//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// model loading and caching
#ifndef _PS3
#include <memory.h>
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "vcollide.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "datacache_common.h"
#include "mempool.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "phyfile.h"
#include "studiobyteswap.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
#include "datacache/iresourceaccesscontrol.h"
#include "tier0/miniprofiler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "mdlcombine.h"
#include "vtfcombine.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#ifdef _CERT
#define LogMdlCache() 0
#define LogMdlCache() mod_trace_load.GetBool()
#define MdlCacheMsg if ( !LogMdlCache() ) ; else Msg
#define MdlCacheWarning if ( !LogMdlCache() ) ; else Warning
#if defined( _X360 )
#define AsyncMdlCache() 0 // Explicitly !!!OFF!!! for 360 (incompatible), specific compatible resources opt in individually.
#define AsyncMdlCache() 0
#define ERROR_MODEL "models/error.mdl"
#define IDSTUDIOHEADER (('T'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I')
#define MakeCacheID( handle, type ) ( ( (uint)(handle) << 16 ) | (uint)(type) )
#define HandleFromCacheID( id) ( (MDLHandle_t)((id) >> 16) )
#define TypeFromCacheID( id ) ( (MDLCacheDataType_t)((id) & 0xffff) )
static IPhysicsSurfaceProps *physprops = NULL;
class CStudioVCollide : public CRefCounted<> { public: ~CStudioVCollide() { g_pPhysicsCollision->VCollideUnload( &m_vcollide ); } vcollide_t *GetVCollide() { return &m_vcollide; } private: vcollide_t m_vcollide; };
// #define DEBUG_COMBINER 1
// only models with type "mod_studio" have this data
struct studiodata_t { // The .mdl file
DataCacheHandle_t m_MDLCache; // Reference count
unsigned short m_nRefCount; // User data associated with handle
void *m_pUserData; // the VPhysics collision model
CStudioVCollide *m_pVCollide; // Hardware & LOD data
studiohwdata_t m_HardwareData; // STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED, etc. from above
unsigned short m_nFlags; // Pointer to the virtual version of the model
virtualmodel_t *m_pVirtualModel; // Array of handles to animation blocks
CUtlVector< DataCacheHandle_t > m_vecAnimBlocks; CUtlVector< unsigned long > m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall; #ifdef DEBUG_ANIM_STALLS
CUtlVector< unsigned long > m_vecFirstRequest; #endif
// vertex data is usually compressed to save memory (model decal code only needs some data)
DataCacheHandle_t m_VertexCache;
CUtlVector< unsigned short > m_vecAutoplaySequenceList;
studiohdr_t *m_pForceLockedStudioHdr; // only non-null if mod_lock_mdls_on_load is set
vertexFileHeader_t *m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader; // only non-null if mod_lock_meshs_on_load is set and not async loading
CInterlockedInt m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; // keeps count while mdlcache lock is held, lock counts fixed up for transition
CThreadFastMutex m_ForceLockMutex;
MDLHandle_t m_Handle;
TCombinedStudioData *m_pCombinedStudioData;
DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_MT( studiodata_t, 128, CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_SLOW );
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define MODEL_SUBSTITUTION_FILENAME "cfg/model_substitution.txt"
static const char *s_ModelSwapperExtensions[] = { ".mdl", ".dx90.vtx", ".vvd", ".ani", };
// Class to swap out models based on GPU level (PC-only)
class CModelSwapper { public: CModelSwapper() : // Hash with 256 buckets
m_ModelLookup( 256, 0, 0, ModelSubstitution_t::AreEqual, ModelSubstitution_t::Hash ), m_nMaxExtensionLength( 0 ), m_nGPULevel( -1 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_ModelSwapperExtensions ); ++ i ) { int nLen = Q_strlen( s_ModelSwapperExtensions[ i ] ); if ( m_nMaxExtensionLength < nLen ) { m_nMaxExtensionLength = nLen; } } } ~CModelSwapper() { Cleanup(); }
void LoadSubstitutionFile( const char *pSubstitutionDefinitionFile ) { Cleanup();
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "ModelSubstitution" ); if ( pKV->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pSubstitutionDefinitionFile ) ) { for ( KeyValues *pSubKV = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKV != NULL; pSubKV = pSubKV->GetNextKey() ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pSubKV->GetName(), "sub" ) == 0 ) { // max GPU level for which this substitution will be performed (default: 1)
int nMaxGPULevel = pSubKV->GetInt( "maxgpulevel", 1 ); const char *pOriginalModelName = pSubKV->GetString( "original", "" ); const char *pSubstituteModelName = pSubKV->GetString( "substitute", "" );
int nOriginalModelNameLength = Q_strlen( pOriginalModelName ); int nSubstituteModelNameLength = Q_strlen( pSubstituteModelName );
if ( nOriginalModelNameLength >= ( MAX_PATH - m_nMaxExtensionLength ) || nSubstituteModelNameLength >= ( MAX_PATH - m_nMaxExtensionLength ) ) { Warning( "PERF WARNING: error parsing " MODEL_SUBSTITUTION_FILENAME "\n" ); continue; } // Create substitution entries for .mdl, .ani, .vvd, .dx90.vtx
ModelSubstitution_t modelSubstitution; modelSubstitution.nMaxGPULevel = nMaxGPULevel;
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_ModelSwapperExtensions ); ++ i ) { char *pName; pName = new char[ MAX_PATH ]; modelSubstitution.pOriginalModelName = pName; Q_strncpy( pName, pOriginalModelName, MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( pName, s_ModelSwapperExtensions[ i ], MAX_PATH ); V_FixSlashes( pName ); m_Strings.AddToTail( modelSubstitution.pOriginalModelName );
pName = new char[ MAX_PATH ]; modelSubstitution.pSubstituteModelName = pName; Q_strncpy( pName, pSubstituteModelName, MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( pName, s_ModelSwapperExtensions[ i ], MAX_PATH ); V_FixSlashes( pName ); m_Strings.AddToTail( modelSubstitution.pSubstituteModelName );
m_ModelLookup.Insert( modelSubstitution ); } } } } else { Warning( "PERF WARNING: Failed to open model substitution file, cannot swap models out based on gpu_level!\n" ); }
pKV->deleteThis(); } void Cleanup() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Strings.Count(); ++ i ) { delete[] m_Strings[i]; } m_Strings.RemoveAll(); m_ModelLookup.RemoveAll(); }
const char * TranslateModelName( const char *pOriginalModelName ) { ModelSubstitution_t searchData; searchData.pOriginalModelName = pOriginalModelName;
UtlHashHandle_t handle = m_ModelLookup.Find( searchData ); if ( handle != m_ModelLookup.InvalidHandle() && GetEffectiveGPULevel() <= m_ModelLookup[ handle ].nMaxGPULevel ) { DevMsg( "Substituting model %s for %s because gpu_level is %d\n", m_ModelLookup[ handle ].pSubstituteModelName, pOriginalModelName, GetEffectiveGPULevel() ); return m_ModelLookup[ handle ].pSubstituteModelName; } return pOriginalModelName; } // We explicitly set and get the cached GPU level because
// if it changes mid-level, bad things can happen to the model swapping logic.
// Specifically, we'll try and re-load mesh data from the wrong models and
// likely crash and/or corrupt memory.
void LatchEffectiveGPULevel() { static ConVarRef gpu_level( "gpu_level" ); m_nGPULevel = gpu_level.GetInt(); }
int GetEffectiveGPULevel() { // Latch on first request if this has not yet been initialized
if ( m_nGPULevel == -1 ) { LatchEffectiveGPULevel(); }
return m_nGPULevel; }
private: struct ModelSubstitution_t { const char *pOriginalModelName; const char *pSubstituteModelName; int nMaxGPULevel;
static bool AreEqual( const ModelSubstitution_t &lhs, const ModelSubstitution_t &rhs ) { return Q_stricmp( lhs.pOriginalModelName, rhs.pOriginalModelName ) == 0; }
static unsigned int Hash( const ModelSubstitution_t &value ) { return HashStringCaseless( value.pOriginalModelName ); } };
CUtlVector< const char * > m_Strings; CUtlHash< ModelSubstitution_t > m_ModelLookup; int m_nMaxExtensionLength; int m_nGPULevel; };
// AnimBlock allocator - Provides a fixed block pooling strategy for anim blocks
// to ease fragmentation due to streaming
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// CS:GO currently loads 518 anim blocks (most of which are in the 24-32K size range), I've made this 530 to allow for some additional animations that are coming soon.
#define MAX_ANIMBLOCKS 530
#define ANIMBLOCK_SIZE 33*1024 // this is set to 33K for now, because one animation is over 32K by a smidge and spews a message and ends up allocating outside the pool, reduce back to 32K when that anim is fixed
// Portal 2 has different requirements. There are a lot of big animations seeking, which creates some issues in term of DVD latencies.
// On the other hand, there are not a lot of different animations. So we use the 9 MB buffer differently.
#define MAX_ANIMBLOCKS 137
#define ANIMBLOCK_SIZE 64*1024
CFixedBudgetMemoryPool<ANIMBLOCK_SIZE, MAX_ANIMBLOCKS> g_AnimBlockAllocator;
void FreeAnimBlock( void *p ) { // anim blocks can be allocated from different providers
if ( g_AnimBlockAllocator.Owns( p ) ) { g_AnimBlockAllocator.Free( p ); } else { g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( p ); } }
// ConVars
static ConVar r_rootlod( "r_rootlod", "0" ); static ConVar mod_forcedata( "mod_forcedata", ( AsyncMdlCache() ) ? "0" : "1", 0, "Forces all model file data into cache on model load." ); static ConVar mod_test_not_available( "mod_test_not_available", "0" ); static ConVar mod_test_mesh_not_available( "mod_test_mesh_not_available", "0" ); static ConVar mod_test_verts_not_available( "mod_test_verts_not_available", "0" ); static ConVar mod_load_mesh_async( "mod_load_mesh_async", ( AsyncMdlCache() ) ? "1" : "0" ); static ConVar mod_load_anims_async( "mod_load_anims_async", ( IsGameConsole() || AsyncMdlCache() ) ? "1" : "0" ); static ConVar mod_load_vcollide_async( "mod_load_vcollide_async", ( AsyncMdlCache() ) ? "1" : "0" ); static ConVar mod_trace_load( "mod_trace_load", "0" ); static ConVar mod_lock_mdls_on_load( "mod_lock_mdls_on_load", "1" ); static ConVar mod_lock_meshes_on_load( "mod_lock_meshes_on_load", "1" ); static ConVar mod_load_fakestall( "mod_load_fakestall", "0", 0, "Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms\n"); static ConVar mod_check_vcollide("mod_check_vcollide","0", 0, "Check all vcollides on load"); #ifdef DEBUG_ANIM_STALLS
static ConVar mod_load_showasync( "mod_load_showasync", "0", 0, "Shows the time to load an async animblock\n"); #endif
static ConVar mod_dont_load_vertices("mod_dont_load_vertices", "1", 0, "For the dedicated server, don't load model vertex data" ); #else
static ConVar mod_dont_load_vertices("mod_dont_load_vertices", "0", 0, "For the dedicated server, supress loading model vertex data" ); #endif
// Utility functions
static void MakeFilename( char szFileName[MAX_PATH], studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const char *pszExtension ) { char szBaseModelName[MAX_PATH];
Q_StripExtension( pStudioHdr->pszName(), szBaseModelName, MAX_PATH ); Q_snprintf( szFileName, MAX_PATH, "models/%s%s", szBaseModelName, pszExtension ); Q_FixSlashes( szFileName ); #ifdef POSIX
Q_strlower( szFileName ); #endif
// cache off the surface prop indices for each bone or model prop
static void StudioHdrLookupSurfaceProps( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdrIn ) { pStudioHdrIn->surfacepropLookup = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pStudioHdrIn->pszSurfaceProp() ); for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioHdrIn->numbones; i++ ) { mstudiobone_t *pBone = (mstudiobone_t *)pStudioHdrIn->pBone(i); pBone->surfacepropLookup = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pBone->pszSurfaceProp() ); } }
static void StudioHdrSetAnimEventFlag( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdrIn ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioHdrIn->numlocalseq; i++ ) { if ( pStudioHdrIn->pLocalSeqdesc(i)->numevents ) return; } pStudioHdrIn->flags |= STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_NO_ANIM_EVENTS; }
// Async support
struct AsyncInfo_t { AsyncInfo_t() : hControl( NULL ), hModel( MDLHANDLE_INVALID ), type( MDLCACHE_NONE ), iAnimBlock( 0 ) {}
FSAsyncControl_t hControl; MDLHandle_t hModel; MDLCacheDataType_t type; int iAnimBlock; };
const int NO_ASYNC = CUtlLinkedList< AsyncInfo_t >::InvalidIndex();
CUtlMap<int, intp> g_AsyncInfoMap( DefLessFunc( int ) ); CThreadFastMutex g_AsyncInfoMapMutex;
inline int MakeAsyncInfoKey( MDLHandle_t hModel, MDLCacheDataType_t type, int iAnimBlock ) { Assert( type <= 7 && iAnimBlock < 8*1024 ); return ( ( ( (int)hModel) << 16 ) | ( (int)type << 13 ) | iAnimBlock ); }
inline intp GetAsyncInfoIndex( MDLHandle_t hModel, MDLCacheDataType_t type, int iAnimBlock = 0 ) { AUTO_LOCK( g_AsyncInfoMapMutex ); int key = MakeAsyncInfoKey( hModel, type, iAnimBlock ); int i = g_AsyncInfoMap.Find( key ); if ( i == g_AsyncInfoMap.InvalidIndex() ) { return NO_ASYNC; } return g_AsyncInfoMap[i]; }
inline intp SetAsyncInfoIndex( MDLHandle_t hModel, MDLCacheDataType_t type, int iAnimBlock, intp index ) { AUTO_LOCK( g_AsyncInfoMapMutex ); Assert( index == NO_ASYNC || GetAsyncInfoIndex( hModel, type, iAnimBlock ) == NO_ASYNC ); int key = MakeAsyncInfoKey( hModel, type, iAnimBlock ); if ( index == NO_ASYNC ) { g_AsyncInfoMap.Remove( key ); } else { g_AsyncInfoMap.Insert( key, index ); }
return index; }
inline intp SetAsyncInfoIndex( MDLHandle_t hModel, MDLCacheDataType_t type, intp index ) { return SetAsyncInfoIndex( hModel, type, 0, index ); }
// Populates the cache by pushing expected MDL's (and all of their data).
// The Model cache i/o behavior is unchanged during gameplay, ideally the cache
// should yield miss free behaviour.
struct ModelParts_t { enum BufferType_t { BUFFER_MDL = 0, BUFFER_VTX = 1, BUFFER_VVD = 2, BUFFER_PHY = 3, BUFFER_MAXPARTS, };
ModelParts_t() { nLoadedParts = 0; nExpectedParts = 0; hMDL = MDLHANDLE_INVALID; }
// thread safe, only one thread will get a positive result
bool DoFinalProcessing() { // indicates that all buffers have arrived
// when all parts are present, returns true ( guaranteed once ), and marked as completed
return nLoadedParts.AssignIf( nExpectedParts, nExpectedParts | 0x80000000 ); }
CUtlBuffer Buffers[BUFFER_MAXPARTS]; MDLHandle_t hMDL;
// bit flags
CInterlockedInt nLoadedParts; int nExpectedParts; };
struct AsyncHardwareLoad_t { ModelParts_t *m_pModelParts; };
class CMDLCacheData;
// Implementation of the simple studio data cache (no caching)
class CMDLCache : public CTier3AppSystem< IMDLCache >, public IStudioDataCache, public CDefaultDataCacheClient { typedef CTier3AppSystem< IMDLCache > BaseClass;
public: CMDLCache();
// Inherited from IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ); virtual void Disconnect(); virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ); virtual InitReturnVal_t Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual const AppSystemInfo_t* GetDependencies() { return NULL; } virtual AppSystemTier_t GetTier() { return APP_SYSTEM_TIER3; } virtual void Reconnect( CreateInterfaceFn factory, const char *pInterfaceName ) { BaseClass::Reconnect( factory, pInterfaceName ); }
// Inherited from IStudioDataCache
bool VerifyHeaders( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ); vertexFileHeader_t *CacheVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr );
// Inherited from IMDLCache
virtual MDLHandle_t FindMDL( const char *pMDLRelativePath ); virtual int AddRef( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual int Release( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual int GetRef( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void MarkAsLoaded(MDLHandle_t handle);
virtual studiohdr_t *GetStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual studiohwdata_t *GetHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle ) { return GetVCollideEx( handle, true); } virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollideEx( MDLHandle_t handle, bool synchronousLoad = true ); virtual unsigned char *GetAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock, bool preloadIfMissing ); virtual bool HasAnimBlockBeenPreloaded( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock ); virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModelFast( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual int GetAutoplayList( MDLHandle_t handle, unsigned short **pOut ); virtual void TouchAllData( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void SetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle, void* pData ); virtual void *GetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual bool IsErrorModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual bool IsOverBudget( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void SetCacheNotify( IMDLCacheNotify *pNotify ); virtual vertexFileHeader_t *GetVertexData( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void Flush( MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ); virtual void Flush( MDLHandle_t handle, int nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ); virtual const char *GetModelName( MDLHandle_t handle );
IDataCacheSection *GetCacheSection( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { switch ( type ) { case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA: case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: // meshes and vertexes are isolated to their own section
return m_pMeshCacheSection;
case MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK: // anim blocks have their own section
return m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection;
default: // everybody else
return m_pModelCacheSection; } }
void *AllocData( MDLCacheDataType_t type, int size ); void FreeData( MDLCacheDataType_t type, void *pData ); void CacheData( DataCacheHandle_t *c, void *pData, int size, const char *name, MDLCacheDataType_t type, DataCacheClientID_t id = (DataCacheClientID_t)-1 ); void *CheckData( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type ); void *CheckDataNoTouch( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type ); void UncacheData( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type, bool bLockedOk = false );
void DisableAsync() { mod_load_mesh_async.SetValue( 0 ); mod_load_anims_async.SetValue( 0 ); }
virtual void BeginLock(); virtual void EndLock(); virtual void BeginCoarseLock(); virtual void EndCoarseLock(); virtual int *GetFrameUnlockCounterPtrOLD(); virtual int *GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr( MDLCacheDataType_t type );
virtual void FinishPendingLoads();
// Task switch
void ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ); void RestoreMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ); virtual bool GetVCollideSize( MDLHandle_t handle, int *pVCollideSize );
virtual void BeginMapLoad(); virtual void EndMapLoad();
virtual void InitPreloadData( bool rebuild ); virtual void ShutdownPreloadData();
virtual bool IsDataLoaded( MDLHandle_t handle, MDLCacheDataType_t type );
virtual studiohdr_t *LockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void UnlockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle );
virtual void UnloadQueuedHardwareData( );
virtual bool PreloadModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void ResetErrorModelStatus( MDLHandle_t handle );
virtual void MarkFrame();
// Queued loading
void ProcessQueuedData( ModelParts_t *pModelParts ); static void QueuedLoaderCallback_MDL( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError );
// combined models
virtual MDLHandle_t CreateCombinedModel( const char *pszModelName ); virtual bool CreateCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual bool SetCombineModels( MDLHandle_t handle, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ); virtual bool FinishCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle, CombinedModelLoadedCallback pFunc, void *pUserData ); virtual bool IsCombinedPlaceholder( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual bool IsCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual int GetNumCombinedSubModels( MDLHandle_t handle ); virtual void GetCombinedSubModelFilename( MDLHandle_t handle, int nSubModelIndex, char *pszResult, int nResultSize ); virtual KeyValues *GetCombinedMaterialKV( MDLHandle_t handle, int nAtlasGroup = 0 ); virtual void UpdateCombiner( ); virtual void *GetCombinedInternalAsset( ECombinedAsset AssetType, const char *pszAssetID, int *nSize ); virtual void SetCombinerFlags( unsigned nFlags ); virtual void ClearCombinerFlags( unsigned nFlags ); virtual void DebugCombinerInfo( );
virtual bool ReleaseAnimBlockAllocator();
virtual bool RestoreHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, FSAsyncControl_t *pAsyncVTXControl, FSAsyncControl_t *pAsyncVVDControl ); virtual bool ProcessPendingHardwareRestore();
void OnAsyncHardwareDataComplete( ModelParts_t::BufferType_t bufferType, ModelParts_t *pContext, void *pData, int nNumReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus );
virtual void DumpDictionaryState();
private: // Inits, shuts downs studiodata_t
void InitStudioData( MDLHandle_t handle ); void ShutdownStudioData( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bImmediate );
// Returns the *actual* name of the model (could be an error model if the requested model didn't load)
const char *GetActualModelName( MDLHandle_t handle );
// Attempts to load a MDL file, validates that it's ok.
