//========= Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "winperfcounter.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <pdh.h>
#include <pdhmsg.h>
#ifdef GC
#include "gclogger.h"
using namespace GCSDK; #endif
// Purpose: threaded reading & access of PDH data
class CWinPerfCounterReadThread : public CThread { public: CWinPerfCounterReadThread( CWinPerfCountersPriv *pPrivData ) : m_pPrivData( pPrivData ), m_pPerfCounterMap( NULL ) { }
void SetPerfCounterMap( const PerfCounter_t *pPerfCounterMap ) { m_pPerfCounterMap = pPerfCounterMap; }
virtual int Run();
private: CWinPerfCountersPriv *m_pPrivData; const PerfCounter_t *m_pPerfCounterMap; };
// Purpose: Pimpl pattern - Hides all the Pdh* stuff from the global include
class CWinPerfCountersPriv { #pragma warning(suppress : 4355) // warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
CWinPerfCountersPriv( int nCounters ) : m_threadQueryPerfCounters( this ) { m_ppdhHCounters = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32
m_ppdhHCounters = new PDH_HCOUNTER[nCounters]; #endif
~CWinPerfCountersPriv() { delete[] m_ppdhHCounters; }
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CWinPerfCountersPriv::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE();
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutexDataAccess ); if ( m_ppdhHCounters ) validator.ClaimArrayMemory( m_ppdhHCounters );
ValidateObj( m_vecData ); ValidateObj( m_vecDataInFlight ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
friend class CWinPerfCounters; friend class CWinPerfCounterReadThread;
protected: #ifdef _WIN32
PDH_HQUERY m_pdhHQuery; PDH_HCOUNTER *m_ppdhHCounters; CUtlVector<uint32> m_vecData, m_vecDataInFlight; CThreadMutex m_mutexDataAccess; CThreadEvent m_eventStartQuery; volatile bool m_bThreadRunning; CWinPerfCounterReadThread m_threadQueryPerfCounters; #endif
// Purpose: c'tor
CWinPerfCounters::CWinPerfCounters( ) { m_pPrivData = NULL; m_bInited = false; }
// Purpose: d'tor
CWinPerfCounters::~CWinPerfCounters() { Shutdown(); }
// Purpose: registers the interesting counters via the Pdh (perf data handling) API
bool CWinPerfCounters::Init( const PerfCounter_t *counterMap, int nCounters ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CWinPerfCounters::Init", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM ); Assert( nCounters > 0 ); Assert( counterMap ); Assert( !m_pPrivData );
bool bRet = false; #ifdef _WIN32
m_pPerfCounterMap = counterMap; m_nCounters = nCounters; m_pPrivData = new CWinPerfCountersPriv( nCounters ); AUTO_LOCK( m_pPrivData->m_mutexDataAccess ); m_pPrivData->m_threadQueryPerfCounters.SetPerfCounterMap( counterMap ); m_pPrivData->m_vecData.SetSize( m_nCounters ); m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight.SetSize( m_nCounters ); m_pPrivData->m_bThreadRunning = true;
bRet = true; PDH_STATUS pdhStat = PdhOpenQuery( NULL, NULL, &m_pPrivData->m_pdhHQuery ); AssertMsg( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStat, "CWinPerfCounters::Init(): Failed to initalize performance data gathering.\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_nCounters; ++i ) { pdhStat = PdhAddCounter( m_pPrivData->m_pdhHQuery, m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_rgchPerfObject, NULL, &(m_pPrivData->m_ppdhHCounters[i]) ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStat && NULL != m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative ) { // first counter name didn't work; try our backup if we have one
pdhStat = PdhAddCounter( m_pPrivData->m_pdhHQuery, m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative, NULL, &(m_pPrivData->m_ppdhHCounters[i]) ); }
m_pPrivData->m_vecData[i] = 0; m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight[i] = 0;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStat ) { char rgchCounterNames[ 1024 ];
