// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: d3dx10tex.h
// Content: D3DX10 texturing APIs
#include "d3dx10.h"
#ifndef __D3DX10TEX_H__
#define __D3DX10TEX_H__
// D3DX10_FILTER flags:
// ------------------
// A valid filter must contain one of these values:
// No scaling or filtering will take place. Pixels outside the bounds
// of the source image are assumed to be transparent black.
// Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the nearest pixel
// from the source image.
// Each destination pixel is computed by linearly interpolating between
// the nearest pixels in the source image. This filter works best
// when the scale on each axis is less than 2.
// Every pixel in the source image contributes equally to the
// destination image. This is the slowest of all the filters.
// Each pixel is computed by averaging a 2x2(x2) box pixels from
// the source image. Only works when the dimensions of the
// destination are half those of the source. (as with mip maps)
// And can be OR'd with any of these optional flags:
// Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the U-axis
// should be mirrored, not wraped.
// Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the V-axis
// should be mirrored, not wraped.
// Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the W-axis
// should be mirrored, not wraped.
// Same as specifying D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR_U | D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR_V |
// Dithers the resulting image using a 4x4 order dither pattern.
// Denotes that the input data is in sRGB (gamma 2.2) colorspace.
// Denotes that the output data is in sRGB (gamma 2.2) colorspace.
// Same as specifying D3DX10_FILTER_SRGB_IN | D3DX10_FILTER_SRGB_OUT
typedef enum D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG { D3DX10_FILTER_NONE = (1 << 0), D3DX10_FILTER_POINT = (2 << 0), D3DX10_FILTER_LINEAR = (3 << 0), D3DX10_FILTER_TRIANGLE = (4 << 0), D3DX10_FILTER_BOX = (5 << 0),
D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR_U = (1 << 16), D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR_V = (2 << 16), D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR_W = (4 << 16), D3DX10_FILTER_MIRROR = (7 << 16),
D3DX10_FILTER_SRGB_IN = (1 << 21), D3DX10_FILTER_SRGB_OUT = (2 << 21), D3DX10_FILTER_SRGB = (3 << 21), } D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG;
// D3DX10_NORMALMAP flags:
// ---------------------
// These flags are used to control how D3DX10ComputeNormalMap generates normal
// maps. Any number of these flags may be OR'd together in any combination.
// Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the U-axis
// should be mirrored, not wraped.
// Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the V-axis
// should be mirrored, not wraped.
// Inverts the direction of each normal
// Compute the per pixel Occlusion term and encodes it into the alpha.
// An Alpha of 1 means that the pixel is not obscured in anyway, and
// an alpha of 0 would mean that the pixel is completly obscured.
// D3DX10_CHANNEL flags:
// -------------------
// These flags are used by functions which operate on or more channels
// in a texture.
// Indicates the red channel should be used
// Indicates the blue channel should be used
// Indicates the green channel should be used
// Indicates the alpha channel should be used
// Indicates the luminaces of the red green and blue channels should be
// used.
typedef enum D3DX10_CHANNEL_FLAG { D3DX10_CHANNEL_RED = (1 << 0), D3DX10_CHANNEL_BLUE = (1 << 1), D3DX10_CHANNEL_GREEN = (1 << 2), D3DX10_CHANNEL_ALPHA = (1 << 3), D3DX10_CHANNEL_LUMINANCE = (1 << 4), } D3DX10_CHANNEL_FLAG;
// ---------------------
// This enum is used to describe supported image file formats.
typedef enum D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT { D3DX10_IFF_BMP = 0, D3DX10_IFF_JPG = 1, D3DX10_IFF_PNG = 3, D3DX10_IFF_DDS = 4, D3DX10_IFF_TIFF = 10, D3DX10_IFF_GIF = 11, D3DX10_IFF_WMP = 12, D3DX10_IFF_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
// ---------------------
// This enum is used to support texture saving options.
// ---------------
// This structure is used to return a rough description of what the
// the original contents of an image file looked like.
// Width
// Width of original image in pixels
// Height
// Height of original image in pixels
// Depth
// Depth of original image in pixels
// ArraySize
// Array size in textures
// MipLevels
// Number of mip levels in original image
// MiscFlags
// Miscellaneous flags
// Format
// D3D format which most closely describes the data in original image
// ResourceDimension
// D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION representing the dimension of texture stored in the file.
// ImageFileFormat
// D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT representing the format of the image file.
typedef struct D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO { UINT Width; UINT Height; UINT Depth; UINT ArraySize; UINT MipLevels; UINT MiscFlags; DXGI_FORMAT Format; D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION ResourceDimension; D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT ImageFileFormat; } D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus
// Image File APIs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ---------------
// This structure can be optionally passed in to texture loader APIs to
// control how textures get loaded. Pass in D3DX10_DEFAULT for any of these
// to have D3DX automatically pick defaults based on the source file.