bool ReadMDLFile( MDLHandle_t handle, const char *pMDLFileName, CMDLCacheData &cacheData );
void FlushImmediate( studiodata_t *pStudioData, MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ); void Flush( studiodata_t *pStudioData, MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL );
// Unserializes the VCollide file associated w/ models (the vphysics representation)
void UnserializeVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync, bool synchronousLoad ); void LoadPhysics2Collision( MDLHandle_t handle, bool synchronousLoad );
// Destroys the VCollide associated w/ models
void DestroyVCollide( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
// Unserializes the MDL
studiohdr_t *UnserializeMDL( MDLHandle_t handle, CMDLCacheData &cacheData );
// Unserializes an animation block from disk
unsigned char *UnserializeAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync, int nBlock );
// Allocates/frees the anim blocks
void AllocateAnimBlocks( studiodata_t *pStudioData, int nCount ); void FreeAnimBlocks( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
// Allocates/frees the virtual model
void AllocateVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ); void FreeVirtualModel( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
// Purpose: Pulls all submodels/.ani file models into the cache
void UnserializeAllVirtualModelsAndAnimBlocks( MDLHandle_t handle );
// Loads/unloads the static meshes
bool UnserializeHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync ); // returns false if not ready
void UnloadHardwareData( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
// Allocates/frees autoplay sequence list
void AllocateAutoplaySequences( studiodata_t *pStudioData, int nCount ); void FreeAutoplaySequences( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
FSAsyncStatus_t LoadData( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszPathID, bool bAsync, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl, MDLHandle_t hModel ) { return LoadData( pszFilename, pszPathID, NULL, 0, 0, bAsync, pControl, hModel ); } FSAsyncStatus_t LoadData( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszPathID, void *pDest, int nBytes, int nOffset, bool bAsync, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl, MDLHandle_t hModel ); vertexFileHeader_t *LoadVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ); vertexFileHeader_t *BuildAndCacheVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ); bool BuildHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, studiodata_t *pStudioData, studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ); void ConvertFlexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr );
int ProcessPendingAsync( intp iAsync ); void ProcessPendingAsyncs( MDLCacheDataType_t type = MDLCACHE_NONE ); bool ClearAsync( MDLHandle_t handle, MDLCacheDataType_t type, int iAnimBlock, bool bAbort = false );
const char *GetVTXExtension();
virtual bool HandleCacheNotification( const DataCacheNotification_t ¬ification ); virtual bool GetItemName( DataCacheClientID_t clientId, const void *pItem, char *pDest, unsigned nMaxLen );
virtual bool GetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type ); virtual bool SetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type, bool bAsync );
// Creates the 360 file if it doesn't exist or is out of date
int UpdateOrCreate( studiohdr_t *pHdr, const char *pFilename, char *pX360Filename, int maxLen, const char *pPathID, bool bForce = false );
// Attempts to read the platform native file - on 360 it can read and swap Win32 file as a fallback
bool ReadFileNative( char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes = 0 );
// Creates a thin cache entry (to be used for model decals) from fat vertex data
vertexFileHeader_t * CreateThinVertexes( vertexFileHeader_t * originalData, const studiohdr_t * pStudioHdr, int * cacheLength );
// Creates a null cache entry (showing that vertex data has been loaded, turned into VBs/IBs, and discarded)
vertexFileHeader_t * CreateNullVertexes( vertexFileHeader_t * originalData, const studiohdr_t * pStudioHdr, int * cacheLength );
// Processes raw data (from an I/O source) into the cache. Sets the cache state as expected for bad data.
bool ProcessDataIntoCache( MDLHandle_t handle, CMDLCacheData &cacheData, int iAnimBlock = 0 );
void BreakFrameLock( bool bModels = true, bool bMesh = true, bool bAnimBlock = true ); void RestoreFrameLock();
void ReloadVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle );
virtual void DisableVCollideLoad( void ) {m_bDisableVCollideLoad = true;} virtual void EnableVCollideLoad( void ) {m_bDisableVCollideLoad = false;}
virtual void DisableFileNotFoundWarnings( void ) {m_bFileNotFoundAllowed = true;} virtual void EnableFileNotFoundWarnings( void ) {m_bFileNotFoundAllowed = false;}
// combined models
TCombinedStudioData *GetCombinedData( MDLHandle_t handle ); void CheckCombinerFlagChanges( int nNewFlags ); void InitCombiner( ); void ShutdownCombiner( ); void CombinerThread( ); static uintp StaticCombinerThread( void *pParam ); bool UnserializeCombinedHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ); void FreeCombinedGeneratedData( studiodata_t *pStudioData );
private: IDataCacheSection *m_pModelCacheSection; IDataCacheSection *m_pMeshCacheSection; IDataCacheSection *m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection;
int m_nModelCacheFrameLocks; int m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks; int m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks;
CUtlDict< studiodata_t*, MDLHandle_t > m_MDLDict;
IMDLCacheNotify *m_pCacheNotify;
CUtlFixedLinkedList< AsyncInfo_t > m_PendingAsyncs;
CThreadFastMutex m_QueuedLoadingMutex; CThreadFastMutex m_AsyncMutex;
CTSQueue< studiodata_t * > m_UnloadHandles;
// combined functionality
CTSQueue< TCombinedStudioData * > m_CombinerToBeCombined; bool m_bCombinerReady; unsigned m_nCombinerFlags; volatile bool m_bCombinerShutdown; ThreadHandle_t m_hCombinerThread; CThreadEvent m_CombinerEvent; CThreadEvent m_CombinerShutdownEvent; CInterlockedPtr< TCombinedStudioData > m_pToBeCombined; CInterlockedPtr< TCombinedStudioData > m_pCombinedCompleted;
bool m_bLostVideoMemory : 1; bool m_bConnected : 1; bool m_bInitialized : 1; bool m_bDisableVCollideLoad : 1; bool m_bFileNotFoundAllowed : 1;
CModelSwapper m_ModelSwapper;
CTSQueue< AsyncHardwareLoad_t > m_QueuedAsyncHardwareLoads;
friend class CMDLCacheData; // Needs to access ReadFileNative
// Singleton interface
// Task switch
static void ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ) { g_MDLCache.ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects( nChangeFlags ); }
static void RestoreMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ) { g_MDLCache.RestoreMaterialSystemObjects( nChangeFlags ); }
static void CleanupMaterialSystemObjects( ) { // g_MDLCache.UpdateCombiner();
g_MDLCache.UnloadQueuedHardwareData(); }
// CMDLCacheData manages data being processed into the cache:
// - it handles LZMA decompression (minimizing concurrent memory allocations)
// - it makes sure all original+intermediate data get allocated/freed in the appropriate fashion
class CMDLCacheData { public:
enum AllocType_t // Specifies how
{ ALLOC_MALLOC = 0, // The input data (and decompressed data) are allocated via malloc
ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER = 1, // The input buffer uses external memory allocated via g_pFullFileSystem->AllocOptimalReadBuffer
ALLOC_ANIMBLOCK = 2, // The input buffer uses external memory allocated via g_AnimBlockAllocator.Alloc()
// NOTE: On construction, the given CUtlBuffer has its memory detached, so the CMDLCacheData now owns it.
CMDLCacheData( MDLCacheDataType_t dataType, AllocType_t allocType, CUtlBuffer *pDataBuffer = NULL ) : m_DataType( dataType ), m_AllocType( allocType ), m_pData( NULL ), m_nDataSize( 0 ) { Assert( ( m_AllocType != ALLOC_MALLOC ) == ( pDataBuffer ? pDataBuffer->IsExternallyAllocated() : false ) ); if ( pDataBuffer && pDataBuffer->TellMaxPut() ) { m_pData = pDataBuffer->Base(); m_nDataSize = pDataBuffer->TellMaxPut(); if ( pDataBuffer->IsExternallyAllocated() ) pDataBuffer->SetExternalBuffer( NULL, 0, 0 ); else pDataBuffer->Detach();
Decompress(); } }
~CMDLCacheData() { Purge(); }
// Get the data (if the data is invalid or absent, this will return NULL)
void *Data( void ) { return m_pData; }
// Get the size of the data (if the data is invalid, this will return zero)
int DataSize( void ) { return m_nDataSize; }
MDLCacheDataType_t DataType( void ) { return m_DataType; }
// The caller may ask to discard the data (i.e. don't use it)
void Purge( void ) { if ( m_pData ) { Deallocate( m_pData ); m_pData = NULL; m_nDataSize = 0; } }
// Transfer ownership of the memory to the caller
void *Detach( void ) { if ( !m_pData ) { // Paranoid usage check
Warning( "ERROR: CMDLCacheData::Detach used incorrectly (there is no data to return!)\n" ); Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
void *pResult = m_pData; m_pData = NULL; m_nDataSize = 0; return pResult; }
// Read a file into the CMDLCacheData's internal buffer (replaces any existing data)
bool ReadFileNative( char *pFileName, const char *pPath ) { // Clear out any existing data
// Read a file into memory
bool bSuccess = false; if ( m_AllocType == ALLOC_MALLOC ) { CUtlBuffer buf; bSuccess = g_MDLCache.ReadFileNative( pFileName, pPath, buf ); if ( bSuccess ) { if ( m_DataType == MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ) { studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = ( studiohdr_t* ) buf.Base(); if ( pStudioHdr->studiohdr2index == 0 ) { // We always need this now, so make room for it in the buffer now.
int bufferContentsEnd = buf.TellMaxPut(); int maskBits = VALIGNOF( studiohdr2_t ) - 1; int offsetStudiohdr2 = ( bufferContentsEnd + maskBits ) & ~maskBits; int sizeIncrease = ( offsetStudiohdr2 - bufferContentsEnd ) + sizeof( studiohdr2_t ); buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, sizeIncrease );
// Re-get the pointer after resizing, because it has probably moved.
pStudioHdr = ( studiohdr_t* ) buf.Base(); studiohdr2_t* pStudioHdr2 = ( studiohdr2_t* ) ( ( byte * ) pStudioHdr + offsetStudiohdr2 ); memset( pStudioHdr2, 0, sizeof( studiohdr2_t ) ); pStudioHdr2->flMaxEyeDeflection = 0.866f; // Matches studio.h.
pStudioHdr->studiohdr2index = offsetStudiohdr2; // Also make sure the structure knows about the extra bytes
// we've added so they get copied around.
pStudioHdr->length += sizeIncrease; } }
m_nDataSize = buf.TellMaxPut(); m_pData = buf.Detach(); Decompress(); } } else { // We don't support this pattern (if we need to, we could pass an alloc callback to g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile)
Warning( "ERROR: CMDLCacheData::ReadFileNative is only supported when using ALLOC_MALLOC\n" ); Assert( 0 ); }
return bSuccess; }
void *Allocate( int nDataSize ) { switch( m_AllocType ) { case ALLOC_MALLOC: return malloc( nDataSize ); case ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER: return g_pFullFileSystem->AllocOptimalReadBuffer( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE, nDataSize ); case ALLOC_ANIMBLOCK: if ( nDataSize <= ANIMBLOCK_SIZE ) { return g_AnimBlockAllocator.Alloc(); } else { Warning( "%s(%d): MDL Cache allocation outside the pool. Size allocated: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, nDataSize );
// If an animblock was compressed, its decompressed size could exceed ANIMBLOCK_SIZE,
// so deal with that the same manner as CMDLCache::UnserializeAnimBlock():
m_AllocType = ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER; return Allocate( nDataSize ); } } Assert(0); return NULL; }
void Deallocate( void *pData ) { switch( m_AllocType ) { case ALLOC_MALLOC: return free( pData ); case ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER: return g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pData ); case ALLOC_ANIMBLOCK: return FreeAnimBlock( pData ); // NOTE: this handles large animblocks allocated by the caller via AllocOptimalReadBuffer
} Assert(0); }
bool Decompress( void ) { CLZMA lzma;
// Trivial early-outs - make sure we have valid data, and are on a game console (no LZMA on PC):
if ( !IsGameConsole() || !m_pData ) return true;
// Some asset types have an uncompressed header before the compressed data starts:
int nHeaderSize = 0; if ( m_DataType == MDLCACHE_VERTEXES ) nHeaderSize = sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t ); if ( m_DataType == MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ) nHeaderSize = sizeof( OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t );
// Check that the data is actually compressed (only happens for game consoles)
if ( !lzma.IsCompressed( nHeaderSize + (unsigned char *)m_pData ) ) return true;
// Allocate a new buffer for the uncompressed data
unsigned int nUncompressedSize = lzma.GetActualSize( nHeaderSize + (unsigned char *)m_pData ); void * pUncompressedData = Allocate( nUncompressedSize + nHeaderSize ); // Copy the uncompressed header verbatim
memcpy( pUncompressedData, m_pData, nHeaderSize ); // Decompress the rest
if ( lzma.Uncompress( nHeaderSize + (unsigned char *)m_pData, nHeaderSize + (unsigned char *)pUncompressedData ) != nUncompressedSize ) { // Decompression failed!
Msg( "ERROR: LZMA decompression failed - corrupt data!!\n" ); Deallocate( pUncompressedData ); Purge(); return false; }
// Free the original memory (to minimize concurrent memory allocations - important on game consoles!)
Deallocate( m_pData );
// Expose the decompressed data to the user from now on
m_pData = pUncompressedData; m_nDataSize = nUncompressedSize + nHeaderSize;
return true; }
void *m_pData; // The original source data, replaced with decompressed data by 'Decompress'
int m_nDataSize; // Size of the data, updated by 'Decompress'
MDLCacheDataType_t m_DataType; // The type of the data (determines how memory is decompressed)
AllocType_t m_AllocType; // Determines how data is [de]allocated.
// Constructor
CMDLCache::CMDLCache() { m_bLostVideoMemory = false; m_bConnected = false; m_bInitialized = false; m_bDisableVCollideLoad = false; m_bFileNotFoundAllowed = false; m_pCacheNotify = NULL; m_pModelCacheSection = NULL; m_pMeshCacheSection = NULL; m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection = NULL; m_nModelCacheFrameLocks = 0; m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks = 0; m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks = 0; m_bCombinerReady = false; m_nCombinerFlags = COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING; m_bCombinerShutdown = false; m_hCombinerThread = NULL; m_pToBeCombined = NULL; m_pCombinedCompleted = NULL; m_CombinerEvent.Reset(); m_CombinerShutdownEvent.Reset(); }
// Connect, disconnect
bool CMDLCache::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) ) return false;
// Connect can be called twice, because this inherits from 2 appsystems.
if ( m_bConnected ) return true;
physprops = (IPhysicsSurfaceProps *)factory( VPHYSICS_SURFACEPROPS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); //if ( !physprops )
// return false;
//if ( !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig || !g_pPhysicsCollision || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pMaterialSystem )
// return false;
m_bConnected = true; if( g_pMaterialSystem ) { g_pMaterialSystem->AddReleaseFunc( ::ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects ); g_pMaterialSystem->AddRestoreFunc( ::RestoreMaterialSystemObjects ); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC
g_pMaterialSystem->AddEndFrameCleanupFunc( ::CleanupMaterialSystemObjects ); #endif
return true; }
void CMDLCache::Disconnect() { if ( g_pMaterialSystem && m_bConnected ) { g_pMaterialSystem->RemoveReleaseFunc( ::ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects ); g_pMaterialSystem->RemoveRestoreFunc( ::RestoreMaterialSystemObjects ); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC
g_pMaterialSystem->RemoveEndFrameCleanupFunc( ::CleanupMaterialSystemObjects ); #endif
m_bConnected = false; }
BaseClass::Disconnect(); }
// Query Interface
void *CMDLCache::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, Q_strlen(STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION) + 1)) return (IStudioDataCache*)this;
if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, Q_strlen(MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION) + 1)) return (IMDLCache*)this;
return NULL; }
// Init/Shutdown
#if defined( ENABLE_CACHE_WATCH )
static ConVar cache_watch( "cache_watch", "", 0 );
static void CacheLog( const char *fileName, const char *accessType ) { if ( Q_stristr( fileName, cache_watch.GetString() ) ) { Msg( "%s access to %s\n", accessType, fileName ); } } #endif
InitReturnVal_t CMDLCache::Init() { // Can be called twice since it inherits from 2 appsystems
if ( m_bInitialized ) return INIT_OK;
InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal;
if ( !m_pModelCacheSection ) { m_pModelCacheSection = g_pDataCache->AddSection( this, MODEL_CACHE_MODEL_SECTION_NAME ); }
if ( !m_pMeshCacheSection ) { unsigned int meshLimit = (unsigned)-1; DataCacheLimits_t limits( meshLimit, (unsigned)-1, 0, 0 ); m_pMeshCacheSection = g_pDataCache->AddSection( this, MODEL_CACHE_MESH_SECTION_NAME, limits ); // model meshes do not participate in LRU pruge due to -1 max bytes limit
// not allowing console mem_force_flush to unexpectedly flush, which would otherwise destabilize model meshes
m_pMeshCacheSection->SetOptions( m_pMeshCacheSection->GetOptions() | DC_NO_USER_FORCE_FLUSH ); }
if ( !m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection ) { unsigned int animBlockLimit = (unsigned)-1; if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // consoles limit the anim cache, tuned to worst case
// Use the amount of memory allocated by g_AnimBlockAllocator
animBlockLimit = ANIMBLOCK_SIZE*MAX_ANIMBLOCKS; } DataCacheLimits_t limits( animBlockLimit, (unsigned)-1, 0, 0 ); m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection = g_pDataCache->AddSection( this, MODEL_CACHE_ANIMBLOCK_SECTION_NAME, limits ); }
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // By default, source data is assumed to be non-native to the 360.
