g_pPortalMCSocket = CreateIPSocket(); int i=0; for ( i; i < 5; i++ ) { if ( g_pPortalMCSocket->BindToAny( randomStream.RandomInt( 20000, 30000 ) ) ) break; } if ( i == 5 ) { Error( "RunMPIPortalFlow: can't open a socket to multicast on." ); }
char cPacketID[2] = { VMPI_VVIS_PACKET_ID, VMPI_SUBPACKETID_MC_ADDR }; VMPI_Send2Chunks( cPacketID, sizeof( cPacketID ), &g_PortalMCAddr, sizeof( g_PortalMCAddr ), VMPI_PERSISTENT ); } else { VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "wait for MC address" );
while ( !g_bGotMCAddr ) { VMPI_DispatchNextMessage(); }
// Open our multicast receive socket.
g_pPortalMCSocket = CreateMulticastListenSocket( g_PortalMCAddr ); if ( !g_pPortalMCSocket ) { char err[512]; IP_GetLastErrorString( err, sizeof( err ) ); Error( "RunMPIPortalFlow: CreateMulticastListenSocket failed. (%s).", err ); }
// Make a thread to listen for the data on the multicast socket.
DWORD dwDummy = 0; g_MCThreadExitEvent.Init( false, false );
// Make sure we kill the MC thread if the app exits ungracefully.
CmdLib_AtCleanup( MCThreadCleanupFn ); g_hMCThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, PortalMCThreadFn, NULL, 0, &dwDummy );
if ( !g_hMCThread ) { Error( "RunMPIPortalFlow: CreateThread failed for multicast receive thread." ); } }
VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "RunMPIBasePortalFlow" );
g_pDistributeWorkCallbacks = &g_VisDistributeWorkCallbacks;
g_CPUTime.Init(); double elapsed = DistributeWork( g_numportals * 2, // # work units
ProcessPortalFlow, // Worker function to process work units
ReceivePortalFlow // Master function to receive work results
); g_pDistributeWorkCallbacks = NULL;
// Stop the multicast stuff.
if( !g_bMPIMaster ) { if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 1 ) { Msg( "Received %d (out of %d) portals from multicast.\n", g_nMulticastPortalsReceived, g_numportals * 2 ); Msg( "%.1f%% CPU utilization during PortalFlow\n", (g_CPUTime.GetSeconds() * 100.0f / elapsed) / numthreads ); }
Msg( "VVIS worker finished. Over and out.\n" ); VMPI_SetCurrentStage( "worker done" );
Plat_ExitProcess( 0 ); }
if ( g_bMPIMaster ) { EndPacifier( false ); Msg( " (%d)\n", (int)elapsed ); } }