// Width
// Rescale texture to Width texels wide
// Height
// Rescale texture to Height texels high
// Depth
// Rescale texture to Depth texels deep
// FirstMipLevel
// First mip level to load
// MipLevels
// Number of mip levels to load after the first level
// Usage
// D3D10_USAGE flag for the new texture
// BindFlags
// D3D10 Bind flags for the new texture
// CpuAccessFlags
// D3D10 CPU Access flags for the new texture
// MiscFlags
// Reserved. Must be 0
// Format
// Resample texture to the specified format
// Filter
// Filter the texture using the specified filter (only when resampling)
// MipFilter
// Filter the texture mip levels using the specified filter (only if
// generating mips)
// pSrcInfo
// (optional) pointer to a D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO structure that will get
// populated with source image information
typedef struct D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO { UINT Width; UINT Height; UINT Depth; UINT FirstMipLevel; UINT MipLevels; D3D10_USAGE Usage; UINT BindFlags; UINT CpuAccessFlags; UINT MiscFlags; DXGI_FORMAT Format; UINT Filter; UINT MipFilter; D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo; #ifdef __cplusplus
D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO() { Width = D3DX10_DEFAULT; Height = D3DX10_DEFAULT; Depth = D3DX10_DEFAULT; FirstMipLevel = D3DX10_DEFAULT; MipLevels = D3DX10_DEFAULT; Usage = (D3D10_USAGE) D3DX10_DEFAULT; BindFlags = D3DX10_DEFAULT; CpuAccessFlags = D3DX10_DEFAULT; MiscFlags = D3DX10_DEFAULT; Format = DXGI_FORMAT_FROM_FILE; Filter = D3DX10_DEFAULT; MipFilter = D3DX10_DEFAULT; pSrcInfo = NULL; } #endif
// GetImageInfoFromFile/Resource/Memory:
// ------------------------------
// Fills in a D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO struct with information about an image file.
// Parameters:
// pSrcFile
// File name of the source image.
// pSrcModule
// Module where resource is located, or NULL for module associated
// with image the os used to create the current process.
// pSrcResource
// Resource name.
// pSrcData
// Pointer to file in memory.
// SrcDataSize
// Size in bytes of file in memory.
// pPump
// Optional pointer to a thread pump object to use.
// pSrcInfo
// Pointer to a D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO structure to be filled in with the
// description of the data in the source image file.
// pHResult
// Pointer to a memory location to receive the return value upon completion.
// Maybe NULL if not needed.
// If pPump != NULL, pHResult must be a valid memory location until the
// the asynchronous execution completes.
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileA( LPCSTR pSrcFile, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileW( LPCWSTR pSrcFile, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFile D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileW
#define D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFile D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileA
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceA( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceW( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResource D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceW
#define D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResource D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceA
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory( LPCVOID pSrcData, SIZE_T SrcDataSize, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo, HRESULT* pHResult);
// Create/Save Texture APIs //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile/Resource/Memory:
// D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile/Resource/Memory:
// -----------------------------------
// Create a texture object from a file or resource.
// Parameters:
// pDevice
// The D3D device with which the texture is going to be used.
// pSrcFile
// File name.
// hSrcModule
// Module handle. if NULL, current module will be used.
// pSrcResource
// Resource name in module
// pvSrcData
// Pointer to file in memory.
// SrcDataSize
// Size in bytes of file in memory.
// pLoadInfo
// Optional pointer to a D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO structure that
// contains additional loader parameters.
// pPump
// Optional pointer to a thread pump object to use.
// ppTexture
// [out] Created texture object.
// ppShaderResourceView
// [out] Shader resource view object created.
// pHResult
// Pointer to a memory location to receive the return value upon completion.
// Maybe NULL if not needed.
// If pPump != NULL, pHResult must be a valid memory location until the
// the asynchronous execution completes.