StudioByteSwap::ActivateByteSwapping( true ); StudioByteSwap::SetCollisionInterface( g_pPhysicsCollision ); } m_bLostVideoMemory = false; m_bInitialized = true;
#if defined( ENABLE_CACHE_WATCH )
g_pFullFileSystem->AddLoggingFunc( &CacheLog ); #endif
if ( IsPC() ) { //UNDONE: This opens up a whole fun realm of cheating for multiplayer games!
//m_ModelSwapper.LoadSubstitutionFile( MODEL_SUBSTITUTION_FILENAME );
return INIT_OK; }
void CMDLCache::Shutdown() { if ( !m_bInitialized ) return; #if defined( ENABLE_CACHE_WATCH )
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveLoggingFunc( CacheLog ); #endif
m_bInitialized = false;
if ( m_pModelCacheSection || m_pMeshCacheSection ) { // Free all MDLs that haven't been cleaned up
MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { ShutdownStudioData( i, true ); i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); }
if ( m_pModelCacheSection ) { g_pDataCache->RemoveSection( MODEL_CACHE_MODEL_SECTION_NAME ); m_pModelCacheSection = NULL; } if ( m_pMeshCacheSection ) { g_pDataCache->RemoveSection( MODEL_CACHE_MESH_SECTION_NAME ); m_pMeshCacheSection = NULL; } }
if ( m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection ) { g_pDataCache->RemoveSection( MODEL_CACHE_ANIMBLOCK_SECTION_NAME ); m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection = NULL; }
BaseClass::Shutdown(); }
void CMDLCache::FlushImmediate( studiodata_t *pStudioData, MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags ) { if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_STUDIOHWDATA ) { if ( ClearAsync( pStudioData->m_Handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, 0, true ) ) { m_pMeshCacheSection->Unlock( pStudioData->m_VertexCache ); } }
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VERTEXES ) { ClearAsync( pStudioData->m_Handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, 0, true ); } }
void CMDLCache::Flush( studiodata_t *pStudioData, MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags ) { Assert( pStudioData != NULL );
bool bIgnoreLock = ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_IGNORELOCK ) != 0;
// release the hardware portion
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_STUDIOHWDATA ) { UnloadHardwareData( pStudioData ); }
// free collision
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VCOLLIDE ) { DestroyVCollide( pStudioData ); }
// Free animations
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VIRTUALMODEL ) { FreeVirtualModel( pStudioData ); }
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ANIMBLOCK ) { FreeAnimBlocks( pStudioData ); }
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_AUTOPLAY ) { // Free autoplay sequences
FreeAutoplaySequences( pStudioData ); }
if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET ) != 0 ) { Msg( "%p Flush: pStudioData=%p Flags=%08x", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData, pStudioData, pStudioData->m_nFlags ); if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData ) { Msg( " Reference=%08x", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags ); } Msg( "\n" ); } #endif
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData != NULL ) { if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_PLACEHOLDER ) != 0 ) { pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags &= ~COMBINED_REFERENCE_PLACEHOLDER; } if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED ) != 0 ) { pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags &= ~COMBINED_REFERENCE_PRIMARY; }
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags == 0 ) { #if 0
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData != NULL ) { // Assert( 0 ); // is this currently in flight in the combiner thread?
delete pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData; } #endif
Msg( "%p Free: pStudioData=%p\n", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData, pStudioData ); #endif
FreeCombinedGeneratedData( pStudioData ); free( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData ); } #ifdef DEBUG_COMBINER
else if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags == COMBINED_REFERENCE_COMBINER ) { Msg( "%p Combiner Reference: pStudioData=%p\n", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData, pStudioData ); Assert( 0 ); // Error( "CMDLCache::UpdateCombiner - freeing model handles before combiner finishes" );
} #endif
pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData = NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_COMBINER
else if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET ) != 0 ) { Msg( "%p Nothing to Free: pStudioData=%p\n", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData, pStudioData ); Assert( 0 ); } #endif
} if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_STUDIOHDR ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free studiohdr %s\n", GetModelName( pStudioData->m_Handle ) );
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Unlock( pStudioData->m_MDLCache ); pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr = NULL; } UncacheData( pStudioData->m_MDLCache, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, bIgnoreLock ); pStudioData->m_MDLCache = NULL; }
if ( nFlushFlags & MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VERTEXES ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free VVD %s\n", GetModelName( pStudioData->m_Handle ) );
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->Unlock( pStudioData->m_VertexCache ); pStudioData->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader = NULL; }
ClearAsync( pStudioData->m_Handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, 0, true );
UncacheData( pStudioData->m_VertexCache, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, bIgnoreLock ); pStudioData->m_VertexCache = NULL; } }
// Flushes an MDLHandle_t
void CMDLCache::Flush( MDLHandle_t handle, int nFlushFlags ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
Flush( pStudioData, ( MDLCacheFlush_t )nFlushFlags ); }
// Inits, shuts downs studiodata_t
void CMDLCache::InitStudioData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { Assert( m_MDLDict[handle] == NULL );
studiodata_t *pStudioData = new studiodata_t; m_MDLDict[handle] = pStudioData; memset( pStudioData, 0, sizeof( studiodata_t ) ); pStudioData->m_Handle = handle; }
void CMDLCache::ShutdownStudioData( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bImmediate ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC
if ( bImmediate == false ) { #ifdef DEBUG_COMBINER
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & ( STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET ) ) == STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET ) { Msg( "%p ShutdownStudioData: pStudioData=%p\n", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData, pStudioData ); } #endif
m_UnloadHandles.PushItem( m_MDLDict[ handle ] ); FlushImmediate( m_MDLDict[ handle ] ); m_MDLDict[handle] = NULL; } else { FlushImmediate( m_MDLDict[ handle ] ); Flush( handle );
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; Assert( pStudioData != NULL ); delete pStudioData; m_MDLDict[handle] = NULL; }
FlushImmediate( m_MDLDict[ handle ] ); Flush( handle );
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; Assert( pStudioData != NULL ); delete pStudioData; m_MDLDict[handle] = NULL;
// Sets the cache notify
void CMDLCache::SetCacheNotify( IMDLCacheNotify *pNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify = pNotify; }
// Returns the name of the model
const char *CMDLCache::GetModelName( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID || !m_MDLDict.IsValidIndex( handle ) ) return ERROR_MODEL;
return m_MDLDict.GetElementName( handle ); }
// Returns the *actual* name of the model (could be an error model)
const char *CMDLCache::GetActualModelName( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return ERROR_MODEL;
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL ) return ERROR_MODEL;
return m_MDLDict.GetElementName( handle ); }
// Finds an MDL
MDLHandle_t CMDLCache::FindMDL( const char *pMDLRelativePath ) { // can't trust provided path
// ensure provided path correctly resolves (Dictionary is case-insensitive)
char szFixedName[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szFixedName, pMDLRelativePath, sizeof( szFixedName ) ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( szFixedName, '/' );
if ( g_pResourceAccessControl ) { if ( !g_pResourceAccessControl->IsAccessAllowed( RESOURCE_MODEL, szFixedName ) ) { Q_strncpy( szFixedName, ERROR_MODEL, sizeof(szFixedName) ); } }
MDLHandle_t handle = m_MDLDict.Find( szFixedName ); if ( handle == m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { handle = m_MDLDict.Insert( szFixedName, NULL ); InitStudioData( handle ); }
AddRef( handle ); return handle; }
// Reference counting
int CMDLCache::AddRef( MDLHandle_t handle ) { return ++m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nRefCount; }
int CMDLCache::Release( MDLHandle_t handle ) { // Deal with shutdown order issues (i.e. datamodel shutting down after mdlcache)
if ( !m_bInitialized ) return 0;
// NOTE: It can be null during shutdown because multiple studiomdls
// could be referencing the same virtual model
if ( !m_MDLDict[handle] ) return 0;
Assert( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nRefCount > 0 );
int nRefCount = --m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nRefCount; if ( nRefCount <= 0 ) { ShutdownStudioData( handle, false ); m_MDLDict.RemoveAt( handle ); }
return nRefCount; }
int CMDLCache::GetRef( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( !m_bInitialized ) return 0;
if ( !m_MDLDict[handle] ) return 0;
return m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nRefCount; }
// Unserializes the PHY file associated w/ models (the vphysics representation)
void CMDLCache::UnserializeVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync, bool synchronousLoad ) { VPROF( "CMDLCache::UnserializeVCollide" );
// FIXME: Should the vcollde be played into cacheable memory?
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
intp iAsync = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE );
if ( iAsync == NO_ASYNC ) { // clear existing data
pStudioData->m_nFlags &= ~STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED; Assert( pStudioData->m_pVCollide == NULL); pStudioData->m_pVCollide = NULL;
#if 0
// FIXME: ywb
// If we don't ask for the virtual model to load, then we can get a hitch later on after startup
// Should we async load the sub .mdls during startup assuming they'll all be resident by the time the level can actually
// start drawing?
if ( pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel || synchronousLoad ) #endif
{ pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_SCANNED; virtualmodel_t *pVirtualModel = GetVirtualModel( handle ); if ( pVirtualModel ) { for ( int i = 1; i < pVirtualModel->m_group.Count(); i++ ) { MDLHandle_t sharedHandle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pVirtualModel->m_group[i].cache ); studiodata_t *pData = m_MDLDict[sharedHandle]; if ( !(pData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED) ) { UnserializeVCollide( sharedHandle, bUseAsync, synchronousLoad ); } if ( pData->m_pVCollide != NULL ) { pData->m_pVCollide->AddRef(); pStudioData->m_pVCollide = pData->m_pVCollide; pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED; return; } } } }
char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( pFileName, GetActualModelName( handle ), MAX_PATH ); Q_SetExtension( pFileName, ".phy", sizeof( pFileName ) ); Q_FixSlashes( pFileName ); #ifdef POSIX
Q_strlower( pFileName ); #endif
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { char pX360Filename[MAX_PATH]; UpdateOrCreate( NULL, pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof( pX360Filename ), "GAME" ); Q_strncpy( pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof(pX360Filename) ); }
bool bAsyncLoad = bUseAsync && !synchronousLoad;
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: %s load vcollide %s\n", bAsyncLoad ? "Async" : "Sync", GetModelName( handle ) );
AsyncInfo_t info; if ( IsDebug() ) { memset( &info, 0xdd, sizeof( AsyncInfo_t ) ); } info.hModel = handle; info.type = MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE; info.iAnimBlock = 0; info.hControl = NULL; LoadData( pFileName, "GAME", bAsyncLoad, &info.hControl, handle ); { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); iAsync = SetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE, m_PendingAsyncs.AddToTail( info ) ); } } else if ( synchronousLoad ) { AsyncInfo_t *pInfo; { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); pInfo = &m_PendingAsyncs[iAsync]; } if ( pInfo->hControl ) { g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncFinish( pInfo->hControl, true ); } }
ProcessPendingAsync( iAsync ); }
// Free model's collision data
void CMDLCache::DestroyVCollide( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { if ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags &= ~STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED; if ( pStudioData->m_pVCollide ) { if ( m_pCacheNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnDataUnloaded( MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE, pStudioData->m_Handle ); }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Unload vcollide %s\n", GetModelName( pStudioData->m_Handle ) );
pStudioData->m_pVCollide->Release(); pStudioData->m_pVCollide = NULL; } } }
void CMDLCache::ReloadVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; ExecuteNTimes(1, Warning( "ReloadVCollide invoked and will leak memory\n" ) ); pStudioData->m_nFlags &= ~( STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_SCANNED ); // this is where we leak the memory
pStudioData->m_pVCollide = NULL;
virtualmodel_t *pVirtualModel = GetVirtualModel( handle ); if ( pVirtualModel ) { for ( int i = 1; i < pVirtualModel->m_group.Count(); i++ ) { MDLHandle_t sharedHandle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pVirtualModel->m_group[i].cache ); ReloadVCollide( sharedHandle ); } }
// now, reload
GetVCollideEx( handle, true ); }
// Unserializes the PHY file associated w/ models (the vphysics representation)
vcollide_t *CMDLCache::GetVCollideEx( MDLHandle_t handle, bool synchronousLoad /*= true*/ ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return NULL;
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL ) return NULL;
if ( m_bDisableVCollideLoad ) return NULL;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_LOADED ) == 0 ) { UnserializeVCollide( handle, mod_load_vcollide_async.GetBool(), synchronousLoad ); } // in queued mode we need to scan the virtual model for shared vcollides
if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_SCANNED ) == 0 ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_VCOLLISION_SCANNED; if ( !pStudioData->m_pVCollide ) { virtualmodel_t *pVirtualModel = GetVirtualModel( handle ); if ( pVirtualModel ) { for ( int i = 1; i < pVirtualModel->m_group.Count(); i++ ) { MDLHandle_t sharedHandle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pVirtualModel->m_group[i].cache ); studiodata_t *pData = m_MDLDict[sharedHandle]; if ( pData->m_pVCollide ) { pStudioData->m_pVCollide = pData->m_pVCollide; pData->m_pVCollide->AddRef(); break; } } } } }
// We've loaded an empty collision file or no file was found, so return NULL
if ( !pStudioData->m_pVCollide ) return NULL;
// returned pointer to shared vcollide
return pStudioData->m_pVCollide->GetVCollide(); }
bool CMDLCache::GetVCollideSize( MDLHandle_t handle, int *pVCollideSize ) { *pVCollideSize = 0;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; if ( !pStudioData->m_pVCollide ) return false;
vcollide_t *pCollide = pStudioData->m_pVCollide->GetVCollide(); for ( int j = 0; j < pCollide->solidCount; j++ ) { *pVCollideSize += g_pPhysicsCollision->CollideSize( pCollide->solids[j] ); } *pVCollideSize += pCollide->descSize; return true; }
// Allocates/frees the anim blocks
void CMDLCache::AllocateAnimBlocks( studiodata_t *pStudioData, int nCount ) { Assert( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() == 0 );
pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.EnsureCount( nCount ); memset( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Base(), 0, sizeof(DataCacheHandle_t) * nCount );
pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall.EnsureCount( nCount ); memset( pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall.Base(), 0, sizeof( unsigned long ) * nCount );
pStudioData->m_vecFirstRequest.EnsureCount( nCount ); memset( pStudioData->m_vecFirstRequest.Base(), 0, sizeof( unsigned long ) * nCount ); #endif
void CMDLCache::FreeAnimBlocks( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count(); ++i ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free Anim block %s (block: %d)\n", GetModelName( pStudioData->m_Handle ), i ); ClearAsync( pStudioData->m_Handle, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, i, true ); if ( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[i] ) { UncacheData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[i], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, true ); } }
pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Purge(); pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall.Purge(); #ifdef DEBUG_ANIM_STALLS
pStudioData->m_vecFirstRequest.Purge(); #endif
// Unserializes an animation block from disk
unsigned char *CMDLCache::UnserializeAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync, int nBlock ) { VPROF( "CMDLCache::UnserializeAnimBlock" );
if ( IsGameConsole() && g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() ) { // anim block i/o is not allowed at this stage
return NULL; }
// Block 0 is never used!!!