if ( NULL != m_pPerfCounterMap[ i ].m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative ) { Q_snprintf( rgchCounterNames, Q_ARRAYSIZE( rgchCounterNames ), "%s or %s", m_pPerfCounterMap[ i ].m_rgchPerfObject, m_pPerfCounterMap[ i ].m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative ); } else { Q_snprintf( rgchCounterNames, Q_ARRAYSIZE( rgchCounterNames ), "%s", m_pPerfCounterMap[ i ].m_rgchPerfObject ); } if ( m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_bAssertOnFailure ) AssertMsg1( false, "CWinPerfCounters::Init():Failed to add %s to performance monitoring.", rgchCounterNames ); else { #ifdef GC
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "CWinPerfCounters::Init():Failed to add %s to performance monitoring.\n", rgchCounterNames ); #else
Warning( "CWinPerfCounters::Init():Failed to add %s to performance monitoring.\n", rgchCounterNames ); #endif
pdhStat = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } bRet &= ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStat ); } m_bInited = true; Assert( m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight.Count() == m_nCounters ); Assert( m_pPrivData->m_vecData.Count() == m_nCounters );
// take a sample immediately
TakeSample(); #endif
return bRet; }
// Purpose: Performs the read of the perf counters being monitored
bool CWinPerfCounters::TakeSample() { #ifdef _WIN32
if ( m_bInited ) // this gets called before InitOnServerRunning
{ if ( !m_pPrivData->m_threadQueryPerfCounters.IsAlive() ) { m_pPrivData->m_threadQueryPerfCounters.Start(); } m_pPrivData->m_eventStartQuery.Set(); return true; } #endif
return false; }
// Purpose: pokes the measured values into the provided stats struct
bool CWinPerfCounters::WriteStats( void *pStatsStruct ) { bool bRet = false; #ifdef _WIN32
AUTO_LOCK( m_pPrivData->m_mutexDataAccess );
// pull out our already retrieved data
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nCounters; ++i ) { //Get destination
byte *dst = (byte *) pStatsStruct + m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_statsOffset; *(int32 *)dst = m_pPrivData->m_vecData[i];
//perform rollup if necessary
if ( m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_bCounterRequiresRollup == true && ( i + 1 < m_nCounters ) ) { while( m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_rgchPerfObject == m_pPerfCounterMap[i+1].m_rgchPerfObject ) { ++i; *(int32 *)dst += m_pPrivData->m_vecData[i]; if ( m_nCounters == i ) break; } } }
bRet = true;
#endif // _WIN32
return bRet; }
// Purpose: collects data on a thread
int CWinPerfCounterReadThread::Run() { while ( m_pPrivData->m_bThreadRunning ) { // wait to be signalled
m_pPrivData->m_eventStartQuery.Wait(); if ( !m_pPrivData->m_bThreadRunning ) break;
PDH_STATUS pdhStat = PdhCollectQueryData( m_pPrivData->m_pdhHQuery );
// pull out all the stats
PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE pdhCounterVal; for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight.Count(); ++i ) { DWORD fmt = PDH_FMT_LONG; switch ( m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_eFmt ) { case k_EFormatInt: fmt = PDH_FMT_LONG; break; case k_EFormatFloat: fmt = PDH_FMT_DOUBLE; break; default: Assert(false); }
pdhStat = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue( m_pPrivData->m_ppdhHCounters[i], fmt, NULL, &pdhCounterVal ); byte *dst = (byte *)&m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight[i]; switch ( m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_eFmt ) { case k_EFormatInt: *(int32 *)dst = ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStat ? pdhCounterVal.longValue : (int) m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_fUnsetValue; break; case k_EFormatFloat: *(float *)dst = ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStat ? (float) pdhCounterVal.doubleValue : (float) m_pPerfCounterMap[i].m_fUnsetValue; break; default: Assert(false); } }