// FromFile
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileA( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCSTR pSrcFile, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCWSTR pSrcFile, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW
#define D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileA
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileA( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCSTR pSrcFile, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10Resource** ppTexture, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCWSTR pSrcFile, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10Resource** ppTexture, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW
#define D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileA
// FromResource (resources in dll/exes)
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceA( ID3D10Device* pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceW( ID3D10Device* pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResource D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceW
#define D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResource D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceA
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceA( ID3D10Device* pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10Resource** ppTexture, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceW( ID3D10Device* pDevice, HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10Resource** ppTexture, HRESULT* pHResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10CreateTextureFromResource D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceW
#define D3DX10CreateTextureFromResource D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceA
// FromFileInMemory
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCVOID pSrcData, SIZE_T SrcDataSize, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView, HRESULT* pHResult);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory( ID3D10Device* pDevice, LPCVOID pSrcData, SIZE_T SrcDataSize, D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo, ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump, ID3D10Resource** ppTexture, HRESULT* pHResult);
// Misc Texture APIs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ------------------------
typedef struct _D3DX10_TEXTURE_LOAD_INFO { D3D10_BOX *pSrcBox; D3D10_BOX *pDstBox; UINT SrcFirstMip; UINT DstFirstMip; UINT NumMips; UINT SrcFirstElement; UINT DstFirstElement; UINT NumElements; UINT Filter; UINT MipFilter; #ifdef __cplusplus
_D3DX10_TEXTURE_LOAD_INFO() { pSrcBox = NULL; pDstBox = NULL; SrcFirstMip = 0; DstFirstMip = 0; NumMips = D3DX10_DEFAULT; SrcFirstElement = 0; DstFirstElement = 0; NumElements = D3DX10_DEFAULT; Filter = D3DX10_DEFAULT; MipFilter = D3DX10_DEFAULT; } #endif
// D3DX10LoadTextureFromTexture:
// ----------------------------
// Load a texture from a texture.
// Parameters:
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10LoadTextureFromTexture( ID3D10Resource *pSrcTexture, D3DX10_TEXTURE_LOAD_INFO *pLoadInfo, ID3D10Resource *pDstTexture);
// D3DX10FilterTexture:
// ------------------
// Filters mipmaps levels of a texture.
// Parameters:
// pBaseTexture
// The texture object to be filtered
// SrcLevel
// The level whose image is used to generate the subsequent levels.
// MipFilter
// D3DX10_FILTER flags controlling how each miplevel is filtered.
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10FilterTexture( ID3D10Resource *pTexture, UINT SrcLevel, UINT MipFilter);
// D3DX10SaveTextureToFile:
// ----------------------
// Save a texture to a file.
// Parameters:
// pDestFile
// File name of the destination file
// DestFormat
// D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT specifying file format to use when saving.
// pSrcTexture
// Source texture, containing the image to be saved
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10SaveTextureToFileA( ID3D10Resource *pSrcTexture, D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT DestFormat, LPCSTR pDestFile);
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10SaveTextureToFileW( ID3D10Resource *pSrcTexture, D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT DestFormat, LPCWSTR pDestFile);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define D3DX10SaveTextureToFile D3DX10SaveTextureToFileW
#define D3DX10SaveTextureToFile D3DX10SaveTextureToFileA
// D3DX10SaveTextureToMemory:
// ----------------------
// Save a texture to a blob.
// Parameters:
// pSrcTexture
// Source texture, containing the image to be saved
// DestFormat
// D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT specifying file format to use when saving.
// ppDestBuf
// address of a d3dxbuffer pointer to return the image data
// Flags
// optional flags
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10SaveTextureToMemory( ID3D10Resource* pSrcTexture, D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT DestFormat, LPD3D10BLOB* ppDestBuf, UINT Flags);
// D3DX10ComputeNormalMap:
// ---------------------
// Converts a height map into a normal map. The (x,y,z) components of each
// normal are mapped to the (r,g,b) channels of the output texture.
// Parameters
// pSrcTexture
// Pointer to the source heightmap texture
// Flags
// D3DX10_NORMALMAP flags
// Channel
// D3DX10_CHANNEL specifying source of height information
// Amplitude
// The constant value which the height information is multiplied by.
// pDestTexture
// Pointer to the destination texture
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10ComputeNormalMap( ID3D10Texture2D *pSrcTexture, UINT Flags, UINT Channel, FLOAT Amplitude, ID3D10Texture2D *pDestTexture);
// D3DX10SHProjectCubeMap:
// ----------------------
// Projects a function represented in a cube map into spherical harmonics.
// Parameters:
// Order
// Order of the SH evaluation, generates Order^2 coefs, degree is Order-1
// pCubeMap
// CubeMap that is going to be projected into spherical harmonics
// pROut
// Output SH vector for Red.
// pGOut
// Output SH vector for Green
// pBOut
// Output SH vector for Blue
HRESULT WINAPI D3DX10SHProjectCubeMap( __in_range(2,6) UINT Order, ID3D10Texture2D *pCubeMap, __out_ecount(Order*Order) FLOAT *pROut, __out_ecount_opt(Order*Order) FLOAT *pGOut, __out_ecount_opt(Order*Order) FLOAT *pBOut);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif //__cplusplus
#endif //__D3DX10TEX_H__