Assert( nBlock > 0 );
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
intp iAsync = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, nBlock );
if ( iAsync == NO_ASYNC ) { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle );
// FIXME: For consistency, the block name maybe shouldn't have 'model' in it.
char const *pModelName = pStudioHdr->pszAnimBlockName(); mstudioanimblock_t *pBlock = pStudioHdr->pAnimBlock( nBlock ); int nSize = pBlock->dataend - pBlock->datastart; if ( nSize == 0 ) return NULL;
// allocate space in the cache
pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock] = NULL;
char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( pFileName, pModelName, sizeof(pFileName) ); Q_FixSlashes( pFileName ); #ifdef POSIX
Q_strlower( pFileName ); #endif
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { char pX360Filename[MAX_PATH]; UpdateOrCreate( pStudioHdr, pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof( pX360Filename ), "GAME" ); Q_strncpy( pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof(pX360Filename) ); }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Begin load Anim Block %s (block %i, bytes %d)\n", GetModelName( handle ), nBlock, nSize );
AsyncInfo_t info; if ( IsDebug() ) { memset( &info, 0xdd, sizeof( AsyncInfo_t ) ); } info.hModel = handle; info.type = MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK; info.iAnimBlock = nBlock; info.hControl = NULL; void *pData; if ( nSize <= ANIMBLOCK_SIZE ) { // using the pool
pData = g_AnimBlockAllocator.Alloc(); } else { // Null will yield file system allocating an optimal read buffer
pData = NULL; Warning( "%s(%d): MDL Cache allocation outside the pool. %s : %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pStudioHdr->pszName(), nSize ); }
LoadData( pFileName, "GAME", pData, nSize, pBlock->datastart, bUseAsync, &info.hControl, handle );
Assert( m_AsyncMutex.GetOwnerId() == ThreadGetCurrentId() ); iAsync = SetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, nBlock, m_PendingAsyncs.AddToTail( info ) );
// keep track of when it was requested
pStudioData->m_vecFirstRequest[nBlock] = Plat_MSTime(); #endif
mstudioanimdesc_t &animdesc = pStudioHdr->pAnimdesc( nBlock ); Msg( "AnimBlock: %s (%s) %d \n", animdesc.pszName(), pStudioHdr->pszName(), nSize ); #endif
ProcessPendingAsync( iAsync );
return ( unsigned char * )CheckData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); }
// Gets at an animation block associated with an MDL
unsigned char *CMDLCache::GetAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock, bool preloadIfMissing ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return NULL;
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL ) return NULL;
// Allocate animation blocks if we don't have them yet
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; if ( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() == 0 ) { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); if ( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() == 0 ) { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle ); AllocateAnimBlocks( pStudioData, pStudioHdr->numanimblocks ); } }
// check for request being in range
if ( nBlock < 0 || nBlock >= pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count()) return NULL;
// Check the cache to see if the animation is in memory
unsigned char *pData = ( unsigned char * )CheckData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); if ( !pData ) { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); pData = ( unsigned char * )CheckData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); if ( !pData ) { pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock] = NULL;
if ( preloadIfMissing ) { // It's not in memory, read it off of disk
pData = UnserializeAnimBlock( handle, mod_load_anims_async.GetBool(), nBlock ); } } }
if (mod_load_fakestall.GetInt()) { unsigned long t = Plat_MSTime(); if (pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall[nBlock] == 0 || pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall[nBlock] > t) { pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall[nBlock] = t; }
if ((int)(t - pStudioData->m_vecFakeAnimBlockStall[nBlock]) < mod_load_fakestall.GetInt()) { return NULL; } } return pData; }
// Indicates if an anim block has been preloaded (either already in memory or in asynchronous loading).
bool CMDLCache::HasAnimBlockBeenPreloaded( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return false;
if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return false;
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL ) return false;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( nBlock <= 0 ) return true;
// check for request being in range
if ( nBlock >= pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() ) return false;
// Check the cache to see if the animation is in memory
// TODO: Investigate if the double testing is really necessary here.
unsigned char *pData = ( unsigned char * )CheckData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); if ( pData == NULL ) { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); pData = ( unsigned char * )CheckData( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks[nBlock], MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); if ( pData != NULL ) { return true; } } else { return true; }
// Data was not cached already, but maybe in async loading
int iAsync = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, nBlock ); return ( iAsync != NO_ASYNC ); }
// Allocates/frees autoplay sequence list
void CMDLCache::AllocateAutoplaySequences( studiodata_t *pStudioData, int nCount ) { FreeAutoplaySequences( pStudioData );
pStudioData->m_vecAutoplaySequenceList.EnsureCount( nCount ); }
void CMDLCache::FreeAutoplaySequences( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { pStudioData->m_vecAutoplaySequenceList.Purge(); }
// Gets the autoplay list
int CMDLCache::GetAutoplayList( MDLHandle_t handle, unsigned short **pAutoplayList ) { if ( pAutoplayList ) { *pAutoplayList = NULL; }
if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return 0;
virtualmodel_t *pVirtualModel = GetVirtualModel( handle ); if ( pVirtualModel ) { if ( pAutoplayList && pVirtualModel->m_autoplaySequences.Count() ) { *pAutoplayList = pVirtualModel->m_autoplaySequences.Base(); } return pVirtualModel->m_autoplaySequences.Count(); }
// FIXME: Should we cache autoplay info here on demand instead of in unserializeMDL?
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; if ( pAutoplayList ) { *pAutoplayList = pStudioData->m_vecAutoplaySequenceList.Base(); }
return pStudioData->m_vecAutoplaySequenceList.Count(); }
// Allocates/frees the virtual model
void CMDLCache::AllocateVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; Assert( pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel == NULL ); pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel = new virtualmodel_t;
// FIXME: The old code slammed these; could have leaked memory?
Assert( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() == 0 ); Assert( pStudioData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() == 0 ); }
void CMDLCache::FreeVirtualModel( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { if ( pStudioData && pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel ) { int nGroupCount = pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->m_group.Count(); Assert( (nGroupCount >= 1) && pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->m_group[0].cache == (void*)(uintp)pStudioData->m_Handle );
// NOTE: Start at *1* here because the 0th element contains a reference to *this* handle
for ( int i = 1; i < nGroupCount; ++i ) { MDLHandle_t h = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->m_group[i].cache ); FreeVirtualModel( m_MDLDict[ h ] ); Release( h ); }
delete pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel; pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel = NULL; } }
// Returns the virtual model
virtualmodel_t *CMDLCache::GetVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return NULL;
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle );
if ( pStudioHdr == NULL ) return NULL;
return GetVirtualModelFast( pStudioHdr, handle ); }
virtualmodel_t *CMDLCache::GetVirtualModelFast( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, MDLHandle_t handle ) { if (pStudioHdr->numincludemodels == 0) return NULL;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; if ( !pStudioData ) return NULL;
// These exist just so we can get some valid pointers when we're trying to catch a crash here
static const studiohdr_t *pDebugStudioHdr = pStudioHdr; static const MDLHandle_t pDebugHandle = handle; static const studiodata_t *pDebugStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( !pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel ) { DevMsg( 2, "Loading virtual model for %s\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() );
CMDLCacheCriticalSection criticalSection( this );
AllocateVirtualModel( handle );
// Group has to be zero to ensure refcounting is correct
int nGroup = pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->m_group.AddToTail( ); Assert( nGroup == 0 ); pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->m_group[nGroup].cache = (void *)(uintp)handle;
// Add all dependent data
pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel->AppendModels( 0, pStudioHdr ); }
return pStudioData->m_pVirtualModel; }
// Purpose: Pulls all submodels/.ani file models into the cache
// to avoid runtime hitches and load animations at load time, set mod_forcedata to be 1
void CMDLCache::UnserializeAllVirtualModelsAndAnimBlocks( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return;
// might be re-loading, discard old virtualmodel to force rebuild
// unfortunately, the virtualmodel does build data into the cacheable studiohdr
FreeVirtualModel( m_MDLDict[handle] );
if ( IsGameConsole() && g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() ) { // queued loading has to do it
return; }
// don't load the submodel data
if ( !mod_forcedata.GetBool() ) return;
// if not present, will instance and load the submodels
GetVirtualModel( handle );
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // 360 does not drive the anims into its small cache section
return; }
// Note that the animblocks start at 1!!!
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle ); for ( int i = 1 ; i < (int)pStudioHdr->numanimblocks; ++i ) { GetAnimBlock( handle, i, true ); }
ProcessPendingAsyncs( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); }
// Loads the static meshes
bool CMDLCache::UnserializeHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, bool bUseAsync ) { Assert( handle != MDLHANDLE_INVALID );
// Don't try to load VTX files if we don't have focus...
if ( m_bLostVideoMemory ) return false;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData && pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle == handle ) { return UnserializeCombinedHardwareData( handle ); }
CMDLCacheCriticalSection criticalSection( this );
// Load up the model
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle ); if ( !pStudioHdr || !pStudioHdr->numbodyparts ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH; return true; }
if ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH ) { return false; }
if ( LogMdlCache() && GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ) == NO_ASYNC && GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES ) == NO_ASYNC ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Begin load studiomdl %s\n", GetModelName( handle ) ); }
// Vertex data is required to call LoadModel(), so make sure that's ready
if ( !GetVertexData( handle ) ) { if ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_VERTEX_DATA ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH; } return false; }
intp iAsync = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA );
if ( iAsync == NO_ASYNC ) { m_pMeshCacheSection->Lock( pStudioData->m_VertexCache );
// load and persist the vtx file
// use model name for correct path
char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; MakeFilename( pFileName, pStudioHdr, GetVTXExtension() ); if ( IsGameConsole() ) { char pX360Filename[MAX_PATH]; UpdateOrCreate( pStudioHdr, pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof( pX360Filename ), "GAME" ); Q_strncpy( pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof(pX360Filename) ); }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Begin load VTX %s\n", GetModelName( handle ) );
AsyncInfo_t info; if ( IsDebug() ) { memset( &info, 0xdd, sizeof( AsyncInfo_t ) ); } info.hModel = handle; info.type = MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA; info.iAnimBlock = 0; info.hControl = NULL; LoadData( pFileName, "GAME", bUseAsync, &info.hControl, handle ); { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); iAsync = SetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, m_PendingAsyncs.AddToTail( info ) ); } }
if ( ProcessPendingAsync( iAsync ) > 0 ) { if ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH ) { return false; }
return ( pStudioData->m_HardwareData.m_NumStudioMeshes != 0 ); }
return false; }
static bool SortLessFunc(const mstudiovertanim_t &left, const mstudiovertanim_t & right) { return left.index < right.index; }
static bool SortLessFuncWrinkle(const mstudiovertanim_wrinkle_t &left, const mstudiovertanim_wrinkle_t & right) { return left.index < right.index; }
CMiniProfiler s_mp_SortFlexData;
void CMDLCache::ConvertFlexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { float flVertAnimFixedPointScale = pStudioHdr->VertAnimFixedPointScale();
for ( int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; i++ ) { mstudiobodyparts_t *pBody = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( i ); for ( int j = 0; j < pBody->nummodels; j++ ) { mstudiomodel_t *pModel = pBody->pModel( j ); for ( int k = 0; k < pModel->nummeshes; k++ ) { mstudiomesh_t *pMesh = pModel->pMesh( k ); for ( int l = 0; l < pMesh->numflexes; l++ ) { mstudioflex_t *pFlex = pMesh->pFlex( l ); bool bIsWrinkleAnim = ( pFlex->vertanimtype == STUDIO_VERT_ANIM_WRINKLE ); for ( int m = 0; m < pFlex->numverts; m++ ) { mstudiovertanim_t *pVAnim = bIsWrinkleAnim ? pFlex->pVertanimWrinkle( m ) : pFlex->pVertanim( m ); pVAnim->ConvertToFixed( flVertAnimFixedPointScale ); }
CMiniProfilerGuard mpguard(&s_mp_SortFlexData); switch ( pFlex->vertanimtype ) { case STUDIO_VERT_ANIM_NORMAL: { mstudiovertanim_t *pvanim = pFlex->pVertanim( 0 ); mstudiovertanim_t *pvanimEnd = pvanim + pFlex->numverts; std::make_heap( pvanim, pvanimEnd, SortLessFunc ); std::sort_heap( pvanim, pvanimEnd, SortLessFunc ); } break;
case STUDIO_VERT_ANIM_WRINKLE: { mstudiovertanim_wrinkle_t *pvanim = pFlex->pVertanimWrinkle( 0 ); mstudiovertanim_wrinkle_t *pvanimEnd = pvanim + pFlex->numverts; std::make_heap( pvanim, pvanimEnd, SortLessFuncWrinkle ); std::sort_heap( pvanim, pvanimEnd, SortLessFuncWrinkle ); } break; } } } } } }
bool CMDLCache::BuildHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, studiodata_t *pStudioData, studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ) { OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *pVtxHdr = (OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *)cacheData.Data();
if ( pVtxHdr ) { MdlCacheMsg("MDLCache: Alloc VTX %s\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() );
// check header
if ( pVtxHdr->version != OPTIMIZED_MODEL_FILE_VERSION ) { Warning( "Error Index File for '%s' version %d should be %d\n", pStudioHdr->pszName(), pVtxHdr->version, OPTIMIZED_MODEL_FILE_VERSION ); pVtxHdr = NULL; } else if ( pVtxHdr->checkSum != pStudioHdr->checksum ) { Warning( "Error Index File for '%s' checksum %ld should be %ld\n", pStudioHdr->pszName(), pVtxHdr->checkSum, pStudioHdr->checksum ); pVtxHdr = NULL; } }
if ( !pVtxHdr ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH; return false; }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Load studiohwdata %s\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() );
Assert( GetVertexData( handle ) );
BeginCoarseLock(); BeginLock(); bool bLoaded = g_pStudioRender->LoadModel( pStudioHdr, pVtxHdr, &pStudioData->m_HardwareData ); EndLock(); EndCoarseLock();
if ( bLoaded ) { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED; } else { pStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH; }
if ( m_pCacheNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, handle ); }
return true; }
// Loads the static meshes
void CMDLCache::UnloadHardwareData( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { // Don't load it if it's loaded
if ( pStudioData && pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED ) { if ( m_pCacheNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnDataUnloaded( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, pStudioData->m_Handle ); }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Unload studiohwdata %s\n", GetModelName( pStudioData->m_Handle ) );
g_pStudioRender->UnloadModel( &pStudioData->m_HardwareData ); memset( &pStudioData->m_HardwareData, 0, sizeof( pStudioData->m_HardwareData ) ); pStudioData->m_nFlags &= ~STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED;
if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED ) != 0 ) { g_pMaterialSystem->UncacheUnusedMaterials(); } } }
void CMDLCache::UnloadQueuedHardwareData( ) { studiodata_t *handle = NULL;
while( m_UnloadHandles.PopItem( &handle ) == true ) { Flush( handle ); delete handle; }
EndLock(); }
// Returns the hardware data associated with an MDL
studiohwdata_t *CMDLCache::GetHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( mod_test_mesh_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & (STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH) ) == 0 ) { m_pMeshCacheSection->LockMutex(); if ( ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & (STUDIODATA_FLAGS_STUDIOMESH_LOADED | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH) ) == 0 ) { m_pMeshCacheSection->UnlockMutex(); if ( !UnserializeHardwareData( handle, mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool() ) ) { return NULL; } } else { m_pMeshCacheSection->UnlockMutex(); } }
return &pStudioData->m_HardwareData; }
// Task switch
void CMDLCache::ReleaseMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ) { Assert( !m_bLostVideoMemory ); m_bLostVideoMemory = true;
BreakFrameLock( false );
// Free all hardware data
MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { UnloadHardwareData( m_MDLDict[ i ] ); i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); }
RestoreFrameLock(); }
void CMDLCache::RestoreMaterialSystemObjects( int nChangeFlags ) { Assert( m_bLostVideoMemory ); m_bLostVideoMemory = false;
BreakFrameLock( false );
// Restore all hardware data
MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[i];
bool bIsMDLInMemory = GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->IsPresent( pStudioData->m_MDLCache );
// If the vertex format changed, we have to free the data because we may be using different .vtx files.
if ( nChangeFlags & MATERIAL_RESTORE_VERTEX_FORMAT_CHANGED ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free studiohdr\n" ); MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free VVD\n" ); MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Free VTX\n" );
// FIXME: Do we have to free m_MDLCache + m_VertexCache?
// Certainly we have to free m_IndexCache, cause that's a dx-level specific vtx file.
ClearAsync( i, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, 0, true );
// Only restore the hardware data of those studiohdrs which are currently in memory
if ( bIsMDLInMemory ) { GetHardwareData( i ); }
i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); }
RestoreFrameLock(); }
// Finalization step of loading. Part of an intricate loading control flow.
void CMDLCache::MarkAsLoaded( MDLHandle_t handle ) { // For the 360...
// This should only be occurring at the very end of loading. The queued loader will have
// either left the data in the datacache or populated it. This just re-hooks the
// aliased pointers to data that should be in the cache. If the queued loader is
// working properly, no i/o should be evented.
if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { // re-establish the cached model header, if the cache doesn't have it, it will cause i/o and get loaded now
g_MDLCache.GetStudioHdr( handle ); if ( !m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache ); } }
if ( !mod_dont_load_vertices.GetInt() ) { // re-establish the cached vertex header, if the cache doesn't have it, it will cause i/o and get loaded now
if ( !mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool() && mod_lock_meshes_on_load.GetBool() && !( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_VERTEX_DATA ) ) { GetVertexData( handle ); if ( !m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader = (vertexFileHeader_t *)GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache ); } } } }
// Callback for UpdateOrCreate utility function - swaps any studiomdl file type.
static bool MdlcacheCreateCallback( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, const char *pPathID, void *pHdr ) { // Missing studio files are permissible and not spewed as errors
bool retval = false; CUtlBuffer sourceBuf; bool bOk = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pSourceName, NULL, sourceBuf ); if ( bOk ) { CUtlBuffer targetBuf; targetBuf.EnsureCapacity( sourceBuf.TellPut() + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING );
int bytes = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( pTargetName, targetBuf.Base(), targetBuf.Size(), sourceBuf.Base(), sourceBuf.TellPut(), (studiohdr_t*)pHdr ); if ( bytes ) { // If the file was an .mdl, attempt to swap the .ani as well
if ( Q_stristr( pSourceName, ".mdl" ) ) { char szANISourceName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_StripExtension( pSourceName, szANISourceName, sizeof( szANISourceName ) ); Q_strncat( szANISourceName, ".ani", sizeof( szANISourceName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); UpdateOrCreate( szANISourceName, NULL, 0, pPathID, MdlcacheCreateCallback, true, targetBuf.Base() ); }
targetBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, bytes ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pTargetName, pPathID, targetBuf ); retval = true; } else { Warning( "Failed to create %s\n", pTargetName ); } } return retval; }
// Calls utility function to create .360 version of a file.
int CMDLCache::UpdateOrCreate( studiohdr_t *pHdr, const char *pSourceName, char *pTargetName, int targetLen, const char *pPathID, bool bForce ) { return ::UpdateOrCreate( pSourceName, pTargetName, targetLen, pPathID, MdlcacheCreateCallback, bForce, pHdr ); }
// Purpose: Attempts to read a file native to the current platform
bool CMDLCache::ReadFileNative( char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes ) { bool bOk = false;
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // Read the 360 version
char pX360Filename[ MAX_PATH ]; UpdateOrCreate( NULL, pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof( pX360Filename ), pPath ); bOk = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pX360Filename, pPath, buf, nMaxBytes ); } else { const char *pActualFilename = pFileName; if ( IsPC() ) { pActualFilename = m_ModelSwapper.TranslateModelName( pFileName ); }
// Read the PC version
bOk = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pActualFilename, pPath, buf, nMaxBytes ); }
return bOk; }
// Purpose:
studiohdr_t *CMDLCache::UnserializeMDL( MDLHandle_t handle, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ) { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdrIn = (studiohdr_t *)cacheData.Data(); Assert( pStudioHdrIn ); if ( !pStudioHdrIn ) return NULL; #ifdef CSTRIKE15
// Slamp root LOD to 0 for CS:GO
int nRootLOD = 0; #else
int nRootLOD = r_rootlod.GetInt(); #endif
if ( nRootLOD > 0 ) { // raw data is already setup for lod 0, override otherwise
static bool s_bTempRootLodEnable = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-r_rootlod_enable" ); if ( s_bTempRootLodEnable ) { Studio_SetRootLOD( pStudioHdrIn, nRootLOD ); } else { ExecuteNTimes( 5, Warning( "r_rootlod is temporarily unsupported: bugbait#70052" ) ); } } StudioHdrLookupSurfaceProps( pStudioHdrIn ); if ( pStudioHdrIn->numincludemodels == 0 ) { StudioHdrSetAnimEventFlag( pStudioHdrIn ); }
// critical! store a back link to our data
// this is fetched when re-establishing dependent cached data (vtx/vvd)
pStudioHdrIn->SetVirtualModel( MDLHandleToVirtual( handle ) );
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Alloc studiohdr %s\n", GetModelName( handle ) );
// allocate cache space
MemAlloc_PushAllocDbgInfo( "Models:StudioHdr", 0); studiohdr_t *pHdr = (studiohdr_t *)AllocData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, pStudioHdrIn->length ); MemAlloc_PopAllocDbgInfo(); if ( !pHdr ) return NULL;
CacheData( &m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache, pHdr, pStudioHdrIn->length, GetModelName( handle ), MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, MakeCacheID( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR) );
if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache ); }
// FIXME: Is there any way we can compute the size to load *before* loading in
// and read directly into cache memory? It would be nice to reduce cache overhead here.
