#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
namespace vgui { //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Panel that acts as background for button icons and help text in the UI
class CFooterPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFooterPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
public: CFooterPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ); virtual ~CFooterPanel();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData ); virtual void Paint( void ); virtual void PaintBackground( void );
// caller tags the current hint, used to assist in ownership
void SetHelpNameAndReset( const char *pName ); const char *GetHelpName();
void AddButtonsFromMap( vgui::Frame *pMenu ); void SetStandardDialogButtons(); void AddNewButtonLabel( const char *text, const char *icon ); void ShowButtonLabel( const char *name, bool show = true ); void SetButtonText( const char *buttonName, const char *text ); void ClearButtons(); void SetButtonGap( int nButtonGap ){ m_nButtonGap = nButtonGap; } void UseDefaultButtonGap(){ m_nButtonGap = m_nButtonGapDefault; } void SetButtonPinRight( int nButtonPinRight ) { m_ButtonPinRight = nButtonPinRight; }
// [smessick]
// Returns the number of button labels.
int GetButtonLabelCount( void ) const { return m_ButtonLabels.Count(); }
// Sets the pin right location with adjustments based on the current
// screen width and height. The given pixel offset is assumed to be based on
// a 640x480 screen.
void SetButtonPinRightProportional( int nButtonPinRight );
// Center the footer horizontally.
void SetCenterHorizontal( bool bCenterHorizontal ) { m_bCenterHorizontal = bCenterHorizontal; }
// Set the y offset from the top of the screen.
// The given pixel offset is assumed to be based on a 640x480 screen.
void SetButtonOffsetFromTopProportional( int yOffset );
private: struct ButtonLabel_t { bool bVisible; char name[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t text[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t icon[2]; // icon is a single character
CUtlVector< ButtonLabel_t* > m_ButtonLabels;
vgui::Label *m_pSizingLabel; // used to measure font sizes
bool m_bPaintBackground; // fill the background?
bool m_bCenterHorizontal; // center buttons horizontally?
int m_ButtonPinRight; // if not centered, this is the distance from the right margin that we use to start drawing buttons (right to left)
int m_nButtonGap; // space between buttons when drawing
int m_nButtonGapDefault; // space between buttons (initial value)
int m_FooterTall; // height of the footer
int m_ButtonOffsetFromTop; // how far below the top the buttons should be drawn
int m_ButtonSeparator; // space between the button icon and text
int m_TextAdjust; // extra adjustment for the text (vertically)...text is centered on the button icon and then this value is applied
char m_szTextFont[64]; // font for the button text
char m_szButtonFont[64]; // font for the button icon
char m_szFGColor[64]; // foreground color (text)
char m_szBGColor[64]; // background color (fill color)
vgui::HFont m_hButtonFont; vgui::HFont m_hTextFont; char *m_pHelpName; }; } #endif //FOOTERPANEL_H