Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code

121 lines
9.1 KiB

  1. //====== Copyright 2011, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
  2. //
  3. // Purpose: The file defines the enum and messages for network connection status
  4. //
  5. //=============================================================================
  6. // Note about encoding:
  7. //
  8. //
  9. // TL;DR: Use sint32/sint64 for values that may be negative.
  10. //
  11. // There is an important difference between the signed int types (sint32 and sint64)
  12. // and the "standard" int types (int32 and int64) when it comes to encoding negative
  13. // numbers. If you use int32 or int64 as the type for a negative number, the
  14. // resulting varint is always ten bytes long � it is, effectively, treated like a
  15. // very large unsigned integer. If you use one of the signed types, the resulting
  16. // varint uses ZigZag encoding, which is much more efficient.
  17. // Commenting this out allows it to be compiled for SPEED or LITE_RUNTIME.
  18. // option optimize_for = SPEED;
  19. // We don't use the service generation functionality
  20. option cc_generic_services = false;
  21. //
  22. // STYLE NOTES:
  23. //
  24. // Use CamelCase CMsgMyMessageName style names for messages.
  25. //
  26. // Use lowercase _ delimited names like my_steam_id for field names, this is non-standard for Steam,
  27. // but plays nice with the Google formatted code generation.
  28. //
  29. // Try not to use required fields ever. Only do so if you are really really sure you'll never want them removed.
  30. // Optional should be preffered as it will make versioning easier and cleaner in the future if someone refactors
  31. // your message and wants to remove or rename fields.
  32. //
  33. // Use fixed64 for JobId_t, GID_t, or SteamID. This is appropriate for any field that is normally
  34. // going to be larger than 2^56. Otherwise use int64 for 64 bit values that are frequently smaller
  35. // than 2^56 as it will safe space on the wire in those cases.
  36. //
  37. // Similar to fixed64, use fixed32 for RTime32 or other 32 bit values that are frequently larger than
  38. // 2^28. It will safe space in those cases, otherwise use int32 which will safe space for smaller values.
  39. // An exception to this rule for RTime32 is if the value will frequently be zero rather than set to an actual
  40. // time.
  41. //
  42. import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
  43. extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
  44. optional string network_connection_token = 50500;
  45. }
  46. enum ENetworkDisconnectionReason
  47. {
  49. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN = 1; // Normal shutdown no message
  50. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_USER = 2 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_User" ];
  51. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECT_BY_SERVER = 3 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_Server" ];
  52. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOST = 4 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost" ];
  53. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_OVERFLOW = 5 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionOverflow" ];
  54. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_BANNED = 6 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDBanned" ];
  55. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_INUSE = 7 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDInUse" ];
  56. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_TICKET = 8 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTicket" ];
  57. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_LOGON = 9 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" ];
  58. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHCANCELLED = 10 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" ];
  59. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHALREADYUSED = 11 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" ];
  60. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHINVALID = 12 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" ];
  61. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_VACBANSTATE = 13 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamVAC" ];
  62. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHERE = 14 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamInUse" ];
  63. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_VAC_CHECK_TIMEDOUT = 15 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTimeOut" ];
  64. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_DROPPED = 16 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDropped" ];
  65. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_OWNERSHIP = 17 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SteamOwnership" ];
  66. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVERINFO_OVERFLOW = 18 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ServerInfoOverflow" ];
  67. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TICKMSG_OVERFLOW = 19 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_TickMessage" ];
  68. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STRINGTABLEMSG_OVERFLOW = 20 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_StringTableMessage" ];
  69. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DELTAENTMSG_OVERFLOW = 21 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage" ];
  70. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TEMPENTMSG_OVERFLOW = 22 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_TempEntMessage" ];
  71. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SOUNDSMSG_OVERFLOW = 23 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SoundsMessage" ];
  72. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SNAPSHOTOVERFLOW = 24 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotOverflow" ];
  73. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SNAPSHOTERROR = 25 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotError" ];
  74. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_RELIABLEOVERFLOW = 26 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableOverflow" ];
  75. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADDELTATICK = 27 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_BadClientDeltaTick" ];
  76. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NOMORESPLITS = 28 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_NoMoreSplits" ];
  77. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_TIMEDOUT = 29 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_TimedOut" ];
  78. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DISCONNECTED = 30 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_Disconnected" ];
  79. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LEAVINGSPLIT = 31 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_LeavingSplit" ];
  80. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DIFFERENTCLASSTABLES = 32 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_DifferentClassTables" ];
  81. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADRELAYPASSWORD = 33 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_BadRelayPassword" ];
  82. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BADSPECTATORPASSWORD = 34 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_BadSpectatorPassword" ];
  83. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVRESTRICTED = 35 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVRestricted" ];
  84. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NOSPECTATORS = 36 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_NoSpectators" ];
  85. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVUNAVAILABLE = 37 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVUnavailable" ];
  86. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVSTOP = 38 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVStop" ];
  87. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKED = 39 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_Kicked" ];
  88. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BANADDED = 40 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_BanAdded" ];
  89. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_KICKBANADDED = 41 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_KickBanAdded" ];
  90. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_HLTVDIRECT = 42 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVDirect" ];
  91. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_PURESERVER_CLIENTEXTRA = 43 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_ClientExtra" ];
  92. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_PURESERVER_MISMATCH = 44 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch" ];
  93. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_USERCMD = 45 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_UserCmd" ];
  94. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_REJECTED_BY_GAME = 46 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_RejectedByGame" ];
  95. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR = 47 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_MessageParseError" ];
  96. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_INVALID_MESSAGE_ERROR = 48 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_InvalidMessageError" ];
  97. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_BAD_SERVER_PASSWORD = 49 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_BadServerPassword" ];
  98. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_DIRECT_CONNECT_RESERVATION = 50 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_DirectConnectReservation" ];
  99. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_FAILURE = 51 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionFailure" ];
  100. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NO_PEER_GROUP_HANDLERS = 52 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_NoPeerGroupHandlers" ];
  101. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_RECONNECTION = 53 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_Reconnection" ];
  102. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_CLOSING = 54 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionClosing" ];
  103. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_NO_GOTV_RELAYS_AVAILABLE = 55 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_NoGOTVRelaysAvailable" ];
  104. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SESSION_MIGRATED = 56 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SessionMigrated" ];
  105. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_VERYLARGETRANSFEROVERFLOW = 57 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_VeryLargeTransferOverflow" ];
  106. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SENDNETOVERFLOW = 58 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_SendNetOverflow" ];
  107. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_PLAYER_REMOVED_FROM_HOST_SESSION = 59 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_PlayerRemovedFromHostSession" ];
  108. NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SERVER_DOS = 61 [(network_connection_token) = "#GameUI_Disconnect_TooManyCommands" ];
  109. }
  110. // Do not remove this comment due to a bug on the Mac OS X protobuf compiler