// move the complete, relocatable model to the cache
memcpy( pHdr, pStudioHdrIn, pStudioHdrIn->length );
// On first load, convert the flex deltas from fp16 to 16-bit fixed-point
if ( (pHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_FLEXES_CONVERTED) == 0 ) { ConvertFlexData( pHdr );
// Mark as converted so it only happens once
if ( m_pCacheNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, handle ); }
return pHdr; }
// Attempts to load a MDL file, validates that it's ok.
bool CMDLCache::ReadMDLFile( MDLHandle_t handle, const char *pMDLFileName, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ) { VPROF( "CMDLCache::ReadMDLFile" );
char pFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( pFileName, pMDLFileName, sizeof( pFileName ) ); Q_FixSlashes( pFileName ); #ifdef POSIX
Q_strlower( pFileName ); #endif
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Load studiohdr %s\n", pFileName );
bool bOk = cacheData.ReadFileNative( pFileName, "GAME" ); if ( !bOk || !cacheData.Data() ) { DevWarning( "Failed to load %s!\n", pMDLFileName ); return false; }
if ( cacheData.DataSize() < sizeof(studiohdr_t) ) { DevWarning( "Empty model %s\n", pMDLFileName ); return false; }
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)cacheData.Data(); if ( pStudioHdr->id != IDSTUDIOHEADER ) { DevWarning( "Model %s not a .MDL format file!\n", pMDLFileName ); return false; }
// We need this, but older file formats don't have it.
if ( pStudioHdr->studiohdr2index == 0 ) { DevWarning( "Model %s doesn't have a studiohdr2, which should've been fixed. This is required of all models now.\n", pMDLFileName ); return false; }
// critical! store a back link to our data
// this is fetched when re-establishing dependent cached data (vtx/vvd)
pStudioHdr->SetVirtualModel( MDLHandleToVirtual( handle ) );
static ConVarRef developer( "developer" );
// Make sure all dependent files are valid (blocking loads and checks them in developer mode 2)
if ( ( developer.IsValid() && developer.GetInt() >= 2 ) && !VerifyHeaders( pStudioHdr ) ) { DevWarning( "Model %s has mismatched .vvd + .vtx files!\n", pMDLFileName ); return false; }
return true; }
studiohdr_t *CMDLCache::LockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return NULL; }
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { ++pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; return pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr; }
CMDLCacheCriticalSection cacheCriticalSection( this ); studiohdr_t *pStdioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle ); // @TODO (toml 9/12/2006) need this?: AddRef( handle );
if ( !pStdioHdr ) { return NULL; }
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { ++pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; return pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr; }
GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache );
return pStdioHdr; }
void CMDLCache::UnlockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return; }
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { --pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; return; }
if ( pStudioData->m_MDLCache != DC_INVALID_HANDLE ) { GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Unlock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache ); } // @TODO (toml 9/12/2006) need this?: Release( handle );
// Loading the data in
studiohdr_t *CMDLCache::GetStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return NULL;
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if( !pStudioData ) { // <sergiy> this happens on quit during map load. Safeguarding to prevent immediate crash, as the cause is unknown.
Warning( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "CMDLCache::GetStudioHdr(0x%X) : invalid handle, not in dictionary (of size %u).\n" "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", (int)handle, m_MDLDict.Count() ); return NULL; }
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { return pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr; }
if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { pStudioData->m_ForceLockMutex.Lock();
if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { pStudioData->m_ForceLockMutex.Unlock(); return pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr; } }
// Returning a pointer to data inside the cache when it's unlocked is just a bad idea.
// It's technically legal, but the pointer can get invalidated if anything else looks at the cache.
// Don't do that.
// Assert( m_pModelCacheSection->IsFrameLocking() );
// Assert( m_pMeshCacheSection->IsFrameLocking() );
#if _DEBUG
VPROF_INCREMENT_COUNTER( "GetStudioHdr", 1 ); #endif
studiohdr_t *pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)CheckData( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ); if ( !pHdr ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache = NULL;
CMDLCacheCriticalSection cacheCriticalSection( this );
static ConVarRef developer( "developer" );
// load the file
const char *pModelName = GetActualModelName( handle ); if ( developer.IsValid() && developer.GetInt() > 1 ) { DevMsg( "Loading %s\n", pModelName ); }
// Load file to temporary space
CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_MALLOC ); if ( !ReadMDLFile( handle, pModelName, cacheData ) ) { bool bOk = false; if ( ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL ) == 0 ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL; bOk = ReadMDLFile( handle, ERROR_MODEL, cacheData ); }
if ( !bOk ) { if (IsOSX()) { // rbarris wants this to go somewhere like the console.log prior to crashing, which is what the Error call will do next
printf("\n ##### Model %s not found and %s couldn't be loaded", pModelName, ERROR_MODEL ); fflush( stdout ); } Error( "Model %s not found and %s couldn't be loaded", pModelName, ERROR_MODEL ); if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { pStudioData->m_ForceLockMutex.Unlock(); } return NULL; } }
// put it in the cache
if ( ProcessDataIntoCache( handle, cacheData ) ) { pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)CheckData( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ); } } else { if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache ); // add an explicit lock
m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr = pHdr; } }
if ( mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool() ) { pStudioData->m_ForceLockMutex.Unlock(); }
return pHdr; }
// Gets/sets user data associated with the MDL
void CMDLCache::SetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle, void* pData ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return;
m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pUserData = pData; }
void *CMDLCache::GetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return NULL; return m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pUserData; }
// Polls information about a particular mdl
bool CMDLCache::IsErrorModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return false;
return (m_MDLDict[handle]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL) != 0; }
bool CMDLCache::IsOverBudget( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return false; }
studiohdr_t *pStdioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle );
return ( ( pStdioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_OVER_BUDGET ) != 0 ); }
// Brings all data associated with an MDL into memory
void CMDLCache::TouchAllData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr( handle ); virtualmodel_t *pVModel = GetVirtualModel( handle ); if ( pVModel ) { // skip self, start at children
// ensure all sub models are cached
for ( int i=1; i<pVModel->m_group.Count(); ++i ) { MDLHandle_t childHandle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pVModel->m_group[i].cache ); if ( childHandle != MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { // FIXME: Should this be calling TouchAllData on the child?
GetStudioHdr( childHandle ); } } }
if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { // cache the anims
// Note that the animblocks start at 1!!!
for ( int i=1; i< (int)pStudioHdr->numanimblocks; ++i ) { pStudioHdr->GetAnimBlock( i ); } }
// cache the vertexes
if ( pStudioHdr->numbodyparts ) { if ( !mod_dont_load_vertices.GetInt() ) { CacheVertexData( pStudioHdr ); GetHardwareData( handle ); } } }
// Flushes all data
void CMDLCache::Flush( MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags ) { // Free all MDLs that haven't been cleaned up
MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { Flush( i, nFlushFlags ); i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); } }
// Cache handlers
static const char *g_ppszTypes[] = { "studiohdr", // MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR
"studiohwdata", // MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA
"vcollide", // MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE
"animblock", // MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK
"virtualmodel", // MDLCACHE_VIRTUALMODEL
"vertexes", // MDLCACHE_VERTEXES
bool CMDLCache::HandleCacheNotification( const DataCacheNotification_t ¬ification ) { switch ( notification.type ) { case DC_AGE_DISCARD: case DC_FLUSH_DISCARD: case DC_REMOVED: { // This message can cause a crash on debug builds with "mod_trace_load 1"
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Data cache discard %s %s\n", g_ppszTypes[TypeFromCacheID( notification.clientId )], GetModelName( HandleFromCacheID( notification.clientId ) ) );
if ( (DataCacheClientID_t)notification.pItemData == notification.clientId || TypeFromCacheID(notification.clientId) != MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ) { Assert( notification.pItemData ); FreeData( TypeFromCacheID(notification.clientId), (void *)notification.pItemData ); } else { UnloadHardwareData( m_MDLDict[ HandleFromCacheID( notification.clientId ) ] ); } return true; } }
return CDefaultDataCacheClient::HandleCacheNotification( notification ); }
bool CMDLCache::GetItemName( DataCacheClientID_t clientId, const void *pItem, char *pDest, unsigned nMaxLen ) { if ( (DataCacheClientID_t)pItem == clientId ) { return false; }
MDLHandle_t handle = HandleFromCacheID( clientId ); MDLCacheDataType_t type = TypeFromCacheID( clientId );
Assert( type >= 0 && type < ARRAYSIZE(g_ppszTypes) ); Q_snprintf( pDest, nMaxLen, "%s - %s", g_ppszTypes[type], GetModelName( handle ) );
return false; }
// Flushes all data
void CMDLCache::BeginCoarseLock() { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { m_pModelCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); m_pMeshCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); } }
// Flushes all data
void CMDLCache::EndCoarseLock() { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { m_pModelCacheSection->EndFrameLocking(); m_pMeshCacheSection->EndFrameLocking(); } }
// Flushes all data
void CMDLCache::BeginLock() { if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { m_pModelCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); m_pMeshCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); } m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); }
// Flushes all data
void CMDLCache::EndLock() { if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { m_pModelCacheSection->EndFrameLocking(); m_pMeshCacheSection->EndFrameLocking(); } m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection->EndFrameLocking(); }
void CMDLCache::BreakFrameLock( bool bModels, bool bMesh, bool bAnimBlock ) { if ( bModels ) { if ( m_pModelCacheSection->IsFrameLocking() ) { Assert( !m_nModelCacheFrameLocks ); m_nModelCacheFrameLocks = 0; do { m_nModelCacheFrameLocks++; } while ( m_pModelCacheSection->EndFrameLocking() ); }
if ( bMesh ) { if ( m_pMeshCacheSection->IsFrameLocking() ) { Assert( !m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks ); m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks = 0; do { m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks++; } while ( m_pMeshCacheSection->EndFrameLocking() ); } }
if ( bAnimBlock ) { if ( m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection->IsFrameLocking() ) { Assert( !m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks ); m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks = 0; do { m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks++; } while ( m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection->EndFrameLocking() ); } } }
void CMDLCache::RestoreFrameLock() { while ( m_nModelCacheFrameLocks ) { m_pModelCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); m_nModelCacheFrameLocks--; } while ( m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks ) { m_pMeshCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); m_nMeshCacheFrameLocks--; } while ( m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks ) { m_pAnimBlocksCacheSection->BeginFrameLocking(); m_nAnimBlockCacheFrameLocks--; } }
int *CMDLCache::GetFrameUnlockCounterPtrOLD() { return GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr(); }
int *CMDLCache::GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { return GetCacheSection( type )->GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr(); }
// Completes all pending async operations
void CMDLCache::FinishPendingLoads() { if ( !ThreadInMainThread() ) { return; }
AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex );
// finish just our known jobs
intp iAsync = m_PendingAsyncs.Head(); while ( iAsync != m_PendingAsyncs.InvalidIndex() ) { AsyncInfo_t &info = m_PendingAsyncs[iAsync]; if ( info.hControl ) { g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncFinish( info.hControl, true ); } iAsync = m_PendingAsyncs.Next( iAsync ); }
ProcessPendingAsyncs(); }
// Notify map load has started
void CMDLCache::BeginMapLoad() { BreakFrameLock();
studiodata_t *pStudioData;
// Unlock prior map MDLs prior to load
MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { pStudioData = m_MDLDict[i]; if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { // Reset the lock counts to where they need to be while the mdlcache lock is not active
while ( pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock > 0 ) { --pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Lock( pStudioData->m_MDLCache ); }
while ( pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock < 0 ) { ++pStudioData->m_iStudioHdrVirtualLock; GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Unlock( pStudioData->m_MDLCache ); }
GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->Unlock( pStudioData->m_MDLCache ); pStudioData->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr = NULL; } if ( pStudioData->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->Unlock( pStudioData->m_VertexCache ); pStudioData->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader = NULL; } i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); } }
// Notify map load is complete
void CMDLCache::EndMapLoad() { FinishPendingLoads();
bool bLockMdls = mod_lock_mdls_on_load.GetBool(); bool bLockMeshes = ( !mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool() && mod_lock_meshes_on_load.GetBool() );
// Remove all stray MDLs not referenced during load
if ( bLockMdls || bLockMeshes ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData; MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { pStudioData = m_MDLDict[i]; if ( bLockMdls && !m_MDLDict[i]->m_pForceLockedStudioHdr ) { Flush( i, MDLCACHE_FLUSH_STUDIOHDR | MDLCACHE_FLUSH_COMBINED_DATA ); } if ( bLockMeshes && !( m_MDLDict[i]->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_VERTEX_DATA ) && !m_MDLDict[i]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { Flush( i, MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VERTEXES ); } i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); } }
RestoreFrameLock(); }
// Is a particular part of the model data loaded?
bool CMDLCache::IsDataLoaded( MDLHandle_t handle, MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID || !m_MDLDict.IsValidIndex( handle ) ) return false;
studiodata_t *pData = m_MDLDict[ handle ]; switch( type ) { case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR: return GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR )->IsPresent( pData->m_MDLCache );
case MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK: { if ( !pData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() ) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < pData->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count(); ++i ) { if ( !pData->m_vecAnimBlocks[i] ) return false;
if ( !GetCacheSection( type )->IsPresent( pData->m_vecAnimBlocks[i] ) ) return false; } return true; }
case MDLCACHE_VIRTUALMODEL: return ( pData->m_pVirtualModel != 0 );
case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: return m_pMeshCacheSection->IsPresent( pData->m_VertexCache ); } return false; }
// Get the correct extension for our dx
const char *CMDLCache::GetVTXExtension() { return ".dx90.vtx"; }
// Minimal presence and header validation, no data loads
// Return true if successful, false otherwise.
