//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once
#include "worldnodeschema.h"
// Enum related
enum WorldNodeFlags_t { WORLD_NODE_SIMPLIFIED = 0x0001, // The geometry is simplified
WORLD_NODE_UNIQUE_UV = 0x0002, // The geometry is uniquely mapped (likely, we're a higher LOD)
WORLD_NODE_ATLASED = 0x0004, // This node was atlased but not uniquely mapped
WORLD_NODE_KDTREE = 0x0008, // Node contains a kd-tree for raycasts
WORLD_NODE_NODRAW = 0x0010, // Node has no actual draw calls... it's just a container for stuff and other nodes
WORLD_NODE_START_TRAVERSAL = 0x0020, // Start a traversal at this node (add a check to ensure that the KDTREE flag also exists with this one)
WORLD_NODE_CAN_SEE_SKY = 0x0040, // Can this node see the sky?
WORLD_NODE_MOST_DETAILED = 0x0080, // Node is the most detailed node containing the original geometry and textures
schema struct WorldBuilderParams_t { int32 m_nSizeBytesPerVoxel; // target size per-voxel
float m_flMinDrawVolumeSize; // minimum size of any draw call
float m_flMinDistToCamera; // minimum distance to camera for near objects
float m_flMinAtlasDist; // minimum distance at which any atlased node can be visible
float m_flMinSimplifiedDist; // minimum distance at which any simplified node can be visible
float m_flHorzFOV; // horizontal fov used for texel to screenspace calcs
float m_flHalfScreenWidth; // half target screen res used for texel to screenspace calcs
int32 m_nAtlasTextureSizeX; // X res of atlas textures
int32 m_nAtlasTextureSizeY; // Y res of atlas textures
int32 m_nUniqueTextureSizeX; // X res of uniquely atlased textures
int32 m_nUniqueTextureSizeY; // Y res of uniquely atlased textures
int32 m_nCompressedAtlasSize; // approx size of a compressed atlas texture
float m_flGutterSize; // gutter size (in texels)
float m_flUVMapThreshold; // cos( angle ) threshold between faces when creating a unique uv parameterization
Vector m_vWorldUnitsPerTile; // world units per tile for tiled coordinates
int32 m_nMaxTexScaleSlots; // maximum number of gpu registers we can take up with texture scaling
bool m_bWrapInAtlas; // true == handle wrapping texcoords by tiling the texture in the atlas
// false == handle wrapping by a frac in the pixel shader
uint8 m_padding[3]; // pad this structure out to a mutiple of 4 bytes
schema struct NodeData_t { int32 m_Flags; // One of WorldNodeFlags_t
int32 m_nParent; // Parent node index
Vector m_vOrigin; // Origin placing us in the world
Vector m_vMinBounds; // Axis-aligned bounding-box min
Vector m_vMaxBounds; // Axis-aligned bounding-box max
float m_flMinimumDistance; // Minimum camera distance at which this node renders (pull out and vectorize?)
CResourceArray< int32 > m_ChildNodeIndices; // List of indices of the child nodes
CResourceReference< WorldNode_t > m_hWorldNode; // Handle to the world node
schema struct World_t { WorldBuilderParams_t m_builderParams; // Original build parameters ( so we can potentially remake this file )
CResourceArray< NodeData_t > m_worldNodes; // World nodes
CResourceString m_entityString; // All of the entity text
// Placeholder for visibility
class CWorld; // Forward declaration of associated runtime class
DEFINE_RESOURCE_CLASS_TYPE( World_t, CWorld, RESOURCE_TYPE_WORLD ); typedef const ResourceBinding_t< CWorld > *HWorld; typedef CStrongHandle< CWorld > HWorldStrong; #define WORLD_HANDLE_INVALID ( (HWorld)0 )
#endif // WORLD_SCHEMA_H