// swap in the new data
AUTO_LOCK( m_pPrivData->m_mutexDataAccess ); m_pPrivData->m_vecData.Swap( m_pPrivData->m_vecDataInFlight ); }
return 0; }
// Purpose: closes the Pdh Query (which frees system resources)
void CWinPerfCounters::Shutdown() { if ( m_pPrivData ) { m_pPrivData->m_bThreadRunning = false; if ( m_pPrivData->m_threadQueryPerfCounters.IsAlive() ) { m_pPrivData->m_eventStartQuery.Set(); m_pPrivData->m_threadQueryPerfCounters.Join( 200 ); }
#ifdef _WIN32
if (m_bInited) { PdhCloseQuery( m_pPrivData->m_pdhHQuery ); m_bInited = false; } #endif
m_pPerfCounterMap = NULL;
SAFE_DELETE( m_pPrivData ); }
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CWinPerfCounters::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE(); ValidatePtr( m_pPrivData ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
// Purpose:
CWinNetworkPerfCounters::CWinNetworkPerfCounters( ) { m_unNumInterfaces = 0; m_bInited = false; }
// Purpose:
CWinNetworkPerfCounters::~CWinNetworkPerfCounters() { }
// Purpose:
bool CWinNetworkPerfCounters::Init() { // Enumerate all network interfaces and create counters for each
bool bRet = false; HQUERY hQuery; PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery( NULL, 1, & hQuery );
if ( pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return false; }
CUtlBuffer bufCounterList; DWORD dwCounterListSize = 0; CUtlBuffer bufInstanceList; DWORD dwInstanceListSize = 0; LPTSTR pszThisInstance = NULL;
// Determine the required buffer size for the data.
pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjectItems ( NULL, // reserved
NULL, // local machine
TEXT("Network Interface"), // object to enumerate
NULL, // pass in NULL buffers
& dwCounterListSize, // an 0 length to get
NULL,// required size
& dwInstanceListSize, // of the buffers in chars
PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, // counter detail level
0 );
// Note: old MSDN example tests against ERROR_SUCCESS (works on Win2k, fails on XP,
// new (.NET) MSDN example tests against PDH_MORE_DATA (works on XP, fails on Win2k Server).
// A usenet post has code that tests against both.
if ( pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS && pdhStatus != PDH_MORE_DATA ) //lint !e650 !e737 constant out of range for '!=' (code from MSDN)
{ // failed to determine buffer size
return bRet; } else { // Allocate the buffers and try the call again.
bufCounterList.EnsureCapacity( dwCounterListSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); bufInstanceList.EnsureCapacity( dwInstanceListSize * sizeof (TCHAR) );
pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjectItems ( NULL, // reserved
NULL, // local machine
TEXT("Network Interface"), // object to enumerate
(LPTSTR) bufCounterList.Base(), & dwCounterListSize, (LPTSTR) bufInstanceList.Base(), & dwInstanceListSize, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, // counter detail level
0 );
if ( pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return bRet; } else { // If the machine has multiple network cards with identical names then we need
// to count them and append '#n' to the name, beginning with #1 for the first
// duplicate.
typedef CUtlDict< uint > mapIdenticalInstanceCount_t; mapIdenticalInstanceCount_t mapIdenticalInstanceCount;
// Walk the return instance list.
for ( pszThisInstance = (LPTSTR) bufInstanceList.Base(); * pszThisInstance != 0; pszThisInstance += lstrlen( pszThisInstance ) + 1 ) { // reached our limit
if ( m_unNumInterfaces >= sm_unMaxNetworkInterfacesToMeasure ) break;
CUtlString sThisInstance;
// If the machine has multiple network cards with identical names then we need
// to count them and append '#n' to the name, beginning with #1 for the first
// duplicate.