bool CMDLCache::VerifyHeaders( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { VPROF( "CMDLCache::VerifyHeaders" );
// model has no vertex data
if ( !pStudioHdr->numbodyparts ) { // valid
return true; }
char pFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
MakeFilename( pFileName, pStudioHdr, ".vvd" );
MdlCacheMsg("MDLCache: Load VVD (verify) %s\n", pFileName );
// vvd header only
CUtlBuffer vvdHeader( 0, sizeof(vertexFileHeader_t) ); if ( !ReadFileNative( pFileName, "GAME", vvdHeader, sizeof(vertexFileHeader_t) ) ) { return false; }
vertexFileHeader_t *pVertexHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t*)vvdHeader.PeekGet();
// check
if (( pVertexHdr->id != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID ) || ( pVertexHdr->version != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION ) || ( pVertexHdr->checksum != pStudioHdr->checksum )) { return false; }
// load the VTX file
// use model name for correct path
MakeFilename( pFileName, pStudioHdr, GetVTXExtension() );
MdlCacheMsg("MDLCache: Load VTX (verify) %s\n", pFileName );
// vtx header only
CUtlBuffer vtxHeader( 0, sizeof(OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t) ); if ( !ReadFileNative( pFileName, "GAME", vtxHeader, sizeof(OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t) ) ) { return false; }
// check
OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *pVtxHdr = (OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t*)vtxHeader.PeekGet(); if (( pVtxHdr->version != OPTIMIZED_MODEL_FILE_VERSION ) || ( pVtxHdr->checkSum != pStudioHdr->checksum )) { return false; }
// valid
return true; }
// Cache model's specified dynamic data
vertexFileHeader_t *CMDLCache::CacheVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { VPROF( "CMDLCache::CacheVertexData" );
vertexFileHeader_t *pVvdHdr; MDLHandle_t handle;
Assert( pStudioHdr );
handle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pStudioHdr->VirtualModel() ); Assert( handle != MDLHANDLE_INVALID );
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { return m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader; }
pVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)CheckData( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES ); if ( pVvdHdr ) { return pVvdHdr; }
m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache = NULL;
return LoadVertexData( pStudioHdr ); }
// Start an async transfer
FSAsyncStatus_t CMDLCache::LoadData( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszPathID, void *pDest, int nBytes, int nOffset, bool bAsync, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl, MDLHandle_t hModel ) { if ( !*pControl ) { if ( IsGameConsole() && g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() ) { // the weapon model cache explicitly bypasses the QL causing beingin warnings
// per request, these need to get suppressed from the log which is causing undesired noise
if ( !m_pCacheNotify || !m_pCacheNotify->ShouldSupressLoadWarning( hModel ) ) { DevWarning( "CMDLCache: Non-Optimal loading path for %s\n", pszFilename ); } }
const char *pActualFilename = pszFilename; if ( IsPC() ) { pActualFilename = m_ModelSwapper.TranslateModelName( pszFilename ); } FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = pActualFilename; asyncRequest.pszPathID = pszPathID; asyncRequest.pData = pDest; asyncRequest.nBytes = nBytes; asyncRequest.nOffset = nOffset;
if ( !pDest ) { asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; }
if ( !bAsync ) { asyncRequest.flags |= FSASYNC_FLAGS_SYNC; }
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); return g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, pControl ); }
// Determine the maximum number of 'real' bone influences used by any vertex in a model
// (100% binding to bone zero doesn't count)
int ComputeMaxRealBoneInfluences( vertexFileHeader_t * vertexFile, int lod ) { const mstudiovertex_t * verts = vertexFile->GetVertexData(); int numVerts = vertexFile->numLODVertexes[ lod ]; Assert(verts);
int maxWeights = 0; for (int i = 0;i < numVerts;i++) { if ( verts[i].m_BoneWeights.numbones > 0 ) { int numWeights = 0; for (int j = 0;j < MAX_NUM_BONES_PER_VERT;j++) { if ( verts[i].m_BoneWeights.weight[j] > 0 ) numWeights = j + 1; } if ( ( numWeights == 1 ) && ( verts[i].m_BoneWeights.bone[0] == 0 ) ) { // 100% binding to first bone - not really skinned (the first bone is just the model transform)
numWeights = 0; } maxWeights = MAX( numWeights, maxWeights ); } } return maxWeights; }
// Generate thin vertices (containing just the data needed to do model decals)
vertexFileHeader_t * CMDLCache::CreateThinVertexes( vertexFileHeader_t * originalData, const studiohdr_t * pStudioHdr, int * cacheLength ) { int rootLod = MIN( pStudioHdr->rootLOD, ( originalData->numLODs - 1 ) ); Assert( rootLod >= 0 && rootLod < ARRAYSIZE(originalData->numLODVertexes) ); int numVerts = originalData->numLODVertexes[ rootLod ] + 1; // Add 1 vert to support prefetch during array access
int numBoneInfluences = ComputeMaxRealBoneInfluences( originalData, rootLod ); // Only store (N-1) weights (all N weights sum to 1, so we can re-compute the Nth weight later)
int numStoredWeights = MAX( 0, ( numBoneInfluences - 1 ) );
int vertexSize = 2*sizeof( Vector ) + numBoneInfluences*sizeof( unsigned char ) + numStoredWeights*sizeof( float ); *cacheLength = sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t ) + sizeof( thinModelVertices_t ) + numVerts*vertexSize;
// Allocate cache space for the thin data
MemAlloc_PushAllocDbgInfo( "Models:Vertex data", 0); vertexFileHeader_t * pNewVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)AllocData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, *cacheLength ); MemAlloc_PopAllocDbgInfo();
Assert( pNewVvdHdr ); if ( pNewVvdHdr ) { // Copy the header and set it up to hold thin vertex data
memcpy( (void *)pNewVvdHdr, (void *)originalData, sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t ) ); pNewVvdHdr->id = MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_THIN_ID; pNewVvdHdr->numFixups = 0; pNewVvdHdr->fixupTableStart = 0; pNewVvdHdr->tangentDataStart = 0; pNewVvdHdr->vertexDataStart = sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t );
// Set up the thin vertex structure
thinModelVertices_t * pNewThinVerts = (thinModelVertices_t *)( pNewVvdHdr + 1 ); Vector * pPositions = (Vector *)( pNewThinVerts + 1 ); float * pBoneWeights = (float *)( pPositions + numVerts ); // Alloc the (short) normals here to avoid mis-aligning the float data
unsigned short * pNormals = (unsigned short *)( pBoneWeights + numVerts*numStoredWeights ); // Alloc the (char) indices here to avoid mis-aligning the float/short data
byte * pBoneIndices = (byte *)( pNormals + numVerts ); if ( numStoredWeights == 0 ) pBoneWeights = NULL; if ( numBoneInfluences == 0 ) pBoneIndices = NULL; pNewThinVerts->Init( numBoneInfluences, pPositions, pNormals, pBoneWeights, pBoneIndices );
// Copy over the original data
const mstudiovertex_t * srcVertexData = originalData->GetVertexData(); for ( int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ ) { pNewThinVerts->SetPosition( i, srcVertexData[ i ].m_vecPosition ); pNewThinVerts->SetNormal( i, srcVertexData[ i ].m_vecNormal ); if ( numBoneInfluences > 0 ) { mstudioboneweight_t boneWeights; boneWeights.numbones = numBoneInfluences; for ( int j = 0; j < numStoredWeights; j++ ) { boneWeights.weight[ j ] = srcVertexData[ i ].m_BoneWeights.weight[ j ]; } for ( int j = 0; j < numBoneInfluences; j++ ) { boneWeights.bone[ j ] = srcVertexData[ i ].m_BoneWeights.bone[ j ]; } pNewThinVerts->SetBoneWeights( i, boneWeights ); } } }
return pNewVvdHdr; }
// Generate null vertices (containing no data - just a header to say verts have been loaded, converted into VBs/IBs and discarded)
vertexFileHeader_t * CMDLCache::CreateNullVertexes( vertexFileHeader_t * originalData, const studiohdr_t * pStudioHdr, int * cacheLength ) { // Allocate cache space for the thin data
*cacheLength = sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t ); MemAlloc_PushAllocDbgInfo( "Models:Vertex data", 0); vertexFileHeader_t * pNewVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)AllocData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, *cacheLength ); MemAlloc_PopAllocDbgInfo();
Assert( pNewVvdHdr ); if ( pNewVvdHdr ) { // Copy the header and blank out any references to data - which will now be discarded
memcpy( (void *)pNewVvdHdr, (void *)originalData, sizeof( vertexFileHeader_t ) ); pNewVvdHdr->id = MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_NULL_ID; pNewVvdHdr->numFixups = 0; pNewVvdHdr->fixupTableStart = 0; pNewVvdHdr->tangentDataStart = 0; pNewVvdHdr->vertexDataStart = 0; }
return pNewVvdHdr; }
// Process the provided raw data into the cache. Distributes to low level
// unserialization or build methods.
bool CMDLCache::ProcessDataIntoCache( MDLHandle_t handle, CMDLCacheData &cacheData, int iAnimBlock ) { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdrCurrent = NULL; if ( cacheData.DataType() != MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ) { // can only get the studiohdr once the header has been processed successfully into the cache
// causes a ProcessDataIntoCache() with the studiohdr data
pStudioHdrCurrent = GetStudioHdr( handle ); if ( !pStudioHdrCurrent ) { return false; } }
studiodata_t *pStudioDataCurrent = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( !pStudioDataCurrent ) { return false; }
switch ( cacheData.DataType() ) { case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR: { pStudioHdrCurrent = UnserializeMDL( handle, cacheData ); if ( !pStudioHdrCurrent ) { return false; }
if (!Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pStudioHdrCurrent )) { Warning( "MDLCache: %s needs to be recompiled\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() ); }
if ( pStudioHdrCurrent->numincludemodels == 0 ) { // perf optimization, calculate once and cache off the autoplay sequences
int nCount = pStudioHdrCurrent->CountAutoplaySequences(); if ( nCount ) { AllocateAutoplaySequences( m_MDLDict[handle], nCount ); pStudioHdrCurrent->CopyAutoplaySequences( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_vecAutoplaySequenceList.Base(), nCount ); } }
// Load animations
UnserializeAllVirtualModelsAndAnimBlocks( handle ); break; }
case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: { if ( cacheData.Data() ) { BuildAndCacheVertexData( pStudioHdrCurrent, cacheData ); } else { pStudioDataCurrent->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_VERTEX_DATA; if ( pStudioHdrCurrent->numbodyparts ) { // expected data not valid
Warning( "MDLCache: Failed load of .VVD data for %s\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() ); return false; } } break; }
case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA: { if ( cacheData.Data() ) { BuildHardwareData( handle, pStudioDataCurrent, pStudioHdrCurrent, cacheData ); } else { pStudioDataCurrent->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH; if ( pStudioHdrCurrent->numbodyparts ) { // expected data not valid
Warning( "MDLCache: Failed load of .VTX data for %s\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() ); return false; } }
m_pMeshCacheSection->Unlock( pStudioDataCurrent->m_VertexCache ); m_pMeshCacheSection->Age( pStudioDataCurrent->m_VertexCache );
if ( !( pStudioDataCurrent->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH ) ) { vertexFileHeader_t *originalVertexData = GetVertexData( handle ); Assert( originalVertexData ); if ( originalVertexData && IsGameConsole() ) { // PORTAL2 CONSOLE: Vertex/Index data will never be read again (no model decals or load-time lighting), so discard the VVD data and create a new header
int nullVertexDataSize = 0; vertexFileHeader_t *nullVertexData = CreateNullVertexes( originalVertexData, pStudioHdrCurrent, &nullVertexDataSize ); Assert( nullVertexData && ( nullVertexDataSize > 0 ) ); if ( nullVertexData && ( nullVertexDataSize > 0 ) ) { // Remove and free the original cache entry, and add the new one
// This causes the aliased "forced" locked vertex pointer to be nulled
// which trips MarkAsLoaded() to re-establish it during CL_FullyConnected(), thus the alias is maintained.
Flush( handle, MDLCACHE_FLUSH_VERTEXES | MDLCACHE_FLUSH_IGNORELOCK ); CacheData( &pStudioDataCurrent->m_VertexCache, nullVertexData, nullVertexDataSize, pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName(), MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, MakeCacheID( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES) ); } } }
break; }
if ( cacheData.Data() ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Finish load anim block %s (block %i)\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName(), iAnimBlock );
char pCacheName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pCacheName, MAX_PATH, "%s (block %i)", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName(), iAnimBlock );
CacheData( &pStudioDataCurrent->m_vecAnimBlocks[iAnimBlock], cacheData.Data(), cacheData.DataSize(), pCacheName, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, MakeCacheID( handle, MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK) );
// The cache now owns the data, so detach it from 'cacheData':
if ( mod_load_showasync.GetBool() && pStudioDataCurrent->m_vecFirstRequest && pStudioHdrCurrent ) { Msg("[%5.3f] async model load %s:%d\n", (Plat_MSTime() - pStudioDataCurrent->m_vecFirstRequest[iAnimBlock]) / 1000.0f, pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName(), iAnimBlock ); } #endif
} else { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Failed load anim block %s (block %i)\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName(), iAnimBlock ); if ( pStudioDataCurrent->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count() > iAnimBlock ) { pStudioDataCurrent->m_vecAnimBlocks[iAnimBlock] = NULL; } return false; } break; }
case MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE: { // always marked as loaded, vcollides are not present for every model
if ( cacheData.Data() ) { MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Finish load vcollide for %s\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() );
CUtlBuffer buf( cacheData.Data(), cacheData.DataSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, cacheData.DataSize() );
phyheader_t header; buf.Get( &header, sizeof( phyheader_t ) ); if ( ( header.size == sizeof( header ) ) && header.solidCount > 0 ) { int nBufSize = buf.TellMaxPut() - buf.TellGet(); pStudioDataCurrent->m_pVCollide = new CStudioVCollide; vcollide_t *pCollide = pStudioDataCurrent->m_pVCollide->GetVCollide();
g_pPhysicsCollision->VCollideLoad( pCollide, header.solidCount, (const char*)buf.PeekGet(), nBufSize ); if ( mod_check_vcollide.GetBool() ) { g_pPhysicsCollision->VCollideCheck( pCollide, pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() ); } if ( m_pCacheNotify ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnDataLoaded( MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE, handle ); } } } else { // Since it is legitimate to not have PHY data for a model, we only note this as a message and not a warning.
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Failed load of .PHY data for %s\n", pStudioHdrCurrent->pszName() ); return false; } break; }
default: Assert( 0 ); }
// success
return true; }
// Returns:
// <0: indeterminate at this time
// =0: pending
// >0: completed
int CMDLCache::ProcessPendingAsync( intp iAsync ) { if ( !ThreadInMainThread() || iAsync == NO_ASYNC ) { return -1; }
void *pData = NULL; int nBytesRead = 0;
AsyncInfo_t *pInfo; { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); pInfo = &m_PendingAsyncs[iAsync]; } Assert( pInfo->hControl );
FSAsyncStatus_t status = g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncGetResult( pInfo->hControl, &pData, &nBytesRead ); if ( status == FSASYNC_STATUS_PENDING ) { return 0; }
AsyncInfo_t info = *pInfo; pInfo = &info; ClearAsync( pInfo->hModel, pInfo->type, pInfo->iAnimBlock );
if( m_bFileNotFoundAllowed && status == FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN ) { // file not found here is valid so return complete
return 1; }
//Assert( nBytesRead > 0 );
if ( nBytesRead <= 0 ) { return 1; }
switch ( pInfo->type ) { case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA: case MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE: { // NOTE: 'cacheData' deals with decompression/freeing of the incoming data
CUtlBuffer buf( pData, nBytesRead, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( pInfo->type, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); if ( status != FSASYNC_OK ) cacheData.Purge(); ProcessDataIntoCache( pInfo->hModel, cacheData ); } break;
case MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK: { // NOTES: - 'cacheData' deals with decompression/freeing of the incoming data
// - the cache assumes ownership of valid async'd data (invalid data gets freed)
// - see CMDLCache::UnserializeAnimBlock for how the incoming data was allocated (FreeAnimBlock will work in either case)
CUtlBuffer buf( pData, nBytesRead, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( pInfo->type, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_ANIMBLOCK, &buf ); if ( status != FSASYNC_OK ) cacheData.Purge(); ProcessDataIntoCache( pInfo->hModel, cacheData, pInfo->iAnimBlock ); } break;
default: { Assert( 0 ); } break; }
return 1; }
void CMDLCache::ProcessPendingAsyncs( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { if ( !ThreadInMainThread() ) { return; }
if ( !m_PendingAsyncs.Count() ) { return; }
static bool bReentering; if ( bReentering ) { return; } bReentering = true;
AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex );
// Process all of the completed loads that were requested before a new one. This ensures two
// things -- the LRU is in correct order, and it catches precached items lurking
// in the async queue that have only been requested once (thus aren't being cached
// and might lurk forever, e.g., wood gibs in the citadel)
intp current = m_PendingAsyncs.Head(); while ( current != m_PendingAsyncs.InvalidIndex() ) { intp next = m_PendingAsyncs.Next( current );
if ( type == MDLCACHE_NONE || m_PendingAsyncs[current].type == type ) { // process, also removes from list
if ( ProcessPendingAsync( current ) <= 0 ) { // indeterminate or pending
break; } }
current = next; }
bReentering = false; }
bool CMDLCache::ClearAsync( MDLHandle_t handle, MDLCacheDataType_t type, int iAnimBlock, bool bAbort ) { intp iAsyncInfo = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, type, iAnimBlock ); if ( iAsyncInfo != NO_ASYNC ) { AsyncInfo_t *pInfo; { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); pInfo = &m_PendingAsyncs[iAsyncInfo]; } if ( pInfo->hControl ) { if ( bAbort ) { g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncAbort( pInfo->hControl ); void *pData; int ignored; if ( g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncGetResult( pInfo->hControl, &pData, &ignored ) == FSASYNC_OK ) { if ( type != MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pData ); } else { FreeAnimBlock( pData ); } } } g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRelease( pInfo->hControl ); pInfo->hControl = NULL; }
SetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, type, iAnimBlock, NO_ASYNC ); { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); m_PendingAsyncs.Remove( iAsyncInfo ); }
return true; } return false; }
bool CMDLCache::GetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { switch ( type ) { case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR: return false; case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA: return mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool(); case MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE: return mod_load_vcollide_async.GetBool(); case MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK: return mod_load_anims_async.GetBool(); case MDLCACHE_VIRTUALMODEL: return false; case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: return mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool(); } return false; }
bool CMDLCache::SetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type, bool bAsync ) { bool bRetVal = false; switch ( type ) { case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR: break; case MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA: bRetVal = mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool(); mod_load_mesh_async.SetValue( bAsync ); break; case MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE: bRetVal = mod_load_vcollide_async.GetBool(); mod_load_vcollide_async.SetValue( bAsync ); break; case MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK: bRetVal = mod_load_anims_async.GetBool(); mod_load_anims_async.SetValue( bAsync ); break; case MDLCACHE_VIRTUALMODEL: return false; break; case MDLCACHE_VERTEXES: bRetVal = mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool(); mod_load_mesh_async.SetValue( bAsync ); break; } return bRetVal; }
// Cache model's specified dynamic data
vertexFileHeader_t *CMDLCache::BuildAndCacheVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, CMDLCacheData &cacheData ) { MDLHandle_t handle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pStudioHdr->VirtualModel() ); vertexFileHeader_t *pRawVvdHdr, *pVvdHdr;
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Load VVD for %s\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() );
pRawVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)cacheData.Data(); Assert( pRawVvdHdr );
// check header
if ( pRawVvdHdr->id != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID ) { Warning( "Error Vertex File for '%s' id %d should be %d\n", pStudioHdr->pszName(), pRawVvdHdr->id, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_ID ); return NULL; } if ( pRawVvdHdr->version != MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION ) { Warning( "Error Vertex File for '%s' version %d should be %d\n", pStudioHdr->pszName(), pRawVvdHdr->version, MODEL_VERTEX_FILE_VERSION ); return NULL; } if ( pRawVvdHdr->checksum != pStudioHdr->checksum ) { Warning( "Error Vertex File for '%s' checksum %ld should be %ld\n", pStudioHdr->pszName(), pRawVvdHdr->checksum, pStudioHdr->checksum ); return NULL; }
Assert( pRawVvdHdr->numLODs ); if ( !pRawVvdHdr->numLODs ) { return NULL; }
bool bNeedsTangentS = true; int rootLOD = MIN( pStudioHdr->rootLOD, pRawVvdHdr->numLODs - 1 );
bool bHasExtraData = (pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_VERTEX_DATA) != 0;
// determine final cache footprint, possibly truncated due to lod
int cacheLength = Studio_VertexDataSize( pRawVvdHdr, rootLOD, bNeedsTangentS, bHasExtraData );
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Alloc VVD %s\n", GetModelName( handle ) );
// allocate cache space
MemAlloc_PushAllocDbgInfo( "Models:Vertex data", 0); pVvdHdr = (vertexFileHeader_t *)AllocData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, cacheLength ); MemAlloc_PopAllocDbgInfo();
GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->BeginFrameLocking();
CacheData( &m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache, pVvdHdr, cacheLength, pStudioHdr->pszName(), MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, MakeCacheID( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES) );
// expected 32 byte alignment
Assert( ((uintp)pVvdHdr & 0x1F) == 0 );
// load minimum vertexes and fixup
Studio_LoadVertexes( pRawVvdHdr, pVvdHdr, rootLOD, bNeedsTangentS, bHasExtraData );
GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->EndFrameLocking();
return pVvdHdr; }
// Load and cache model's specified dynamic data
vertexFileHeader_t *CMDLCache::LoadVertexData( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; MDLHandle_t handle;
Assert( pStudioHdr ); handle = VoidPtrToMDLHandle( pStudioHdr->VirtualModel() ); Assert( !m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache );
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle];
if ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_VERTEX_DATA ) { return NULL; }
intp iAsync = GetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES );
if ( iAsync == NO_ASYNC ) { // load the VVD file
// use model name for correct path
MakeFilename( pFileName, pStudioHdr, ".vvd" ); if ( IsGameConsole() ) { char pX360Filename[MAX_PATH]; UpdateOrCreate( pStudioHdr, pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof( pX360Filename ), "GAME" ); Q_strncpy( pFileName, pX360Filename, sizeof(pX360Filename) ); }
MdlCacheMsg( "MDLCache: Begin load VVD %s\n", pFileName );
AsyncInfo_t info; if ( IsDebug() ) { memset( &info, 0xdd, sizeof( AsyncInfo_t ) ); } info.hModel = handle; info.type = MDLCACHE_VERTEXES; info.iAnimBlock = 0; info.hControl = NULL; LoadData( pFileName, "GAME", mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool(), &info.hControl, handle ); { AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_AsyncMutex ); iAsync = SetAsyncInfoIndex( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, m_PendingAsyncs.AddToTail( info ) ); } }
ProcessPendingAsync( iAsync );
if ( !mod_load_mesh_async.GetBool() && mod_lock_meshes_on_load.GetBool() ) { m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader = (vertexFileHeader_t *)GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES )->Lock( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache ); } return (vertexFileHeader_t *)CheckData( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_VertexCache, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES ); }
vertexFileHeader_t *CMDLCache::GetVertexData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( mod_test_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( mod_test_verts_not_available.GetBool() ) return NULL;
if ( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader ) { return m_MDLDict[handle]->m_pForceLockedVertexFileHeader; }
return CacheVertexData( GetStudioHdr( handle ) ); }
// Allocates a cacheable item
void *CMDLCache::AllocData( MDLCacheDataType_t type, int size ) { void *pData = _aligned_malloc( size, 32 );
if ( !pData ) { Error( "CMDLCache:: Out of memory" ); return NULL; }
return pData; }
// Caches an item
void CMDLCache::CacheData( DataCacheHandle_t *c, void *pData, int size, const char *name, MDLCacheDataType_t type, DataCacheClientID_t id ) { if ( !pData ) { return; }
if ( id == (DataCacheClientID_t)-1 ) id = (DataCacheClientID_t)pData;
GetCacheSection( type )->Add(id, pData, size, c ); }
// returns the cached data, and moves to the head of the LRU list
// if present, otherwise returns NULL
void *CMDLCache::CheckData( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { return GetCacheSection( type )->Get( c, true ); }
// returns the cached data, if present, otherwise returns NULL
void *CMDLCache::CheckDataNoTouch( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type ) { return GetCacheSection( type )->GetNoTouch( c, true ); }
// Frees a cache item
void CMDLCache::UncacheData( DataCacheHandle_t c, MDLCacheDataType_t type, bool bLockedOk ) { if ( c == DC_INVALID_HANDLE ) return;
IDataCacheSection *pSection = GetCacheSection( type ); if ( !pSection->IsPresent( c ) ) return;
if ( !bLockedOk ) { if ( pSection->GetLockCount( c ) > 0 ) { return; } }
pSection->BreakLock( c );
const void *pItemData; pSection->Remove( c, &pItemData );
FreeData( type, (void *)pItemData ); }
// Frees memory for an item
void CMDLCache::FreeData( MDLCacheDataType_t type, void *pData ) { if ( type != MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ) { _aligned_free( (void *)pData ); } else { FreeAnimBlock( pData ); } }
void CMDLCache::InitPreloadData( bool rebuild ) { }
void CMDLCache::ShutdownPreloadData() { }
// Work function for processing a model delivered by the queued loader.
// ProcessDataIntoCache() is invoked for each MDL datum.
void CMDLCache::ProcessQueuedData( ModelParts_t *pModelParts ) { // the studiohdr is critical, ensure it's setup as expected
MDLHandle_t handle = pModelParts->hMDL; studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = NULL; if ( pModelParts->nLoadedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_MDL ) ) { CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_MDL] ); if ( cacheData.Data() ) { ProcessDataIntoCache( handle, cacheData ); } }
bool bAbort = false; pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)CheckDataNoTouch( m_MDLDict[handle]->m_MDLCache, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ); if ( !pStudioHdr ) { // huh?, the header is expected to be loaded and locked, everything depends on it!
Assert( 0 ); DevWarning( "CMDLCache:: Error MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR not present for '%s'\n", GetModelName( handle ) );
// cannot unravel any of this model's dependant data, abort any further processing
bAbort = true; }
if ( pModelParts->nLoadedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_PHY ) ) { CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_PHY] ); if ( bAbort ) cacheData.Purge(); ProcessDataIntoCache( handle, cacheData ); }
// vvd vertexes before vtx
if ( pModelParts->nLoadedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD ) ) { CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD] ); if ( bAbort ) cacheData.Purge(); ProcessDataIntoCache( handle, cacheData ); }
// can construct meshes after vvd and vtx vertexes arrive
if ( pModelParts->nLoadedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX ) ) { CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX] ); if ( bAbort ) cacheData.Purge();
// ProcessDataIntoCache() will do an unlock, so lock
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[handle]; GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA )->Lock( pStudioData->m_VertexCache ); { // constructing the static meshes isn't thread safe
AUTO_LOCK_FM( m_QueuedLoadingMutex ); ProcessDataIntoCache( handle, cacheData ); } }
delete pModelParts; }
// Journals each of the incoming MDL components until all arrive (or error).
// Not all components exist, but that information is not known at job submission.
void CMDLCache::QueuedLoaderCallback_MDL( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError ) { // validity is denoted by a nonzero buffer
nSize = ( loaderError == LOADERERROR_NONE ) ? nSize : 0;
// journal each incoming buffer
ModelParts_t *pModelParts = (ModelParts_t *)pContext; ModelParts_t::BufferType_t bufferType = static_cast< ModelParts_t::BufferType_t >(size_cast<int>( (intp) pContext2 ) ); pModelParts->Buffers[bufferType].SetExternalBuffer( (void *)pData, nSize, nSize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); pModelParts->nLoadedParts += (1 << bufferType);
// wait for all components
if ( pModelParts->DoFinalProcessing() ) { // now have all components, process the raw data into the cache
g_MDLCache.ProcessQueuedData( pModelParts ); } }
// Build a queued loader job to get the MDL ant all of its components into the cache.
bool CMDLCache::PreloadModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { return false; }
if ( !g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() || handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return false; }
if ( !g_pQueuedLoader->IsBatching() ) { // batching must be active, following code depends on its behavior
DevWarning( "CMDLCache:: Late preload of model '%s'\n", GetModelName( handle ) ); return false; }
// determine existing presence
// actual necessity is not established here, allowable absent files need their i/o error to occur
// queued loader has additional info and may inhibit some specific model's types
bool bNeedsMDL = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR ); bool bNeedsVTX = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ); bool bNeedsVVD = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES ); bool bNeedsPHY = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_VCOLLIDE ); if ( !bNeedsMDL && !bNeedsVTX && !bNeedsVVD && !bNeedsPHY ) { // already in cache, nothing to do
return true; }
char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szFilename, GetActualModelName( handle ), sizeof( szFilename ) ); V_StripExtension( szFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
// need to gather all model parts (mdl, vtx, vvd, phy, ani)
ModelParts_t *pModelParts = new ModelParts_t; pModelParts->hMDL = handle;
// create multiple loader jobs to perform gathering i/o operations
LoaderJob_t loaderJob; loaderJob.m_pPathID = "GAME"; loaderJob.m_pCallback = QueuedLoaderCallback_MDL; loaderJob.m_pContext = (void *)pModelParts; loaderJob.m_Priority = LOADERPRIORITY_DURINGPRELOAD; loaderJob.m_bPersistTargetData = true;
if ( bNeedsMDL ) { V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.mdl", szFilename, GetPlatformExt() ); loaderJob.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk; loaderJob.m_pContext2 = (void *)ModelParts_t::BUFFER_MDL; if ( g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ) ) { pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_MDL; } }
if ( bNeedsVTX ) { // vtx extensions are .xxx.vtx, need to re-form as, ???.xxx.yyy.vtx
char szTempName[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s", szFilename, GetVTXExtension() ); V_StripExtension( szNameOnDisk, szTempName, sizeof( szTempName ) ); V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.vtx", szTempName, GetPlatformExt() ); loaderJob.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk; loaderJob.m_pContext2 = (void *)ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX; if ( g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ) ) { pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX; } }
if ( bNeedsVVD ) { V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.vvd", szFilename, GetPlatformExt() ); loaderJob.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk; loaderJob.m_pContext2 = (void *)ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD; if ( g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ) ) { pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD; } }
if ( bNeedsPHY ) { V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.phy", szFilename, GetPlatformExt() ); loaderJob.m_pFilename = szNameOnDisk; loaderJob.m_pContext2 = (void *)ModelParts_t::BUFFER_PHY; if ( g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ) ) { pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_PHY; } }
if ( !pModelParts->nExpectedParts ) { // further logic showed that no components are actually needed
delete pModelParts; }
return true; }
bool CMDLCache::ProcessPendingHardwareRestore() { if ( !m_QueuedAsyncHardwareLoads.Count() ) { // nothing to do
return false; }
bool bDataProcessed = false; AsyncHardwareLoad_t asyncHardwareLoad; while ( m_QueuedAsyncHardwareLoads.PopItem( &asyncHardwareLoad ) ) { ModelParts_t *pModelParts = asyncHardwareLoad.m_pModelParts;
// the studiohdr should still be there, otherwise the restoration has become invalid
bool bError = !IsDataLoaded( pModelParts->hMDL, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR );
// all i/o for data components must have succeeded or they all get purged
bError |= ( ( pModelParts->nExpectedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX ) ) && ( pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX].Size() == 0 ) ); bError |= ( ( pModelParts->nExpectedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD ) ) && ( pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD].Size() == 0 ) ); if ( bError ) { // unexpected error, purge all
if ( pModelParts->nExpectedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX ) ) { void *pVTXData = asyncHardwareLoad.m_pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX].Detach(); if ( pVTXData ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pVTXData ); } }
if ( pModelParts->nExpectedParts & ( 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD ) ) { void *pVVDData = asyncHardwareLoad.m_pModelParts->Buffers[ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD].Detach(); if ( pVVDData ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pVVDData ); } }
delete pModelParts; } else { DevMsg( "*** Restoring: %s\n", GetModelName( pModelParts->hMDL ) );
// now have all components, process the raw data into the cache
g_MDLCache.ProcessQueuedData( pModelParts );
// a non trivial operation (static mesh buildout) occurred
bDataProcessed = true; } }
return bDataProcessed; }
void CMDLCache::OnAsyncHardwareDataComplete( ModelParts_t::BufferType_t bufferType, ModelParts_t *pModelParts, void *pData, int nNumReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus ) { // validity is denoted by a nonzero buffer
// error handling is deferred until the processing stage drains the queue
int nSize = ( asyncStatus == FSASYNC_OK ) ? nNumReadBytes : 0;
// journal each incoming buffer
pModelParts->Buffers[bufferType].SetExternalBuffer( pData, nSize, nSize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); pModelParts->nLoadedParts += (1 << bufferType);
// wait for all components
if ( pModelParts->DoFinalProcessing() ) { // queue the async loaded hardware data, cannot deal with updating the hardware data until the main thread
AsyncHardwareLoad_t asyncHardwareLoad; asyncHardwareLoad.m_pModelParts = pModelParts; m_QueuedAsyncHardwareLoads.PushItem( asyncHardwareLoad ); } }
static void IOAsyncVTXCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &asyncRequest, int numReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus ) { g_MDLCache.OnAsyncHardwareDataComplete( ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX, (ModelParts_t *)asyncRequest.pContext, asyncRequest.pData, numReadBytes, asyncStatus ); }
static void IOAsyncVVDCallback( const FileAsyncRequest_t &asyncRequest, int numReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus ) { g_MDLCache.OnAsyncHardwareDataComplete( ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD, (ModelParts_t *)asyncRequest.pContext, asyncRequest.pData, numReadBytes, asyncStatus ); }
// Very specialized back door for the weapon model cache to restore the HW data it evicted.
bool CMDLCache::RestoreHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle, FSAsyncControl_t *pAsyncVTXControl, FSAsyncControl_t *pAsyncVVDControl ) { if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { return false; }
if ( *pAsyncVTXControl || *pAsyncVVDControl ) { // already scheduled
return false; }
bool bNeedsVTX = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA ); if ( !bNeedsVTX ) { // already in cache, nothing to do
return false; }
bool bNeedsVVD = !IsDataLoaded( handle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES );
char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; char szNameOnDisk[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( szFilename, GetActualModelName( handle ), sizeof( szFilename ) ); V_StripExtension( szFilename, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
// need to gather all model parts (vtx, vvd)
ModelParts_t *pModelParts = new ModelParts_t; pModelParts->hMDL = handle;
if ( bNeedsVTX ) { // vtx extensions are .xxx.vtx, need to re-form as, ???.xxx.yyy.vtx
char szTempName[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s", szFilename, GetVTXExtension() ); V_StripExtension( szNameOnDisk, szTempName, sizeof( szTempName ) ); V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.vtx", szTempName, GetPlatformExt() ); // schedule the async
FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = szNameOnDisk; asyncRequest.pszPathID = "GAME"; asyncRequest.priority = -1; asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; asyncRequest.pContext = (void *)pModelParts; asyncRequest.pfnCallback = IOAsyncVTXCallback; g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, pAsyncVTXControl );
pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VTX; }
if ( bNeedsVVD ) { V_snprintf( szNameOnDisk, sizeof( szNameOnDisk ), "%s%s.vvd", szFilename, GetPlatformExt() );
// schedule the async
FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = szNameOnDisk; asyncRequest.pszPathID = "GAME"; asyncRequest.priority = -1; asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; asyncRequest.pContext = (void *)pModelParts; asyncRequest.pfnCallback = IOAsyncVVDCallback; g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, pAsyncVVDControl );
pModelParts->nExpectedParts |= 1 << ModelParts_t::BUFFER_VVD; }
if ( !pModelParts->nExpectedParts ) { // further logic showed that no components are actually needed
delete pModelParts; return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Clear the STUDIODATA_ERROR_MODEL flag.
void CMDLCache::ResetErrorModelStatus( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) return;
// added STUDIODATA_FLAGS_NO_STUDIOMESH for hammer when the dir watching catches a file in mid-processing.
// otherwise, this flag is permanently set and no future loading will happen, even once the model is valid.