// note 11/20/2012 I'm not sure this is true anymore, Windows might finally
// be giving us the instance names we actually need. Which is good because sometimes
// it's reall " 2" or " _2" on the end. . .
int iDict = mapIdenticalInstanceCount.Find( pszThisInstance ); if ( iDict == mapIdenticalInstanceCount.InvalidIndex() ) { mapIdenticalInstanceCount.Insert( pszThisInstance, 1 ); sThisInstance = pszThisInstance; } else { mapIdenticalInstanceCount[iDict]++; sThisInstance.Format( "%s #%d", pszThisInstance, mapIdenticalInstanceCount[iDict] ); }
CUtlString sBytesSentCounterName; sBytesSentCounterName.Format( "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Bytes Sent/sec", sThisInstance.String() ); CUtlString sBytesRecvCounterName; sBytesRecvCounterName.Format( "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Bytes Received/sec", sThisInstance.String() );
PerfCounter_t &BytesSentCounter = m_rgPerfCounterInfo[ 2 * m_unNumInterfaces ]; PerfCounter_t &BytesReceivedCounter = m_rgPerfCounterInfo[ 2 * m_unNumInterfaces + 1 ];
BytesSentCounter.m_rgchPerfObject = strdup( sBytesSentCounterName.Get() ); BytesSentCounter.m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative = NULL; BytesSentCounter.m_statsOffset = offsetof( Stats_t, m_rgunNetworkBytesSentStats ) + ( m_unNumInterfaces * sizeof( uint32 ) ); BytesSentCounter.m_eFmt = k_EFormatInt; BytesSentCounter.m_fUnsetValue = 0; BytesSentCounter.m_bAssertOnFailure = false; BytesSentCounter.m_bCounterRequiresRollup = false;
BytesReceivedCounter.m_rgchPerfObject = strdup( sBytesRecvCounterName.Get() ); BytesReceivedCounter.m_rgchPerfObjectAlternative = NULL; BytesReceivedCounter.m_statsOffset = offsetof( Stats_t, m_rgunNetworkBytesReceivedStats ) + ( m_unNumInterfaces * sizeof( uint32 ) ); BytesReceivedCounter.m_eFmt = k_EFormatInt; BytesReceivedCounter.m_fUnsetValue = 0; BytesReceivedCounter.m_bAssertOnFailure = false; BytesReceivedCounter.m_bCounterRequiresRollup = false;
bRet = m_PerfCounters.Init( m_rgPerfCounterInfo, m_unNumInterfaces*2 ); m_bInited = bRet; } }
PdhCloseQuery( hQuery ); return bRet; }
// Purpose:
bool CWinNetworkPerfCounters::TakeSample() { if ( m_bInited ) return m_PerfCounters.TakeSample(); else return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CWinNetworkPerfCounters::WriteStats( uint64 *pu64BytesSentPerSec, uint64 *pu64BytesRecvPerSec ) { if ( !m_bInited ) return false;
bool bRet = false; if ( m_PerfCounters.WriteStats( &m_Stats ) ) { *pu64BytesSentPerSec = 0; *pu64BytesRecvPerSec = 0; for ( uint32 i=0; i < m_unNumInterfaces; ++i ) { *pu64BytesSentPerSec += m_Stats.m_rgunNetworkBytesSentStats[i]; *pu64BytesRecvPerSec += m_Stats.m_rgunNetworkBytesReceivedStats[i]; }
bRet = true; }
return bRet; }
// Purpose:
void CWinNetworkPerfCounters::Shutdown() { if ( m_bInited ) m_PerfCounters.Shutdown();
// Purpose:
void CWinNetworkPerfCounters::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { ValidateObj( m_PerfCounters ); for ( uint32 i=0; i < m_unNumInterfaces; ++i ) { validator.ClaimMemory( (void*) m_rgPerfCounterInfo[2*i].m_rgchPerfObject ); validator.ClaimMemory( (void*) m_rgPerfCounterInfo[2*i + 1].m_rgchPerfObject ); } }
#endif // _WIN32