void CMDLCache::MarkFrame() { ProcessPendingAsyncs(); }
bool CMDLCache::ReleaseAnimBlockAllocator() { if ( !g_AnimBlockAllocator.IsEmpty() ) { Warning( "Failure to release anim block allocator, unexpected remaining allocations\n" ); return false; }
g_AnimBlockAllocator.Clear(); return true; }
// Purpose: bind studiohdr_t support functions to the mdlcacher
const studiohdr_t *studiohdr_t::FindModel( void **cache, char const *pModelName ) const { MDLHandle_t handle = g_MDLCache.FindMDL( pModelName ); *cache = (void*)(uintp)handle; return g_MDLCache.GetStudioHdr( handle ); }
virtualmodel_t *studiohdr_t::GetVirtualModel( void ) const { if (numincludemodels == 0) return NULL;
return g_MDLCache.GetVirtualModelFast( this, VoidPtrToMDLHandle( VirtualModel() ) ); }
byte *studiohdr_t::GetAnimBlock( int i, bool preloadIfMissing ) const { return g_MDLCache.GetAnimBlock( VoidPtrToMDLHandle( VirtualModel() ), i, preloadIfMissing ); }
// Shame that this code is duplicated... :(
bool studiohdr_t::hasAnimBlockBeenPreloaded( int i ) const { return g_pMDLCache->HasAnimBlockBeenPreloaded( VoidPtrToMDLHandle( VirtualModel() ), i ); }
int studiohdr_t::GetAutoplayList( unsigned short **pOut ) const { return g_MDLCache.GetAutoplayList( VoidPtrToMDLHandle( VirtualModel() ), pOut ); }
const studiohdr_t *virtualgroup_t::GetStudioHdr( void ) const { return g_MDLCache.GetStudioHdr( VoidPtrToMDLHandle( cache ) ); }
// combined models
MDLHandle_t CMDLCache::CreateCombinedModel( const char *pszModelName ) { char szPlaceholderName[ MAX_PATH ]; char szFinalName[ MAX_PATH ];
V_strcpy_safe( szFinalName, pszModelName ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( szFinalName, '/' );
V_sprintf_safe( szPlaceholderName, "combined_placeholder_%s", pszModelName ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( szPlaceholderName, '/' );
MDLHandle_t FinalHandle = m_MDLDict.Find( szFinalName ); MDLHandle_t PlaceholderHandle = m_MDLDict.Find( szPlaceholderName ); if ( FinalHandle == m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() && PlaceholderHandle == m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = ( TCombinedStudioData * )malloc( sizeof( TCombinedStudioData ) ); memset( pCombinedStudioData, 0, sizeof( *pCombinedStudioData ) ); pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags = COMBINED_REFERENCE_PLACEHOLDER | COMBINED_REFERENCE_PRIMARY | COMBINED_REFERENCE_COMBINER;
FinalHandle = m_MDLDict.Insert( szFinalName, NULL ); InitStudioData( FinalHandle ); studiodata_t *pFinalStudioData = m_MDLDict[ FinalHandle ];
PlaceholderHandle = m_MDLDict.Insert( szPlaceholderName, NULL ); InitStudioData( PlaceholderHandle ); studiodata_t *pPlaceholderStudioData = m_MDLDict[ PlaceholderHandle ];
V_strcpy_safe( pCombinedStudioData->m_szCombinedModelName, pszModelName ); pCombinedStudioData->m_pPlaceholderStudioData = pPlaceholderStudioData; pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle = PlaceholderHandle; pCombinedStudioData->m_pFinalStudioData = pFinalStudioData; pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle = FinalHandle; pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombinedUserData = 0; pCombinedStudioData->m_CallbackFunc = 0;
pPlaceholderStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData = pCombinedStudioData; pPlaceholderStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_PLACEHOLDER | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET;
Msg( "%p Alloc: pPlaceholderStudioData=%p, pFinalStudioData=%p\n", pCombinedStudioData, pPlaceholderStudioData, pFinalStudioData ); #endif
} else { AssertMsg1( false, "Asking to combine model '%s' when it already has a placeholder or final model handle", pszModelName ); return MDLHANDLE_INVALID; }
AddRef( FinalHandle ); AddRef( PlaceholderHandle );
return PlaceholderHandle; }
bool CMDLCache::CreateCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiodata_t *pFinalStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ];
if ( pFinalStudioData == NULL ) { return false; }
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pFinalStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData;
if ( pCombinedStudioData == NULL ) { pCombinedStudioData = ( TCombinedStudioData * )malloc( sizeof( TCombinedStudioData ) ); } else { /*
if ( ( pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags & COMBINED_REFERENCE_PLACEHOLDER ) != 0 ) { // are we trying to replace a combined model too quickly
Assert( 0 ); return false; } */ if ( ( pFinalStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_UNAVAILABLE ) != 0 ) { // are we trying to replace a combined model too quickly
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
FreeCombinedGeneratedData( pFinalStudioData ); } InitCombiner();
memset( pCombinedStudioData, 0, sizeof( *pCombinedStudioData ) ); pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags |= COMBINED_REFERENCE_PLACEHOLDER; // the replace will nuke away a ref count
V_strcpy_safe( pCombinedStudioData->m_szCombinedModelName, GetModelName( handle ) ); pCombinedStudioData->m_pPlaceholderStudioData = NULL; pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle = MDLHANDLE_INVALID; pCombinedStudioData->m_pFinalStudioData = pFinalStudioData; pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle = handle;
pFinalStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData = pCombinedStudioData; pFinalStudioData->m_nFlags |= STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_UNAVAILABLE;
return true; }
bool CMDLCache::SetCombineModels( MDLHandle_t handle, const CUtlVector< SCombinerModelInput_t > &vecModelsToCombine ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID || vecModelsToCombine[ 0 ].m_iszModelName == NULL_STRING || STRING( vecModelsToCombine[ 0 ].m_iszModelName )[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { return false; }
studiodata_t *pTempStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ]; TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pTempStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData;
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecModelsToCombine, i ) { pCombinedStudioData->m_ModelInputData[ i ] = vecModelsToCombine.Element( i ); } pCombinedStudioData->m_nNumModels = vecModelsToCombine.Count();
return true; }
bool CMDLCache::FinishCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle, CombinedModelLoadedCallback pFunc, void *pUserData ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return false; }
studiodata_t *pTempStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ]; TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pTempStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData;
pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombinedUserData = pUserData; pCombinedStudioData->m_CallbackFunc = pFunc;
m_CombinerToBeCombined.PushItem( pCombinedStudioData );
return true; }
bool CMDLCache::IsCombinedPlaceholder( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiodata_t *pTempStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ];
return ( ( pTempStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_PLACEHOLDER ) != 0 ); }
bool CMDLCache::IsCombinedModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) { studiodata_t *pTempStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ];
return ( ( pTempStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED ) != 0 ); }
TCombinedStudioData *CMDLCache::GetCombinedData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( handle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { return NULL; }
studiodata_t *pTempStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ];
if ( ( pTempStudioData->m_nFlags & ( STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_PLACEHOLDER | STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED ) ) == 0 ) { return NULL; }
return pTempStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData; }
int CMDLCache::GetNumCombinedSubModels( MDLHandle_t handle ) { TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = GetCombinedData( handle ); if ( !pCombinedStudioData ) { return 0; }
return pCombinedStudioData->m_nNumModels; }
void CMDLCache::GetCombinedSubModelFilename( MDLHandle_t handle, int nSubModelIndex, char *pszResult, int nResultSize ) { pszResult[ 0 ] = 0;
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = GetCombinedData( handle ); if ( !pCombinedStudioData ) { return; }
if ( nSubModelIndex < 0 || nSubModelIndex > pCombinedStudioData->m_nNumModels ) { return; }
V_strncpy( pszResult, STRING( pCombinedStudioData->m_ModelInputData[ nSubModelIndex ].m_iszModelName ), nResultSize ); }
KeyValues *CMDLCache::GetCombinedMaterialKV( MDLHandle_t handle, int nAtlasGroup ) { TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = GetCombinedData( handle ); if ( !pCombinedStudioData ) { return NULL; }
if ( !pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial ) { return NULL; }
return pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial->MakeCopy(); }
void CMDLCache::CheckCombinerFlagChanges( int nNewFlags ) { unsigned nFlagsChanged = m_nCombinerFlags ^ nNewFlags;
if ( ( nFlagsChanged & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) != 0 ) { ShutdownCombiner(); }
m_nCombinerFlags = nNewFlags;
if ( ( nFlagsChanged & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) != 0 ) { InitCombiner(); } }
void CMDLCache::SetCombinerFlags( unsigned nFlags ) { CheckCombinerFlagChanges( m_nCombinerFlags | nFlags ); }
void CMDLCache::ClearCombinerFlags( unsigned nFlags ) { CheckCombinerFlagChanges( m_nCombinerFlags & ( ~nFlags ) ); }
void CMDLCache::UpdateCombiner( ) { // non-threaded approach
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData;
if ( ( m_nCombinerFlags & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) == 0 ) { if ( m_CombinerToBeCombined.PopItem( &pCombinedStudioData ) ) { pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData = &g_ModelCombiner; pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Init( pCombinedStudioData ); pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Resolve(); m_pCombinedCompleted = pCombinedStudioData; } }
if ( m_pCombinedCompleted ) { pCombinedStudioData = ( TCombinedStudioData * )m_pCombinedCompleted;
if ( pCombinedStudioData->m_Results.m_nCombinedResults == COMBINE_RESULT_FLAG_OK ) { double flStartEngineTime = Plat_FloatTime();
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
if ( pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { // we are doing a replace, this will reduce the ref count that we artificially inflated for this pathway
FlushImmediate( m_MDLDict[ pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ] ); Flush( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ); } else { // user is responsible for cleanup of the placeholder
// Release( pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle );
if ( m_pCacheNotify && pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle != MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { m_pCacheNotify->OnCombinerPreCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle, pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ); }
{ CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); } { CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); } { CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); } //ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLAvailability() );
//ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDAvailability() );
//ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXAvailability() );
} else { FreeCombinedGeneratedData( m_MDLDict[ pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ] ); } studiodata_t *pStudioDataCurrent = m_MDLDict[ pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ]; pStudioDataCurrent->m_nFlags &= ~STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_UNAVAILABLE;
pCombinedStudioData->m_Results.m_flEngineProcessingDuration = ( float )( Plat_FloatTime() - flStartEngineTime ); pCombinedStudioData->m_CallbackFunc( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombinedUserData, pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle, pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, pCombinedStudioData->m_Results ); } else { FreeCombinedGeneratedData( m_MDLDict[ pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ] ); Release( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle ); pCombinedStudioData->m_CallbackFunc( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombinedUserData, pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle, MDLHANDLE_INVALID, pCombinedStudioData->m_Results ); // user is responsible for cleanup of the placeholder
// Release( pCombinedStudioData->m_PlaceholderHandle );
if ( ( m_nCombinerFlags & COMBINER_FLAG_NO_DATA_PROCESSING ) != 0 ) { GetTextureCombiner().FreeCombinedMaterials(); }
pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags &= ~COMBINED_REFERENCE_COMBINER; if ( pCombinedStudioData->m_nReferenceFlags == 0 ) { Assert( 0 ); Error( "CMDLCache::UpdateCombiner - model handles have been freed" ); }
m_pCombinedCompleted = NULL;
// delete pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData;
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData = NULL;
// do the scheduling of the next item here, so that we have a full frame to process it
if ( ( m_nCombinerFlags & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) != 0 ) { if ( m_pToBeCombined == NULL && m_pCombinedCompleted == NULL ) { if ( m_CombinerToBeCombined.PopItem( &pCombinedStudioData ) ) { m_pToBeCombined = pCombinedStudioData; m_CombinerEvent.Set(); } } }
EndLock(); }
void *CMDLCache::GetCombinedInternalAsset( ECombinedAsset AssetType, const char *pszAssetID, int *nSize ) { if ( nSize != NULL ) { *nSize = 0; }
switch( AssetType ) { case COMBINED_ASSET_MATERIAL: { char szAssetName[ MAX_PATH ]; MDLHandle_t nHandleID; int nAssetID; int nAtlasGroup;
// expecting "!%s|%hu|%d!"
const char *pStartPos = pszAssetID; if ( *pStartPos != '!' ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos++; const char *pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } int nLength = pEndPos - pStartPos; if ( ( nLength + 1 ) > sizeof( szAssetName ) ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
strncpy( szAssetName, pStartPos, nLength ); szAssetName[ nLength ] = 0;
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nAtlasGroup = atoi( pStartPos );
if ( nAtlasGroup < 0 || nAtlasGroup >= COMBINER_MAX_ATLAS_GROUPS ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nHandleID = atol( pStartPos );
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nAssetID = atoi( pStartPos );
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '!' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
studiodata_t *pFinalStudioData = m_MDLDict[ nHandleID ]; if ( pFinalStudioData == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pFinalStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData; if ( pCombinedStudioData == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
if ( pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
return pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial; } break;
case COMBINED_ASSET_TEXTURE: { char szAssetName[ MAX_PATH ]; int nAtlasGroup; int nTexture; MDLHandle_t nHandleID; int nAssetID;
// expecting "!%s|%d|%hu|%d!"
const char *pStartPos = pszAssetID; if ( *pStartPos != '!' ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos++; const char *pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } int nLength = pEndPos - pStartPos; if ( ( nLength + 1 ) > sizeof( szAssetName ) ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
strncpy( szAssetName, pStartPos, nLength ); szAssetName[ nLength ] = 0;
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nAtlasGroup = atoi( pStartPos );
if ( nAtlasGroup < 0 || nAtlasGroup >= COMBINER_MAX_ATLAS_GROUPS ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nTexture = atoi( pStartPos );
if ( nTexture < 0 || nTexture >= COMBINER_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_MATERIAL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nHandleID = atol( pStartPos );
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '|' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
pStartPos = pEndPos + 1; nAssetID = atoi( pStartPos );
pEndPos = strchr( pStartPos, '!' ); if ( pEndPos == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
studiodata_t *pFinalStudioData = m_MDLDict[ nHandleID ]; if ( pFinalStudioData == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pFinalStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData; if ( pCombinedStudioData == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
if ( pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedTextures[ nTexture ] == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; }
*nSize = pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_nCombinedTextureSizes[ nTexture ]; return pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nAtlasGroup ].m_pCombinedTextures[ nTexture ]; } break; }
return NULL; }
void CMDLCache::CombinerThread( ) { while( !m_bCombinerShutdown ) { m_CombinerEvent.Wait(); m_CombinerEvent.Reset();
if ( m_pToBeCombined ) { TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = ( TCombinedStudioData * )m_pToBeCombined;
pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData = &g_ModelCombiner; pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Init( pCombinedStudioData ); pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Resolve();
m_pCombinedCompleted = m_pToBeCombined; m_pToBeCombined = NULL; } }
m_CombinerShutdownEvent.Set(); }
uintp CMDLCache::StaticCombinerThread( void *pParam ) { g_MDLCache.CombinerThread();
return 0; }
void CMDLCache::InitCombiner( ) { if ( m_bCombinerReady ) { return; }
if ( ( m_nCombinerFlags & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) != 0 ) { m_bCombinerShutdown = false; m_CombinerShutdownEvent.Reset();
m_hCombinerThread = CreateSimpleThread( CMDLCache::StaticCombinerThread, NULL, 10240 ); ThreadSetDebugName( m_hCombinerThread, "Combiner" ); }
m_bCombinerReady = true; }
void CMDLCache::ShutdownCombiner( ) { if ( !m_bCombinerReady ) { return; }
if ( ( m_nCombinerFlags & COMBINER_FLAG_THREADING ) != 0 && m_hCombinerThread != NULL ) { m_bCombinerShutdown = true; m_CombinerEvent.Set(); m_CombinerShutdownEvent.Wait(); #if 0
// how to kill this guy off?
ReleaseThreadHandle( m_hCombinerThread ); #endif
m_hCombinerThread = NULL; }
m_bCombinerReady = false; }
void CMDLCache::FreeCombinedGeneratedData( studiodata_t *pStudioData ) { for ( int nGroup = 0; nGroup < pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nNumAtlasGroups; nGroup++ ) { for( int nTexture = 0; nTexture < COMBINER_MAX_TEXTURES_PER_MATERIAL; nTexture++ ) { if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedTextures[ nTexture ] ) { free( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedTextures[ nTexture ] ); pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedTextures[ nTexture ] = NULL; pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_nCombinedTextureSizes[ nTexture ] = 0; pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_szCombinedMaterialName[ 0 ] = 0; } }
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial ) { pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial->deleteThis(); pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_AtlasGroups[ nGroup ].m_pCombinedMaterial = NULL; } } }
bool CMDLCache::UnserializeCombinedHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ) { if ( m_bCombinerReady ) { // we should be doing this only when the combiner is shut down
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[ handle ];
if ( !pStudioData ) { return false; }
// we should have the lock already if we are in here!
TCombinedStudioData *pCombinedStudioData = pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData;
if ( !pCombinedStudioData ) { return false; }
FreeCombinedGeneratedData( pStudioData );
pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData = &g_ModelCombiner; pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Init( pCombinedStudioData ); pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->Resolve(); m_pCombinedCompleted = pCombinedStudioData;
// we need to process all of the data as the internal asset id's have been updated ( for material and texture references )
{ CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); } { CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); } { CUtlBuffer buf( pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXSize(), CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); CMDLCacheData cacheData( MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, CMDLCacheData::ALLOC_OPTIMALREADBUFFER, &buf ); ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, cacheData ); }
//ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHDR, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedMDLAvailability() );
//ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_VERTEXES, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVVDAvailability() );
//ProcessDataIntoCache( pCombinedStudioData->m_FinalHandle, MDLCACHE_STUDIOHWDATA, 0, pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXPtr(), pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXSize(),
// pCombinedStudioData->m_pCombineData->GetCombinedVTXAvailability() );
return true; }
return false; }
void CMDLCache::DebugCombinerInfo( ) { Msg( "MDLCache:\n" );
for( MDLHandle_t nHandle = m_MDLDict.First(); nHandle != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex(); nHandle = m_MDLDict.Next( nHandle ) ) { studiodata_t *pStudioData = m_MDLDict[ nHandle ];
if ( pStudioData == NULL || ( pStudioData->m_nFlags & STUDIODATA_FLAGS_COMBINED_ASSET ) == 0 ) { continue; }
Msg( " %d: ", nHandle );
if ( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData ) { Msg( " Combined Name: %s\n", pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_szCombinedModelName ); Msg( " Primary Model: %s\n", STRING( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_ModelInputData[ 0 ].m_iszModelName ) ); for( int i = 1; i < pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_nNumModels; i++ ) { Msg( " Secondary Model %d: %s\n", i, STRING( pStudioData->m_pCombinedStudioData->m_ModelInputData[ i ].m_iszModelName ) ); } } } }
void CMDLCache::DumpDictionaryState() { int nDataCount = 0; int nMeshCount = 0; int nAnimCount = 0; MDLHandle_t i = m_MDLDict.First(); while ( i != m_MDLDict.InvalidIndex() ) { Msg("0x%08x : %p : %s \n", m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_Handle, // MDLHandle_t (should = i)
m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_MDLCache, // DataCacheHandle_t
m_MDLDict.GetElementName( i ) );
if ( m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_VertexCache != NULL ) { Msg("0x%08x : %p : %s \n", m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_Handle, m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_VertexCache, "MeshData"); nMeshCount++; }
for ( int j = 0; j < m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_vecAnimBlocks.Count(); j++ ) { if ( m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_vecAnimBlocks.Element( j ) != NULL ) { Msg("0x%08x : %p : %s \n", m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_Handle, m_MDLDict.Element( i )->m_vecAnimBlocks.Element( j ), "AnimBlock"); nAnimCount++; } }
i = m_MDLDict.Next( i ); nDataCount++; }
Msg( "DataCount: %d MeshCount: %d AnimCount: %d \n", nDataCount, nMeshCount, nAnimCount ); Msg( "Total: %d \n", nDataCount + nMeshCount + nAnimCount ); }
CON_COMMAND( mdlcache_dump_dictionary_state, "Dump the state of the MDLCache Dictionary." ) { g_pMDLCache->DumpDictionaryState(); }
// Clears the anim cache, freeing its memory
// NOTE: this is only useful if no more entities will animate after this point in the map,
// since any further ANIMBLOCK load requests will cause the cache to be recreated.
// Entirely resident (non-streaming) animations will not have this effect.
CON_COMMAND( clear_anim_cache, "Clears the animation cache, freeing the memory (until the next time a streaming animblock is requested)." ) { IDataCacheSection* pSection = g_MDLCache.GetCacheSection( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK ); pSection->Purge( 512*1024*1024 ); // "purge everything"
if ( g_AnimBlockAllocator.IsEmpty() ) { Msg( "Animblock cache successfully cleared\n" ); g_AnimBlockAllocator.Clear(); } else { Warning( "Cannot clear animblock cache - %d blocks still in use!\n", MAX_ANIMBLOCKS - g_AnimBlockAllocator.m_freeList.Count() ); } }